i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
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40,872 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2021 22:23:36 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]MOSSDEEP STAR SOIREE




ON A MID-SEPTEMBER EVENING, the Mossdeep Astrophysical Observatory hosts a formal dance called the STAR SOIREE. Requiring a small trek or drive toward the steep slope Mossdeep Space Center is built upon, the observatory building stands behind it. A lush courtyard surrounds the facility, although the flowers are slowly waning due to the seasonal change. Tickets to the soiree emphasize FORMAL WEAR ONLY and if possible, a formal accessory for accompanying Pokemon (e.g. bowtie).[break][break]

Inside the multi-level building, the main foyer has been redecorated to become a broad ballroom. Round tables are set around the dance floor as Pokemon and human musicians play classical melodies on string. A large staircase connects to the ballroom and spirals up toward the third floor where the observatory's telescope is stationed, pointed to the sky.[break][break][break]


There are two wings each with two floors. The east wing features a planetarium exhibit and laboratories, while the west wing features private rooms for those who require an overnight stay for a small fee. Each wing features a terrace outside.[break][break]

Above, the night sky can be clearly seen, for the roof can be activated to open up wide to reveal the stars... and the incoming LITLEONID METEOR SHOWER.[break][break]

The host of the event is Dr. Nisa Holo, one of Mossdeep's newest astronomers. She descends the staircase once a large group has assembled in the ballroom. "Thank you all for coming to the Star Soiree! Above, we can see the breathtaking heavens, for we'll be graced by the Litleonids in three hours... Until then, enjoy this fanciful fantasy! Dance, drink, dally! The world is but a shadow after all!" she pulls on a flat disc, staggered segments extending into a monocular scope. "and reality is but a filtered dream."[break][break]

Her handheld telescope swings toward the musicians who erupt into song. The soiree has begun.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES BELOW. Although this is a "casual" event thread, there are some guidelines and courtesies one must follow.[break][break][break]

  • every character of yours can participate; however, for the constellation mechanic outlined below, only one character can get a reward from a constellation point should the character meet the requirement.[break][break]

    (e.g. jayden redeems rewards from constellation point #1, leo redeems rewards from constellation point #2, jayden redeems rewards from constellation point #3).
  • you do not need to include a tl;dr in your posts, but it may be handy for those who want to skim through the whole thread.
  • your character can have access to any pokemon they possess in their personal computers.
  • please try not to post with all of your characters back to back/spam with one other person if it can be helped.
  • although this is a mega thread, it may be nice to ask the player of a character if you can have your own character approach them.

THERE IS NO CONCRETE VISUAL for the observatory, unless I find one tomorrow, ohoho![break][break]

Furthermore, should you so desire, feel free to splinter off into private or separate threads within the OBSERVATORY BOARD. However, please LABEL THE TITLE OF THESE THREADS WITH (SOIREE). However, these threads will not contribute to the OBJECTIVES found in the CONSTELLATION MECHANIC EXPLAINED BELOW.[break][break]


EARN INCREDIBLE BOUNTIES by participating in the thread. Below this post is the constellation Litleo, where the Litleonids have approximately come from.[break][break]

Over the course of the event, each point (e.g. Litleo's Mane) will unlock to reveal new roleplay prompts for the event thread as well as new rewards should the roleplay prompts be achieved as a collective group.[break][break]

For example, should a roleplay prompt ask for "A REFERENCE TO A CHARACTER'S OUTFIT 10X", then as long as 10 SEPARATE CHARACTERS POST WITH A REFERENCE TO THEIR OUTFIT, it will be fulfilled.[break][break]

Note, one character CAN NOT CONTRIBUTE MORE THAN ONCE TO A PARTICULAR PROMPT, but they can contribute to ALL PROMPTS. You include as many prompts within one post as you want (however, this is subject to change).[break][break]

For convenience, include which prompts you have referenced in your post via tl;dr or bolding. Make use of the event channel in Discord to communicate![break][break]

As a note, the constellation template works best on GOOGLE CHROME.

how do i redeem rewards?

To redeem the constellation point's rewards once the requirements have been achieved, please post in the SITE SHOP with what you have earned and on the character of your choice.[break][break]

All of your characters may redeem rewards; however, only one character of yours can redeem a constellation point's reward.[break][break]

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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,872 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2021 22:24:35 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","hoennstarconstellation"]CONSTELLATION LITLEO







[attr="class","hoennstartitle"]LITLEO'S MANE

[attr="class","hoennstardesc"]Litleo are hotblooded Pokemon. When cubs leave their pride to fend for themselves, their mane heats up more depending on the strength of their opponent.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Reach page 3.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Include a ref. of character outfit 10x.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Have you or your PKMN dance 5x.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Hold hands 5x.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]React to Dr. Holo's intro 5x.

[attr="class","hoennstarreward"]3x prem. gachapon tickets & 3 pokeballs



[attr="class","hoennstartitle"]LITLEO'S EAR

[attr="class","hoennstardesc"]Hearing a Litleo's signature NOBLE ROAR can shake one's conviction and leave one in awe of the Pokemon's highborn blood.[break][break]

Have at least 3 POSTS to unlock the following rewards:

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Reach page 14.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Reference hors d'oeuvres 5x.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Reference the stars/moon 5x.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Compliment another character 5x.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Kiss a PKMN or character 5x.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Use a PKMN move 5x.

[attr="class","hoennstarreward"]3x sparkling dust & 3 level tutors



[attr="class","hoennstartitle"]LITLEO'S TAIL

[attr="class","hoennstardesc"]To know how a Litleo feels, look at its tail. Whether it is raised high or draped over another, observing its tail will let you know how your encounter with it is leading.[break][break]

Have at least 11 POSTS to unlock the following rewards:

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Reach page 60.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Make a wish 10x.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Use the word "breathtaking" 5x.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Make a reference to gravity 5x.

[attr="class","hoennstarreward"]1X MEGA SHARD AND 1X INCENSE



[attr="class","hoennstartitle"]LITLEO'S SNOUT

[attr="class","hoennstardesc"]After being kicked out of its pride, a cub must use its snout to search for berries or prey.[break][break]

Have at least 5 POSTS to unlock the following rewards:

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Reach page 25.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Strike something or someone 3x.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Flirt with another character 5x.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Change/take off/tear/adjust an outfit 5x.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Reference the Unown-? 5x.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Yawn 5x.

[attr="class","hoennstarreward"]3X GACHAPON TICKETS & 3 MOVE TUTORS



[attr="class","hoennstartitle"]LITLEO'S RIGHT PAW

[attr="class","hoennstardesc"]An age old story recollects the time a Pyroar entered an observatory, causing the astronomers to scatter. However, one woman remained, curing the beast's injury by removing a thorn from its paw.[break][break]

Have at least 8 POSTS to unlock the following rewards:

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Reach page 45.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Comfort or reassure a PKMN or person 5x.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Have a PKMN or character tear up/cry 3x.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Use a Litleo-related simile or metaphor 5x.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Make a toast/clink glasses 3x.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Cool off/get hot 5x.

[attr="class","hoennstarreward"]1X IMMEDIATE ROWAP BERRY & 3 EGG TUTORS



[attr="class","hoennstartitle"]LITLEO'S LEFT PAW

When a Litleo meets another solitary cub in the wild, they initially test their strength by locking up with their paws. Eventually, the fight gives way to hot-tempered fire-type attacks.[break][break]

Have at least 10 POSTS to unlock the following rewards:

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Reach page 52.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Carry a PKMN or CHARACTER 3x.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Confess a truth, secret, fear, worry 3x.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Use the word "RADIANT" 5x.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Play with your/another character's hair 3x.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]Reference the incoming meteor shower 5x.

[attr="class","hoennstarreward"]1X IMMEDIATE SALAC BERRY & 3X RAINBOW SHARDS






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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2021 7:41:15 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

[attr="class","rolling-thread"][attr="class,"faction"]Ruby had to admit, this was an incredibly fancy gathering and she was absolutely delighted to take part. The last fancy dance she had been to was the Aurorus Ball, and it had felt like a lifetime since then. This was something new and exciting. A meteor shower! A view that only happened so rarely, and to think it was early too. Strange, but astronomy wasn't really her line of expertise. Instead, she was simply happy to enjoy the moment. [break][break]

That is until she almost tripped on her own heels. Luckily, Whisper managed to catch her before she completely fell. "Heh, thanks dear. Let's have fun tonight, shall we?" Grabbing Whisper's hand, Ruby would join the rest of the early arrivals and listen to their host speak. [break][break]

And yet, she couldn't help but focus on what she meant, even despite all the joy all around them. The world is but a shadow? Was that some kind of saying meant to inspire some kind of confidence? Or was it one of those 'yolo' things that she never quite understood the point of? Either way, as the music began, Ruby gently squeezed Whisper's hand, leading her away from the music for the time being. [break][break]

"I know, I know. Not too loud for you, is it? You can always sit back in the pokeball if you want." Sure enough, the little ribbons in her hair looked absolutely silly, and Whisper felt silly too. But the stern look on her face told Ruby she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Too many events had been missed because she hated loud sounds. She still did, but Ruby clearly took priority. [break][break]

With a soft smile, Ruby would slowly walk off in order to find something to drink. Non-Alcoholic, of course.

notes Hold Hands. React to Dr. Holo's Intro. Ref: X


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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,456 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2021 8:20:37 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
"'Reality is but a filtered dream?'" Gavin echoes the closing words of Dr. Holo with a frown. "That's not ominous at all."

He's always had a strange relationship with dreams. The words make him vaguely uncomfortable as he recalls visions instilled by Darkrai's power under 's guidance. But they're here to enjoy themselves, not for Gavin to get lost in his troublesome thoughts.

He turns to his lover with a gentle smile, traces his fingers along the curling ink of 's exposed tattoo.

"Mm. I think we made the right choice."

As Temp didn't often dress in formal attire, Gavin was enjoying the view.

His own attire is far more typical of the Rocket underboss, though he's dyed his hair so as to avoid obvious recognition as a wanted criminal.

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August 10
Hau'oli City, Alola
Travelling Dancer
30 height
30 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
104 posts
Eylyssa Kay DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eylyssa
Eylyssa Kay
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2021 8:40:38 GMT
Eylyssa Kay Avatar

The final word that escapes from the mouth of the host bears an enigmatic meaning into it creating a phantasmic atmosphere by word alone - At least that is what Lyssa takes when she listen to what Dr. Holo has to say. After all, Lyssa has a strong belief that reality can be stranger than fantasy - From that standpoint, her view and the doctors clash with each other but Lyssa has no desire to confront her about it. Especially when the tune starts to comes out to liven up the party. Thalia who has been standing beside her unable to stay still any longer - she doesn't really care about the speech, all care that she put is on the music. Thalia can't help herself to snicker when she sees Thalia scurrying around to the dance floor and start to sway elegantly. It is slightly fortunate that it is not Agni who is out since he would just be too energetic and might destroy the place with his energy whereas Khione refuses to come out.

Lyssa decides to leave Thalia for a moment as she was dancing and go to the drinking area. While she was taking a glasses of sparkling wine, her eyes wander everywhere - She can't help herself to notice various people with different dresses, there is a pink-haired girl with a dress that is modest and has soft color giving out her femininity to the full blast[1] - While for her own dress it is a bright red with a handful of revealing parts on her dress accentuating sexiness and elegance. Thalia is rushing, trying to find Lyssa and when she sees her - she tilts her head and Lyssa just wave her hand "I will join you after some drinks, okay!" Thalia shouts. With the loud voices around, her shout is easily got buried by the noises but Thalia managed to get the memo and back to dancing.

[1] Referring to 's dress
Notes: reference character outfit, pokemon dance, react to dr holo's intro


Lyssa is drinking sparkling wine while Thalia (Her Lopunny) dancing to the tune alone.

Thalia - Lopunny || Agni - Scorbunny || Khione - Absol ||Siren - Primarina
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2021 8:57:45 GMT
Deleted Avatar
A small gust of protesting wind brushed against Vincent as he stared down his normally stoic Unfezant from outside the Observatory. "I know bud, but you didn't wanna wear the hat to the... to the... you know, the thing..., remember?" The bird protested once more as Vincent forgot the title of the event. He closed his eyes and turned his head away, prompting Vincent to offer a slight chuckle. "See? There's a dress code here. Life Debt gets it!"

P.D.'s eye opened slightly, just enough to examine the Trubbish clinging to Vincent's left leg for dear life. The nervous Pokémon had taken the one top hat the crew had managed to find, as well as a fake mustache (which Vincent could only assume was his idea of 'Fancy Attire'). While shaken, he was mostly excited to just be included, in a first class event no less! Vincent had even gone to the trouble of cleaning, sanitizing and deodorizing him to make sure he performed at his best this evening!

Unfezant's eye closed with no protest at the sight before he nudged his head into Vincent's thigh. "I know bud, I know. But don't worry, I'll snag some food for you, kay?" P.D.'s eye turned up to Vincent, seemingly intrigued at the offer, before disappearing into his own ball. Vincent turned his gaze to the Trubbish tucked behind his freshly-pressed suit, thankfully on loan from his new employers. The all black suit was a bit more muted than he typically preferred in his attire, but he wasn't going to question the stylings of his new bosses. Besides, it gave him a chance to slick his hair back for once. How cool, right?

"Ready pal?" Life Debt nervously, but excitedly, nodded his head in response.

The observatory looked just as amazing on the inside as it did on the outside, a note shared by both Vincent and Life Debt as their jaws simultaneously dropped in the entry way. A cocktail waiter passed by as Vincent grabbed a drink from his tray, remaining visibly stunned as Dr. Holo addressed the crowd.

"Soiree!" He shouted a little too loudly too himself in response, prompting errant gazes from surrounding party-goers. He grinned as his head lowered a bit in response before whispering to himself. "That was the word." From behind his leg, Life Debt restrained himself from letting out an audible groan as only one thought trailed through the trash bag's mind:

Why did he have to be the responsible one tonight?
-Include ref of outfit, React to dr. holo's intro

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,630 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2021 9:50:28 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
sweet dreams

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
are made of this...


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
...who am i to disagree?

[attr=class,bulk]With a vocab like that, it's weird she's a scientist. Figurative language wasn't exactly exclusive to artists and creators, but he found their choice of words... thought provoking. Hoenn was already weird enough without this lady throwing bad juju around with her ominous greetings. But he supposed it was nice to have such an eccentric host, if nothing else, as he crossed the threshold with Rowan Wrynn's fingers interlaced with his own while his offhand tugged at his stifling collar. Sheesh...[break][break]

Doubtlessly Mistral accompanied them, followed shortly after by a waddling brown Teddiursa in a blue coat and red bucket hat, which quickly outpaced them as it headed for the appetizers. Assuming they didn't get into any trouble, they would be a fine addition to their evening's entourage. "Where to for us, love?" He allowed his gloved hand to slip away from theirs, allowing it to rest against his hip.
tags [break]
Reacting to Dr. Holo, Holding hands, Reference of outfit [x]


template by punki

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2021 10:19:23 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

She slips into the main foyer on an oceanic breeze, cooled down to kiss goosebumps into exposed skin amid fancy fabrics. Defiance bleeds from quicksilver eyes, catching the elegant lights that pool gold onto a polished floor.

"I thought this would be a party." Her voice carries, though its recipient has his metal claws sunk into her jacket, leery yellow eyes peeking from behind her shoulder with obvious distrust. A halfway destroyed bow-tie hangs from the Galarian Meowth's 'beard'. "Ah, no matter. There's champagne."

Despite Skyler's initial assessment of the whole event, she doesn't appear too bothered by the formal nature of it. It isn't long before her groomed appearance crumbles away - the trappings of civilization hopelessly lost to the wildness that lingers between the sharp curl of her lips. Her attempt at an elegant updo soon gives way to an untameable mess of gold curls that tumble over her shoulders; her jacket is lost in some dark corner, bound to be forgotten; and her button-up unravels to create a precariously steep valley down her chest, displaying scarred, sun-kissed skin.

"Think we should go up?" Soft leather boots are propped on top of a table, uncaring for its pristine state. Restless eyes follow the steps up to the above level as she speaks to Dorado, ignoring the feline's hissing at a nearby Umbreon, claws out and ready to wage war. "Bound to be something interesting up there, hm?" 

The woman's speech only prompts a small scoff, most of it going completely over Captain Dross's head. 


- include a ref. to character's outfit
- react to dr. holo's intro

[newclass=.skycaptain] [/newclass]
[newclass=.skycaptain b] color: #6592A0;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skycaptain i] color: #6592A0;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skycaptain u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: solid 1px #6592A0;[/newclass]
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he/she (genderfluid)
November 17
Driftveil City
45 height
45 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
272 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cardamombliss
Cardamom Bliss
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2021 10:44:03 GMT
Cardamom Bliss Avatar
[attr="class","woo2"]Hold on, what's the rush

Normally, an event like this wasn't really within the Bliss family's budget. But Luke had managed to get hired as a caterer, and gotten a +1 for his younger sibling along with it. She'd looked through her wardrobe to find an outfit that she felt coordinated best with the theme. She'd chosen Shin as her Pokemon companion, the Ursaring taking surprisingly well to having a little bowtie tied around his neck.[break][break]
Still, it was shocking to actually enter the ballroom and realize just how elaborate everything was. For a moment, the girl simply stared at all the decorations, feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume. She actually had to sit down in a chair for a moment just to take it all in. Not to mention that announcement, which felt...oddly ominous? It reminded her a bit of what her mom had said her great-grandma was like, but this felt like more than a simple spiritual belief.[break][break]
Shin let out a low growl and reached out his claw, which she extended a hand to take, slowly standing back up to see if there was anyone she knew. And then she brightened upon seeing , hurrying towards the other girl. "Ruby!" she called. "It's nice to meet you! And Whisper too! You look lovely!" Behind her, Shin grumbled slightly, staring at the witchlike Pokemon who had soundly trounced him a few months ago. He might be bigger now, but he knew that didn't necessarily mean anything.[break][break]
tl;dr: Post an outfit ref, react to the announcement, hold hands

[attr="class","woo5"]pronouns; she/her


[attr="class","woo5"]notes open to all other interactions!


[attr="class","copyright"]new york station

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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
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TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2021 11:13:30 GMT

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
i have loved

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
the stars too fondly


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
to be fearful of what the night may bring

[attr=class,bulk][break]Dr. Holo's words are welcome, at least until the last bit. "...What kinda batshit crazy-" Spoken in a hushed voice, it was likely that the Sobble on Derek's shoulder was the only one that heard it. Holding it's hand for emotional support, he felt a little bad for making the little guy join him for such a large-scale event. But he just couldn't resist placing a big blue bow around Jonesy's neck and wearing him around. They looked really cute in the selfie he took outside! His folks back in Johto already told him how much they loved it. "Time for a drink."


Proceeding to the area attendees were being served, Derek orders a water for his Sobble while waiting for them to fashion up a Tom Collins to sate his own thirst.

tags [break]
Reacting to Dr. Holo, Holding Hands, Referenced Outfit Below (Attire) | FEEL FREE TO APPROACH


template by punki

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,676 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2021 11:23:33 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo was never a big fan of formal-wear. It always felt somewhat uncomfortable on him, both with material and the restrictive fitting. But this even demanded he wear something formal, so Hideo had to throw something together fast. Best he could come up with was a white shirt, black shorts held up by black suspenders, a black bowtie, and black shoes. Not much, but it was enough to count, and in he was allowed.

He entered flanked by two of his Pokemon, each holding his hands; on his left was his Beheeyem, who merely wore a red bowtie around his neck. On his right was his shiny Gardevoir, who also chose to wear a red bowtie around her neck, just like the Beheeyem.

The trio entered just as the Astronomer finished her speech. They were admittedly a bit lost regarding reality being “a filtered dream”, but they were more than ready to dally. And dance. And drink (non-alcoholic, of course). Hideo’s Beheeyem notified him there were some familiar people here, having recognized and and urged Hideo to meet them.

But before he could approach, his Gardevoir had a different idea, taking both the boy’s hands and dragging him to the dance floor. She Telepathically made her intent known, and though Hideo was hesitant at first, all that training he’d gotten from his Orcicorico and kicked in, the two dancing together slowly and smoothly.

His Beheeyem awkwardly watched, before deciding to head to and to try and make some introductions; best he could do was wave and try to let them know Hideo was here by pointing him out.

Summary: Hideo enters, tries to approach and but is dragged away to dance by his Gardevoir. His Beheeyem approaches Cardamom and Ruby to say hi.

Bounties complete: React to Holo, Reference Outfit, Hold Hands, Dance

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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
pr strategist
437 height
437 height
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2021 12:13:04 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar
Little pidgeys bring forth news about the soiree in Mossdeep and Selena is all for making an appearance in the gathering.

There is an advantage when not everyone easily recognizes the Kalosian, especially when the familiar blush of pink has been replaced with a pale ivory, flattering but only under the shine of the moonlight. Lucky for her, the hall's ceiling has opened for the audience to catch glimpse of the majestic sky Hoenn night sky and the imminent arrival of what a certain DR. HOLO calls "Litleonid Meteor shower."

So when Selena arrives at the ballroom, the first thing people will notice are the glitters in her ornaments, wrapping around the body embraced by the CHEOMSAM matching her hair color. Black and gold outlines accentuate the regality of her presence; colors that seem to match the delphox's figure laced by silk sashes. The two HOLD HANDS arriving at the observatory, the delphox posing as the lady's chaperone.

In one corner of the room, Selena is sipping to a champagne served by the butler, observing as the crowd congregates.


Selena arrives at the ballroom wearing a cheomsam, accompanied by Circe the Delphox who acts as her chaperone.


React to Dr. Holo's Intro
Include a reference of character's outfit
Hold hands

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August 10
Slateport City
10 height
10 height
Please spare me from anything feminine
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TAG WITH @tara
Tara Arnnelia
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2021 13:55:13 GMT
Tara Arnnelia Avatar


YoU sHoUlD sOciAliZe mOre

Tara mocking her brother as she repeating what the liar said before coming to this place. Yes, a liar - She wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her brother to insist on her and said that he will come along with her. But when she arrives at the place, she received the news that her brother was unable to come and wish her luck to socialize. Leaving Tara in a place that is akin to fish out of the sea - "You understand my feeling right, Sharkie?" Tara asks Sharkie which has been floating around besides her. Sharkie just stares at her in confusion and Tara sigh.

She doesn't bother to listen to what the host says, she kind of lost interest once she says about fantasy, shadow, and dream whatsoever - The only thing that fills her mind at that time was, 'What the heck is she talking about??'

People around her are wearing nice dresses and suits, thankfully she takes out her favorite suit for today - If not, she will be standing out too much. Suddenly, her eyes arrive at a particular lady that she had a chance to get to know better in a gruesome cooking operation back in the day. "Hi Selena, the nice dress you have. You look beautiful on that" Tara greets with joy.

NOTES: Outfit ref

PROMPT: Outfit ref and reacting to Dr. Holo


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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,754 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2021 14:31:11 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

    “A filtered dream?” An eyebrow cocked at the phrase that the scientist used, finding the idea rather strange. There were many times he’d wished the more dismal parts of his life were nothing more than a nightmare, but he never woke up no matter how hard he’d tried. Odd choice of words aside, Rowan was no stranger to formal events such as these, and he was dressed to absolute perfection.

    The suit he wore was hand-tailored to exact specifications, his jacket hanging loosely over his shoulders as more of an accessory than outerwear. Mistral stood close to Rowan and Adrian, tugging slightly at the bowtie around their neck with a flipper while letting out annoyed trills underneath their breath. “Hey, you wanted to come.” Rowan smirked, nudging the Prinplup with the tip of his shoe.

    “Wherever you’d like, handsome.” Their hands parted and he knelt down to adjust the bowtie around Mistral’s neck. “Why don’t you go with the Teddiursa and get some food?” The mention of food was enough to make the Prinplup start waddling excitedly after the other Pokemon, causing Rowan to let out a small laugh. “That’ll keep him busy for a while.”

Prompts: Reference Outfit, Hold Hands, React to Dr Holo.
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october 10th
ballonlea town
you're like a
124 height
124 height
we plot in the shadows & hang out in gallows
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TAG WITH @siobhan
siobhan burke
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2021 15:57:58 GMT
siobhan burke Avatar
"ominous" Siobhan would remark with some amusement to her companion. Chevalier the Gallade coos with agreement toward the words of Doctor Holo. they both did not seem to care beyond that. she was escorted by her Pokémon this night, holding his hand before her own reached and was placed on his arm once they were inside. as per custom with being escorted; the lady being guided by the gentleman.

the steadfast Pokemon could not resist, however, pulling Siobhan into a brief dance. once the music hit their ears, Chevalier would sway. the human glided forward on her heels, chuckling at the dreamy expression on her partner's face. he eventually would stop when they passed over the dance floor. Siobhan leaned forward to straighten his fancy bow tie. "next time, warn me" she requests with an amused smile "you know I'm not a good dancer..."

outfit reference, hold hands (with gallade), have gallade dance, react to dr holo
feel free to approach!
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing