i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2021 7:45:18 GMT

no, theo doesn't understand the significance of the name, but it's enough to snap his attention. he turns towards the center of the room, and through the mist, he sees them.

lulu and darkrai.

coexisting forces of nightmares.

an unown floats in front of him only to be slapped away. he heads towards the center, meeting her soon enough.

"we need to leave."

in disguise
nightmares with
3/3 i can escape pog
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February second
Lumiose City
54 height
54 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
369 posts
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TAG WITH @lime3
Evette Moreau
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2021 17:40:22 GMT
Evette Moreau Avatar

That was a confusing answer. Which, ironically, was rather good all things considered. Tilting her head in slight confusion, she was distracted from the other mess somewhat successfully. “I guess truth and belief do not always align. But…doesn’t it bother you what she said to you? And if I made that, I must have come up with this with just a glance at you….”

Briefly, Eve trailed off, only to slightly recoil with a blush, a hand to her mouth. “Oh, oh, my. I must have been really rude in that way, right? I am sorry. It definitely wasn’t my intention. At least…I don’t think it was?”


+ ooc notes



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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,754 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2021 3:46:06 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

    “Yeah, I’m fine.” Rowan lied, deciding the proceedings were more pressing than the nightmare he’d just experienced. Assassins from another realm descended upon the innocent, seemingly after those that possessed avatarships from what he’d been able to discern through the mists. “What the hell is going on? Who are these people?” There was a small amount of guilt that nagged at him, having been incapacitated while Adrian fought these perils to find him.

    Information would have to wait for a more opportune time, suddenly finding himself thrust into aiding Adrian in corralling the Unknown into a pattern of words. “I don’t know, it’s hard to…” A familiar sensation came in an unfamiliar situation, the chilled breeze of a northern wind blowing softly against his back, attempting to gather his attention. Rowan turned around in time to see one of the would-be assassins launch their attack towards the unaware avatar.

    “Adrian!” Rowan called out, moving forward to push the man out of the way of the blast, despite the danger that suddenly was presented to himself.

The only thing that mattered was that Adrian was safe.

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,676 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2021 22:40:59 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
The two Pokemon made their way through the mist, the Ambipom walking as the Unown floated. The two could hear much, from dreams playing out to nightmares striking at the unwary. Nothing came out to either of them, though, but they still struggled to find their trainer in the mists.

Until they heard a voice.

Again! Again!

They both recognized the voice instantly; it was Hideo’s. They could hear it once more, saying the same words. They approached, the form becoming clearer to them - or rather, forms, both close to each other. One was decidedly human-shaped, but the other was different, yet familiar; a Beheeyem.

I wanna hear you again, Elga!

Once they were close enough, the details were easier to make out; it was Hideo and Elga together. But the former was different - he was smaller, younger. Not even a foot taller than the Beheeyem.


The Beheeyem complied, letting out his cry.


Hideo giggled, clapping.

I love how you sound, Elga!

The Ambipom observed their interaction, confused. She’d never heard Elga actually speak - only communicate with Telepathy. And she knew Hideo wasn’t this small. She looked over at the Unown, who looked back and shook its head(?). They had both heard about this being some kind of interdream zone, but could that actually change what someone was?

Pom approached, Elga noticing her arrival. He looked away, but it was hard to disregard her tapping his head like that. He told her - telepathically - that he’d lost track of Hideo in the mists after his “parents” showed up, but ended up finding this Hideo.

He knew it wasn’t real. This wasn’t Hideo - his efforts to Telepathically communicate with it fell flat. But he still wanted to be with it, for just a while longer. He didn’t want this dream to end.

But they had more important things to do.

Pom gently separated the two, the illusionary Hideo reaching out to the Beheeyem.

Wait! Don’t go!  You don’t have to go back! I’ll always love you, Elga!

But before the dream could turn into a nightmare, a Hidden Power beam made a collision with the fake Hideo, its body losing detail and turning back into the mist it was made of. The Beheeyem reached out to it, but there was nothing he could do, once more going silent as it ended, offering only a small nutation as he'd follow along.

They had more important things to do anyway.

Summary: Unown and Ambipom find Hideo's Beheeyem, who's occupied with a fake Hideo.  The two break him from the illusion before going to find the real Hideo.

3 words done, can exit interdream zone

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2021 6:05:24 GMT
luka chêne Avatar
i don't know anything with certainty,
but the sight of the stars makes me dream
Things change in the dreams that swirl around her.

Dreamlike faces and radiant smiles bleed together. Forms twist and twine together and first, swept up in rapture, Luka doesn't notice it. She takes another hand, accepts another dance. Blushes as a face turns to hers for a kiss. But the hand that grasps hers feels twisted and wrong. When Luka opens her eyes, she finds too many staring back at her.

She stumbles back with a quiet yelp. Something that had once been human lurches towards her, staggering forwards on too many legs. The faces and bodies of everyone she's come to care for are here, warped and corrupted into something monstrous.

Look what your love has done to us, they whisper. You ruin everything you touch. Luka can only gape in horror as contorted faces fade into the mist that surrounds her, blinking eyes replacing them as spectators to her NIGHTMARE.

Look what you've done to him, the broken voices whisper one more. No monsters appear, but silent dread only increases. The interdream zone grants her with only one last vision: a pine box, surrounded by lilies.

Luka collapses beside it while the mist closes in. Dry sobs wrack her chest, crystalline heart beating behind broken ribs. Tears fall onto the casket below her and sink into the wood, but after several minutes they only plip, plip onto cold tile.

Vaguely she can hear the sound of commotion around her, muffled by the dream mist, but otherwise she's completely alone.

The visions have left her. And she's lost the real to the mist. No nightmares need to whisper into her ear now: she's alone, just like always, and it's a nightmare she's already used to living.

After a few minutes she staggers to her feet. Sniffs once and wipes at her eyes. It's almost scary, how good she is at pretending she hasn't been crying.

But sitting and sniveling like a baby won't help anyone. The quiet despair around her is getting harder to ignore, and it's clear that this dream mist isn't anything like her Musharna's. There's something wrong with it.

Dreams aren't supposed to be like this. Luka dusts herself off, shimmering tulle flowing through her fingers. A pastel tribute to Cresselia, a patron of dreams— Luka glances through the mist, as though expecting the celestial creature to burst through and save her. It'd be the perfect plot of a fairy tale, but she's no princess.

Instead she starts to hurry through the mist, searching for someone, anyone. Even though countless unnerving eyes surround her, she's completely alone. But how can that be? The ballroom was so crowded, certainly there must be someone nearby.

"Jayden?" she calls out. "D-derek? Mint? Andres?" There's no answer, of course. She hasn't even noticed it, but above her head an Unown hovers. It's a perfectly fitting question mark.

Her heels click against marble as she breaks into a brisk walk. Why isn't anyone else here? "Hello?" Luka shouts, voice tinged with desperation. "A-anyone? Hello?"

The DIMENSION she's in is unstable. Darkness leeches into pastel pink, a dark stain spreading. Fear laps at her heels, tightens in her throat. She can almost feel five long fingers stretching around it, threating to squeeze.

Her Unown, though, meets with some of their fellows. Completing words with a question mark, rounding them up like a lasso. Luka frowns, puzzled, the first time she sees it. CENTRIPICAL is not a word she knows well, but she's seen it somewhere before. While the cogs in her head slowly turn, she notices some of the corruption in the mist receding. It fades, like an old bruise, and takes some of the other Unown with it.

The question mark above her head chimes and wiggles around. Luka clears her throat, wants to thank them, but a flash of red interrupts her.

The scream that follows it snaps more into focus.

Even though she still can't see anyone else, she can hear them. A cacophony of fear, shouting and cursing and thundering footsteps. Luka flinches as another beam of light zaps towards her, alerted only by the frantic chiming of her Unown that danger is near. She gasps and starts to run, holding her skirts in her hand and screaming out the names of anyone she can think of, praying that she might finally meet someone, or at least be able to help in some way.

- luka's cute dream shifts into a nightmare
- it leaves her alone- utterly alone
- she believes the nightmare has left her, but her solitude is just another part of her bad dream
- she decides to try and fix things as best she can and help anyone she might come across in the mist
- post #17

● star soiree

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2021 6:37:59 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
TAGGING @soiree

"ganging up on one person? c'mon that's pretty low even for pokemon!" from within the mist kazimir wynter emerged and placed himself between and the unown with his own unown flying in on a collision course with the others that were flying around to try and disrupt their little stunt. "pick on someone your own size too!" with that kazimir sends out his urshifu who rushes at one of the assassins with an iron head ready to break one of the assassin's faces in and make it flat as a pancake. meanwhiel his own "exclamation point" unown was busy using its hidden power to seal up the cracks that were splintering all around the room.

all the while kazimir felt his pocket shake and taking it out he found the mysterious device that he had gotten from his work as a chef at a pop up restaurant. holding it up he noticed it seeming to beep rapidly as it was aimed at the unown, as if they were giving off some kind of weird energy or something. too bad for kazimir he wasn't sure what to make of it, this mist that seeped out of some alternate dimension and the strange assassins was all happening too fast as the blonde had just woken up from a daze, as if he was daydreaming all while this was happening until now.


escaping the mist 3/3
[newclass=.pokkenger b]font-weight:bold;color:#44d4e4;[/newclass]
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2021 6:53:37 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

A name — sharp, sudden, his — to pull him from a nightmare.

He gasps as if he's been submerged in cold water and barely has a chance to register the eerie eye of an Unown targeting him before crashes into him and narrowly drags them both out of range of a killing blast.

They... they were trying to kill...

Temp is squeezing so tight that Gavin can barely breathe... or is it that he can't breathe for the panic that's seizing his chest?

Trembling hands seek purchase wherever they can find it — in Temp's clothes, his hair, the curve of his neck.

Not alone. Not alone.

"You're not alone," he breathes, because he sees the tears at the corner of Temp's eyes and realises he might need to hear it, too. "I'm here, love. I'm right here."
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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2021 0:25:09 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
350 for open
The Unown fired, unleashing an explosion of Hidden Power on both trainer and Pokémon. Locke braced themselves, turning away from their attackers and trying their best to shield De-De from the worst of it.

Only to find themselves still standing as the dust settled, the deadly beams stopped short by a shimmering barrier of psychic energy.

De-De spotted their savior first, wing smacking against arm as the Delibird directed their attention to . A wave of gratitude rushed through Locke, and they made a mental note to thank her properly for saving them. Again.

They weren’t out of the woods yet though. The barrier may have protected them from the first wave of attacks, but they were still surrounded by the hostile Unown. De-De dropped from Locke’s arms, ice collecting at her beak as she readied another Freeze-Dry. The attack sputtered out and died before it could leave the Sanctuary, however; the barrier just as much a cage as a shield.

Locke flinched as a few more flashes of red struck the dome. How long would it last? Would it be long enough to wait out the attack? Should they make a break for it and hope for the best? Oh god, he was going to die here-

“Ganging up on one person? C'mon that's pretty low even for Pokémon!”

The hero always arrives at the last second.

He watched the (stupidly attractive no bad brain not now) stranger send his Unown to close the rifts in reality with the same power being used against the partygoers. Not quite understanding how it worked but realizing he could do the same, Locke rushed to follow suit, quickly releasing his own Unown-R. It’s singular eye blinked in confusion as it hovered around, stopping to inspect ’s mysterious device.

“Rom-Rom! Help the other one!” His Pokémon snapped to attention, before trailing after the Unown-! to help with its own Hidden Power. De-De also took inspiration from their psychic hero, leaping from the safety of the barrier and into the fray with Rapid Spins to keep the remaining swarm scattered and unable to retaliate.

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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John Sullivan
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2021 2:54:48 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

Star Soiree

Whoopsie Doodle I fell friggin' asleep

He was in the fog, but he was not inside it.
Tapu Lele tended to be somewhere between useless and actively detrimental whenever he needed any manner of assistance, but perhaps her dance with 's patron had left her in a particularly giving mood.

Regardless of her reasons, when the strange phenomena came, the effects were brushed aside by the Tapu of Life before her avatar could be caught up in them, a lazy wave of her hand seemingly reflecting back whatever was causing the commotion around him.

Still, the mist had eventually filled up the entirety of the observatory- and his friends had all seemingly vanished within the ethereal plane Dr. Holo had referred to as the 'Interdream Zone'.

For a while, he hadn't been sure if he should be worried. Once the screams began, however, the decision was easily made.

"We've gotta help!" Doug muttered, turning towards his matron. "Do you-"

She was not there anymore.

"... Fine. I'll figure it out myself!" He snapped at no one in particular, reaching back and yanking his hat atop his head.

The sharp motion threw the Unown hiding inside right out and in front of him, the '?'-shaped pokemon's eye dizzily spinning about inside its sole socket before it finally focused on the young man.

"Very appropriate." Doug said wryly, looking at the literal question mark. "I don't know what the heck's going on, either."

Somehow, the young Captain got the impression those words had somehow offended the Unown, whose sole eye squinted at him before its body... bobbed up and down sharply, as if scoffing at the claim.

"... Uh. I'm Sorry, what?" He said, blinking, before gawking as the Unown turned around and quickly floated away and into the mist. "Wha- Wait, wait! Do you know something?!"

He was already falling in line behind the Unown, running full tilt after it as it seemingly guided him through the fog.

Eventually, it came to a stop, prompting him to do so as well. The reason? More unown. A whole lot more of them.

"Oh gods." Doug gasped lowly as he stared at them all, suckling in a sharp breath. "... This building ain't gonna survive at this rate."

If they had detonated an explosion for one, what would they do for several?!

While he pondered this dumbass question, his unown stared, unblinking, as its several brethen whirled through the air rapidly, randomly aligning themselves in meaningless jargon.

"... The heck's that?"

As if to echo this, his little companion casually floated forth and joined the group of unown, aligning himself at the end.
"... Z... Uuuh... Think that's an A...? Umm... " He muttered, slowly making out each letter slowly. "Z-a-m-a-z-e-n-t-a...?"

"... Friggin' gibberi-!!!" There was a crack, a clap, and then a sudden rush of wind, before he was thrown on his ass by a sudden wave that swept outwards from the unown group, hurling each and every letter into a crack in space he hadn't realized was there, and hurling his interrogation sign right into his face.

"Ack! Dagnabbit!" He screamed in pain as he fell, completely missing a blast of hidden power that sailed harmlessly over his head.

TAG: @
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October 13
808 height
808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2021 6:34:13 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]MOSSDEEP STAR SOIREE





EVENTUALLY, those lost in the mist find their way out, aided by benevolent Unown. The species is normally skittish, but several members of its kin, pressured by extraordinary circumstances, extend their powers to help. However, some have been bent by this dimensional degradation. Either corrupted by fear or powers beyond understanding, some Unown attempt to mislead— while others, harnessed by an external force, are used to assassinate.[break][break]

These assassins are quick to disappear. With their Unown, they synchronize exits at unworldly speeds. At first, they flatten into two dimensional shapes before bursting into black matte fragments like square pixels.[break][break]

Those who have been sealing the dimensional tears with Unown are instrumental in the dispersal of the Interdream Zone. Like extraplanar glue or zippers, the Unown are able to patch up this relatively fresh wound...[break][break]

During everyone's time in the mist, loses their garden charm. Perhaps, it is misplaced, having fallen into some dusty nook or cranny. But no matter how hard she tries, Monroe can not fathom a reasonable explanation for its disappearance.[break][break]

However, as leaves the mist, they do not notice their newest accessory. Around their neck in red string, the UNUSUAL CHARM dangles. On it, a hieroglyphic is inscribed (and can be felt): THE LETTER O. Should he wear it proudly and showcase it to others, will learn a disturbing secret. NO ONE ELSE can see the sigil. Only a SELECT FEW can, and what they see differs from your own.[break][break]

, should someone visited by UXIE, MESPRIT, OR AZELF see your charm request a moderator post.


LEAGUE OFFICIALS ARRIVE, tending to those who require healing, comfort, and other amenities. Mossdeep's Observatory staff is quick to aid as well, directing those who require immediate rest to the infamous WEST WING. Those who work closely with the League are asked to give their reports. The field where the Interdream Zone once was is cordoned off— but initial investigations reveal very little...[break][break]

Dr. Holo talks to the authorities as well; however, she does not release her passions for the night sky. Directing others to look into the heavens, they will be able to see the last few shooting stars of the early litleonids.


In an undisclosed location, fingers quickly type away on mechanical keys. They click clack crisply in the darkness of the room in hasty rhythm. Dr. Holo sighs, pulling her fingers off her keyboard as she slides back from her desk, legs crossed as she swings around in her wheeled chair.[break][break]

As if on cue, two men materialize, unfolding swiftly from two dimensional black squares with a particular logo's glow. They are accompanied by an UNOWN D and an UNOWN R that hover immediately before their stomachs. Like clockwork, they rotate in the air like a rusty submarine hatch's handle.[break][break]

The man allied with the UNOWN D shakes his white hair. Like a glitch, the white strands suddenly shock into blond. He grumbles, a hand moving to his shoulder.[break][break]

Dr. Holo sighs, raising her arms in a wide shrug. "It'll turn white in time, Puck. Time for a conflab?"[break][break]

A black shape whips out from behind Holo: an UNOWN K.



THIS IS THE FINAL MOD POST for the Star Soiree. Thank you so much for all of your incredible participation. This mega event thread has been the craziest ride so far, and I loved every single moment of it![break][break]

As a note, those who have split off into their own separate threads from this event can still have their posts count toward the reward requirements in the litleonid constellation found on page 1. Take note as you redeem your prizes in the site shop.[break][break]

From this point onward, feel free to continue roleplaying your dream scenarios out/the aftermath of the dreams and more. However, this event thread will be archived on NOVEMBER 5TH, 11:59PM PST.

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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,459 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2021 10:39:32 GMT
matias catches sight of a little too late to do anything but watch as comes to his rescue. of course she would; how could he forget?

but he's thankful to see the young man protected by gallade's protective dome. it looks like he has it handled from there, so there's nothing to stop matias from tugging eva along, following after virizion's MAGICAL LEAVES.

finally, the STARS ALIGN, and they step out of the mist, safe and sound.


he coughs, turning back to look at eva.

"are you okay?"

escaped the mist with
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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,676 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2021 1:21:02 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
It didn’t take long for the trio to find Hideo, struggling with the illusions the mists conjured up. They were able to free him from it, but the experience had been fairly exhausting for the boy. He’d been fairly confused that his Unown had shown up here too, but it was far from the first of his Pokemon to crash this party. And from what he could overhear, it wasn’t the only Unown here.

There was so much going on, and this night had already been a chaotic one. Hideo was pretty much done, and he didn’t know where everyone else went.

Well, he did notice one person: was rattling off some random letters off and trying to sound out a word Hideo didn’t recognize. Hideo didn’t even really feel like asking what he was doing or trying to help.

Hey, Doug?” Hideo said, trying to get his attention, “If anyone asks, I’m gonna go back to my camp. I think I’ve had enough for tonight.” Chances were staying later would lead to some other weird event happening, and he didn’t have the energy for that.

Oh, and have you seen my Gardevoir or my Ribombee? They gotta be here-” A quick Telepathic message interrupted him, followed by the headpat from his Gardevoir. “Oh, hey Dancer. You got Pinky with you?” A confirmation. Good. “Alright guys, let’s head back.

He couldn’t hold back a yawn, his hand going up to his face. As he let it back down along his chest, he felt something there. A string? He followed it down until he felt something metal.


He didn’t know where that came from, but the letter “O” immediately entered his mind. It wasn't vague like with his Telepathic Pokemon either.

Hideo sighed. Something weird was already starting to happen. Best leave before it trapped him.

Summary: Hideo is found by his Pokemon and escorted out of the Interdream zone.  Exhausted, he tells he's leaving.  He accidentally touches the amulet he now has, but is to tired to think about it.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,725 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2021 4:10:59 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

her eyes were peeled for him as she tried her best to see through the horrors and chaos, but he reached her first. when he did, her hand shot to grab for his elbow. a small comfort in the moment; a way to not lose him again, though she’d been the one to run off before.

darkrai had disappeared at the sight of theo, back to wading through shadows more inconspicuously, but never leaving them. lulu had never noticed his presence.

she nodded frantically at his judgment. “no shit.”

they’d find their exit—just in time to witness the strange disappearance of a couple of matching white-haired individuals.

her feet stumbled a little, but she caught herself on theo as they left out the door, through the crowd.

“did you see that?”
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april 13th
231 height
231 height
Diamond sparrow, my moonlight majesty, come flying back to me.
928 posts
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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2021 14:31:28 GMT
"nope. doesn't bother me all too much."

because in all honesty, worse things have been said to him.

"it's fine! don't worry about it. come on, let's leave this fucking mist."

offering her his hand, the STARS HAVE FINALLY ALIGNED enough that he knows exactly how to get out of it.

with in the mist
3/3, can escape from mist
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February second
Lumiose City
54 height
54 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lime3
Evette Moreau
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2021 17:51:38 GMT
Evette Moreau Avatar

Well, if he truly had no problem with that, she probably should not complain. After all, it was his prerogative to be insulted. If he so decidedly wasn’t, then she did not really have any right to beat herself up over that.

“Well, if you insist,” she thus said, regaining a little bit of her usual playfulness before taking his hand. There were few doubts left in her mind in that regard, so she did not hesitate at all, her grip fast and firm. They did have a mist to get out of, after all.


+ ooc notes



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