i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,740 posts
part of
TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2022 5:16:05 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]WINTER MASQUERADE: ROUND ONE



Last Christmas | Vitamin String Quartet


AS DECEMBER USHERS IN A HOENN THAT HAS SURVIVED METENO, the National Museum of Natural History hosts a masked ball entitled the WINTER MASQUERADE. Located in Slateport's upper district, the venue is highly accessible, with proceeds from all tickets purchased sent to recovery funds for damages caused in Littleroot, Mt. Pyre, and all affected elsewhere in the aftermath of METENO's impact.[break][break]

A recently released press release at HNN details the event's formulation at the hands of Councilwomen and in coordination with Museum Director Dr. , as well as the many benefactors attributed to its funding.[break][break]

The event's invitations emphasize FORMAL WEAR ONY and, if possible, a formal accessory for accompanying Pokemon (e.g. bowtie). Battles will be prohibited, due to the peaceful nature of the event. As this is a masquerade, MASKS ARE REQUIRED.[break][break]

 Delibird Deliveries has ensured that these invitations across all of Hoenn have been delivered in a prompt and discreet manner, overseen by the capable to ensure neither rain, sleet, nor wormhole can keep any attendees from receiving their ticket to arrive.[break][break]
Those who have trouble finding fashions appropriate for the event would find relief in the efforts of and The House of Glaus, whose generous donations of several fashions for the event guarantee all can attend looking their best.


The finest classical musicians in Hoenn and their Pokemon have been hired to perform for this occasion with familiar songs of solstice cheer and winter romance. Their performance will begin shortly after attendees have arrived.[break]
The multiple levels of the museum have been cleared and rearranged to invite room to dance, giving patrons the opportunity to enjoy the exhibits without hindrance to the festivities. Attendees may pass through the Hall of Bones & Fossils, the Hall of Human Origins, and the Hall of Pokemon Life at their leisure, all of which have been transformed into a veritable winter wonderland.[break]
Several exhibits have been heavily advertised as part the later festivities. The Hall of Geology, Gems, & Minerals will include several particularly stunning jewels on display, having been salvaged from the mineral vein of METENO itself and donated on a loan by League Scientist . TOUCHING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED, however.[break]
Later in the evening, the carefully curated biome of the Insectarium will provide a respite for aching heels, allowing for refreshments, dining, and private conversation beneath the light of Illumise and Volbeat. Moonlight streams through the panels of glass, offering an enchanting ambience to the surroundings.



THIS CHARITY EVENT has been made possible due to the following generous donors:[break][break]



Sleek cars and limousines line up outside of the National Museum of Natural History, which has been strung up in twinkling holiday lights and wreaths in celebration of the advent of the winter season.[break][break]

The higher echelons of Hoenn and the lowliest of the daily 9-5ers all are masked for this illustrious event, all indistinguishable from one another save for the transportation that ferries them here in their sparkling finery. Mr. Mimes serve as valets that greet at the entrance, ferrying off cars as needed and checking for elegant snowflake-patterned tickets -- courtesy of one Harper Beck's Circinus & Sagitta print shop ().[break][break]

 Rotoms flash brightly as guests step out of their vehicles, paparazzi to the attendees crossing the red carpet -- their appearance courtesy of 's RotomTV, the official source of League coverage for this event. The Pokémon hover expectantly at the front of the museum and within its interior, taking footage and offering the opportunity for soundbites from any of the chattier guests.


As the revolving doors of the museum open wide, the welcoming foyer hosts plenty of room for mingling as the rooms beyond are roped off, 's Anvil Inc. security guards standing by to prevent anyone from entering prematurely.[break][break]

There is much icy splendour and beauty to behold here. Gleaming ice sculptures of Dratini and Milotic dazzle the eye, expertly designed by , while beautiful wintry floral arrangements waft the delicate, sweet fragrance of and 's flower shops.[break][break]

 "Welcome, welcome!" a female voice rings out as the attendees gather, her masked face revealing the beaming countenance of who you can only assume is the museum event coordinator. "On behalf of the National Museum of Natural History, we are delighted to have you here for the Winter Masquerade![break][break]

"As a charity gala, all efforts will be focused on helping repair the damage caused during the events of METENO. We hope you can enjoy yourselves fully knowing what a positive impact you're making on Hoenn today."

She presses a gloved finger to her lips, winking. "I'd like to take a few moments to remind everyone of the expected rules and etiquette of today's event. Worry not, though! The dancing will begin shortly!"



  • Please read the following carefully to participate!
  • All of your characters may participate in this holiday event; however, only one character can get a reward should a prompt be met. In other words, each reward from the event can only be redeemed by one character.
  • Note, one character CAN NOT CONTRIBUTE MORE THAN ONCE TO A PARTICULAR PROMPT, but they can contribute to ALL PROMPTS. You include as many prompts within one post as you want (however, this is subject to change).
  • There will be several group prompts that need to be met in this megathread to earn rewards. Those who are included in the prompt resolution post will be able to claim the rewards in the SITE SHOP by linking to the post indicating this.
  • Do not spam the thread with multiple posts from your own characters, please! Give others a chance to engage and respond!
  • Please include a TLDR at the end of your post, for ease of tracking the thread!


  • Your character must arrive in FORMAL WEAR and MASKED!
  • Pokémon battling is strictly prohibited at this event, due to being a charity gala.
  • You are not allowed to unmask anyone, physically or verbally, without their consent.
  • This doesn't mean you can't privately guess ICly! But don't ruin the fun for anyone else!
  • You are allowed to unmask yourself, physically or verbally, if you like -- either to the room at large or to select individuals.
  • Spin-off threads may be marked (MASQUE) to indicate their tie to this event.
  • Please remember to be courteous and polite when coordinating with thread partners regarding things like dancing, etc.
  • Have fun!



Depending on how many participants engage, reward tiers will be unlocked for the event! These are achieved as a GROUP, but may be redeemed on an individual basis.

  • ROUND ONE: Introductions & Arrivals
  • ROUND TWO: Refreshments & Dancing (AUTO-UNLOCKS: Dec. 12th)
  • ROUND THREE: Unveiling of Exhibitions (AUTO-UNLOCKS: Dec. 24th)
  • ROUND FOUR: Dining in the Insectarium (AUTO-UNLOCKS: Jan. 6th)
  • ROUND FIVE: Final Dances & Farewells (AUTO-UNLOCKS: Jan. 20th)


WORK TOGETHER AS A GROUP to complete the following prompts below! These must be completed before Dec. 11, 2022 at 11:59 PST to earn full round one rewards![break][break]


❄️ Admire the exterior and interior décor of the event. (3x)[break][break]
(Hint: Comment on flowers from 's Atkins' Arrangements or 's Fiorelli Floristry, or ice sculptures from !)[break][break]
❄️ Acknowledge how you discovered this event. (5x)[break][break]
(Hint: Mention PR efforts from , viewing 's Morning Show "The Bee's Knees", HNN press release featuring , , and , etc.)[break][break]
❄️ Describe how you arrived at the National Museum of Natural History. (5x) [break][break]
(Hint: Corviknight Taxi, bus, Pokémon, or stretch limousine?)
❄️ Interact with the event invite/ticket stationery -- it doubles as both! (x3)[break][break]
(Hint: Show your ticket to a Mr. Mime, recall receiving it from 's Delibird Deliveries, or take a moment to simply admire the snowflake-patterned invite designed by , a.k.a Harper Beck.)[break][break]
❄️ Acknowledge the museum security and/or the lack of battles allowed for the event. (x2)[break][break]
(Hint: Do you recognize Anvil Inc. security? Do you trust that the event will be safe with them here? How do you feel about them preventing Pokemon battles on the vicinity?)
❄️ Describe your outfit! (8x)[break][break]
(Hint: Where did you get it? Maybe and the House of Glaus? Hand-sewn? What does it look like? How about your mask?)
❄️ Comment on someone else's outfit! (3x)[break][break]
(Hint: Love it? Hate it? Are you accidentally wearing the same one?!)
❄️ Give a soundbite to one of the Rotoms broadcasting live for RotomTV! (5x)[break][break]
(Hint: What are you looking forward to? Have you been to the museum before? Any opinions for RotomTV viewers?)



DEC 11, 2022 @ 11:59PM PST[break]

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,202 posts
part of
TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2022 5:44:54 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Give someone a mask, and they will show you their true face
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Aurelie arrived at the ball by way of a Corviknight taxi, feeling a pang of recollection and uncertainty every time she glanced up at the great, steel-feathered Pokemon and remembered riding one of these as he vengefully pursued her. It had been so long since she'd last heard from him, and so much had happened since their last meeting that she couldn't help but wonder... But as the red-haired smith opened the taxi door, she knew now wasn't the time to think about that. Now was the time to focus on admiring the wonders of the National Museum of Natural History and enjoying herself to the utmost at the grand masquerade ball hosted within.

After thanking the taxi driver and paying for her ride, she stepped out of the taxi onto the end of the red carpet. Even draped in a long, heavy coat to ward off the chill, the frigid, wintry air outside made Aurelie shiver in dismay and prompted her to hurry across the red carpet toward the museum's front doors. At the entrance, she presented her snowflake-patterned invitation to a surprisingly polite Mr. Mime, who admitted her inside with minimal pantomiming.

Only once she was inside, safely ensconced within the luxurious warmth and splendor of the foyer, did Aurelie let her coat slide off her shoulders to reveal her outfit for the evening. Descending from a pair of spaghetti straps, her deep crimson gown hugged the curves of her torso and fitted closely at the hips, before falling to the floor in smooth, immaculate folds that swirled with her movements in a glimmering glissade. Metallic ruby-red sequins bedecked the entire gown in intricate flame-like patterns, catching the light and glittering as brightly as precious gems.

Her mask—which she'd found in a vintage thrift store, of all places—was similarly vibrant. Covering the upper half of her face, the mask was decorated in brilliant red and gold in delicately interlacing designs. Red velvet piping lined the almond-shaped eyeholes, hiding the area around her eyes from view. The brow was crowned with a bold, eye-catching spray of long, fiery red feathers that fluttered and danced with even the smallest motion of her head.

For once, Aurelie gazed out at the world with both eyes open, for she'd decided to forgo her eyepatch for the occasion. After all, who wears an eyepatch behind a mask? she'd reasoned. Its absence made her feel both half-naked and oddly liberated as she looked others full in the face. She did have the eyepatch tucked inside a small pocket in her bodice, though, in case of an emergency later.

Hovering Rotoms flashed and beamed all across the foyer, nearly blinding her in their dazzling glare, and a few masked faces glanced her way as she entered. Taking a deep, calming breath, Aurelie held her head high and walked around slowly, her spine straight and her limbs flowing with grace. Spotting a sign for the cloakroom, she turned to head in that direction in hopes of storing her coat therein. If there was to be dancing and dining later, Aurelie certainly didn't want to be lugging around her coat then!


Gown: Front and Back | Mask | Evening Bag | Open to interactions

- Arrived at the ball via Corviknight taxi (completed PROMPT 3: ARRIVE IN STYLE)
- Showed her ticket to a Mr. Mime (completed PROMPT 4: LUCKY TICKET)
- Dressed for the occasion (completed PROMPT 6: FASHION, FASHION, FASHION)

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

[newclass=.aurelie img]height:100px;width:100px;padding:15px;border:1px solid #fff;border-radius:100px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.aurelie_tag a]font-size:12px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:8px;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,408 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2022 9:12:21 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

's National Museum of Natural History had impressed Gavin without the need for a fancy masquerade ball, but the building looks entirely different all done up in seasonal décor. Still, it's for the Museum and not for the masquerade that Rocket's underboss has been drawn here — an off-hand mention by one of his scientifically-inclined contacts had alerted him to the geology exhibit in the aftermath of METENO's interrupted impact, and he couldn't deny his curiosity a chance to see the recovered gems up close.

He'd gone ahead of his husband, , but had promised the other a dance should he attend. Gavin would be unrecognizable to even those who knew him best, but he'd shown his husband the Corviknight mask before departure.

The inside of the museum is as lavish as its exterior, and Gavin is sure he recognizes the work of Fiorelli Floristry in some of the arrangements. If were here, perhaps he'd save a dance for her as well. It would be good to see his friend outside of their stressful duties as Rocket administration.

He's stopped by security and given a spiel about the rules, amused when he recognizes 's ANVIL.

"If I wanted battling, I'd go to a gym," he says lightly, his Galarian accent colouring the deep rasp of his voice.

Excusing himself from their company, he goes in search of a drink.

[attr="class","tag"]WINTER MASQUERADE



Tailored black suit + 'Corviknight' mask[break]
PROMPT #1 Admire the exterior and interior décor of the event.[break]
PROMPT #2 Acknowledge how you discovered this event.[break]
PROMPT #5 Acknowledge the museum security and/or the lack of battles allowed for the event.[break]
Gavin is OPEN TO INTERACTION; sipping wine by the refreshments.


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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,048 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
part of
Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2022 13:14:36 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

Unlike many of the other guests now arriving at the National Museum of Natural History, Zev had already been there for two hours. Being a vendor meant accounting for setup time to ensure everything was perfectly ready as soon as the doors opened. Only after he'd checked that every bartending station manned by Howling at the Moon was stocked with their highest quality drinks did he take a deep breath and prepare himself for the start of the masquerade.[break][break]

At first, it had seemed rather odd for the League to reach out to him to assist with the event. Zev supposed it was a good sign for his bar; the more it sponsored events throughout the region, the more business he'd receive. At this point, he was considering opening a second location in another city. But that was a thought for another day. After all, the night promised to be a busy one.[break][break]

Zev found a mirror and adjusted the tie of his suit. After discussing the event at length with , they had agreed to match, in a way — assuming she could tear herself away from work to attend, of course. She would be the sun, all glamorous golds, and he would be the moon.[break][break]

And so Zev wore a tailored suit of dark silver, with a black dress shirt underneath and a slim black tie. Small crescent moons decorated his cufflinks and tie pin. His half-mask was silver as well, textured to give it an industrial vibe that matched the interior decorations of Howling. The mask covered the upper half of his face, but barely, leaving much of the left side exposed. Zev had shown Nenet this mask ahead of time so she could recognize him in case she showed up late.[break][break]

Satisfied with his appearance, the bar owner made his way back to the main foyer where the other guests were gathering. The way velvet ropes cordoned off the other rooms reminded Zev of a pen for livestock, the security guards seeming like overseers selecting which Tauros to kill. He stared at the nearest one for too long; the guard noticed and challenged him with a raised eyebrow.[break][break]

Zev merely smiled and inclined his head toward the other man before moving on to mingle with the growing crowd.



- Open to interaction![break]
- Outfit & mask[break]
- Zev showed up early to set up as a vendor and is now mingling with the crowd[break]
- Prompts 2, 5, and 6 fulfilled



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October 22
Greenhouse owner
9 height
9 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
146 posts
Aki Kumori DOLLARS
part of
Aki Kumori
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2022 16:06:08 GMT
Aki Kumori Avatar
Honestly, the invite had to be a mistake. It just had to be! Why would she be invited to anything? But her mother, Angel, insisted the invite from Delibird Deliveries was for the whole family. However, her mother was busy with work, and her father would not go by himself, so that left Aki or her twin brother, Ash. But Ash was off with his fiancé doing fantastic things while Aki remained mundane.

So that left her to represent the Kumori Law Firm. It made her groan. She wasn't even apart of it! But... she had got a text Cat got the same invite. So that meant Cat was going? So that meant she would go.

Not wanting to suffer dress shopping, Aki and her mother set forth to make her the best dress! It was inspired from Darkrai, at least how Aki styled it. It was all black velvet, with red accents- a long slit went across the dress, showing off... more skin than Aki liked, but, her mother said she needed to step out of her comfort zone time to time.

Dressed and ready, Aki was ushered into a limo when she got there, then to be released on the red carpet. Aki's face went small, feeling scared out of her life. Thank Gods for the Darkrai inspired mask she had on. Aki had to wear contacts to wear the mask, which made her already feel naked without them, luckily the mask hid her away so she didn't feel so intimidated. She hoped she would be able to find in all this...

Sighing, she would usher herself inside. Trying to be avoid being noticed by anyone. She knew no one here! Gods, where was Cat? She wanted to go home or hide in a corner. But the lovely arrangement of flowers caught her attention. Eyes went wide, wandering over to admire them. "I wonder who made this..?" She said to herself, she would have to find out and compliment them later- one florist to another!

Prompt 1, 3, and 4 completed
Aki sobs looking for
Fit - But with red accents
Mask is Darkrai inspired, with blue 'eyes'
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Mister Black, Grandpa
April 22nd
Shop Owner/Forger
0 height
0 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
12 posts
August Black DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @augustblack
August Black
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2022 21:42:59 GMT
August Black Avatar

The black limousine August had rented for the evening pulled up to the front of museum, and a Mr. Mime opened the door for the older man. "Thank you." He murmured to the pokemon as he exited the vehicle and gazed down the red carpet. He sighed softly; there was certain heaviness about attending events without his better half, but he had to push on and enjoy himself. August strode down the red carpet, pausing only to smile and offer a few words to a broadcasting Rotom. "Remember to live deliciously today, dear viewers. Tomorrow isn't a promise." With that, he continued into the museum and produced his ticket, a snowflake-patterned piece of paper that reminded him of the winters in Kalos, and handed it to the Mr. Mime near the door. The pokemon permitted him through and he made his way into foyer.

August took a moment to bask in the warmth of the museum, admiring the décor. Beautiful arrangement, winter-themed floral arrangements complimented by grand ice sculptures of a Dratini and Milotic. It was a breathtaking feast for the eyes, the organizers had clearly went above and beyond for the event. "I should've donated some art prints..." He muttered, mentally kicking himself for missing out on an opportunity to promote his business. "Well, you live and you learn, I suppose." He took off his coat and quickly shuffled off to turn it into the coat check. August was wearing military-style pinstriped tuxedo jacket complete with golden epaulets and embellishments, that contrasted nicely with his black and gold horned mask. His waistcoat featured blue diamond-shaped buttons and his tie was a striking crimson set against a white dress shirt. He smiled to himself; everything about this outfit had been painfully curated by a stylist, and friend, from Kalos.

August made his way over to the refreshments and took a flute of champagne. He took a sip and smiled, turning from the table of drinks to gaze at the growing crowd. "Everyone's dressed in their finest finery and it's shaping up to be a fine night; hopefully everyone will remember."

[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #9925be; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #9925be; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]



Outfit & Mask
- Prompts Fulfilled: 1, 4, 6, & 8
- Hanging out by the refreshment table, drinking some champagne. Open to interaction!

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December 1
Lilycove City
Music Retail Worker/DJ
You May Say I'm a Dreamer, But I'm Not The Only One
98 posts
part of
TAG WITH @pokejun4
Niky Racz
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2022 2:55:01 GMT
Niky Racz Avatar
This was a fun little idea. Pop music but with orhestra instruments. It took a bit of pleading and connections, but Niky managed to do it. With his twin sis and some other members. And lots of practice. Still, the blonde DJ/Record Retail Store clerk dressed well. White button up shirt that was unbuttoned at the top and bottom, also not tucked in, black slacks and dress shoes, black vest, yellow tie, and simple black "mask" that outlined his eyes rounded out his outfit[/b]. If someone knew who he was, they could tell. After the invite card was given officially, Niky showed the snowflake covered card to the Mr. Mime to get in and start setting up their stuff from the band tour bus that they had arrived in. On the way, they had also checked out all the hype by the The Bee's Knees and various HNN guests like and . All the while, practicing whenever possible and a few days before.

Niky was soon spotted by the Rotoms broadcasting the event. One of which cornered him a little bit. He waved at the camera. "Good evening Hoenn! Niky Racz here, in charge of an orchestra of music! Stay tuned for some fine tunes in a different format!" With a charming smile and saunteering off to continue setting up. Of course, he did look around to see if anyone caught his interest. So far, the only one that caught his interest was a man in a silver suit, black button up, and a black tie and half mask (). Just that one half mask gave Niky the impression of a handsome man...but maybe above his means. Guys like that are not usually single, and if they are, straight. But maybe he could sneak off and get a dance with the man during a small interruption or something. Right now, he needed to focus on setting up. Lest his sister get pissed at him...

General Outfit, without the mask: Niky's outfit, but he's a young adult
Arrives in a tour bus, hands in invite.
Gives sound bite.
Scans crowd for anyone of interest. Spots one.
Continues to set up instruments, sound, and more in designated spots.

Prompt Checklist
1. Interacted with invite
2. Arrived in Style
3. PR and Buzz
4. Fashion Fashion Fashion
5. Paparazzi
6. Hot or Not!
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,584 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2022 4:39:43 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

Like many would surely do that evening, Nomi arrived at the NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY via Corviknight taxi, glad for the graceful flight pattern and the lack of any inclement weather. As she walked up the steps, she marveled at the majesty of the museum, thinking it quite exciting indeed for the venue of a grand solstice ball to be a place of such esteemed scientific research.[break][break]
A quick handoff of her invitation and a small measure of patience were required as Nomi took her place in line, waiting to be let into the museum. Beside her, Valerian the SYLVEON judged each person in turn, expression a mask of unimpressed neutrality. It would take quite a lot to win him over, and besides, Nomi knew that even the most beautifully adorned would never be able to convince Val that she wasn't the best dressed person at the masquerade. He was stubbornly loyal like that, but she was glad for the support. It had been some time since she had put on something so remarkably fancy, the flowing fabric unfamiliar and less easy to move around in than her normal attire.[break][break]
The dress was stunning, however...she had decided to have something custom made, a gift to herself after the catastrophe of the near apocalypse. Layers of sheer black fabric (that faded to white at the bottom) fell around her, sparkling shards of clear quartz and diamond stitched into the cloth, giving off the impression of a night sky filled with stars. Slightly puffed sheer sleeves combined with a lower neckline than Nomi typically indulged in exposed a dainty collarbone. Though Nomi was not the most curvaceous young woman around, the dress had been perfectly tailored to her body and the design suited her. The look was completed with a pastel pink mask lined with gold and adorned with tiny amethysts. A flower was stitched into it, and in the middle of the flower, Nomi had secured the TERA SHARD she had been able to recover from the meteor that had nearly annihilated Hoenn. The presence of the shard served a dual purpose: it added an otherworldly glitter to the mask that would surely turn heads, and it would allow Nomi to study how it reacted to various artifacts in the museum itself.[break][break]
Nomi was ever the practical sort, and she had a great deal of studying to do these days.[break][break]
Tempted to make her way directly to the special exhibit in the Hall of Geology, Gems, & Minerals, Nomi paused in the entrance hall, realizing that it could do her some good to mingle a bit before hurrying off. She didn't want to appear totally disinterested in the party itself. She'd gone to such trouble to look nice for the occasion, she might as well allow herself to be seen.[break][break]
It wasn't as if she expected anyone to ask her to dance or anything...

Open to interactions![break][break]


- Nomi's Dress[break]
- Nomi's Mask[break]
- Fulfilling Prompt 3 (Arrive in Style) & Prompt 6 (Fasion, Fasion, Fasion)



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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,740 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2022 6:36:07 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar

Several hours ago, Elisabeth had arrived as a florist to complete her work as a vendor for this event. Between her departure from the venue then and now, however, she had neatly divided the line between business and pleasure, reveling in the latter now that garlands had been strung up and bouquets arranged to the museum's specifications.[break][break]

Killing a wealthy husband was a profitable business, and Elisabeth had chosen to sinfully indulge on spending that blood money tonight.[break][break]

Her bespoke gown was one of 's, the House of Glaus providing an impressive enough portfolio of work to attract the black widow's interest and earn her business. A spiteful part of her found sick satisfaction in this, spending her late husband's hard-earned money on frivolous things that he'd have despised. [break][break]

High-quality champagne-gold silk had been exactingly fitted and tailored to her silhouette, shimmering faintly as she stepped out of her rental vehicle. Glittering skeins of gold twinkled in the flashing light of the Rotoms, dazzling despite the deceptively subdued colour of the fabric as it flowed behind her in a glamorous train.[break][break]

Elisabeth's mask mimicked the very Beautifly that floated at her side; delicate gold filigree framed her eyes, fashioned into the pleasing likeness of a butterfly.[break][break]

The two matched in a simple way, one that would be a significant tell to anyone looking for the florist at this masquerade. A spray of ivory roses had been wound into her long blonde curls, matched by a single pale rose tucked behind the Beautifly's antennae.[break][break]

Those who knew Elisabeth well might recognize, too, the fragrance of her signature perfume, one denoted by floral notes of lily-of-the-valley and honeysuckle.[break][break]

This wasn't Littleroot. Tonight's deception was an amusement, not a necessity.[break][break]

As Elisabeth handed her coat to one of the Mr. Mime, her eyes turned to appraise those gathered in the museum's interior with interest. Two men caught her attention -- and , in that order -- their appearance suggesting tonight's dance partners might not be as miserable as some other Kalosian balls of yesteryear. [break][break]

If she'd known with certainty the identities of either men, that fact would have held all the more true for her. As it was, Elisabeth had no guesses in mind, nor any real interest in determining any.[break][break]

The blonde inclined her head to both Rockets meaningfully as she moved to stand beside , finding the champagne an excellent starting point for the evening.



- Front & Back, Hairstyle, Butterfly Mask.[break]
- Potentially recognizable due to fragrance (lily-of-the-valley/honeysuckle) and tendency to wear flowers at events. [break]
- Deems and acceptable dance partners at a distance, recognizes neither.[break]
- Nabbing champagne by .[break]
- Completed Prompts 3, 6, and 7.[break]
- Open to Interaction!



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2022 8:39:27 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Rosie always enjoyed a good party. Even now she can think about a recent charity auction she attended for work. Once again she was here under the guise of reporting, but also here for personal reasons as well. After all they had all survived the deadliest event of the century. Of course they deserved to be rewarded for it. It was also for charity. All of this further cemented Rosie's appearance here for her job. After tuning into the 'Bee's Knees' press release about the event, her boss claimed this place would have the Midas touch for them and their company. [break][break]

Whatever that meant. [break][break]

Regardless of whatever work wanted from her, Rosalie was here for personal reasons. Being that she needed information and an excuse to start getting closer with her date for the evening, . His brother, , had tasked her with reporting back to him about anything she found out about his brother. The deal was made in exchange for Rosie getting an in with Team Rocket once more. [break][break]

Rosie had been around the block before so she knew how this thing would go. She figured the best way to keep a handle on this would be to keep the two people that knew about her past and her reappearance now, within arms reach. It reminded her of old times, information gathering was never easy. Especially when it involved high stakes, like your life. But she wasn't scared. [break][break]

Rosalie and Caleb would arrive in a chauffeured in a black Rolls Royce Ghost, courtesy of Rosalie's backup funds from her early career in entertainment. This was a Charity Gala after all, and one that would be televised and sprinkled with all sorts of people. They needed to leave an impression after all. Besides, Rosie just loved playing dress up. [break][break]

The chauffeur opened up her door for her and offered Rosalie a hand, which she gladly took. Stepping out of the vehicle her full ensemble would be revealed. Rosie managed to secure a custom made gown for the event from one of her favorite designers in the Unova region. A pale, dusty pink colored leather dress accented with gold geometric hardware and jewelry. [break][break]

The gown was so form fitting that it was likened to a 'second skin'. The dress was also mimicking the 'wet' look of cloth as it clung to her skin. The thigh high split in the dress allowed for ease of flow and movement and she paired it with a white faux fur shawl that she wore off the shoulder. [break][break]

Her mask matched the theme of luxury as it was a feathered gold and diamond encrusted eye mask filled with geometric designs to match her dress. The acute attention to detail wouldn't go unnoticed when taking a closer look. Her hair also accentuated the 'wet' look as it was parted to the side and styled in a way that made it look 'fresh out of the shower' but fashionable. [break][break]

Once ushered inside, Rosalie was able to admire all the effort in the set up. They really managed to change the museum into something really grand. A true winter wonderland. Rosalie was eager to begin exploring her new playground but she also had other duties to attend to. Glancing over to the one person she knew and recognized, as he had accompanied her here, she offered a soft smile to Caleb. "Thanks for agreeing to come here with me." She said with a small chuckle, "Makes me less nervous having someone I know here." [break][break]

That was a lie, but he didn't need to know that.



🌟 open for interaction![break]
🌟 arrives at the charity gala in style with Caleb as her date for the evening.[break]
🌟 prompt: 2, 3, & 6[break]
🌟 outfit w/ diamond and gold encrusted eye mask


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[newclass=.rose4 .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,586 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2022 13:19:34 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
kyle turns up in a party only to be a wallflower by choice. it's normal to think that these kinds of gatherings usually attract the weird, and he supposed he's baited by the possibility of it.

knowing of the event from was a red flag for kyle, given that she's one of the people that shows up with complete attendance from the weird happenings all over hoenn. he even dressed nicely for the ocassion, so he'd just feel bad if nothing supernatural was going to happen later.

he wears a crimson jacket over a dark suit and a red tie. his mark resembles a talonflame's, mostly because it fits with the color of his clothes and it's least likely that the pokemon will be linked to him.

that's one thing he liked about the party, he supposed.

his phone was the only thing that has his attention from the corner of the room until an interviewer comes in. a rotom was the last thing he expected to come near him, but given that he's already in the shot, he stammers to give out a forced answer.

"w-what have i been looking forward too? uhh, something exciting? y-you know what i mean, right?"

vague, but a lot of his answers interpretation can be connected to the socially acceptable answer to the question. kyle deems it a proper answer from him.

  • is fiddling on his phone alone at the corner of the party
  • open for interaction

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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,636 posts
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2022 20:19:52 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

The Faintest glimmer of light was visible upon the toned Limousine windows as they passed each streetlight light.

Eyes glancing down at the mask she had picked. A simple thing, accentuating the darker-colored night sky-themed gradient dress she wore.

When was the last time she had worn such a thing? She couldn’t remember the last formal Masquerade she had attended. While together both mask and dress made for an elegant solution to formal wear, she had chosen to simply let her hair fall as it so ever smoothly did.

For a moment her thoughts moved to , wondering if her sibling would find attending such matters interesting enough to do so. Some small sliver of her hoped it. But she knew the chances were slim. And with Meteno gone, she even wondered if the young woman would leave the Region behind. But that was worries for another time.

As she put the mask on, she turned her attention to her partner, . Who she had to admit looked rather dabber. But perhaps it was merely the effect of going to something this extravagant together.

The Limousine came to a halt. The driver expertly making sure that when he opened the door for the pair. They would be exiting perfectly for the event. The glittering lights of Rotom-cameras began to shower her as she emerged from the limousine and into the fray.

She gave the Rotom-paparazzi a gentle greeting wave, though surely none of them recognized her in this attire, so far removed from her usual suits and now adorning a mask. She had to admit. Even with the PR efforts of or the press release that she partook in. She was amazed at the amount of attention this event was getting.

For a moment she turned to look at Callan, wondering how he was faring. Though, some small part of her figured he had gotten used to the attention by now. And yet, she offered him a reassuring hand before she would walk into the event.

OOC: Dress + Mask (Prompts fulfilled: Prompt 2 + 1 + 6 + 7)
LOCATION: Slateport City -> Upper Districts (Arriving with )

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December 2
Aspertia City, Unova
Picking up the pieces
But I, I will, go on howling and hollow
1,109 posts
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TAG WITH @ashley
Ashley Shepard
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2022 22:36:46 GMT
Ashley Shepard Avatar

arm was better, he'd feel a lot better about the event, but he wanted to enjoy his birthday in a couple days. So he would show he was ready.

Agonizingly, after Mt. Pyre he had kept up with some woman named , and , and one such HNN happened to mention the little charity gala. But, through standing together, we've survived them all made his blood boil, but he wasn't here to find Penny. Hell, he wasn't even here looking for Landon Cassidy ( ). Today was about Kep.

He went shopping the day after he was released, picked out a nice white suit, looked positively dashing in his attire, and placed the matching red slightly long-nosed mask. This would be a surprise, surely.

Finally, he messages Kep from the store. Let's go to the Winter Masquerade. Date Night. :heart:


Here he was, exiting the rather expensive pink limousine he rented with Kepler, now sporting said white suit red masked attire, only addition being a cast on his right arm. It made it a tiny bit awkward, but he was going to dance, dammit. He was going to enjoy himself, dammit. He would do so, with his love on his arm.

"You know, all my years of hearing about this place, never once been... shall we, love?" He asks, holding his left arm out to loop with Kepler's, if he so desired. Desire now to head inside, enjoy the sights.

If Kepler wanted to dance, he would indulge. Tonight, he wanted Kepler to have the best night. Period.

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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- Prompt 2: Read up on HNN due to Penny's involvement
- Prompt 6: Fashion, baby. Look at that white suit, ooh baby.
- ash goes to buy a suit and mask at the store to attend masquerade
- invites boyfriend because he wants to spoil kep
- goes to charity gala masquerade with kep sporting big nose mask
- white suit on christmas, eyy.
- absolutely open to interaction!
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dr. graves
he / him
October 28
fallarbor town, hoenn
museum director
professor / researcher
allopatric isolation
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
i get by, but it's hard to forget in the smoke of denial and the fog of regret.
463 posts
part of
TAG WITH @gideon
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2022 23:17:40 GMT
It was pleasing to see it all come to fruition.

After and her League associates had reached out with the initial idea of a charity ball, the planning and preparations had occurred rapidly thereafter. Soon enough the Winter Masquerade was upon Hoenn and, subsequently, Gideon's museum had undergone the most magical transformation.

In fact, Gideon himself had underwent a striking metamorphosis as well, given that the occasion called for it. His lab coat was left behind on an office chair in lieu of a fitted navy suit, the lapels and waistcoat of which matched with a shimmering, festive pattern. Wanting a more simplistic mask to go with the suit, the museum director had chosen one in a light silver color. Even Gideon's VIVILLON, CRISPR, was dressed for the evening: the butterfly Pokémon wore a tiny, black domino mask over it's eyes as if it was one of the many human guests.

Passing through security after coming from his office, Gideon appraised those gathered in the museum's large foyer and appreciated their efforts toward the masquerade theme. with her shock of red hair, which accentuated her scarlet accoutrements. 's galaxy-esque dress that, at just the right angle, sparkled in the warm light given off by the museum's chandeliers. and with their avian masks - particular favorites of Gideon's compared to the others he'd seen so far tonight.

Then passed, although he didn't necessarily know it was her just yet. There were hints, though, the most significant of which being the distinct fragrance that wafted toward him as she walked over to the refreshment table. Her dress, the roses, even the BEAUTIFLY by her side. It was all very telling, but Gideon felt the urge to confirm.

On his way over to her, however, a RotomTV-affiliated ROTOM hovered closer, requesting a soundbite for the camera. Gideon smiled toward the lens and offered in a warm, inviting tenor, "On behalf of the museum, we welcome everyone to have a fun and enjoyable evening."

He stayed for a moment or two longer to elaborate a little more, mostly hoping that that would be the end of his media contribution for the night. Finally, the director then peeled away and continued toward the refreshment table, but not before snaking two champagne flutes from the tray of a passing waiter.

"Looking for a drink?" He'd ask from behind, seeing as she was occupied perusing the table. When she turned, Gideon would offer the glass to her with a familiar smirk.
suit check | mask
• prompts 2, 6, 7, 8
• over by and
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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,898 posts
part of
TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2022 0:53:39 GMT

Tonight was a night adorned by the flash of paparazzi, the glamor of a well-decorated museum, and the hushed dealings of secrets kept behind masks. It reminded Penelope of all the banquets she'd attended under HBS, and the many dealings her councilwoman duties had forced her into.
This winter's masquerade was different, though.
Arm locked in with 's, the power couple pushed through into the light of the party.
"Ooo, fancy," she commented, smiling beneath her leather vixen mask. "Hopefully the drinks are as good as they look."
A light tug pulled the gym leader across the museum's tile flooring, walking them past the sea of unfamiliar caricatures and dazzling exhibits that were worth more than their entire year's worth of salary combined. Along the way, her eyes caught wind of the icons of the night, and , whose allure leaked past their tightly wounded masks. and should've been there, too, somewhere among the crowd of mismatched faces. Both would know which mask belonged to Penelope, given their brief exchanges before entering the main foyer, so she secretly hoped they weren't too far away.
"A Martinez," She smiled at the bartender, who might've been , or any other man with a shaker and bow tie, "and..." She glanced back at , allowing him a second to order too.


[attr="class","ooc"] + ? [break]
dress - hair - mask

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-ditto"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP