i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
1,565 posts
Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2022 16:21:58 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
Callan pursed his lips as the announcer claimed the correct answer of Reshiram, and then proceeded to summon both the correct and incorrect legendary towards the group. In this sense, he had zero doubts that even if they had gotten Reshiram correct, they would have had to try and defeat the beast regardless. A difficulty factor of two, rather than six, was not bad... relatively speaking.

This is a simulation. He thought, he hoped. Letting the fear numb him, make his thoughts automatic, blind and ignorant to consequences. That was how he needed to work now, to kill off any extraneous thoughts and just focus on the rhythm of the battle. Cut down to only essential information.

@thomas said his doppelganger could petrify. Guns were fired, a bola towards the doppelganger clone. His team was moved by 's psychic. A Phantom Force was used by . utilized a rock slide. uses a Moonblast. @rowan used Hydro Pump on Reshiram's fire. Same with @skler, in addition to an Aqua Ring being used by a boy now on fire from a simulations blue flare. Fire is spreading everywhere.

So many things to do, so little time. But first, protecting himself and his team.

As the BLUE FLARE and the OBLIVION WING came for his team, Callan unfurled his Z-Ring as he and his Spinda raised their hands in sync, and clapped once.


A wall blocked the flames and the Oblivion Wing, shielding the epicentre from the blast, though shrapnel may in future cause him to take damage. But the principle was done, having activated BOOGIE WOOGIE, Callan's Spinda copies Reshiram's parameters for itself. Regardless of its success on Reshiram's end, Spinda turns a bright white, emanating fire as it becomes empowered with Reshiram's own power.


+ Callan is moved by Razz Kingsman's Psychic to avoid the explosion and the flames.
+ Callan's Spinda uses BOOGIE WOOGIE to block OBLIVION WING and BLUE FLARE, copying Reshiram's Parameters.


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litton wickham
september 25
lumiose city, kalos
webnovelist / council assistant
if desire is the heart’s intransigent verb.
353 posts
nagi miwa DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nagi
nagi miwa
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2022 16:22:40 GMT
nagi miwa Avatar


this time, he does. [break][break]

nerveless fingers drop a pokeball to the floor — and then he’s yanked upwards as smaug’s powerful wings send them flying up and away from the hazardous ground.[break][break]

he wants to shut his eyes. wants to dig his hands into them until the starbursts flashing behind his lids blot out the vision of scattered corpses. less bodies, and more meat; flesh and char and blood and viscera seared where his other memories had slipped away.[break][break]

i can't—[break][break]

(you have to—)[break][break]


a quiet thought, a rush like hot fire: i will not be useless.[break][break]

he keeps his eyes open. wide and staring, neck craning backwards, up and up until he can make out the xurkitree’s head, swathed in clouds, looming above them. a titan of sparkling conduits. terror chokes at his throat, but his voice comes out hoarse and quiet: “smaug, up—” [break][break]

inertia almost tugs him clean off the dragonite’s back. he tightens grip around smaug's neck; whips his neck back to look towards the chaos unfolding beneath him, lingering, worried, on his boss and for the barest of moments — before smaug’s rapid ascent turns them to shrinking blurs of familiar red and orange. the dragonite rockets towards the xurkitree’s head with extreme speed, dodging the power whips that crackle and flail into its path. [break][break]

all he can do is hold on.


[attr="class","ooc"] @ CYBERCHASE [break]
• sends out and gets on dragonite to avoid the shockwave[break]
• following 's instructions, dragonite aims for xurkitree's head with extreme speed[break]
• nagi is on the world's worst roller-coaster ride[break]
• using 1 salac EDIT: LMAOOOO[break]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-litwick"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2022 16:51:28 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
He heard his name? Or did he? The moment Thomas spoke his name his hearing cut out, and he got a headache as he stumbled back. What was it? What was his name!? He was trying to force his memory to work, but it just made the headache worse, and he could feel the pounding in his head spill over as the taste of iron filled his mouth, and blood began to pool from the corner of his mouth, eyes, and nose all at once.

(Spoiler cuz blood)

"Despicable....How pathetic am I?" he gritted his blood soaked lips as he looked over at the two opponents, and he stumbled a little. Sudden blood loss made him a little dizzy, but anger flared up on his chest, and he could feel the emotional pull of one of his pokemon, one that was still within the confines of it's ball right now. Snarling he withdrew Draco suddenly, and released his Sceptile. The keystone on his ring began to glow as the megastone that Vilu held began to light up as well.

Anger surged through the two of them even as crimson droplets hit the floor under his feet, staining his dopplegangers reflection, but he didn't care. Vilu mega evolved, and was ready to leap into action.

"If any of you have electric moves aim them for my Sceptile!" He elaborated no further as green light began to channel around his sceptiles tail. It seemed to be charging up the energy, and then in a flurry of leaves it launched the Leaf Storm attack with no regard towards Yveltal. That was Thomas's doppleganger, and the one that he presumed would be the most troublesome if it could petrify people. Turning someone to stone where they were easier targets that would be an issue for all of them. Amor knew nothing about Reshiram, or the Datatar that wielded it's power currently.

Nor did he understand what abilities wielded, nor Thomas, but that could be saved for another day.

"Does it have any other abilities?" Amor would ask Thomas with him being currently so close to the man's proximity he figured he may as well ask. The more information they had on this fight the better chance they would have at coming out ahead of it. Though what exactly was going to happen from this point forward he had absolutely no clue. It was hoenn anything goes in hoenn.


Amor summoned Sceptile, and Mega Evo'd it
Sceptile used Leaf Storm
Amor told everyone that if they had an electric attack to aim it for his sceptile so ti would activate it's Lightning Rod

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2022 19:28:50 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
One moment, Angelo is contemplating whether throwing an elbow to 's gut or the taunt that dances on his tongue would taste sweeter, the next he's pushed back across the room.

Pressure builds within his throat, ready to call out to the young ranger who throws himself alone into the fray, but nothing but a sharp intake of breath follows after ▇▇▇▇.

He'll be fine. Reshiram's avatar or no, he'd always been able to take care of himself. Had supported him with no questions asked during the Sootopolis Takeover, that saw them race across glitching waters...

Angelo would have his back now.

Blue eyes find as heat spikes in the room, checking on her first and foremost. “Cooked? Me? Too soon, Sky.

His attention falls upon and next as they fumble and run from the blue flames, Angelo's eyes narrowing a fraction as he thinks he sees them skim horribly close to the postman...

Skyler's on it, thankfully.

Stay back a minute, you two!

Angelo releases a large water serpent forth, its shadow looming tall - INTIMIDATINGLY so - as it slithers past them.

A small grin is thrown over his shoulder at , wordlessly calling back to competitive dreams she'd uttered to him.

Y'sure you can take one on, gremlin?

HURRICANE winds, howling furiously intense beneath the Castform's RAIN DANCE that calls on, rips towards the digital RESHIRAM with a hungry battle-cry from the Gyarados. Attempting to push back and extinguish whatever fire it attempts to conjure with the storm.



- i know you love me but get off, mars
- ▇▇▇▇, our hero...
- boosted under 's RAIN DANCE

- using 1 salac

[newclass=.angelocam] [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam b] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam i] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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March 26th
Chroma Highlands, Almia
Bounty Hunter/Ethologist
You say you're a god man, so what I'm the devil herself
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TAG WITH @aura1
Yvaine Varron
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2022 22:46:40 GMT
Yvaine Varron Avatar

Honestly, she shouldn't have been surprised about the sudden chosen legendaries being uploaded into their vicinity. And yet, she was. But her focus went to the poor lad who'd chosen to pick the wrong legendaries, and were closely tailing him. A dark-haired youngster joined in to aid him, like a galant knight on his... coiling dragon-snake, but, it was a lot easier to stay clear of the raging canines than running was. With 's Aggron out to cover his trainer's escape, the mercenary steered clear from the Darkrai and Cresselia, and and instead turned her attention towards Zacian and Zamazenta. It definitely wouldn't hurt to have a bit of back-up in stopping those.

Getting a move on to get closer to and , she has to keep her eyes peeled for the trains and the legendaries running amok, and orders her Gliscor to go ahead and help out. "Gliscor! Use Stone Edge to slow them down!" Gliscor advances as fast as he can and unleashes a downpour of sharpened stone upon both canines.



- Reinforcements inbound, and
- Gliscor uses Stone Edge on both Zacian and Zamazenta
- Yvaine is keeping an eye out for the trains and potential incoming attacks from the legendaries.

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,971 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2022 23:55:58 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Their success brought a grin to Oscar's face--that was until it summoned a giant Xurkitree. As the Ultra Beast materialized, Oscar's face slowly cracked into a distressed frown. It was an intimidating monster to be sure--but ummm maybe it was friendly?

It was not friendly.

The Xurkitree almost immediately began to attack, prompting Oscar to dive out of the way as it shot lightning and whipped its limbs about. If only Oscar had brought his own Xurkitree, maybe it would have been able to make friends with it and get it to fuck off! Oh well, for now he had Robbie and that was enough.

He took 's advice to heart, and threw a hand out to Rob. "You heard the champion guy! Operation Rotten, blind that bulbous fuck!" Robbie, who was making evasive maneuvers of his own, nodded with acknowledgement as he took to the sky. He bobbed and weaved, hoping to avoid getting hit as he looked for an opening to attack.

Once he finds one, he will fire a blast of toxic goo toward the Xurkitree's head, his aim being to cover as much of the bulb as possible to blind it (Gunk Shot). Did Xurkitrees see through their globes? Ultra Beast anatomy was so infuriating. 


--Naganadel took to the sky and fired a Gunk Shot toward the Xurkitree's head.
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,334 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 0:07:58 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]oh no...

she doesn't quite blame . no, she blames for placing the idea of the dogs into poor mint's head.

and as everything begins to shift, she feels like she's having deja vu.

the nightmare... or, well, was it even a nightmare? she's still not sure. she remembers zombies, death, elevators, darkrai, some massive creature (hoopa), and --

a freight train's blaring horn cuts through her thoughts. her eyes go wide, surprise etching itself into her features.

not the goddamn flying trains. again.

she bleeds a little more healing mist as she recalls her salamence. and in the dragon's place, she summons a galarian ponyta.

"dazzling gleam," she murmurs, a hand rising to point toward the attacking darkrai. the pastel pony doesn't hesitate to summon a bright dazzling gleam toward the darkrai.

her eyes dart quickly toward before dragging across the rest of the group. she lands on in the end and the look on her face is deadly serious.

"think you can handle cresselia for us?"

if a small group of them each takes on a legendary and avoids the fuck out of the trains... maybe they can make it.

she hopes.

cyberchase conundrum.

tl;dr |
- wtf o shit o shit
- not the darkrai & hoopa raid 2.0...
- healing mist up & passive
- swaps salamence for galarian ponyta
- galarian ponyta uses dazzling gleam on darkrai
- suggests takes on cresselia

[newclass=.illeana] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,708 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 1:01:43 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

there was that fucking guy again. she wanted to call out, what are you doing to galar? but honestly, did she even care anymore?[break][break]
the scene unfolded before them. bodies in mauville. ultra beasts.[break][break]
this was… almost her experience. perhaps the differences could be accounted for by others in the room. memories were data. was this some kind of collective memory? did dialga have something to do with it? it was like that day, in the waking dream, which had maybe not been a dream at all, but she’d never been 100% sure. it was like the soiree.[break][break]
was this the interdream zone, or something like it, in the way that dr. holo had theorized it to be?[break][break]
was the interdream zone just a fucking computer?[break][break]
she looked around, unfazed by the corpses, eyes lingering on the way the megalopolan scientist was warping in xurkitree’s parts. that was new, at least to her.[break][break]
when the xurkitree finally rose to its full height, she snapped back. now was not the time to be dazzled by curiosities. she had the real cotillard back home, ready to question if they made it back.[break][break]
’s suggestions were again the first to be heard. so, he still thought himself the leader, despite the fact (?) they weren’t even in their own universe anymore?[break][break]
not that she had any better contributions to toss out.[break][break]
her porygon was switched out for a shadow alakazam, wise eyes regarding the xurkitree towering over other swiftly approaching enemies. a strange aura surrounded it, its beast block immediately activate.[break][break]
”you said you would keep me alive. do it, or we’re both dead.”[break][break]
she held her hand out to the alakazam's shoulder for what she hoped to be a well-timed teleport over the xurkitree's shock wave.


• wonders if this is collective memory of people in the room, maybe dialga is involved, or if is like dr holo's theory of interdream zone[break]
• switches out porygon for shadow!alakazam, teleports over shock wave (hopefully)[break]
• shadow!alakazam's beast boost is active upon entry into battle[break][break]

• erects a BARRIER at the beginning of battle and when the user is in a pinch[break]
• the BARRIER will mitigate damage from the next PHYSICAL ATTACK that lands.
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-poipole"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-alakazam"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-porygon-z"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 1:23:10 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


Get to it, Agent.

He really wasn't being given any chances to psychologically recover from everything going on, but he was a professional Agent; even if he really wanted to scream out and tear his hairs out, he knew how to control his impulses, how to swallow them down and shove them to the back of his mind, and how to force himself into a mission ready mindset.

Everything was going fine. What's-his-name even got himself a nifty second file attached to himself for his efforts, along with everyone else.

One person, however, seemed to have made some sort of mistake during the answering process. What's-his-name did not personally know , but he had some advice to give the young man if they both managed to survive the gauntlet that approached.

"This bodes poorly." The man noted blankly as several issues began to make themselves known.

Coming together from literal... 'data'? Yes, if memory served, and it was certainly up in the air if it indeed did serve, that was what everything around them was made off. So, seemingly created from literal data, a Darkrai and a Cresselia began to form in front of the group- just as two unknown pokemon were materialized at their flanks.

'Zacian' and 'Zamacenta', according to their talkative captor earlier. Names that meant literally nothing to him, but if nothing else: The canines themselves cut rather impressive- and rather intimidating- figures; partly because of how battle hardened they clearly were, and partly because the fact they had been grouped with the likes of Legendary Pokemon, and not been the odd ones out, bode poorly for their group.

"Raki." He intoned, meeting the puppy's gaze briefly before returning him to his pokeball before he could protest; he couldn't risk Raki's or his companion's lives against these unknown legendaries.

Unknown Legendaries...

"There's an oxymoron if I ever heard one." The man noted as he held out his arm. From his shadow, the pommel of a blade extended out, rushing into his palm before it was swept about him in his grip.

Darkrai and Cresselia finished forming just as the arena around them transformed into... something Gwyar did not recognize in the least. With a bloody train practically flying through randomly placed tracks and portals, too. Utterly random if you asked Gwyar; clashed with the arena's decor, too, but whatever.

Finally, everything went to shit.

Trains flew across the arena at high speed, waves of darkness that both put one to sleep and suckled their life dry swept across, psychic blades lanced through the air- and one young man was chased by legendaries absolutely eager to rip him to pieces.

In the chaos, it was easy to lose track of one's allies- specific ones, at any rate. It was also easy to be swept into someone else's chaos. Ultimately, it was 's presence near the unknown legendary duo that dragged his attention towards them.

His eyes flashed, and he moved swiftly, gripping Galatine's shield firmly as he sprinted at top speed. Grinding to a halt before the woman, the man held out a shield and bellowed.

"King's Shield!"


-Stuff is happening.
-Gwyar is trying to use King's Shield to protect the familiar , and from Zacian, Zamacenta, or the other two.
-Praying for good rolls
-praying again with a Salac
-Anotha one
-Please, god.
-last chance

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Laika Boss

June 12th
Lilycove City
Lighthouse Keeper
Shut up and be happy
it's all in your head
5'10" / 177.8cm height
5'10" / 177.8cm height
You will find no hidden agendas in the sea's desire to swallow you whole
220 posts
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TAG WITH @klaus
klaus anchoret
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 1:36:15 GMT
klaus anchoret Avatar

Klaus's neck prickles with sweat, his eyes wide as he stares up at the digital form of Reshiram - he hadn't signed up for this. Well, really he hadn't signed up for anything, he'd made the mistake of showing up which is really an entirely different kettle of fish.

Everyone seems to be attacking or defending, meaning he should likely do the same. Hand going to his hip to retrieve a pokeball, Klaus pauses as he considers his poor Dreadnaw - deleted and gone. Frowning, his brow knit in concern, he stares at his pokeballs for a moment before the intensity of the heat finally shakes him from his indecision. Releasing his Dragapult, he wince subtly before instructing, "Dragon Rush the Reshiram!"

With a subtle nod the Dragapult is off, phased out of sight only to reappear much nearer her target. Mouth agape in challenge, the Dragapult gathers her energy around her, licks of blue and pink waving like flames, and slams into the Reshiram with her attack.


+ Is indecisive until the sweltering heat force him into action [break]
+ Releases his Dragapult and uses Dragon Rush, which is Super Effective!



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december 21
freelance job-runner
we are stood, and somehow calm, inside the madness of this storm
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TAG WITH @lethe
Lethe Ascelin
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 1:44:42 GMT
Lethe Ascelin Avatar

by the time the first attack hits, lethe’s only got one thought running through their mind: shit. we’re gonna die.

they didn’t know about the pokemon before them, but they know they’re bad news. any feelings of awe or reverence lethe may have otherwise felt about some strange, powerful pokemon that they'd never seen before are squashed as soon as the attacks begin. they don’t know what the group had done to deserve this.

it seems like they’d gotten the right answer, and surely others had as well. they can see where the gray and pink creatures may be coming from — but why were the wolf-like things here? they don’t see to be the main thing to focus on, right now. lethe winces as they go after the small man from before, but there’s bigger fish to fry, and he’s got help already. lethe tries putting distance between themself and said creatures.

of course they were unprepared for such an attack — who would be ready, after all? it had seemed like it would just be a riddle. sure, before there had been the porygons, but this… appears to be on an entirely different level than some porygons, even to lethe’s limited knowledge.

their previous thoughts and worries regarding @aries ’s strange way of looking at them vanished as their mind fully shifts to the battle before them. great. they get closer to aries, ready to defend her if needed — there’s no reason for them to feel as protective as they do, of course, they barely know each other. lethe decides to write it off as the stress of the moment, clinging to the one person they know the best in the midst of the chaos. even if that person happens to be someone they didn’t even have a strong opinion on.

attempting to stop themselves from panicking into inaction, they gesture towards their kingler, who’s better at being active in chaos than them — the bar is low, after all — to signal that an attack is needed. moving in front of the two of them, chive goes for the darkrai, appearing to panic herself, aiming at it with a mud shot. lethe sighs at the less-than-stellar move choice, but it’s better than nothing, they guess. maybe chive wasn’t better at being active in chaos.

maybe they should cooperate with some others, but it seems too late now to try to forge any new connections. everyone is rightfully distracted, and lethe decides to keep quiet in order to not mess things up further. things are bad enough as is. besides, lethe is used to being silent — last thing anyone needs is for them to get caught up on the phrasing of something and completely ruin things in the process.

stay near me?” they ask aries, turning to glance at their singular companion.

- lethe stays nearby aries, gets closer even. they’re trying to protect her, more or less.

- lethe doesn’t really recognize any of the four opponents, so is unsure of how to fight them

- kingler named chive panics and uses mud shot on darkrai

- they ask aries to stick near them, since she’s the person they’ve been accompanying since almost the beginning of this and lethe is afraid to branch out, esp mid-chaos

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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
3,545 posts
Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 2:16:33 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




Melody panics as suddenly the group was faced with two legendary pokemon and their avatars. [break][break]

"Wait wait wait!" she says panicking as suddenly 's psychic pushes everyone away from him and subsequently the explosions. On top of that it seems that Razz was the new avatar for Reshisram from what Rowan stated? [break][break]

Melody didn't really understand what was going on but it seemed like the former avatars were attacking the ones currently linked to them...did cobalion have one? That didn't matter right now, she had to lend her aid to her AQUA initiative colleague. "I got you kingsman!" she says as she raises her phione and her phione "Helping hand him and boost his abilities!" she ordered as Phione began to clap her hands together and send it's energy towards Razz. [break][break]

While phione handled that, Melody noticed that doppelganger was trying to harm him. She had to reveal it huh? Cobalion wasn't here but he had prepared her for a scenario like this as Melody suddenly pulled out a small little round cylinder from her bag and pressed a button on it, extending it from the hilt and forming a blade. "Thomas!" she said rushing forward, her adrenaline pumping through her as she never had to use her Rapier on someone else before. If anything, even if she didn't stop the doppelganger she'd be a distraction for him to get a shot in right? [break]


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notes about this post

mood music![break][break]
Melody's monkers at everything going on. [break][break]
Orders Phione to use helping hand on Razz to give his abilities a little boost over the former avatar [break]
Melody sees that Thomas is fighting his copy as well and decides to use her sword skills taught to her from cobalion to use. [break]
While the real thomas is distracting doppelganger, melody rushes towards him trying to pierce his leg and immobilize him.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 2:26:38 GMT
Deleted Avatar











for a long moment, aries waits with baited breath, praying to anything that may be listening that the answer they (or most of them) had picked was right. footage of their captor expands, revealing that darkrai had been the right answer– at mention of it, aries shoots a look that they almost hope would cause him to drop dead where he’s standing, regardless of if he looks or not.[break][break]

they’re granted another file, though, this one simply titled ’unnamed’. for a second, aries almost relaxes; at least, until the forms of darkrai and the other pokemon begin to appear in front of them, alongside the projections of floating stone, buildings, and large rings.[break][break]

and then it all falls into chaos. the wolf-like creatures, ones aries had originally missed sight of in their focus on darkrai, start to chase mint– and, honestly, this time they can’t bring themself to care too much. it’s what he gets.[break][break]

----- is coming their way, though, looking more prepared for the chaos than aries is. it isn’t saying much,, obviously, because they doubt anyone could be too used to this. “syl, use thunder wave.” they’re trying, at least, to try to take control of the situation, but their luxray just looks at them in complete confusion– a look not unlike the one they had given ----- when they had followed.[break][break]

“use…crunch?” aries isn’t sure why the luxray had ignored them the first time, but now it leaps into action towards the cresselia, alongside the kingler’s mud shot towards the darkrai.[break][break]

----- asks aries to stay near them, and they nod; mint is the only other person they know, after all (even if they don’t remember this gray-haired stranger’s name) and aries already knows they aren’t getting anywhere near that mess.[break][break]

movement catches their eye, and they glance up- towards the airborne train. it’s moving towards them, quickly, and while they’re not a good judge of distance…from what they can tell, they’re in the way. ----- is in the way.[break][break]

stepping back, quickly, they make a silent apology before reaching out to ----- and pulling them along, too, out of the path the train is barreling down.[break][break]

- fuck mint all my homies hate mint (sorry kimmy)[break]
- tries to get syl (luxray to use thunder wave. it doesn't work, due to luxray forgetting, so there's a second attempt with crunch on cresselia[break]
- agrees to stay near ----- ()[break]
- steps out of the path of the train and pulls ----- with her.[break][break]




FOR @tag




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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,333 posts
part of
TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 2:59:07 GMT
"the terminal will be powered after you delete them, or they delete you."

No sooner had the proctor of this damned digital trial issued his instruction than did all hell break loose. Pixelated incarnations of two Legendary Pokémon - both of whom Barnaby had witnessed during the events at Sootopolis City - materialized in front of them. This was somewhat expected, given the options they'd had on the terminal.

What was a little more unexpected were the two unknown apparitions that appeared beside RESHIRAM and YVELTAL. If they were supposed to be Avatars, Barnaby didn't recognize them. He knew now that was YVELTAL's Avatar, and apparently this other man throwing literal fireballs from his palms was likely RESHIRAM's Avatar. So who were these two computerized specters attacking and ?

Barnaby processed all of this within a few seconds, doing his best to remain calm and level-headed amidst the skirmish. Seeing 's attempt at restraining YVELTAL and hearing his orders to attack, GALLADE was withdrawn and LAPRAS recalled to do just that.

"Ice Beam!" Barnaby immediately instructed, pointing to the giant Legendary ensnared by the Shadow DHELMISE.

• using ROCKET persona (BEE + black hair)
• x1 Salac Berry used
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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 3:46:15 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","postbody"] he did.

[break][break] jayden's question, while unanswered by , is answered quickly enough as a fight quickly breaks out around them. 'UPLOADING DATA...' the phrase echoes ominously in the hall around them, just as pixellated colors splatter and shift in the digital space. the name of the two unknown species — zacian and zamazenta — register briefly, before they are blotted out.

[break][break] DATA UPLOAD COMPLETE.

[break][break] and that's when things go to hell.

[break][break] limitless dark voids, airborne trains, and ravenous legendary canines.

[break][break] it seemed like certain death.

[break][break] "WATCH YOUR HEADS!" ---- shouts, and jayden nods towards the mysterious man.

[break][break] "yes!" he shouts, nodding towards and . "find cover!" this was mostly directed towards , who he might have helped, but it looked like his friend had things other control, especially as the likes of throws up a king's shield to protect him. as a sphere of DARK VOID splashes on the ground before him, jayden darts to the side to avoid it.

[break][break] if defense was already handled, then...

[break][break] "HYDRO PUMP!"

[break][break] his samurott who stands beside him, maws open wide as a torrent of water aims directly at DARKRAI.


[attr="class","jayooc"] + tldr [break]
+ samurott uses HYDRO PUMP [break]
+ uses 4 SALACS [break][break]

+ his pokemon forget THREE MOVES EACH. current moveset below: [break]
— samurott - aqua jet, hydro pump, ceaseless edge [break]
— ditto - no moves [break]
— duoblade - sacred sword, protect, shadow sneak

lyo0cLnj [break]

[attr="class","fas fa-crow"]

@ @cyberchase

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing