i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2022 21:38:39 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

“Oh, come on,” she complained quietly, to herself. Not only did that huge ape break through the binds and march onward, apparently it could also get up after being killed. Just how screwed up was that?
Violet had recalled her Zarude by then, bringing out Togekiss instead so that she could ride it and keep up with the others. The Pokemon was still injured from being slapped down to the ground before, but it could do this much at least. It wasn’t going to fight a whole lot in this condition, at least not physically, but it was not completely out of the fight yet. That was good enough, for now.
Plus, their concerted efforts had gotten the two hapless souls that the Rillaboom picked up out of its paws by now. Things were looking up in some regards, thus.
But on the other hand, that thing was not going down. Violet watched, rattled by what was going on, when it got back up and kept attacking them. The Admin told them to go. Vio didn’t really know the guy, so doing just that should not have been difficult at all. Still, she did look back briefly as she complied, getting into that portal. This was supposed to be the people she’d chosen to belong to, after all. It felt weird leaving anyone behind.
Then again, they were not exactly going to a much better place at all. Sure, it looked nicer, clearer, less gloomy. On the other hand: giant freaking snake that was just feeding on an important looking dear. Precisely, from what she could see before that thing spewed smoke at them, it seemed to be draining blood.
Kind of like how the ground was draining blood that was being spilled. Yes, she had been somewhat attentive. Something was probably going on.
But the smoke made it hard to see anything, even as a mega pokemon charged in ahead of them. “Togekiss, um, try to get rid of the smoke with Fairy Wind,” she ordered, since that seemed the most reasonable thing to do. Fairy Wind was wind too, and that tended to blow away smoke. They weren’t in a cave, so that stuff could always go up or so.
However, whether that succeeded or not, she would recall Togekiss again afterwards, fishing for Zarude once more. “I guess the big Seviper is bad news. Whatever it’s doing is not good. But if we can get it off the deer we can probably heal it. This place looks more like it belongs to that one than the Seviper, so that might help,” she told….probably no one, since in all this it was likely difficult to address anyone in particular. But at least she communicated her own plan. And since healing others seemed to help so far, she figured that healing Mr. Important Deer would help too. Or Mrs. Important Deer.

+ replaces Zarude with Togekiss to more easily follow - gets off when seeing the snake, has togekiss use fairy wind to hopefully help with the smoke - will replace togekiss with zarude again after



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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
1,179 posts
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2022 1:02:55 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

With the Rillaboom taken care of, the operative easily make their way through the portal. Aubie dives down, entering first before and his pokemon. is already there, charging through a dark smoke towards an overwhelmingly large Seviper that threatens what seems to be the deity of this tree. Their tree, their power. Unacceptable.

Darkness billows from its open maw, obscuring the path between it and the increasing number of Rockets that enter through the portal, “Aubie, DEFOG!” she commands, yellow eyes piercing towards the serpentine threat. The BRaviary does as commanding, hovering near the portals’ openings. His wings begin to flap vigorously, faster and faster until they buzzed like the beat of Combee’s own wings. A wind kicks up, gusts that forcefully push back against the Smokescreen, aiming to DEFOG the area so Rocket has a clear path.

In a moment of rare selflessness, she knows it won’t be enough. The sheer size of the monster is overwhelming. Something drives her to towards vengeance. Perhaps it’s the inherent nature of her ghost-typing or perhaps it’s something else. Regardless, her eye flash, consumed with darkness. A black, misty scythe drives itself into her belly. “Ah!” she gasps, keeling over on Aubie’s back as the searing pain drains energy from her own body. She’s weakened, but not completely drained. The sacrifice culminates in a ghostly terror that rushes the Seviper, threatening to consume it in a debilitating CURSE

Aubie uses DEFOG to drive away the smokescreen
Lex sacrifices half her strength to put a CURSE on the Seviper


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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,741 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Jan 27, 2022 5:21:54 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.



The wall was down, nothing was between him and the portal, towards his goal. [break][break]

Bryan bolts towards the portal upon first chance but barely manages to see the Rilaboom come back to life, it's eyes glossing over white as it was quickly reanimated. Walsh leapt out of the shadows and defended the rocket from the attacking monsters. He told the rest of them to keep going, most likely because the monkey would just follow right behind them if they proceeded. "I hope you stay alive to keep your promise from our report!" he says as an inadvertent way of 'Don't fucking die' [break][break]

He ran through the portal, Priam in tow with the party. He was glad the man was safe and by his side. Yet that smug smile turned into one of rage and horror at the same time. A Seviper that was larger than life it's toward over them all, and on top of that it towered over his goal, xerneas. He knew it was him, he had a feeling, but something was wrong. His body twitched and convulsed violently as blood leaked into the ground around it. [break][break]

He balled his fist out of rage at the snake who bore his fangs towards the group. He pulled a gun out of his pocket instinctively, his hands already glowing out of control. Seems like 's hypothesis was right. His power was related to how stressed he was, and at this sight his body was already pumping full of adrenaline. His goal that he had been spending so much time working towards was in front of him in a pathetic state. "Attack that fucking thing, some of you break off and prevent it from spreading it's poison, we need people on support duty!" he said turning towards the group as a sense of leadership and rage directed him to instruct the group. "I'm gonna handle saving xerneas. Keep it off of me." he says as Bryan was about ready to unleash his stress. [break][break]

He looked over at his Audino, the one he's had since he was a young boy who acted as a surrogate mother, taking care of his wounds for him when he fought on the streets. "It's you and me once again girl. Let's do what you do best, you take care of that patient as best you can. Got it?" he says as he gets into running position and she nods at him, his determination reflecting in her own expression. The snake stared began to spew it's smoke. [break][break]


he shouts as he then bolts towards the Xerneas, the defog and fairy wind giving him some breathing room thanks to and . even went on the offensive, mega evolving his pokemon that took down 's ace pokemon. his glowing grew and grew as he barreled towards the last place he saw xerneas. Audino tugging along right behind him. [break][break]

if left to his own devices Bryan would call out to xerneas "Where are you?! I'm here to help! Xerneas!" he called out wondering if it could even respond to him somehow. If the pair were able to locate it as Audino closed her eyes and used her superb sense of hearing and her feelers to try and locate xerneas. [break][break]

if they were able to locate and reach it successfully audino would get to work immediately. There was any poison in Xerneas's system Audino would try to use Heal pulse combined with it's healer ability to neutralize any poison and provide energy to Xerneas that may have been stolen by the usurper. [break][break]

If Seviper were at any point turn his attention towards Bryan audino or xerneas, he'd fire some rounds from his gun at the Seviper and put a hands out towards the creature and release as much light as he could possibly muster at it's eyes to try and blind it.


notes about this post

wah [break] [break]


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Using my last salacs cryga[break]

TLDR: Tells walsh pls dont do the big die.[break][break]

Goes through the portal and Lulu's hypothesis of stress triggering bryan's light is proven correct as he slowly loses control [break][break]

Gives orders to whatever rockets will listen as he recommends that some break off to attack and others break off to act as support. [break][break]

makes a mad dash towards where xerneas was last seen with his mega audino[break][break]

If left to his own devices and there's no problem bryan and Audino would reach xerneas and use it's ability HEALER and the move HEAL PULSE to try and resuscitate the pokemon. [break][break]

If at any point Seviper turns it's attention towards Bryan Audino or Xerneas, he would fire several rounds at the creature and aim a blast of light right at the creature's eyes at full power.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,652 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Jan 27, 2022 15:18:44 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
There is much and many things that happen and I've never been good at scene transitions. The important part for Chu-e is that he wants to make sure his daughter () is okay, no one is dead, and then him and Sugar, still mega, hoof if to get through that portal.

He comes through with his Long Cat after that Baboon Beatdown to find the other side of the adventuring party. is dishing out orders; which is a little below his station but Chu-e can appreciate the initiative. Not many people are willing to take the lead, and the heat, for shit like this.

A quick glance to make sure is okay and he spots , who is set up near Bryan. The weird snake and... was that a fucking giant deer?

He has the sudden, mouth watering urge to feed.

The fucking snake is in the way, though.

"Mint!" Jogging over, he approaches his Protege. "Mint, I have a stupid idea. Yeet me at that snake!" Already, he's approaching Mint's beefed up Abomasnow. None of the pokemon that Chu-e has with him are large or good at throwing him.

"Sugar, help out!" A thin coating of crystal, dark enough to see it's there but thin enough to see through, is forced to coat skin. Even his new and weird appendages, like his boobs and tail. Sugar uses her Technician ability to line up the shot.

Whenever takes it, she 'poofs' back into her normal, non-Mega form, exhausted, and landing in the blue haired man's arms.

Whatever move that Mint and the Abomasnow make, Chu-e uses a Helping Hand to make sure it didn't toss him off the damned tree.

If this worked, he would eat this bitch before it could eat anyone else. (And that tasty treat it was draining.)

- Chu-e gets to the snake problem
- Makes sure everyone is okay
- Goes to Bryan/Mint
- Orders Mint to 'yeet him' at the snake
- Sugar (Meowth) uses her Technician Ability to help line up the shot
- This takes the last of her Mega abilities and she is NOT Mega evolved anymore
- Chu-e also uses a Helping Hand for anything last minute
- Chu-e coats himself in crystal where he can in a thin, sparkling layer for protection
- His PLAN is to get it to eat him, so he can attack the bitch from the inside out
- Even if he misses, he still will try and latch on like a tick and see how IT likes being drained of it's life-juice!
- Wants to eat the deer very badly

-edit: guess i'll use some salacs =/ (1)


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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Jan 27, 2022 17:23:48 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
the air was eventually lifted by efforts of various rockets, giving priam a clear view of their target. a single word is uttered as he forces himself to move from the sheer intimidation the sight imposes unto him.


there was no need for to shout out orders for priam already was aware of the objective. xerneas is the main prize, and he's not going to let it perish like the one he helped decimate on littleroot.

he steers his braviary towards the target, travelling ahead than bryan, but not after he dismounts and recalls the avian. another pokemon takes its place as priam goes for the offensive.

"earth power!"

a massive figure of the venusaur appears from the pokeball. what he had saved up for a big display of power to show off ends up being useful in the end. with the grass-type powered up by the very essence that started the entire hunt for the legend, it roars and stomps its feet onto the tree.

a burst of energy surges from underneath the seviper as the ground opens. properties of the soil that alludes to its magic are yet to be tested like the scientific processes followed by the grunt, but alongside a little prayer comes optimism.

"i got the good luck charm!" he yells at . holding his gabite's pokeball, he waves for the man to take it. "if you're going anywhere near it, this is a 'just in case'"


  • priam rides to the frontlines with braviary
  • recalls braviary, releases venusaur
  • venusaur uses earth power
  • priam reminds bryan of his gabite


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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jan 27, 2022 19:06:20 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
As he reaches the top of the slope with the help of the anchor now fused with his arm, Gavin retracts it and rolls an aching shoulder. Only a moment is allowed for reprieve before he dashes toward the portal.

On the other side is pure horror.

The air stinks of iron, of blood, wind rushing in ears that feel the pressure of sudden altitude — but that's not what fills Gavin with dread. It's the sight ahead, a massive leviathan of a viper with fangs buried in the neck of what would be Rocket's prize. Walsh's goal.

Gavin looks around, brow furrowing. He doesn't see the boss, but catches 's gaze and gives his counterpart a curt nod.

In the absence of their leader, Gavin raises his voice to be heard by those closest to him.

"Attack that snake but leave the other unharmed!"

He doesn't call the Xerneas by name; not everyone would know its name, he thinks.

The comforting weight of a beast ball fits against his palm as the broad space atop the canopy finally allows for Lugia to return to his side. He tosses it high into the air and the shadowed Guardian of the Seas emerges in a swirl of miasma with a haunting cry.

She needs no direction, stirring up a gale with her wings as she circles her prey. Gavin can feel the PRESSURE of her presence, to him like a comforting blanket of weight. THUNDER rumbles to herald a bolt of lightning that crashes toward the Seviper.

Gavin pulls the pin from his glasses as he swaps his Delphox for Lucario, MEGA EVOLVING her as she lands as close to the snake and its would-be-meal as his throw would allow. There's too much chaos for her to heed his clicks and whistles, so he shouts, "HEAL XERNEAS!" with a sharp gesture toward the Xerneas. An approving nod is spared for , whose efforts to part the smokescreen do not go unnoticed.

LIFE DEW scatters like rain... but would it be enough?

Last comes Gavin himself, vanishing under a PHANTOM FORCE to bring him closer to the targets, exuding his miasma all the while.

Sends out LUGIA and swaps out DELPHOX for LUCARIO.
LUCARIO MEGA-EVOLVES and uses LIFE DEW (concentrated toward XERNEAS).
Gavin vanishes using PHANTOM FORCE with the aim of getting closer to the fight.
Exuding SHADOW MIASMA like the smoke machine he was meant to be. :XD:

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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
169 height
169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
543 posts
Remi Cassel DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @remi
Remi Cassel
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2022 4:21:58 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
Dizziness clouds her thought briefly as she recoils from smashing into the wall. She rubs her temple but ultimately follows the rest of the group through the portal. Walsh's display of empathy or self-sacrifice is noble, but she really doesn't put much thought to it. They have a job to do, one that he had set upon them. There was no time to hang back and try to stop him, or encourage him to survive, or anything.

It was time to move.

On the other side, they are met with sharp fangs the size of her body twice over and a thick wall of smoke. She only catches a slight glimpse of the Pokemon trapped beneath a gigantic snake. It doesn't ring any bells immediately, but seeing as the rest of her party is overwhelmed with emotion at the sight and willing to fight tooth and nail, clearly its important.

One person in particular literally launches himself full-tilt at the Pokemon. Bizarre, but alright. Some people had balls of steel, I guess. Whatever the case, she is prompted to do something as well because someone is shouting at them all to. But frankly, she isn't sure what the fuck they're supposed to do. This was a titan, a Pokemon larger than anything she had ever seen.

They had a very good chance of dying here, and no one seemed too phased by that.

"Well, nice knowing you all."

She gestures to her Krookodile to follow her and, together, they utilize their ground-type specialty to charge in. Krookodile replicates the EARTHQUAKE, rumbling the earth beneath the snake. Remi concentrates, reaching within herself to conjure a SAND TOMB. Hopefully, in spite of the smokescreen around them, she could whip up some vicious winds to harm that Seviper.


- not convinced fighting the giant snake is appropriate
- does what she's told anyway though bc lets just kill a snake
- krookodile uses EARTHQUAKE against the seviper
- remi uses SAND TOMB against the seviper
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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
5,711 posts
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2022 17:00:29 GMT
"good job, team!"

and on they go through the portal.

he blinks, taking in the sight.

...if the large seviper is powerful enough to overpower a legendary such as xerneas, should rocket not reprioritize their objectives? would the legendary-killing, large seviper not be the better tool to acquire?

before he has a chance to voice his opinion, however, everyone springs to action. as expected from some of rocket's finest.

theo waits, watching everyone else before finally giving a command to his trusty sableye.

"try it again."

and off sableye goes as it attempts to ALLY SWITCH itself with XERNEAS.
- sableye using ALLY SWITCH on XERNEAS

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Feburary 14
Celadon City, Kanto
15 height
15 height
let's game!
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TAG WITH @cossack
Cossack Kurama
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2022 18:16:35 GMT
Cossack Kurama Avatar

as the giant ape finally falls the team manage to find their way to the other side of their path. cossack does his best to not stare at the burnt corpse of their giant foe but the smell from it is quite overpowering. was it because it was so large that its body was giving off its smell? or was it because of his new heightened...humanity? questions for later although they did give the man a lot to think about for later. if he was even fine or sane in that future later.

as they all entered the portal there was another sight to behold, two in actuality. the first came at the view, a sky high position that they found themselves in that cossack was lucky that he grew wings so falling off wasn't a real problem for him but just looking down at the faraway ground below them still made a pit in his stomach grow. it was quite the distance after all.

the second was the sight of another large pokemon, serviper, sitting atop this tree and sinking its teeth into a strange rainbow colored stantler-like pokemon. whatever it was it seemed like it was in trouble and the large snek wasn't too keen on sharing its meal as it spewed out a smokescreen all over the team. as his vision blurred cossack swapped out his magneton for a rotom that hovered close to him as he let his stiff wings slightly flap as he raises to the air with his partner.

"don't let this breeze blow you off anyone!" he calls out as his rotom begins to spin around his body releasing an ominous wind that cuts a howl through the smoke to not only push it back but also the snake. cossack does the same as he unleashes a defog to help clear up the smoke to give everyone a bit more visibility.

    [*] cossack swaps out magneton with rotom!
    [*] cossack uses defog on the smokescreen!
    [*] rotom uses ominous wind on the smokescreen/serviper!



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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2022 0:08:54 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

As the Noivern flies towards the portals, Mars looks towards the ground, commanding the dragon to swoop down when noticing the familiar sight of .
”Serena! Need a lift?” Quite literally so. For, a hand is extended towards the Rocket Beast, pulling her up onto the Noivern’s back before they continue to make their way towards the portal at top speed.
Once they join the frontlines, they’re greeted by a gruesome sight: Xerneas and a giant Seviper feasting upon its blood. The air is filled with the scent of it, so much so that it's almost dizzying.
Does it also make Rocket bloodthirsty?
Apparently so, because their immediate response is to attack without a second thought, not even seeming to consider things like how they could barely deal with the Rillaboom and this Seviper may be healed by the tree as well. Also, the fact that the portals soon close behind them, effectively leaving them unable to return the way they came from.
Mars clicks his tongue, turning towards his nine Unown. ”Unown! Try to open another portal like the one we came from! Preferably out of here. We need a way out.” Especially if they want to take an injured Xerneas back with them. But, he knows things like those are more likely to work with more Unown, so the words are said loud enough for everyone around them to hear.
His Noivern is returned to its Luxury Ball then, in its place calling out Blastoise once again.
”The Seviper may heal itself like the Rillaboom did! We need to at least distract it for long enough so we can grab Xerneas!”
Instructions said mostly so those around them are aware of the dangers before them, because the last thing they need is to lose any of their members to a giant snake. Isn’t the priority here to secure the legendary pokémon for Rocket?
Once the smokescreen clears thanks to the combined efforts of and , Mars reaches for the keystone on his wrist, causing his Blastoise to MEGA EVOLVE. She roars as her form changes, and the dozens of cannons on her shell are all aimed towards the Seviper’s large body, soon shooting it with a powerful G-MAX CANNONADE.

While Calliope attacks, he himself attempts to create a SAFEGUARD to protect Xerneas from the venom of the gargantuan snake.
If Xerneas is the deer that dwells within the tree, does that make this giant Seviper the snake that gnaws at its roots? If that’s the case, they better send it to the bottom of the tree where it came from.




[break]- Giving Serena a lift to the portal
[break]- Join the FRONTLINES
[break]- Telling his Unown to open a portal so they have a way out. Said loud enough so others can join in this effort
[break]- Telling others that their priority should be to secure Xerneas because the Seviper might heal itself like the Rillaboom did
[break]- Blastoise MEGA EVOLVES
[break]- Blastoise uses GMAX CANNONADE on Seviper when the Smokescreen clears
[break]- Mars uses SAFEGUARD to protect Xerneas from the Seviper's venom





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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2022 3:03:29 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

at the explosion, her attention was torn away to see the corpse—and her dog, waddling in reverse and doing his best to drag a giant foot along with him. a pokéball was raised to return the mega houndoom, knowing it would be too distracted at this point to do anything else.

suddenly, the barrier she had been pressing on was gone. she fell forward in the air, and looked up to catch the sight of the tail as it disappeared. before there was any time to follow it, however, the rillaboom came to life, attacking.


a vine slammed into someone, and out came their boss, finally. she glared suspiciously, but eyes widened when shadow took form and clashed with another vine. it had always been clear that walsh possessed other, greater powers than she… but this? what else could he do?

would he live long enough for her to ask him?

curiosity and orders pulled her away, and through the portal then went. then, everyone together again—facing a giant seviper.

”holy shit.” and xerneas?

lulu seconded both and ’s thoughts, to some degree, though she said nothing, either. they were not going to live—and if by some chance they did, she wanted some kind of information on this thing.

a pokéball was drawn—porygon-2.

”CONVERSION 2,” she ordered, pointing to the snake. a transmitter was aimed, reading it and changing the porygon’s typing. if they made it, she’d go over its code later.

meanwhile, psychic energy that had been accumulating under the stress surged in her mental, EXTRASENSORY waves glowing from her many-eyed head. darkrai re-appeared above in suspicious walsh-like fashion, spheres of DARK VOID hurled down at the monster.


* mega houndoom distracted by foot, returned
* wonders about walsh's avatar powers / their differences
* enters portal with others
* notes the big snake, releases porygon-2
* porygon-2 uses CONVERSION 2 in hopes to gain retainable data on seviper
* lulu uses EXTRASENSORY on seviper
* darkrai appears, uses DARK VOID on seviper
* used four salacs, keeping 59 lol
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December 29th
Cyllage City, Kalos
Motorcycle Dealer
fearless hearts ablaze, no more time to waste
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Dante Telos DOLLARS
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Dante Telos
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2022 4:28:32 GMT
Dante Telos Avatar

He landed with a low, airy grunt; his knees buckling faintly upon impact and return to the grounds beneath him, though he caught himself with a hand firmly planted down in order to keep him up following his strike. With a sharp, yet deepened inhale and exhale, his head turned immediately within the midst of the dust he’d kicked up as a result of his hit, quickly scanning the area and instinctively leaning back in light of the second strike towards the then-passed Rillaboom from another Rocket member, by the look of it, which had only been followed by several more by neighboring members, as well. Seeing the chaos ensue, he glanced around for his companion, and - after locating it as it waited upon to make a move - he sprinted over swiftly, darting around whatever may have stood between him and them to the best of his ability prior to using the momentum to leap. Reaching out, he firmly grasped his Pokemon’s shoulder before swinging his way up and onto its back again, glancing over his shoulder towards the woman.[break][break]

”Come, now,” he called down to her, his lips tugging into a faint grin as he kept a hand hooked upon the beast’s shoulder. Securing his feet upon its scales, he then allowed himself to swing back as he held on, offering the remaining arm towards her and grasping her forearm alongside his in order to pull her with him. ”We’ve still got places to be, after all,” he added, ”so we’d best make haste, no~?”[break][break]

More waiting, but only long enough to allow her the time to secure herself. Following that, he tapped the Dracovish’s shoulder once more, speaking some foreign tongued to it and prompting another surge of energy to envelop it before it began dashing forward, bringing them along it. Still standing upon its back, he held on as he leaned forward, his eyes narrowing as they approached the portal before briefly adjusting to the darkness from the warp, and then the brightness from their newfound surroundings. His brows furrowed instinctively at the change of scenery, but upon noting the creatures before him (as well as the sudden height that they were thrust upon, seeing the edge of the area), his eyes narrowed, and his jaw dropped slightly.[break][break]

He thought. He debated. As the smoke rapidly flooded their way, he even instinctively pulled an arm up to brace himself (a gesture he found to be ultimately moot as the air around them seemed to remain as fresh and breathable as ever), but before long could pass he knocked his knuckles against his companion’s shoulder in rapid, yet gentle concession before opening his hand and tapping it against the drake’s head.[break][break]

”...Dragon Dance again, Amore,” he said sharply before pointing outward. ”Closer. Get us closer to it! Quick!”[break][break]

Although it took a small while, the energies surrounding the finned beast seemed to gradually flare brighter to life, and in light of the command, it gave another, grander screech as it sought to increase its power even more. With the newfound boost, it sped across the rather odd field set out before them in a burst that would’ve seemed otherwise awkward for a creature of its stature to embark upon.[break][break]

All the while, Dante leaned forward to further secure himself as they ran along, and as if a reflection of the tenseness within him as they neared, the finned tail behind him curled before lashing; the gesture in itself seemingly summoning a small cloud of dust and sand within its wake. It grew larger and more violent, and he held it down as best as he could to keep it manageable before lashing his tail - and with it, the dust storm - forward and towards the Seviper in the form of a Sand Tomb. Within the wake of it all, his Unown seemed fit to flutter behind him with the utmost erraticness- although at the sight of one and more of its kind seemingly getting to work on what seemed to be an escape route, it blinked at its trainer a few times before flying over to aid with the endeavor.[break][break]



--dracovish uses dragon dance (atk/spd x5) and runs towards the seviper[break]
--dante (def x2) uses sand tomb on the seviper[break]
--unown breaks off to join 's unown in the portal construction effort[break][break][break]

(standard post roll)[break]

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2022 4:35:26 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

The HEADLESS RILLABOOM's captives are freed through a cacophony of violence. His Shadow Dragapult deals the finishing blows before flying upwards to avoid the explosion of ape flesh that follows. Remiel looks back down to assess the situation afterward, and maintain a mental roll call before they all move ahead as a unit.

* * *

Akin to the world-serpent of lore, Jörmungandr, a GIANT SEVIPER awaited them at the top of the massive tree. The sight of it laying there, draining XERNEAS greedily as it fidgeted, was certainly jarring. But that initial shock did not curdle into fear on Remiel's part.

Even past the stony frame of his headpiece, mutated eyes sparkled with awe and wonder at the sight. The implications this could have for archaeology, for human history, were many. And, if they were going to face a world-eater and save a god, then surely they were expected to give it everything they got.

So he unlocks a customized black ball from his belt with a spark from his fingers, the indented grooves upon it glowing plasma green as something within awakens. He casts it forward a second later, summoning SHINY ZEKROM in an electrifying roar of light:


If the giant Seviper was Jörmungandr, then Remiel supposed Zekrom was ODINSON.

Smoothly sliding off Faust's back, the prince lands atop Odinson's back before recalling his Shadow Dragapult into its reinforced ball. He summons his SMEARGLE, PATUCELLO, afterwards to join him. The fuzzy little artist takes a moment to gain his bearings before his master makes an order he's about to be incapable of fulfilling himself.

"Sketch the scene. I want a fine record of everything that happens. And you two," He adds, shifting his eyes towards the UNOWN-H and UNOWN-X that had followed him in. Having overheard 's command, he points them in the other admin's direction. "Go assist Del Mar's Unown." The cyclopean beings chime before flying off to do just so.

In tandem, Zekrom and the royal focus on their target with steely glares as they soar closer, watching as the others pelt the monstrous beast with attacks. A draconic aura surrounds the black dragon in the meantime (DRAGON DANCE), while its armored rider casts a spell on the giant Seviper that he hopes will serve in weakening its defenses (GUARD SPLIT).

Meanwhile, Patucello the Smeargle does as he was told, sketching the scene and all the subjects therein. This happens to include 's DARKRAI, and the DARK VOID it spawns just ahead (SKETCH).



— After advancing, Remiel summons SHINY ZEKROM
— Remiel boards SHINY ZEKROM before swapping SHADOW DRAGAPULT with SMEARGLE
— Remiel orders his UNOWN-H and UNOWN-X to assist  's Unown in an effort to open a getaway portal

♔ Riding Zekrom, Remiel attempts to afflict the GIANT SEVIPER with a GUARD SPLIT to weaken its defenses
SMEARGLE makes a SKETCH of Darkrai's DARK VOID in the meantime

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may 30
anistar city, kalos
bee keeper
i know it's my fault, for breaking, falling apart, that's right
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mielle DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Jan 29, 2022 4:41:57 GMT
mielle Avatar

with the monkey downed, there's a need to rush into the portal before they resurface.[break][break]

in the blink of an eye, she finds herself tugged closer to a larger body, and she's seated upon the large, dragon pokemon with holding her steady. so she takes the offer, smiling as she clings onto the dracovish that has the trainers' weights upon him. the vespiquen follows suit, quick to buzz and make way through. "indeed," she starts, a smile tugging at her lips in spite of the situation "the sooner i can return home and wash off this dirt, the better." [break][break]

there, she glances up to find an overbearing snake, glaring a the group with a deer-like pokemon at the mercy of its poisonous fangs. the blonde woman gasps softly, hands over her mouth as she witnesses the painful scene. it must hurt. [break][break]

when the seviper launches a smokescreen at the group, she braces herself with her arms as the reunited groups combine efforts to fend off the suffocating, putrid air - only for mielle's green bits of leaf to begin glowing a soft, warming green as the air seemed to grow all the clearer around her, pushing away the pollution around her to release a small area of clean air. her eyes widen as her arms lower, and she watches as the darkened air is taken into her body in small amounts, and is released into the air as purified air. it makes breathing at this altitude a bit easier, she finds. [break][break]

which is good, because there's something about the beautiful pokemon. she has trouble taking her eyes off it. [break][break]

until the sharp words of dante commanding his pokemon is heard, and she immediately snaps back to reality. she's settled herself between the trainer and the pokemon, thus when his tail begins to lash, she immediately tucks herself in, closer, between the dragon and the dragon man. [break][break]

"Reine!" she calls to the vespiquen in the rush, who buzzes not too far from behind her. "HEAL ORDER on the stag! Now!" her hand clings to the dracovish, whose speed picks up as they approach the colossal snake. she clasps her hands together, shutting her eyes, and praying that the faint light that surrounds her body is able to turn into a WISH that soars into the sky, meant to heal the XERNEAS still in the seviper's grasp.



mounts 's DRACOVISH and she's hanging on for dear life as VESPIQUEN follows not far behind[break]
booking it to the tree of life :dorime:[break]
she sees xerneas getting eaten by a seviper and she's going :nowhy:[break]
why yes, mielle is photosynthesizing and clearing the air around herself and dante[break]
bad air and altitude got NOTHING ON ME YOU HEAR ME SHIV[break]
no i'm kidding don't hurt me[break]
vespiquen uses HEAL ORDER on XERNEAS, hoping the combee can also irritate the seviper[break]
uses WISH to heal the XERNEAS as she gets closer[break]


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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,624 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2022 6:38:31 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar


[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
the true path


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
rocket's vanguard converges...!

A Reckoning in Blood - Ghosts of Tsushima

It would seem his hope was fleeting as they relayed to him the presence of a portal they intended to cross. His only experience with such anomalies were ultra space wormholes, and so he was reluctant to go. Rowan stole his choice from him by rushing headlong through it, announcing it over the radio. Should've learned your lesson—[break][break]

He might have admired them if not for the circumstance they found themselves in.[break][break]

After finishing the task at hand Adrian withdraws Gyarados, opting to instead ride forward upon his Glastrier once more, spurring it into a full gallop while they made for the portal that lie ahead. Beyond the bounds of the Tree of Life, Yveltal circles in search of a point of entry, growing increasingly impatient with its own inaction.[break][break]


Arriving at the portal he slides off of Glastrier, withdrawing the pokemon before hastily chasing through the portal after most others had made it through. Disorienting sensations wash over him as he passes through with a sinking feeling he's being watched. Once the light of the other side reaches his eyes, he takes a step out onto the canopy of the highest tree. Rocket's Vanguard stands before him, amassing against... A gargantuan serpent with an abnormal deer impaled by its fangs, from which it draws upon a massive aura reservoir. The Promethean punishment is a grotesque display that incites not only revulsion in Adrian, but an insurmountable, utter fury within Yveltal as it watches—through the eyes of an Executioner—what has come to pass.[break][break]


Its pervasive cry carries despite their being magicked away within the tree, reaching them across an unknown expanse and filling them with a primal sense of doom. In the moments following Yveltal pierces through this void, emerging in a violent burst as its figure surges forward, lunging at the reptile while cloaked in the miasma of its PHANTOM FORCE. The ferocity it fights with is telling of its bond with Xerneas.[break][break]


After striking a decisive blow Yveltal may seek to grasp Xerneas within its talons, meaning to tear it away, so as to deny the glutton the source of its stolen might.[break][break]

Many have already made their move, and it is not a clash to step into lightly and so Adrian takes stock of the situation before releasing his SMEARGLE at his side. He hopes that, in the event the tree is not as solid as it appears, its tail will prove useful as a sort of lasso or rappelling instrument. And what's more was the untapped potential.[break][break]

Eyes of the Shinigami allow him to narrow in on special interests; intense auras shine through like beacons adrift a mudflow. Raising a hand and directing the Smeargle's attention to the Darkrai, Adrian tasks the Smeargle with imitating its power: "Smeargle, sketch the Darkrai's attack while you still can!" It may prove useful later.[break][break]

Most would not pay it any mind during the battle's clamor and uproar, but the tear in the fabric where Yveltal appeared revealed a gaping wound in the veil between dimensions, and through this rift could be seen the ones who observed from beyond, enacting their strange congregation magicks in isolation. But as the tear began to fold in on the divide, several Unown managed to bleed through, watching the event before them unfold with a seeming joy as they flowed in a pleasant rhythm.[break][break]

As they form a cryptic message in an Unown cipher, they invoke a collective power hidden within the meaning of their expressions, lashing out at the Seviper with strange energy. To those unversed in their language, it looks like nonsense. And yet...[break][break]

HEARTWO?? EPI?HAN?...[break]
??TAGEN ENIG?A... HAR??...[break]

tl;dr notes[break]
Adrian withdraws GYARADOS; switches in GLASTRIER[break]
Rides GLASTRIER before arriving at the portal and dismounting[break]
Passes through the portal and sends out SMEARGLE eventually[break]
SMEARGLE will SKETCH the move "DARK VOID"[break]
YVELTAL arrives on scene and unleashes a devastating PHANTOM FORCE![break]
(OPTIONAL) YVELTAL attempts to pry XERNEAS free of SEVIPER'S grasp![break]
UNOWN+ execute HIDDEN POWER in a concerted effort...![break]





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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing