i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,741 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2021 16:13:28 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Once again, Thomas finds himself shuffled through time and space. And once again, he is brought to a familiar setting, with a twist. He would spot a woman sprinting through the fields of grass. Unlike most people, who didn't know the truth, he quickly recognized Dahlia Goode as she hacked up the familiar ichor. He would watch her abduction at the hands of a Nihilego, thus filling in the blanks as to what happened that lead to this point.

Soon after, the horde of Nihilego attacked. Almost reacting on pure instinct, Thomas just about reached for the hidden Pokeball containing his 'fragment' of Yveltal. Stopping himself, as he didn't know if the Bird of Death would be strong enough to take them on, Thomas would instead send out Freke the Alakazam. Immediately, the trainer would Mega Evolve the Psychic-type, and start attacking the invaders with Expanding Force, hoping someone would pitch in with a Psychic Terrain to aid in crowd control.


[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-alakazam form-mega"]

tags: @tag
notes: Holding off the Nihilego

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,456 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2021 17:38:40 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
priam doesn't get what he's seeing, but he can only assume that this is just another significant point in hoenn's timeline. this time, however, the scene before him was not something that was really shown on the news nor something the general public would have known about.

the commissioner darts past his vision, with a swarm of nihilego following after her. they were less threatening that the large one an entire patrol of rockets tried to take down before, although numbers make up for the threat they impose. visions of people appearing in and out fending them off prove that nothing has changed since earlier, besides maybe the fact that the pokemon target them directly this time.

although still in a state of distress, priam knows that taking a pokemon out was the best course of action. a single one is conveniently attached to his hip, surprisingly the one that he wanted the most. he presses a button and huddles down, with the said pokemon hunkering over him.

"should we even do something with this?" priam asks his zoroark.

unlike her trainer, the pokemon is on heightened alert. a curtain of illusion protects them from recognition, pushing the ultra beasts' attention somewhere else. it tenses when one comes near, though priam can feel the intensity of his pokemon when it readies for an attack every time danger loomed.

"yeah. let's not risk you getting in a fight with them." he drags his zoroark's arms over him, as if using the thick-furred dark-type as a blanket from the cold hoenn nights.



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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,676 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2021 20:14:03 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Just as Rocky shattered the lock and opened the cage, there was another sudden shift.

That cool breeze was enough to tell him he was outside now, but where he was, he was at a loss. What didn’t help was the sudden commotion, the mass panic, the sound of everyone running. He heard someone shout “It’s gonna blow!” Hideo had no idea what they meant. What was gonna blow? Was it a bomb, or some wild Pokemon about to Explode?

His heart raced. He had to get out of here now - but where to go? He didn’t know what way was safe or where the explosion was about to come from. “Rocky!? Where are you?!” He needed Rocky to guide him away...but he received no response. “Rocky!?” he shouted once more.

Something grabbed him. It felt tough like metal, and it certainly wasn’t human. He had no idea what it was, yet he wasn’t scared of it at all; it was almost familiar to him. It embraced him, holding him tight. Whatever it was, covered him from the ensuing explosion, from the debris that he could hear crash against it and the Protective shield it had made.

Hideo appeared during the Bucephalon's attack. His Aggron uses Protect to shield him against one of its explosions.


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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,634 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2021 12:42:19 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




hoenn historia

new year's raid, slateport city

i just want to forget





Yet trapped in the drift of time and space, Adrian finds himself forced to relive the moments of Blacephalon's emergence on the New Year. It becomes evident that he is in no immediate danger, but the events transpiring still haunt him. A pang of guilt and dread wash over him as he recalls how readily, how so very casually he'd gambled Furor's life to spare his own. A reminder of his double standards, and his shortcomings as a trainer, perhaps meant to convey a message.[break][break]

The battle begins in earnest, with many trainers taking the fight to Blacephalon. In accordance with history, Adrian's past self from a year ago is there, accompanied by Rover, Furor and—Howitzer. Stunned by the ghost of his most staunch companion, he forgets the moment he is trapped in; burning against his breast is the passionate call for revenge, as he's reminded of long overdue scores to settle... Of a year without justice, amounting to his failures as a friend.[break][break]

Through it all Adrian is powerless to object; like the picking at the scabs of a wound, it exacerbates the scar, fomenting Adrian's obsession with revenge.[break][break]

A familiar voice calls out to him even here, amidst the sea of time's many reflections, with intentions of further influencing Adrian's path for its own insidious designs: "...What meaning would you ascribe to this memory...?"[break][break]

But there is no response as Adrian begins to feel the onset of rainfall...[break][break]



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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2021 19:58:25 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Angelo feels rough around the edges – frayed – when he finds his world beginning to shift again, replacing the dark, harrowing market with woodland illuminated by stars and insect glow. Visions of the trembling pokemon in their cages are still in his mind and it takes more of his resolve than he realises to keep himself calm, his fingers digging into his palms; the beloved night sky all but ignored.[break][break]

Distant chirps sound more like whines in his ears. Frantic footsteps like the beat of a drum, turning distant blue eyes sharp as they snap towards a form running through the long grass. [break][break]

Hey! Lady, wait!” His voice rips out of his lungs, shattering the otherworldly peace that the woodland had been basking in for a few moments. She doesn’t seem to hear him, the woman pushing onwards, seemingly lost in her own mind. Angelo doesn’t hesitate when she hunches over to hack up ichor that’s far too dark to be blood, his feet pushing him to give chase. “Fuck, just stay there!” [break][break]

She doesn’t. She can't. [break][break]

Creatures, translucent and bioluminescent underneath the glow of the moon, drift from the shadows to pluck the blonde like a Pidgeot picking off Caterpie - easy prey. Whisking her off. Without hesitation, Angelo’s fingers latch around a familiar pokeball; Eltanin materialising in a plume of embers as he roars into a furious existence. Both trainer and dragon harbour a similar glare to their faces, twin sets of burning eyes as both recklessly face the unknown entities. Angelo forgets about the dream, forgets to think, fingers stretching towards someone who doesn’t even acknowledge his existence. [break][break]

Eltanin swoops towards the otherworldly jellyfish that carries her away, DRAGON CLAW bathing its talons in a menacing glow. [break][break]

Eltanin... Take these creepy bastards out.”[break][break]



+ take my haaaand



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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2021 1:52:19 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
[attr="class", kheader"]


"again with these ugly ass jellyfish, fine then! we ain't letting ya blow up this place a second time! buccanneer!" as if by magic the pokeball he reached down for materialized in his hand and he threw his blastoise to confront the swarm of ultra beasts. the blastoise roared and aimed his cannons at the swarm and unleashed a hydro pump to blow back their toxins and push a few of them back into the ultra wormhole that they came out of. "go back where you came from and don't come back! seriously! hey...ain't this slateport? isn't this where-" before he could finish his sentence the sound of explosions reached his ears as the bell rang for the signalling of the new years. "uh oh...we're in this time....fuck." and here he was playing fisherman with jellyfish while a clown went around giving a show for people. wonderful.
with a growl kazimir took out a regular pokeball and threw it at one of the nihilego's bulbous heads out of anger even if he knew that it wouldn't do anything, not even slow it down. he was just sort of done with these things on this trip through time and space.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: fighting and catching nihilego

[attr="class","tag"]@hoenn historia

template by kay

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2021 16:25:46 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

It was another sojourn through time—and Lars was disappointed. He wasn’t able to get all the necessary files from the computer he had sat down at, but he was able to recover at least some of the important parts of it.

What was he going to do with such information, though? Hang onto it in the meantime and make sure nothing too suspicious would happen again.

Everything around them was warping out, changing—and this time—

Wait, why did this place look familiar?!

Eyes darting through the crowd, he hoped to grab ’s arm before they got separated again (the other was hanging onto ’s just in case) before he had approximately a few seconds to—

“Be careful!” he shouted, knowing that his companions would be the only ones to hear.

While he hadn’t been present at this particular event, the way he saw it unfolding, though… it was… holy shit.

It was much more of a mess than what the reports stated it was. Being there in person really was much different…

And then, the explosion. The first explosion that would set off a chain reaction—

Holy fucking shit.


and for the most part

• What little information he has scavenged from ‘Project: Beast Killer’, he’ll take it
• The world glitches out again, where the fuck we going—
• And then Lars appears in the crowd, right before the first explosion that signaled the arrival of Balcephalon Barcelona
• No way is he gonna get separated from Skyler or Evan in this mess
• Hella yikes

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,072 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2021 18:31:10 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

He doesn't even know what's going on anymore. One second he's looking through Cotillard's files, the next he's in an open field, paranoia and a deep sense of thorough discomfort brimming in his chest.

Something unnatural is in the air, and he can't quite point out what.

A second later however, he gets enough to make a pretty good guess.

His eyes widen as the Commissioner runs through the fields with terror in her eyes. Behind her?

Those things.

The monsters belonging to the Megalopolans. 'Mega Beasts'.

He had just finished browsing the information on two of those now, but the several one chasing the commissioner? He only knew those from the news and military reports.

But they were threatening the commissioner.

"Knock'em all outta the air!" Said Doug as he threw all six of his net balls, releasing several of his pokemon into the field. Fire and lightning arched through the air towards the several Nihilego, blades and horns sought to thrash them into submission- even Psychic energy and Dragonic force.

All he had on hand was thrown in an attempt to rescue the commissioner.

It was not enough.

TAG: @

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2021 19:17:40 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


Little does Katherine know, one of these days, she’ll own not only the Blacephalon that was responsible for this tragic night— but also a Nihilego similar to the one that possessed Dahlia Goode.

For now, however, she only has the mad clown at her disposal. And it’s within the gym leader’s intention to have her clown combat, well, itself. Although it did not possess the strength it had shown the day of its arrival, it maintains a different sort of power that Katherine herself had bestowed upon it.

It is all-powerful in its own right.

It is marvelous, magnificent, and incredibly dangerous. It is the essence of what Katherine is.

Upon realizing that the heavy rain provided by the ANGELIC SHOWERS might temper with time itself and the outcome of this night, Katherine is forced to act. Blacephalon is released from its capsule, eerily staring ahead at itself.

“We will not allow anyone to change what happened here, Blacephalon.”

It listens, it understands, and it quite literally loses its head all in order to appease its owner.

The bomb that is thrown along the original Blacephalon’s MIND BLOWN possesses a certain brand of z-energy, allowing a JESTER’S DEMISE to occur.

If someone had damned more lives by attempting to play with time, then it’s on them. She was only here to ensure that they fail.


notes: katherine sends out blacephalon. seeing 's angelic showers move and the effect it might have, she's forced to act & orders her clown to use its own z-move, JESTER'S DEMISE in order to injure people and have time remain the same and unchanged. if more people are harmed because of that, well, it isn't her fault.

[attr="class","katherinetag"] @hoennhistoria

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February 12
Dark Avenger
Bodyguard of Dahlia
Forever alone
On the road again
399 height
399 height
OwO what's this
727 posts
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TAG WITH @balder
Balder Schwartz
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2021 6:16:18 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar



A new timelapse, a new area. This time, however... It wasn't something Balder had seen before. What... Is that Dahlia? Considering everything had been following a sort of timeline... Could this be the sequence between Halloween and the New Year chaos? Explaining how she got corrupted? Interesting... [break][break]

Behind her, a group of these Jellyfish monsters, the Nihilegos. As Balder phased into existence he proceeded to advance towards the swarm of ultra beasts. "I doubt this can correct the future, but... To face an Ultra Beast, we need an ultra beast! EMERGE, STELLA!" As attacks started swarming against the Nihilegos, the Celesteela dropped from the sky like a missile, visible to everyone.[break][break]

"Heavy Slam." Upon hearing the orders of his new master, the metallic Ultra Beast took flight before propelling itself to the mass of Nihilegos, using its full weight to try and crush them as they were being kept at bay by all the attacks that the ghostly individuals were giving.[break]




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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2021 16:49:05 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

Desperation claws at her throat at the flickers of shifting reality, familiar by now, that threaten to darken her vision. Her hand reaches through the cage, and the sailor doesn't miss the subtle brightening of a dark, intelligent gaze - focusing on her. And then something tugs on her belly and Skyler's sucked into another whirlwind of crossed timelines, the promise on her lips coming out in strangled gasps before the image of the caged Lapras disappears. She isn't sure the pokemon heard it - or if she'd uttered an empty promise.

"I'll come back, I will-"

The familiar Slateport Night Market materializes in front of her, vertigo making Skyler wobble for a moment before a hand grabs onto her arm. "Lars, do you know where-" The relief that spreads through her at the sight of her best friend is short-lived. Silver eyes widen at the distant sound of explosions and all at once it becomes terrifyingly clear where - or rather, when - they'd been transported to. Although Skyler hadn't been here, and wasn't one to see the news, everyone knew of this particular incident.

Her own calloused fingers grip onto 's hand as the chain reaction of explosions starts to fill the night around them, flattening stalls and sending debris flying through the air, deadly. The sea captain is quick to heed Lars' words, ducking into a nearby alley and taking the Head Ranger and whoever was in the proximity with her.

It is only at this point that something seems to click in Skyler's head, eyes darting to meet with Lars' own. "Are we- Are we getting closer to the present time?" If so, there was one very specific event the sailor definitely didn't want to live through again. Ever again.

The sailor's head peeks out of the alley to peer at the ravaged market, smoke and the smell of burning things filling her lungs. Something flies by, wheezing by her face and leaving a small line of crimson on her cheek. Skyler is quick to plaster herself against the wall, eyes shadowed.


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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
887 posts
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TAG WITH @josh
Josh Dragomir
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2021 19:53:43 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

The Blacephalon's attack would forever be etched into his memory. The last thing he ever expected, or wanted, was to experience it all again. The explosions rocking the marketplace, the death that permeated the air, the casualties that were strewn left and right. And yet here he was, witnessing it before his very eyes. Josh didn't hesitate this time. No, this time... He called for Lightning to attack the thing directly before it could cause the widespread destruction he knew it would. He knew it would do nothing, as these events had already happened... But he would get some measure of satisfaction from hitting it.

The Raichu quickly used Nasty Plot, before launching a Thunder at the monster without hesitation. Fire roared in Josh's eyes as he wished only that he could have done more in the past. If only he could have stopped it this early before... And stopped all the death that had been dealt.



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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,726 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2021 4:12:58 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

She’d been walking down a road in Slateport—or at least she thought. Smoke wafted around her and buffeted off the stone body of a trailing Lunatone. Out of nowhere in the cold wind, in some psychedelic transfiguration of the matrix, the concrete disappeared. There was dirt under her next step. She looked down at it, and then up as she lost all sense of clarity for a moment. When he vision began t osharpen again, she took in the moonlight, and a starry sky that couldn’t be seen from city streets. Her jaw fell agape, the cogs turning in her head at breakneck speed. Had she just time-traveled?

Red eyes reflected the wormhole that suddenly appeared in the sky. It expanded as they did. It was beautiful. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She was ejected from her state of awe by an awful hacking sound. Her eyes promptly fell on the blonde, running in an inhuman, disturbing fashion, her body projecting other-worldy ooze as it struggled along. Lulu grabbed for her gun from within the pocket of coat, hoisting it with her left arm at the woman defensively as she got nearer, nearer.

When the commissioner’s face became obvious, Lulu was startled. Her finger froze on the trigger, and before she could react further, the woman was gone—in the tentacles of an Ultra Beast. “Shit.” More appeared around. Two hands shot to obscure pockets within her get-up and then released two Klinklangs. A gloved hand shot out to point at their attacking targets. One of them used LOCK-ON, rocking a bit in the air, its gears spinning at the ready. “GEAR GRIND!”

Four massive gears disassembled from their power units, shooting off in different directions to attack a couple of Nihilego with great speed and force. She then nodded to her Lunatone, who rose up above her, its red eyes glowing as it gathered a great white light from a beam that connected with the moon coming through the lighthouse windows. It flashed and reflected beautifully off of the steel that spun violently in the air towards their opponents. The MOON BLAST then shot back down through the lunar connection with great power towards a third Nihilego.

Lulu points a gun at --doesn't shoot.
Winds up at Lighthouse.
Releases two Klinklangs.
Klinklang 1 uses LOCK-ON on a Nihilego.
Klinklang 1 + 2 uses GEAR GRIND on two Nihilego.
Lunatone uses MOONBLAST on third Nihilego.


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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,898 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 5:03:55 GMT
shiv Avatar



[attr="class","raidName"]10. HOENN HISTORIA







[attr="class","status NONE"]
[attr="class","th th-fire"]



YOUR WORLD SHIFTS ONCE MORE. As the Black Market dissolves into darkness, the realm does not seem to reconfigure into a familiar landscape.[break][break]

Instead, everyone manifests in what can only be described as a space-like dimension. Grey streams flow through the space, and within their weave, one can spot moments in history. Various scenes of humans and Pokemon alike. Some reveal Hoenn as it is in the present, while others show an entirely foreign world, either prehistoric or apocalyptic.[break][break]

It is hard to recognize anyone else, unless you choose to be recognizable. However, it is difficult to ignore the intimidating presence in the distance. A steel-plated sauropod floats in space, its horns sharp and menacing, its steel-fin like a sail.[break][break]


And like a sail, it conducts the direction of time. Around everyone, the streams of time spin and tear apart before stitching themselves together. A ROAR OF TIME accelerates the process, and like a school of Wishiwashi, the timeline streams soar like sentient scarves.[break][break]

Everyone here is an anomaly to the timeline. Everyone must return. The Dialga continues to ROAR OF TIME until everyone is struck by the stream of time that they originated from.[break][break]


Until then, avoid being struck by the other timelines, or Dialga itself as it attempts to bring you back home.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?



HOENN HISTORIA is a writing prompt event that one of your characters can participate in! Once you choose one, you will have locked them in for this travel into the past of Hoenn. Although your character may be present with others, they will not be able to recognize each other unless it is mutually consensual.[break][break]

To participate, simply write a response using one of the prompts above. Furthermore, please review the guidelines below:[break][break][break]

  • Only one character of yours can participate in the Hoenn Historia event.
  • You can redeem the round's rewards immediately after posting (unless it is PD, which will be added at the end of the round).
  • You do not need to post in every single round.
  • You can summon any of your Pokemon should you wish.
  • You DO NOT ROLL this round.
  • You will all be sent back to the original timeline. That is unavoidable.


This will be the LAST ROUND of the event!

@hoennhistoria @2ndanniversary

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 6:14:10 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar


    Hoenn historia  past  event

    A prehistoric ROAR split the darkness, and Zac jolted...awake? No, this may be a dream but there was no waking. Not yet. Not this deep into the nightmare. This wasn't the forest, beach, lab or festival though. This was...all of them. Streams of liquid locations twisted and pulled around Zac as he floated, adrift.
    Zac looked around, but there were no stars here. The only light was what leaked from the timelines. Filtered sunlight through the trees of Petalburg Forest, muted reds and oranges from the lanterns of the New Year's festival. This isn't space. Where am I? 
    A stream of silvery essence cut the world. Quicksilver slick, it reflected the lights and Zac saw it pierce a trainer that had been floating just a few feet away. The trainer shouted out, their voice warped and unnatural, and they disappeared. What in the name of Blacephalon's Balls was that? Zac said, breathing hard, more out of habit than necessity, as he wasn't getting any Oxygen. "Focus. It's just a dream," Zac tried to say, but the sound came out all jangled and rippling. 
"dmsas uF.Ia ctro u 'jset" Zac's mouth felt like he had gargled with mercury. It burned with smooth fire.
    The ROAR came again, and the beam of star steel slashed past Zac. Somewhere behind him, another trainer disappeared with a warped gasp.
    It's okay. This is what I want. I want to wake up. Nothing I do to get out of this one, anyone. Zac thought, not saddened by the thought, but resigned. What was he supposed to do? Run away from the dream? No. This was the end. Of something at least. But that didn't mean it wasn't a beginning, and it didn't mean that Zac wasn't going to go out his own way.
ROAR shuddered through the void, and there was a flash far off as another trainer was picked off. Inside Zac, something galvanized. A feeling of surety that this was the way forward. This was one hell of an adventure, Zac thought, nodding. But it's time to head home.
He pulled himself up as best as possible, straightened his Golden Explorer's Jacket, looked dead ahead at where the beams had been originating. An ancient, elongated head breached a timestream. For a moment it stared at Zac, it's eyes reflective, thoughts ineffable. Zac grinned at it.
"egl eFl ,aoyit aSreure!otar"                  
    Dialga ROARED, and the beam pierced Zac, tearing him away in a flash of steel and time.  

 Music: Rush - Time Stand Still

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing