i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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triple h
september 14th
rustboro gym leader
champion (hoenn & vct)
now come together, come apart
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TAG WITH @cian
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2021 9:35:43 GMT
"fuck off."

to anyone else looking in, it might seem ridiculous to be talking to shapes within the pink mist, but to cian, she's all he could see.

's voice calls out to him and though he hears it, he doesn't turn.

"oh, boo, you're not still mad at me, are you?"


"that was such a long time ago. besides, could you really blame me? i mean look at you."

it's then that she laughs.

nightmares POG
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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2021 19:15:42 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
he closes his eyes as he makes a wish, as suggested by . he finds nothing he wants in his life more than anything, content with what he currently has, and even maybe more.

when he opens his eyes, he finds a desolate land.


he looks around and finds a wasteland. foundations of houses and buildings remain, but everything was at otherwise ground zero. the sky was heavy with fog, the colors of his surrounding was devoid of vibrancy, and no life was around him.

at least it looked like verdanturf. the familiarity was the only thing that grounds him to the setting.

"then, what?"

kyle scratches the back of his head as he realizes that he's alone. again.

he's has friends now and then, but not everyone really tries to get to know him in a personal level. he supposed this wasn't new, and that he shouldn't be worried. he worked best when he's alone after all, or so he tried to convince himself.

despite the heavy, gnawing feeling in his chest, he decides to take a stroll on the wasteland of a hometown he has. maybe something survived in the family house he supposedly called his home. there was nothing to do anyways.

outfit || electrike outfit
open for interaction, but kinda slow so yea

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,630 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2021 8:32:09 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
a mountain

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
of their bones


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
as a reminder of my many failures

[attr=class,bulk]As he follows blindly through the mists, scenes change. Soon he is not following Rowan's silhouette, but a shadow with a light behind it. As the scene comes into focus, he realizes it to be a headstone. Scores of them on a mountain graveyard. Mt. Pyre comes to mind, and its caretaker's twisted directives for Adrian...[break][break]

Dread washes over him, though for reasons yet made clear, forcing him to stumble through the miasma until he can read the letters more clearly. Names of his pokemon: Roger, Reign, Miser... Howitzer. He recognizes them all for the mistakes they were.[break][break]

As he continues there are more names, ones that don't belong here: Rover, Iconoclast, Furor... These alone are enough to see him addled with guilt and regret in undeserving levels, though as he nears the mountain's peak, his true nightmare is made clear. Bloodied tethers streak towards his ankles, binding them and drawing him in.[break][break]

Bones he once held in life...[break]
Interred here by his own hands...[break]
On the authority of a craven deity...

tags [break]
Adrian wanders the fog lost in its coils, discovering his worst nightmares...


template by punki

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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Amor Rose
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2021 13:03:49 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

He had seen them in the distance he kept going deeper, and deeper he didn't notice that the mist was changing color slightly, the purple tinge was lost to him, and when he thought he had found the two people he was looking for they were suddenly gone, and in front of him was a sight that caused him to reel back. It was hot, he could feel the heat coming from the building and he just stopped, and stared at it in horror. It was his home, the place he had left eighteen years ago, the place that had burned into ash, where they said there were no survivors except for one lone boy. Of course he would recognize this place, and the emblem of a Dragonair entwining itself around a rose as his family crest. It was on fire again, and he couldn't move he was frozen in place.

That was when the screams resounded in his head, and he realized that there were people inside, and he had to go save them, didn't he? He wasn't the meek, and helpless boy that he had once been, no he was stronger now, his dragons were fierce, and he even counted a Mythical Pokemon among his companions now. He was stronger now he could save them, Adontis, and Draco were already by his side, and he didn't know where his date was. But that wasn't important to him right now he had to go save them. They were there, and this was the chance he had always wanted, he would have to seize it now, or everything would turn out the exact same as it had been before.

So with no regard for his own well being Amor charged into the burning mansion that was his nightmare manifest. The flicks of fire that kissed his exposed skin sent sharp stings of pain through his person, but he went ahead. He knew where they were, he knew this place like the back of his own hand, so his feet carried him automatically, and that is where he came upon them. His mother, and father they were battling, fighting someone. In all the time Amor had ever known them, he had never seen them fight without their pokemon, but they were struggling hard against a man. A man with two Lycanroc, and they were struggling because they were playing by the rules, and the assassin wasn't. They were being held back by their ideals of being "good", and to the last they didn't break.

Amor froze, and it felt like time stood still around him, they were about to die again...They were going to die because they were good people, and they didn't deserve that. Pain, and anguish washed over him, Draco was nearby, and Adontis was on his shoulder as he always was, and he knew that they could feel his emotions. They were his two closest partners, they knew what he was feeling almost at all times. So Draco didn't hesitate to interrupt the battle, he knew who those two people were, before they had been forced to leave, they had given him to their only son.

He was grateful to them for allowing him to be their sons first, and most trusted Pokemon, and if Amor wanted to save them, then he would save them. That is how he would repay his trainer for his years of love, and kindness. He would bring that dream that he held so close to his heart to life. So Draco threw himself into the fray along with two other Dragonite, he recognized them as well, they were the ones who had given him life, they were his own parents. They died today as well, which gave him even more reason to fight, and that is when the screen of a Corviknight pierced the air, and more Lycanroc seemed to materialize out of the fire surrounding them. There was a whole pack because of course there was, and he grit his teeth. The assassin he recognized easily as the man who had just tried to kill him not so long ago.

This was the same man that he had vague images of whenever he had nightmares, the same man, who had just tried to kill him, but now he was stronger. He was stronger than he was back then, and he didn't need to play the rules. His parents were good people, but Amor wasn't. Amor wasn't bound by such conventions of morality, he had learned that doing the "Good" thing wasn't always the "Right" thing.

The world didn't always need a hero. Sometimes it needed a monster.

So he rushed at the Assassin as the three Dragonite began to battle the Lycanroc, catching the man by surprise Amor wasted no time, this wasn't going to be like last time. This time he had the advantage, and so with the same technique as he used before the end of their last fight he snapped the Assassin's arm. Bone jutted up through skin, and blood began to soak the burning floor beneath them. The heat intensified as the Assassin regarded him for the first time perhaps only now viewing him as a threat. However his arm wasn't useless like it should have been instead it twisted, and turned in unnatural ways, and forced itself to fix.

Then eyes began to pop out all over his exposed skin, there was a scar on his throat perhaps from sort of surgery he didn't know, but it opened up to reveal a grotesque eye, and they were all watching Amor. It was disturbing to say the least, and then the Assassin charged at Amor once again, he held his ground just like before. Stryker appeared from it's Pokeball on his belt, and dashed off to keep more of the Lycanroc busy, and then Typhon, Vilu, Uraeon, and Bahamut appeared, and began to wage an all out battle with the pack of Lycanroc. They were making sure none interfered with their masters battle.

Adontis was the only left by his side, and as the hand to hand fight continued the Pichu felt how much pain his trainer was in. The mansion was burning around them, two strange people Adontis didn't recognize were heavily wounded, and bleeding out, and Amor was going to get hurt just as badly again. Adontis didn't want that, he didn't want Amor to get hurt anymore, he didn't want to see him covered in blood, he didn't want to see him mad, or cry anymore. Adontis thought hard about all the things that he had learned from Draco. He had wanted to be strong, and big like the Dragonite, but he wasn't yet.

He wasn't big like Draco, or as fast as Stryker, he couldn't burrow into the ground like Typhon, he couldn't Mega Evolve like Vilu, end a battle in one hit like Uraeon, or as strong as Bahamut. He was just a tiny Pokemon, and he wasn't strong despite how much Amor cared for him, he couldn't protect him as well as the others. Everyday when the others were out in the garden training he would go with them sometimes, and fight against Glaedr, and Draco. They were hard opponents, but he never won against them, not once, and he knew they were holding back against him, because he was helpless.

Because he was weak...Adontis didn't want to be weak anymore, he wanted to be strong enough to protect Amor, that is what he wanted, the deepest wish of his heart was to protect the one who had given him so much. Draco had once told him during one of their training sessions that "Not every dragon, is a dragon type...You'll understand one day..." Which confused Adontis at first, because he had asked Draco why Amor had Pokemon that weren't dragon types like himself. That was the reply he got, and he didn't understand it that day. What did it mean to be a dragon, to be a true dragon. Adontis wanted to be like them, to be big, and strong enough like them to protect his trainer, he wanted to be a dragon.

That was when he felt it, he felt strange like a weight had been lifted from his body as if something inside of him had become uncoiled, he was glowing, and then he got bigger. He felt stronger, and faster all of a sudden, and then without thinking twice he leapt into the air. Electricity sparked around his entire body as he unleashed a Thundershock attack on the Assassin who was attempting to harm his trainer. It hit, and stopped the man in his tracks long enough for Amor to land a punch to his solar plexis, and knock the wind out of his chest. Adontis landed dutifully on his trainers shoulder, and growled angrily at the man who was now covered in eyes.

They had to defeat him, and save Amor's parents that was their objective, and now Adontis had the power he had long sought to defend Amor. He understood what Draco meant, not all dragons were dragon type, it didn't matter as long as you were a dragon in your heart, and right now that is what Adontis was. He was no different than the rest now.

"A-Adontis?" came Amor's confused voice as he looked at the Pikachu on his shoulder, who just turned to him, and smiled joyfully as if they weren't in a life, and death situation, and nuzzled his trainer affectionately.

"Pikachu!" Came the happy reply before narrowing his glare back to the many eyed man. Today was the day he would show that he wasn't weak, and helpless anymore.
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February second
Lumiose City
54 height
54 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
369 posts
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TAG WITH @lime3
Evette Moreau
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2021 13:43:51 GMT
Evette Moreau Avatar
She flinched lightly, when he grasped her shoulders. But that somewhat gentle grip, to her, felt like iron and his eyes as if they completely fixated hers. It was just the nature of this transitory mood, it upended every sensation into the worst variation possible within reason. And, just like that, his words came across much harsher, too.

Hence Eve vehemently shook her head. “No, no, that’s not true. I can do better! It isn’t futile to try! I-I know I haven’t really recently. But I can. I must. I have to. I can meet my-these expectations.” Though she did correct herself there hastily, afterwards she did fall stock-still regardless, as if the sound of her own words had caused something deep within.
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the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,598 posts
noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2021 4:48:10 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 the mist overtakes them quickly. within the dark space of a wish and a blink, noah is unknowingly plunged into the interdream zone. he stirs from his seat, his pokemon quick to follow him by his side as he navigates the surreal streams of pink fog.

"kyle?" noah looks around.

separated so quickly by the surge of mist, noah wanders alongside his urshifu and houndour. his hands claw and tear through dream gas as he moves.

however, his desires are quick to lead him to . the ground suddenly becomes barren. phantom figures of homes, pillars and beams like half-chewed tooth picks, dot the realm.

"there you are!" noah lunges for kyle, hand grasping his limb as if to make sure it was real. "is this... is this verdanturf?" he asks, breath shallow as if to take little of this hued air.

around them, blinking shapes scatter across dimensional lines.

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon houndour"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon urshifu"]

formal suit?

/ star soiree

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
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Eva Morales DOLLARS
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2021 0:11:46 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar

Treason? Conspiracy?! They’re the ones that destroyed what was left of Kanto. This isn’t the Kanto government, this is their constructed hell and they’ve trapped and entire region within it. Before she can speak, a hand touches her shoulder. The grip is strong enough to pull her in but the last person she remembers being behind her is . So she fights, flinching at the touch knocking the hand away with well-placed swat. When she turns to face Matias her eyes are wide, wild, brimming with tears.

As the mist curls in, driving its venom deeper into her mind, it manipulates her vision. It’s not Matias she sees. Well, it’s not her . It’s the shadow of him standing beside with a soft smile eerily similar to that of Gavin’s, “You were wrong, Eva. Kanto is better, better than ever thanks to them,” he reaches for her, offering her a hand, “Join us, Eva,” his voice pleads her to accept, he knows what will happen if she says no.

The shock is overwhelming. Regardless, she shakes her head and it takes a few moments to muster up the word, “Never.”

17th post; Eva getting lost in Dream Mist and having a nightmare, oh hi
Dress: link
Hair: link

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2021 3:50:36 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

It hurts.
It hurts to see Cian like this. It hurts to know that he’s facing something that affected him so much that its mark is still present in his life to this day. In their lives, really. In their relationship. In everything that exists between them.
Is it wrong of him to hate someone he has never met?
Probably, and yet Mars feels no guilt over the hatred he feels for the one whose image is so clearly shown by the mist.
That bitch.
”Cian.” While his tone is calm and tender, it’s also firm – steady and lacking in any doubt or hesitation. There’s concern in it, care, and love. And, because of these things it’s that he steps forward, a hand gently resting on Cian’s arm yet holding onto him.
”Look at me, Cian. It’s not real. She’s not real.”
But, how could mere words be enough when facing one's worst nightmares?
Mars knows better than most people how difficult it can be to break away from those feelings. So, his grip tightens just enough to pull Cian a step back, this time close enough to whisper to him.
It’s okay... Just focus on me.”




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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,725 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2021 5:49:19 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

she choked on spilling shadow and her own words like nails, throat raw as though she’d been sick.


her dead amber stare hung on the regenerated version of , almost too engaged in the nightmare to hear theo when he'd asked her what she’d meant.

i can’t.

they’d been her final words, before that first death of the mind; never finished.

she still didn’t answer this time. fernando, and his fallen lover faded from their view. the wasted bodies of legendaries between the feet of other dreams disappeared, as well. then, there was a man that would not be recognizable to theo—and only scarcely so to her with his face terribly sunken in on one side. he pointed a gun down towards her, and the look on her face held more hurt than ever before.

her boyfriend; one year dead, whom she’d only recently come to find out also wished, from the grave, for her mortal end. it had been a complicated grieving process.

she’d been free from nightmares for so long. maybe it was for this reason that now it was so terribly vivid.

“what the fuck is this...” she snarled suddenly, snapping. like that day, in silph’s apartment, parts of her mind shut off, overpowered.

enraged, wounded and disoriented, she turned clumsily, shoving past theo and through several others on the dancefloor. despite the room, she disappeared into the safe veil darkrai's shadows. she was anywhere there was light to hide behind, as she looked around to get eyes on dr. holo again amidst the chaos.
note: lulu is still in disguise with a blonde wig and blue contacts and would be difficult to recognize.

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October 13
808 height
808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2021 3:38:33 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]MOSSDEEP STAR SOIREE





EVENTUALLY, one of Hoenn's Elite Four wades into the mist. Separated from , experiences the same series of events: the manifestation of desires, their eventual corruption, and the furtive straying into absolute disorientation.[break][break]

In the relentless mist of the Interdream Zone, she does not see a man unfold from two-dimensional space. An UNOWN-D rotates ominously before the man, eye like a crosshair tracking her shape. A curl of pink fog marks the assassin's inhale. The aim is steadied. The HIDDEN POWER is fired...[break][break][break][break][break]


THE MIST THICKENS and is tinted with diabolical purple-blacks. Unbeknownst to many, the UNOWN DIMENSION seeps in, staining the Interdream Zone's pastel planes. More Unown swarm behind translucent layers of this misty realm— but some manage to emerge into this zone, slipping through the thinning boundaries between the three interfacing worlds: Hoenn, Interdream and Unown. Some are benevolent. Others are confused. Others may be tainted by the dimensional breakage— and may wish to lead you astray.[break][break]

In an odd concoction of dream desire and Unown wishes, those who would like to return home may be led by Unown to the "exits" of the Interdream Zone. However, they must find the right Unown to guide them.[break][break]

Above, look for words found in the UNOWN REPORT. To escape the mist, use A TOTAL OF AT LEAST THREE UNOWN REPORT WORDS in your posts. Feel free to space the words out across several posts.[break][break]

Those who possess a MYSTERIOUS DEVICE from CATS VS. DOGS and OWN AN UNOWN can SEAL DIMENSIONAL CRACKS with their Unown. To do so, their UNOWN may make WORDS by aligning themselves with the correct Unown to form words. When they do so, the foreign Unown will retreat back into their dimension and prevent their home from seeping in.[break][break]

If your character possesses an Unown letter or symbol that does not fit any of the words found in the word search above, feel free to FLAVOUR TEXT this action.[break][break]

THIS WILL NOT BE THE ONLY USE OF THE UNOWN REPORT. Furthermore, the other Unown your characters will encounter in this thread can not be counted for the Unown Report.[break][break]




EVERYONE WITHIN THE SOIREE, whether they are inside the building or not, will find some segment of the pink DREAM MIST to interact with. They may enter it directly or not.[break][break]

Gazing at the DREAM MIST will reveal images of what the characters DESIRE whether they are physical objects, people, or Pokemon, or physical representations of abstract wishes.[break][break]

The Interdream Zone is now mixing in with another dimension. This interaction of dimensions between Hoenn, the Interdream Zone, and an unknown realm is causing the manifested desires to become corrupt.[break][break]

These corrupted desires can be dangerous. By now, characters can get incredibly lost in the Interdream Zone. Those looking from the outside in may witness some of these horrible sights— but hopping into the mist does not guarantee that they will reach the people they see (up to player discretion).

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,630 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2021 7:06:13 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
one way

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
or another…


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
i'm gonna find you, i'm gonna get you

[attr=class,bulk]Haunting visions fade away as eyes like cold steel pierce through the veil. This place was beginning to feel reminiscent to the night PALKIA2 made a mess of Sootopolis, but under a different pretense. It was if yet another filter had been placed over their world, distorting exponentially what the DIMENSION3 overlapped. A voice calls out to him, urgent and grim. And yet the words do not reach him in full, indicating the scale of their distance. '...not safe... trust... nothing... device... Watchers... rifts—'[break][break]


Whatever Yveltal might have meant to convey was overcast by the sudden outpouring of Unown into the confining space they were trapped in, and with no sign of Rowan to be seen, he began feeling hopeless. If nothing else, he could pull out the mysterious device, and see if it had responded to the Unown in any meaningful way.[break][break]

Nothing at first. Perhaps new words had unlocked, but otherwise they meant nothing. And then as he looked up frantically at the amassing pokemon, he noticed a peculiarity in their assembly. They all formed lines, many of which spelled out words. Shinigami eyes can discern an apparent difference in the aura of those whose words were completed, and those yet defined by purpose.[break][break]

Unown that have achieved this state appear much less frantic, driven not by the pursuit of fulfillment, but complacently filling the role they have already received. As such their interactions with the environment are much less volatile, at least by appearances. There's no telling if it will work to his benefit, but these strange, esoteric creatures being allowed to run amok certainly boded ill.




A detail of XENIC1 creatures were now Adrian's only entourage after he hurriedly stowed away Teddiursa, the Unown swarming around him in a chaotic assembly that seemed energized by the overlapping planes. Even without direction, "N" & "!" had taken off into the distance, fulfilling a word that Adrian didn't recognize1 and one he most certainly would2. 'Yeah, if only Palkia were here now to fix this sh#t...'[break][break]

As the wish was internalized, another Unown slipped from their ranks as "E" formed another word3 he recognized, wondering if there was a connection between them.[break][break]

"Row, where are you!?" He calls out intermittently, unwilling to give up his search.
tags [break]
Adrian cautiously spelunks into the Unown...[break][break]



template by punki

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,754 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2021 3:35:47 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

    There was no sound as Rowan collapsed to the floor, clutching the wound in his stomach. He could feel the warmth of the blood seeping through his fingers, making them slick with crimson. Pain that felt all too real radiated from the centralized point as darkness closed in once more, threatening to claim him forever. Was this what death was like? Amber eyes searched for help, anything that could save him from this unfortunate fate.

“Row, where are you?!”

    A familiar voice cut through the darkness, snapping him back to reality. What seemed so realistic before faded almost immediately, the pain and blood disappearing with a blink of an eye, being replaced with the pink mist he’d forgotten entirely about. “Adrian?” Rowan called out weakly, slowly pushing himself into a seated position. “I’m over here!” He willed his voice louder, hoping that his boyfriend would be able to find him in the haze. Hands instinctively reached underneath his shirt, feeling for the knife wound that was no longer there. “Thank Arceus…” It was all part of this phenomenon, none of it was real.

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,617 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2021 6:24:26 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
everything fell flat as the collision of reality and make-believe shift the centripetal forces that made kyle's hypothetical world go round to another truth... if what he sees in front of him can be considered as one.

a ring of his name brings him back from an existential crisis and the familiar chime from the cherished voice turns his daze to the old calculating look of the world before him.

"yup. that's me. i'm kyle," he answers as he turns to .

the tug on his arm gets a bittersweet smile out of him as he raises his other one to point at landmarks he recognizes that would've been otherwise unrecognizable.

"yup. that's our house right there, and over there will be the park where we let the kids play with the dogs, and that's where our neighbor that hates echo lives."

most of it was on ground zero, with the only clues that pertained to them being geographical landmarks such as indents where the fences would be, and other broken structures such as tree stumps and burnt wooden floorboards.

he turns to noah, which then forces a chuckle from him and then the usual curve of his lips when he's delighted. "what? are you scared or something?" he teases.

outfit || electrike outfit
open for interaction, but kinda slow so yea


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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2021 6:40:38 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar

Quite suddenly, her nightmare wasn't her own personal hell anymore, though the woman barely noticed the scenery change. Barely noticed 's own distorted desires start to form. She only noticed as black soot landed upon her shoulder, the pain ripping her back into...well, not reality, but back to herself.


She cringed back, instinctively fearing the burning, feeling her death creep up on her. Was she to die like she did at Littleroot now, in this terrible place? Yet she didn't know this wasn't a memory of hers. If there was anything known about Kaida, she was curious, and she rarely backed down.

Her still twisted form started to lurch towards the burning mansion, clearly afraid, swiping away burning sparks from her fur...she didn't know it, but she was still unmistakably Kaida. Stoic, beastial, yet brave.

tl;dr: Having a nightmare~ Fun! Encounters 's nightmare. Uses Unknown Report word "black"!



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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,233 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2021 18:30:45 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]a sky full of stars
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2a"]please wake me up from this nightmare
[attr="class","inner-finally"]It swells up in her chest, something that seeks to grip her throat and makes her gasp desperately for air. There's no shoving this sensation back down as it claws at her lungs and sears her heart.
"Momma! Momma, I heard a loud noise... Momma?"
In the ominous glow of scarlet mist, she sees herself - A younger version of her stumbling along, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as her arms clutch to a plush Corsola.
That wooden door stands before them, etched with crude carvings of legendaries and ghost stories. Decorated in a curtain of blue, the moon shines true and she hears it once more.
"Don't open it!"
But there's no grabbing onto something that doesn't exist. The smaller girl simply slips from her grasp and dissipates with the wind, her hands gripping onto the doorknob as she turns it.
She's covering her ears, averting her eyes and closing them from having to bear witness to the events once more. She wants so much to scream but she knows she won't be heard.
He promised he'd be back... he promised...
But he never did return for her.
And all she could do was sit there, waiting, praying, withering away. The orchids had crumbled upon the windowsills, the moon falling beyond the horizon as dawn broke once more.
It was just them, them against a world that they knew nothing about. No one would be there to watch over them, no one would be there to guide them in making decisions. The promises had been broken and she was left clinging to the bitterness of a lie.
"Please... don't leave me alone... I'm scared..."
The collision of worlds breathes new life into her nightmares, the incessant beeping of machines echoing in her head and bleeding into the call of the Unowns. When she tries to look at what the younger her is reaching for, she sees nothing but a shapeless creature, its words distorted even as it gently takes hold of her hand.
But in the end, she'd found herself lied to again, hadn't she? Forced to part ways and finding herself swept up in this chaos, no one would be coming to fulfil their promise.
It's only them, it's always been only them. When she finally manages to snatch a breath, it's his name that she calls out to, his presence that she yearns for. The world tears itself at the seams, dimensions pouring into one another as reality continues to warp further than before. Claws rip through the darkness, a howl carried upon the curling wisps as his warmth bleeds against her body.
"It's all one big nightmare..."
They would be fine if they stuck together. No matter what happened, even if space continued to spin and spiral under the influence of a god or Palkia itself would show to destroy them all. His tail wraps around her arm and her hand clutches onto his mane.
Abandoning the past, swallowing their fears and relying upon no one but themselves. They step further into the mist and seek to get closer to the rifts, determined to unravel the threads that tangle the truth.
Together, as always.
[attr="class","adrie-note"]open || post #25

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing