i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Ji-Won Ki
April 8th
Cerulean City, Kanto
You'll need it
like a craving
5'8 height
5'8 height
Maybe somehow I came off too strong to you~
265 posts
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TAG WITH @tori
Victoria Beckett
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 13:21:48 GMT
Victoria Beckett Avatar
[attr="class","ambrosia tori"]
[attr="class","amilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

The rain was only getting worse at this point. It was making it harder and harder to even see a few feet in front of her. But it seemed her taunt had worked as her opponent came charging at her with full force. Tori inhaled sharply as she lowered herself in her fighting stance once more in preparation.

[break][break] Unlike before, their roles were revered now. Her opponent began to attack her with reckless abandon, focusing more on overwhelming strength rather than strategy. Tori was forced on the defensive as she had to contend with her opponent's repeated heavy blows. Tori gritted her teeth as she felt her bones creak as she blocked his relentless assault.

[break][break] Her Arctovish was in troubled waters as well. It seemed the Trainer and his pokemon had tapped into their 'second-wind' of sorts. Their joint assault managed to take both Tori and her Arctovish off guard, but that didn't mean they were down and out just yet. Still, the rapid attacks hurled at the Arctovish from the Zygarde's OUTRAGE seemed to be almost overwhelming the poor thing.

[break][break] Despite the tides having turned against her, Tori had no intention of being backed into a corner. The look in her violet hues was fierce as she began wrack her brain for strategies for how to deal with this new annoyance. However, she didn't have long to ponder before her world was flipped around her.

[break][break] Literally.

[break][break] The SPATIAL PROPERTIES around them shifted in an instant throwing the two combatants off their game immediately. When she was once grounded she now found herself floating as her gravitational field was flipped. If that wasn't all, their movements were the opposite of what was intended.

[break][break] "Ah!" Tori gasped as she attempted to regain control of her body but it proved to be more difficult with her actions resulting in the opposite of what she had intended. "Fuck!" she growls as her brain works overtime to invert her actions in her head to get the desired result. Tori attempted to grab hold of anything that was closest to her to regain some semblance of composure to allow herself to think of what to do next.

[break][break] But just as quickly as her world had been flipped had their gravity fields returned to normal. Tori's sudden drop back down to earth caught her off guard but she could work with that. Not losing a moment she used her momentum to twist her body before attempting to land a spinning slash on from above.

[break][break] Her Arctovish was also quick to regain it's footing as it began to bulldoze it's way through the attacks with a readied counter-attack of it's own. Pulling the rising waters from nearby the Arctovish uses SURF to crash it's waves directly into it's enraged opponent.


[attr="class","nametag"] ,

tl;dr: roles have been reversed, tori's on the defensive and so is her arctovish. before they can retaliate gravity shifts around them and their spatial properties are flipped. tori loses control of herself as she attempts to fight back against the forces that be. but she doesn't have to fight for long. using gravity to her advantage as she falls back down to earth she uses her momentum to attempt a spinning slash on roy from above. her arctovish uses SURF against 10% Zygarde.

[attr="class","cp cp-fire"] LOC: D-2 (cliffside)



[newclass=".tori"] --accent:#a882b1; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".ambrosia .oocnotes b"]font:500 12px/10px 'Poppins'; text-transform:uppercase; min-width:40px; [/newclass]

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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,898 posts
part of
TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 14:38:37 GMT
[attr="class","devil coveted"]



Her attack failed to reach the target, brought down by the work of The Mercurial and another. The initial psychic shield was damning, but the rock tomb that followed was sheer insolence. A heavy rebuke against the councilwoman, so sharp, it confirmed at least one thing: Visionary or not, this woman was important.
"Careful, this guy was able to hand Calcifet his ass," she warned the others, her gaze clutching their opponent's. "I'll take t-"
"Hey Visionary! I think she just wants you."
Just like that, something snapped within her. A line so taut, so nearing death's door, her body became a catapult. She didn't have to think, because her answer became movement, locking her hands in front of her, stretching out against the EARTHQUAKE that cracked the earth below their feet.[break][break]

Had it not been for 's shield, which fortified their defenses, securing safety against the rise of offensive opposition, death might've invited her into its home that day. But she hadn't been alone. Even as her legs grew imbalanced, reacting to the shifting ground, there was no dissuading that ultimate fact.
Twisting her hands, fingers flicking against the wind, she felt herself empowered. Embolden by the glowing BEADS OF RUIN that arrived at her side, replacing her charizard, as though its eyes read: you only need me.
CHI-YU ABILITY: Beads of Ruin decreases the Special Defense stat of all Pokémon on the field other than Pokémon with this Ability by 25%. The effect does not stack if more than one Pokémon with Beads of Ruin is on the field.


The cracked earth between the two groups exploded with bubbles of magma erupting in the packed pieces of earth. Like a less powerful LAVA PLUME, she beckoned the further stretches of the river of red to rise, reaching for the stars, futile in its wishes to be grasped by another. From there, the river poured outward, striking the risen row of ROCK TOMB, sending pieces of its carcass all across the field. The PSYCHIC BARRIER's fate was no different. Again, another plume raised, and again it battered the outer ridges of the shield, cutting cracks along its membrane, until its very foundation withered into shattered pieces of glass.

"And I had hoped to have been rid of you entirely," she grunted back, more emotion than woman, more envious than coveted. Her fingers grasped the air around them again, this time telling a different tune, as the previous symphony continued to ring out, piling further layers of magma onto the streets of Sootopolis, leaking onto the housing. The world could've let out its death rattle, and she'd still be here, ensuring her desired end.

HIDDEN POWER blasted forth and Penelope didn't flinch. She barely even reacted to the beam, choosing to sport her next attack instead, because she knew, with Greyson at her side, nothing could touch her. When he was on the field, he didn't just make himself indomitable, he made the LEAGUE indomitable with him; an invincible force of weaponized conviction, brandished against the very forces that looked to corrupt them.

Without warning, Kyogre's cry broke out, addling Penelope's thoughts, and paralyzing her legs. In one horrifying moment, their island had become smaller, sliced down the middle through a deluge of brine and risen lethality.


Realization became a knife, deepening as GREYSON'S AURA finally made its effect, washing away the corruption that gnawed away at her. ENVY was still a living, breathing piece of her, but so was the clarity that arrived from the shaved off pieces of its corpse, allowing her to look out into the world and finally understand the gravity of Sootpolis' fall. Of rayquaza's plummeting body. Of Rocket's silent victory.
"Do you hear that, Visionary? They're suffering out there. Innocent families who have nothing to do with this. Rocket forced them to this fate. Denied our aid, denied our warnings, until this," this war, "was inevitable."

The pooling magma between them gurgled with her anger. It was just as alive as she was, vibrating with the intensity resonating from Penelope's sudden awareness. The BEADS OF RUIN shone once more, calling upon a spotlight to cast over Nomi. It then looked toward THE VISIONARY's side, TAUNTING either beheeyem or golem.

when chi-yu is on the field, penelope can confer the DECOY battle status on one target at a time.

targets with this status will be preferentially or forcibly attacked by allies and/or enemies. moves that target multiple enemies, such as Ominous Wind (but not moves like Magnitude which target both allies and enemies), will target only the decoy if possible.

those who strike this enemy will receive the BURN condition.

"Your intentions mean shit when all you've done is hurt the people you're trying to protect."

"You ask me to work with you, but for fucks sake, to me, you're worse the DRK Triad. At least they're forthcoming with their intentions. You? You're a snake. A wolf in sheep's clothing. You are poison."

@ven [break]
Penny realizes its da visionary and gets ANGRY[break]
penny is protected from earthquake by and uses earthquake against the trio [break]
Chi-yu flashes beads of ruin ability[break]
With the weakened defenses, penny shatters the rock tomb (enough to make a hole) n psychic shield[break]
Magma consumes B2 on the side of the rockets, dripping down to the residential (?) - Up to y'all/shiv to play with [break]
aura works on penny on a delayed rate cause shes so envious [break]
penny uses spotlight on Nomi and yaps [break]
chiyu uses taunt on either bee or golem -up to the rpers



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
531 posts
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 15:37:36 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar
The battlefield warped as gravity twisted unpredictably, throwing Roy and his opponent into disarray. The world around them was bathed in a surreal pink light, distorting reality as up became down, left became right. Roy struggled to regain his bearings, his eyes darting to the fleeing civilians. They seemed captivated, either by the awe-inspiring presence of Zygarde or the bizarre shift in spatial dynamics. His attention snapped back just in time to see his ancestor's deity crashing into the water under the relentless Rocket assault.

As the world snapped back to normal, seized the moment. She descended with a vicious spinning slash, too fast for Roy to completely evade. Pain flared as her blade tore through his jacket, leaving a deep gash on his arm, now mirroring the wound on his other limb.

Ignoring the injury, Roy’s rage took over. His lips curled back, revealing sharp canines as he let out a deep scream through his teeth. Fury drove him forward, reckless and unyielding, with no regard for the consequences. He lunged, elbow bent, hand open, fully intent on tackling her to the ground. If he succeeded, he’d pin her down until he knew what to do next.

Meanwhile, Zygarde moved with a predator’s grace, navigating the chaotic battlefield with ease. The arctovish’s surf crashed around it, but the canine weaved through the onslaught, leaping from one high point to another to stay clear of the water. Spotting an opening, Zygarde pounced, closing the distance in an instant. Its powerful jaws clamped down on the fossil pokemon, executing a fierce Crunch attack.

[attr="class","zygarde-notes"]⬢ Located in D-2
⬢ Roy is using Zygarde
⬢ Sees Rayquaza fall
⬢ Notices civilians looking at Zygarde
⬢ Fights and her arctovish
⬢ Roy is hurt by spinning attack
⬢ Roy attempts to tackle Tori
⬢ Zygarde uses Crunch on arctovish




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[newclass="nullelem"]} @keyframes zygarde-fade { 0%, 20%, 80%, 100% { opacity: 0; } 40%, 60% { opacity: 1; } [/newclass]

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March 03
Viridian City
5'08" height
5'08" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
62 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mark
Mark Cunningham
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 16:05:18 GMT
Mark Cunningham Avatar
[attr="class","missingno-content"]Mark’s eyes are glued to his laptop, the battlefield unfolding in real-time before him. The only hint of the chaos outside is the distant roar of the tide and the muffled cacophony beyond the cliff wall. His pokemon hover close, their tense posture putting their unease on display. Mark remains unfazed, his focus razor-sharp as he scans every inch of the satellite feed. His attention lingers on the strategic details; specifically, the island created by near Ever Grande City, standing as a bulwark against the rising waters.

Then, the atmosphere shifts. Kyogre, now drenched in primal energy, undergoes its fearsome transformation. The beast unleashes a thunderous cry, a deep, resonant sound that ripples through the ocean and briefly pulls Mark’s gaze from the screen. Yet even as the ground trembles and chaos erupts, Mark’s pokemon maintain a defensive stance, shielding him as civilians and League soldiers run past him to scramble for safety.

Waiting for a lull in the frantic communications, Mark seizes the moment to relay his findings to his allies.

“Ever Grande City is still standing strong. Kyogre’s influence hasn’t touched it,” he reports, his voice calm and deliberate, ensuring that key figures like or catch the intel.


[attr="class","missingno-notes"]- Located in C-1
- Notices Ever Grande City is untouched
- Relays that information to and



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,863 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 16:48:06 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
This was exactly what had warned Josh about, and why not to be involved with the supernatural. The DROUGHT strong enough to suppress even Kyogre's primal rains could only come from one source: the land titan present near the Elite Four. He felt betrayed. ENVIOUS thanks to 's influence. HATEFUL thanks to 's. Why him? Why were the League's upper echelons distrusting of him? Was it as the Coveted said?

Was Josh's rise to Champion Rank a fluke? Had and the Great One been wrong to entrust him with the Johtonian god of speed?

The dark-types' ruinous influence dimmed the Great One's holy light within him, Josh grunting and falling as Swift's REFLECT shattered. "Thanks for the save, Captain," he exhaled, slowly and shakily getting to his feet. Were it not for his aggressively paced rehab, one of the many healers the League had may have had to airlift him off the battlefield. It was a sign that he, indeed, was growing stronger.

That ENVY and HATRED grew as the DROUGHT suppressed even the heavy rains, now DESOLATE LAND drying out the air around them. "Matias, you LIED TO ME!!" Josh spat toward the Volatile. "Why did you lie to me?!" When this was over, he would have words with the Elite Four. And wasn't stopping him. He remembered that snow cat's aura of HATRED well from his trips to THE BORDER. From fighting the Marshadow that once belonged to Kyle, the fighting-type skillfully holding snowy reins.

This snow cat was no steed. It was a hunter, preying upon the negativity that it had induced in the foes that surrounded it. included.

"You!!" Josh pointed toward . "Swift--"

Before Josh could command his Beast to do anything, the distant Resheph had heard her trainer's screaming. Returning from her sea patrols, she saw the danger he and his allies were in. The reckless serpent hurtled toward with EXTREME SPEED in an effort to intercept the attack and keep Matias safe. Her draconic body would do little to keep her face from the Avatar's icy weapon, the Dragonair writhing about the point of impact. "Resheph!" he cried, reaching for the Dragonair's Poké Ball and attempting to withdraw her, only to be denied by 's Necrozma's Z-MOVE: DARKNESS THAT COVERS THE WORLD.

Encased within the dome of RUINATION, Josh couldn't even see what was going on around , Chien-Pao, and his precious Dragonair. Unbeknownst to him, the combination of ice and darkness had sapped every bit of life force the dragon-type had. When the smoke cleared, he would see the blackened, bloodied husk of one of his favorite Pokémon before him.

That would mark the second Pokémon cruelly taken from him today.


LOCATION: F-2, near Annalise and Jayden
- Josh thanks and Mew-Palkia for the save.
- Josh, overcome with ENVY and HATRED from realizing had lied to him, demands to speak with him afterward.
- Josh's Dragonair returns from patrols upon hearing his cry, and without being commanded, attempts to intercept 's GLACIAL SPEAR.
- Josh attempts to recall his Dragonair to save her, but is blocked by 's Z-MOVE: DARKNESS THAT COVERS THE WORLD.
- The RUINATION strikes Dragonair, compounding her wounds from the GLACIAL SPEAR and killing her.

{PC: 3}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Sigmund       Iron Crown     Fair
Swift         Raikou         Good
Resheph       Dragonair      Deceased
Kairi         Vaporeon       Good
Aleph         Type: Null     KO
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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,435 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 18:06:31 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
[attr="class","ambrosia greyson"]
[attr="class","amilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[attr="class","textbox"]To see such power flaunted so easily would be jarring for all but the most seasoned of Avatars—something he was not. Had he not been flaring his AURA Greyson might've given more thought to the circumstances. As it was, he needed to focus.
Greyson wrestles with that piece of him that he truly didn't consider his own—that tether of thrumming energy that links him to something far beyond himself, and maybe even, this iteration or reality. A SHIELD manifests in his minds-eye, ready and willing.
It proves wholefully unnecessary, however, so with more effort than he outwardly shows, Greyson suppresses the incarnation from appearing. What use was there for such a thing when he himself was enough?
Greyson takes a step closer to Penelope and simply reaches out his hand. It meets the HIDDEN POWER and is found wanting, palming the blast as easily as one might've caught a ball during a game of catch.[break]
greyson has passively become more durable, immoveable, and can "flare" his WILLPOWER to empower physical attributes temporarily. when greyson is struck physically, damage is always returned to the attacker (e.g. like a thornmail, immediate counter).

As the smoke settles Greyson is seen simply shaking out his hand, annoyed but nothing further; yet, nestled at the apex of his own AURA, even that fades. His focus sharpens, isolated and centering on the EARTHQUAKE that shatters the earth beneath his feet. He felt that, with more practice, he could shield them from this attack. But, to take that risk would be to put Penelope and his own life in jeopardy.
He goes with his gut feeling.
in this aura, greyson has the ability to confer damage done to an ally under his protection to himself.

The attack warps not only the earth, but flesh and bone. Bones shatter and break, his left arm all the way up to the shoulder going numb, blood brusing skin a sharp violet as it pools beneath his skin. It takes all of his WILLPOWER to suppress the scream that crawls up his throat—he would not show weakness here.
"You overstep." He commands, brow furrowed, voice tinged with pain and fury. He works his jaw but finds his teeth clenching hard enough to chew steel. His anger swells atop Zamazenta's own, but more than that, he felt the war that raged around him all throughout the city. Each life snuffed out, each wound taken, every step that gave ground—he felt it all. The very source of his power—the ideology that permeated the unspoken Oath he'd taken that rain soaked night—called him to action.
And every moment here delayed that fulfillment. Both he and Zamzenta knew that to be true. Kyogre's rampage could not be left unchecked—could the other Avatars handle it?
Steel scrapes asphalt hard enough to send a shower of sparks, Zamazenta's massive form crouching low on its haunches, saliva dripping from a snarling maw. The MAGMA that pooled throughout the battlefield was a threat to even the Shield Dog, but not enough that it would simply not act.
Opening his maw, Zamaenta fires a HYDRO CANNON at the GOLEM, moving its jaw in a horizontal line to tear and to shreds, if able.
Greyson had no idea how he compared to and his Zekrom, but he was more than happy to put it to the test.[break]


[attr="class","icon-fighting"]🌠 B-2[break]
🌠 Snuffs out the Hidden Power with his palm, possibly recoiling a portion of damage back to the Unown.[break]
🌠 Takes the earthquake entirely on his own, conferring damage to allies to himself. His left arm all but explodes, damage focused more internally. It's useless.[break]
🌠 Laments on his "oath" to be a shield and how each moment here is more lives lost. It makes him buzz and have a sort of tingling feeling.[break]
🌠 Zamzenta is pissed, turning a hydro cannon onto raphael's golem, as well on raphael and mint, if possible.[break]
🌠 Greyson is eager to see how he stacks up against this new avatar, comparative to Zekrom and Remi.



[newclass=".greyson"] --accent:#cec8ef; [/newclass]

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gia, gigi
november 12th
celadon city, kanto
in a stranger's lap.
5'6" height
5'6" height
when the lights go out and i'm all alone again.
757 posts
giada morgan DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @giada
giada morgan
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 18:08:23 GMT
giada morgan Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb giada"]

i tried to be good [break] am i no good?




as water continues to rise, kyogre begins its descent further into the crater. the ground quakes, water rushes through, and fear bubbles up with it.


civilians scramble to get away. most succeed with assistance, but she observes in horror as one or two are lost to the coming tides. her mouth opens, a scream approaches, but nothing comes out - only silence.


a volley of dark voids flies out overhead, whirling past her position and the approaching kyogre to slam into the distant form of rayquaza. the serpent falls a moment later and she turns, searing regret already coiling into her stomach. there, cliffside, a form emerges from the shadows. it's one she knows, one she recognizes.


a shaky hand rises to turn the comms device in her ear on. static fills her brain, but it doesn't seem to drown out the rising fear.


"walsh spotted cliffside."


with little to do except help civilians and other league operatives within the field, she resigns herself to the coming decision. sacrifice, perhaps, will fit her better than treachery ever did.


the charizard at her back is recalled, swapped out for her smaller sableye.


"there," she murmurs, her hand falling away from her comms device to point forward to the cliffside, to the shadows. "disable."


the sableye giggles, lurches forward, and its body lights slightly as disable tries to prevent dark void from being used against the league's forces any further... it might not help much, but there's enough to deal with... isn't there?


rising tides continue to come into her old city, sea water beginning to lap at her ankles.


- at f-3[break]
- kyogre approaches, yikes[break]
- comms 's appearance...[break]
- recalls charizard for sableye[break]
- sableye tries to use disable on 's darkrai - idk if this is possible lol

sootopolis war.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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abby, lady taipan
31 years old
November 3rd
bar owner, drug manufacturer
don't come back.
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
167 posts
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TAG WITH @absinthe
Absinthe Blackwood
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 20:16:37 GMT
Absinthe Blackwood Avatar

a sudden jolt of electricity courses through absinthe's body, searing pain spreading like wildfire as the water around her is electrified by the blast from 's archaludon. her muscles seize, and for a terrifying moment, her vision blurs, the world around her turning into a chaotic swirl of light and shadow. the sharp scent of ozone fills her nose, overpowering even the smell of blood and saltwater. she fights to stay conscious, but the current is too strong, dragging her down into the abyss.[break][break]

as she struggles to keep her head above water, sanguinarine, absinthe's ever-vigilant crobat, screeches from above. the beast, having successfully led the civilians to higher ground, now turns its attention to its trainer, sensing her distress. with a powerful flap of its wings, sanguinarine dives toward absinthe, talons extended.[break][break]

absinthe can barely move, the remnants of the electric shock still gripping her muscles, but she forces her hand upward, reaching for her pokémon as it swoops down to her aid. sanguinarine's talons close around her, lifting her from the water's deadly grasp just as another surge of electricity pulses through the floodwaters below.[break][break]

as they ascend, absinthe's vision clears just enough to see the devastation unfolding around her. the water is rising faster than before, driven by kyogre's unrelenting fury. entire sections of the city are being swallowed whole, the ancient structures crumbling beneath the weight of the sea. it's a catastrophic vision, one that makes the hopelessness of their situation even more apparent. but there is no time for despair. absinthe must not mourn that which has not yet been lost.[break][break]

sanguinarine deposits absinthe on a dry patch of land, a small plateau still above the encroaching waters. she gasps for breath, her body shaking from the residual effects of the electrocution. but she doesn't allow herself to rest. her eyes fixate on the massive form of kyogre in the distance, its figure silhouetted against violent energy streaking across the sky.[break][break]

"sanguinarine," she rasps, her voice weak as she points an exacting finger in the water god's direction. "do what you can."[break][break]

sanguinarine obeys without hesitation, launching himself back into the sky. with a fierce flap of his wings, the crobat soars in kyogre's direction and sends a razor-sharp blade of air hurtling toward kyogre. the attack slices through the air with precision, aimed directly at the sea god in a desperate attempt to distract it or, at the very least, disrupt its rampage.[break][break]




- gets electrocuted! crobat saves her and deposits her at C2. absinthe then orders her crobat to send an AIR SLASH at KYOGRE



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[newclass=".absinthe .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,731 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 23:18:45 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

"Honesty? Don't make me laugh! Your whole occupation of Sootopolis is built upon bullshit!", Thomas snapped at the other man.

As Thomas watched the Underboss go down into the waters below, he attempted to have Ermac follow them down. An attempt to kill the bastard. Unfortunately, Thomas and Ermac instead found themselves floating up.

"The hell?", Thomas uttered, as he realized that gravity was being inverted.

He then watched as Rayquaza was put to sleep, and sent crashing down. He looked around for the source.

With the threat of sleep upon them, Thomas quickly recalled his Basculegion, switching Ermac out for his partner, Tapu Koko. Upon being unleashed, the Island Deity created an Electric Surge around the area, creating a localized Electric Terrain. Thomas grabbed onto the the deity.

"Charge!", Thomas called out.

The Tapu Koko tucked themselves into their shell, Charging themselves with electricity, in anticipation for their next move. Thanks to his carbon tape-lined gear, Thomas was safe to hold onto the Deity in the process.


notes: -D2
-Continues bantering with Cilian
-Tries to dive after Cilian, to go in for the kill
-Finds himself floating up instead
-Notices Rayquaza going down
-Switches out Basculegion for Tapu Koko
-Electric Surge activates, creating Electric Terrain
-Tapu Koko used Charge
-1 Salac Used

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
553 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 23:29:19 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

The Battle of Sootopolis


How utterly infuriating it all was. Elaine had been trying her best to focus on supporting the evacuation of the last few remaining civilians in the area before anything else. She and Tiamat had doen their best to block the incoming debris from the crossfire.

Kyogre steadily gained ground.

The rising sea steadily gained height.

The chaos of the intermixing battles steadily gained depth.

Attacks flew as people acted in their own selfish interests. Fighting to enact a grudge. Fighting to protect one's ego. Fighting to entreat their gods.

And then there was this asshole.

All of it...


She no longer gave a damn about keeping hidden. She didn't care if her cries got her detected at this point. People were dying and she was doing her best to keep herself and others afloat as the world tumbled around them.

But there were people like her or doing the best they could in a situation like this. As powerless as they were, they were putting their lives on the line and risking everything to save others.

Meanwhile a callous bastard like was spitting out sophistry veiled with proclamations of virtue in a place like this?


She wasted no time. The moment that she saw Gwendolyn get swept out by the water, she returned Tiamat and released Hippokampos.

"Hurricane! Part the waters enough to let people escape and get me to her!"

In the next moment, winds jetted as she jumped upon the Kingdra's back.

"Are you so preoccupied with your damn big picture that you can't look at the little things fighting beneath your feet? Do you have any idea of what you're trampling on while you work to save face? All that power and you're still so incompetent that you can't protect people and choose to protect your meaningless organization?"

At this point, she wasn't even sure if he was hearing her. Even if he wasn't that was fine. She was fed up with this whole situation. The sounds of wind and water were inevitable, after all. She and Hippokampos sped as fast as they could to where they saw Gwendolyn being carried away off by turbulent waters.

"If you can't expend every bit of your energy into saving people instead of saving face..."

Come to think of it, she had chastised a prominent CEO and his brother--who happened to be fighting not too far away while protecting evacuees-for similar reasons back in that mysterious space called the Cloud. At her core, who Elaine was remained the same.

She was a sophist and a hypocrite for sure.

But there were so, so many people in the world who were worse than her. For damn sure, she couldn't let them traipse all over her or anyone else.


As she cried out her declaration, she reached out towards .


The hypocrite had wished for only one thing. An ending in which everyone would be able to walk out of this.

She would do everything in her power to make that wish possible. One life at a time. The best she could with her small, pathetic reach.

  • Current spot: E2-->E3/D3
  • Elaine spews venom in return for Cillian's words. She may still be a bit bitter about the warehouse incident.
  • Elaine attempts to use Kingdra's Hurricane to part the waters a bit, give people more time to escape, and make the waters shallower around where she is
  • Elaine reaches out to save Gwendolyn
  • Elaine declares she'll save anyone she can. Kinda being a bit hot-bloodided for a logical person.

Tags: , , Mentions of: ,

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June 6th
Somebody in this world is glad you were born... never forget that.
62 posts
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TAG WITH @calli
Calliope Alvara
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 23:38:39 GMT
Calliope Alvara Avatar
And there the poisoned mind becomes torn; torn between two preys each worthy of her undivided attention. The Leviathan who’s busy drowning the heart of Sootopolis while manically searching for something.

And the space deity, who’s attention spawned to something entirely different within moments. Its space distortions remain as it treks towards another; itself? A near perfect copy it seems keen on protecting.

Damo has taken to the cliff sides of the crater, waiting as Calliope remains torn. Chaos, the burning of poison within her veins as too much finally becomes overflowing. Her heartbeat like drums of war resonating within her head.

And then, suddenly. Silence.

In that silence something reverberates. A call to arms, as and his Chien Pao rage. The sweet sensation of pure, untethered rage and hatred washes over her, but the poison denies it to take hold; her mind is too far gone.

Dark veins run across her face, tainting her eyes and cheeks, dipping down her neck towards the rest of her body as the small machine now pumps the toxins without restraint. Yet there is no haze when the Rocket finally turns and beckons her Serperior higher.


Her index points into the waterbound crater below, her judgment falling upon the Leviathan rampaging below.

Damo taps into all her strength, shadows coiling against the stark white of the crater’s flank as another SHADOW RAVE comes to life. A barrage of shadow spikes erupts from the pale rock and starts raining down upon the Kyogre, knowing fully well that the beast’s obsession shall not waver.

But neither will she.



+ Outfit | On the edges of E1[break]
+ Has switched to auto-pilot due to exorbitant poison intake[break]
+ Inspired by 's and Chien Pao's roaring hatred[break]
+ Attacks Kyogre's head from her vantage point with Shadow Rave to break its obsession[break]
+ Inadvertedly helping , , and 's Entei



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April 8
Ecruteak City
5'11" height
5'11" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
143 posts
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TAG WITH @tsuru
Mitsuru Kagami
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 23:56:58 GMT
Mitsuru Kagami Avatar
What was she thinking? Truthfully, even she didn't know. Whether driven by a desire to be acknowledged by her hero, a need to try and prevent further catastrophe, or simple blind panic, it didn't matter. Whatever the reason, she acted without thinking. And only now, as the blue stalactite fell into her hands, did she realise what she had just done.

She had just made herself important in this war she wanted no part of.


Her fingers gripped the primal shard tightly as her arms began to tremble. Five seconds ago, the idea of giving it over to Kyogre seemed so appealing, so sensible, so plausible a solution. Now, though? As she watched the Leviathan surging towards her, that didn't feel like such a good idea anymore.

She didn't know what to do. For better or for worse, Entei would make that decision for her. One moment, she's facing down the wrath of the ocean, and the next, she's facing a thick coat of brown fur. She's joined soon after by , and before long, they've left the Cave of Origin behind entirely. But where could they even go? Where could they take this stalactite where Kyogre wouldn't follow? Even if they climbed to the tallest peak of Mount Pyre, would that be enough to stop a God's single-minded determination?

One hand held on to the salvation, while the other clung to her damnation. She realised only too late that she had no room left to bring along her loyal companion.

"Ichi...? ICHI!"

Indeed, the Dusclops remained behind in the cave, even as it flooded higher and higher. Oxygen was of little concern to the ghost, but that didn't mean that the rushing water posed no threat. Still, ever the reliable servant, it remained behind. As the lord of the ocean rushed to close the distance, it clenched a fist and threw one solitary Thunder Punch right into the head of the beast, before it was swept away by the tide and dragged down to the depths.

TL;DR - oh god oh fuck help me entei get me away from here! also dusclops is boxing kyogre ERM RYSA CALC THE THUNDER PUNCH
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may 7th
hau’oli city, alola
rooksexual (demi)
lilycove gym leader
gym leader
his hands keep turning into birds and flying away from him. eventually the birds must land.
1,736 posts
lam logan DOLLARS
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lam logan
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2024 0:58:55 GMT
lam logan Avatar
[attr="class","pilots lammy"]

don’t wanna know my darkest lows[break]my blackest pitch, murder of crows




At a distance, didn't notice the green swirl of magical leaves that manifested on a outcropping of stone behind her. Virizion considered interceding then as they witnessed her plight. The thick weight of panic and frustration mingling with the storm. But the verdant sword of justice turned instead, and bounded away - intent on finding the one who had sent them in the first place.[break][break]

She was at least whole, and seemingly sound. There was time then, to bridge the divide.[break][break]


Chaos was unfolding around them. From their vantage, the pair was offered a view of Sootopolis stretched out before them, half sunk in rising water as a storm raged above them. The clash of allies and enemies and titans as Kyogre thrashed in the waters below. It was all a bit unreal, following the thrashing form of Rayquaza, the sleek black crystallization of necrozma.[break][break]

"You good?" he asked, glancing toward . "We should probably get down there." He nodded toward the Dynatree, away from the thicker tangle of fighting that had erupted directly below them. "If you can ride Lyra, I can keep an eye out from above."[break][break]

The rising waters would make that possible. More and more of the city was submerged as ocean water continued to pour into the basin.[break][break]

All the while, his eyes scanned whatever he could see, brows knit in concern until there! The bright splotch of green came into view: Virizion rearing back on their hind legs from the nearby cliffs. Watching him hurtle through the air, courtesy of Tornadus. If they had come back, hopefully it meant that they had found Robin. That she was alright.[break][break]

"Caleb!"[break][break] Lam cupped his hands around his mouth.[break][break]

"I'm going to follow Virizion!" Lam called down to Caleb as he pointed to where the Sword stood on the sloping cliffside. It trotted along, nimble feet keeping balance as they sought to usher their knight back to their side. Only after ensuring that his friend was sound did Lam nod to Tornadus - the Cyclone pokemon veering away from the ranger and his lapras.[break][break]

Virizion stamped their feet impatiently as they closed the distance. "Did you find her?" he asked, but they craned their head before turning and taking off. As though they could sense a rising tension in the air.[break][break]

"Robin!" he called through the gales, "Where are you?" In the near distance, he thought he could see figures dotting the cliffs. But he couldn't tell who they were. Then, darkness began to drop through the skies above them, settling like an umbral blanket as Necrozma ripped open a hole in the sky. "Keep going!" he urged, as tornadus whipped up a TAILWIND in a desperate effort to fight the monumental pull of the black hole high in the sky above. The cloud perch the djinn rested on flickered uncertainly, and his tail lashed in the effort to balance himself out while still holding onto Lam.[break][break]

Virizion watched from below, ready to attempt to catch the gym leader if the other should drop him, though their own hooves skidded along the rubble - threatening to be uprooted from the land. He couldn't see her in the dark, but Lam continued to yell for - determined to find his little sister.

tldr; lam is with as they climb up the rocks to solid ground. they head toward the dynatree. virizion returns to lam and flags him from the cliff, having spotted . lam and tornadus break off from caleb to follow virizion to where she is, but the area is pitched in abrupt darkness by 's z-move via necrozma. Is heading from G1 straight down, and turns toward H4 (i figure he lands somewhere in the middle, chart-wise?) Tornadus uses TAILWIND in an attempt to fight off the suck of the blackhole haha. Lam is looking for Robin, and any others in that area! used 1x salac berry


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,845 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2024 1:18:39 GMT
mint frost Avatar





Raphael is collected as ever despite the cataclysms of biblical proportions shaking the earth around them. Good. If they could both just keep this up, they'd win the fight yet. Besides, he'd held his own against Tornadus. That kind of feat could happen twice in a day, right? And if it didn't, at least Neon would be there to back him up. All comms are ignored as they're caught up on Nomi's beef. The mention of brings him a tense smile. “Is he still walking? Thought I'd put him in a wheelchair.” Both times. He shrugged. “Practice makes perfect I guess.” He continued, eyes settling on the pair of avatars. "How is he by the way? Got him leashed up like the bitch he is? No way you'reletting a traitor in your ranks." [break][break]

Speaking of, she sounds distressed, shaken even. Neon holds up his shields, eyes glowing bright as he tries to split his focus between her words and protecting , , and himself. “Fuck Winter! Get your shit together, I need your brain!” He shouted back trying to cut through the noise probably buzzing in the scientist's head. She needed to focus on not dying mid panic attack. Neon lifts a couple of inches as EARTHQUAKE is set off. [break][break]

As his shields threaten to break, overwhelmed by the lava, he catches Nomi threatening the Councilwoman again. Neon blinked in surprise. He hadn't expected that to work so well. At the same time, seems to sober up, posture stiffening and body moving. He doesn't need the frantic beeping of his infinity reads to tell him that energy was spiking. And as giddy as he was to have more samples of the work of an E4 and a Councilwoman, being in their short range wasn't worth the risk. [break][break]

His shields pale in comparison to Greyson's, manifested out of need more than it being their purpose. His powers were adaptable, but flexibility meant something would be sacrificed. Similarly, suffers the same cost as what bit of skin he could see darkness like a sudden rot. But it's not sickly enough, no. Harsh, fresh bruising blooms as Neons perpetual grin faltered, cracked LED stuttering as it swapped. Magma pulls and shoots up, cracking the earth between the factions. The ROCK TOMB falters, as do his temporary shields and lifts a hand to give a boost to the only party here who couldn't float, moving Raphael back before he melted his feet in the overflowing magma. “Calamus! Shift targets-!” He began to order. Nomi would be fine, she had countless eyes protecting her. [break][break]

Neon turned towards Greyson, not quite understanding anything. Other than he had just caught a HIDDEN POWER from his friend. A pair of shining feathers gleam amongst the light of the molten rock between them as he shot them back at the E4 intent to cleave a chunk of his torso off. The Ruin Beast bears down on his pokemon as well, Gnocci earned its baleful glare a as it became a DECOY. The display is sudden as horrible flames begin to lick across his pokemon's skin. [break][break]

As HYDRO CANNON threatens to blast all of them, Neon readied another attempt at cover as the screams of pokemon rang out. Before the water reaches him and Raph though, the attack is seemingly sucked up and redirected to Gnocci, slamming the psychic type into the ground. But he doesn't seem upset. No, despite the blistering heat and the new avatar, Neon grins, truly excited. A new avatar. A new subject to study. A new sample for INFINITY. Now all he needed to do was figure out how him and Raphael would get close. Wrestling him down like might not work again. “Is it me, or is Connors barely moving?!” He asked his partner.




- admires raphael 🙈 and them remiel catches some strays while he hodls shields [break]
- tries to get nomi to push thru her distress or they might die [break]
- surprised penny doesnt even respind and tries to hold against her [break]
- watches greysons powers lick up and is curious how they work [break]
- irders to focus on greyson and zamazenta while shooting 2 feathers at greysons chest [break]
- tries to defend against hydro cannon until mid attack, gnocci the beheyeem becomes a DECOY
- mint is eager to test greyson and asks for Raphael's thought on what he sees. [Break]
- AT B2 [break]

it's a highway, highway to the dark [break]
and a neon medusa's got your heart .

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raph, rafe
August 3
castelia, unova
meat shield
Vibe checker
you have brought
sin to heaven
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
-- and doom upon all the world,
205 posts
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TAG WITH @raphael
raphael dos plumas
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2024 1:33:40 GMT
raphael dos plumas Avatar
[attr="class","glizzy raphsimp"]

Raging heat and boiling magma. Steam hissing through new cracks in the earth; Petra’s earthquake, seized and grown and built upon. Superheated rocks flash red and shatter.
He has no say in this war. He’s here because ’s here. But hearing over the rise and scream of the spewing magma makes him bark a laugh.
Innocent families might be suffering, but he didn’t really believe the League gave a shit about them, until they were numbers on a bottom line. The dregs, like him, tossed aside and forgotten, until people like and and and and all the rest of ‘em could wrap their disembodied souls around raised fists like a war banner. Fodder under the wheel, to grease the way, to make the going easier. Blood on a soiled flag, useful only as currency for the flame.
Petra takes the hydro cannon like a good shield, defending Raph and at the expense of a few chunks of her round body, before the water streams are drawn in by Gnocchi’s decoy.
Raph’s first instinct is to dive into the fight, but just as he’s about to put his shoulder down and do that-- likely to charge face-first into his death-- the blue-haired shadow at the edge of his vision solidifies. Something like a familiar touch pulls against his clothes, his skin, and in a blink he’s being lifted, up and away from , and he scrambles to call Petra’s name. A few traces of molten rock sluice down the Golem’s body, dark veins of space burning red hot as she hotfoots it out of the way.
He floats above the battlefield, unsure of direction, directive, for the briefest of moments. Hadn’t they jumped in to defend ? And now they were just… leaving her? Letting her disappear in the forest of magma plumes?
But Mint is saying change targets, so he’s going to change targets. He ain’t here to get caught up in thinking. He’s here to follow orders and be a good soldier.
Mint’s asking him and question and Raph wishes to god he had a cigarette. All he sees, he wants to say, is one big fucking dog with a big fucking shield. But what comes out is, “Let’s test that theory out. Petra!”
His Golem roars, couches her head, and charges, aiming to bulldoze on the spot.



• Golem is hit by hydro pump and also a lil bit by magma. [break]
• Mint yoinks raph out of the way of lava. [break]
• Has a Poor Person Poverty Ponder [break]
• Decides to test Greyson's mobility by using bulldoze on him to get him moving. (What do you mean, Zamazenta has forms?) [break]
• I Do Not Expect This To Work (Let's make poor decisions . mp3 ) [break]
• goodnight/bye/whatever


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP