i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
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My legacy is in the lives I save
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2024 7:24:09 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
 Eva’s lips twitch into a small smile with ’s light squeeze of her hand and words of encouragement. She would address it later, but just because they could push the boundaries of their frail spatial stability doesn’t mean they should. Illeana confirms as much with the stipulation that the wounds they have prepared wouldn’t last forever. Some risk is indeed a necessity in war, as eloquently points out, but she can’t help encouraging caution.

A heavy sigh hisses through her loose lips as she comes to accept ’s point. It’s unfortunate their universe is so fragile, “Fragile indeed,” she repeats with a small smile, addressing Dahlia and the remainder of those present, “The most fragile things take the most precise care and caution to protect. One small fracture can be devastating.”

The next revelation only seems to exemplify her point; dark omens bleeding into their world. Her gaze immediately flashes to Illeana. They seem to have the same thought at the same time: Sea Hoenn.

As speaks, Eva reflects on the past. She takes a brief census of the room and those that were there in the very first AQUA summons and their adventure to Sea!Hoenn in the following assembly. So much has changed. So few of the original party are left and those precious few are the only ones that would recognize the implications.

She hurriedly taps on the tablet like a busy secretary, gathering the information she needs to distribute to the newer members in the group. They likely have read the past reports but they probably weren’t fresh in their minds, “Likely not similar to those in Crater, unfortunately, .”

She speaks while she types then an audible woosh sends the gathered, encrypted records to the AQUA Initiative members present.

comes to a similar conclusion: Land!Hoenn.

“The two extremes of what Hoenn would have become without Rayquaza’s peace; One Sea, and one Land. As Matias pointed out, I doubt they will be willing to talk. We tried that once and they were unaccommodating due to the circumstances surrounding their King's death . . . I doubt they will be kind to Hoopa if that’s where they ended up.”

Eva shakes her head at the thought of an invasion, “They promised an invasion. Revenge, really. If that’s the case we’ll be fighting a war on . . . One, Two, Three . . . Four fronts?” Petalburg, Sootopolis, Sea!Hoenn, and Kanto. Her nose wrinkles and she stares at the tablet in front of her, scrolling through the reports herself to keep them fresh in her mind, “And that’s hoping the DRK Triad doesn’t decide to pop up again,” she glances up from her tablet with a darker shadow glossing over her gaze. An instinct makes her believe that will likely be the case. The sinister, and still mysterious, organization seemed to have their fingers in all of Hoenn’s chaotic affairs.

- Mostly answering questions and providing links to past threads for the newer AQUA initiative members that might not have links to them
- Doesn’t really offer any solutions, advice, or anything of substance this post

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