The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2021 18:27:54 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

[attr="class","rolling-thread"][attr="class,"faction"]A cavern. Ruby certainly wasn't a fan of going back into the earth, but if it meant any chance of finding then it was a risk worth taking. "Tali," Ruby called out to her Xatu, the Pokemon flying down to rest by her side before strutting into the cave alongside her. It wasn't a Pokemon she used often, but her trust in psychic pokemon was quite extreme. "Come on girl, use Future Sight for me." [break][break]

The Xatu would simply continue to strut forwards, its eyes shimmering with a bright blue coloration as it began its own search into the future, and as Xatu was known for, potentially the past as well.[break][break]

Retrieving most of her Pokemon asides from Grace the Gardevoir and Bea the Urshifu, Ruby would quietly walk alongside . Of course, her suspicions when they first met of him being someone important to the League certainly seemed well-founded, but she couldn't help but allow herself to wonder. Did the League have some policy about recruiting underage individuals? One up to the rank of captain especially?[break][break]

It was a silly time to think about it, truly. But thinking about Andy's potential fate wasn't a pleasant thought to let linger.[break][break]

After a few moments of silence, Ruby quietly spoke up to all around as she dug a flashlight out of her backpack. "... Let's keep going guys. We'll find him yet."[break][break]



notes Ruby's Xatu attempts to use Future Sight, and maybe learn something.


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Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
615 posts
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Andy Blackadder
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2021 3:05:51 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




If he couldn't walk out, and likely wasn't going to crawl out either, another exfiltration had to be planned. Perhaps he could... call someone! The signal down here likely wouldn't be great, but it was better than bleeding out or starving, whichever came first. His phone had been in his right pocket, which meant extra care was required to not disturb the injuries there.
''Okay...,'' he huffed. ''Just like you're going to steal it...'' Gingerly, he slid his fingers down over his hip bone and pressed them into the top of his pant's pocket. That the slacks were such a tight fit didn't aid in his cause, but his choice was made for the sake of fashion rather than surprise spelunking. Sliding inside the distance between the opening and plastic of the phone seemed eternal.
The overwhelming throb of his right leg didn't increase, so there was the assumption that he was doing it right. After his finger tips met plastic, Andy idly wondered why no one had attempted to call him. Perhaps they had while he was unconscious. Slipping grip around the plastic and mashing it against the slim phone to grasp it he immediately yelped.
''Ah! Shit!'' It felt as if a thousand tiny blades sliced into his fingers. Snatching his hand from his pocket, the phone clattered against the stone along with the tale tale tingles of a shattered glass screen. ''Ugh...'' Of course, how could his leg have gotten smashed and something as brittle as his expensive phone survived?
A painful breath was inhaled through the clinched teeth of a wince. The sudden moments made his leg throb harder. Well, it made his entire body throb in an onslaught of misery. He would have writhed if that wouldn't have made it even worse. Although forcing himself to be still didn't seem to alleviate all that much either. Now what was he going to do?
Somehow, even only the small sound of his labored breaths echoing off the walls made it hard to think.
Perhaps it was the induced cave in, the rush of exterior air inside further exacerbated by many a pokemon piling inside, but the scent of their wayward comrade seemed to be adversely affected. Similarly, the subterranean environment seemed to negatively impact the orbeetles of 's Search Team 1. Something about the area interfered with their typically precise capabilities.
Many energies seemed to be in flux within the region as of late. While likely not the cause of Frankie's madness, at least as far as most knew, it certainly wouldn't have helped any creature forced to deal with its influences. 's luxray surprisingly did not detect something waiting within the darkness for their team in particular, allowing the rest of her comrades to press forward.
's xatu would comply with her request, but how did you portray a scene submerged in absolute darkness? An abyss was all that would be revealed to the girl, with the poignant aromas of dirt and blood. It was accompanied only by the sounds of labored breaths. Perhaps such sounds would come across as inhuman. They weren't clear enough to discern.
Search Team 2 seemed to be momentarily distracted by infighting. kept his mind to the task, although his steelix's magnet rise makes for slow going through the rubble to ground zero. It's a logical place to look if one was expecting to find remains rather than a survivor. The rocks part as if pressed by the prow of a ship on a lumbering voyage.
While 's pokemon(?) assist it does little to speed the progress. With all the shouting and blows, their tail thought it as good a time as any to strike. 's toxicroak's uncanny sixth sense would allow it alone to anticipate the coming assault. It was a fortunate thing too, as the sceptile caused not a branch to creak, nor a leaf to rustle until it broadsided the party.
It boldly weaved into the lot of them with a fury cutter swiping at any any all until it met the toxicroak. Enraged that it had been driven from his home some time ago, it sought to dole out a harsh reprisal to any new interlopers who dared show their face here. These were his hunting grounds and he wasn't going to let them be stolen away again.
[Team Two: please make a roll that exceeds fifty to avoid taking damage from the serious sceptile. This one roll will still also count towards your team total, so no worries. and his toxicroak are exempt from this due to anticipation, and may immediately retaliate.]
In the depths of their own cave, Search Team 3's 's naganadel didn't elicit an immediate reprisal from the darkness. Nor did 's proffered confuse ray signifying that at least for the moment the way forwards was safe. As ' voltorb wanders forward illuminating the path with its light screen only empty, craggy terrain is revealed.
For the time being, the rage powder sprinkled along the way by 's volcarona is also met with an eerie silence, but depending on where the breeze carries it within that can quickly change. To that end, 's future sight reveals that the current peace will not last. A vision of many enraged eyes stared back out of the darkness at her from the future.
Two parts came together to form a Search Team 4. While 's durant cleared the path forwards, and her dragpult scouted ahead of it, brought greetings, but not all tidings were so pleasant. Not a moment into such exchanged pleasantries, stones exploded from the darkness as the shadow shrouded form of a rhyperior exploded at the Blackadder girl.
This trespasser was destined to be bulldozed into the cave wall just past her new teammate if the perturbed pokemon had its way. Just as with other local pokemon, being ejected from its habitat made the rhyperior far more irate than usual, and all the noise echoing through the cave drew his rage from the darkness behind the two girls, opposite the direction of 's forawrd pokemon.
[ please make a roll that meets or exceeds sixty five to avoid taking damage from the wrathful rhyperior. This one roll will still also count towards your team total.]
Search Team 1 - 474[break]
Search Team 2 - 460[break]
Search Team 3 - 502[break]
Search Team 4 - 37

[attr="class","dangercredits"]cyan of pixel perfect

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artie, finn, finch
august 13
mirror, mirror on the wall
45 height
45 height
110 posts
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TAG WITH @arthur
arthur finnian vanderbilt
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2021 6:51:02 GMT
arthur finnian vanderbilt Avatar

a lot is happening. true to charm, artie of course pays attention to none of it. as gives her protest, he simply reaches up and leans back into his arms, placing them behind his head. he grins. "why, i don't know what you're —"

[break][break] before he can say anything else, muck this whole mess up further, something sails into his jaw hard and fast. it slams into him like a freight train, throwing him to the ground in an instant.

[break][break] blue eyes are wide and shocked as they stare up at . she had... punched him? hey, she'd punched him?!

[break][break] he nurses a hand to his cheek, speechless for once in his life.

[break][break] before he can come up with something to say, however, there was a rustle out of the bushes and a shriek — wait, was that artie's? — as a sceptile rushes out of the bushes, bloodthirsty and vicious for battle.

[break][break] it's only after helios leaps forward with a QUICK GUARD over the group that artie realizes it wasn't his own voice, but his pokemon's. the pokemon let out a cry of defiance as he defended his trainer, as well as the rest of the group, which gave artie ample time to get to his feet. he brushed the dirt off his pants, gaze suddenly serious, before he pointed at their assailant. "callie! apprehend him!"

[break][break] the ground rumbles as his kabuto uses STONE EDGE to attempt to encase their opponent in rock, or at the very least, close off the area around him.
[attr="class","tag"] SQUAD #2 [break][break]
#arthur # # # #mommy


+ artie is punched be mommy blackadder! [break]
+ fortunately his pokemon are paying attention. his escavalier protects him from the sceptile with quick guard, and artie directs his kabutops to use stone edge to close the sceptile in.



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2021 14:49:55 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Celia stares down coldly at and flexes her hand. She thinks something cracked; her hand is sure to swell and perhaps even has a small fracture. She can worry about that later, though, when she knows where is.

When the Sceptile attacks, her head snaps to the side. It's only lucky that Arthur's pokemon are more competent than him. Still, her Frosmoth shoots an Ice Wind at the entombed and angry pokemon. Maybe that would help cool it off and all.

"We should get going." The distraction was momentary and she already had guilt bubbling in her stomach. Every moment counted in something like this. Even if it felt good to punch Arthur, it was just a waste of time.

Crossing her arms, Celia avoided the eyes of the others on her team before she turned and started to move forward again.

- Butterfree, Volcarona, Frosmoth are out
- bug time
- frosmoth uses Ice Wind on the Sceptile, just in case

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,654 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2021 23:42:55 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo was able to keep track of how his Dugtrio was doing courtesy of his Gardevoir and Beheeyem’s Telepathy.

He was immediately aware of when his Dugtrio enters the cave - and his Pokemon promptly falling in. Fortunately, the Dugtrio landed on his ???, digging right into the rocky cave and ensuring he was once again comfortable, before anyone else could follow. Hideo considered going in the cave with everyone else, but was met with denial in his mind; he didn’t know if it was from his Beheeyem, his Gardevoir, or both, but it seemed they didn’t want him going in there.

Though he didn’t want to leave things to everyone else, he’d concede to them this time; the cave already proved perilous once. And he could still help.

As ruffled his hair, Hideo spoke. “I’m gonna stay out here,” he said, “Elga and Dancer don’t want me going in, saying it’s risky and stuff. Dancer’ll go in with you guys, and I’ll keep the way out safe, alright? She’ll keep me in contact with you guys with her Telepathy if you need anything.

His Gadevoir broke away from him, nodding before Teleporting into the cave, right by the settled Dugtrio. Rather than let the three-headed Pokemon fumble with the flashlight, she took it. It was time for them to look for Andy the old-fashioned way - at least Dancer would light the way.

"Good luck down there!" Hideo shouted.

Hideo stays outside while his Gardevoir and Dugtrio guide the way inside.


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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,788 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2021 17:55:59 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
They’re met with eerie silence, and nothing more. Neither of the attempts to elicit a response from the darkness had warranted anything circumstantial. So, they move on.

Deeper into the depth of the cave. Voltorb’s Light Screen is enough to break the darkness around them along with Eva’s headlamp. The beam falls on nothing but more uninteresting rocky formations and deep crevices. If anything is out there, it’s staying well in the shadows.

It’s Adele’s FUTURE SIGHT that clues them in. The Gardevoir suddenly stops, along with a sudden spin from the Gallade to stare at his teammate. The TELEPATHIC link between them allows him and the pokemon within their party to share her insight.

It’s an urgent and fearful hand that reaches out to grip Eva’s arm. Eva gasps as panic grips her chest, forced onto her by the empath pokemon trying to communicate what she sees. A flash of darkness, and countless angry eyes glare back at her – at them. Eva falters for a moment, catching herself with a quick step as the Gardevoir releases her. The panic lingers as a tightens in her chest, “Get ready for . . . something,” she warns, glancing over knowingly at Blade, “Lots of somethings,” she corrects, instinctively glancing towards then back into the darkness.

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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
part of
TAG WITH @matias
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 19, 2021 15:23:28 GMT



there's nothing much they can do but wait it out. whatever's looming in the darkness will come to them eventually.

"we can take them."

seeming to take the hint, voltorb rolls to a stop, then CHARGES as it awaits orders.


+ + +
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January 18
As low as can be
You can feel like a pagan
7 posts
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TAG WITH @ronald
Ronald Rogers
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 19, 2021 22:22:51 GMT
Ronald Rogers Avatar
Maleficar shuddered vigorously, and as Ronald reluctantly pulled his eyes away from the violent drama taking place nearby he would be forced to take notice. Something was wrong, and it was only going to get more wrong in the coming seconds. Ronald's shoulder's drooped, "Oh drat what is it now?"

He wouldn't have to wait long, as a wild Sceptile would soon attack the search party! Anticipating the ambush, Maleficar would be able to easily jump out of the way and swiftly follow up with an attack. Bile burst from his mouth, forming a lofty orb that would be fired point-blank at the intruder. If the Sludge Bomb should it, the sceptile should be more open to the attacks that followed.

Ronald pumped his fist into the air, "Yes! Go team! Kick its behind back to hell where it belongs!"


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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,435 posts
part of
TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2021 1:46:54 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar

as the other members of his team deal with the sceptile attack, and steelix continues her MAGNET RISE in an effort to open a path way into the cave, greyson works another avenue.

having received the shirt from , he brings out his trusty companion -- boltund. holding it to her nose, he attempts to get the scent of young  for her to follow.

hopefully, it'd allow them a much easier attempt at locating him.

"got anything, girl?"

notes + steelix continues the MAGNET RISE on the cave entrance, while greyson takes the missing persons T-shirt from his mother and brings it to his BOLTUND to attempt to SNIFF HIM OUT.

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,586 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 20, 2021 2:20:08 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
he turns to and then back to the ditch. if he's ready for something, then kyle is willing to double down on being ready. surely, nothing can make him regret his choicee.

"just get ready, right? then i guess it's time for me to be the bait," he tells , mirroring what the silph had said earlier.

with one hand on a pokeball and another holding onto the naganadel's back, he leans forward for his command on the ultra beast. his confidence is bolstered with experience. if all turns worse, then it'll just be something to add into that.

the naganadel then disturbs the staleness of the air with air slash, spreading the earlier rage powder to elicit a reaction from the void.


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Nov 24th
Neos City
Ex-Gym Leader
Lately I get the feeling nothing works cause we're cursed.
394 posts
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TAG WITH @xander
Xander Belmont
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2021 11:03:58 GMT
Xander Belmont Avatar
Eva's warned of approaching danger, which must mean the Rage Powder is working. No reason to stop a good thing. Xander nodded, "Solaris." the beating of Volcarona's wings instifies. Each hastened flap, spreads more of the crimson dust out into the darkness.


TLDR: Volcarona continued to use Rage Powder.

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2021 20:32:10 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar
Kaida startled as another joined her in the cavern but, determining she was no threat, nodded and started to speak, "Of cou-" Something boomed though the caverns, interrupting both her search and greeting.

A giant Rhypherior roared right for the woman, and Kaida hurriedly barked out a harsh sound, directing her Pokemon to drive the raging Pokemon away...she hoped the woman would move, no action her Pokemon took would deflect the Rhypherior away fast enough. Nonetheless, her Ekans released Glare and Durant charged with an Iron Head, hoping to nip any further attacks in the bud.


- Kaida greets Allison
- Tries to help Allison by having Ekans Glare at Rhypherior, and Durant uses Iron Head

Shed Skin. Bite, Glare, Acid Spray, Stockpile, Giga Drain, Swallow. Has Z-move Rattlesnake!

Stealth Rock, Rock Polish, Dragon Breath, Curse, Protect, Stone Edge. Has Z-move Living Wall!

Power Trip, Crunch, Earthquake, Outrage, Double Team, Bulk Up.

Dig, Crunch, Iron Head, Agility, Beat Up, First Impression. Can use regular Z-moves!

Hex, Phantom Force, Dragon Dance, Infestation, Dragon Tail, Dragon Darts.

Megahorn, Horn Drill, Smack Down, Curse, Metal Burst, Ice Fang.
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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,845 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 22, 2021 6:26:00 GMT
mint frost Avatar

There comes the warning of impending danger, and the news sends shivers through the cowardly Vulpix. Mint automatically murmured something to soothe him while turning towards one of the people in his group. “Good luck with that!” He sure as hell didn’t want to be bait. He set Gelato down, gesturing him to find space where he could aim his attacks safely without hitting any allies. In preparation for whatever was going to happen, Cacio began to gently float off the ground as he used Magnet Rise unprompted. [break][break]

“Go with Iron Tail again, if you can hack it.” He said, looking down at his luxio before turning to the vulpix. “Try stick to Ice Beam ok?” he added before glancing back at the group. “It’s just coming form the front right? I don’t need to look any other way?” he asked, a little nervous. [break][break]



+ [break]
- Cacio the Luxio and Gelato the Vulpix are out [break]
- Wishes luck
- Mint stays towards the back of the group.
- Tells Gelato and Cacio to prep with Iron Tail and Ice Beam [break]



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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,062 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2021 15:32:45 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar
"Damn it all..." Grunted the youth under his breath, scratching at the back of his head. Despite 's good luck, things were not going well.

His Orbeetles were just not doing well while underground. Was this how Andy had ended up being lost? Was there something bizarre going on within these cavernous walls?

Even his canines were similarly screwed over. Andy would die of old age at the rate he was going.

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he / him / his
september 10
Enju, Johto
errand boy
108 height
108 height
what’re you lookin’ at?
283 posts
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TAG WITH @duke
Arashi Akiyama
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2021 16:30:31 GMT
Arashi Akiyama Avatar

Apparently the search wasn’t going too well—

And they were falling behind!

“What’s going on?” he asked the Noivern, to which he got a screech of confusion. “I—I don’t speak bat,” he added sheepishly.

Looking over to where the other teenagers were trying their hardest, he bit his lip.

He knew he didn’t want to cause any more trouble than he already had the last time, but he still felt the obligation to help out as much as possible—partially because when they’d reported this, he’d asked the one with the straw hat to not mention that it was his own Golurk that had caused the cave-in.

Yikes… maybe that was a bad idea. There was a lot of regret now…

“I know this is going to bite me in the ass, but… fly lower.”

The Noivern did as requested, and once he was close enough to the ground, dropped a Heavy Ball that contained his Steelix that burst forth in a flash of red light.

“Go help search, but don’t cause an even bigger cave-in!” he warned the Steelix, who then turned his attention to the cave and followed everyone else who had gone in by tunneling with Dig.

He spotted one of the other ‘original search party’ staying outside (Hideo) the cave and decided to join them.

Nobody would dare leave one of the youngest members of the original party alone would they.

• Arashi sends his Steelix into the cave to help search with Dig
• He stays behind with Hideo at the cave entrance just in case shit goes down on the outside


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP