i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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777 height
777 height
5,257 posts
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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2021 8:26:45 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]TEMPLE OF REGIROCK





MOVE OVER CAPTAIN—someone else has an interest in Hoenn's favorite delivery boy. His constant appeasement of the Roggerola causes it to tolerate his existence. When prompted with food, regardless of the amount, the wild Pokmon inhales it through an opening in its hexagonal face. That measure of kindness alone is enough to win the Pokemon's affection. From here on out, it follows after him, no longer prone to 'acting up'. Just being in his presence is enough.[break][break][break]

Who said you need to lick a rock to understand it? [break][break][break]

Accompanied by his new companion, Angelo celebrates his spoils by ruining everyone else's. His tinkering causes the temple to shift, ever so slightly, as its defense mechanisms come into play. [break][break][break]

Once he leaves the room, his path will be uncontested. There are no more obstacles or anything else of note. The only thing to keep him company beside his Pokemon is the long winded mural that grace the temple's walls. [break][break][break]

They tell a story: an endless line of people grieve as they bring food, baskets, and what he can only guess to be gifts. This trail continues until the end of his path where a female priest is depicted to be stabbing herself in front of a large fountain. Behind the fountain is a picture of Regirock combatting a NEVER BEFORE SEEN POKEMON. [break][break][break]


Parallel to this story, Angelo will find the fountain depicted. Its contents have long dried. For whatever reason, it remains aglow, welcoming an offering should he choose to. If not, the door lies just beyond. This time the door proves too grand and heavy to open by himself. He'll need some real strength to pry these open. [break][break]

If you make an offering please detail your injury, how much blood you offer, and roll. [break][break]

Bold the aforementioned details in your post. [break][break][break]


ONLY ONE MAKES IT PAST. is able to clear the landing with her combination of AGILITY and PHANTOM FORCE. Her last portal deposits her on solid ground, revealing the last obstacle between her and the grand chamber. [break][break][break]

The path ahead leads her into a small room not unlike the one finds. A fountain, illuminated in the same glowing light will encounter atop her pedestal, beckons her forward. The murals on the ceiling concave around the fountain's position. The ancient hieroglyphics, colors eroded by time, convey a single message: a blood sacrifices is required.[break][break][break]

Should Katherine refuse, two giant doors prevent her from advancing. They seem as grand as the ones torn off the temple's entrance. As it stands, nothing in her arsenal has the strength to pry them open. Should she refuse, she can always wait for the others to catch up and tackle it as a team. [break][break]

If you make an offering please detail your injury, how much blood you offer, and roll. [break][break]

Bold the aforementioned details in your post. [break][break][break]

In the same vein, is no slouch. Unfortunately, by the time his Pokemon swap out and his Lucario executes its techniques, 's meddling comes into play. The surging tides below start to rise at an alarming rate. This sudden flash flood knocks the remaining pillars loose, causing them to plummet below. [break][break][break]

Mateo's PHANTOM FORCE spits him out at where the last pillar was seconds earlier. He can see it disappear beneath him. Channeling another portal in free fall will take too long. He must find another way out or hope for someone else to save him. [break][break][break]

and are in the same boat. Adrians' SPOTLIGHT illuminates the columns becoming unstable and the duo is able to react immediately. Starmie's FLIP TURN causes the Pokemon to rebound back to its trainer but it falls short. [break][break][break]


His Starmie is simply too slow to reach him at its current speed. This means he starts to fall. Left unaided, Adrian will be swept away in the waters below. Only then, in its natural habitat, will the Starmie be able to catch up. However, it will find it impossible to pull him out. The torrents prove too powerful. The Starmie will only be able to keep him afloat, acting as a life preserver. [break][break][break]


Dahlia, aboard her Dragonite, is unaffected. [break][break][break]


TWO DOWN AND ONE TO GO; that's how the situation pans out when the temple lays claim to and . is the only one left untouched. His decision to save one rather than the other is as obvious as his deductive reasoning.[break][break][break]

Priam's Alakazam is able to whittle him out with FOCUS BLAST. Some ice still clings to him but the precise IRON HEAD from Stakataka frees him for the most part. His body remains cold from the exposure, leaving his skin white and clammy. [break][break][break]

It’s like you don’t even need me.” The voice continues to taunt him. Despite this, he feels it warm his bosom. A subtle emblem of his LEGENDARY MARK seethes underneath his clothing. "Kind of MESSED UP!" [break][break][break]

When Cait's Bisharp comes into play her Mothim is punished in its stead. A sharp feeling of being punctured pricks at the Pokemon's unconsciousness as its recalled into it's Pokeball. The cause is unknown, unseen. [break][break][break]

Cait comes to not long after. [break][break][break]

Between their more obvious and alarming predicaments, none of them have noticed the mild light emanating from the removed statues. 's interference has caused them to react. It increases with time until it's impossible to miss. The statues still plugged into the sculpture remain dull and inert. [break][break][break]

Around them, the monuments for the golems portrayed by the removed status also start to glow. Those familiar with the move EXPLOSION will recognize the wind-up. Without further evidence, no one knows just how lethal the blast may be. It could be something small or wipe out the chamber entirely. [break][break][break]

Preventing the EXPLOSION in the first place is the only sure-fire way to make it out unharmed.


DISTANCE PREVENTS ASSISTANCE in the heat of the moment. 's efforts are valiant but fruitless. The toxic pool from the earlier TOXIC and SLUDGE BOMB impede his run, forcing him to hurl his Pokemon in order to assist Kazimir.

have rolled 160 against [break]


His Pokemon sticks the landing but the constant spinning leaves it too dizzy to aim. It can't even steady its claw, swaying back and forth as it tries to regain its bearings. [break][break][break]

Fortunately, this time is able to fend for himself. As one of the Megalopolans sink their teeth into him, he's able to use this as an anchor to land a heavy punch. A clean hit to the noggin' causes the Megalopolan to reels back, spitting up a piece of him as they stumble. [break][break][break]

His Aegislash flings the other one off with its SHADOW SNEAK. It stands between them and its trainer, poised with its KING'S SHIELD.[break][break][break]

's HEAL PULSE helps stop his bleeding but the pain remains. It still feels like there's flesh there. [break][break][break]

Her ICE BEAM catches one of the Megalopolans by surprise. It freezes them in place. The other one recovers and reaches for a Pokeball holstered onto their waist. [break][break][break]

"Kill them," the prisoner warns, "they still have—"[break][break][break]


THE PROPHECY IS MORE OF A WARNING than a riddle. The fact that all three of them can tell that something is afoot should be omen enough to stay reckless action. Each of them take their positions but it is ultimately that opt for the easy way out. [break][break][break]

When she lays her hand on the imprint the energy congeals around her. In a split second, her and her Steelix are teleported into either ROUTE 1 or ROUTE 4.

Should she choose ROUTE 1, Skyler will appear behind , also in the same room as the fountain. [break][break]

Should she choose ROUTE 4, Skyler will appear beside , just in time for the EXPLOSION. [break][break][break]

have rolled 157 against [break]


The room rumbles...


's tampering with the ruin's internal mechanisms causes the teleportation module to explode. The lack of warning signs or delay makes protecting against it impossible. The resulting blast causes the ceiling to cave in and the foundation of the upper walls trap those underneath in countless rubble. [break][break][break]

When the wreckage settles will realize that he's safe. Likewise, @lar's Metagross is lucky enough to avoid being squashed.

The same cannot be said for either 's Gallade or . Both of them get buried under several boulders, each one too large to remove by themselves. Unfortunately, Razz nor Ro are strong enough to pull their respective Pokemon and trainer out. The only way for them to remove any of the debris is to work together. They must make a choice: Wyn or Lars. [break][break][break]

The slab that sits atop Gallade is jagged and pierces the Gallade's torso. Blood spills from underneath. Combined with its earlier injuries, leaving it trapped will surely result in its death. [break][break][break]

On the other hand, the mountain burying Lars is three times as large. Trying to squirm will only apply more pressure to being squished. He can feel his body give out, making breathing difficult. Pressure mounts and he can feel his bones give way. If he's left behind he's sure to suffer significant damage that will have lasting repercussions. Such damages may leave him crippled or worse.


Together, Razz and Ro can easily save one. However, should they disagree and divide their efforts their greed may cause them to lose both. [break][break][break]

If you do not work to save the same target, ROLL THREE TIMES in your next post.

If you roll, the odds will not be in your favor. [break][break][break]

Regardless of your choice, the explosion has opened up the path ahead. The resulting detonation has blown the doors straight off their hinges. The path ahead continues into the darkness. From this distance, the brief glimmer of a pink light beckons you forward. It's far off and impossible to reach in ONE POST. [break][break][break]

You may take a breather at the end of your post to recuperate or set off in the pursuit of progress. [break][break][break]


[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Please ROLL with your post using the roll command (dice button). Your first roll will always be your sabotage roll! This does not impact your own character's performance. This roll only represents how much OOC impact you will have on another character of your choosing.
  • Bold the name of the character you intend to sabotage! This is an OOC decision. Once you post you must stick by your decision!
  • The first poster of each ROUTE will get a +25 modifier to their sabotage roll! They may instead apply a +10 modifier to any obstacle roll if applicable.
  • Pokemon can only perform 2 moves per round.
  • Please include a tl;dr note of your important actions.
  • If you miss the deadline, you will be kicked.
  • If everyone posts early a mod post may come early.


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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,623 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2021 9:15:21 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
 they lose their foothold as it's swept away in a surge, and adrian along with it. "FUUU—!" he has no reason to believe anything could end well with the floor ripped out from under him. panic manifests as he crashes through the water's placid surface, before he resurfaces further down along the water's flow. delta conveniently arrives to his aid, but proves mostly useless.

how am i going to out of here? "buddy, can you...?" his pokemon seemed flustered, thrashing itself enough to keep them afloat, but only just managing. while he's thankful for it, adrian can't help but curse his luck.

who would've thought he'd need a gyarados in some dusty ruins? the other pokemon in his arsenal would appear to be far more incompatible with their current dilemma. hypothermia will likely claim him, although he's considering certain contingencies. although the theme of their little expedition was "the weakest links should turn back, before it's too late," adrian isn't too proud to avoid asking for help.

"hey! i'm still—d-flb-flb-blelel-.... a-hack-cough... ...i'm still kickin' down here!" adrian's campy tone subverts the grim connotations of their mission, a brief respite from the doom-and-gloom nature of the situation. "delta, use spotlight," he commands of it hurriedly, not wanting to be left behind. it had only been seconds, and angelo had been left for dead. he'd probably already missed the window.

but that didn't mean he could give up.

despite hollering, he wasn't too sure he could be heard, and less so that others cared. progressing through the seven stages at a brisk pace, he quickly came upon anger and bargaining. "please, delta, do something! you're a water-type for fuck's sake," he remarked rudely. although clearly offended, delta also expressed guilt and frustration, acting out as it tapped into its COSMIC POWER to no known effect...

it all weighed on the commissioner's decision.

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon kubfu"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon starmie"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon beheeyem"]

FIRST POST +25[break]HFIBUiQI[break]
@regirockraid / route 1[break]
(Adrian tries to flag down help.)[break]
(Starmie acts out of frustration...?)[break]
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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
596 height
596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cait
cait alfric
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2021 10:19:17 GMT
cait alfric Avatar

cait is startled back into a state of wakefulness, her bisharp managing the task of pulling her from the brink of hysteria. he performed the act by wielding his claw, a light scratch resulting in a bleeding arm and a quickly restored clarity.

i - "

her gaze flicks about, the woman eyeing her surroundings with a look of bemusement. the bisharp raises his claw again, only to abruptly halt the threatening motion as the green-haired woman levels him with a pointed look.

"i'm fine."

her eyes glow faintly as she heals her shallow wound, the parted flesh quickly mended. it was the sight of the soon-to-be explosion that got her moving, the woman assessing and reassessing her surroundings. she pointedly ignored priam and gavin in favor of locating a solution.

i'll never understand the ancients and their fondness for traps," she remarked, exasperated. 

cait reached for the statue she had plucked from the sculpture, uttering a prayer.

iron defense, bisharp. get ready. i think we need to put these back."

relying purely on context clues, her bisharp positions himself to potentially safeguard his mistress, a wary look in his eye. a bit shaky on her feet, she attempts to replace the glowing statue - returning it to its previous position.

- cait regains focus as a result of bisharp's intervention - which comes in the form of a cut to the arm. 

- she heals herself and assesses the situation, familiar with the wind-up animation of explosion.

- cait reclaims her statue and attempts to return the item back to its original placement. 

- bisharp uses iron defense and digs his feet in, standing ready to protect cait. 

uSfyHvUG + 10 
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Feb 5, 2021 3:55:36 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
[attr="class", kheader"]


as he was finally free from being an alien chew toy kaz held his arm close to him as he felt the soothing waves of a heal pulse wash over him. it wasn't enough to stop the stinging and burning sensation he felt in his arm but it was something he could at least power through as he eyed both megalopolans with a predatory scowl as he took his good arm to grasp his aegislash into his hand and brandish it towards the two aliens, watching them struggle against him and his friends. They were on the ropes now but it seemed like on of them had some kind of plan as they moved their hands towards a belt of pokeballs. "alright hungry hungry hicks, you want a piece of us? Well i want a piece of you!"
Kazimir twirled his aegislash around like it was a dance of the sword before charging forward and took a brutal swing at both megalopolans to try and disarm them (literally he hoped) in a sense and make them bleed like they did him. it was the least he could do to repay their hospitality, and as such another idea popped into his head as he swung his sword with wild abandon. "guys get that prisoner off the wall! Might as well dine and dash these guys while we're at it!"

    + using roll on @dalia +25 bonus[break]
    + aegislash uses sword dance! (atk up!)[break]
    + aegislash uses brutal swing on megalopolans!


template by kay

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2021 23:35:04 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
After the switches have been thoroughly tampered with, Angelo waits with bated breath to witness the results of his meddling; curiosity prickling across his skin in a far more pleasant way than the sand that still sticks in every fold of fabric. [break][break]

Seconds pass and yet nothing seems to happen, save for a rather anticlimactic shudder that vibrates underneath his feet in a ‘blink and you’ve missed it’ conclusion. Peering over his shoulder at the Roggenrola lurking behind, his brow creases into a somewhat unsure pinch. “Hey. That wasn’t you, was it?” He asked, looking at the rock’s blank expression as it lurks suddenly quite close to his back – taking the lack of response as a no. [break][break]

He guesses it’s not really a surprise that nothing had happened, given the ancient structure of the ruin, traps and passageways most likely long degraded by now. Angelo subconsciously lets out a quiet breath, relief intertwining with dissatisfaction. Maybe he should be happy that nothing of note seemed to have happened, all things considering. [break][break]

Leaving the wall of broken levers behind, Angelo and his companions move onwards through a long corridor, going wherever the path takes them. If it doesn’t run anywhere, he figures that he’ll have to double back the way he came, return to where he had woken and take the alternative path. His lips press into a thin line, not wanting to think about the idea of being trapped down here with but a Roggenrola for company for eternity. [break][break]

(No offence to his rock friend but fuck was that happening.) [break][break]

Angelo curiously surveys murals that line the walls as they walk, picking up bits and pieces of the wordless story as it depicts civilians presenting gifts to an unknown pokemon. It’s not exactly a fresh tale on mysterious, powerful deities but he is intrigued by the part about the fountain – considering it stands, as depicted, in front of a set of grand looking doors. [break][break]

Angelo’s certainly no priest but the fountain, aglow with mysterious light, invites him to approach. From what he could tell, at least from the ancient story on the walls, it required a blood tribute to aid in the fight against a force of questionable greed…? Or something along those lines. He's no professor. [break][break]

Without much to give, money quickly trading hands and material possessions limited; at this point, what was giving just a little bit of himself in the grand scheme of things? [break][break]

Returning Cepheus to his pokeball, Angelo summons Lacerta the Scizor to take his place. Holding his arm out over the fountain bowl, sleeve of his jacket rolled to his elbow, Angelo requests that his pokemon deals a cut across the top of his forearm with the tip of her claw. [break][break]

Ah, fuck…” Grimacing from the sharp laceration into his flesh - that’s at least dealt quick and clean - he watches as blood trickles down his arm like veins. About six droplets splatter into the basin before Angelo doesn’t feel like waiting any more, taking off the bandana around his neck and wrapping it tightly around the open wound to cut off the flow. [break][break]

Thanks… Now, let’s get the hell out of here,” he firmly decides on scratchy vocals, nodding towards the towering doors that laid beyond, intent on leaving his blood and these enclosed chambers behind. Suddenly feeling constricted – restless for freedom – now that he can see a potential way out. “Use Brick Break, Lacerta. You pushing too, Stellina? Going to need all the help we can to get these things to budge.” [break][break]

Whether the large Roggenrola helps or not, the Scizor lunges forward, her claws aglow as she puts her weight into pushing through the bulky, looming doors with BRICK BREAK.




route 0[break][break]

+ no priest but will you accept the blood of an angel?[break]
+ cut on his forearm, offering 6 drops[break]
+ scizor uses brick break to try and open the door[break]
+ asking the best rock for help, too[break]
+ first roll sabotage / second roll blood offering [break][break]

+ sabotaging



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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
senior ranger
333 height
333 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
777 posts
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2021 23:47:05 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
[attr="class","light"]together with lucario he'd fall. there was no time to take out another pokemon, there was little time, and no platform, for lucario to gain its footing in order to produce another move. lucario would embrace mateo as they dove into the rushing tides. looks like they were going for either a swim or there was a high chance this was their end. the lack of a flying-type really screwed him this time.


note: sabotaging

[newclass=.light]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.light b]color: #dea02c[/newclass]·
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2021 12:06:33 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]








"You good?"[break][break]

Gavin's gaze, hardened with focus, carry a softer edge of concern for the younger Rocket as he's freed from his frigid prison. Whatever force had unleashed with his removal of the statue, its intent seemed malevolent.[break][break]

"I thought we may need to put them in their right places, but maybe not..."[break][break]

As he thinks aloud, shifting movement pulls his gaze toward the ex-gym leader as she gets to her feet. That she mends a wound in her arm with no obvious assistance from her Pokémon does not escape Gavin's notice, nor does the soft glow of her eyes, but his attention is drawn to a different light coming from the statue she retrieves from the ground.[break][break]

He looks down, frowns. His, too, is glowing.[break][break]

Deductive reasoning isn't needed for this — it's an explosion waiting to happen. Alfric's solution may not necessarily be correct, but it's the quickest.[break][break]

"WIDE GUARD!" he orders sharply. Stakataka's many eyes wink within individual cubes as it forms itself into a physical barrier around the trio. Using IRON HEAD, the Ultra Beast attempts to strengthen its body against a potential blast. "Priam, put the statue back! Alfric, if yours doesn't fit back where you got it from, trade it with mine!"[break][break]

Without waiting to see what Priam does, Gavin turns the statue around in his fingers. He would attempt to force it back into the socket he'd lifted it from originally, but offers to swap with if that proves impossible.[break][break]



STAKATAKA remains under the effect of MAGNET RISE. [4/5][break]
STAKATAKA uses IRON HEAD to solidify its form before using WIDE GUARD and surrounding Gavin, Priam, and Cait.[break]
GAVIN attempts to PUT BACK THE STATUE; if it no longer fits, he'll try to quickly SWAP WITH CAIT, since their statues have the correct amount of prongs for the other's socket.



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[newclass=".punkianger-gvcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2021 13:41:28 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar


Ruins of Regirock
The desert | raid


    Zac's throw was perfect, but evolution betrayed him.
Unfortunately for all involved, Clawitzer were not aerial predators, and as such lacked the cranial gyroscope present in most birds. 
That, combined with the lack of wings, practice, and aquatic environment, were the only factors that has burred an otherwise flawless plan. Zac had to be happy with the execution though. His throw had landed right next to the blue biter. The shots missed too, which was a real shame. 
    "Guys get that prisoner off the wall! Might as well dine and dash these guys while we're at it!" Kaz called, attacking the remaining foe with his sword.
    "Right on it, mate! I'll get him loose before you can say space cannibal!" Zac shouted back, heading over to the chained man that was covered in Dugtrio shit.
    "Kill them," the prisoner warned, "they still have—" but he cut off mysteriously before he could say more. Had he suddenly become aware of his disgusting predicament? Bit of an inconvenient time to develop shame. Zac thought. The man was manacled to the wall, and Zac set to work trying to free him. 
    I need some firepower, Zac realized, struggling with the manacles. he reached for Flygon. Wait. When Stormy send out Blissey, Aegislash got pulled back...that's damn convenient. He thought, sending out Flygon. Across the room, Clawitzer was pulled back into its Pokeball. REM the Flygon hovered just off the ground, massive red eyes searching for stimulus.
    "Here bud,"
Zac said pointing to the prisoner's manacles. "LOCK ON and then give it a little DRAGON BREATH to burn right through the chains. Keep away from his hands, though." Zac warned. Flygon looked confused. "It's easy, mate. It's just like that bit in Collision Impossible where Chadwick uses the laser to disarm the bomb attached to his wife's heart."
    REM buzzed happily. He loved that part. The little dragon took aim and fired the jet of deep blue flame. 


  • Listened to Kaz and went to save the prisoner
  • Sent out Flygon, and Clawitzer was conveniently returned automatically
  • Flygon used LOCK ON and DRAGON BREATH to try and burn through the prisoner's chains

NOTES: Using my sabotage on

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2021 18:20:13 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

So apparently, touching the handprint wasn’t going to be such a great—oh, shit.

“SKY!” Lars managed to shout before the entire place began to shake and rumble. There was—something definitely up within this place, and holy shit the way his instincts were screaming at him was like—

“Where did she go—?!” he exclaimed, blinking as not only Skyler but the Steelix as well had disappeared seconds before the ground shook. Barely looking up in time, he didn’t know if the Metagross’s Telekinesis had fired off, but there was rubble raining down all around him—

And everything went dark.

The Metagross let out a sound of panic; having accidentally fired off the earlier-prepared Telekinesis at the wrong time—instead of making a grab for his human companion he’d ended up grabbing the other one instead as the rocks continued to rain down all around them.

What the fuck was happening?!

The ground continued to shake and rumble more, before eventually coming to a standstill. In the dust of the rubble, the Metagross squinted through the haze—only to see two piles of rock. One was alarmingly bigger than the other, but from the smaller pile there was definitely—

No, he wasn’t going to have another Suijin moment, definitely not! Clambering over the loose rubble to get to where the other human was, the Metagross began making pointed noises at the sight of blood.

Oh, Ro had seen quite a lot but he wasn’t sure if that was where his human companion was. Either way, the piercing red eye roved over to the much-larger pile of rubble before trying to bump at Razz and heading in that direction.

Oh, fuck, what the hell happened—it felt like someone had clobbered him in the back of the head and it hurt like a complete, total—

Where was he? Blinking a few times, Lars wondered if the entire place had gone dark, only to feel that there was something crushing—

Wait, crushing?

Blinking again, he looked around, and oh holy fucking shit it was the ‘waking nightmare’ all over again, only worse than tripping over and trying to save Ryujin! What was different this time was that he didn’t have his Swampert with him, but there was something else that was trying to—


The darkness was pressing down all around him—he couldn’t see anything, he couldn’t hear anything, he certainly couldn’t feel anything and the more he struggled the more it felt like he was being crushed under who the fuck knew how many tons of rock that was pressing down—

He couldn’t even move his arms! He didn’t know how much air he had left but holy fucking shit his mind was starting to spin out of control and he tried his best not to scream but the way that the darkness was pressing down on him, it was trying to stamp the life out of him.

Lars ended up screaming anyway.

So much for being calm.

The Metagross thought he heard something—before turning to face the other human and let out a grating noise of panic, before pointing in the rough direction of where he thought he heard something muffled from under the rubble.

It was like Ro was pointing, as if trying to emphasize to the other human to ‘Hurry up and help me! Don’t you hear that?!’, hoping the other would help him.

The pretty lady was nowhere to be found, too… oh, shit.

• So like, when Skyler poked the thing everything went to shit
• The Metagross fired off the prepared Telekinesis, but instead of grabbing Lars he grabbed Razz and attempted to pull the other away as the entire place shook like a certain fault line somewhere in the world
• Here comes the fucking ceiling crashing down on Lars!
• Ro’s safe—for now. But where the hell is Lars?! Instead, he sees Razz
Oh shit
• Back to where the hell Lars is, congrats Spiral you fucking unlocked claustrophobia
• He ends up panicking and screaming anyway. He’s stuck and he can’t move!
• Ro is searching through the rubble and thought he heard something—screaming from somewhere? Taller pile of rubble
Razz get moving and help me! - Ro
• Sabotaging (+25 to sabotage roll as there are only 2 of us left on route #2 anyway)


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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2021 23:49:53 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




ruins of regirock

if you could only see the beast

you've made of me


They didn't both need to rescue the prisoner, who at present wasn't even really in danger. [break][break]

On the off chance that Kazimir's broad, brutal swing isn't enough to stop the not-frozen Megalopolan from reaching its pokeball, Stormy calls out to Blissey. Thankfully, the medic is already on the case. She turns her attention away from Kazimir's bleeding arm and the ice that has encased their second target in order to focus on the new threat.[break][break]

"Blissey! Cover him!"[break][break]

She launches a THUNDERBOLT, the electric current arching to sting fingertips and stop the Megalopolan from retaliating. It gives her a shudder, a reminder of a similar scenario. But this time, she isn't fighting people, she's fighting crazy cannibal aliens from space. That was different, right?[break][break]

The prisoner shouts for them to kill their captors, but even that offers up a bubble of doubt in her chest. Regardless, just after the thunderbolt is launched, the Blissey follows up with a LIFE DEW to replenish everyone's energy and nullify bruises and cuts to the best of her ability.[break][break]


notes: using my ooc sabotage on katherine fairburne[break][break]

> blissey uses thunderbolt on megalopolan's hand. [break]
> blissey uses life dew on allies




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[newclass=".punkianger-stcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Feb 10, 2021 9:30:38 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar


"Dross!" Razz calls out in concern timed with his boss at the sudden disappearance of the sea captain. Though worrying about her is something he couldn't afford as the sudden rumbling. At the blast Razz does his best to shield Wyn from any possible damage, though it seems the blast was the least of their worries. Though Wyn's natural instincts kicked in as it pushed away at his trainer as Ro used to telekinesis to try and grab the humans. [break][break]

This could only end poorly given his condition. [break][break]

After having recovered from the falling rumble Razz noticed where his pokemon once was. "Wyn!" the young ranger cried out not having paid any mind to the way the Metagross bumped him at first. Lars and magic right he should be fine... maybe. Razz's good eye couldn't help but widen in terror at the site of his Gallade now completely under the rocks, blood creeping underneath. No no no this couldn't be happening again with another pokemon of his. He already forced too many of them to lose their lives at his behalf he couldn't have another. Razz was ready to try and help until an ear piercing scream echoed through the camber. [break][break]

Apparently the head ranger was anything but fine as Razz looked over enough to notice larger pile and the way Ro was pointing at it. But... he takes a glance at Wyn once more who seemed to be conscious enough to wave at his trainer, telling him to help the other. To say Razz was conflicted was an understatement. [break][break]

Though even trapped Wyn could tell there wasn't much time for his trainer to be thinking. Wanting to keep his honorable warrior image until the end, once more Wyn forced out a weaken voiced as it mustered what little strength it could to wave him off, and even attempt a psychic push to force them over. "You better hold on until I get back got it!?" Razz orders through gritted teeth as the younger ranger leaves to help. All Wyn could really give his trainer was a reassuring smile, as if to promise that yes he would wait. It was one similar to what his own trainer would give when they were out on jobs designed for protecting but they weren't sure what would really happen. His only regret though was that his last reassurance to his trainer, especially after fighting a war with them, was nothing more than a lie. As his body turned cold, and the color in his eyes faded as darkness was coming over him, Wyn could only hope his trainer would forgive him for that. [break][break]

Trying to keep his gallade's reassuring look in mind the younger Ranger quickly went over to his boss like Ro had been asking. Razz did his best to remove some of the smaller rocks off before starting to help push and lift what he could along with Ro. "Just hold on boss!" Razz tried to call to the other before they would lift enough that the half blind ranger could see the other. The younger ranger would tell Ro to hold a bit before attempting to pull out Lars into safety. [break][break]

They were definitely going to need a break after this. Especially as if they were able to get Lars out safely, Razz wouldn't be okay on seeing what has become of his pokemon.

|tve16yr [break][break]



+ Razz is saved thanks to the efforts of both Wyn, and Ro (even if that was a mistake) [break]
+ Wyn musters up the last of his strength to encourage his trainer to help Lars [break]
+ Razz orders Wyn to survive [break]
+ Wyn lies [break]
+ Razz helps Metagross save Lars

+ Sabotaging

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[newclass=.leprosearlo1 a]font:10px Oswald;color:#2b2b2b!important;[/newclass]
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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Feb 11, 2021 18:31:04 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


The ruined temple demands blood.

Katherine knows this, the murals declare it in the most obvious way there is, and if it’s this clear - there’s only one thing for her to do, isn’t there? She has to comply and follow their instructions.

She doesn’t.

A deep breath is inhaled in preparation for what’s next. The gym leader stops an inch away from the large rock-made doors, hushed words exchanged with the deity that resides within her. She consults Giratina and asks for permission, almost, before allowing the legendary’s power to course through her.

The gift he’s bestowed upon her is shown in its full capacity, turning the woman into anti-matter for the purpose of phasing through the doors.

Dragapult follows suit, knowing to put its trust in its trainer. She knows best, afterall.


☆ not sure if i should roll for the obstacle still, but i did just in case
☆ katherine talks to giratina for a second or two before attempting to phase through the doors with dragapult following her.

☆ sabotage on

[attr="class","katherinetag"] @ruins of regirock

[newclass=.katherine] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherine b] color: #7a737e; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinetag] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinetag a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinepokes] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinepokes img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]·
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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Feb 11, 2021 20:20:39 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
i have a need of crueler waves
they sicken of the calm, who knew the storm
Reality melts away from her, washed away with a dizzying speed that takes all the breath from her lungs. For a moment it's like the captain's teetering on the edge of a cliff, overlooking an immense expanse of nothingness. Vertigo settles in, catching her in its grip - and then she's jolted into place with a rush of images and sounds.

"Razz?" Blonde curls fly every which way as she cranes her neck to search for her friends. "Lars?" But nothing around her resembles the small chamber she's just left (teleported out of?) - except, maybe, for the Steelix who thankfully came along for the ride. "Shit." A string of foul curses follows soon after, though she soon stops at the sight of a dark-haired woman.

While she'd been somewhat relaxed in the company of people she trusted, wariness dictates Skyler's actions now. It's difficult to tell by the lopsided grin she sends 's way, however. "Sup?" 

And then the woman is consumed by darkness. 

Well, then. 

Captain Dross decides that it would be wise to give the woman a wide berth. She wants nothing to do with... whatever that is. "You do... you, I guess." Her gaze is already studying the chamber, though she keeps the anti-matter person in her peripheral vision. Who wouldn't? 

"Don't mind me." And please don't explode on me, thank you.

The murals depict the needed ritual well enough. And while Skyler's skin crawls,  the allure of the unknown proves to be much stronger than any misgivings she might've had. Steelix disappears into a pokeball as Slowbro takes its place. 

The gleam of a blade flashes briefly before Skyler cuts her finger, offering a few drops of blood to the bowl. A HEAL PULSE takes care of the small wound, soon followed by the sheen of a LIGHT SCREEN. Just in case.


- going to ROUTE 1
skyler is a foul mouthed sailor confirmed
- worried about razz and lars (and she should be)
- hello katherine, goodbye katherine 
- keeps her distance because she doesn't get along with the void
- steelix is out of the scene, enters slowbro
- gives the bowl a few drops of her blood
- uses heal pulse to heal the wound, and a light screen just in case DOES explode on her
- sabotaging  ♥
- first roll sabotage, second roll obstacle

@ route 1 peeps i guess?  
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the good commissioner
lilycove city
league commissioner
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
628 posts
dahlia goode DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dahlia
dahlia goode
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2021 6:18:08 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar
 her fingers tense against her dragonite's scales. as the light fades away into surging waters, the commissioner urges her mount downward. when the vertigo takes her, her arm begins to sting.

"hang on!" she shouts, her hoarse voice swallowed by the roaring ruin waters.

an EXTREME SPEED forges her dragon into an arrow. its arms are outstretched, claws ready to grab both starmie and adrian in some fashion, whether it be flesh or fabric.

whatever it takes.

the winds blow her hair back— and for once, she does not tuck her golden curls.

9QvvDFP9 (sabotage)[break]
route 1 / sabotage (angrypepe!!)

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon mr-rime"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon dragonite"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon vespiquen"][break]

- dragonite extreme speeds w/ arms outstretched to scoop both adrian and starmie if possible!

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2021 19:00:23 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
the voice on his head starts to mess with his mental. its words start to whittle away from his concentration and proper work ethic, and its supernatural nature contributing more to the rocket grunt's anxiety. a hand clutches his head while the other grasps his shirt over his chest.

"i don't even know you! shut up and let me work! argh!" priam shouts. "why would i even need you," he whispers this time in a softer voice.

the warmth in this chest gets him to recover from the coldness of being encased in ice. part of him is thankful that he's alive, although animosity for the voice remains, keeping his heart pumping.

too focused on the voice on his head, priam can barely give his attention to his surroundings. instead, he goes on auto-pilot for his actions and copies what the people around him were doing: returning the statue to where it came from.

the alakazam is more focused on its life than anything on the other hand. it will eventually find its ability to use its psychic-type moves to be available once more. as its future sight determines whether a counter blast or not would be applicable, firing it off if it is, it readies its nasty plot depending on the outcome.


  • route 4
  • priam yells like a loony
  • goes on auto-pilot and returns the statue
  • uses future sight and nasty plot
  • sabotaging


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing