i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2022 13:28:34 GMT
Deleted Avatar

There was a mandatory meeting or gathering rather today and had told her she couldn't be lazy and sleep through this one. That and he promised to buy her lunch afterwards. Mimi adjusted her choker a bit as she scanned around the area. This place was impressive. She understood when she joined Rocket that they were a force to be reckoned with but she never really knew how much. Just seeing the sheer scale of the boss-like arena they were encased in and the intimidation dripping off of Rocket's leadership let Mimi know she wasn't in Sinnoh anymore. This was the big leagues. [break][break]

She came dressed a bit better than what she normally would've worn. She figured since all of Rocket's members would be in attendance that she couldn't afford to show up in sweats. Even though she would always prefer comfort over fashion. The Rocket boss had opened up the floor for people to voice their opinions on this meteor matter, and voice their opinions they did. [break][break]

While looking for her friend and partner Mimi silently listened to the thoughts of those around her but offered no comments of her own. Mimi was a background character, and to be honest, she'd rather not speak on a topic unless she was well versed in it. Nothing made her more upset than making herself look like a fool. [break][break]

It was when a new group of voices spoke up that Mimi finally caught eye of that familiar green mop she would recognize anywhere. "We have considered blowing it up in space, right? Astronomy is not my thing per se but I guess that’d lead to a bunch of smaller meteors that’d accelerate and that not all would be destroyed when reaching the atmosphere? Oh… Whoops… That was more than one question… Soz, got excited there for a sec.”[break][break]

Not a bad suggestion. Much better than allowing the meteor to touch down here correct? Mimi would've figured that would be one of the first questions the League should've asked when attempting to handle this matter but since it wasn't the plan did that mean it wasn't a viable option? Perhaps the dome over Hoenn would prevent projectiles from coming out of it, much like it's trapping the people within. [break][break]

Mimi shuffled her way through the crowd before approaching Ambrose and snatching the bag of Hot Ditto chips that he was hiding behind him. "I'm confiscating these." Mimi voiced in a soft tone before grabbing the chopsticks that were hidden in the bag and and helping herself to it's content, not caring about how it looked. She wasn't disturbing anything anyway.

[attr="class","tag"], ,



🌟 Approaches Ambie and his group of friends. Listens to the discussions going on around her but doesn't add to them since she's new and feels like she doesn't have anything to contribute.[break]
🌟 outfit


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june 28th
cascarrafa, paldea
The clever owns, but never is he possessed.
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TAG WITH @rafael
Rafael Artega
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2022 2:23:52 GMT
Rafael Artega Avatar


Rafael stands in the crowd of grunts with an expression as neutral as the colors of his custom-tailored suit. While many decry the League and some propose helping them, Rafael leans toward neither one nor the other. He is in the business of profit, not politics. And so he listens and nods thoughtfully to each proposal, while internally he gives weight to none. He trusts Rocket's leadership to have a plan without his input. It would be foolish of them not to. Instead he waits silently to capitalize on the opportunities that present themselves.[break][break]

Thinking of opportunities, he slides his hand into his pocket, feeling the reassuring presence of his billfold. He had no qualms against theft, but neither did he wish to present the opportunity for one of the working class rabble to enrich themselves at his expense. A brief flicker of his eyes takes in the leather-jacketed ruffian that had accompanied . A crass mouth, Rafael thinks as @bishop shouts, and undoubtedly sticky fingers. He looks useful.[break][break]

Rafael turns toward Seraphine with a warm smile, responding "Of course, preparation and planning pay dividends. We should not leave our fortunes solely to Fate and the League." There's no reason not to have control.




A Transfer of Power 3[break]
+ Rafael voices an opinion not to rely on the League alone to solve the crisis.

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[newclass=".rafael .rafaelpkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,398 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2022 5:03:15 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","lyrics"]inside the beast still grows. waiting, chewing through the noose

[attr="class","mainbox"]as several voices fill in from their science department, jayden listens curiously. many of them bring up a good point — how could they mean to battle a meteor if they didn't know about enough about it? in particular, he likes what has to say about it all — if somehow they could get information about how the league utilized those primal points, it could provide endless opportunities for after the meteor.

[break][break] that is — if they could even bear to survive it.

[break][break] he purses his lips as he has to hear what has to say about what is already known. if there own scientists could not be successful in regards to teleportation, what had the league done that was any different? it made jayden feel even more like they were a fluke. yet, what he'd witnessed that day with seemed undeniable.

[break][break] the league had something, even if it unsettled him to think about what that something was.

[break][break] and it wasn't like rocket had anything to replace it.

[break][break] and thoughts on dynergy and necrozoma seemed promising, but did they have enough information to pursue it? "have we seen necrozoma after the events of the darkest day?" he asks, turning his gaze to in particular. "or lunala?" he says, referring to what seemed to suggest.

[break][break] to , he points out. "isn't that what underboss beckett was suggesting, though? pardon me, but i'm not sure he was suggesting an attack before the meteor as much as attacking the league after — when all their resources have been drained."

[break][break] "either way, i agree with sir and underboss , especially if we don't have a concrete solution in place. after all, turning the league on it's head when they least suspect it is what we do best."



jayden asks if necrozoma or lunala have been seen after dotdd [break]
he also agrees with dorian and theo that maybe they should focus on post-meteor things, unless they have a foolproof plan


[attr="class","title"]TRANSFER OF POWER PT. 3


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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,845 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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mint frost
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2022 6:52:44 GMT
mint frost Avatar




Mint's eyes move from as he listened, before glancing over at Lulu waiting to hear her alternatives. But from what he can understand, it's not all that complete a plan. He's unsure of the magic behind the science. ", if current projects have been a failure, what are the chances of a complete solution with infinity energy before the meteor hits? Realistically, could you develop something in about a months time?" He asked, frowning as he hoped the scientist wouldn't take offend either scientist. [break][break]

He then continued to speak up looking at , and . "I know most would rather die than work with the League, but right now would be the safest time to consider it. We still have time to make an exit strategy once the meteor is dealt with. With the meteor coming down on us, it'll be like we have knives at each other's necks. If we attack each other, it's mutually assured destruction. The risks would be substantially lower." [break][break]

"They'll be expecting something from us after, but I agree preparing for surviving the meteor and taking on the league should be a priority as well." He didn't waver in his opinion, confident they'd get past this even if the others didn't want to admit to it. He glanced at before looking back at awkwardly. He spotted , and perked flashing a quick smile and waving her over to give her an update on what she'd missed.

tagged ▸ ooc [break]
- stressing league wont fuck us due to mutually assure destruction




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December 12
Ballonlea, Galar
in the low lamplight i was free, heaven and hell were words to me
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onyx straub DOLLARS
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onyx straub
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2022 16:55:52 GMT
onyx straub Avatar
Onyx generally exists on the cusp of Rocket, far away from gentler eyes and where those in power don’t really have to look at him. He’s not a person, he’s a weapon: they just point and shoot. Events like this make him itch because he has to keep the safety on-- but the world is ending, and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t at least make an appearance.

It all has a distinct Rocket flare to it, with the storm and the fancy clothes and the general air of superiority. His fingers twitch, aching for a cigarette. Or a line of blow. Or literally-- literally anything to be not here, surrounded by all these people.

A familiar voice drags his attention away from his various drug cravings and he drops his gaze through the crush of bodies and finds . She’s standing with a handful of other women and Onyx bullies his way through the crowd to stand next to her, because he feels he’ll be mildly less twitchy around people he knows and is less inclined to punch.

⚰︎ onyx doesn't like crowds but is standing with ruby and her cohorts

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saffron city
Hoenn TR Boss
Rocket Boss
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
147 posts
declan walsh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @declan
declan walsh
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2022 20:34:05 GMT
declan walsh Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]A TRANSFER OF POWER 3



THEME SONG: 🎼 Team Rocket Hideout: Johto | Pokémon Masters EX


THE ROCKET BOSS WAITS, but betrays no impatience. Opinion and inquiry bounce off white stone like splintering bone bits. Though many may believe Team Rocket to be an enigmatic organization, this assembly of voices reveal what Walsh already knows.[break][break]

These are real people. Real Hoennians. They love, they lament and they fear; the meteoroid hangs above all like the sharpest crystalline scythe.[break][break]

Some like and suggest Rocket devise their own plan. While DYNERGY may a curious resource, Walsh and anyone else in the know may express its relative unavailability. Its unknown properties. Still, it is to be pondered for the future... however, it is keen-eyed to identify the failures. The crevasses of public distrust where the syndicate can weasel within and break the League from the inside out.[break][break]

While Rocket Beast and Head Scientist may ponder a possible allegiance with Sea Hoenn, arranging a coordinated meeting with them would be an impossibility on their end. There is no way to communicate with the other universe; thankfully, there are other forces to ally with... as Rocket Beast and already know.[break][break]

Walsh allows Head Scientist to investigate the nodes, but intel and reported history suggests reliability. After all, had explained that their own research into meteoroid-teleportation had failed.[break][break]

Underboss poses an interesting question. One that Walsh has no answer to. Should something replace the meteoroid that is teleported, what would it be? Perhaps, the appearance of the now withered and inaccessible Tree of Life in Sootopolis was the result of spatial disruptions during the takeover. One can not be too sure. Similarly, when proposes Rocket steal the HOOPA in League custody, one can not be too sure that its ability would be potent or strong enough to warp an entire meteoroid out of the realm...[break][break]

And even then, should it be possible, would it not place responsibility of another destination's destruction on Rocket's head? Such a decision may cause further strife within the syndicate, as evident by 's emotional harangue.[break][break]

Admin 's question is answered too. Reports of GALAR'S CRISIS point toward NECROZMA as the culprit, while LUNALA is nowhere to be found...[break][break]

Afterward, despite references to contingencies made by members like Admin , would find his vocalized sentiment to be echoed: "it may come as a surprise to you, but i can trust the league's plan." The Rocket Boss surveys the crowd, long arms shaping the plaza. "for what is the league's purpose? to protect their region as misguided as they may be. nevertheless, when surrounded by the dire circumstances of regional devastation, it would be true folly to underestimate our enemy when their lives are at stake too."[break][break]

, and express ideas more closely aligned with the Boss'. Ensure survival first. Prepare for the aftermath. Walsh audibly agrees with the notion— but he remains visibly confident despite demoralizing anxieties.[break][break]

"if you have perused underboss mars' recent literature, then the dark triad member, maldacena, and their actions give us reason to believe that we'll survive this event." He brings his hands back from the air, fingers grasping like claws into his palms. "why sabotage their organization's plans if it were not possible to? why sabotage if not to see what is next, what is beyond the meteoroid crisis, for themself?"


"so let us use the league's enthusiasm to our advantage as underboss has propounded. let us capitalize and mobilize." The Rocket Boss says. "first, an unknown material has been identified on the meteoroid according to reports from mossdeep space center.[break][break]

utilizing propulsion technologies developed by head scientist flint, we will send operatives to the meteoroid as it enters the atmosphere to mine this material. any advantage of knowledge, of resource, will pay dividends in the aftermath."
An apt word pulled from 's interjection.[break][break]

"to provide time for the dispatched, we'll launch an operation against a key primal point to force the league to use a reserve primal point, and if lucky enough, we will secure a primal crystal to sea hoenn."[break][break]

He continues, directing several grunts to stand in several elevated levels of stone around the plaza. "i will ask you all to decide which key primal point to siege by calling out your pokemon." The Boss designates a grunt to each primal point location. The syndicate's members may vote by sending their Pokemon to the grunt representing the respective location.[break][break]

  • the desert
  • petalburg city & woods
  • granite cave
  • fortree city
  • mt. pyre

"but that is not all. rocket beast and i have discussed an eventual takeover of littleroot town. to spread league resources thin, we will commence an operation there at the same time. a precursor for what is to come," The Boss says, glancing firmly at both and .[break][break]

The vote will now commence.



THIS EXCLUSIVE EVENT is designed as a crucial narrative beat before the meteoroid impact event coming this Fall. In order to prepare for the future of the region, Team Rocket will discuss plans for the meteoroid impact event, future operations and more.[break][break]

There is no deadline for the next "moderator post"; you may also post multiple times (THIS HAS NOW BEEN CHANGED TO TWO POSTS MAXIMUM PER CHARACTER FOR SUBSEQUENT ROUNDS). However, please allow others time to post if you feel like the thread is going too quickly. Feel free to respond to others, banter, and more.

There will be small rewards for participating, which will be administered by the end.[break][break]

Lastly, please include a TL;DR in your posts, notes that summarize concisely, your actions.[break][break]

FOR THIS ROUND, if your character is voting, please INCLUDE THE CHOSEN LOCATION IN YOUR TL;DR. Feel free to vote with all of your participating characters. You do not need to vote.[break][break]

Furthermore, depending on the circumstance, should any question be fielded toward Rocket Boss or any of the administration of the syndicate, your character's inquiry may have a chance of not being answered depending on the amount of players and characters participating.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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July 1
Lavender Town - Kanto
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
62 posts
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TAG WITH @dione
Dione Sutoringu
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2022 22:28:54 GMT
Dione Sutoringu Avatar
Dione was surprised by the girl to her right, ? Not that she had caught her name. A firm nod was given to the woman. "Agreed." She muttered, as she focused her eyes back on their boss. Face scrunched up, thinking of that place. It wasn't... well, she was not sure how to feel about this. It felt wrong, but she wasn't about to go arguing with the man who was paying her bills.

But at the mention of Petalburg... "Fancy, go there." She said under her breath, as the butterfly went and fluttered her way over. Flapping around the grunts head and staying there as instructed.

TLDR: Dione just agreeing and votes for Petalburg while also some weird attempt to talk to Ruby
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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,048 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2022 23:24:20 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

Walsh's proclamations did not go in the direction Zev expected. A frown pulled at the corners of his mouth as he turned over the proposed plan in his mind, his blue gaze considering each of the five grunts that represented the primal points. Then he leaned in toward and and said loudly enough for both of them to hear, "This doesn't add up. If you have trust in the League's plan, why risk sabotaging it by stealing a key primal crystal and dividing their resources with an attack on Littleroot?"[break][break]

The assassin shook his head. Plans should be designed and executed for maximum success. Without a reliable alternative, it seemed folly to intervene in the League's efforts. But opportunism was the nature of the beast that was Team Rocket. It seemed even they would throw reason to the wind to achieve their desires.[break][break]

He sighed and raised his voice so it could be heard by all in the plaza. "If we're splitting our forces for a multi-front attack, then my recommendation would be Petalburg City and the surrounding woods."[break][break]

The army officer within Zev awakened from beneath a decade of dust in the recesses of his mind.[break][break]

"The close proximity to Littleroot means that resources at one location can bolster the other if need arises. In the event both teams need to fall back, they can regroup at Oldale Town before teleporting back here."[break][break]

Opening a Poké Ball, he released his Gengar, Smoke. The spectral Pokémon grinned and floated over to the grunt representing Petalburg at a signal from his master.[break][break]

"As for me," Zev continued, expression neutral — almost indifferent, "I can join the operation at Littleroot, if you need. I was contracted with Rocket during the Kanto War, so I'm familiar with takeovers." He nodded at and in acknowledgement.




+ Open to interactions![break]
+ Thinks this plan is incredibly risky and dislikes it[break]
+ Votes for PETALBURG for strategic reasons[break]
+ Volunteers for the Littleroot operation

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caden, dr. maher
september 14th
medicine intern
leave the money on the table.
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caden maher
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2022 1:40:26 GMT
caden maher Avatar
[attr="class","postbody"] caden has never liked meetings like this. it's not so much that he doesn't like to be the center of attention — the opposite, actually — but things like this always make him feel out of his element. he can feel their father's gaze burning into his spine, reminding him who they are and what they stand for.

[break][break] each action they make in one of these meetings reflect on him, and the maher patriarch is not one who takes failure lightly.

[break][break] "spooky's one way to put it," he murmurs under his breath to his brother , who stands next to him. much like his twin, he stays the position of an observer, even when DECLAN WALSH comes to speak with them. as the different grunts take upon the stage, he glances at his brother.

[break][break] "which one do you think father wants us to vote for?"

[break][break] he glances sideways at his boss and mentor , wondering if she would have a spot on the spaceship for him. it was much more preferable than getting caught in some raid.

tldr; caden talky to and asks him what he wants to vote for

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2022 19:56:12 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Gavin's amber eyes narrow as the Rocket Boss speaks at last. So now we trust in not only the League, but the Triad as well? His skin prickles uncomfortably at the thought, and he's suddenly conscious of every shadow.

What is your goal, ?

Are you one of them?

There was a time where he would not dare to voice any opinion antagonistic to Rocket leadership, but such time has passed. He is an underboss. For what purpose does he hold that station if not to express his input?

He nods to when the other expresses his aligned opinion, then returns his golden gaze to their boss.

"To underestimate them is folly, I agree. But to sabotage their plan when we are set to rely on it for our own survival?" He shakes his head. "Surely we must be careful not to overestimate our enemy, as well."

Anxiety takes root deep in his gut, layers of conditioning screaming against his decision to speak out. He ignores it.

"Why Littleroot? If this is our best chance to capitalize on weakness, why not aim for a more ambitious target? Or one closer to Sootopolis, where our forces are strongest?"

Are we expected to fail?

He will risk no further dissent by voicing such inflammatory questions. Pale fingers curl around a pokeball, and he tosses it toward the grunt representing PETALBURG. His SHADOW DHELMISE phases ominously into being.

"My vote, if you cannot be dissuaded."

He is all too conscious of who holds power, here.

"I will go where I am needed."

- Gavin expresses disagreement with the plan, have mercy on his soul
Will vote PETALBURG if no negotiations are possible
(Gavin's vote has changed, see second post in this round!)

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March 03
Alamos, Sinnoh
boy genius
Associate Scientist
nature, nuture
heaven and home
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
sum of all and by them driven
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TAG WITH @kepler
kepler brueshaber
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2022 20:05:11 GMT
kepler brueshaber Avatar
Kepler loses all modicum of control or interest in whatever the fuck is going on as soon as Walsh suggests they’re sending people up to the meteor.

“Holy shit,” he says, eyes going wide. He barely stops himself from making grabby hands towards the Rocket boss, because, holy fuck? Holy fuck. And a very large part of him is screaming THIS IS A HORRIBLE IDEA YOU’RE GOING TO DIE but that part of him is swallowed up by his innate curiosity.

Kepler is a scientist, first and foremost. He will always be more concerned with the could over the should.

“Scratch the Primal Point, I want to go to the meteor,” he says, in a voice that is equal parts dreamy and drooly. He looks at and turns on his biggest, buggiest, pleadingest eyes, seconds away from saying please, mommy (in a sarcastic way, of course, obviously, it would be so funny, haha) but he realizes there needs to be just the slightest hint of professionalism in his life, and right now might be the best time to start.

He releases his Raboot, Mercury, and points him to the Petalburg grunt because that’s where everyone else is going and part of what makes Kep so smart is his tactical mind takes hints from people like who knows what the fuck they’re doing.

>> kepler wants to go to the moon, alice to the meteor, lulu
>> votes for petalburg
>> wearing

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saffron city
Hoenn TR Boss
Rocket Boss
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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declan walsh DOLLARS
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declan walsh
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2022 20:10:40 GMT
declan walsh Avatar

"there is no real sabotage."

The Boss's eyes glide from to Underboss like a shadow lengthening across pavement beneath an aging sun.

"they have set primal points in every single city and town in the region for reserves. the league's plan should still proceed."

Walsh shakes his head in return, fingers pressed against space above his stern nose.

"but if I must repeat myself, then I shall. we force an operation on a key primal point. in doing so, it buys time for those mining the meteoroid to complete their operation."

The Boss says.

"it buys time because they must switch to a reserve primal point. littleroot was chosen because of bryan's prior experience there, but also because such a city would be less guarded during a time of crisis. we will take stationed rockets near rowan's operation in sea mauville to move toward the vulnerable town."

Walsh is not offended, at least visibly. There are many moving parts. Many cogs and wheels turning and gnashing their teeth against each other for operation. Even he must consult his notes, rely on his and others' intel to ascertain the vast and nebulous world before them.

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2022 20:27:52 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Everything inside of Isaac wanted to raise a fuss when Walsh gave his plan. Don't have alternatives, and do sabotage the current plan? What the fuck? That sounded like the opposite of a plan! Then he remembered that he was but a mere underling, and Walsh was the current, acting head of Rocket. Standing against orders had gotten him in enough trouble in past after the whole lighthouse incident. Was he really going to repeat that while standing on the grandest stage of them all? With all of Rocket watching?[break][break]

Then stepped forward. He, too, was a cog in the machine. One of more worth than Isaac, but still not leadership. That was okay. He didn't need to be. A blade in the dark was better kept concealed. But he didn't need to be concealed here. This was a Rocket meeting. No pleasantries, no disguises, only a blade unsheathed and ready to be shoved into the League's back. He was no stranger to bloodshed, and would surely relish in the opportunity.[break][break]

Yet even he stayed his hand, telling Walsh to his face that didn't add up.[break][break]

A quiet hung over the meeting. Then another took the stage. , too? He was an underboss. He was one of the most feared underbosses in Rocket. The amount of pain and cruelty he enacted on those who stood against the interests of Rocket was legendary. Isaac saw him delete a man's soul, for crying out loud! Surely, if anyone would stand for Rocket's actions, right or wrong, it would have been him. He was more layered, more complicated than many new, but he had his reputation for good reason.[break][break]

And he, too, came with questions. After all, this was for the glory of Rocket, not one man's ambitions.[break][break]

These were two men that Isaac feared greatly. These were two men that Isaac, against all odds, found himself trusting. And where they dared to tread, Isaac dared to follow. "Yeah, Gavin's right. What would we get out of Littleroot?" Isaac asked. "I get if a big city's too risky to take. But what about a place like Fallabor? We'd still get a footprint on the mainland, but it'd have farmland, scientific value, and an easier position to fortify."[break][break]

Besides, the idea of taking over the most peaceful town in Hoenn sat poorly in Isaac's stomach. But that'd get him laughed at, while a utilitarian argument might actually have some merit to it. Biting his tongue about all the votes being sent to 's home base of Petalburg was hard enough. He couldn't come off like a total bleeding heart![break][break]

That wasn't even getting into the primal point plan. Striking while the iron was hot was one thing. Stealing the iron and having a big laugh about it was another. "If they have a backup point, can't we steal that?" Isaac asked. "I was told the Rangers would be mobilizing around 'the rocks.' If those are these Primal Points, we might have more than just League military showing up to defend them. Sure, they spent the meeting where they decided that slinging pies and insults at each other, but they're still a threat. Sending a small team of specialists to heist the reserve would get us what we want without sabotaging the League's efforts, right? And we'd be able to pull it off without spreading the main invasion force thin to boot."[break][break]

For one normally so squiggly around the more violent part of missions, there was ambition in Isaac's words. Maybe he was coasting on boosts to his reputation. Maybe he was truly taking Zev's lessons to heart. But at the very least, it seemed he was trying to firm his soft heart beneath a layer of strategy.[break][break]

A good thing, too. The Butterfree in it were making him feel nauseous.[break][break]

TEAL DEER:[break]
Zev and Gavin speaking up emboldens Isaac to follow suit.[break]
Isaac agrees with Gavin that a city may be a better target than Littleroot.[break]
Isaac wonders about heisting the reserve Primal Point instead of charging into a siege.[break]
Isaac also hints at the Rangers' clowning around and infighting.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / M-M-M-M-MEGATHREAD


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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2022 20:40:14 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Every word spoken by is heard, carefully studied, and judged, and by the time the Rocket Boss is done speaking, there’s a sour taste in Mars’ mouth. Why rely on the League’s plan and then sabotage one of their key primal points? Why not strike a couple of reserve ones? Even after clarification, it just doesn’t seem right. Mars gives a measured look, wondering if their thoughts align. 'Be careful.' He seems so say.
It’s like Walsh wants to trick them into messing up the League’s plan.
What if Walsh is working with the Dark Triad?
”Sir, if I may?” He speaks up, turning to look at the Rocket boss that stands behind him, one step higher. ”I would like to recommend that those who attack the primal point are disguised so their Rocket affiliation isn’t revealed. If we’re going to focus on what will happen after the meteor is dealt with, then we should consider that attempting to mess with the only plan to deal with said meteor won’t build Team Rocket any good rapport with the public. It wouldn’t be advisable to needlessly lose the support of potential recruits and allies. Posing as Dark Triad seems like the most logical option, given that they're expected to attack the primal points."
He speaks calmly yet loud enough for everyone to hear; his tone being ever so levelled while his gaze remains fixed only on Walsh. The Unown-! floating by his side looks at Walsh as well.
As for Littleroot, it may not be the best time for it, but how could Mars deny his revenge? Walsh makes valid points concerning the town, enough to appease the underboss' concerns.
"The Littleroot attack may also be harmful in this regard, but less so considering the results the Sootopolis takeover had and the current discontent with the League. Many wish for Rocket to control more of the region, especially now.”
Only once this is said does he turn to face the crowd once again.
”My vote will likely also go to PETALBURG. I have a smuggling facility hidden beneath the forest. It can be used to coordinate troops if needed.”
He wonders what would think of that matter, but all of their resources are at the disposal of Team Rocket. The smuggling facility belongs to the syndicate, just as everyone here does as well. He has other reasons for this choice. Those reasons remain unsaid.



[break]■ Tells WALSH that attacking a PRIMAL POINT may harm public perception of Rocket since it's the only plan to deal with the meteor. Recommends being disguised as DARK TRIAD when attacking.
[break]■ Expresses that many wish for Rocket to control more of the region
[break]■ Might vote for PETALBURG because he has a smuggling facility near the city that can be used for coordinating troops, still deciding


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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2022 22:05:28 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar


Ah, of course he’s here, Nomi thought of as he spoke up, his expression far from the jovial smile he usually wore when she made her regular beer deliveries to his bar. She wasn’t surprised; there had always been something about the man that had reminded her of an earthquake: the rumblings of destruction needed only to be roused by the right catalysts, but were otherwise hidden beneath the surface of a well-cultivated exterior landscape. She had not necessarily guessed him to be Rocket, but it felt about as logical as the sky being blue for some reason.[break][break]
When spoke, Nomi listened carefully. He was a man she had worked with several times now, and she trusted his opinion. Littleroot is indeed a strange choice, she agreed. It was a peaceful, harmless town. Do the people there deserve to have their lives thrown into chaos because of this? No more or less deserving than the population of any other place, she supposed. Perhaps it made sense to attack somewhere where the least amount of bystanders could be injured or hurt. There are no easy choices here.[break][break]
As for her own vote, she found that she did not care much for any of this warfare business with the League. What truly mattered was the meteor, the substance detected on it, and the secrets to be learned from it. Men like might be thinking only of monetary gains, which made sense - many here were entrepreneurs and business owners, she knew - but it was a small-minded, simplistic view, in the end. The real wealth to be gained from the meteor was knowledge. What incredible new things awaited them there? What Pokemon? Or perhaps there were lifeforms that were neither human nor Pokemon? A thrill coursed through her at the thought. I want to be there. I want to see these things with my own eyes.[break][break]
Nomi looked at her friend, , knowing she was likely thinking the same exact things as Nomi about the amazing opportunity that now laid before them. She grinned excitedly at the other young woman, then stepped forward a bit. "I offer my services as a scientist to the effort of studying the meteor and extracting the unknown material on it,” she declared, once again finding that she was not afraid to speak to this crowd. Her gaze settled upon and once more. "I will do whatever it takes to gain as much knowledge and resources as I can from such a venture. I believe this is an opportunity for Rocket - and for the world - that absolutely cannot be passed up.”[break][break]
She paused, tapping her cheek thoughtfully with her finger. A curl of pink hair fell into her face as she cocked her head slightly. "As for my vote...well, I’m no military strategist, but doesn’t it seem silly to attack a location so far from our stronghold of Sootopolis? What if we need to retreat, or send a unit back for additional firepower? Rocket needs to survive this clash if we hope to rise to power as a result of whatever we bring back from the meteor.” She looked down at Valerian and nodded at him. He understood, of course. The Sylveon padded forward, graceful and wholly unaffected by whatever eyes might be on him, and sat promptly in front of the grunt representing Mt. Pyre.



+ Nomi's Outfit[break][break]


+ Nomi wants to study the meteor more than anything else; she will do whatever it takes for such an opportunity[break]
+ Nomi is voting for Mt. Pyre because of its close proximity to the Rocket stronghold of Sootopolis

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP