i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,909 posts
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TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 4:01:28 GMT

Visions collect and dissipate, acting as a painting of watercolors and emotions previously unthought of. What was this, she wondered, her head craning forward, eyes squinting at its loose seams. A ball of static and overwhelming strength looms over, arms connecting to the wirings, head stuck up in the stimulated clouds. Below, bodies stacked at its thick wired feet. The horrors of an unknown war were scattered about, reminding her of both of the pictures her colleagues originally showed her.
All at once, stories of the past trudged up her spine, infesting her brain with fragments that entailed the lowest point of Hoenn's recent history. A cry could be heard; shouting; screams contorted in pain, regret, and anguish against the gods. Penelope took a deep breath to steady herself.
Turning, she looked towards , "do you think--"
Before she could finish, sparks of electricity erupted, whipping the ground and air with cracks and surges and sparks of energy. Thanks to 's delphox, Penelope was elevated by PSYCHIC.
"Milly, help out!" Her shout barely slipped through the barrier of noise, reaching her Milotic inches from up above. Magnemite, who was previously out with her, had escaped back into his pokeball.
A green aura nipped at her outline, casting a glow around his body. With a short shout, the Pokémon emitted out a barrier around itself and the lifted individuals, creating a SAFEGUARD against the paralysis.


[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
- uses safeguard 
- in air w greyson n gang

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-milotic"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
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good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 4:34:48 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

katherine is not too alarmed when the cyber!reshiram and cyber!yveltal emerge. seeing how their targets were both and , she merely glances at her sableye, not feeling particularly eager to help the two.
she was in no rush, really.
sableye seemed to share the same sentiment, blinking its diamond eyes at the elite four. "fine. icy wind, i guess."
god. she's starting to sound more and more like , isn't she?
the thought lingers in her mind whilst the ghost-type launches its cold breeze, targeting both cyber!legendaries at the same time.

- stalls before she finally decides to reluctantly help[break]
- sableye uses icy wind vs the fake legendaries[break]

[attr="class","fas fa-moon"]

@ @cyberchase

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 5:09:29 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



Luka's pleased as punch to have been right.[break][break]

Well...half right.[break][break]

Though that bit of trivia is known to her, she hadn't put the pieces together. Perhaps it's better this way though- paving way to an easy consensus between the terminal two group.[break][break]

Except for one.[break][break]

And unintentionally dooms them all.[break][break]

One opponent would be bad enough. But four? Four and a train.[break][break]

Wait, a TRAIN?[break][break]


It's hard enough trying to defend against the lunar duo and the puppies! Where did the train even come from?[break][break]

Luckily, snaps her back to reality as she stares up at the locomotive, dumbfounded. Frankly, she's flattered that the other woman has any confidence in her at all. It's invigorating and terrifying all at once, and she's determined not to let any in their group down.[break][break]

"I've got it!" she affirms with a nod and a thumbs up. Her smile is wide and projects a confidence she doesn't feel at all.[break][break]

yells at her to find cover. But Luka does just the opposite. She wrenches his hand from her grasp and sprints in the opposite direction, hoping to lure Cresselia away from the rest of the group. As she runs she fiddles with the clasp around her neck and the lunar wing tumbles into her hand. She holds it aloft, a beacon.[break][break]

"Hey, hey! D-do you recognize this?" Even if this Cresselia is only a hologram, perhaps it recognizes the lunar wing all the same. She can only hope that it might serve as a distraction. "It means we're friends! S-so let's not fight, okay?"[break][break]

Such sentiments may not connect to ones and zeroes. But as long as she can distract Cresselia for just a moment, it may provide an opening for someone else to attack.[break][break]

Or, perhaps she'll only center the celestial being's wrath upon herself. That's okay too. It doesn't matter what happens to her so long as her friends are safe.[break][break]

However, she won't go down so passively. Luka summons Ume to her side once again, her tapir floating in a cloud of dream mist. "Frenzy plant," she murmurs. "Let's slow them down a bit..."[break][break]

Vines erupt from a digitized floor- looking less organic and more pixelated, irregular. A cage of thorns sprouts around Luka in an attempt to protect her while others slither forwards, reaching and curling around any opponent they might find. Verdant tendrils reach Zamazenta and attempt to constrict the attacking dog, and some stretch up, up, up to try and reach the flying opponents as well.[break][break]

- tries to distract cresselia and reason with her using the lunar wing[break]
- musharna uses frenzy plant[break]
- the frenzy plant vines attempt to protect luka and grapple the attacking legendries, with a focus on zamazenta


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 7:23:24 GMT




combat keeps him on his toes. muscles clinch and fernando tries to expel the MISTY TERRAIN he’s used to. nothing comes out but he’s well aware of his new limitations. the gesture is more muscle memory than carelessness.

his porygon is hit by one of the many DARK VOID orbs. it immediate goes to sleep, recalled mid DREAM EATER, for his previous gyarados.


his reliance on the pokemon’s elongated body to act as a shield is imperative to his survival. he looks to dart behind ’s magnezone as his next set of cover while their newly erected LIGHT SCREEN still glimmers.

THUNDER cackles from above as a bolt of lightning descend on the cresselia.


- porygon is attacked!
- fernando will use 's MAGNEZONE and LIGHT SCREEN for cover.

- this is more than .

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 21:47:36 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]CYBERCHASE CONUNDRUM



🎼 NEW THEME SONG - "Battle! Colress: Remastered ► Pokémon Black & White 2" by ZAME


IN TERMINAL ONE, flame and explosions expand across the simulated rural land of Hoenn. In the process, , @tobias, , , , , , are caught in the attacks. Oblivion and fire surge through digitized flesh; the sensation of injury is odd. Less pain. Just emptiness. A numbness that may pulse with the occasional pang of longing where a limb or part should be.[break][break]

, @tobias, , , , , , and may choose a body part to "lose." This may be a limb, a section across their torso, or even a part of their head. There is no gore; simply, there is emptiness, like the gaps in a wire mesh figure.[break][break]

Feel free to be creative with how they receive the injuries, incorporating details I've written or adding your own.

Still, everyone perseveres. contends with his copy; however, his bolas is burned away by an OBLIVION WING. The YVELTAL shrieks, aiming to plunge for the former Elite Four, but his SCIZOR springs forth with 's EEVEE'S SPRINGTIDE STORM and 's LUXRAY'S DISCHARGE.[break][break]

A BULLET PUNCH forces it backward before a potent ICE BEAM from 's LAPRAS provides enough time for 's SPINDA to perform a Z-MOVE, BOOGIE WOOGIE. The SPINDA forms a barrier that flickers as blue fire and crimson energy crackles across. It swaps parameters with the digital legendaries, briefly buying some time of weakness that is PIVOTAL FOR TAKING THE RESHIRAM AND YVELTAL DOWN.[break][break]

As the YVELTAL retaliates, 's SHADOW DHELMISE ANCHOR SHOTS for an attack. The move TRAPS the creature, significantly empowering the ICY WIND provided by 's SABLEYE to effectively slow the Yveltal down. An injured and her AROMATISSE is able to land a devastating and SUPER-EFFECTIVE MOONBLAST in turn that obliterates the YVELTAL into pieces.[break][break]

's gun manages to slow the copy down, tearing bullet holes through its smiling head. A hand is outstretched to PETRIFY him; however, is quick to assist. She pierces his leg with a sword, data spraying into a cloud of blocks, buying enough time to survive. The doppelganger only falls once YVELTAL does.[break][break]

As 's PHIONE assists in his duel with BLAIR ASHTON, 's SCEPTILE MEGA EVOLVES. The DISCHARGE from 's LUXRAY empowers it, allowing it deliver a potent LEAF STORM toward RESHIRAM.[break][break]

In retaliation, the dragon fires a searing shot toward as explosions rock nearby. @tobias's MINIOR POWER GEMS the dragon alongside 's DRAGAPULT'S DRAGON RUSH, but they are caught in the flame too as the RESHIRAM shrieks in simulated pain.[break][break]

's CASTFORM RAIN DANCES. Waters dampen the area, empowering 's STARMIE's HYDRO PUMP. A stray beam from the YVELTAL strikes , however, granting him a taste of his boyfriend's patron's power. It PETRIFIES a section of his body before disintegrating...[break][break]

As takes to the air, 's GYARADOS HURRICANES the RESHIRAM. The sharp winds cut into the creature with ease, landing with perfect accuracy thanks to the rain. 's LUXRAY takes the opportunity to SPRINGTIDE STORM the RESHIRAM; however, before she can pull to safety, the delivery boy is struck by a stray OBLIVION WING, taking the blow for her. PARTIALLY PETRIFIES, a part of his body disintegrating into deleted data.[break][break]

Still, 's AQUA RINGS manage to provide comfort for the delivery boy. Despite their ineffectiveness in protecting him from the calcification of his body, they remain in the gaps left by his eroded data-flesh should and desire. Touching him in these parts would be akin to someone poking a water-filled tube snake or an Orbeez ball. The Captain's LARPAS cranes its majestic neck, firing a powerful HYDRO PUMP against an incoming OBLIVION WING, the two beams meeting before exploding in a nullifying cloud of smoke.[break][break]

's HISUIAN BRAVIARY summons a ROCK SLIDE, the stones falling onto the digital scape. It flinches the RESHIRAM, its defenses lowered thanks to 's SPINDA. It buys enough time to properly BLOW UP BLAIR.[break][break]


IN TERMINAL TWO, sheer chaos surges through the nightmare. In the process, , , , , , , , , , , , are caught in the attacks. The violence of a train's horn screeching above the lunar duo and frenzied dogs witness the deletion of digitized flesh; the sensation of injury is odd. Less pain. Just emptiness. A numbness that may pulse with the occasional pang of longing where a limb or part should be.

, , , , , , , , , , , and may choose a body part to "lose." This may be a limb, a section across their torso, or even a part of their head. There is no gore; simply, there is emptiness, like the gaps in a wire mesh figure.[break][break]

Feel free to be creative with how they receive the injuries, incorporating details I've written or adding your own.

THE DIGITAL ZACIAN AND ZAMAZENTA blitz toward . Their copies are devoid of personality- save for bytelust.[break][break]

's GLISCOR erupts a STONE EDGE from underneath their bodies, but the careening canines are swift. Or perhaps, too bullheaded to realize the stones clashing against their hides. Similarly, a THUNDER WAVE from 's DRAGONAIR snaps across the ZACIAN. Combined with 's efforts, enough time is bought for 's AEGISLASH to KING'S SHIELD the ZACIAN. The dog snarls, butting its head and fangs against the AEGISLASH- but the ZAMAZENTA manages to dash through.[break][break]

The ZAMAZENTA lunges for the "missing Seventh Fisk". Roaring, 's AGGRON attempts to defend its trainer. Its STURDY activates after they initially exchange blows, alerting nearby. However, the ZAMAZENTA retaliates the AGGRON'S METAL BURST with a METAL BURST of its own, the resulting burst of energy tossing , , and their Pokemon against the dome wall.[break][break]

Somehow, against all odds, manages to take down the ZACIAN himself with his Pokemon.[break][break]

Before the ZAMAZENTA can finish them off, 's MUSHARNA'S FRENZY PLANT arrives just in time. The vines snap around and beneath the canine, obliterating it into pixels. However, her pilfered LUNAR WING attracts the DIGITAL CRESSELIA to her location. PSYCHO CUTS carve into the ground beneath her, but she is protected from further attack by , who's GYARADOS summons a whip of THUNDER unto CRESSELIA.[break][break]

Under 'S MAGNEZONE AND LIGHT SCREEN and 's DEFENSIVE FRENZY PLANT, is able to just avoid injury. After all, there are those who take care of the incoming steam train.[break][break]

As the train comes careening toward everyone, one can see that the "track" that it is on, is poised to go through another ring. is swift to assist his boyfriend. His GALARIAN RAPIDASH neighs and exudes its PSYCHIC POWER. A purple aura coats both vehicle and as he procures his TORNADUS FEATHERS. The train nears them- but the two face danger head-on. He casts the two feathers, and like a bag of winds, the resulting gale is strong enough with and 's YANMEGA'S assistance, to toss the train off-track.[break][break]

The train's cars buckle, but before it can recover or fly through another portal, 's MANECTRIC GROWLS, sending a SHADOW BOLT against the rings themselves. Purplish energy collides with their lips- and all subsequent portals close, rendering the train limp. The cars begin to fall from the sky like meteors...[break][break]

The horrific crunch of metal as the train cars slam onto the floor grinds against the ears. A MUD SHOT from 's KINGLER coats the shadowy creature- and an UPROAR from 's Pokemon disrupts its composure. Angry, it retaliates by firing more orbs of DARK VOID. One catches as his TREVENANT strikes the CRESSELIA, putting him to sleep. The residual Dark-type energy erupts, injuring both him and , despite the BEHEEYEM'S ROCK TOMB. While the DARKRAI attempts to DARK VOID once again, 's CURSOLA is able to DISABLE IT JUST IN TIME so that 's GALARIAN PONYTA can blind it with DAZZLING GLEAM.

Seeing this, the CRESSELIA attempts to HEAL DARKRAI; however, 's SLOWKING DISABLES its LUNAR DANCE too, the pink Pokemon distracted by enough for the SLOWKING to cast it in time. It is clear to see, despite their digital iterations, that legendary Pokemon are not invulnerable creatures after all.[break][break]

@aries continues to cling toward , despite the forgotten name. Perhaps, they have drunk too much from their river, for the forgetfulness swirls in their stomachs like a longing sore. The LUXRAY struggles to THUNDER WAVE due to its data loss and instead, CRUNCHES the CRESSELIA. As the CRESSELIA RETALIATES, manages to land a decisive blow against the DARKRAI. His SAMUROTT manages to take down the DARKRAI after 's GALARIAN PONYTA'S DAZZLING GLEAM, while @aries's LUXRAY manages to finish the CRESSELIA off as PSYCHO CUTS fly toward its trainer and .


IN TERMINAL THREE, lightning strikes a war-torn Hoenn. In the process, , , , , , are caught in the attacks. Lightning, blunt force from lashing wire, and toxic gunk bite through digitized flesh; the sensation of injury is odd. Less pain. Just emptiness. A numbness that may pulse with the occasional pang of longing where a limb or part should be.

, , , , , and may choose a body part to "lose." This may be a limb, a section across their torso, or even a part of their head. There is no gore; simply, there is emptiness, like the gaps in a wire mesh figure.[break][break]

Feel free to be creative with how they receive the injuries, incorporating details I've written or adding your own.

'S PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE IS INVALUABLE. While his JOLTEON VOLT ABSORBS some of the SHOCK WAVES, is quick to assist the Champion and from the electrified ground. His DELPHOX raises them into the air with its PSYCHIC.[break][break]

Similarly, 's PORYGON2 is quick to TRACE THE JOLTEON. The PORYGON2 nullifies several of the incoming SHOCK WAVES as it fires ICE BEAMS, protecting 's TREVENANT from being fried as it carries its trainer.[break][break]

However, is still struck by a severe lashing of wire. A part of her body disappears. Nearby, 's SHADOW ALAKAZAM and its BEAST BLOCK protects them against a POWER WHIP too. A black wire snaps against the barrier, allowing time to ascend to the air on his Ultra Beast. However, his NAGANADEL'S toxic GUNK SHOT is responded with a POWER WHIP against his body.[break][break]

takes to the skies as well. Her HYDREIGON fires a DRACO METEOR into the heavens; the dragon-empowered stones slam into the POIPOLE SWARM chasing after her. Any remaining is quickly picked off by 's JOLTEON, saving the trainer from losing segments of herself to the data void.[break][break]

takes to the sky too. While 's MILOTIC SAFEGUARDS, the green aura manages to protect her and anyone nearby from stray toxins spread by the POIPOLE. Devastating electrical surges slam against the barrier, but no PARALYSIS is able to take effect.[break][break]

While 's CUBONE blows a BLIZZARD toward the XURKITREE, follows the Champion's instructions. He and his DRAGONITE weaves across countless wires, bolts, and poisons to ascend to the top at the highest speeds. The attacks meant for him manage to strike ; however, he can not falter here. As a WILL-O-WISP from 's TREVENANT follows them to the beast, and his DRAGONITE manage to land the finishing blow.[break][break]

A harsh EXTREME SPEED slams into the SKYSCRAPER-TALL XURKITREE; the weak spot is devastated. The XURKITREE deletes itself, scattering into various blocks.


AFTER EACH BATTLE, the terminals power on. Lines of data stream back toward the main terminal they originated from. The simulated settings fade and reset. Above, the dome fades and breaks apart into swarms of data blocks. PORYGON ominously hang nearby.[break][break]

As the setting reset nears completion, everyone's Pokemon returns to their balls. Everyone's bodies suddenly disappear into the path below them, as if they have joined the lines of data running back to the main terminal.[break][break]

In this incorporeal form, they are automatically brought back within the path they had previously walked; however, it is an unnerving experience. As they do so, they see their copies swimming immediately beneath them, their dead-eyed faces staring at them directly the entire time.[break][break]

They rematerialize back at the main terminal as if they had just respawned. A new question flashes on a screen above:

Four empty squares for files to be placed into pop up on the screen:[break]

In the meantime, everyone may need time to take a breather. To check up on others. To worry about the possibility of another incoming scan. Curiously, the trip through the path as data has also affected in particular, granting him with a painful sensation akin to that of brain freeze.



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please include the PKMN SPECIES' NAME in the tl;drs alongside their nickname for my convenience.

Do note, there are almost 50 CHARACTERS participating in this event. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.



NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.


, and have missed a round, causing them to automatically sustain an injury ICly.

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
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TAG WITH @memo
Guillermo Marceliño
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 22:15:11 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
Everything is hell. That’s it, that’s all it is, everything is hell, it’s all crashing down around them.

takes down an entire legendary all by his damn self and Memo can’t do anything.

But Zuza did. Zuza saved the day-- mostly, because Alex still gets hit, hurt? And Memo thinks he’s going to pass out because he can’t breathe, he can’t breathe, he can’t breathe.

His cry is swallowed in the roar and rush of the action around him and before he can do anything Zuza’s gone and Alex is gone and everyone is gone and he feels like he’s falling but he’s not, really; he’s not moving. He can’t see and then he can and then he wishes he couldn’t.

It’s him. It’s him, he’s staring at himself, but his eyes are blank and he’s not there, he’s not home. It reminds him, sickeningly, of when his parents used to get really mad at him-- the Memo he’d become when he was so very scared of someone who was supposed to protect him. He’d hide the important pieces away and present this face to the belt, the shoe, the open hand, the closed fist.

That’s what’s staring at him, now.

Then it’s gone. It’s gone and they’re standing, again, all of them together, and Guillermo only takes a second to inhale a deep breath before he’s grabbing Alex and spinning him, assessing him for damage; he’s not crying, not really, but there are tears in his eyes and he can’t speak. He knows he should check on the others, on and the people around them, but he's so scared. He's so scared.

He can talk a big talk and walk a brave walk but in the end he's never gone through anything like this. None of it. Maybe the next time around he'll be more useful, maybe the next time around he'll have better ideas, make the right decisions, and protect the people he needs to protect.

But right now, he's terrified.

t l ; d r
- painful memories, checks on alex, having a bad time. i'll need to post again after ven confirms what part of alex got 86'd but i had too many emotions

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 22:27:56 GMT
Deleted Avatar

The danger had finally passed... for now.
And Tobias was finally given a chance to breathe, but only for a moment. As he and everyone else's bodies were suddenly broken down to their base components and teleported back to where they started.
It was a wholly unpleasant feeling, like a chaotic roller coaster while sinking in freezing ice water. But before he could comprehend anything he was back at the start. His pokemon were no worse for wear tucked neatly in their pokeballs.
The ginger-haired scientist found his legs give way underneath him as he fell to the ground. Shakily raising a hand to his face he looked down at the ground - only to see an eerie dead-eyed reflection of him copying his movements. "...!?"
It was then he noticed his right arm - it was missing from the shoulder down. Appearing like the wire mesh for a game avatar he looked at it baffled, unable to understand what happened. "Shit." He swore as he sat back to look at the digital sky-slash-ceiling.
Trying to gather his racing myriad thoughts on the matter while keeping hold of his fraying sanity. Sanity that felt like a couple of loose threads at this point. Barely held together by sheer will and determination. How long that would last however... he did not know.
Nor did he wish to find out. So, in order to push such crises to the back of his mind, he took a roving glance around. Wondering how the others of this mad adventure had fared. They surely couldn't have turned out any worse than himself, right?



+Tobias loses his right arm.
[break]+Notices his dead-eyed copy and internally panics a bit.[break]
+Surveys the area to see how everyone else is doing.


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,925 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2022 0:04:47 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"Hurry, Resheph!" Josh cried, digging his heels across Resheph's scales. The Dragonair lunged away from the two majestic canines of Galar, the combined efforts of 's Aggron, Josh's Pokémon, and others, kept the Zacian at bay. Zamazenta, however, went totally unchecked. It matched the Dragonair's speed and then some, making a heroic leap. The force behind its METAL BURST sent Josh flying into the edge of the dome at dangerous speeds. The moment he impacted the dome, his vision instantly turned to static.

When Josh came to, he found himself among around a much larger crowd, his vision still half-static. He could see, but not at all clearly. Resheph was somehow back in her Poké Ball. "Are you okay?!" he shouted, concerned for the young man whose life was threatened by the two legendary Pokémon. "Are you okay?!" he cried again.

Once his vision became serviceable again, Josh leaned to his right side as part of getting to his feet. As soon as he leaned over, he fell on his right side, immediately noticing his arm didn't feel right. Tilting his head in that direction, he noticed that where his right arm once was, there was now a yellow wire frame running all the way from the tips of his fingers to where his shoulder was. He let out an unearthly scream, followed by a third cry. "WHEEEEEEEERE ARE YOU?!" There would be time to figure out what happened to his arm afterward, but his number one short-term priority was making sure Mint was safe after the high-speed crash.

Josh left arm started to buckle under not being used to lifting his entire body off the ground, but he managed to stand up, having to shift his weight awkwardly to the right. He instinctively reached for Saber's Poké Ball with his right hand, but the wire-frame went right through his belt! He let out another loud shout, this one less of concern for Mint and more out of frustration that his dominant arm had been deleted.

It didn't even hurt; it just felt like something was missing. Empty. He reached for Resheph's Poké Ball to check on the Dragonair. She was fast asleep and motionless inside, and the release button on the Ball was locked. Unsurprisingly, Zamazenta's METAL BURST knocked her out in a single blow. The reach he needed to get to the Manectric's Poké Ball with his off hand, all the way across his body, was uncomfortable. After a struggle, he released Saber, mounted up from the side opposite he was used to, and started searching for Mint. He would need to get used to holding the reins in his off hand only, and this was not the easiest environment to learn in.

{WC: 456}
{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Josh          Human          Poor
Resheph       Dragonair      KO
Twilight      Absol          Good
Saber         Manectric      Good


- Zamazenta's Metal Burst crashes into , Josh, and his Dragonair, sending the latter two flying into the dome wall at speeds that would cause them to pancake and probably die if this was in the real world.
- Josh's vision turns to static. When he comes to, he screams for to make sure he's alright.
- Josh discovers his entire right (dominant) arm, up to and including his shoulder, has been deleted.
- Discovering his Dragonair locked herself inside her Poké Ball after taking the brunt of Zamazenta's attack, Josh released his Manectric and started searching for Mint while simultaneously learning how to control his mount with only his off hand.
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2022 0:09:38 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowanwtw"]Rowan had been so preoccupied with the flames of Reshiram, he hadn't seen the attack from Yveltal coming. It was Phione's perception that saved him from being engulfed entirely, the Pokémon grabbing onto his shirt collar and dragging Rowan to the side, attempting to pull him away from the beam. "What are yo-..."[break][break]


A cry of agony escaped his lips as the petrifying ray struck his left arm and leg, encasing them in a carapace of stone before they crumbled away entirely. Rowan tumbled over onto the ground, scrambling to check himself for bleeding with his remaining arm, needing to stop the blood loss. Strangely enough, there was no blood. "The hell..." Where his arm and leg had been was now simply nothingness, as though he was a drawing and someone had taken an eraser to his limbs. [break][break]

It took the help of Garnet and Phione to get Rowan to his 'feet', still a bit shaky standing on the phantom limb. Amber eyes searched the room for Melody as it shifted back to the main lobby, wondering if she'd gotten harmed as well, since she'd answered the same as him. "Mel, are you alright?"
[attr="class","rowanwttag"] [break]Rowan loses an arm and leg. Attempts to find Melody to see if she's okay.

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2022 1:15:43 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



The cacophony of battle rings in her ears, but this isn't the first time she's heard it.[break][break]

Like watching a video on loop, the shouts and screams and guttural cries of pokemon ring in her ears yet again. It's a repetition of the vision her Musharna had shared with her, playing out in real time.[break][break]

[break][break]There's one missing.[break][break]

And...she hates this. She hates the fighting, the sound of battle. Pained cries and worried screams and the astringent taste of fear in the air. Worst of all, she hates that she's getting used to it.[break][break]

Is this what it means, to be able to protect? Does she have to lose parts of herself, to harden her hands and harden her heart and forget her bleeding softness? This time she isn't standing idly by, and this time it's only ones and zeroes that get hurt. But maybe next time it'll be real. Maybe next time the cost of saving those she loves will be paid in blood.[break][break]

It's a horrible thought. Luka pushes it away and, for the moment, merely thanks the stars that her friends have made it out alive.[break][break]

She doesn't bother to scold for making such a reckless choice; she's quite certain that others will take care of that. If anything, she feels a little bad for him.[break][break]

Her own precipitous plan has somehow left her unscathed and perhaps free of a scolding from , but the same can't be said for most in their group. The injuries of , , and stand out to her the most. Limbs are cut clean and cauterized, like puzzle pieces plucked from standing bodies. If she looks too long, it makes her feel queasy.[break][break]

When all the other groups convene, it's obvious that they'd faced similar dangers and similar consequences. Though somehow, it seems that their terminal has fared far worse than the others.[break][break]

Though it may be to no avail, Luka releases her Clefable and requests a LIFE DEW from the fairy. Healing rain pours down on the assembly; not powerful enough to regrow limbs, but hopefully enough to soothe pokemon and person alike.[break][break]

"Be careful!" Luka warns aloud. Her timid voice flutters above the assembly like a bird. "I, um! My Musharna, um. She looked into the future. There's, um, she saw a system failure, w-whatever that means. I don't know if it's good for us, or bad...but we should be mindful..."[break][break]

And while they're back in the original terminal, the hologram of FILE: 01 swims into view again. But this time, she notices something. A pattern in the numbers itching at the back of her head. Like a forgotten memory, a detail of a dream lost just upon waking.[break][break]

Fingers graze the holographic 820 but do not touch. "I've seen that number somewhere," she mutters, more to herself than anyone in particular. But where, but where...[break][break]

There. A brightly lit basement and glaciate ice. A Hisuian Growlithe half frozen. Pictures of text on her phone that can no longer be accessed. But she'd spent long enough pouring over them (to no avail) that one passage swims to the front of her mind:[break][break]

□□□□□□ □□ secure kartana.[break]
sealed off □□ from travel.[break]
if □□□□□ invades 820 □□□□ □□ may □□□□□□□□.

The other numbers...are they familiar or not? She can't remember. But they feel important, somehow.[break][break]

Since their phones can no longer be trusted, Luka commits them to memory instead.[break][break]

"Trois cent quinze" she says to herself. "Quatre-vingt-dix-sept. Deux cents. Quatre cent quatre-vingt-dix. Huit cent vingt. She repeats the numbers over and over under her breath, like a mantra. "Trois cent quinze, quatre-vingt-dix-sept, deux cents, quatre cent quatre-vingt-dix, huit cent vingt..."[break][break]

- clefable uses LIFE DEW on the group[break]
- warns the group of a SYSTEM FAILURE[break]
- starting to connect the dots but it's hard when you already used up half your braincells for the day[break]
- remembers 820 from the TRAVEL LOGS during league barracks 2F[break]
- going all tinfoil hat as she tries to remember the other numbers


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2022 2:11:33 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


Duel between Swordmasters.

Galatine's King's Shield was the ultimate defense. The barrier against which the enemy shattered its own fangs; the proverbial immovable object.

So you can probably understand the knight's worry, when cracks immediately began to form upon this 'ultimate' defense. Perhaps if The Intrepid Sword's legend had not been lost to time, he would've known better than to even attempt to block its path.

"Bloody hell." He said, eyes wide, neck tense, as the multi-layered phantom shields before him began to swiftly shatter underneath this 'Zacian's sheer brute force, its weakening effect seemingly doing absolutely nothing to faze the beast.

The man's stance spread out and lowered, his grip on his Aegislash' shield tightening as the last defense was shattered to pieces. Before the giant canine bulldozed him, the man shoved the shield into its face and screamed, shifting the sole barrier between them around until—

With a booming crack, splinter and crash, Zacian was parried aside, its giant body flying past at high speed and landing on all fours lithely behind the knight.

Soon after, the sound of steel hitting the floor followed as he dropped the splintered remains of Galatine's shield. His Aegislash had seen better days... And so had he.

The whole of his sleeve had been torn apart, and patches of the skin beneath looked as though they had been shaved clean off, blood already beginning to flow. For its part, his gauntlet looked as though it had been run through a hydraulic press after enduring the pressure behind the shield; he doubted it would be of much use.

Mercifully, the Zacian did not immediately resume violence, instead eyeing him from where it stood as he turned towards it, trying to ignore his injuries.

"Just where..." He said as he unclipped his coat and swung it off his shoulders.

"... The hell did a beast like you hide?" He said, panting as he raised his sword towards it.

The giant had no answers for him, its gaze merely following the sword in his hand, eyes flashing with a gleam that sent chills down the blonde's spine.

"Hoh... You know what this is." He said.

It didn't just 'know' what it was. It understood what it was. Looking it in the eye now felt like looking his father in the eye decades ago, when he was handed his very first sword.

Perhaps it was a swordsman's intuition... but he could sense both kinship, and a vast gulf between his abilities and the creature's before him. Somehow, this dog, if handed a sword, would surely outdo his decades of swordsmanship with the same ease with which his father would disarm him as a wee boy.

Nervous sweat dripped down the knight's cheek as he slowly brought his other hand to Galatine's grip, the canine beginning to slowly round around him like a predator, eyes sharp.


"Pity. I know nothing about you." And if his sense of self-preservation had been even a little less strong, he might've handed Zacian his second sword, just to see what happened. "And I don't suppose you'll be willing to tell me... Dear me, my luck today is something awful."

His words hung in the air as Zacian came to a stop, the two staring one another down as the chaos around them raged, the sounds of battle surrounding them slowly sinking into the background until everything was fully silent.

Should he have tagged out with Gawain; mega evolved him, Z-move boost him, even? Probably. But... Before him stood a Grandmaster Swordsman... mon?; how... did he stack up?

The sound of a train whistle cut through his thoughts as a massive train suddenly came tearing through between them— and as it swept past, revealed Zacian to be gone.

He saw a shadow enveloping his own and leapt out of the way without looking, rolling across the floor, back to his feet and spinning on his heel before whatever was coming landed heavily behind him, arm swinging Galatine's blade as it grew to massive size, a blue gleam enveloping it whole.

There was a sound not unlike steel crashing against steel as Zacian met the blow with another Sacred Sword; the gleaming sword of pure blue energy in the dog's maw parrying aside the blow with contemptible ease, slipping underneath the knight's blade with enviable agility and finesse that belied its size... and what a size. It was taller than him and it was on all fours.

"Not yet!" He said as his wrist rolled with the parry, using the momentum to shift the Sacred Sword into another swing to put a stop to the beast's advance! "Hworaaah!"

The beast parried the blow aside with its Sacred Sword and was briefly knocked back, paws scrapping across the floors.

He broadened his stance and lifted his sword in both hands during that brief respite, determined to go on the offensive. Zacian's eye gleamed in response, and the blonde once again felt chills flow down his spine.

It moved, and it was less the man than his pokemon that reacted, the Aegislash briefly pumping its power through the man's nerves to allow him to move in time; the rest was reflex from decades of training, his arms moving to protect against the blows by parrying them aside- or trying to, rather.

One was not supposed to feel as though their arms would be torn off their sockets at any moment when parrying a blow; given what had occurred when he had attempted to block before however, he was not surprised.

The next few seconds felt like hours.

His attempts to go on the offensive would lead to a desperate backpedal time again. To the knight's eye, there did not seem to be any openings in the dog's defense; to the dog, the knight seemed to be full of nothing but openings.

His body creaked and cried out with every motion now. In just a few, far too long minutes, any notion of outpeforming Zacian's swordsmanship in this single battle had been thoroughly purged out the man's mind.

He needed to outplay this thing if he was to survive this. That said, though...

'A little... longer... I'm... getting used to...!' "ACK!"

Though his body protested, the man himself... was relishing in this battle. For the first time in many years, he was being unilaterally beaten in a swordfight, unorthodox as his opponent's style may be.

Simply through exchanging these strikes with Zacian... it felt as though he was on the cusp of a breakthrough.

Shamefully, he had not survived as long as he had on his own merits alone; occasionally, one or more trains would come barreling at them at full speed and put their fight on brief hold. He didn't know if the beast was counting the seconds till they appeared- but after a while, he certainly had started to do so.

So he knew that these frequent interruptions were neither random nor by chance; there was a timing to them. He just needed to use it...!

No such luck. Zacian's eyes flashed yet again. Almost as if it had read his intentions, it moved one step faster than it had until now, one step faster than the looping trains, the man or Galatine.

It's gleaming sword shone like a star as it came flying at him, and all the man could do was swing his sword down and roar; attempt to stop it.

Their Sacred Swords crashed together- and his was almost immediately pushed back.

"Gg...Ack... Graaagkk!" He grunted and wheezed as his trembling arms struggled against the force pushing down from below... until they could no longer resist. "RAAAAAARGH!"

A searing hot blade cut across his chest from hip to shoulder as his arms were forcefully shoved out of the way, his sword flying out of his palms as the overflow of power between the holy swords created an explosion that sent the man flying back.

And on cue, just a step too late, the trains came rushing past, cutting Zacian's offensive short as it leapt back. But it didn't matter; this battle was surely over.

It certainly should've been. But Galatine was not simply a sword, nor simply a pokemon. She had been trained to be so much more.

As she soared through the air, she shone down upon the battlefield as brightly as the sun itself. Far down below, in a pool of his own blood, a barely conscious knight gazed up blankly her, a trembling arm slowly raising towards the sky.

This shine...

"...! Gughk...! Not yet! It's..." His arm came swinging down, banging against the floor below, splashing blood as he slowly forced himself up to his feet. "N- not... over yet!"

Through the glare of light, his eyes and Galatine's single own met- And she came crashing down upon his grasp. With a sword that shone brighter than any other in his two hands, he slowly brought it to bear against the beast, dragging his blood soaked palm across its length as his half-lidded eyes found Zacian's, the roaming trains clearing the way to reveal the scene to the beast.

No time for quips. He could feel both sword and consciousness slipping from between his fingers.


Excalibur Galatine

He swung down. Briefly, everything within his sight became white as the sword of light swept through the battlefield, washing over Zacian before cutting into the field, splitting the arena down the middle.

And just like that, it was over. When the sword of light receded back into Galatine and the light disappeared, Zacian could no longer be found.

"Thank you... for your guidance." He said, staring tiredly at the space where the legendary swordmaster had stood only moments ago.

There was a deep sense of regret in him. Just a little longer... it felt as though, if he had fought, just a little longer...!

"...Hrk!" The man's chest suddenly seized, eyes growing wide. Before rolling up into his skull.

Out like a light.

WIP. Waiting for someone to step up and heal The Knight with no Name. Otherwise, he'll be out like a light for the part that comes after.

-The Knight with no Name and Galatine get beaten like a pair of red-headed step-punching bags.
-They use Excalibur Galatine. It was very effective.
-Galatine has fainted.
-The Knight with no Name has fainted.
-WIP. Waiting for someone to step up and heal The Knight with no Name. Otherwise, he'll be out like a light for the part that comes after.

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2022 2:50:30 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar


He had known his previous suspicions about this place to be right, but he had not expected that they would be turned into actual data. Had they been data all along? In his incorporeal form, Mars searches through the codex that is the UNOWN REPORT, attempting to find something – anything – that might give him a clue as to how to get out of this place. How to make sure they don’t fall into any more traps. How to beat the system.
There’s nothing clear, and then, just like that, they reappear where it had all begun.


There's a pinching and sharp pain in his head, akin to BRAIN FREEZE. He grimaces, taking a moment to compose himself, and once he does, the first thing he notices is that some people are… incomplete. Not really injured, but as if portions of their bodies are missing. Had their data been taken? Deleted? The thought is grim, and it only enhances his belief that they need to get out of here quickly.
There’s too many people here to figure out who has been injured and who isn’t, especially with his own prevalent pain, but a moment is spared to search through the crowd for . Once sure that he’s doing alright, Mars gives him a simple nod, then releasing his Unown and leaving it to wander once more. He turns his attention towards the screen where a riddle had appeared before. This time there’s a question.
They got FILE 01 when answering the first riddle here, and another UNKNOWN FILE when answering the riddle at TERMINAL 1. Mars opens them both, making them appear before him.

There are those numbers again. Some had appeared before. Right here in this room.



Yes, back then he had told that the ‘u’ might stand for UNIVERSE, so then, is 820 the name given to theirs? Where they began this strange journey? Where are they now? Why are they paths broken in the second file? Too many questions, he needs more information…
”Those who went to terminals two and three… What happened there? Did you also get files?” He asks out loud to those around him, and for the sake of starting this exchange of information, he also decides to give a short summary of what happened to Terminal 1. ”Supposed "former avatars" appeared in Terminal 1 and attacked us. With Reshiram and Yveltal.”
Then, Mars gestures towards the files, pushing past the discomfort and pain he feels. The only sign of it is the way in which he frowns for a second there. Otherwise, he's perfectly calm.
”I think the file we got in terminal one could go in the middle or last because the paths are broken. Eight twenty may be the name of our universe or of this room, since it’s where we started according to File One. Thoughts?”
They'll clearly need to work together to get out of this mess.



[break]- Reminded of UNOWN REPORT ENTRIES
[break]- Asking people what happened in TERMINALS 2 and 3, telling them what happened in TERMINAL 1
[break]- Unown-? explores the area in search for more info

[break][break]Thanks Dani bby for trying to figure all this out with me OOC ( ♡)


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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2022 3:17:07 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
he returns back to the same space as everyone eventually. he immediately goes to where was, curiously studying his lost limb.

"i wonder how this translates in the real world," he ponders out loud, trying to touch the area where the lost body part was to see if it was just invisible. it wasn't. councilman also lost one. maybe someone has it out for particular prominent members of the league at this point.

he's distracted by a call to discussion by another person, . he briefly leaves the amputee to check in on the talk.

"terminal three. simulation of the mauville warfront during the ultra beast war. fun stuff."

he would've normally stepped back and let others take the initiative for a discussion, but it has proven pivotal that a unanimous answer seemed to be key.

"we got an unnamed file." he opens it just like did to display it. "might've been corrupted to not display the file name since everyone's answers weren't the same, like the 'data riddle' was, maybe."

his guesses were merely that. kyle's working on assumptions now, given he has no previous knowledge to help them this time, such as his experience in the war and basic wordplay.

"thoughts on file 01 being the first in the sequence? pretty much a stretch though, i think."

  • engages with greyson and then mars


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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2022 3:26:03 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
Être un Mirage

There was time to escape, if Elisabeth's mind had let her. After all this world, and its inferno, weren't real.

False phantoms could invoke real fear as much as anything true, however.

The RESHIRAM's searing wall of flame careening towards Elisabeth and the others transfixed her for a moment, the sight of the flames waking a pyrophobia that had been kindled in her a long time ago in Kalos.

This terror held her for but a moment, but it was a moment that lasted for too long.

Flames snaked about Elisabeth's left leg as she stumbled and ran, its tendrils like grasping fingertips that dragged into the flesh of her thigh. Was it poetic, that the last time a fire had consumed her, it had claimed this same part of her body?

She bit her lip until it bled, stifling a silent scream that tore at her throat as she hurled herself across the room; behind her, the RESHIRAM emanated a blistering heat, one that felt real enough to cause sweat to bead all across her skin.

Where Elisabeth had expected the familiar burning sensation of smoke in her eyes and lungs, a strange nothingness struck her instead. She lowered her gaze to inspect the damage, only to see a gaping void that slashed through her upper left leg -- as if it had been deleted from existence, rather than truly severed from her body.

More unsettling still, the lower part of her leg appeared to function as normal, despite its lack of connecting tissue and bone.

Merde. Nausea filled her at the sight of the body horror, more potent than any inflicted pain. She swallowed it back, turning her attention back to the field of battle to distract herself.

By doing so, she managed to witness that crucial strike: the way that the YVELTAL shattered at the impact of MOONBLAST's lunar rays, her AROMATISSE standing there triumphant in its defeat.

It left her dumbstruck. Astonished. Relieved.

And then, ultimately, empowered.

One by one the titans fell, and the terminals transported them to where their journey had begun. Shakily, Elisabeth rose to her feet, finding and in the crowd. Her eyes cut to meaningfully, conveying her appreciation for his part in defeating YVELTAL in silence: Thank you.

Then as she began to walk, her eyes fell upon the bloodied, collapsed form of at her feet -- a stranger, but one that had suffered far worse wounds, it seemed, than herself. He had not been in her terminal, but she could guess at the horrors that had awaited him in his.

Something horrific and inhuman, undoubtedly.

Perhaps it was her own injury that stirred her to respond to his own. Regardless of its impetus, Elisabeth nodded to her Aromatisse, who twirled over to the collapsed man and radiated a bright, reassuring HEAL PULSE.

"Are you all right?" she asked, extending a hand. Her voice sounded raspy from disuse.

Distinctions like League and Rocket meant nothing in a place like this.

Survival was the win condition, nothing more and nothing less.

  • Pyrophobia really brings a girl down.
  • Upper left leg got DELETED.
  • Reacted to her Aromatisse pwning Yveltal.
  • Walking towards and .
  • Stopped to heal with Aromatisse's HEAL PULSE.

✿ Cyberchase Conundrum ✿
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2022 3:42:36 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Leave it to the League’s Champion to be the first person to also realise that working together will be fundamental to get out of this situation they are in. Despite the constant strife between their factions, Mars finds himself thankful for ’s existence. For now, at least.
”The Ultra Beast War? Damn. That was a few years back… Maybe the files are supposed to go in some sort of chronological order of events or something.” Chronology is the most obvious answer, since time will always be a constant. Still, what’s most obvious isn’t always what’s true, and that has been made clear during their time here. All this makes Mars' head hurt, and it sure doesn't help with that lasting feeling of BRAIN FREEZE. What is it, anyway? Do others feel it?
Mars approaches to get a better look at his file. Noting the similarities.

”Ours also didn’t have a name, but we also had people who didn’t give the right answer.” He doesn’t name names. ”See how the ones for Terminal one and three have the same numbers, but the paths are intact in yours? Maybe that means yours is supposed to go before the one from Terminal one.”
As for FILE 01…
”FILE 01 being the first in the sequences makes the most logical sense, but I’m suspicious of things like those in places like these. Maybe it’s meant to throw us off... It could be the last one?”
Leave it to Mars to always have suspicions, no?



[BREAK]- Wondering about BRAIN FREEZE :c
[break]- Discussing the FILE SEQUENCE with Kyle
Feel free to join in on the discussion POG


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The Enroi Region
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