i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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triple h
september 14th
rustboro gym leader
champion (hoenn & vct)
now come together, come apart
4,046 posts
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TAG WITH @cian
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2021 16:09:55 GMT
she's not real.

she's not, and yet, the way she makes him feel is far too real.


not good enough.


"aw, are you going to cry?"

ultimately, it's mars' whisper that pulls him away. it grounds him enough to snap him out of his own thoughts. he spares one last glare at the ghost of his past.

"fuck off, you bitch."

no more NIGHTMARES for him.

away they step.

nightmares POG
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april 13th
231 height
231 height
Diamond sparrow, my moonlight majesty, come flying back to me.
928 posts
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POSTED ON Oct 22, 2021 16:19:50 GMT
"doing better is overrated."

honestly, danny doesn't know what else to say. she's a complete stranger, after all.

but when silence washes over her, he pauses himself, debating his next few words carefully.

"are you...okay?"

what NIGHTMARE is this?

with in the mist
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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,459 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2021 16:44:26 GMT
NIGHTMARES threaten to overwhelm them, but he's already snapped out of his, and so he'll try his best to do the same for her.


he reaches for her arm.


a step takes him closer and he's attempting to pull her into him, away from her visions that fall FLAT to him.

"focus on me, love."

lost in the mist with
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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
5,719 posts
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2021 16:47:40 GMT

he cuts himself off, mind still clear enough to remember where they are. he tenses, standing back up to his feet as he watches her disappear further into the mist.

around him, unown start to appear, and he's filled with an odd sense of dread that somehow this NIGHTMARE isn't over just yet.

he sighs, picking up into a jog as he trails after her.

in disguise
nightmares with
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,725 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2021 5:27:48 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

the singular unown from earlier had been suspicious, but now? there was no doubt in her mind that the origin of the report was somewhere in the room, or at least tied to it.

soon, she left the shadows again, wading through a surreal crowd of falling bodies, and opening pockets of darkness, unown flitting around, pain, destruction, murder, corruption… utter chaos. she might’ve fed on it, had she not been drowning in it herself.

the people around her were changing. it felt like galar. the cillian she saw across the room wasn’t the real form of , but he danced around all the same. she recognized others that she hadn’t seen years, a couple of them smiling at her pleasantly, until their faces began to disappear.

having paid such close attention to the dresses at the beginning of the evening, she noted that she recognized a few—which meant that maybe at least those people were real. a shred of reality to hold onto.

it occurred to her that she maybe shouldn’t have left theo.

and where in the almighty fuck was dr. holo? she’d gone silent, as far as lulu could hear.
note: lulu is still in disguise with a blonde wig and blue contacts and would be difficult to recognize.

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November 16th
Jubilife City
Former Beast
You don't wanna see me bratty~
595 posts
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TAG WITH @sailorarti
Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2021 14:39:44 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar



Her tears made traversing in this mist incredibly difficult. Or was it something else? She felt like no matter how hard or fast she chased after Cas she was no closer to catching up to him than when she started. Quickly wiping her face as she continued, she attempted to calm herself down. She was a mess and she needed to get a grip. [break][break]

However, as time ticked forward she couldn't help but feel as though eyes were on her. A lingering sense of dread washed over her as she continued. Her footsteps slowed as she glanced behind her. Where had she come from again? Where was the way out? Turning her attention back to where she had last seen Caspurr, she sighed. She figured she might as well keep going forward since she couldn't find her way back. [break][break]

A sharp and bitter wind blew causing Serena to shiver and close her eyes. When she opened them again a loud gasp left her lips. Before her was the crumpled dead body of Caspurr. The very same as what she witnessed that fateful day. Suddenly everything around her changed and morphed into the scene of her nightmares. [break][break]

She was back in Sootopolis and Caspurr was still in a pool of his own blood. But not just him, the rest of her team her dead too. Crushed under debris, impaled on spikes, all of them on the ground lifeless. Serena heard herself before she felt her lack of breath. She clutched at her chest again as she tried her best to breathe. [break][break]

"Ser....ena...." she heard a voice call out. Whipping around she saw on the ground, coughing up blood on the ground. Her eyes widened as she stared at him. He had a hole in his chest and it was clear he was dying. She quickly rushed over to him, her hands shaking as she shook her head. What should she do?[break][break]

Right. She had to stop the bleeding right? Surely someone would come help them soon. She quickly placed her hands over his wound and added pressure. "I-It'll be okay. Just...try to stay awake? Someone will help us..." her voice cracked at the end. Danny chuckled before coughing up more blood. "So this is how it ends..." he said, his voice hoarse. [break][break]

"Don't say that! Just focus on staying awake." she said as tears threatened to pour down her face once more. But looking down at Danny she could see the light begin to fade from his eyes. "I wish...." he began, his voice hoarse. "I'd never met you. This is all your fault." Serena's body froze as she stared back at him. "Why'd it have to be like...this..."[break][break]

Serena felt his body go limp underneath her hands and she took in a shaky breath. "I--" she began as she stumbled backwards from him. Looking down at her hands she saw they were covered in blood and she felt a chill run down her spine. " sorry..." There was a heavy pressure on Serena's chest. It was painful and unsettling and it wouldn't go away. [break][break]

She needed to get away from all of this. Forcing herself to turn away from Danny and the rest of the corpses behind her she quickly forced herself to run in a different direction. She ran as fast as she could. Even when her lungs were burning and her feet were aching she kept running. [break][break]

Before long she saw a familiar figure in the distance and suddenly the waterworks began again. "Adi!" she cried out as she rushed towards him. She immediately embraced him and he turned around holding onto her. "What's going on?" asked but Serena was too busy crying to really answer. [break][break]

She felt him stiffen before awkwardly resulting to patting her back in a sad attempt to comfort her. This was familiar, this was something she knew. And somehow that brought her a small piece of comfort. Everything was so strange ever since she had walked into this mist. Were these visions of the future or the past? She had no clue, but she didn't want to deal with them anymore. [break][break]

"Sere, listen." Adrian said once her sobs had calmed down. "You need to get out of here. It's not safe." Serena sniffed and looked up at him. "What?" She asked, clear confusion written on her face. "It's not--" Adrian began before his face clouded over and a deep frown formed on his features. All of a sudden his grip on her tightened and she winced. "Ow, Adrian." she protested but the look he sent her made her stop in her tracks immediately. [break][break]

He quickly shoved her and yelled. "GET OUT OF HERE! NOW!" stumbling backwards she hesitated for a moment. She wanted to ask him a question but the way he was acting let her know if she stayed any longer he would be furious. So she turned to leave and as she turned her back to Adrian 5 gunshots went off causing her to flinch. [break][break]

When she turned back around she saw Adrian's posture slouch and hunch over before he fell over on the ground and a pool of crimson begin to form around him. "No." she said as she stood there with horror written all over her face. Quickly rushing over to his side she held Adrian in her arms. "What...what happened?!" she shouted as panic settled in. "You...gotta...leave" he said again before his body also went cold in her arms. [break][break]

"No no no no no." Serena said shaking her head. "No no no no, you can't leave me." She said as she began rocking back and forth. "Wh-what about mom and dad? What about ?" She no longer could keep a steady breath. Her body was trembling and all around her she began to hear whispers. Echo's of Danny's last words came back to her mind and she gripped her head that was beginning to pulse and ache. "Stop it." she cried. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Serena screamed as hot tears streamed down her face and neck. [break][break]

She didn't want to continue. She wanted to get out of this nightmare, but how? She didn't even know where to go. Where had she even come from in the first place. She curled into a ball beside the body of her dead brother. Rocking and shaking, she was stuck here and everyone she cared about was dead. Perhaps this was punishment for all the sins she'd committed in her life. [break][break]

She was stranded here in hell, with no way out.


+ more tags: [break]
+ Outfit[break]
+ xtra notes: Serena encounters nightmares and gets lost in Interdream Zone | [break]


Serena + Mist

made by gimmick

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February second
Lumiose City
54 height
54 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
369 posts
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TAG WITH @lime3
Evette Moreau
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2021 16:51:20 GMT
Evette Moreau Avatar

“No, being content with what you are is ‘overrated’ as young people today would say.” These words did not come from Eve herself, though the voice does sound very, very similar. The stranger, by now, had been drawn into her own dream made ‘reality’, which allowed him to also see the new person to appear on the scene – a woman, beautiful despite her age, clad in a very classy gown of lavender silk would appear behind him. While her skin and voice gave some indication that she was related to Evette, who flinched and looked down upon herself, the figure’s face was fully obscured, as if it was simply too unfocused to be determined.
“Get away from her. She has to practice more and not be tainted by your pathetic influences. The likes of you may be content in the drags of society, but my girl will not stop improving herself until her voice can truly reach and touch the hearts of everyone. She has rested for too long already.”


+ ooc notes



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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,803 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2021 22:34:41 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar

The mist’s tendrils sink deep. It makes the NIGHTMARES seem real, so real. The darkness of this world is heavy, almost suffocating. Betrayal is a fresh wound, a knife driven deep into her back by someone she loves. For a moment, just a moment, she doesn’t believe what she sees and what she hears. Matias would never betray her.

In that brief moment she sees Matias, the real Matias, her Matias.

The hand she rejected reaches for her. It’s a firm grip on her arm that immediately elicits a struggle. Her name, in his voice, reaches her and grounds her.

‘Focus on me, love’

This strange DIMENSION spins, but he keeps her centered. She feels the CENTRIPETAL force of this alternate realty try to tear her away. He pulls her close, and she lets him. Eva falls into him and buries herself him his chest. His warmth, his scent, and his voice are strong enough to beat back the darkness.

“Matias,” she wraps her arms around him tightly, “Help me.” Save me.

18th post; Eva getting lost in Dream Mist with
Dress: link
Hair: link

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2021 23:04:00 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
A waking nightmare.

No matter where he turns, Gavin finds himself alone with his corrupted visions; those others among the mist fading into background noise and out of sight, out of mind. It's too real — he clutches at his aching chest and gasps for breath, stumbles.

"Lugia," he gasps, "where...?"

But if she can hear him, she does not answer.

His hands are shaking as he fumbles for his pokeballs. The beast ball is almost light without the burden of its prisoner. He'd left her to the comforts of the Sootopolis bay while he enjoyed a night out with his partner.

Another pokeball slips from his trembling fingers, bursting open upon collision with the ground. An Unown bursts out of its containment, its shape twisting as if trying to find the correct form. It settles on what looks to be a 'D', swirls among others of its kind and rapidly cycles through words. Dreams. Dialga. Declination.

Faster, now, as if there's something urgent.


The foreign Unown separate from his own and fade back within the strange world from which they had come.

Mist fades, and reality crashes back with brutal force.

But Gavin still can't breathe.

anxiety is a fun time
sorry gav
pls help him
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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,872 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2021 6:34:17 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]MOSSDEEP STAR SOIREE





BUT THE LASER LANDS. But it does not land on Stormy. In a brilliant flash of flame, her Moltres comes to her aid. It dives with a wreath of fire, barreling in mid-air as it swings in behind her. The assassin's UNOWN-D blinks as the Moltres is consumed in the searing light of its SPECIALIZED HIDDEN POWER. And much like the RAYQUAZA IN SOOTOPOLIS, the fiery bird disappears with a pained squawk.[break][break]

's potential assassin is clad in white hair and tight black attire, last having been seen on MT. CHIMNEY...[break][break]

The other KNOWN AVATARS are targeted too. They must flee the Interdream Zone to avoid "execution" from unknown assailants. Those who are not AVATARS may find themselves in the crossfire. Those who are avatars, but do not wish to play this prompt out do not need to engage in the scenario.[break][break]

These assailants can not be reached, for they fire from a dimension separate from the Interdream Zone. Unlike the ones present during the Desolate Land Raid, they do not sport white hair...[break][break]

Curiously, one assailant targets despite his concealed status. They can be heard by and saying, "he's one in other world. it just makes sense that he's one here!"[break][break]

Another targets , despite his lack of status, citing the same...[break][break]

To escape the Interdream Zone, please refer to this post: link.




EVERYONE WITHIN THE SOIREE, whether they are inside the building or not, will find some segment of the pink DREAM MIST to interact with. They may enter it directly or not.[break][break]

Gazing at the DREAM MIST will reveal images of what the characters DESIRE whether they are physical objects, people, or Pokemon, or physical representations of abstract wishes.[break][break]

The Interdream Zone is now mixing in with another dimension. This interaction of dimensions between Hoenn, the Interdream Zone, and an unknown realm is causing the manifested desires to become corrupt.[break][break]

These corrupted desires can be dangerous. By now, characters can get incredibly lost in the Interdream Zone. Those looking from the outside in may witness some of these horrible sights— but hopping into the mist does not guarantee that they will reach the people they see (up to player discretion).

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the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,598 posts
noah faber DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noah
noah faber
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2021 6:50:43 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 "i fucking hate that neighbour." noah spits.

and yet, the humour of their conversation is cut dry by dread. staring at the desecration of their home, noah feels shivers scraping at his skin. kyle's laughter is little comfort.

the gym leader says, "y-yeah." but he's distracted. squeezing kyle's arm, noah can't tear his eyes away from what he sees. the body shakes. a horrible nutation that pulls on the precession of his core.

quickly, his pokemon come to him in order to still his legs.

his gaze stretches forward in haunting flat lines. ahead, as if the horror is rushing toward him in centripetal waves, noah sees his machamp begin to rot. chest caved in from swampert fists. flesh flayed off of cracked bones.

noah did not want to tamper with death.

but death comes to him, manifest in sootopolan tragedy.

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon houndour"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon urshifu"]

formal suit?

/ star soiree

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,040 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2021 9:03:22 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar
Isolation digs under Temp's skin as he's sat alone on his island. The bodies around him fill him with an empty and terrible feeling. What was the point of going on without them? Temp wasn't anyone special. He was just some guy. He was alone now and everyone who had mattered to him, who he moved himself forward for, was gone. There was no point to anything anymore.

Despair fills him and Temp knows he will not leave this island. He will join everyone below the sands. His bonds are gone. There isn't any point to him existing.

But 's voice pierces the veil and snaps him out of his misery just long enough.

This wasn't... right, was it? No, this wasn't where he was before. They were dancing and flirting and Gavin fondled him a bit... and...

"Cillie!" Pushing himself to his feet, he runs towards the noise, against the island, crashes into Gavin. He accidentally hitches a ride with his Unown, since Temp did not have one and also for the sake of it.

A blast not aimed at him fizzles overhead, narrowly missing.

Relief floods him and Temp squeezes Gavin as tight as he can, crushing him in a hug, tears gathering in the corners of his eyes as the horrible feelings start to fade.

- gets out of his dream mist thanks to gavin
- also protects gavin from being assassinated, which was okay with thorn hehe
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Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
615 posts
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Andy Blackadder
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2021 9:44:17 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




Roars and thunder became interchangeable. The world broke and levitated towards the sky and its hungry red clouds. Spared, a fate worse than death awaited the lone survivor of the region. A heap of defeat, the Galarian could only weep into his hands. What could he do in the face of such frightening power but despair?
The fate of the world, or perhaps the universe, possibly even the dimension was sealed. Would the storm consume all, swirling in a slow centripetal death spiral towards its gaping maw, like a sentient black hole? When this was done, would only he remain, floating in the midst of nothingness? The last witness...
While there was the motion of entropy all around him, a shadow pried his eyes from the bleak future before him. There hovering around him clumsily, teetering and tottering on its nutation, was the β he had given to almost a year ago. It was not apparent to him how he knew, but there was an odd familiarity in the gaze cast upon him.
It swirled around him until it came right up to the boy's face. It wiggled in a way... a peculiar way... Was it trying to usher him somewhere? Sniffling, Andy mopped at his tear stained face with his sleeve, and clamored to his feet, hissing. His leg throbbed. The pins within his femur burned as if they were crafted from fire itself.
This struggle to right himself seemed to please the unown. It gyrated to portray something that seemed like glee. Misery aside, it creeped the boy out, as the creature had since he was a small child visiting his grandfather in his study. The unown hovered away through the expiring landscape, occasionally glancing back to see if his charge was following.
Stumbling over the rubble and bones littering the ground, Andy drug himself down the street as best he could until led into an alley. There his painful travel came to a halt for a moment. He heard something. It was... music. In the distance the tale tale strums of an acoustic guitar echoed towards him. The unown stopped when he noticed the human had.
It began to gyrate once more in what looked like happiness again.
Did it hear it too? None the less, the pokemon's motions once more urged Andy forwards. As they crossed the ruins towards a steadily disappearing building, the song was distinctly dulcet, yet melancholy. Struggling through the door over the building's broken guts that blocked it, his chocolate hues spotted a man sat upon the sideways remains of a concrete pillar.
''Cast out of heaven~ ♪'' The strings were plucked in a fitting auditory representation of the stranger's melancholy. ''Just as the cold black cloud coming down~ ♫'' His weathered fingers, each tipped in a bright, sharp yellow nail picked at the strings once again. Sorrow creased his wrinkles ebony face. Soul painted his words.
''World burning down~ ♪'' While his clothes were disheveled, his salt and pepper hair was carved into a near perfect orb atop his scalp. ''While everyone dancing around like a clown~ ♫'' From the afro, bangs framed his face as if they were too sharp horns stabbing towards his clean shaven chin. ''Want to run away~ ♪''
''But it ain't gonna change unless you stay~ ♫'' The β floated around the old man as it flexed and gyrated, perhaps dancing. Its eye closed in pleasure at his song. ''Maybe it ain't worth the pain~ ♪'' The scene was paradoxical given what what going on just outside. Cautious and confused, Andy wandered closer to the singer carefully. Who knew what madness spawned this vision.
''Reach out to make it right, and it feel like a ball and chain~ ♫'' The sorrowful tone was plucked from the keys yet again, until suddenly the man slapped his hand flat upon them, executing the sound. His eyes flicked open to pierce the Galarian with a wisdom filled gaze. The eyes glowed red, held in place by pitch black sclera. Startled, Andy took a step back away from him.
''Don't worry none, child,'' his baritone voice seemed to drown out even the thunder. Another step back, and the youth tripped over some unseen debris, falling backwards. ''I been around a long time. There's more than one way to skin a kat.'' Echoing laughter boomed louder as he tumbled until his back smashed into something. A table collapsed beneath him. A chair tangled his legs.
''Ouch! Ah! Fuck!'' The ballroom ceiling was high above his sprawled form. With a groan, he pressed against the floor and the wreckage to sit up enough the see the cloud wafting around the room. Had he gotten out? Could he go back in? Why would he do that? Why would anyone? Such musings were interpreted by the swirling visions just before him in the mist. It looked as if a pair of wings spread wide, before carrying a shadow up and further within.
Until it disappeard.






[attr="class","dangercredits"]cyan of pixel perfect

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,630 posts
part of
TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2021 10:07:34 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
one way

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
or another…


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
i'm gonna find you, i'm gonna get you

[attr=class,bulk]As Adrian stepped out of the filtered realities and into Rowan's NIGHTMARE4 he would have phased through the skewed poles of the overlapping dimensions, perhaps slipping away from his would-be-assassins' focus, buying him time before they could find him again. Yet they would be hot on his trail. "Thank god; are you alright?"[break][break]




Rushing over to Row and taking them into his arms, Adrian does not notice the Unown interchanging among his flock in rhythm with the CENTRIPETAL5 rotation of their gyrating gathering. Around them the scene shifts, and the Unown Dimension becomes clearer against a placid canvas. As Adrian's Unown flit away to fulfill their roles, first an "H" and then an "R" abandoning him, he is surprised to find an Unown-W joining his flock. Clearly Adrian must be doing something to curry favor with them. He decides to explain to Rowan his intentions no matter how crazy they sound.[break][break]


"We need to release them into this swarm," is the plan in layman's terms. The collective of Unown seem to be amassing their power, and the more they achieve this ultimate goal, the less they interfere with the environment and perhaps rectify the damages the dimensional overlap has caused. However, their collective machinations seem likely to result in a COLLISION6 of these many words and wishes. Adrian has no idea what that might achieve. Perhaps it would hamper their progress, or hasten it.[break][break]

Upon closer inspection, as the letter "O" slips away from their fold, it becomes clear that rifts are beginning to fold in on themselves and shutter away the other side. The swarm reconfigures itself to correct the NUTATION7 of dimensional poles that has caused them to skew and thus overlap incorrectly after falling into alignment, causing the phenomena before their very eyes to unfold. "Just W and Z left."[break][break]

"Can you see where they belong?" His own eyes desperately searched the swarm, but the aura swelling at their epicenter grew blindingly bright, amassing a power that defied the laws of nature as people understood them, hidden away in this backdrop of dimensions to avoid the very events that were unraveling before them.[break][break]

Adrian hoped they were doing the right thing.
tags [break]
Adrian and Rowan make efforts to escape the overlapping dimensions...[break]



template by punki

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,233 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2021 13:42:53 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]a sky full of stars
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2a"]please wake me up from this nightmare
[attr="class","inner-finally"]The screams of the living are more often than not, swallowed by the cries of the dead. There will be no peace in a place like this, try as hard as she may to outrun the dangers and chaos. Even when the skies burn bright with warmth, the embers of the divine are quickly smothered by those that don't belong - Xenic creatures continuing to pour in despite numerous attempts to right what seems to be wrong.
"Mol... tres..."
To see her guardian fall before her eyes, it burns up like a shooting star - Ones that should have blessed their night with wishes.
"We can't stay here." A sharp breath is all she needs to force herself back into her mind, the sound of antagonistic forces and Unown combining into a medley of extraneous interference. They're after specific people, this much she's certain of given their strangely organised attacks... but what for? Is this related to the mysterious device they managed to snatch? Did they say that they're from another world?
Another world, another her... would there be another them too?
"If that professor was involved in this..."
From her pockets, two creatures emerge, an Unown E and Y quickly floating into the swarm and waltzing around the others. As they begin to spell out words, Eris starts to realise a correlation between the report and this madness, swatting away any Unown that get too close and following Elysia's lead when it comes to herding some of them along.
Dimension - The word flickers so gracefully like a messed up game of scrabble, the foreign Unowns sighing as they begin to retreat back to from whence they came. And just like that, they seem to disappear along with the cracks, escaping far beyond her reach. With all this instability of space and time, would Palkia appear once more to interfere? She can wonder but she can't know for sure, especially when she has to focus on not being shot over satisfying her curiosity.
"Sniff him out..." That wretched ichor that's overrun with black - She's sure that it's an illusion; It has to be. And if everything is a dream, she simply has to wake them up.
Rushing through the crowd allows her to snatch glimpses of varying fears and suppressed nightmares, each swept away in favour of looking for a specific individual. And she gets lucky, watching the sky bleed red as growing embers lash out in hunger. In the midst of it all, she's relieved to find life, as weak and as fragile as it seems to be. Tripping, stumbling, rushing over with as disconcerted a mind she has, all she knows is that he's here and he's still breathing - Broken but breathing, she can still feel his heartbeat.
"Pa..." She calls, her arm reaching out as she takes his hand into her own. "It's okay, it's just a nightmare." But her voice quivers - Does she believe in the words she speaks? She has to, for both their sakes. "It's gonna be okay... focus on me..."
Her hands gently squeeze his, her fingers rubbing over the back of his palm to share even a bit of her warmth. Even if the crystals begin to cut into her skin, even if it creeps into her veins, she doesn't let go of what she can see before her.
"Everything's gonna be okay..."
[attr="class","adrie-note"] || post #25

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing