The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,845 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2021 23:03:26 GMT
mint frost Avatar

Its only sheer dumb luck that Mint managed to avoid most of the danger. He’s too busy trying to see through the sand as Cacio and Canoli try to keep back the wild surge of pokemon. And while the battle that raged seemed to calm down the situation didn’t. He didn’t notice until he felt the hulking body of the dead trainer smack into him, knocking the air out of him. Desperately, he wheezed for air only to have it pushed out of his tiny chest as he smacked onto the ground. It’s dark and he’s dizzy and his head felt weird. He can’t hear much but his own heartbeat in his ears and all of his focus is on trying to suck in as much air as he can. He can’t even thank for her help as he turned onto his side choking and gasping for air before finally calming down. [break][break]

His pokemon move towards him protectively as he stood up. Maybe that thing the bug did…maybe they shouldn’t do it again. He can’t voice it though. He doesn’t know these people, but he can tell they’re close enough. The way the blonde panicked next to the body of the guy that had knocked him on his ass is enough. There’s a pause, unsure as she checked his pulse. Is he?? Dead??? There’s no way. Well, there is, but… and then a second trainer checked…and he’s fine. She made a mistake. Mint let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding. He was starting to wonder if tagging along for that weird pokemon was even worth at this point. [break][break]

Not emotionally invested Cacio perked up hearing a soft voice echo lightly through the caves. “Keep talking!” he called out. His Luxio followed suit, paw glowing softly as he used Magnet Rise. Just another precaution after that whole mess. His pokemon circle up, on edge after that brutal display. Before he leaves the pair of lovebirds, he turned to them carefully. “Are you guys alright by yourselves?” he wasn’t planning on staying with them honestly. The sooner they found the missing kid, the better. And if he saw the weird pokemon, cool. Otherwise, he didn’t wanna chill in these caves any longer than he had to. "Gelato, take a break." he added as he returned the vulpix to his ball. It was miracle they hadn't smashed his poor buddy to bits. [break][break]

The air stills, and for now it's quiet, save for the bit of sniffling form the other pair. Mint's starting to tunnel vision, but Cacio still had his wits about him. As the Mightyena took point on the search, Cacio inhales deeply, and he smells something familiar that makes him salivate: blood. The electric type floated towards the source, eyeing a pile of rocks before growling loudly as he pawed through rubble. The noise is enough to give Mint pause. "Cacio- leave that-!" he hissed only to receive another growl in response. t's then that the rocket looked back at his group, vaguely seeing their figures in the dark. "Wait- who's missing?" As he says that the Luxio is already floating higher attempting to use his body weight and gravity to unearth the entombed trainer. Canoli is moving forward, encouraged by the growls of his teammate. He's quick to hope up there with his little log before smashing rocks away with Wood Hammer. Mint can only watch, processing the bit as he goes paler and paler. First at the thought someone he'd been walking with crushed under the rubble, and then what came to him naturally, Cacio's growing hunger as the electric type got rowdier and rowdier.



+ [break]
- Cacio the Luxio, and Canoli the Komala are out [break]
- Following Kyle towards voice ​[break]
-checks on matias + eva but isnt staying ​[break]
- Cacio used Magnet Rise 1/5 [break]
- Cacio can smell blood off Xander's body under rubble [break]
- Canoli uses Wood Hammer to help clear rocks off Xander[break]



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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,435 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2021 23:30:28 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar

's voice pushes through the blearing pain, her presence moving to him quickly. he couldn't help but smile, slightly, at the idea. how many precarious situations did this make now? three? his eyes widen, though, when she herself comes under attack by the grass-type.

"stormy, shit. are you alright?"

all concern of his wounds leaves his mind, and he quickly has the comfey use her FLORAL HEALING on her as well. but, with the addition of the blissey, both wounds are soon under the soothing effects of her its and the comfey's healing. eventually, when the pain subsides and the majority of the wound is taken care of, he moves to follow the boltund.

with the assistance of the two psychic-types, they finally find a path forward. there's only one problem —— structural integrity. when the other man on their team sends a pokemon down, he decides to play support.

from above, he returns the pidgeot to her ball, and releases two more, a nidoking and poliwrath.

"make sure this place doesn't fall on us with your EARTH POWERS. chlo, be prepared to give us a WIDE GUARD."

now they wait.

notes + uses FLORAL HEALING on as well. follows and brings out poliwrath/nidoking to standby with EARTH POWER and has steelix standing by to use WIDE GUARD.

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Nov 24th
Neos City
Ex-Gym Leader
Lately I get the feeling nothing works cause we're cursed.
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TAG WITH @xander
Xander Belmont
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2021 23:43:01 GMT
Xander Belmont Avatar
A searing heat burns Xander's skin as the explosions happen in cascading fashion. The immense force blasts him back and away, back slamming into the side of a wall. He hardly registered the pain at first. It's not until the rocks collapse on top of him, crushing his left arm and right leg, that it hits him.

He likens the sensation to an Aggron sitting its metallic ass down atop his limbs. Deep in Xander's gut, the urge to yell to bellow in pain and call out for help boils up like a pot of hot water. But he doesn't.

No, underneath the mountain of rubble, hidden by all-encompassing darkness, Xander's face is eerily stoic. This blackness, in the eleven years since Sinnoh, it's haunted him. Left a scar on his soul that affected everything he did, everything he was and ever would be.

There's just enough room for him to bend his working arm and place a hand to his chest.

Thump. Thump.

Beat as fast as you want little heart of his. It doesn't matter in the end. Death will greet him like an old friend. Ready to take him back to the place he shouldn't have left behind when he was ten.

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Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
615 posts
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Andy Blackadder
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2021 2:41:08 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




Submerged in angst as he was, the muffled rumbles nearby did not escape his notice. While occasionally, a rain of dirt or a stray pebble tumbling from higher in the cave's formation would join the echos of his hard breaths, it was nothing like this. Gritting his teeth as he craned his neck towards the racket, even the surprise of fear brought a twinge of pain.
What!? An earthquake!? There's not a fucking volcano or anything near Mauville! Yet the noise only grew in intensity, the tremors becoming clear under his sprawled form. ''What the fuck!?'' A cave in would at least be quicker than lying around, and yet the possibility still did not please him. The cracking of stone tore like a canon through his dark little slice of hell.
Closing his eyes to shield them from the dust and debris kicked up, the strength couldn't be mustered to bring his arm up to cover them. For all he knew it wouldn't matter in a moment anyway. A rain of pebbles could be felt washing over him. Waiting for the inevitable big thump that would take the pain away, he lets himself take aching breaths again when it doesn't come.
The cacophony died away to a moment of silence that felt like an eternity. Slowly, Andy allowed his eyes to part to realize he could only see out of one of them. After a split second of panic, the sight of light in distance stunned him away from such worries. What was that? The sight of it hurt to behold, yet he didn't look away.
Then there were what sounded like whispers in the distance...
''Hello...?'' He thought he heard someone crying, but he couldn't see. Closing his one good eye for a few seconds he opened it again, blinking fast. Was he hallucinating? Had he died and was the foggy source of glow in the distance some mythical promised afterlife? Then he noted everything still hurt like hell, so that couldn't be so.
A voice answered back 'we're here.' Squinting, a blurry figure contorted into existence, a shadowy form against the distant glow. The voice sounded somewhat familiar, but the boy couldn't immediately place it. A memory swam around the fog in his brain, and he just couldn't be bothered to fish it out from the murk. The next question seemed only sensible.
''Who's there?''
Only moments before...
Search Team 1 powered forwards. The dugtrio of and the steelix of burrowed through the earth at 's direction. Their digging is made far more efficient by 's helping hand, the subterranean pokemon functioning in perfect unison with all the psychic coordination. Such blessings could also be a curse however.
The duo of orbeetles halt in their tracks at the massive spike of pain and death their abilities detect, as if hundreds of voices cried out and were suddenly silenced. Not far from their own efforts, the potential death of two trainers, pokemon, countless roggenrola is fully felt by every linked member of the team and it could be overwhelming to process so suddenly.
Perhaps they will recover like other teams subjected to their own pitfalls. The combined efforts of steelix, vikavolt, and dugtrio eventually penetrates another cavern, all halting due to the lack of planetary crust to keep digging through. Oddly this doesn't cause any stones not directly touched by the three to move, all held deftly in place by the combined earth powers of 's pokemon above.
Any further cave-ins avoided thanks to the efforts of Search Team 2, 's salazzle and ' yanmega skitter out into the opening to view the scene unfolding as best they can in the dim light, though their arrival may startle . The later sight of 's gardevoir wielding a flashlight should ease any concern of the pokemon being wild however.
It joins 's gradevoir tracking the scenes of reunion, joyful, horrifying, and mournful to crowd over the battered . Flashlight fully illuminating the boy's sorry form for all present to see, 's scorupi notes the events after emerging just above the lot before turning and scurrying back up the jagged chimney their rescuee had tumbled through just the day prior to alert its trainer.
The Blackadder is a sorry sight to behold. Covered from head to toe in bloody mud and dust, he looked as if he had just been birthed from the womb of the earth not moments before. A goose egg bruise grew off the left side of his head, making it appear misshapen and swelling his eye there completely shut. His right leg bulged unnaturally within his pants above the knee.
A notable lump also appeared on his left forearm. The closer light source being too much to bear, his right arm, the hand at its end sliced and ragged, came up to cover his one seeing eye. Two gardevoirs? It had to be a search party. Those things didn't live under ground. Disoriented he looked back in the direction of what he was sure was a human.
''Are all these with you? Came a croaked query. As sorry as the youth appeared however, Search Team 3 behind was a shadow of its former self. recovered in the arms of with the aid of mysterious powers and multiple heal bombs. Although it seemed that only noted the absence of .
The ginger taps of his komala's wood hammer dug towards the entombed Ranger, but who knew if he would find another to rescue or a corpse to be hauled back to the surface. If so, would the powers of Ho-oh make another subtle return, or could lightning only strike once? None the less, while bloody, it seemed the objective had been achieved.
Now just came the matter of extraction...
Meanwhile... the terrifying sound of rattlesnake halted the rhyperior's tantrum. Its red eyes glared at the lone trainer in the dim darkness. While it was unclear if the brute truly understood the woman's pleas after a long moment of heavy huffs from the pokemon, clouds of cave dust rising from around its nostrils, the rhyperior began to back away.
As it faded back into the gloom, it turned, the low growls it emitted becoming more and more distant. With only the sound of the occasional rock tumbling from the tortured cave around , she was left to content with the battered and comatose , who would surely need to be evacuated immediately.

[attr="class","dangercredits"]cyan of pixel perfect

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,654 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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Hideo Kino
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2021 13:43:56 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
From his Gardevoir to his Beheeyem, and then to him, Hideo would receive the news. “They...they found him!” A wide smile plastered on his face as he looked towards . “He’s alive!...but he’s gotta go to the hospital.

His Beheeyem didn’t tell him exactly how sorry ’s state was, though. Hideo didn’t need to know the details.

And as his Gardevoir looked over the other groups, he got a rough estimate of their collective condition as well - his Beheeyem once again leaving out the details. “...and not just Andy. Nobody from our group got hurt bad, but the other groups weren’t as lucky.” They were gonna need some help with everyone. “Arashi, I’m gonna leave Elga here so they know where to teleport to. We gotta get some medical people over here.

He let his Hatterene out of her Pokeball to accompany his Beheeyem - and to act as some preliminary first aid with her Heal Pulse once everyone got out. With that, with the guidance of his Lycanroc, Hideo would try looking for medical aid for the soon-to-return rescuers.

Back down in the cave, Hideo’s Gardevoir would relay to the others that Hideo was off gathering help - and that his Beheeyem would be a good return point. She’d kneel next to Andy, looking up towards the ceiling; though she didn’t have any healing abilities of her own, she could Teleport him out of here.

After he got some first aid, that is.

Either way, getting him out through Teleportation was likely the safest method, considering how unstable the cave was getting at this point.  Same applied to everyone else, healthy or not.

Hideo relays the (relatively) good news to
Hideo lets his Hatterene out with his Beheeyem, in preparation for everyone's return
Hideo goes to get assistance from medical personnel
His Gardevoir recommends stabilizing everyone, then Teleporting everyone out (she can help with that part)

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,586 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2021 17:09:52 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar

his answer to gets interrupted by the arrival of the pokemon from team 2. the mightyena beside him yips in surprise, but the presence of two healing pokemon at least alleviates some of his worry.

"your rescue party's here," he finally answers. "yeah. no need to worry. someone will give you first aid soon."

he quickly turns around, letting other people deal with him after he's certain that he's safe for now. 's inquiry gets to kyle, and a quick headcount singles out the ranger from their numbers.

"hotel, we're looking for belmont this time."

the mightyena barks, turns tail, and quickly goes to work. the wagging of the tail intensifies when it locks in on the buried fast. with the help of pokemon, he manages to get to him quick, his hand taking a pulse just as he calls from behind him.

"bring another medic here."

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Nov 24th
Neos City
Ex-Gym Leader
Lately I get the feeling nothing works cause we're cursed.
394 posts
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TAG WITH @xander
Xander Belmont
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2021 20:17:15 GMT
Xander Belmont Avatar
"Hey death, it's been awhile. I hope I've not kept you waiting long."

The reaper's is gentle, leading Xander to the realm beyond by his hand, each step they took along the River Styx unshackled weight from his soul. Anxiety, depression - they burden him no longer on the path to Hades.

Below him in the water stained black by damned spirits, his memories flow with the current, flashing brief moments of happiness into his mind.

Long days under the blistering heat with his father. Listening to the old man rattle on about some dusty fossil while Xander sat, capturing the moment inside the worn pages of his sketchbook, smiling.

He saw the playful arguments with his sisters. The fire crackling in the background as they lob marshmallows at each other and laughed.

"I'd forgotten all about these."

About how it felt to be anything other than apathetic. These memories hadn't been here last time. When the icy grip of Sinnoh took him, he'd seen only darkness, felt only despair.

"I want to go back."

You can't.

"I'll do better this time. I remember what I'm missing."

Even so, I will not fail to reap you a second time.

"Please. I...I want to be alive."

Hmm. We shall see.

The reaper takes pity and releases their hand.

As the rubble lifted and rushed to check Xander for a pulse, the tiniest sliver of life beat inside him.

Congrats young man, you get to live another day.

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2021 21:07:56 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar
Kaida waited until the great Pokemon had left before finally releasing her breath. Her ears rang from the Rattlesnake, who knew how much damage was created by the Earthquake, she was now obligated to protect this place, and now she was burdened with this injured woman...perfect.

A cracked open Pokemon released her Dragapult, who eagerly awaited instruction as Kaida prepared to leave. Mission or not, she was now responsible for this woman, and treatment was going to be necessary.

"Help me carry her out...we need healers, careful my friend." The last thing they needed was another angered Pokemon breathing down her neck...perhaps she and the Rangers could close this cave off, nothing but cracked rock and bad blood here.

- We're going home! Mission...success?

Shed Skin. Bite, Glare, Acid Spray, Stockpile, Giga Drain, Swallow. Has Z-move Rattlesnake!

Stealth Rock, Rock Polish, Dragon Breath, Curse, Protect, Stone Edge. Has Z-move Living Wall!

Power Trip, Crunch, Earthquake, Outrage, Double Team, Bulk Up.

Dig, Crunch, Iron Head, Agility, Beat Up, First Impression. Can use regular Z-moves!

Hex, Phantom Force, Dragon Dance, Infestation, Dragon Tail, Dragon Darts.

Megahorn, Horn Drill, Smack Down, Curse, Metal Burst, Ice Fang.

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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2021 23:43:55 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar


All at once, Ruby gasped and clutched her head. The psychic sharing of information was quick to share the intense pain and hurt not too far away. It was almost too much to bear. Quickly asking her Gardevoir to sever the telepathic link, the Gardevoir worked to push the others mentally out for now as they walked so she could focus.[break][break]

And then she witnessed it with her own two eyes. Andy had been found, but he was in incredibly poor shape, and so was many others over there. What had happened? Despite her curiosity, there was a more prevailing emotion at hand. Guilt. She had to act, now. She had to do something, they were calling for medics. Her training was... still not great, but she didn't bring her first aid supplies for nothing. [break][break]

"Grace," Ruby quickly spoke, already slinging her backpack off her back to dig into her supplies. "You know what to do." She was too focused to instruct her Pokemon, struggling to figure out who to attempt to treat first and with what, before deciding to go to first. Children were the priority, no matter what.[break][break]

Sure enough, the Gardevoir would nod towards their trainer. Floating up into the air with a few steps, Grace began to dance. Spinning rapidly, her dress twirled in all directions as Z-Power began to build. Suddenly, a light healing rain would begin to pour down around them, an Angelic Showers.[break][break]

the user causes a downpour of healing rain that affects everyone within the vicinity. this rain and its healing will last FIVE POSTS. this weather condition cannot be removed.

Hopefully, the healing rain would patch people up enough that they wouldn't be in emergency states... Or at least, so she hoped.


notesZ-Moves Angelic Showers.


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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,845 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2021 1:07:43 GMT
mint frost Avatar

Cacio grew more agitated, especially when the Mightyena joined in. Mint can only look at helplessly, half shrugging as he spoke. He’d not really a medic. He barely knew how to clean his own wounds, much less check on someone else. “In retrospect, maybe each search party should’ve come with its own doctor.” He said as he grabbed his pokeball. As the earth moved over he looked over the crumpled body of a man he barely knew. When the champion checks him there’s the slightest twitching. As Cacio begins to sniff, before baring fangs Mint retrieved him to keep him from causing a scene. [break][break]

Canoli is still moving over rubble and cleaning off the ranger. There’s barely a glance as he heard a commotion. The lost child was found and healing pokemon were being deployed. There’s a soft rain that sort of calms him and relieves some of his cuts and bruises. He vaguely wondered what sort of move this was before directing his attention back to . “Hey, can you walk? Stand?” he asked hovering over him. He didn’t touch him, merely looking over to see anything that wasn’t aligned right. “Probably just a good sign if you can talk.” He continued, noting no one in this status should be moving without supervised medical help. Too bad they were underground. Luckily it seemed like this would be over soon. He would stand by, waiting to see if Xander or anyone else needed support to walk, happy they were all leaving at least.


+ [break]
- Returns Cacio before he eats Xander's body [break]
- Stands waiting to help if he needs it ​[break]
- Ready to leave!!!! ​[break]



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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,211 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2021 1:51:07 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar





How strange it feels to see everyone here... As her eyes flit over Andy's injuries, Eris can't help but be drawn to the sight of nursing a fallen man and another adult being stuck under the rubble? Funny how the adults hadn't fared as well as the kids, but that really shouldn't be the main focus here.
"Get out first. Danger still around."
The rumbling of this cave network is ominous, a little too much for her liking. Given the extent of injuries sustained by the other group, she presumes that there's some other threat that wanders around. Looking to , she briefly wonders if his Orbeetle is able to do what it did back in their first run. It's that or them having to backtrack with casualties in tow.









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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2021 12:46:33 GMT
[attr="class","matias"]the HEAL PULSE does what it can to lessen the pain; he's grateful for it, breathing slowing as pain starts to subside. he's still aware enough to know that they're missing one member, though the others quickly search for the ranger.

joined by others, there's nothing left for them to do.

"let's get out of here."

[attr="class","noodles"] + + +
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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,788 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2021 19:59:15 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
Adele is the first to stumble upon the wounded . The Gardevoir’s dress billow in the stagnant air as he assess the child for a moment. Sudden sounds of the others catch her by surprise. With adrenaline still spiked, she spin around to defend from what she could. Instead, she’s met with the sight of another Gardevoir holding a . . . Flashlight. Quickly TELEPATHY helps her understand the other’s intentions. They are pure. A sudden rush of emotions of the reunion drives her back towards the group of adults. Andy seems well taken care of at this point.

Eva’s still shaken, but her senses begin to come back to her. He’s ok. Her breath steadies along with the shake in her hands. Eva takes a moment to look up, assess the situation around them. Adele returns, pressing a comforting feeling into Eva’ consciousness that does help sooth her.

“Alright, let’s get you out of here,”she smiles down at Matias. There’s no way the small doctor can help the man physically, o she resorts to bringing out a third party member he would recognize. The Machamp appears in a flash of light, stunned by the sight of Matias on the ground, “Syah, help him, please,” she commands, reluctantly peeling herself away from him to move towards . Syah gently helps to his feet, carrying him in her four arms if she must to get them out of here.

“How are we doing over here,” she asks, glancing from and to . He was in rough shape too. Yikes. This cave did a number on them, “Blade,” the Gallade already knows what to do. A HEAL PULSE thrums from his open pals, bathing Xander in comfort and pain relief as the ANGELIC SHOWERS too begins to bath the group. There’s no physical injury she can address, but he needed proper medical attention ASAP, “We’ll have to help him out of here too . . . gently,” gently she evaluate his skull for head or neck injury, “Help me with him,” she expects and to help gently lift him to his feet and support him while they find an exit.

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,062 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2021 1:39:15 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar
"This is the second time now." Doug said wryly as he kneeled near Andy, brows pinched together as he overlooked the boy's severe injuries.

Compared to the night of the sleepover, he was much, much worse.

"Shit, Andy... I'm so sorry." He muttered as he dragged his hands through his own hair stressfully, breath hitching. He had no idea how any of this had happened- just that it was somehow his fault.

They needed to get this done and over with.

"Garo!" He snapped as he stood up, turning to his Orbeetle. "No mistakes are allowed this time!"

The Orbeetle flinched, before it nodded after a moment, turning to its twin and synchronizing their radars. It tried to find every single person around the area for searching Andy; after what its last mistake had caused, it was determined to leave no person behind.

After a moment, its eyes snapped open with a blue glow, and it nodded.

"Do it." Doug ordered, energy crackling around his Z-ring as he pointed his hand at the Orbeetle. "Bring us to the Mauville City Hospital Center!"


Fascination ufo

orbeetle TELEPORTS consenting allies a large distance away almost instantaneously. anyone between where orbeetle was and where it ends up will feel heavy nausea and disorientation. this supersedes traditional trapping methods.

-Grabbing EVERYONE in the event and plopping them into the hospital, where they should be expecting them.
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Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
615 posts
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Andy Blackadder
The Follies of Youth II [EVENT]
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2021 15:41:19 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




The dim light provided by the various pokemon, one wielding an actual flashlight, had the Galarian squinting with his usable eye. The light hurt. The voice of the man standing over him sounded familiar. The silhouette looked familiar too. Was it ? It was odd that he knew the Champion from going ice skating with him once...
Or perhaps fitting as Andy found him very cold. Maybe he was all business while on a mission, which made sense for a man of his station. Either way, after confirming the boy wasn't dead he turned to deal with the voices in the distance. Apparently getting down here hadn't been an easy task. Just how far below the ground were they?
One of the gardevoirs let him know that was going for assistance up on the surface, betraying that that particular pokemon was his. A small wave of relief washed over the Blackadder boy. So they had gotten out as well? The sound of rubble in the distance interrupts this brief sense of calm. The last thing he wants to hear is more rocks falling.
Alas, it's just Team Three freeing from his own stone tomb. Tucked within the flickering shadows, the arrival of several figures is largely missed by the boy. There's too much going on, and he's feeling groggy as it is. Another gardevoir hovers over him, and Andy sarcastically wonders if he's about to be inducted into some cult.
Recognized were the voices of and , who was encouraging them all to leave, which sounded like a fantastic plan to him. Beckoning her own gardevoir, a rain begins to patter on all those present. At first Andy is slightly annoyed. The last thing he wanted after all this was to get rained on. The soothing effects of the z-move however quickly ease such discomforts.
For those present who were injured recently, they would find themselves restored. However, the length of time and severity of the injures faced by meant that a little more than magic was required to mend him. would find nearly as good as new after all the healing power being poured into him.
Andy felt all the pain from his wounds fade even if the wounds themselves did not. His breaths still came hard, just with no pain associated. Another familiar voice came out of the gloom. @bugcatherdoug chided him for getting injured again, but then apologized. Andy didn't really understand why.
''I jumped into a hole, Doug.'' The voice was raspy and pitiful. No one had brought any water? Was drinking z-move rain healthy? ''It's not your fault.'' No one could be blamed for this but himself, as much as he wanted to say it was Frankie's fault or the megalopolans, or even the League. None the less, the elder boy intended to make things up with an immediate evacuation.
With an far-reaching z-move of their own, the orbeetle Garo used his far reaching sense to pick out all the members of the collective rescue teams, and even from where she hauled and take them all to the Mauville Hospital. Who knew how would react to seeing her son in such a state. None the less, anywhere was better than spending one more second in that cave.
It was good to be alive.

[attr="class","dangercredits"]cyan of pixel perfect

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP