i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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September 7
Spectra Trainee
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244 height
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2022 21:18:46 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

This was not her intention. No, she wanted to hurt and break whatever it was that attacked them. At least she stopped the attack for now, seemingly saving her current helper’s Pokemon. Gratitude and adulation were, of course, appreciated. Always. But at the end of the day, she knew that this was more of an incidental thing. Still, she said nothing, leaving the girl in the belief that she had helped on purpose.
Could never hurt, that. Plus, things were just starting to get crazy. They always were. Vio could not spare too much time catching her breath and dealing with Andrea. There suddenly was a the strange woman from the Soiree, a storm of Unown and the mythical Pokemon or whatever doing…something. Didn’t really matter what it was. Energy burst from it, and that did not kill or hurt them. All Vio needed to know for the moment. Though, incidentally, Mawile did seem affected. Only instead of looking pained or troubled.
Instead, it seemed….electrified? There were sparks coming from the mouth that had just let loose a Hyper Beam. That should have taken her out of commission momentarily, but she seemed more energized. The Mawile looked at Violet, and she simply nodded. Whatever was happening to her Pokemon, the latter probably knew best what that was all about. What it felt it could do. Hence, Vio gave it green light with that to try and do something with that electricity, that absorbed power. Mawile did try to use Tera Blast, once more aiming at the Deoxis.
But Violet was slightly distracted from that by the visage of Hoenn coming ever closer. A pretty view, certainly. But still way too close for comfort, as far as she was concerned. Hence, she started to head back towards Lulu and Nomi, despite the danger. Those two probably knew better what to do. “So, um, just in case this comet does break apart after all…are we ready to get off of it?”

+ Mega Mawhile goes Tera Electric and attempts to use Tera Blast at Deoxys (attack Deoxys prompt), Violet heads towards Rocket friends ( , hoping they could get off this place before it blows, just in case



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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2022 1:55:56 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

the meteor beam left victims in its wake. ’s frustration was fair, and lulu grit her teeth on the other end, silent in the instant she had to respond before more things were happening.
the terastal phenomenom. an entirely new and alien sight. she gawked briefly, before spinning at the sudden appearance of an assassin next to them.[break][break]
”holo!” driven by impulse, she lunged towards the assassin, only to find her hands empty when she teleported away. the attacks rained, and she looked towards the mineral, noting the crack. the mist that leaked from it. ”what is that?”[break][break]
it was a moment later than she got her answer. with avatars in danger around the unown and dark triad, darkrai slipped into the shadows again, in order not to draw attention to its patron. noting it, lulu reached for her poipole’s ball, releasing it.[break][break]
”penrose!“ she watched as the ultra beast terastallized into a normal-type, with a beautiful crown on its head. lulu’s eyes went to the leaking mist again, concerned. ”shit.” would it die now?[break][break]
theo’s prompt to take dr. holo was followed, with less than a second’s hesitation. while there was surely little time left, the ship could be left behind. they’d take pokémon down.[break][break]
they had to get the upper hand somehow, or their world would simply end another way.[break][break]
”the meteoroid is not breaking apart! after dr. holo!” of course, she was unaware of ’s plan that echoed through the league comms.[break][break]
with a gesture towards ’s bronzong, poipole was sent to lend a helping hand to his psychic.


  • to make lulu less conspicuous as an avatar, darkrai hides
  • poipole is released, terastalizes to normal-type
  • lulu says jk meteor's not breaking in half, after dr. holo!
  • poipole uses helping hand to assist 's bronzong's psychic on dr. holo. (tag another character prompt)

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,597 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2022 1:58:25 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar


Nomi watched with astonishment as Trill’s last resort METRONOME seamlessly transformed into a powerful BEAK BLAST - so powerful, in fact, that it was actually able to divert the attack of the Meteno-Deoxys away from . When the sparks settled and the dust cleared, Nomi was relieved to see that the head scientist was alive and well, as was Darkrai. Nomi’s heart was pounding a thousand miles a minute inside of her chest, and she was gripping onto Trill’s feathery fur so hard she realized she might be hurting him.[break][break]
But it seemed her Togekiss was not quite finished transforming.[break][break]
All of a sudden, his body began to glow a bright, fiery orange-gold, and his form became...almost crystalline in nature, though he still felt like a flesh and blood creature beneath Nomi’s body as she held onto his back. Above his head, a sparkling shape began to form: a tiara of living flames that also seemed to be adorned with rainbow-hued opals. Despite being in the middle of a life and death battle of survival while riding atop a catastrophic meteor, Nomi couldn’t help but marvel at just how beautiful her Pokémon suddenly looked - she stared, mouth gaping open in shock, brain immediately beginning to process all of the implications behind what she was witnessing. She couldn't wait to tell and about this![break][break]
"What strange new phenomenon is this?” The pink-haired scientist breathed excitedly, trying to memorize every detail of Trill’s new astral state. He seemed to be filled with an inner warmth, not unlike many FIRE-type Pokémon Nomi had met over the years. He did know the FIRE BLAST attack, after all...perhaps this was somehow drawing from that power?[break][break]
No...whatever's happening, it’s happening to everyone’s Pokemon, she realized, ripping her gaze from Trill and studying her surroundings. Other Pokémon within the vicinity were beginning to glow and change in the same way Trill had - different colors, some also had head adornments - crowns? Hats? The meteor is doing this! Is this the effect of the mineral we were trying to steal?[break][break]
Nomi would have given anything for a few extra minutes to go full scientific research mode and take as many notes as possible about the new evolution? Effect? Ability?, but alas, there was a highly dangerous wild Deoxys on the loose and...a strange white-haired woman Nomi had never seen before, surrounded by Unown, who seemed to be...attempting to teleport the mineral, and herself, away from the rest of the meteor?[break][break]
No! We worked hard for that mineral! That belongs to us! An anger as hot as Trill felt blossomed in Nomi’s chest, and she urged her Pokémon to fly down closer to , so that she would have a more direct view of the situation. As attacks began to break through the defenses of the Unown, Nomi noticed that the Meteno-Deoxys was readying another attack...and all of a sudden, she had an idea.[break][break]
Her Togekiss had diverted the Deoxys’s attack once, hadn’t he? Maybe Trill could do it again...right into the white-haired woman![break][break]
"Trill, send a FIRE BLAST at the wild Deoxys! Try and divert its attack into the woman with the Unown!”[break][break]
He made an agreeable sound and opened his mouth. However, the energy that coalesced there wasn’t exactly the normal fire Nomi had seen him use on occasion...instead, it was as sparkling and crystallized as his new body.[break][break]
A TERRA BLAST shot out in the direction of the wild Deoxys, hopefully timed exactly right to divert its attack into the fleeing mineral thief.[break][break]

Togekiss uses METRONOME


+ Nomi is relieved (and astonished!) to learn that she and Trill have saved 's life[break]
+ Soon after, however, Trillium the Togekiss begins to TERASTALLIZE, though Nomi does not understand what that is (she is FASCINATED however)[break]
+ Trillium the Togekiss becomes the FIRE TERA TYPE, which matches his attack FIRE BLAST[break]
+ Nomi flies down closer to Lulu & orders Trill to attack the Meteno-Deoxys in hopes of diverting its powerful attack into the white-haired woman (Dr. Holo), stopping her from teleporting away with the mineral (like how Nomi & Trill just diverted the attack away from Lulu and Darkrai).[break]
+ Trillium the Togekiss uses TERA BLAST[break]
+ Uses one SALAC BERRY[break][break]


  • Tag another character in the raid!
  • Use Tera Blast!
  • Attack the Meteno-Deoxys!

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[newclass=".nomitest2 .nomitest2pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]·
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,915 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2022 5:53:54 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"Aslan, NOOOOOOOOO!!!" Josh cried what would be loud enough for anyone to be able to hear him despite the confusion of battle, if this battle were taking place on Hoenn. But this battle was taking place on Meteno 99943.

In space, no one can hear you scream.

The thin but focused METEOR BEAM screamed toward Aslan at great speeds. While the sheer distance between the two would normally be enough for the swift Pyroar to dodge, the meteor's low gravity worked against them, slowing their leap down. Instead of piercing the lion's ribcage, the beam cut gaping holes in both of his upper left legs.

The rock-type attack, unlike many other beams, made no effort to cauterize the brutal wound. The albino Pyroar's upper legs and underside were stained, the holes the METEOR BEAM passed through nothing short of gushing red. If Josh had suffered that kind of wound, it would have instantly been lethal. Thankfully for them both, Pokémon were just barely tough enough to survive blows like that. Even Full Restore wouldn't do his Pokémon good. He would need to take his Pyroar to the top medical facility in all of Hoenn to have a shot at surviving. His condition would make him a Priority One patient, but even that might not be enough.

Josh was nothing short of livid. Quite a bit louder than needed to, he tuned his comms to 's and 's channel. "That's IT. That Deoxys is GOING DOWN!" he cried, recalling his Pyroar on death's door and sending out his Manectric. What he was about to do was extremely dangerous, and required him to be in the saddle, just as his second-in-command at the Gym would need to be to do his job in activating the Primal Point. Josh had secretly practiced this with Shawn at his Gym in his off days leading up to the launch. Circumstances made this different in many ways, but the principle was going to be the same.

Josh was about to go faster than he'd ever gone before.

As the Mauville Leader climbed onto Saber, a TERA CROWN materialized on the electric-type's head. The rider could feel the static sensation disappearing as crystallized wings sprouted from his mount's sides, the Manectric TERASTALLIZING into the FLYING-TYPE. If anything, the unexpected capability to fly would make the attack more accurate and stronger than it would be otherwise. He firmly held the winged electric-type's reins, crossing them.

"HYPERSONIC..." Josh cried, his heart racing faster than it ever had before. This was going to be the fastest, most rough and tumble ride he had ever been on. Resheph's EXTREME SPEED was fast. 's Articuno was faster yet. This, though, was going to blow those two out of the water. He switched off the speed display on the HoloWear provided to him by . The last thing he needed to see was a fourth figure be added to it.



[Electric, Priority]
The user is enveloped in lightning bolts, becoming faster than the speed of sound. This move will always do at least neutral damage regardless of the target’s type or abilities.

Josh uncrossed his arms and flicked Saber's reins with all his strength. The two became enveloped in a maelstrom of lightning and shot toward the wild Deoxys at supersonic speed, every minor adjustment the rider made on the verge of inducing whiplash. Had he not practiced this many times, it would have left him paralyzed from the sheer speed of it all. Josh's eyes were watering despite not being exposed to a shred of wind, only able to see what was directly in front of him. Even people and objects at acute angles were heavily blurred.

If this was what riding Raikou would be like, it was beyond terrifying.



The METEOR BEAM has critically injured Aslan to the brink of death. If he is released from his Poké Ball, he will DIE WITHIN A HALF HOUR if not given emergency medical treatment at a top-quality medical facility. Recovery will be a slow, painful, and work-intensive process for Aslan. He will suffer from FULL-BODY PARALYSIS and be BEDRIDDEN until January 6, 2023, site time. Any attempts to use him in any other activities between now and then will be met with his IMMEDIATE DEATH.

Furthermore, Aslan will need to complete TWO THREADS depicting rehabilitation from his injury, set between the dates of January 6, 2023, and March 10, 2023. Until then, he CAN NOT PARTICIPATE in BATTLES, RACES, or RAIDS in any kind, nor can be bear a rider under any circumstance.

- Josh SCREAMS LOUDLY from watching holes get torn in his Pyroar's left legs from the Meteor Beam.
- Josh announces to and over comms that he is taking out the wild Deoxys.
- Manectric Terastallizes to the FLYING-TYPE.
- Josh mounts his Manectric and has him use the Z-Move, HYPERSONIC PLASMA CHARGE, targeting the wild Deoxys.

- Tag 3 characters
- Target the Deoxys for attack.

{WC: 636}
{PC: 4}

Salacs in Inventory: 2

NAME           SPECIES         STATUS
Saber          Manectric       Good
Aslan          Pyroar          KO
Twilight       Absol           Good
Resheph        Dragonair       KO
Janus          Espeon          Good
Bladestorm     Skarmory        Good

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
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Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2022 6:57:35 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]



The infinity energy spikes, surging across her suit and into the crystal bloom heart of the Gallade. Their continued BOLDNESS fuels a flawless PROTECT. The shimmering barrier withstands the onslaught of the alien’s attack, protecting herself, , and his Mightyena from the METEOR BEAM. Eva swears she can feel the energy tingling across her body as sparks of Infinity energy snapping across her limbs and towards her core, bonding her with the Gallade to strengthen his every move, “Wow,” she mutters, glancing down at the ivory and emerald suit, “This is incredible,” she mostly spoke to Kyle who was also donning his SYGNA SUIT, taking a brief moment to wonder if he was having similar sensations.


A familiar, and rather annoying voice, suddenly sounded from behind them. Unfortunately, Eva knew who it was before she even turned around. Dr. Holo. She remembered her well from the infamous Star Soiree. She should have known the scientist was involved with the Dark Triad. Eva instinctively moved to stand between and the Assassin, knowing they had a penchant for taking out Avatars.


Change of plans? Not today.


“Over my dead body!” she barks between clenched teeth, her BOLDNESS perhaps loosening the reins of her inhibition a little too much. The moment she lunged was the moment she wished she would have used a different phrase. Eva had no intentions of dying today but she sure was acting like a fool LUNGING TOWARDS DR. HOLO, looking to TACKLE the woman to the ground and physically restrain her from attempting to warp anything.


She’d worked too hard for this, Hoenn had. The Triad had no right to dictate their fate. The future belonged to the Hoenn people, not these assassins. Because of her BOLD assault on the Megalopolan, she missed the cracks in the crystals and the energy that surges out to empower the pokemon bound to the foreign rock.


The Gallade, who is quick to try and go after Eva, was struck with this energy. The flood of power was enough to stop him in his tracks. The transformation wasn’t agonizing, but it was . . . strange. A foreign energy crystalized above his head, forming the tall, regal crown with wisps of shimmering pink tails that billowed behind the dual type. He could feel the FAE energy flowing through his body. In combination with the INFINITY ENERGY, Blade felt unstoppable.


It was too late to go after Eva now. In the wake of the Terastalizing, a myriad of UNOWN had begun to swirl around Dr. Holo. Leaping into the air, the Gallde summoned whatever new energy this was, letting it flow through him in waves. The crystalline structure atop his head sparked, gathering FAIRY TYPE energy until it BLASTED forward towards the wall of Unown.




+ Eva tries to tackle Dr. Holo, she’s being too BOLD[break]
+ Gallde’s tera-type is FAIRY[break]
+ Gallade uses TERABLAST on the wall of Unown[break]
+ Eva is just hoping she doesn’t perish -thumbsup-



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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2022 23:17:40 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
She finds herself abruptly in the company of a group of people ( , , , ), all who've sought refuge behind 's ship - including the champion himself.

"'Sup, boss?" The intentionally casual greeting is in direct contrast to all the life-threatening chaos unfolding around them. As if to drive her point home, Skyler gives a thumbs-up. Her visor is pitch black, but he'd probably recognize her voice, right? Right.

Dr. Holo's appearance is greeted with lips pulled back in clear animosity, Skyler's annoyance spiking at the attempt to Teleport the crystal formations away - and out of their (her) reach.

A tug-of-war ensues, with the white-haired doctor at its epicenter. A blink of surprise is targeted at 's bold pounce, but other than that Skyler barely takes notice, uncaring for the doctor's fate so as long as some of the crystalline material is left behind. Five minutes, had said.

Probably enough, comes the thought, stepping over all manner of common sense to find permanent lodging in her brain.

Skyler didn't fancy another visit to a doomed Sea Hoenn. But she also didn't fancy leaving the meteor without a souvenir of sorts.

She takes notice of 's Dragapult first, crystalline growths sparkling along the length of its serpentine shape. When Johnny steps from somewhere behind her, she sees the same faceted surfaces coating the dark fur of the Urshifu's arms. A blue fountain-like growth covers her head.

... Okay.

Sure. Why not.

Skillfully shrugging off this new input of information, Skyler hoists herself up onto the spaceship. She seizes 's aptly-timed distraction to have Johnny TERA BLAST the crystalline growth, blue energy aiming to explode spectacularly against clear, faceted surfaces.

A jet of water joins it, Skyler's avatar powers drawing crimson markings over her skin - unseen under the spacesuit.


- hi , glad you're here buddy
- skyler watches everyone try to get a piece of dr holo. weird flex, but ok
- decides that she wants to grab some of those crystals (for herself? for the league? who knows?)
- urshifu terastalizes into water-type
- skyler uses 's distraction to have urshifu TERA BLAST the crystal formation
- skyler uses her avatar powers to conjure a water jet, helping urshifu

- use the move tera blast
- tag characters in the raid

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March 03
Alamos, Sinnoh
boy genius
Associate Scientist
nature, nuture
heaven and home
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
sum of all and by them driven
541 posts
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TAG WITH @kepler
kepler brueshaber
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 1:10:02 GMT
kepler brueshaber Avatar
So in all of his endless suffering on this piece of shit rock, Kepler didn’t realize the meteor Deoxys had a fancy, special treasure-chest shaped hat on its head. He doesn’t see that part until later.

The meteor beam hits the meteor and sends up big chunks of stone shrapnel. The whole rock seems to vibrate with the power and energy being dumped into it. Kepler peeks up for two seconds and watches Andraste get caught in the beam.

It’s like a scene out of an anime. Her form turns into a silhouette and then, frame by frame, turns to dust, and disappears. It really couldn’t have taken longer than a second but he swears he’s staring into the sun for half a minute.

Missed him by the skin of his teeth. He is trying really, really hard not to piss himself, as he stares through the space-dust remnants of his Pokemon at the rapidly enlarging visage of Hoenn below. Incredibly blue, his brain supplants, helpfully.

He pushes to his feet, trembling like a leaf, and sees the ninja lady-- wait, what the fuck? “What is happening here?!” he asks no one in particular, very fucking confused at everything that has transpired. The ninja (what the fuck?) says she’s going to warp the whole kit and caboodle away.

Then everyone attacks her?

“Isn’t that what we want? He asks-- again, no one in particular-- as something like steam, but sparklier, begins to puff up through the cracks in the mineral vein. He’s ground level and point blank and inhales a big lungful as he stumbles back, coughing and waving to clear his face.

and say it’s time to fucking bail and Kepler is more than ready to get off this hell-rock. But that stupid treasure-chest-hatted Deoxys is in between him and the Mash.

He throws out his Doublade and reaches for a pouch in his spacesuit labeled SUPER DUPER EMERGENCY ONLY. He pulls out a z-crystal and crushes it against the dual-types blade as Hagakure’s surface slowly becomes crystalline.

”Flash cannon!” Kepler says, pointing at the giant, floating alien, before making a bolt for it.


Kepler's dragapult dies frowny face
brings out Doublade.
Doublade terastlylizes(?) STEEL-TYPE. Kepler uses his one Z-CRYSTAL to turn FLASH CANNON into CORKSCREW CRASH
and then runs for the space pod (so back across the meteor)
tagged a homie, interacted with deoxys, referenced the view of hoenn

i wanted to do more but brain too small

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shiba inu
april 4th
saffron, kanto
inu ceo
and in this hell you'll stay
24 height
24 height
if this is the last night and you're feeling hollow - i'll give you my half life so you see tomorrow
122 posts
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TAG WITH @sheba
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 1:55:00 GMT

everyone seems to be safe, good. good... [break][break]

save for her sceptile, whose tail is nearly severed by the explosion caused by the beam's contact. he isn't dead when he quickly throws his trainer to safety, but he suffers damages - to where sheba is left scraped and slightly burned on the ground, staring at the sceptile who lays in the foreign dirt. quickly she pulls out a pokeball, recalling the knocked out lizard. [break][break]

in the meantime, she hides behind the ship, a smile to her lips in spite of the situation, giving and a salute. "i hope you two don't mind me staying here for a little while.." she tilts her head, then turns to glance back out.. and sees that is still okay. that's good. [break][break]

there's a foreign presence, and she can't say it's welcome. i mean, they don't look like anyone aligned with rocket.. or the league. but maybe she's wrong, and she can't tell friend from foe anymore. in preparation, she pulls out another rpokeball, revealing a charizard to stand, hunched still by his trainer. the people around her start to attack the figure, who screams, and yells, upon witnessing the anomaly displayed by 's mightyena. [break][break]

the charizard at her size begins to radiate with a dark sheen, black as night with only the stars to reflect his shape. then a fountain-like sprout appears on top of his head, and sheba can't help but to stare for a little while. how odd. [break][break]

but isn't it a kind of beautiful? [break][break]

"ah, no time to be admiring.." she has to tell herself, verbally, or else she'll keep staring. her attention turns up to the flurry of unown, circling with their.. eyes. eugh. "shoot them all down." the command is given, and the charizard lets out a roar as a beam of darkness sweeps into the night, sweeping at the unown that crowd the woman. [break][break]

and as they descend, she's starting to see the blue of the atmosphere. it's beautiful, being able to stand at the cusp of night and day; and it's a shame she can't capture this moment with a picture. she'll just have to paint it for her kids when she gets home. if she can find a way off this damned rock before then.



- SCEPTILE fainted dorime[break]
- CHARIZARD comes out CMERE[break]
- CHARIZARD is pretty and TERASTALLIZES to DARK[break]
- more make up and fashion ideas?? ayo?[break]
- she's a lil anxious how the FUCK is she getting off this rock



99943 meteno

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 2:40:05 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Was this… was this how it felt like while staring down at futility? While the view of the region far beneath where they were looked nice, fact of the matter was it was getting way too close for comfort.

Before he could gather his wits and plan their next move, though, someone had decided to move ahead without warning, without waiting for his go-ahead—

“Kid, what the fuck are you doing?! he hollered at as the other literally screamed (boy that was loud) over the private line…

However there was going to be no reasoning with the younger man. For the moment at least.

“Hai un desiderio di morte?!1 he shouted back, mostly at the younger man (he was pretty sure only the other would hear him) but there was no reasoning…

Mamma mia, he’d definitely need to talk to him later. When they got out of here.

Preferably in one piece.

Little did he know that was also there, holy shit…

‘I see something.’


‘Somewhere far off in the distance. It’s… it’s a Hydreigon, only the colors are all wrong.’

‘Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me!’

‘Why, you know who owns that Pokémon?’

‘…unfortunately, yes.’

‘Forgive the Kalosian, but—well, shit.’


He then blinked and shook his head—he wondered how and were doing. Probably somewhere in the distance… because yes he saw a swarm of Unown seemingly spiral from some distance away, but no he didn’t know that there was someone else familiar there…

His attention was drawn toward the other Deoxys, the one that had burst from the meteor…

‘I’m going to need your—’ he began to say, before the second voice in his head cut him off.

‘Say no more.’

For some strange reason, the normally frigid aura that hung around the Iceborne Mirage suddenly intensified, like something was happening—something strange, something unbelievable.

‘What are you thinking?’

‘Normally, you’d ask me for permission to do this, but. How about I take the lead for once?’

‘Are you—’

‘Hang on to your underwear, as your kind say!’

The Iceborne Mirage themselves, Articuno, was bursting with an even colder energy than it already brought along with themselves. Thank the unholy fuck Lars was immune to the cold!

A brief coiling of energy, before the Mirage glared down the other Deoxys, the one that had hurled a Meteor Beam earlier—

If it was possible to feel actual temperature changes out in space, then one particular portion of the world was going to potentially maybe freeze over, because of the way the ‘wind’ around their space suddenly dropping several degrees as Lars held on tight for his fucking life—

And in a sense of complete, total irony, the Articuno unleashed their Z-Move, ironically (maybe hilariously, because Lars had a rather warped sense of humor) called ‘the End of the World’, aiming it as close as possible at the meteor!Deoxys.

They could have that at least, couldn’t they?


cue SPACE MAN by Sam Ryder
referenced the view of Hoenn oh shit are we all going to die?
• Lars has a few words with little Josh
1‘Do you have a death wish?!’
‘idiota, don’t charge ahead without me!’
• Articuno points out the presence of Chomper somewhere, thanks bird vision (hi )
• several existentially quiet minutes later, it’s go time
• the two fly closer to where meteor!Deoxys is trying to blast them all
• Articuno TERASTALIZES into the Ice-type (what else is there there’s nothing else! STAB bonus go?!)
• rider and legendary have a few more words before
• Articuno unleashes their Z-Move, ‘The End of the World’ aimed as close as possible to the meteor!Deoxys
• that ugly 2 wtf. using a Salac!

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the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,586 posts
noah faber DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noah
noah faber
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 3:41:05 GMT
noah faber Avatar

noah recalls his hariyama. red light flickers on his face like siren signals as his urshifu is sent out.[break][break]

the energy from the mineral vein wafts across the meteoroid face. as hoenn nears, the gym leader feels a burning pang across his chest. the sight, shrouded in cloud and sea, is equally sublime as it is terrifying.[break][break]

his urshifu exhales all breath and focuses. its tough frame is suddenly wreathed in crystalline shape, hexagonal cuts and faces hued dark.[break][break]

"i'm down!" noah shouts to .[break][break]

he hopes the others handling dr. holo and deoxys are okay; there is little time to check.[break][break]

the DARK-TYPE TERA CROWN is brandished atop the bear's head with a brilliant shine. empowered by this mysterious ether and the howl of a SHADOW MIGHTYENA, the urshifu plunges its fist against the meteoroid in hopes of breaking it further apart with a WICKED BLOW.


[attr="class","ooc"] xEynmsSb[break][break]
TL;DR dark-type terastallized urshifu WICKED BLOWS meteoroid; references view of hoenn.[break]

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon urshifu"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-machamp"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-hariyama"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-medicham"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-chesnaught"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-haunter"]

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
554 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 3:49:11 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
And yet it was enough. Neither to even do a mote of damage to the assassin and her letter-shaped entity nor to abate the onslaught from the beam. All they could do was weather the fallout as the beam and the subsequent explosion assailed them and overwhelmed them.

The shockwaves reverberated as they pushed her back against Nephthys before she once again hit the ground.

Her chest.

Her arm.

It all throbbed and seared once again, drawing her focus for just an instant before she hit the ground and found her fall and tumble broken.


She had muttered out its name but it was too late for the sea serpent that had taken the brunt of its hit and was already knocked out. But no matter how much the pain had continued to ravage her, she could not let herself remain idle.

She had to stand back up.

"I'm sorry, Nephthys." She recalled the Milotic back into its ball before forcing herself back up.

No matter how hard and deep she breathed.

No matter how much she clenched her left eyelids.

No matter how much she gritted her teeth.

Elaine needed to stand back up and fight and this time, she would hold nothing back.

"Titania! It's your turn!" From another Pokeball emerged the deceiver Pokemon, maw opening widely at the sight of her injured trainer towards the alien being floating in the sky.

The Unown and the assassin had relocated elsewhere. So, rather than dwelling on that, she needed to focus on the threat before her.

Despite it all, Elaine couldn't help but find herself eliciting a chuckle. It was funny. In the grand scheme of things, her unbearable pain was miniscule in comparison to what would befall the beautiful region of blues and greens she could see the approaching ever so gradually. Yeah, something so small as her pain was not enough to stop her from preventing that sight from turning into a hellscape.

So, she turned to the source of the initial meteor beam that had been floating above them. She took out a journal and a pen and as she removed the pen from the journal, a wave of energy flowed from it to Mawile.

As its body transformed and its maw split into two, Elaine issued a command. "Titania, bounce off the shrapnel to that monster and slam it with Iron Head!"

  • Elaine's spacesuit
  • Milotic is knocked out, Elaine suffers further damage to arm and chest
  • Milotic is switched out for Mawile (Intimidate activates towards Meteno-Deoxys)
  • Mawile Mega Evolves and uses Iron Head on Meteno-Deoxys
  • Prompts Fulfilled: Reference the view of Hoenn, Engage Meteno-Deoxys
  • PAIN

Elaine and Team Status

Elaine: Left Arm and Chest injured, extent unknown
Ginga (Metagross)-Critically Injured
Titania (Mawile)-Good Condition-Mega
Tiamat (Flygon)-Good Condition
Nephthys (Milotic)-Out of commission
Astrape (Luxray)-Good Condition
Asteria (Absol)-Good Condition


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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
953 posts
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 4:13:12 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
with a suck of his teeth, his eyes do not avert from the alien-clad individual- not even to look at the projectiles that had flown his way, it was inconsequential.

"little rude don't you think? can't even spare me a pre-defeat interview? you rockets lack tact. maybe when this is all over as apart of your rehabilitation into society i can be your sponsor, teach you not to be so... you. howboudat?"

he adjust his position to hang with one arm, but as gravity began to grow, his attention turned to the view of hoenn, growing ever closer.

the end is drawing near, and with them out of time, kim pulls himself up onto the hoop, viewing all that transpires from below.

he thinks for a moment, watching as more and moves are unleashed, pokemon taking new forms, and some crazy hoe doin whatever the hell she doin all while dahlia buzzes in his ear with a countdown.

clicking his tongue a few times he ponders, the hoopa hanging from the same hoop he perched himself on.

decisions, decisions.” he chimes before a mime jr. is released, a platform made from a hoop for it to stand on as a low but audible honk sounds from it since the moment of its release.

what do you think rion?” kim and the hoopa face the pokemon, a disquieting look placed upon the hoopas face as he eyes the mime.

-oooooooOOOnk.”  in the midst of its long squeak more to the tune of a death rattle, the pokemon draws energy from the meteor, lightning engulfing it before its eyes grow a bright yellow. “yea. okay.

turning its sight downwards the mime jr. projects an arc of THUNDERBOLT from its mouth down towards the m!deoxys, uncaring of anything or anyone caught in its wake.

and once its arc concluded, the mime smacked its lips as if satisfied from a filling meal, then hopped over onto kims shoulder as he took count of the remaining league, planning the escape of those that had none of their own.

ღ called rude
ღ let the voices win (his mime jr.) and it terrestrialized to electric type and used thunderbolt on m!deoxys/anyone caught in its line of sight
ღ kim takes count of league and plans to take care of anyone that doesn't have their own escape
ღ looked at earf/tagged someone/attacked deoxys
ღ hoopa is only out to use avatar hoop powers


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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 5:25:34 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


Her nimble dodging pays off, and Luka survives the Deoxys' attack relatively unscathed. She breaths a sigh of relief from her spot behind the destroyed ship, happy to see that her teammates are all faring about as well as they could hope to.[break][break]

Luka takes a moment to catch her breath and stare out at the expanse of space and infinite sea of stars around them. It's beautiful, truly. She wishes she could see more of it under better circumstances.[break][break]

It only takes a few seconds for her to break from her reverie, however. Fighting explodes around her once again while some go after Deoxys, and others attack Dr. Holo. Caught between the two options, Luka freezes.[break][break]

She hates the League plan. She hates warping the meteor into Sea!Hoenn and condemning an entire planet to the fate that their region is trying to avoid. And she can't evade the soul-crushing guilt she feels knowing that, should their universe survive, they might one day cause the end of the world.[break][break]

It's very tempting, suddenly, to leap to the woman's aid. If Holo is left to her devices, perhaps the meteor will fail to warp and the League's plan will fail. The implications are dire, and it's very selfish for Luka to want to inflict her martyrdom onto an entire region...even though that's the whole reason she'd chosen to come to the meteor in the first place.[break][break]

But looking down at that expanse of blue and the sprawling greenery of Hoenn, she can't help but feel a pang of regret for the home left far behind her. Her time in Hoenn has been bittersweet, full of love and loss and heartbreak. It's easy enough to say she'd be willing to give her life to save another's, but to sacrifice everyone she's come to know and adore over the year is far more difficult.[break][break]

It's enough to give her pause and reconsider her dangerous line of thinking. But in the midst of all her confusion, doubt, and the chaos around her, 's voice rings clear over the comms. And it lifts her spirits to realize that, even amidst all this strife and chaos, others haven't lost hope or compassion. They haven't given up the way she almost had. If there's a chance to mitigate the damage this meteor might do to Sea!Hoenn, even if it's a long shot, she's determined to take it.[break][break]

"I understand, Monsieur Lopez!" Luka says into her comms, and breaks away from the of the group. What she's planning to do might be silly, and it's definitely reckless, and she doesn't want anyone else getting caught up in it.[break][break]

As she runs, her Blaziken bursts from his luxury ball and races alongside her. The energy seeping from the mineral vein crystalizes atop his head like with so many others; this particular crown glitters like rich ore pulled from deep within the earth. He cries out, but not in alarm. If anything, his blue eyes seem sharper, more determined, and each long stride seems more powerful as he sprints towards a proper vantage point.[break][break]

"Helios! Use earthquake!"[break][break]

Imbued with the power of earth, Helios stomps a single foot onto the ground. There's a small tremor, then a quake as fissures spiderweb from the place where he'd struck, his powerful attack meant to help the meteor chip away into nothing.[break][break]

While the meteor rumbles beneath her feet, Luka grabs hold of her spacesuit just above her heart, where the Lunar Wing rests. Her eyes squeeze shut as she whispers a single prayer to the deity who'd once lifted the moon back into the sky— a desperate, and likely fruitless hope that she might be able to do the same for them.[break][break]

- Blaziken gains ground tera type[break]
- Blaziken uses earthquake to try and break up the meteor[break]
- uses the lunar wing and makes a lil prayer to Cresselia to come and move the meteor like she moved the moon[break]
- spacesuit[break]


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
1,374 posts
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 5:29:24 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




Don't let it take the skin

from your bones



Arceus, he hated Rocket sometimes. What part of 'don't attack the alien' did they not understand? At least followed orders. [break][break]

"So much for diplomacy." Killian grumbled, leaping closer and returning his Beheeyem. No. If he's honest with himself, talking was never an option. Not while the creature rampaged like it did. [break][break]

"Maybe if I - " 's annoyingly playful banter broke Killian's train of thought like a fart in a silent room. He frowned. [break][break]

"How about you shut up?" a tentacle launched from Killian's back and swiped at Kim, attempting to knock him into his hoop. Whether it hit or not, the underboss didn't care. He had more pressing concerns than the former councilmen. [break][break]

Like the Deoxys screaming a violent demand in his mind. HOME. Killian didn't understand. Weren't they already there? Wasn't space its home?[break][break]

The creature's feeling shifted subtly as if trying to answer a question Killian hadn't asked. "You're not talking to me are you?" he looked to the other Deoxys. [break][break]

"If you're talking to it, tell it to stop. Tell it I can find it another way home. One without all this pain."[break][break]

What pain it would face. Articuno itself bore down on Meteno-Deoxys at the behest of . And that said nothing of the other Z-moves and Tera Blasts headed the alien's way.[break][break]

Killian's Deoxys separated from him, its body covered in the same hardened crystals as its Meteno counterpart. The eletric-type crown atop its head glistened brightly. [break][break]

𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝖚𝖘 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖕 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖍𝖔𝖒𝖊. 𝕿𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖒𝖊. 𝕿𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖍𝖎𝖒.

It then took aim at Articuno and unleashed a powerful TERA BLAST.[break][break]




  • Killian's Space Suit
  • Told to shut up and tried to hit him through his Hoopa ring with a tentacle.
  • Brief convo with Deoxys as it felt the Metento-Deoxys feelings.
  • Deoxys separated from Killian and asked Metento-Deoxys to trust it and Killian.
  • K-Deoxys Terastallized into an Electric-Type.
  • Used Tera Blast on Articuno.



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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,858 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 6:19:07 GMT
mint frost Avatar




Straciatella stopped peeking, ducking back behind their hiding space. Mint doesn't look, patting his pokemon quickly as more and more attacks flew around the small space of the meteor. The meteor continues barreling towards Hoenn and he can see blue seas and lush greens. "Oh shit- oh fuck-" he mumbled, repeating the curses as he watched them fly ever closer. Still with a crazy Deoxys and still with a DRK Triad. [break][break]

The scientist next to him ( ) is just as confused as he is. He can see , and going after Dr. Holo before nodding over at his pokemon. People start running to their ships and he only looked over at his partner. "Straciatella, we're running interference! Cover Rocket's escape!" he said at the Abomasnow began glowing brightly as the new phenomenon took form. [break][break]

As the dual type gained their own shiny hat, taking on a weird fountain like hat. She stormed forward blasting at the METENO-Deoxys with a TERA BLAST, ignoring any friend or foe in the way. As she launched herself forward Mint followed, stumbling and sprinting as fast as he could after his partner. The ground shook at the League tried to blast through the rock, Mint did his best to stay upright and help whoever was near. Under the cover of AURORA VEIL and HAIL he had a ghost of a chance.


tagged ▸ mostly sorry im super sneepy [break][break]
- HAIL (4/5) [break]
- AURORA VEIL (4/5) [break]
- Mint hears Theo say we outtie and goes OUTTIE [break]
- Straciatella the Abomasnow TERASTALIZES into a WATER TYPE [break]
- Straciaatella the Abomasnow used TERA BLAST against METENO Deoxys [break]
- Mint running to cover Rockets from League + METENO Deoxys while other rockets attack Dr. Holo
- 1 salac used :pensive:




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