i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
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808 height
40,787 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2022 5:34:41 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]CYBERCHASE CONUNDRUM



🎼 NEW THEME SONG - "Battle! Colress: Remastered ► Pokémon Black & White 2" by ZAME


EVERYONE LINES UP TO VOTE, ONE BY ONE. Although the majority of votes select RESHIRAM, two ballots from and are cast for YVELTAL as the answer.[break][break]

The terminal and its screen recognizes the majority answer; however, a recording the spectacled figure appears once more. They speak: "well done. the inclusion of reshiram ensures that there is double of every pre-existing type on this team."[break][break]

The correct answer grants everyone at TERMINAL 1 ANOTHER FILE. This time, the file's name is simply, "unnamed". In front of everyone, a RESHIRAM AND A BLANK FIGURE begin to appear alongside the pixelated phrase: UPLOADING DATA.... Data coalesces, filling in the details. The dragon towers above everyone in this confined, blocked off space.[break][break]

"unlucky for you, an incorrect input has been detected. the terminal will be powered after you delete them, or they delete you." The video feed stops and disappears on the screen.[break][break]

Beside the Reshiram, another pair begin to materialize. A YVELTAL AND ANOTHER BODILY TEMPLATE appear. The dome projects to reveal an unnatural mixture of settings: rural Hoenn, near Oldale, and Mt. Pyre smashed into one.[break][break][break][break]


DATA UPLOAD COMPLETE. The pixelated text disappears as their opponents manifest in full. Before them, a menacing RESHIRAM and YVELTAL stand alongside their AVATARS.[break][break]

The Reshiram stands by someone unfamiliar— but may be able to gather who it is. A young ranger by the name of BLAIR ASHTON stands before them, hands pulsating with balls of flame. He may recognize him as the dead man found DURING HIS DRAGON PATROL.[break][break]

He spits at , "reshiram does not belong to you!" After his declaration, the Reshiram roars fiercely behind him.[break][break]

The Yveltal stands by someone already present. In fact, would realize the doppelganger reflected beneath him is gone. Instead, he has manifested by the Yveltal, hands poised to petrify. The DOPPELGANGER smiles before speaking to his digital patron: "yveltal, i refuse to abandon you."[break][break]

The two doppelgangers attack alongside their Pokemon. BLAIR ASHTON will begin to target only, hurling BALLS OF FLAME that will EXPLODE IN A LARGE RADIUS around him. Should he come close to , he will attempt to grab him before blowing off one of his limbs- if not his head.[break][break]

's DOPPELGANGER will focus on the real . He is incredibly fast and athletic as a martial fighter and soldier. He will attempt to PETRIFY any Pokemon or person in his way, while attempting to PETRIFY himself.[break][break]

Within this confined space, YVELTAL and RESHIRAM coordinate their attacks. There is limited flying space available and so, the two beasts attack like grounded dragons. The YVELTAL beats its wings, blasting powerful beams of OBLIVION WING that travel across the ground after firing.[break][break]

Simultaneously, the RESHIRAM fires BLUE FLARE, an engulfing flame that threatens to BURN and incinerate everything in its path. The chamber itself seems to overheat from their attacks, forcing everyone's digitized forms into a hot sweat.[break][break]

Although will not be able to act on this knowledge just yet, it appears that his UNOWN have noticed that this whole realm is made up of UNOWN-LIKE coding as well... Perhaps, this can be downloaded. But how?


PLEASE ROLL in your next post as you attempt to defeat these opponents or evade their attacks. Rolling a 49 OR BELOW will result in one or more of the following:[break][break]

2. YOUR BODY SUSTAINING DAMAGE (e.g. limb being deleted).[break]

Please remember, THE ACTIONS YOUR CHARACTERS TAKE can influence outcomes, regardless of a "failing" roll number.


LIKE TERIMINAL ONE, the denizens of the second terminal chamber answer the riddle one by one. DARKRAI is determined as the correct selection on the screen; however, it is revealed that also selected ZACIAN AND ZAMAZENTA too.[break][break]

A square expands on the screen, revealing recorded footage of their captor: "the mythical creature, darkrai, is one of the correct answers. the other is cresselia, for she is the only legendary of the catalog to possess a distinct gender. did you know that? ha ha ha." They seem to toy with the gaps of knowledge, understanding very well that many may not have particular fact or detail within their toolkit of memory and experience.[break][break]

The correct answer grants everyone at TERMINAL 2 ANOTHER FILE. This time, the file's name is simply, "unnamed". In front of everyone, a DARKRAI begins to manifest alongside the pixelated phrase: UPLOADING DATA....[break][break]

Around them, the digitized space shifts color and shape. On the dome that encloses the terminal's chamber, projections of floating buildings, stone and LARGE RINGS "float". Of the people in attendance, and are the only ones to recognize that this is the same location where everyone had first encountered DARKRAI: in a HOOPA'S DREAM.[break][break]

"i pity the cresselia. let's give her some attention, shall we? sh-sh-s̷̗͓͒͜h̴͙͝͝-̸͖̳͍̄ś̸͈ẖ̷̀͌a̴̯̞̾̄͜l̷̹̈́̀͘l̴̲͇̤͒ ̶͙̖̀̃̽w̶̛̮̅̈́͜-̷̜̀͑w̵̗͗̈-̶̧̫̼̂͐̆w̵̥̮̃͜-̴͕̓̈́̔w̷̝͛́-̵͉̈́̉w̵͓̙̒̒͂ẻ̸̡͔̲?" The video glitches, buffers, and seemingly starts a new track: "you selected a zacian and zamazenta, pokemon you may not know of. you will in time, but i can grant you audience with them in advance. the terminal will be powered after you delete them, or they delete you." The video feed stops and disappears on the screen.[break][break]

Beside the DARKRAI, the shape of a CRESSELIA begins to manifest too. However, more alarming, is the appearance of two glitching dog-like forms. A ZACIAN AND ZAMAZENTA (HERO OF MANY BATTLES FORM) begin to appear on the western and eastern sides of their chamber.[break][break][break][break]


DATA UPLOAD COMPLETE. The pixelated text disappears as their opponents manifest in full. Before them, a DARKRAI emerges, long-legged and aggressive. Similarly, the CRESSELIA seems hostile too, programmed to antagonize the party before them.[break][break]

The DARKRAI raises its claws. Cackling orbs of DARK VOID are thrown at the group, forcing those hit to slumber. An immediate DREAM EATER will force its victims awake before another attack lands, hopefully trapping them in a torturous cycle.[break][break]

The CRESSELIA attacks too. Its small arms cast devastating PSYCHO CUTS that cross the confined space. However, should the DARKRAI be hurt too much, the CRESSELIA will continually heal the DARKRAI with LUNAR DANCE WITHOUT FAINTING.[break][break]

Unlike the Lunar Duo, the GLITCHING ZACIAN AND ZAMAZENTA will continually chase with CLOSE COMBAT. Any trainer or Pokemon in their frenzied dashes will be clobbered, and should be pounced upon, they will maul him into pieces.[break][break]

The incorrect answers have made this terminal more chaotic than expected. To make things worse, the RINGS in the PROJECTIONS ON THE DOME act as tunnels for an AIRBORNE TRAIN to barrel through. Anyone caught in the TRAIN'S PATH may surely be crushed.


PLEASE ROLL in your next post as you attempt to defeat these opponents or evade their attacks. Rolling a 75 OR BELOW will result in one or more of the following:[break][break]

2. YOUR BODY SUSTAINING DAMAGE (e.g. limb being deleted).[break][break]

Please remember, THE ACTIONS YOUR CHARACTERS TAKE can influence outcomes, regardless of a "failing" roll number.


TERMINAL THREE IS ALMOST UNANIMOUS. Everyone selects XURKITREE save for one who selects POIPOLE.[break][break]

A small window expands, revealing a video featuring the blond scientist: "xurkitree is correct, because its scientific codename established by the league, UB-03 LIGHTNING, fits alphabetically. however, it appears the UB ADHESIVE has been selected... incorrect." They toy with the gaps of knowledge, understanding very well that many may not have particular fact or detail within their toolkit of memory and experience.[break][break]

The correct answer grants everyone at TERMINAL 3 ANOTHER FILE. This time, the file's name is simply, "unnamed". In front of everyone, the digitized space shifts to reveal a particular scene, one that and may be able to piece together from their experiences on the MAUVILLE WARFRONT during THE ULTRA BEAST WAR. The dome projects a new setting: the MAUVILLE POWERPLANT.[break][break]

JULES COTILLARD with assistance of past GREATER MAUVILLE HOLDINGS EMPLOYEES (BEFORE CEO 'S ACQUISITION), can be seen warping in segments of a gargantuan XURKITREE. As the scene continues to become more detailed and detailed, the XURKITREE SEGMENTS begin to reconnect their wiring. Above, the pixelated phrase UPLOADING DATA... blinks.[break][break]

The chamber shifts settings and finally, the XURKITREE stands tall from its supine transfer. It is absolutely massive in size; within the projected setting of the warfront, their "confined space" expands. The XURKITREE'S HEAD IS IN THE SIMULATED CLOUDS. Each limb is thick, as wide as two skyscrapers stuck next to each other.[break][break]

Beneath everyone's feet, the ground is littered with the horrors of war. Maimed Megalopolans. Dead League officers. Pokemon engaged in continual combat with Naganadel and Poipole on scorched earth. In fact, everyone would begin to notice that A SWARM OF POIPOLE are beginning to manifest too...[break][break][break][break]


DATA UPLOAD COMPLETE. The pixelated text disappears as their opponents manifest in full. The XURKITREE'S FEET dig themselves into the simulated ground, each toe like exposed copper. A horrifying SHOCK WAVE surges from the earth, electrifying the ground. Should anyone touch the ground, they would surely incur devastating injury and PARALYSIS.[break][break]

Occasionally, from the sky, its ARMS will descend. The attack, POWER WHIP, will threaten to crush Pokemon and bodies into deleted data, while THUNDER BOLTS and SIGNAL BEAMS seek victims like lightning.[break][break]

A SWARM OF POIPOLE begin to chase , their stingers leaking POISON. Any Pokemon or trainer in their way is also at risk of being POISON JABBED. Occasionally, SIMULATED MEGALOPOLANS will appear to attempt to EAT the trainers and/or their Pokemon...


PLEASE ROLL in your next post as you attempt to defeat these opponents or evade their attacks. Rolling a 49 OR BELOW will result in one or more of the following:[break][break]

2. YOUR BODY SUSTAINING DAMAGE (e.g. limb being deleted).[break][break]

Please remember, THE ACTIONS YOUR CHARACTERS TAKE can influence outcomes, regardless of a "failing" roll number.



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please include the PKMN SPECIES' NAME in the tl;drs alongside their nickname for my convenience.
  • please only POST ONCE.

Do note, there are almost 50 CHARACTERS participating in this event. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.



NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2022 9:36:04 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
the worst part of his school life was the collective punishment. the mention of one incorrect answer suggests, despite not confirming, that this was the case. the unnamed file, as opposed to the first one they got for having a unanimously correct answer, also points to this.

the environment shifts. a familiar environment presents itself, with the chaos of the mauville warfront coming to haunt kyle back from the past. two things he hated from this memory was getting blown up by and having to clean up the corpse of the huge xurkitree, which was now present in their midst.

he scans the room as it shifts, taking an rundown of notable trainers in their group and clicking his tongue when he realizes majority of them went for the other terminals. their numbers are pitifully low compared to the first time he's fought the ultra beast, and he can't imagine the challenge being scaled with their numbers.

on the bright side, they aren't going in blind given his past experience with xurkitree.

"those with aerial mons, go for its head!" he shouts. "the rest, uh, keep each other alive! and please, no electric-type moves!" the last part was common sense, but it's better to throw it out there than not.

as soon as the last word leaves his tongue, he grabs his jolteon and throws her at the swarm of poipole chasing . it glows in white as the electric-type releases its hidden power, hitting the little ultra beasts surrounding it.

once it lands, the jolteon acts as a capacitor, activating its volt absorb to minimize the damage done by the xurkitree's shock waves on the ground.

with his pokemon out of moves, he calls in for assistance. "back up here, please!"

  • terminal 3
  • shares speedrun strats from previous xurkitree encounter
  • throws jolteon near andrea
  • jolteon uses hidden power @ poipole swarm
  • jolteon uses volt absorb @ xurkitree shock waves on the ground to weaken it for everyone
  • asks for defending


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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,062 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2022 10:40:45 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
It looked like Andrea's gut instinct had failed her, since the correct answer was Xurkitree. The featured Ultra Beast of the week appeared before the heroes in kaiju form, its bulbous head touching the virtual clouds.

The Shock Wave that surged from the earth caused Chomper's eyes to shoot wide open. Realizing that staying grounded would be a terrible idea, the Hydreigon quickly scooped up his trainer, plopping the girl upon his back and taking flight before the entire floor could get electrified. "That was close! Thanks, Chomper!" Andrea petted the dragon's middle head.

Her relief gave way to fear, as she looked down at the heap of Hoennian and Megalopolan corpses littering the floor and was utterly mortified by the gruesome sight. "W-w-w-what's that...?" Being a pure and innocent bean, Andrea had never experienced the horrors of war. Seeing that many dead bodies piled together nearly made her lose her lunch.

She wouldn't get enough time to process the atrocities she'd just seen, for a swarm of very aggressive Poipole soon gave chase to them; the penalty for answering the riddle incorrectly. Still stunned, the young PokéManiac was prone to their poisonous stingers, but luckily 's Jolteon came to her rescue, hitting the tiny Ultra Beasts with its Hidden Power.

"I can't let others take the fall! This is my fault and I'm gonna fix it!" The draconic cosplayer resolutely declared, the rush of adrenaline temporarily offsetting her PTSD. "Chomper, use Draco Meteor!" She ordered her loyal Hydreigon, who in turn summoned a devastating meteor shower that could make one believe that the meteoroid had arrived at Hoenn early. A powerful AoE attack like that should hopefully deal with a horde of enemies, weird space cannibals included.

They still had the colossal Xurkitree to worry about, juggling between fending off the Poipole and dodging its brutal onslaught of attacks proving increasingly difficult. Chomper was doing his best to keep his trainer safe, using his power of flight to maneuver out of each attack's range, but they'd also need a bit of luck to survive this whole ordeal.
//HYDREIGON picks up Andrea and takes off into the air to avoid being paralyzed
//Andrea sees a bunch of dead bodies and loses a bit of her innocence T^T
//HYDREIGON uses DRACO METEOR in hopes of overwhelming the Poipole and Megalopolan swarms, while also trying his best to dodge Xurkitree's attacks


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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2022 15:07:11 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar

The computer was glitching out. If it was doing that...could they really escape? The boy gulped as it confirmed their answer was indeed correct...aside from one person who selected the last duo. Cresselia was also correct, being the only legendary with a gender. Still, the area around them morphed into a rather beautiful scene, and summoned the two legendaries and the two unknown dogs, now known as Zacian and Zamazenta, one wolf with a sword and one that looked like it had a shield shaped mane. The two dogs went after someoene he didn't care about, but the other two attacked.

Returning Frillish,  he took out Trevenant, who immediately used Phantom Force. His target: Cresselia. He remembered that the lunar Pokemon was psychic type according to what he studied. So his ghost type shouldn't have any issues with it. was a legendary. Disappearing into the void, the blonde grabbed 's hand and tried to keep both of them from falling prey to both waves of attacks.

personal note:
Frillish now knows only Hydro Pump, Destiny Bond, and Shadow Ball
Skarmary now knows only Slash, Drill Peck, and Body Press
Trevenant now knows only Wood Hammer, Phantom Force, and Leech Seed


Switched Frillish for Trevenant, who used Phantom Force on Cresselia
Also ignored and stayed away from Zacian and Zamazenta
Grabbed Hideo's hand to try to keep them both from losing limbs.
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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2022 17:24:12 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
135 for @cyberchase conudrum
In typical Hoenn fashion, even a correct answer yielded negative results as an unfriendly-looking duo of legendaries were conjured from seemingly nowhere. Two human figures appeared alongside them-another doppelganger of somebody here that he vaguely recognized as a former elite four member, and an unknown individual who singled out .

If they could remember her name, they might've simply shouted for her step away from the Reshiram Avatar's target. Instead, the courier wordlessly threw themselves overtop of ████ to shield her from being incinerated in the crossfire as spheres of blue flame engulfed the area near Razz.

Nim-Nim, forgotten in their mad dash, flew after his trainer in a panic-summoning as many storming clouds as his tiny body could produce to Rain down on the growing inferno, and hopefully mitigate as much damage as possible.

- Uh oh!!
- Shields with their own body instead of swapping back to Probopass like an idiot
- Nim-Nim the Castform uses Rain Dance (1/5)
- not even gonna bother salacing this rest in pieces u berry glutton
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2022 18:25:33 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Isaac's breath hitched in his throat as he beheld the site before him. He had seen some death in his time, courtesy of one . But this? This was different. This was on a scale that Isaac couldn't even comprehend. Humans and . . . something lied dead in droves. The lucky ones looked like they were just sleeping. Those were maybe 1% of the battlefield, with the rest in various states of mutilation and decay. Their bodies lie ruined and lifeless on an equally dead battlefield, the very earth as dead as those it supported.[break][break]

He felt the urge to vomit. But, no. No, god damnit, he couldn't. He needed to hang in there. He needed to be strong. But how could he? His pulse was pounding, his face was paling, and his ears were ringing as the shadow of the colossus began to stretch over him. He tried to move his legs, but they only screamed in response. He tried to turn his neck, but it, too, only screamed in response. He tried to close his eyes, but even they could only scream.[break][break]

Watson was quicker on the draw, at least. He wrenched a Pokeball from Isaac's belt, slamming it onto the ground. Out came Duster, the ever-loyal Cubone taking Watson's place in a flash of red light. He held his bone high to the sky, his Lightningrod drawing in one of the Xurkitree's energy blasts.[break][break]

Like Frankenstein's Monster, the sudden jolt of light and sound flashed Isaac awake. It seared the horrors of the battlefield away from his retinas, and Isaac became acutely clear just how much danger he was actually in. "Fuck, that was close," he muttered, before taking one look at the Xurkitree and breaking into a run. Duster was hot on his tail, continuing to lift his bone high to the sky to redirect as much lightning as he could. As a Ground type, he could take any amount of punishment the Xurkitree could dish out with its Shock Waves and Thunder Bolts.[break][break]

So long as the two remained close to one another, he and Isaac could hold their ground. The second one of them strayed . . . well, the electricity arcing across the ground told Isaac that he did not want to leave the Duster safety bubble.[break][break]

Normally, a Ground type attack would be the cure for what ailed this situation. However, the more electricity flowed into Duster's bone, the more power flowed into it as well. For most of his attacks, this did little to nothing. However, his Blizzard was able to expunge this energy, whipping the already powerful attack into an absolute monstrosity. It also served as a much needed cooldown, because Duster frankly had no idea how much his bone could take. If the Xurkitree kept overloading it with electricity . . .[break][break]

No time to think. With a rattling war cry, Duster aimed his bone at the Xurkitree, a Blizzard several times stronger pointed right at the Ultra Beast's head. [break][break]

TEAL DEER:[break]
Isaac is having a very bad time with some very unpleasant memories.[break]
Watson switches out for Duster, both for a better matchup and to snap Isaac into focusing.[break]
Duster's Lightningrod keeps him and Isaac safe from Shock Wave and Thunderbolt, letting them focus on dodging the other attacks.[break]
With all of the energy coursing through Duster's Lightningrod, he fires an immensely powerful Blizzard towards Xurkitree.[break][break]


[attr="class","skullinfo"]474 WORDS / M-M-M-M-MEGATHREAD


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[newclass=.skullbody b]color:#d9b800;[/newclass]

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2022 19:20:58 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

"Amor Rose. One of the toughest fuckers I know.", Thomas tells the long-haired man, attempting to comfort him in his moment of crisis, with a reassuring hold on his shoulder. "We'll get to the bottom of this shit, I promise you that.", he told Amor. "And hopefully, unfuck everything.", he added.

Once the answers were in, two Legendary Pokemon manifested. Thomas immediately deployed his Scizor to take them on.

And while he didn't recognize the Reshiram's Avatar, he was quick to notice his own doppelganger, and his motions to petrify.

"Yveltal abandoned me!", Thomas blurted out with a guttural, almost demonic roar at his doppelganger with a combination of defiance and resentment aimed at them both.

"Do not touch him! He will petrify you!", Thomas warned the others, as he backed away from his doppelganger, while discretely producing a pair of weighted balls tethered together with a cord. He would attempt to toss the bola at his doppelganger's legs, in order to trip him up. Whether this work, or he managed to dodge, Thomas brandished a handgun, and immediately took the opportunity to unload the entire magazine into his doppelganger.

Meanwhile, Ripper, who finally had a shot at Yveltal, wasted no time in striking at the death bird with a Bullet Punch.


notes: Thomas tries to comfort
As the Legendaries manifest, Thomas brings out Scizor
Thomas notices Reshiram and Yveltal appear, alongside their avatars, including his own doppelganger
Thomas immediately sees what his doppelganger is trying to do
Thomas attempts to take out his doppelganger's legs with bolas, before pulling out a gun, and attempting to gun him down
Scizor used Bullet Punch on Yveltal
6 Salacs Used

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2022 22:03:00 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Can't have good things in Hoenn.
Can't ever have good things in Hoenn.
The appearance of Reshiram and a screaming man is one thing, the appearance of Yveltal is another. And it only gets worse when she hears that it's meant to be a fight to the death.
She's got this? She's survived worse, hasn't she? She's gotten out of being obliterated by Yveltal before, so things should go fine right? Nevermind the fact that the man is yelling at and possibly trying to kill him, all she can see is leaping at her and trying to take a horrible hit.
Her first instincts get her to start running, narrowly avoiding him as she instead grabs his hand and pulls him along. And a quick toss-up allows her to call upon Reiner, an angered yowl tearing through the air as he begins to whip up a Springtide Storm at the offending dragon.
- Refuses to let take the hit and instead starts pulling him along while she runs[break]
- Swapping shadow!Quagsire out[break]
- Luxray using SPRINGTIDE STORM against Reshiram[break]
[attr="class","adrie-note"]a hohohomicide but its not december || into the cyberverse


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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,615 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2022 22:27:30 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar


Cyberchase Conundrum

An eye goes wide as Reshiram appears.[break][break]

For the slightest moment he wonders why they're there. Why they haven't said anything? Why couldn't he feel them there like he usually did?[break][break]

Its when the blob of data finally forms in front of him that he pieces together why. "Ashton?" Razz questions with great confusion, as while the corpse that was burnt to a crisp was near impossible to identify on their own. He has looked into the other Ranger, has seen missing posters of them and was able to match that picture with the data in front of him. This wasn't the Reshiram who chosen him. "You're dead...." he states, in some way to inform others, and also in a small way to remind himself that those in front of him were fake. Even if what Ashton exclaimed struck a deep insecurity that has always lingered.[break][break]

Was he really worthy? Or was he just a convenance for a god, angry at the death of their previous patron, to help them find Ashton's killers? [break][break]

However it was an insecurity he wouldn't have the time to linger on. As the swirl haired man said this was a 'delete or be deleted' situation. And while he would love to ponder on the difference between deletion and death, not was not the time. As the fireballs came at him Razz reacts, firing off flames of his own to counter and have them detonate before they could reach him or those near him. [break][break]


"Cobalt scatter them! I'll handle him," the ranger would order as the Metagross would use PSYCHIC on anyone near Razz to scatter them back and away from Reshiram's current avatar. Razz planning on taking on the other flame avatar while hopefully the others could deal with Reshiram. After razz would use one more explosion to send himself flying upward before coming down as Ashton was coming after him. A flame of his own in hand as he would use it to counter the former. [break][break]

Explosion vs Explosion. [break][break]


Razz was immune to the explosions and flames of his own creation right? So what could go wrong?

oCLD9CHM [break][break]


[break]+ Razz is in slight shock about seeing Reshiram and Ashton
[break]+ Does not have the time to deal with Yvetal let the others do that
[break]+ Metagross uses PSYCHIC to move everyone near Razz away from him. This possibly includes but not limited to: and . Because figuring out who is actually near him is weird lol
[break]+ Razz moves up in the air to get himself further away from others, then tries to counter Blair's explosion with his own explosion.


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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2022 23:13:51 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Well, that was a relief as most of everyone at their terminal chose the ‘odd Darkrai’—

Then again maybe not, because the track that played afterward began to glitch and—

“What?” was all he had time to say before, once again, all fucking hell broke loose.

And it was worse than the earlier chaos!

Instead of having to deal with just two Pokémon, there were now—four, and the two that were mentioned, the funny-looking ones whose names started with the letter ‘Z’ or something—began to chase someone down.

At least that someone wasn’t him!

Thank fuck I went with the majority! he thought as he quickly turned Memo around as best as he could, his eyes looking around like a panicked Deerling’s before reaching into the inner pocket of his jacket and him hissing as quietly as possible into the other’s ear.

“Take this,” he began as he pulled out one of the purple-tipped green feathers and shoved it roughly into the other man’s free hand (because there was a very high chance he was going to ask questions) “…but don’t use it unless the situation becomes extremely dire.”

Was it a part of the last piece of what they talked about before getting involved in this mess? Maybe.

But for Alexei to trust the other with something so precious, so important, meant there was something in the air—something that his intuition had picked up on the moment he thought he saw something manifest through the ‘rings’ in the air—

Did he mishear things, or was that a train coming out of the—

The brain cell between them sprang into action.

“What—ever you do,” he said in both the other man’s and Kaida’s direction, “…don’t get fucking hit by anything, do you understand?”

There was something in the air, and he didn’t like it—

“And stay near me!” he added as an afterthought, realizing that he may have to reveal his ace in the hole a little too early for his liking. But the circumstances were dire.

They were so fucking dire.

He didn’t want to have a Pokémon out, and hoped that in the mass chaos that was breaking out around them, his little gesture would go unseen—

As he thought he was staring down at the barrel of a train (was it) coming out of the floating ‘rings’…

There was nothing else to it.

Somewhere, he remembered that in one of the movies he’d watched with one of his exes (he isn’t going to name names) that the boldest thing to do was to take a step forward.

In a way, he was going to do that.

There was something gripped so tightly in between his thumb and left pointer finger, and he hoped that nobody was looking in their general direction as the train came screaming down on them—

Just how powerful was wind, against a mass of incoming steel?

He then purposefully aimed the purple tip of the green feather at the mass of incoming metal—

And let it fly.

He then braced himself, very much certain that whatever resulting blast of air would come from the feather would definitely knock him (and his two companions) backwards. Or even off their feet.

Just to be on the safe side, his gaze looked around the area, and he willed himself to be calm.

(Because oh, hell, he was literally SCREAMING internally right now. But he didn’t want to show that fear. He didn’t want to make either of them a target.)

“Brace yourselves,” he said through gritted teeth; as quickly as his other hand could manage he pulled out another one of the strangely-hued, purple-tipped green feathers and let a second one go into the airspace around them.

Was it going to work…?


• is thankful that the collective picked a unanimous answer BUT THEN
someone had to go wreck the unanimous decision with Zacian and Zamazenta
‘whoever you are, I’m coming after your head! And I want it, ON A SILVER PLATTER!
• quickly reaches into his jacket pocket before his bravado deserts him, very discreetly pulls out one of the purple-and-green feathers, and gives it to Memo to hold onto (cleared this specifically with Shiv, MWUAHAHA!)
• realizes that mass chaos is about to engulf them all, his gay man’s intuition is going off like MAD
• is surprisingly KALM about the chaos, but has his eyes peeled on whoever moron chose the funny Z answer (and WILL chew them out later SHOULD THEY GET OUT OF THIS IN ONE PIECE)
• warns Memo and Kaida to be on their toes and to not get hit by anything
• was he seeing things, was there a mcfucking TRAIN coming out of those rings floating in the space above them—
• is holding another one of the purple-tipped green feathers and makes the decision to let the first one go in the direction of whatever the fuck train that is coming out of those holes, an attempt to handle it
• but he fears one feather isn’t enough, so he pulls out ANOTHER and lets it rip
• total feather usage this round: a grand whopping total of two, plus one is currently with the other man
seven feathers remaining
‘oh djinni save us all.’
• Alex has no Pokémon out. What a crazy man, eh?

+ , homies stick together, LESGO

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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,437 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2022 1:02:16 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
greyson's neck strains as he lifts it back, taking in the gargantuan size of this... creature. it pushed the brink of reality, straining the border of his thoughts.
what in arceus's name was going on?
around him the dead lay scattered amid a ruined landscape, blighted and lifeless. it was a paragon of hopelessness; despit personified. he shakes the thoughts that weigh like anchors in his mind, convincing himself this was an illusion. but, was it?
was this the consequence of the UB war? an alternate realities fate laid bare?
a thunderous shockwave pulls him from his stupor, his delphox's presence appearing immediately behind him. 's call for assistance does not go unanswered.
a wave of PSYCHIC energy lances out to pick the trio up (and jolteon, too, if she wants it), and hovers them in the air. the witch ties psychic knots around the each of them, allowing, if but for a short while, COMPLETE CONTROL over their movement in the air.
then she turns her attention to the behemoth before them, putting every ounce of her willpower into keeping the lot of them SAFE from the POWER WHIP, and the horde of ultra beast.

between the death, and the massive UB, greyson is mind boggling stupified.[break]
pulled from his stupor by 's shouts.[break]
delphox uses PSYCHIC to lift , , and and their pokemon (if they wish), into the air. she focuses on keeping them safe.[break]

[newclass=".greyson"] --accent:#7c98b2; [/newclass]

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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,527 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2022 5:44:09 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar



a recording pops up on the screen and the scientist from before appears. annalise feels relief wash through her as they announce that darkrai is one of the correct answers.[break][break] — wait, one?
for a heartbeat, she thinks 's crazy idea has worked, only for the scientist to reveal that cresselia is the other answer. her gaze slides towards , wondering if the fact had evaded her under pressure or if she just hadn't known. [break][break]
in the corner of her eye, another file appears. this time she checks, clicking curiously on the unnamed file and staring at its contents. much like the bottom two options of the riddle, nothing about this resonates with her.
a darkrai begins to manifest in front of the crowd, accompanied by the text: uploading data. considering the porygon from before, annalise has a sinking feeling that this darkrai is not going to be friendly.[break][break]
her attention is tugged away from the mythical pokemon as the chamber transforms in appearance. then to the screen, where scientist speaks again, voice glitching before snapping to a new recording. zacian ... zamazenta? [break][break]
on one side of the chamber, she sees one of them — she's not sure which — uploading. her chesnaught stiffens beside her. when she follows his gaze ahead, she sees cresselia is coming to life, too. "shit."
the chamber explodes into chaos as the uploads complete. attacks begin to rain down on the crowd and her kneejerk ranger reaction is to look for cover. she scrambles to duck behind the closest cover someone throws up first, her heart beating in her throat as she tries to avoid everything being thrown at her.
she swaps to slowking once she realizes that there's no way chesnaught can get close enough to strike any of these legendary pokemon.
once others start to attack darkrai and cresselia tries to heal it, she sees her opportunity. "disable!"
annalise has no idea what the move is, just that it's going to waste any efforts to defeat these pokemon. smoothie turns his face towards cresselia with a yawn, the jewel on his crowned head glowing.

[attr="class","annalooc"] + tldr [break]

+ trying to move behind the closest protect/cover/etc she can find [break]
+ switches chesnaught for slowking[break]
+ using disable on lunar dance if/when cresselia goes to heal darkrai[break]


[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]



[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]





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leo, leon
september 30th
rustboro city, hoenn
demirom. bisex.
ceo, inventor
save a little
love for me
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
i wish i were better, i wish i had strength. i wish i had anything to prove i was brave.
468 posts
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TAG WITH @leonidas
Leonidas Stone
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2022 17:47:32 GMT
Leonidas Stone Avatar

Such a drastic turn of events.[break][break]

Truthfully speaking, some part of him somewhat regretted spending the day coming out to the dreaded island that he, as well as those around him, found themselves upon— but the fact of the matter had been that the lot of them were committed to what would unfold before them, regardless of whether or not the outcomes had been preferred. The most he could do after making his selections (and after eying the differing selections of the select couple with a subtle, wary eye) had been to wait.[break][break]

Excruciating, somewhat. Unnerving.[break]
A heightened sense of anxiety accompanied the voice’s words; even more so at the appearances of those manifested.[break][break]

The expectation he’d considered had been to encounter the selfsame Pitch-Black Pokemon that had been the go-to choice of almost everyone present within the terminal room, but as the voice went on, he found himself snapping his gaze back to the screen; a sudden intensity weighing true upon his chest as he tensed with the statements spoken to them.[break][break]

He glared warily towards the second Pokemon to spawn.[break]
He eyed the next two to appear after the person on the screen announced them.[break][break]

Zacian and Zamazenta… he thought to himself. Noted if I don’t die here.[break][break]

He looked between the legends made real; the arena manifested so ornately beneath their feet; the swiftly forming dangers within their midst. Lacking the luxuries of detailed thought, a spark of haste and desperation ignited within hues of amber within a matter of moments, and with deft fingers did he press along the capsules atop his belt to return his most beloved companion, instead bringing forth a magnetizing goliath to take his place.[break][break]

I should’ve stayed in the office, though.[break][break]

He looked towards the newly manifested Magnezone by him, immediately reaching up and hauling himself atop the creature’s body with faint hope of distancing himself from the ground, as well as the paths of both beasts that seemed intent on chasing their unlucky target.[break][break]

”Polaris! Light Screen![break][break]

Hopefully it would serve as enough protection to do some damage.[break]
Hopefully he could find an opening of his own before long.[break][break]




  • girl send help what the fuck
  • recalls orion (noivern) to call forth polaris (magnezone)
  • jumps atop polaris (magnezone) to try distancing himself from zacian and zamazenta's paths, should they get close
  • polaris (magnezone) uses light screen in attempt to give some semblance of protection those nearby


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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2022 19:38:39 GMT

ah, she knew it. [break][break]

curses. she was hoping that they would only get to fight darkrai, but she wasn't exactly keen on trying to fight the cresselia at the same time. to make matters worse, some dumbass decided to pick the unfamiliar dogs (to which she'll groan, it reminds her too much of the people who would pick the unfamiliar term during a multiple choice exam). [break][break]

her blissey sits on her shoulder, but there's nothing much the egg pokemon can do. she can admire the legends all she wants - after she ensures that she doesn't die here. "swap with carci." she recalls the blissey, then sends out the cursola who expands from its coral plate. with that, she points to the darkrai. [break][break]

"disable on the darkrai, keep it from putting people to sleep." she's careful to avoid the dark voids; she's heard about what darkrai does during her time in rocket. she's not keen on living through it. [break][break]

she does glance to the two new pokemon, but she sadly can't help the poor man being chased. she's sorry, but also not; who told him to pick the wrong answer? [break][break]

portals open up, and her eyes widen when the image of a fucking train barrels through. it's nowhere near her, but it leaves a really sour taste in her mouth. she's not fast enough to avoid one. so she grabs the coral plate of the cursola, who shrinks in size for portability, and she jumps to latch onto the magnezone's screw - if just to get out of the way of the dogs. he doesn't fly too high up, and worst case scenario, she's ready to drop. [break][break]

she should have just stayed in the pokemon centre..


[break]𓆙 grabs the CURSOLA's plate thing to bring with her
[break]𓆙 hops onto ' MAGNEZONE to evade dogs
[break]𓆙 she's very ready to jump ship though
[break]𓆙 using one salac

cyberchase conundrum

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2022 22:33:34 GMT
Deleted Avatar

This... wasn't good.
"Go, Hephestus!" Throwing out his Minior he would hope its 'SHIELDS DOWN' ability would save it from being one-shotted if the worst came to worst. But there was absolutely no way he and his pokemon would be able to take down a legendary, let alone two! Fake or no, they would be a major threat to all of them there. He had to act fast!
"Hephaestus, get in there and help the one-eyed guy!" It floated next to staying far enough to not get caught up in his previous psychic attack he would be more capable at a safe distance. His Minior then cast POWER GEM on the Reshiram, as Tobias hoped his meager contribution did something to get them through this cyber hell.



+Tobias is out of Razz's range and is not hit by the psychic attack.
[break]+Tobias sends out Minior (Hephestus).[break]
+Tobias has it cast "Power Gem" on Reshiram.


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing