The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,667 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2021 15:33:20 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
The (relative) silence of their group was deafening. Hideo knew nobody was happy with how things went down - nor did he expect them to be.

His thoughts wandered again to how Andy would be doing. He was probably hungry and thirsty, but Hideo made sure to bring some extra food and water to help there. But what if he were hurt? He didn’t have much experience with first aid, and the only Pokemon he had that could heal (and was in good condition) was his Hatterene, who he was probably going to have to convince to help Andy. And that might not even be enough if the injuries were too bad. And they had to get him out if he was still in the cave and-

He felt his Gardevoir grab his hand, only just noticing that he was trembling. It was enough to distract him from his thoughts, even if just for a moment. It helped him focus on the main challenge at hand: actually finding Andy.

But it didn’t do much to relieve that knot in his stomach, and he still held some anxiety over Andy’s condition. He could at least focus more on solving it than worrying about it.

Wiggle?” Hide said, addressing his Dugtrio, “Think you could go in the cave and try to look for Andy? Here, I got something you could use to help.” As the Dugtrio approached him, he rooted around his bag until he pulled out a flashlight - not much use to him, but he kept it in case someone needed to find him. Or someone needed to use it.

He handed it to his Dugtrio, who promptly went to Dig underground and try to find a way into the cave.

And fortunately, he wouldn’t have to wait for his Dugtrio to return to get results. “My Gardevoir and Beheeyem can help keep me in touch with Wiggle,” Hideo said, “Maybe they’ll have some luck finding Andy.


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Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
615 posts
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Andy Blackadder
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2021 2:59:48 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




The pain was absolutely intense. It struck out of the cloud of unconsciousness as severe and rapid as a bolt of lightening. There was no reason for the lad to wonder if he was dead. The ether of non-existence couldn't hide this pain. A pitiful groan echoed off the walls of his new home, not that such details yet pierced his foggy perception.
''Uuurgh...'' Where was he? His physical form felt as if it had been entirely worked over by some sadistic Rocketeer with a baseball bat. Everything hurt, and the pain was far more searing than anything he had felt before in his brief existence. ''Arugh...'' Flexing his form, he went to sit up, and immediately regretted the notion.
''AAAGGH!'' Something was wrong. Well, many things were wrong, but specifically his legs throbbed to grant him a new level of agony. Clinching his teeth, even the slightest attempts to move them was met with immediate and severe deterrence. ''NNNGGH!'' Terrified to actually see, enough courage was finally mustered to open his eyes.
Blinking, for a moment the misery was punctuated by panic. Was he blind now too? His eyelids strained as he made sure they were actually ajar. Nothing. Just pitch black. Where was everyone else? Nothing but his own ragged breaths bounced from the walls. Each breath too felt like being kicked in the chest.
''Shit...'' Laying on his back as he was, his backpack cradled his torso up slightly. Head turning slowly, he looked around. Still, no sight met his vision. But the echos and the distinct scent of dirt, only slightly tinged with blood, told him that he was likely under ground. Where was everyone else? Where was he?
''H-Hello...?'' Nothing but his own voice fading into the abyss answered. ''Great,'' he growled. Who knew if they were alive or dead? How long had he been here? Attempting to move his left arm, another fire grew across the limb. ''AAAGH! MOTHER FUCKER!'' Were all of these broken?
It didn't bode well.
Twitching the fingers on his right hand, he wasn't met with an immediate agony. Dirt slid it as he drug it across the ground. Cautiously, he raised it ever so slightly. No new sensation of pain was thrust upon him, submerged as he was in hurt. Tentatively the digits were pressed against his right leg. It was nothing hard, just barely kissing the cloth with his fingertips.
With a grunting effort, the probing slid down until the pain built gradually. Was it broken, he wondered? Fingers recoiled with haste as they met a hard lump midway down his pant leg, the fabric soaked and crusty, the coppery aroma of blood filled the air anew. His fingers clinched into a fist as another yelp filled the cavern in a deafening cacophony.
''AAAAGHH! AHHHH! FUCKINGSHITCUNTMOTHERFUCKINGBITCH!!!'' He had indeed confirmed that his right leg was broken. Very broken. A sobering certainty: he wouldn't be walking out of here. The yelling left him starved for breath, and he wheezed as he tried to inhale. This painful exercise caused another intense worry.
Why was it so hard to breathe? Was else was broken...?
Above the earth, Search Team 1, would find the orbeetles having difficulty to home in on their missing compatriot. It was a miracle that the League had allowed the self same children involved in the incident back out into the wilderness. Perhaps the presence of was enough, or perhaps he had pulled some strings.
's pokemon digging through the earth would have it meet with a surprise, as it broke ground, or well, roof into a cavern. Perhaps it would tumble into it. Once inside, the odor sleuth would quickly catch a scent. While the other pokemon of the party might detect something vague, Rocky would for sure catch 's scent.
The orbeetles would detect something. Perhaps residual energy from the Three Days War muddied their abilities, perhaps it was some of the latent primal energy that had been around the entire region as of late. None the less, there was a life force to be felt. Certainly this meant their friend wasn't dead.
Or was it just another boss pokemon?
's shout is not met with a response. Obviously. Search Team 2 was wandering through the same kudzu filled valley that the original expedition had taken. A path was therefore conveniently cleared through the leafy sea. 's silvally tracked the scents left the previous day. Granted, one of them was the youth they were searching for.
Granted the keen eyes of 's pidgeot and compound eyes of 's butterfree could easily follow the subtle indentations in the soil, footprints, and other terrain disturbances to lead their party through the same forest, fissure filled as the ground was, to the exact cave entrance. Alas, it was now collapsed and little more than a waterfall of rubble down the face of a cliff.
True to 's expertise, they were not alone however. A fiend watched from the shadows of the foliage as they traversed to the disaster site. With the type:null gone, a power vacuum needed to be filled, and the old lords of the forest could now return to make a claim. For the moment however, it would keep its distance, watching for a moment to strike.
Perhaps it would be the yelling lord, his pokemons future sight revealing vague promises treachery and blood...
Also already piercing a cavern, ' nice light screen reveals the way to Search Team 3. The passage before them is narrow, stalagmites and stalactites often choked the way forward for any greater than one trainer at a time. Occasionally, a craggy opening on the cavern floor would reveal only an abyss, making poor footing potentially treacherous.
would too find herself in a similar setting after opening her way, stone edge clearing a path through the planet's crust. The close quarters may make it hard for some of her pokemon to traverse. The violent entrance echoing through the caves may too have attracted her unwanted attention, but all the old denizens of this place are cautious in revealing themselves.
Was that vicious type:null really gone?
Search Team 1 - 406[break]
Search Team 2 - 284[break]
Search Team 3 - 143[break]
- 28

[attr="class","dangercredits"]cyan of pixel perfect

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2021 22:06:16 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar
Emerging into a cavern, Kaida paused a long while, allowing her eyes to adjust slightly before ordering a quiet, "Ormr, help me see." A soft glow of yellow, not much but still something, emanated from the Ekans as he used Glare. A small place, behind her, Kjoll rumbled in worry. He was right, there was no way an Onix could get through here without completely crushing them all. "Its ok, we'll find the little one ourselves." She assured the Onix as she returned him.

What replaced his place was a steel ant and ghostly dragon, the former clacking her mandibles in (Kaida assumed) happiness at the familiar environment, the latter cringing from the frightening shadows that reached for her. "Go ahead, Draugr, keep us safe...if you find anybody, we'll join them." The prospect of company clearly raised the dragon's mood, and the ghost-type slinked forward, passing through obstructions. Without any orders, the Durant correctly guessed her role and marched forward, jaws spread to Dig and Crunch their way forward


- Returns Kjoll, realizing its too small to leave an Onix in here.
- Ormr continues to try and smell something, and keeps an eye for danger. Uses Glare for a little bit of light.
- Releases Svart the Durant and Draugr the Dragapult. Durant uses Dig and/or Crunch to bust through any blockades, while Dragapult scouts ahead using her ghostly nature.
- Seeking both Andy and any groups down here.

Shed Skin. Bite, Glare, Acid Spray, Stockpile, Giga Drain, Swallow. Has Z-move Rattlesnake!

Stealth Rock, Rock Polish, Dragon Breath, Curse, Protect, Stone Edge. Has Z-move Living Wall!

Power Trip, Crunch, Earthquake, Outrage, Double Team, Bulk Up.

Dig, Crunch, Iron Head, Agility, Beat Up, First Impression. Can use regular Z-moves!

Hex, Phantom Force, Dragon Dance, Infestation, Dragon Tail, Dragon Darts.

Megahorn, Horn Drill, Smack Down, Curse, Metal Burst, Ice Fang.
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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2021 0:35:00 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar
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"Capture him? I mean.."[break][break]

But he corrects himself, and Stormy is left only slightly perturbed but only because this absolute prick of a prince is sliding off the side of his Sawsbuck to try and butter her up. If this wasn't such a serious situation, maybe.. maybe she might have appeased him just a little bit. [break][break]

Unfortunately for him, there was a kid's life at stake and one fourth of the party was more interested in flirting than finding.[break][break]

"He- what? Dude, he was agreeing with me."[break][break]

How thick was this guys skull? Arthur Vanderbilt, that was his name, right? God, it even sounded pretentious.[break][break]

"How about we just stay on task, alright? Also, that's not a diaper, that's a shirt."[break][break]

Fortunately, it appears that Silvally, combined with the compound eyes and the keen eyes of their various other Pokemon, they've discovered something. It isn't much, but it's enough. There is a path to follow now, footprints to keep their faces pressed to. If they could stay on track, stay focused, stay trained, they'd find him.[break][break]



[attr="class","title"]STORMY SILPH
[attr="class","subtitle"]i've been burnt so many times

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,064 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2021 15:42:13 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar
"Hideo, You are brilliant!" Doug said as a large smile broke through his angry scowl, his hand coming atop Hideo's head and ruffling his hair as he stared down into the caverns.

Almost immediately after, his Orbeetles both reported to him and the crew that they detected something deeper inside. Without a second thought, the youth brought his hand to the comm, speaking into it.

"This is Cpt. Sullivan. Search Party 1 has found an entrance into the caverns. We'll be going in. Over and out." He said simply, before gesturing with his neck towards the hole.

Caesar the Stoutland was the first to leap in, landing on his forepaws deftly before bringing his nose to the floor, his nose gleaming with the power of Odor Sleuth as he attempted to find Andy's scent with renewed vigor.

Next came Doug and his Orbeetle duo, the two psychic pokemon lowering down their trainer into the cavern slowly while keeping their radar-like senses out for danger.

The excavator team of Vikavolt and Golisopod came next, landing down onto the soil, and finally, Frankie the Type:Null leapt down, managing to keep down a flinch to himself as he did.

He was no longer truly injured after receiving treatment from several pokemon, but his body was still extremely sore. Nonetheless, he refused to be a mere spectator to the tragedy he was partially responsible for.

"Excavators, the radars' command! Caesar, find us a trail! Frankie, be on your guard." He said, before he began to advance.

"Just a little longer, Andy. Don't you give up yet." He muttered to himself, refusing to believe the youth might've long since passed.

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,601 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2021 3:19:58 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
he goes in with to accompany the head scientist. he felt bad for not being able to go with her with the recent excursions that happened before, and he felt like he needed to make up to it.

with lighting up the way, they manage to find an opening on the ground. he looks at the pokeball he has on hand, and then raises his hand as he moves in to the front of the party.

"i guess we're going down," he opens his pokeball to release a naganadel, which was supposed to be their bait for the type:null and its natural tendency to go after ultra beasts. "unless you guys have, uh, more convenient ideas."

jumping down blind, even with a flying-type, was dangerous. their time-sensitive situation called for a more immediate action however.


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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,858 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2021 6:12:53 GMT
mint frost Avatar

The objective was simple, if macabre. They were going back into these cave systems to try to find a lost kid. Mint didn’t think they’d find anyone still alive, but even so it was probably best f they at least made the attempt at bringing back a body. If only for loved ones to know they did everything they could. He’d seen the mayhem the whole cave incident had caused and offered to volunteer. Partly because his heartstrings were tugged and partly because he was curious about what they’d seen and if it was still in there. Type: Null?? What the hell kind of pokemon was that? But it was interesting. And so despite the dangers, he found himself tagging along to a group of strangers he didn’t know. “Uh- sorry! ‘Scuse me!” he called out, trying to keep his voice low as he jogged to catch up with the rest of them. Cacio, his loyal Luxio was at his side as usual. [break][break]

He followed the Light Screen before slowing down as they came to a choke point. “Wait! Before you just…toss yourself in, chuck something down there and see how deep it is!” He’d seen that done in movies. “Uh- Hi, hello- sorry to interrupt um-…But also, I think I got a light.” He continued as he tapped a pokeball on his waist and let out a small, cowardly Vulpix. He immediately rushed behind Mint’s legs at the sight of strangers and one huge weird looking pokemon. “C’mon Gelato…” the Rocket murmured as he picked the Alolan Vulpix Up. “Send one of those Confuse Rays down there. Those are bright.” He said stepping just close enough to the chasm so he and Gelato could see. He looked away as Gelato’s eyes glower and his tails wiggled before a strange ball of light lazily bounced off the tips and down into the chasm, swirling idly as it went all the way down. “Did it work?” [break][break]



+ [break]
- Cacio the Luxio and Gelato the Vulpix are out [break]
- Mint jogs over to the group and introduces hismelf, kinda [break]
- Gelato used Confuse Ray to try to light up the abyss ( and also confuse anything hiding down there ) [break]



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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2021 17:48:13 GMT
[attr="class","matias"]"better late than never, bud."

not meaning to be condescending in the slightest, matias gives a good pat on their back as they come jogging up to the group.

up ahead, voltorb waits a bit, then follows after and drops into the abyss, LIGHT SCREEN still active.

"good thinking, kyle! you can be bait."


+ + +
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Nov 24th
Neos City
Ex-Gym Leader
Lately I get the feeling nothing works cause we're cursed.
394 posts
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TAG WITH @xander
Xander Belmont
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2021 18:18:32 GMT
Xander Belmont Avatar
Quiet, Xander doesn't say much to the others in his rescue party. A simple nod is all he needs to convey he's paying attention. The ranger isn't sure how much help he'll be, but he does what he can. The Volcarona behind him lifts into the air, wings fluttering dust into the abyss. Hopefully, the Rage Powder will attract what they're looking for to them.


TLDR: Volcarona uses Rage Powder to try and attract the Type:Null

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,796 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2021 0:40:04 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
A smile pulls across her lips as she glances back at as the LIGHTSCREN dances across the rock walls of the cavern. She knew she could count on him. The gaze moves past him next, towards Kyle. She grins at the champion as he moves forward, releasing an Ultra Beast she’s vaguely familiar with. Drawing the Type:Null towards them would be smart, considering the strength of their particular group. Of course, Eva would always rather put herself in danger before compromising thew ell-being of others. As far as she knew, the other groups were focused on finding the child. She’s happy to distract the imminent danger if it means they can safely secure Andy.

Eva glances from the crevice in the cave to the vibrant youth, , that suddenly appeared. She’d never met them before, but she’s always welcoming, “Alright, let’s see how deep it is,” she leans over the dark tunnel while the sparkling CONFUSE RAY sinks down, and down, and down, and . . . down.

A flash of light releases the Gallade’s feminine counterpart. A Gardevoir twirls gracefully before leaning over the crevice beside its trainer, “Bait?!” Eva frowns, she’s sure Matias is joking but no one is gonna be bait on her watch . . . at least without some sort of brilliant plan, “How about we try this first, go on Adele,”

The Gardevoir peers down after the Voltorb, shivering at the sensation of ’s Rage Powder brushing across her sensitive skin. Luckily, her TELEPAHTY kept her from focusing the FUTURE SIGHT on the bug-type. Instead, she watches the Voltorb sink down, peering into the darkness to try and glean whatever information she can. When she feels it’s safe, she encourages the humans to continue.

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January 18
As low as can be
You can feel like a pagan
7 posts
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TAG WITH @ronald
Ronald Rogers
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2021 22:09:49 GMT
Ronald Rogers Avatar
A hefty clap on the shoulder sent chills down Ronald's spine. As he looked to his assailant, the loud one known as Arthur, a look of complete and utter disgust passed across his face. Ronald grit his teeth as he stepped away from the young man, recoiling as he shuddered. To think this whelp would dare touch him, of all the insulant nonsense. Didn't his whore mother ever teach him to keep his hands to himself? 

Ronald curled his lips in as he bit his tongue, preventing an onslaught of swears and cruses that would have been aimed at Arthur. His fury was averted for now, but who knows what might happen if the peasant were to touch him again. Surely he wouldn't dare. Ronald let out a sigh as the group's primary loud mouth requested that they keep to the task at hand. Ronald agreed.

"I concur. The sooner we find the little twer-ahem-angel--the quicker we can put this nasty business behind us!"

Meanwhile Maleficar was taking his duties quite seriously. Flanked by his fellow pokemon, he too noticed that they were being followed. Or at the very least watched. He kept his wits about him, shuddering with Anticipation as he anticipated an ambush. Hopefully their observer knew better than to interfere. 


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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2021 22:31:58 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar

pidgeot's KEEN EYES allow it to follow a trail nearly taken by the elements, and together 's bug pokemon, are able to find a cave entrance reduced to rubble.

"a diaper? wha-"

his words are overtaken by the typical aggressive styling of . not that he minded. this arthur fellow seemed... weird. in-fact, something about this whole thing just felt... off.

turning his attention to the rubble, he tosses another pokemon out ⁠— a steelix.

"can you get us through there?"

well, she'd certainly try.

sending a pulse of electricity into the earth, chlo attempts a MAGNET RISE to separate as much rubble as she could.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2021 23:11:45 GMT
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Steelix can chew through rocks, sure, but Celia's pokemon still want to help. Before @grey's steelix could get to work, a due of flame and ice assailed the stone, attempting to weaken it in parts.

It's a good thing that her pokemon have the mind to do so.

At some point, she had gently offered the shirt to Greyson, who happened to be closest, before turning around and making her way to where , , and, most importantly, were. It's a good thing for Arthur that he got off his steed. Otherwise, Celia would have pulled him off.

What she does do, however, is shove past anyone in her way in order to punch him as hard as she can in the jaw.

Thankfully for Arthur, she is scientist by trade. Unfortunately, she has all the rage of a mother behind her hit.

"In case you've forgotten, we are looking for my son." And her words are crisp and calm, heat hiding under them.

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
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Eris Halla
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2021 14:15:58 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar





To return to the scene of the crime and to willingly go back into the cave that almost got them injured, or worse, killed. She briefly wonders if she's lost her mind. Had she accidentally taken a hit to the head from the last cave-in and simply not realised it?
Regardless, she's not one to lag behind when gives the signal. Ame and Reiner are the first to be by her side, the Luxray taking her hand during the descent as Ame flies ahead to keep a lookout and Detect any dangers lurking in the dark. Fey and Luka are ready for the obstacles they face, clearing through the debris with careful Digs and Rock Smashes.
Even through it all, she can't quite find the words to describe what she's feeling.









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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2021 7:04:32 GMT
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Alison was calm, collected. That's what was needed in these situations, alongside of hope.

This was a large effort, she was really touched to see how many people came out to search for her younger brother. She was determined that they would be able to find Andy. Alison was searching with her furfrou, the other search parties were full and she had no problem looking by herself.

Her furfrou led her towards a cavern, tracking the scent of the type null and her brother. It was dark, but with time eyes adjusted to the lighting. It didn't take Alison very long to stumble into Kaida and her pokemon.

Assuming that Kaida was also apart of the search, Alison approached her with a warm smile.

"Hello.. hope you don't mind me joining you?"

TLDR: Alison joins up with Kaida in the cavern


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