i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Rocket Daddy
he / him / his
thirty eight
october 29
Hammerlocke, Galar
History repeats itself—first as a tragedy, then as a farce
789 posts
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TAG WITH @valerio
Valerio Dachev
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 8:06:41 GMT
Valerio Dachev Avatar
Valerio doesn't believe in gods.

There are no divine beings. Pokemons shouldn't be the ones dictating the course of history. It doesn't explain why humans suffer under the jurisdiction of a beings that possible don't understand the way they think or act.

Now, imagine Valerio's impression when one of the legends in Sinnoh Pantheon, Dialga, appears before him in this realm of uncertainty.

The redhead doesn't consider it a god but he recognizes the strength and the power it has. He doesn't know if it is the one doing all these jumps in time—where at one point he's so close to hitting the commissioner and now he's on this obscure temporal realm. The dungeon is asphyxiating, distressing, horrifying: and he doesn't know if he can stand here for much longer.

“You're... real.”

His words come out more as a question than a statement, but he doesn't need any response to affirm what he has been thinking all along. Surges of time whirpools all around the space and he can feel himself being sucked right into one of them. As ironic as it sounds, he needs more time to deal with Dialga first.

The beast ball weighs heavy, as if waiting the opportunity for him to use what's inside of it. His fingers fidget, tense reaction drawing out with every roar dialga makes. When a stream of time whips right through him, almost hitting his body, he finally makes a decision.

He hurls the capsule and the corporeal form of the moon beast materializes before them. Voldemort takes its trainer away from "time." In retaliation, the lunala has its wings glistening with the color of gray, similar to the streams' colors, and blows FOCUS BLASTS after FOCUS BLASTS towards the god of time.

It makes an effort to dodge the passing streams as its eyes lock towards the legendary, but lunala can already feel being worn down too.

“I used to believe repeating history is a mistake but... You... You have the ability to change things, to turns 'what ifs' to 'what is.'”

Another roar from the dragon and lunala barks back with an attack of its own. It begins to spread its wings, its purple pinions donning a white glow as it sends of a MOONGEIST BEAM against the steel beast.

“You could have helped a lot of people and change how our lives has been written.”

In its new form, lunala charges forth with successive attacks that Valerio hasn't seen it before to do: HEAT WAVE and METEOR BEAM bursting from its circular figure. Dialga doesn't budge, irritating lunala as it prepares to do its ultimate weapon in its arsenal.

Six energy balls surround the moon bat, their glow bright and dazzling as they start to beam outwards and into the creature (MENACING MOONRAZE MAELSTROM). The impact hits through one of the stream in defense of Dialga. Valerio peeps from behind his pokemon, recognizing his failure to realize that another stream is working its way towards them from behind.

In a blitz, they're finally out of its realm.

We can change the course of history.

His words drown as his consciousness fades, bringing him back to the place where everything all started.

TL;DR: Valerio talks to Dialga about the possibility of changing history; summons Lunala to help him stay in its realm for much longer.

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played by


Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,653 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 13:03:17 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar

This doesn't feel like the other times, when suddenly he had woken up to zombies and explosions and rattling cages. It is less a flash jump and more like his consciousness is being guided to where it needed to be, stiff fingers floating in a vast void. It is empty but full, bright colors from the past washing over his pale skin. The green of the field he played in as a child. The empty white of a hospital room. The grimy blue of a middle school locker room. Reds that froth in waves off a sunlit coast. There and open, begging to be caressed, spiraling outwards to link up with repeating patterns of that same moment, circling around other foggy figures in the distance.

Breathing hurts, only because breathing isn't needed here and introducing something so human to such an inhuman place needs punished. It feel like liquid metal gliding down his throat, clogging his nose, so frigid that it burns and hollows you out.

A roar in the distance, a flash of brightness (not light, that doesn't seem quite right), and one of the foggy bodies is gone. He blinks, slow, and, ah, he would know that beast. Dialga. A creature he's never met except in stories and worship. Someone from childhood he clung too not from belief but for a strange comfort; Chu-e had never been religious but his parents were.

It doesn't feel like when Articuno, at the ball all those years ago, judged him unworthy. It is a passing, the beast unconcerned with Chu-e. Perhaps more as a nuisance, like when he needed to wipe off crumbs from his shirt. Only Chu-e and the other people here, not that he knew who they were, were the crumbs.

Another roar, another body vanishing. Oddly enough, he didn't feel afraid.

"Do you get lonely here?" He said aloud, to the grand pokemon, as if it cared to listen. Maybe it oculdn't hear him from the distance anyway. It didn't matter. His words echoed back to him strangely, making his nose wrinkle. "Poor thing." Lifting frigid hands, he patted himself down slowly. It seemed he was mostly intact, had his things in his pockets... a cracked cell phone was pulled out, not for the phone itself. No, for the Reniculus charm, aged and cracked and faded and well loved, that hung by a dirty string. He unhooked it slowly, gripped it tight in a palm before releasing it into the open air.

"A gift, to keep you company."

Then the blast hit, and Chu-e's eyes shot open once again.

He glanced out the hospital room window that overlooked the city, monitors beeping quietly. It was October, after all, and not quite time for him to travel back to Hoenn.

- Just a lot of waxing poetic tbh
- But Chu-e feels kinda bad for Dialga and leaves it his phone charm to keep it company
- Then gets blasted all the way back to another region lol
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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,634 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 13:33:59 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Finally free of the purgatory that was his reliving of Slateport's New Years Raid, he awakens to an even more alarming reality, finding himself at the cradle of time's flow. Throughout the limitless expanse they are surrounded by time's swirling flow, though they are most of them stranded and ignorant to the others' plight. Seemingly alone and stranded, fear and panic quickly settle in.

And to add to his problems: Some strange, monolithic beast stirs from out of the darkness, threatening doom from whence it drew breath, loosing a deafening roar that raged as a torrent of excessive force across the dimension. Yet time's flow seemed unfazed, perhaps even restored by the violent bursts of energy, though one shouldn't be so naïve to assume they were immune.

Though Adrian might have managed on his own, it is at this time that Yveltal exercises discretion and intervenes, though it is concealed behind the veil that permeates this realm, cloaking those of them whom delved with impunity through time's crux. Thus emerging as if a shadow taking darkened form, it takes Adrian in its clutches.

"You recognize Dialga, from Sinnoh legend. Charged with keeping Time's unadulterated flow. Your presence here has agitated it... I shall assist your departure."

Yveltal takes wing without so much as an utterance or cry, its muted ascent perhaps unimpeded by the rampant beast howling at those who trespassed. With this to their advantage, they make quick their escape, Yveltal nimbly navigating the maelstrom of energies and plunging into what one would assume to be present day Hoenn...

Shamelessly leaving immediately just to claim rewards.
This has been fun, wish I'd been around for all of them!
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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 14:09:42 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
His fingertips slip through the woman’s arm in tandem with Eltanin’s attacks ghosting through the unknown beasts, their images distorting like intangible mist caught on a breeze. Before the two of them could blink or gather up their bearings the world shifts once more, woodlands and bioluminescent lights replaced with the infinite – space. [break][break]

Even if air seems foreign in the stretch of endless glittering cosmos – like stars reflecting on the inky, still surface of the ocean – Angelo doubts he’d be able to breathe, anyway. Oxygen stolen from him willingly. [break][break]

Eltanin drifts towards him, guiding Angelo as he floats weightless to slump against his spine and the courier only really takes purchase out of a sense of instinct, rather than any real consideration. Any real desire. His vision is too filled, captivated, with the swirling of nova dust and flowing grey streams, like Alto Marian canals had been captured and suspended in the dark skies. Calling out for him to dip his fingers and see if it feels the same. [break][break]

In the distance the sound of a roar punctures through the great vast of nothingness and although images flicker in the corner of Angelo’s eye, moments captured of times already gone, his attention does not waver from all that there is. Rather than all that there was. [break][break]

Suddenly he finds himself hungry, desperate, to seek out more of those moments that he had experienced in this dream. To remain suspended in that rush of breathlessness as adrenaline soothed the counting of the clock hand and distracted him from his too-consumed chest. Even if it wasn’t real. [break][break]

With a squeeze against Eltanin’s scales, they swerve away from a flash of a memory as it screams towards them, avoiding what could not be changed. [break][break]

Let me sleep for a little longer…[break]
Let time stretch for a little longer…

He’s tempted to let himself drift off the Salamence’s back; be lost in the infinite of time, where the future did not yet exist like a shadow looming over his back that he pretends to not acknowledge. Wanting to reach out, cling to the present like a star that teases against the tip of his fingertips, cold but burning his nerves with a sense of life. His hand clenches tight, only managing to catch stardust in his eyes. Longing. Aching. [break][break]

I don’t want to wake up.[break]
No, more than that, I don't want to...

Light consumes him. Swallowing man and dragon eventually, no matter how fast or dexterous they are in their attempts to slip and dance around the incoming streams that threaten to send them home. [break][break]

There’s no escape, the message clear: [break][break]

(The progression of time is unavoidable.)


+ thank you for the event! had lots of fun! <3[break][break]



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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,458 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 14:12:04 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
A jolt in his gut, and Gavin is transported somewhere that feels at once familiar and foreign — the fabric of space spreads like a smothering blanket, its heavy weight offering a reminder of when Mauville's bloody battlefield had given way to a shifting, whirling wormhole. He assumes, at first, that this is a snapshot of his own timeline... but the scenes glimpsed within grey ribbons of space-time are not ones he recognizes from the war, nor anywhere else.

His amber gaze follows a twisting thread to its end, to the creature that controls it, and breath catches in his throat.


Had there been any doubt that the looming sauropod was the Lord of Time, such doubts are deafened by an ear-splitting roar. The string of time Gavin follows to its end is woven with other, alternate realities, then projected forth with a physical force that he instinctively leaps clear of.

We are intruders in this realm.

Fear and fascination grapple for dominance in his thoughts, not dissimilar to how he'd felt when faced with Articuno's icy majesty. Yet this one is different; there is not simply a lust for its power but a respect for the steel-plated sovereign of time. He was not a man of religion. He did not see Dialga as something to be bowed down to, but instead looked up to. Yet no amount of reverence could halt the shiver that a second ROAR OF TIME sends down his spine. Albeit shakily, he stands his ground.

"It was not my choice to intrude upon your domain, Dialga."

His voice sounds strange to his ears. Other figures vanish as they come into contact with the rippling tides of time, and he wills himself not to flinch as one of them whips past him. Would it hurt, were he struck by one? Would it kill?

"You can understand me, can't you?" Though worded as a question, Gavin has no doubt. Articuno had spoke to him, peered straight into his soul and judged him unworthy. Gavin stares down the Lord of Time as if to challenge it to do the same. Over the hair-raising roars, he demands answers. "Why have we been brought here? What is happening to our timeline? Is it because Giratina has escaped?"

Another blinding pulse of time, and Gavin closes his eyes before it strikes him home.
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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
1,199 posts
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 18:21:44 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

He tried to shut the crazy world around him out. Hands clamped over his ears, attempting to block out all the noise while his eyes squeezed tightly closed. And for a moment, it appeared to work. The only noise he could hear was himself shouting at himself to wake up in his head. The silence was peaceful, nothing but nothingness. Was he finally awake? Should he dare to open his eyes? What would he see? He hoped it would be ceiling of his bedroom, his beloved hell hound napping by his side. He remained motionless, once racing heart began to slow. He took deep calming breaths in an attempt to keep himself from losing it.

A sudden jerk made him lift his head in a panic, eyes shot wide open to see streaks of light flash before him in the utter darkness. He got to his feet, head shifted left and right as he tried to understand what was going on. An intense wave of pressure washed over him, drawling his attention to a four legged creature in the distance. Upon squinting, he recognized the creature as it appeared ready to attack. His heart raced once more, reaching into this pocket to summon a creature. But just before he could snatch a ball, a jerk forced him to catch his balanced in an attempt not to call over. His arms flailed out as he gazed down, unsure out he could even lose his balance when there was nothing he was standing on.

A roar got Maverick to look up again as flashes of time appeared, racing passed him only to disappear before he could make sense of it. Once again, the gym leader went to reach into his pocket to grab a creature. Any pokemon he could use to help him in this dream would be helpful. But the legendary creature let out another roar, knocking the man’s balance once more and preventing him from summoning a creature. This roar was even louder, forcing him to cover his ears and eyes to close from the sheer light and movement that happened around him. He manages to get low to the ground, hoping that kneeling won’t knock him off his feet if the legendary decides to roar again. What in the world was going on?!

for @hoennhistoria at known. thank you! this was a lot of fun!

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,072 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 19:32:19 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

He would never know if his efforts to help the Commissioner would have been enough.

Before any real clash with the Nihilego could begin in earnest, everything around him was suckled into a void, leaving him and his pokemon scrambling for purchase on nothing.

Garo's psychic grasp brought them all together, and after making sure everyone was accounted for, Doug finally looked around himself.

Space. And lots of grey stuff.

Several heavy gulps of air later confirmed that no, he had not been dumped into the vacuum beyond the atmosphere, though the streams of glowing light sweeping like currents should probably have been his first clue.

Wide eyed and slack jawed, the youth stared at the void while at a complete loss.

Everything that had happened up until now had been new and shocking, but it had at least taken him to... places. Some familiar, some new, but recognizably places that belonged to Earth, if slightly warped at times.

He couldn't even begin to guess at where the heck he was now.

"Jeese James, I'm a long way from the farm now." He said as he swept a hand over his hair, his straw hat floating off it. "Huh? Oi!"

The youth flapped his arms ineffectively, trying to swim after it, realizing there was nothing to push or pull against a bit too late.

"Fudge! Garo, get that hat!" The youth began to order when he saw the accessory getting far too close to the unknown streams for comfort.

Garo's psychic grasp came over the hat just as its rim touched the flow.

Earlier, gazing into the grey streams, had simply given him generic or incomprehensible sights. Cataclysm or history, neither much called to the youth. Now?

Human history and apocalypse were washed away in ink blots of white... before the image a single woman sitting in a rocking chair began to form.

Around her, the porch of a wooden home with fields of wheat stretching before her appeared in blotches of desaturated colour.

With a small smile on her lips and her hands at her lap, she carefully weaved thick straws together into the shape of a hat.

John stared at the image for what felt like forever, his mouth parted open and his body limp.

His chest rose, slowly at first, then faster and faster until he lurched, his hands coming over his mouth as a sob wracked his throat, his shoulders trembling as droplets of tears floated out of his eyes.

He didn't want to see this. He had struggled hit hardest to not even think about such things for months, years.

He did not want it. But he needed it.

His eyes snapped open once again, the youth unable to stop himself from staring as hard as he could at what he knew he would never be again.

This was likely the last he would ever see of her; even if he could not stop crying, he would regret it if he looked away, he knew.

It was burnt into his heart and mind, and in the process it undid one of the many shackles the youth had bound himself with.

And then the stream was shattered apart as a thunderous roar boomed in the distance.

His pokemon crowded around him as a blast parted through several streams beyond the one, barely skirting around the destruction's radius while sobs still rocked his chest.

Whatever peace of mind he had managed to attain through all this, was almost shattered when he caught sight of the looming shadow of the lord of the realm.

That is to say, he almost pissed himself when he got a good look at it.

"God?" He asked, wide eyed, because what the heck else could this thing be? He wasn't an Arceus faithful, he didn't know what Dialga or Palkia or whatever looked like, but this couldn't just be a pokemon.

"Uh..." He said, wide eyed.

What did you say to a God after... invading its realm? Tripping into its realm? Was this its realm? Or was it here just to fetch him?

No, that was definitely giving himself too much credit. It was here to deal with someone dumb enough to end up in the 8th dimension while going to the bathroom.

He slowly peered towards his hat, which had, miraculously might I add, survived the Roar of Time by virtue of mostly being out of the way.

As if realizing this, Garo yanked it back, Doug catching it.

He stared at the handywork of his mother for a second, before looking back at the God.

He was sure there was no reason for him to be here, but... he did not lament getting caught up in it. He thought he might have just learned something.

The past couldn't be changed, but it could be remembered, learned from and accepted. Perhaps it should be let go of as well.

But he wasn't quite ready to do anything with this newfound understanding, but...

"Uh. I was on my way to the bathroom." He said honestly as he stared up at the God's gleaming maw, not needing to be a genius to know what was coming. "... I know it wasn't intentional, but... Thanks for the ride."

Despite almost pissing himself earlier, he couldn't help but reembrace the earlier sense of inner peace.

He tried smiling at the god, holding out his hat as a gift.

"Say. Wanna Join the Unofficial Bugcatchers Club?"

He liked to think he was blasted to the present specifically for that.

It wasn't strictly a no.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 21:35:06 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

he was falling.

or was it more akin to drowning?

there was a pressure on his chest as kazimir awoke to the sight of a large creature that he's only seen drawings of before; dialga. at least that's what he assumed what it was, its loud roar was something that he had never heard of before. around him however he could see different "streams" showing different events that he recognized from documentaries, news outlets, even outright lived through some of them. why he was seeing them was a mystery, one that would be saved best for later as he caught a glimpse at the large pokemon that lived in this sea of time roar at him again. "hey! why the hell ya even bring me here if i can't help people huh?! c'mon man send me back there! i can make a difference!" he yelled, the legendary king of time not even showing a hint of care as the beam charged up in its mouth. the youth only had a second to shield his eyes from its blinding light before he could feel it wash over him.

it didn't hurt, not really anyway, it tingled honestly.

once the sensation was gone he opened his eyes to see...that he was right back where he started, or rather where he was before he was whisked away on a journey through the past. the blonde blinked before looking around wondering if this was reality or another dream or vision. it took a slap to his own face to confirm the former. "uh what...the hell was that?" he questioned no on in particular as he hesitantly continued that walk he wanted to have before all of...this.

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Feb 23, 2021 14:11:12 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

The Night Market was glitching out again—fading—only for them to appear somewhere he wasn’t expecting to turn up.

His eyes very nearly bugged out of its sockets at the vast expanse of—were they in outer space, or something?! Lars hoped he was dreaming—he sincerely wished and hoped he wasn’t just seeing things.

However, when he turned to face his companions—only was with him.

There—there was no sign of anywhere.

“Wha—” he was about to shout, but realized that they were probably floating in the great big middle of who the fuck knew where and he couldn’t articulate enough words to express his shock, his surprise, his dismay, because he’d entered this trip with two companions and there was only one remaining with them!

Even the Metagross had noticed the lack of Evan’s presence and moved to quickly use its Psychic to provide both him and Skyler with air pockets so they could try to talk normally despite the vast emptiness of the void.

“Where the fuck are—“ he began, looking around in a panic, wondering if this was another one of those terrible nightmares. Pinching himself, he cringed and flinched in pain. Okay, this was definitely, absolutely, legitimately real.

“No, scratch that, what the fuck is this place?!” he continued to exclaim. Geez, so much for being calm.

Right then and there he caught sight of something—well, Hoenn-born that he was the only ones he would recognize on sight are the Weather Trio and that strange space-like thing that he’d encountered at Meteor Falls. This, however—

This was on another level of existence entirely.

Quickly attempting to help Skyler onto Ro’s back, he was just about ready to break out the wings once more when another presence began to speak, unbidden, in his head.

‘And you call yourself calm. Really?’

“Sky, did you—” he continued, turning to face her—but it was just the two of them. He knew that Ro could only communicate as close as possible with what he considered to be the Pokémon equivalent of ‘white noise’ when he heard the same snarking voice again!

‘You’re losing yourself. I can tell. It’s all over your aura. Take a deep breath—and thank your Pokémon companion later.’

It was all inky blackness, before a sudden flash of blue revealed itself, unfurling its wings and spreading them out to not only catch Skyler but Lars himself as well on its back. The Metagross blinked at the sight, before recognizing it—he’d seen this Pokémon exactly once before, way back then.

‘Hold on. And when I say that, I mean it!’

Folding in its burnished silver legs, the Metagross shot after the brilliantly-blue deity of ice as the Articuno proceeded to weave among the blasts that the other strange—strange Pokémon was firing with reckless abandon all over the expanse of space.

“Sky, I don’t know what the hell you were doing before all this, it’s likely we’re not going to land in the same place, but—I know you want to talk, just—just call me after we get out of this! he shouted. He wondered if his companion could hear what he was saying, considering they were now literally flying through space on the back of a deity. Trying to outrun the sweeping attacks.

One of the strange ‘portals’ they flew by happened to flash a particular scene that he never wanted to see again—something he would rather keep private.

Not even this legendary deity could keep evading the beams forever, and one of them happened to snag Articuno, who let out a shriek of surprise before the light erupted all around them. The Metagross had gotten swept up in the beam as well; so who was to say where they were headed?

only remained.

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Feb 23, 2021 16:03:51 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar



And the nightmares are suddenly over, replaced by a dream. Floating in place before the time dragon, Kaida doesn't recognize it, but she understands well enough. The beams its spewing could easily destroy them, but it was holding them...was it helping? "Thank...thank you...?" She calls out, wincing as a time beam screamed past. [break][break]

Gods were inevitable in Kaida's mind, ironically too simple to have the nilhism necessary for her to hate the being before her. Whatever happened...happened. She lived in a world where she was alive against all odds, her family was alive, and she had a growing family in the Rangers in need of protection...plus the cities, she reminded herself, nothing in her home deserved to be terrorized, she'd make sure of it. [break][break]

Speaking of the Rangers, she really needed to remember this dream. Nilhego, a New Year Party, even Regirock...and now this time dragon, she needed somebody to report this too. She wondered if would believe her of all this...he already saw her live and die in reports...this couldn't be that strange, now could it? With that thought, the dragon jerked its head at her, sending her home in a whirl of time. [break][break]

Her strange dream was over.



[attr="class","notes"]notes: Kaida is here! Dealing with evil jellyfish!


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May 1
Eterna City, Sinnoh
radio host
as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
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TAG WITH @chryssa
chryssa glasgow
POSTED ON Feb 26, 2021 3:25:50 GMT
chryssa glasgow Avatar


She saw through time, and saw herself.

On her knees before Regirock, her useless sword across her lap. All around her, other figments struggled to defend the others in the vision, but one by one they failed. Their bones broke. Their corpses crumbled.

”None of this matters. It’s inevitable. We can’t change it.”

And again— a familiar shape falling from the heavens, hair and skirts streaming all around her as the sky itself broke into pieces and she tucked in her knees, hugging a tattered wish-tag to her chest. The whisper Chryssa heard sent a physical pain through her body.

“I want to live forever...”

Here, there—past-Chryssa appeared again and again, reflected from every surface like rivers of shattered glass. Remnants of the visions winked from broken facets as the timelines soared past her. There she was, splashing down on the back of Mantine, gasping with exhilaration. Plucking a half-concealed Nincada from behind a leaf. Insects spinning through the air, evading blade-rimmed portals as the past-Chryssa laughed, screamed, stood tall before the endless nightmare.

“Try to scare me? You’re dreaming! You’ll have to kill me first!”

She saw DIALGA.

The Lord of Time waited in the void like the central gear of a giant clock, his body bristling with steely minute-hands. He was unmistakable, impossible, adamantine. He breathed and the time-streams breathed with him, flowing faster, shining brighter. He blinked, and time stopped, leaving still facets reflecting memories like knives. He ROARED, and the world— the real world, their world—was restored. Revived. Returned.

The world where Chryssa was going to die.

“I’ll kill you.” Tears squeezed out of her eyes. “I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you.” 

Pokemon exploded into being around her— her team, summoned from the reality beyond. An explosion from her Claydol jet-propelled her forwards, riding the wave of scorching air. Her feet found traction on stone as Arran’s Mini-noses shot ahead of her, paving a staircase through featureless space that she sailed up like shooting stars, each step taking her closer to the monstrous deity of Time. She leapt from the last step and felt two winged creatures catch onto her arms, bearing her onwards with the haunting cry of cicadas.

And Muir, steely in her grasp.

DIALGA’s eyes moved, sharp as a second-hand. He SAW her. 

All was still. No— all was stilled. Nothing moved. Nothing breathed. 


Shards of diamond worlds consumed her, and Chryssa was gone.  

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2021 16:18:24 GMT
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Spiderweb-like fissures grow over the expanse of night sky, snuffing out stars and leaving a trail of inky darkness in their wake. Throat dry with the smoke from nearby fires, Skyler can't help the relief that floods her when reality shatters once more, shards of distant constellations crashing onto the ground and leaving her with the echoes of distant, panicked screams...

Nothing could've prepared the captain for what came after.

The incomprehensible immensity of the cosmos yawns open before her, stretching into infinity in shifting nebulae and winks of impossible visions, rushing dizzily past her. Blink. Crumbling buildings lying forgotten in the grasp of a strange forest. Blink. Seaside chatter as fishermen reunite in the morning. A head of blond hair and Anders - bright with laughter. Whole. Alive. Blink. A moonless night and the ocean stretched past the horizon, beckoning in the distant roar of a ferocious ocean storm. Blink. Space folds in on itself, an infinite loop like a serpent eating its own tail.

Quicksilver flashes before her eyes, tightly-wound streams of time filling the void with the alluring taste of possibility. Skyler's fingers twitch of their volition, her companion's words easily drowned out by the crescendo of her pounding heart. Because there's a terrible hunger that peeks out from silver eyes, sweeping over the strings of reality in much the same way as it does the distant horizon. Chasing after an impossibility with all the determination of the famished and the desperate.

Is this all?

It blinds the captain to everything else. And while the ROAR echoes in her very bones, a wordless demand that bends time itself to the will of the legendary, Skyler's hubris demands she clenches her teeth against its call, snarling her futile rebellion in a flash of teeth. If IT wanted to pull her back, IT would find her waiting with bared teeth and violence in the pull of her mouth.

Her fate was her own. She would make it so.

In the end, however, it's and Articuno that take her away from the the ruins of her own poor decisions. Wings awash in glittering ice spread out before her, the sailor finds herself scooped up along with Lars. Calloused hands immediately grip hard onto frigid feathers, bracing herself for the sharp turns and twists, the legendary weaving a path between the floating rivers of time that seek to bring them back.

"Lars, we really need to talk!"

And that's the last of Skyler Dross's words as she feels herself disappear, leaving behind the echo of a singular whisper that has no weight in the grand scheme of things.

And she still was in her pyjamas.


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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2021 19:53:04 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
he closes his eyes, expecting another shift in the scenery when he opens them next. the cue to do so was the cold touch of air on his skin and the lack of a certain zoroark keeping him company amid the abyss.

the first thing his red eyes implant on was the great figure of dialga before him. awestruck as everyone else in the presence of a legendary pokemon, a few precious moments were wasted simply trying to retain the image on his head.

while he has no recollection of this certain legend appearing on hoenn, it's easy to deduce what dialga is here for even without a degree in history. rips in time show priam of a glimpse of a little bit of everything, although the bittersweet image of kanto's vermillion city gets him to feel a certain nostalgia.

"i-i wanna get back, but..." he mutters, as he realizes what's going on next.

priam looks back at dialga, the beam on its mouth ready to tear through everything. suspended in space, priam's ready to accept his fate. instincts kick in at the last second, where he produces a pokeball containing his braviary. "let's go!"

the braviary comes out and manages to grab priam up, though efforts to stay alive would be all for naught at the end.

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2021 22:04:56 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

She falls one last time. Instead of the jolt awake against the hard, dirt ground, Lex finds herself suspended in space and time. There is an emptiness that surrounds her. The feeling is not too different than what she has experienced in her own timeline. It’s a hopeless, complete, dark emptiness. It consumes her. And in this moment she is completely alone, suffocating in a darkness she feels like she created herself.

But she isn’t alone. A deep, primitive roar reverberates the air around her and penetrates to her very core. It’s alarming, taking her breath away as her eyes grew wide in a mixture of panic and surprise. The steel-plated legendary hung in the emptiness in front of her. Her amber eyes fixed into Dialga’s.

Could it sense the fear? The regret? The emptiness inside her? Did it recognize that her emptiness reflected its own in this place?

Something triggered the beast to nearly explode, a ROAR OF TIME shooting from it’s very being. The beams of time rushed past Lex. She could feel the power, the heat of each. She caught a glimpse of one of her timelines. It was a moment of time in a life she barely recognized, before it all went to shit and before she left Killian. Her hand reached towards him. She fought as hard as she could against the pull of her own timeline. And for a moment, the love that ignited her soul had her winning. That was, until the beast took note. That wasn’t her timeline.

In an anger sparked by her defiance, Dialga ripped her away from the memory. It was painful to her very core. She was so close, “NO!” Lex screamed in agony tears breaking through to stream down her face. With a forceful push, she spun towards the appropriate timeline.

”No, no, no,” this time she was begging, pleading with the deity, “Not this one“, in this timeline she was lost and alone, filled to the brim with regret and self-hatred, and was constantly terrorized by fear.

She had no choice, and the thief was consumed by the beam, transporting her back to hell.

tl;dr: Lex tried to escape through another timeline where she sees Killian but Dialga forcefully rips her away and sends her back to her correct timeline.

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2021 22:40:42 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Once again, the scenery shifts, and Thomas is brought to another place. But rather than being taken back through time, towards another event in Hoenn's recent, yet bloody history, instead he floats through space. Before him is one of the Sinnoh Legendaries, Dialgia, the god of time. Though not as familiar on Sinnoh Legends as he would be Kalos legends, he had done some reading on the legends of Sinnoh in the past. And he knew enough to know that Dialgia was the god of Time. The question was, what did that make Celebi, in relation to Dialgia?

Before he could even try to approach the deity, a Roar of Time resonated through the area, intent on forcing everyone, including himself, back into his proper timeline.

And as what happened to , Yveltal would force itself out of its capsule. It would immediately grab Thomas, curling him up in its talon carefully, before hastily departing back towards the proper timeline. As Thomas was carried away, all he could do was look up in awe at the God of Time. With its presence, and what he knew about the legends surrounding it, the sequence of events began to make sense to him. And yet, it inspired more questions, than it gave answers.

tags: @tag
notes: Seeing this shit through! Yveltal is booting him out immediately.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing