i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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September 7
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2023 17:11:29 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Violet, for some reason, always had had a fondness for larger than usual Pokemon. It did not make much sense. Especially not when it came to Jellicent. A Pokemon she had had for a long time, yet never bothered to even nickname. A Pokemon that, when first encountered, had tried to kill her and almost killed someone who, at that point in time, she had cared about dearly. And yet despite that, she had often used it in precarious situations. During the Island Takeover, during the trial, now when they had arrived here. Oddly enough, she had grown fond of it. Much like she had grown fond of some things in this weird memorial world that she would not have imagined she would beforehand. It was all odd. But it was, it did not feel wrong, so it simply had to be good.
It was that simple. She may have become a bit of a scientist here, but at her core, Violet could still be exceedingly simple. She did not show that to many, though. Of those that were now assembling on the plains, only one had seen that side of hers, during her visits. That one was probably out there somewhere with the Motostoke contingent. Saddening, but surprisingly not maddening. Maybe part of her still believed this world to be ephemeral, to matter less overall than the real world. Or maybe she had simply reached the kind of zen that she always reached when she was in the middle of an act. Worrying helped no one.
Doing things that benefited you and yours, that helped them. Hence, she focused on the battlefield unfolding before them, now that their march had ended. Well, the approach at least. Now was probably speech time. That was royalty time. They wished to lead and have others listen to them, now they had to live up to that lofty ambition.[break][break]
It was not the job of a scientist, of course. Still, given that they reasoned that this was the final battle for Galar, even she and the others of the observatory had come. In part to see first-hand what they were up against and maybe offer advice. But also to maybe add that last bit of strength that was going to be needed. None of them knew how this all would play out, after all. It was best to be here, even though it was dangerous. Though Violet would stay behind at the rear of the guard. She did send her Dynamax XXL Jellicent ahead though, towering even over some of the others that had grown in part thanks to her research, to use Max Geyser at the Cinderace from afar and above the clashing armies. Both to get its attention but also to hopefully get rid of what seemed to protect it.
“If what our research has taught us so far holds true then those things are likely going to be protected by one or more layers of dynamax energy. It is too heavy in the air around them not to. It will take some measure of equal force to break through that and achieve anything,” she relayed to others around her and the peasant messengers running about in lieu of the fancy tech they would use in the real world. Hopefully, that would help. Otherwise, she aimed her blade at the nearest breach in the line and unleashed a Shadow ball at the opposition, hopefully helping out with that.

+ Joins battle against Cinderace, dynamaxed XXL Jellicent and sends it to max Geyser Cinder, relays barrier intel and Shadow Balls some mook(s) zfZWCSBr



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genni, gen
twenty three
august 10th
aspertia city, unova
ghost, poison, & steel
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @genesis
genesis aria fox
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2023 20:11:42 GMT
genesis aria fox Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]Over the past twenty years, the raven haired woman has grown in more ways than one. The purely self indulgent team rocket grunt has moved passed those extended real teenage stage and ushered in a woman of great intuition. Although she continues to dodge love affairs, Genesis has spent years honing her skills in smithery and the art of hand to hand combat. And in those years, word had spread that the Zamazenta Statues have awaken from their long slumber. War was upon them.[break][break]

The skies turned blood red, turning the sun crimson and soon thick smoke blacked it out completely. A thunderous roar boomed through the region, causing many to believe that the SKELETON finally found them. However, the dragon is meant with a clash of the BLACK KNIGHT. The two battle it out for blood, their fight almost like a dance if it wasn’t for how terrifying it was to see.[break][break]

The ILLUSORY ZAMAZENTA throws its head back in a beckoning howl, calling forth anyone and everyone who can and will fight. Genesis was quick to gather her things, secretly stashing away her DYNAMAX BAND she stole from other and grabbing her set of RAGE FIST IRON KNUCKLES. And while others say goodbye to loved ones, the raven haired woman simply summons her pokemon and awaits further instructions. Her mind, focused.[break][break]

The canine calls again. Though this time, he leads the way. Without hesitation, Genesis orders her corvikngiht to follow the canine spirit. Soon, all four surrounds city gather together. Each lead by their own shield canine. And once everyone was together, the army marches forward to their next destination until they reached the outskirts of the next town. All canine halt, waiting for the command to attack.[break][break]

In the moment of waiting, the raven haired woman leaps off her shiny CORVIKNIGHT. She tells the avian to remain in the skies and await further instructions. After all, the woman might need a quick get away if this whole thing turns sour. The massive bird lets out a screech, taking off into the skies. Green orbs observed her bird, waiting for her to disappear from view before reading herself for combat. All those years of practicing soon about to pay off.[break][break]

On command, determination and focus forced the woman to run into battle without a hint of fear. Using her iron knuckles, Genesis literally punches her way through the poisoned controlled pokemon. And soon, the leaders of the army are found and anyone with the power to dynamax to take out the leaders. A wicked grin spread across her deep red glossy lips, head tilted back to let out a loud calling whistle. Within seconds, the corviknight descends down from where ever it was hiding. It hovers over its blood and poisoned stained human. “It’s time, go.” Her hand raises, finger pointed to the massive grass type pokemon.[break][break]

Without hesitation, the oddly colored steel and flying type turns her attentions to the massive bird. Genesis tapped the band, praying that it would work. And surprisingly enough, it does. It takes on a glow and so does her bird. And soon, the already huge avian is now even bigger than before. The newly formed GIGANTAMAX CORVIKNGIHT lets out an ear piercing screech with her newly found power, gaze fell upon the GIGANTAMAX RILLABOOM. Suddenly, hurricane force winds began to swirl around the avian before she charges forth with a G-MAX WIND RAGE.[break][break]


for @teamrocket at route 120.[break]
team ballonlea. genesis fights the poison pokemon with her rage fist iron knuckles. corviknight gigas and using g-max wind rage into giga rillaboom.

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2023 1:23:46 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]The meeting of Galar's kings had been of great importance. Strategies, resources, and intelligence were all exchanged between the four cities, ensuring that each would be ready to weather the oncoming storm. However, for Isaac, it had reminded him of something he had forgotten under the pressures of being king.[break][break]

This life of theirs was coming to an end.[break][break]

He'd spent the weeks leading up to the war strategizing with , true. However, where Caleb was finally growing into the role he'd shied away from, Isaac's head and heart were elsewhere. Perhaps more than anyone, he had forgotten Hoenn. Of his 23 years of life there, only the latest one could truly be considered living, and it was a rollercoaster of his highest highs and lowest lows.[break][break]

In contrast, Galar had been twenty years of forging the future he wished to see. Far from the neglected spare parts, he had reigned as a king whose every word bore fruit. The ugliness of war gave way to unity. Family, both of his choice and his blood, finally gave him a place where he belonged. In every sense of the word, Galar had been the home Hoenn never was for Isaac.[break][break]

Now that he knew it was all going away, he spent his last week savoring it. He enjoyed all of Motostoke's cuisines, from his chef's finest feasts to the simplest tavern delights. He rode along the sprawling train networks that had been created under his watch, savoring the sunset as it rolled by along the horizon. He took in the beauty of the stars in the city's observatory, worried less about prophecy and more about taking in their beauty. He tried his hand at combat in the arena, toured 's new and improved forges, and even worked a shift in the mines.[break][break]

The last day had been dedicated entirely to and their children.[break][break]

Sabrina, the spitfire and mischief-maker who had grown into a fine, fiercely independent young woman. Already, Isaac had to stifle his amusement as she put the courts in their place, every bit the fighter in word as she was with a weapon. Her ideas were big. Her dreams were big. Even her pranks were big. As the crown princess of the city, Isaac knew it would be in capable hands when his time had come.[break][break]

Iris, every bit as sweet as the flower she was named for. She was the anchor among siblings, the feet on the ground when Sabrina's head sailed for the clouds. While more willing to let others take the spotlight, she, too, had already set eyes on dreams of her own. Whenever visited, she took acute interest in their healing arts. Her fortitude, even at such a young age, never failed to impress Isaac.[break][break]

At times, seeing how the girls bonded was like a window into what could have been.[break][break]

"Atticus." When the girls had gone to sleep, and before he joined Cygne in their chambers, Isaac had turned to the captain of his royal guard for a confession. "Whether we fall before the Darkest Day, or we triumph in spite of the odds, I fear I may not return to Motostoke. If I am to disappear on the battlefield, please. Promise me that you will keep Sabrina and Iris safe. Promise me that you won't let the courts take advantage of their youth."[break][break]

"Above all, promise me that they'll know I love them above all else. I beg this of you."[break][break]

He may have left his heart behind in Motostoke, but the King of the Aegis would not linger in the face of extinction. In the wake of the echo of Zamazenta, Isaac joined his people on the front lines of the battlefield. Three Pokemon stood perched on gigantic weapons, an entire army of corrupted Pokemon swelling behind them. Five years worth of invasions stood before them today, a threat bigger than any their cities had faced on their lonesome.[break][break]

But on their lonesome, they were not. Ballonlea, Circhester, Hammerlocke, and Motostoke stood as one. Kings, heroes, soldiers, peasants, and oddities stood side by side. Their Dynamax bands crackled. Their hearts beat in sync. Whether an outsider or a resident of this strange dream, they fought with everything on the line.[break][break]

"For fifteen years, we endured invasion after invasion," Isaac said, standing before the armies to rally them with one final speech. "Every single one of us poured our blood, our sweat, our tears into our homes. And even as the enemy tried to reduce them to rubble, our cities rose as shining jewels along the wastes. Were it not for what you have all brought forth, from the highest king to the noblest young squire, we would not be standing here today."[break][break]

"But stand we do! Even as the odds pile on against us. Even as our enemy regroups with a legion of the damned in his wake. Even as fate itself demands we bend the knee. We stand! We prosper! And now, we fight!"[break][break]

"Today will not go down as the Darkest of Days. No, today will be a day held in glory and renown. Today will be a day that history never forgets. Today will be a day that we hold in our hearts now and forevermore. For this is the day that the people of Galar cancel the End Times!"[break][break]

"To arms, my friends! For homes old and new!"[break][break]

Isaac held his shield high, a beam of light exploding from the gem within its center. As he brought it back down to bear, it was now surrounded by a Light Screen several times his size. So long as the people of Galar took refuge behind him, energy blasts and special attacks would shatter against the might of his Aegis.[break][break]

Backing him up was a rather unexpected sort of Pokemon. Genesect stood out like a sore thumb in the face of the medieval Galarian landscape. However, across 20 years of buried hatchets and forgotten wars, Isaac's Mugen had gone from a forbidden tool to a Pokemon like any other. He emerged from a combat roll in a flash of red energy, growing to the same towering size as the army that they faced. With a threat display of raised elytra and a booming, staticky war cry, he faced down the Inteleon that stood atop its sniper's perch.[break][break]

Electricity gathered in the nexus of Mugen's battle cannon, intensifying its usual Zap Cannon to a fever pitch. Max Lightning came erupting from his cannon, static electricity carpeting the battlefield in its wake.[break][break]


TEAL DEER;[break]
Isaac spends his last Galarian week paying close attention to the town he created and the family he treasures.[break]
Isaac inspires the Galarians with one last speech before they charge into battle against the Dynamaxed army of the damned.[break]
Isaac raises his Aegis, prepared to protect his people and his friends with a Light Screen.[break]
Isaac's Genesect, Mugen, Dynamaxes and unleashed Max Lightning on the Inteleon.[break]
1 Salac used.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / M-M-M-M-MEGATHREAD


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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2023 3:27:23 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar


It did not take the word of King to call Elisabeth to action. War itself compelled even gods to act.[break][break]

And children, too, felt its beckoning call.[break][break]

"I am not so weak anymore," Lisette had insisted, stepping forward with her hand on her heart. "I have trained under you, and I am now of age. Was that not why you asked me to be your apprentice?"[break][break]

Whatever birthright she'd given the girl, Elisabeth regretted that this blind stubbornness appeared to be the most noticeable inheritance she'd left behind. Her emerald eyes flitted to the open windows -- prime for the Talonflame the girl favored to soar out into the night, ignoring the mistress of the house and her whims.[break][break]

"Will you not obey me?" Elisabeth asked instead, and the girl's face flushed with anger.[break][break]

"I have studied the same prophecies as you. I have charted the same stars. What happens if they take you from me? Who will I have?" A breath hitched in Lisette's throat, desperate in its plea. "Please. Let me go with you. Wherever you go, I want to go."[break][break]

How many times had Elisabeth herself begged for freedom from a deaf, uncaring captor? More times than she wished to recall.[break][break]

How many times had she been forced to fend for herself, alone and unwanted? More times than she felt capable of counting.[break][break]

"So you will not obey me, just as you will not heed my warnings," Elisabeth said, and her hands curled around her mage's staff as she turned to leave. Frost swirled in its crystal orb, cold to the touch. "Then the matter is settled, is it not? I cannot control you. I will leave you to your devices, and you will leave me to mine."[break][break]

Relief and disbelief alike flashed across Lisette's expression, only to darken with suspicion as vines crawled their way outside the window, greenery winding its tendrils like covetous fingertips to ensnare the tower in place.[break][break]

The door to Lisette's bedroom locked with a tight 'click' as Elisabeth departed, the girl's voice rising to a piercing decibel as she screamed for release. The thud of Pokemon casting their talons against the thick, hideous vines rang out with futility as the shouts gave way to broken sobs.[break][break]

Elisabeth said nothing, at first, when she joined outside. She glanced up at the man saddled on his Spectrier, her own expression blank and devoid of anything that might betray the emotion that misted her green eyes, before she finally sighed.[break][break]

"I warned her not to love me," she said to him at last, turning her glassy-eyed gaze to the horizon ahead. It was a question her companion never would have asked her, nor one that she expected him to acknowledge; he'd observed the wisdom of that lesson, perhaps, better than she ever had. "Love leads to disappointment, always."[break][break]

The Ruinous Beast kept pace behind her, basking in the resentment that now seethed in her shadow.[break][break]

Behind her, the tower that had been her residence for two decades was barely recognizable behind a thicket of impenetrable thorns. Even had 's heart been given over to mercy, the truth of its power was evident: this was a fortress that would take days to banish from stone walls.[break][break]

There was no greater power than to deprive others of their choices. For a woman who'd spent half of her life trapped against her will in a place that she did not call home, that truth stung more than most.[break][break]


War made more sense to Elisabeth than anything else. The monstrosity of what they were, and what Pokemon were capable of being, was placed on full display. She ignored calls for kingdom and kinship, instead searching for whatever foe seemed most in need of her attention.[break][break]

The Inteleon loomed high overhead, grinning madly as it lumbered closer to their armies. So she met it in kind.[break][break]


The DYNAMAX's effect on her VENUSAUR brought it to staggering proportions, towering high above with a sneer as it dripped poison of its own. Vines snapped forth from its petals, striking the INTELEON with a vicious MAX VINE LASH that pummeled the Gigantamax-Pokemon from all directions.[break][break]

For good measure, she clacked her mage's staff on the ground to summon BITTER MALICE against the unwanted creature.[break][break]




- Elisabeth locks Lisette in a tower so she cannot fight, ensnaring it in vines using her Avatar abilities to ensure no one goes against her wishes.[break]
- Heads out with to say peace out to Motostoke.[break]
- Fuck orders from kings, we do what we want. Inteleon needs bodies, so here we goooo.[break]
- Following up with an attack of BITTER MALICE on INTELEON from Elisabeth's mage staff!



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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2023 3:40:37 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
The chill of winter reached down into El's bones - even after twenty years, they never quite adjusted to the colder Galarian winters compared to that of Hoenn. They were the sort of person to thrive in the summer, when others were baking in the sun - but the chill of winter made them want to hibernate, especially when it made their knee pain flare up. It wasn't unusual - in such situations - for El to be seen snuggled up against Akero during outings, as she carried him around like how a penguin carries their chick.

It didn't stop them from spending time with friends such as or in those quickly-dwindling days, however - or from visiting , and their nieces in Motostoke. To see Sabrina and Iris both grow in the strong and clever young ladies - to be able to hug them close, and simply enjoy the fact that they had a family again, even if it wasn't the exact same as the family they once craved from their childhood.

These smiling faces, they were worth protecting. El knew it.

That didn't stop their heart from rising up into their throat with trepidation, however, as the day of the Solstice soon arrived. In the midst of prayer, they'd be there to see it when the illusory Zamazenta emerged with a mighty howl - one that called for all of Hammerlocke's attention. At the wolf's beckoning, El can't help but feel compelled to follow - after farewells to the apprentices that they had taken under their wing.

But once the time came to leave, it would be in Bibidi's arms - to avoid straining their knee - as she followed the ethereal trail that Zamazenta leaves in its wake.

However, it is in Wedgehurst that they are met with a chilling sight: Necrozma and Eternatus locked in combat, beyond a horde of poison pokemon larger than anything that El has seen before.

The idea of going up against an entire army was a daunting one - even with the ability to dynamax and gods on their side. The sheer numbers, including the dynamax and legendary pokemon they were up against? It was sure to be a mess of a fight - and a part of them wondered just how much they could actually do in supporting their side of the conflixt that was sure to come. Was this battlefield even a place for them?

And yet, when El heard their brother's voice call out not far from where they stood - and saw the shimmering Light Screen he brought forth - they found themself standing a little taller. Not even solely because of the speech he made - but because of the fact that Isaac was here, as well. That he was present, and alive, and fighting not only for the future of this memory, but also for the hope of going home.

And they weren't about to abandon him - not when they waited so long to see him again in the first place.

So, when the call to charge is made, El would waste no time in sending out a pokemon of their own. But rather than go on the offensive with dynamaxing, El was prepared to go on the defensive instead. "Akero - Safeguard! Protect as many people as you can!"

Out came their Togekiss - and as Akero let out a whistle, he would waste no time in getting to work - a shimmering glow washing over him, and those that he flew above, as he bathed as many humans and pokemon alike in his protection.

Meanwhile, El would step forth with their staff in hand. "Those of you who fall ill, come to me - I will heal you!" They called - and slamming the butt of the staff on the ground. The rings that hung from the top of it would ring out with a Heal Bell that washed across the battlefield - healing allies and repelling the poison pokemon alike (the latter being much to El's surprise.)

One way or another, they'd make sure as many people made it through this as possible.
- In the final days before the Solstice, El spends a good deal of time with friends and family alike.

- They are proud of how Iris and Sabrina have been growing - they love their nieces so fucking much.

- When Zamazenta emerges, they are in the midst of the prayer to the now-asploded-statue; knowing that the time to fight is now, they're filled with trepidation.

- Seeing the army doesn't help - but hearing Isaac + seeing his Light Screen gives them the morale boost to join in this battle.

- Togekiss is sent out, uses Safeguard on as many allies as possible.

- Meanwhile, El uses Heal Bell to mend anyone who gets status effect'd during the fighting, repelling the poison army in the process.

Unable to fight :pensive:
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2023 1:14:43 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh, awestruck by the illusory Zamazenta's speed, tailed the red canine with the help of his borrowed mount. Sitting astride Raikou and holding a lightning-bolt sword crackling with electricity, he truly felt like the Avatar his younger self would have killed to be. Though it was a detail that had been lost to time, he almost did kill someone very precious in his reckless, unhealthy pursuit. While no saddle, reins, or halters were attached to the Raikou, there may as well have been metaphysical ones, given all the time the two had spent practicing and preparing for this very moment.

At long last, he felt like he was contributing to the war effort in a meaningful way. He felt he could meaningfully fight back against what seemed like impossible odds. Atop the fastest land Pokémon in the world, armed with an attack designed to take full advantage of death-defying speed, the battlefield was his playground. When he saw the invading armies were led by Galarian Slowbro and Slowking, he grinned.

In his eyes, the mistakenly Water-type enemy couldn't have been hand-picked any better for him perform an annihilating dance of sense-disabling speed. "Hyah!" he squeezed the electric tiger's sides, and they were off with fierce acceleration. Though his rigorous training with Raikou made Josh more adaptive to the physical stressors his mount put on his body, it didn't make them any less intense. The legendary Pokémon's purple thundercloud was the only thing that made being atop the feline's flexing back bearable.

As the toxic armies came into view, all Josh could think about was annihilating those Slowking. As he wound up for the slicing motion, burying his off hand in the Beast's electric fur, he pictured the generals disintegrating on contact with an ELECTRO BALL so powerful it could rupture the very earth near the impact zone. "We carve a path through them! Raikou, charge! EXTREME SPEED!!"

The Stadium Leader had ten years to refine this technique to an art form: the deadliest combination of speed and electric fury Galar had ever seen. Raikou's legs disappeared into a single yellow-and-black blur beneath its body, Josh seemingly floating in place above the thundercloud from how impossibly rapid the Johto Beast's running stroke was. His younger self may have been paralyzed by the speed, but not one with as much experience as he had with it now.

A sonic boom echoed from the tip of Josh's blade with every slash. From the tip of each flew an ELECTRO BALL hurtling toward the generals and their toxic Pokémon with speed that was too fast to follow. In one hand, Josh held the metaphorical reins of the Johtonian god of speed, his inert Sygna Suit doing little to protect him against its forces that made his skin ripple from head to toe. In the other, a blade with the potential to fire the most powerful electric blasts in the world when combined with his legendary mount known for unparalleled land speed. With confidence the duo danced around the battlefield, wreaking untold havoc upon the foes known for their lack of speed.

Josh wondered what would think of his accolades this day...


Weapon: Lightning Sword of ELECTRO BALL

- Sygna Suit INERT
- Arriving at the battlefield, Josh sees his many allies DYNAMAXING their Pokémon.
- Rather than go after one of the GIGANTAMAX Pokémon, Josh takes advantage of his sword and borrowed Raikou, combining the EXTREME SPEED of his mount with his ELECTRO BALL sword to wreak utter devastation on one or more of the GALARIAN SLOWBRO and/or SLOWKING.

{WC: 520}
{PC: 8}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good
Saber           Manectric         Good
Aslan           Pyroar**          Good
Resheph         Dragonair         Good
Mastema         Togekiss          Good
Sidewinder      Dragapult         Good

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,845 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2023 2:47:54 GMT
mint frost Avatar





Maybe it’s the sharp red light that’s so unnatural, or maybe it’s just really bad vibes, but Mint blinks away the sleep as blood red light seeps into the room. The sky is surprisingly clear allowing full view of a blood red celestial. ,” he whispered, a hand shaking his shoulder. He shakes off the typical irritation and self loathing that bubbles up to the surface right after these kinds of meetings. Now’s not the time. “It’s happening-” no sooner does he utter it does the alarm bells in Balloonlea ring out. Mint scrambles, grabbing at his clothes and getting ready to prepare for war. [break][break]

It’s all a blur. Somehow, someway he’s dressed and kitted up. The globe with floating cards bobs up and down around him like a satellite. He makes it to monarchs, bowing in respect at and before moving to 's side and taking his spot. At Balloonlea joins with the other city armies, Mint moves to give his friends a final nod. gets a quick smile and a clap on the shoulder. gets a last minute, heavy handed slap on the ass. and a quick hug before they have to face their soldiers. [break][break]

He looks forward, calling out to as they begin to move in the same direction. “Hit ‘em hard, kid!” he teased one last time as he rode past the trainer. He moves forward, gunning straight for that giant RILLABOOM. “Move aside!” he ordered raising the floating weapon above him as it began to create a deep chill in the air. His breath becomes visible as a sudden gust of frozen wind and snow explode out of the expanding weapon. It surges forth attempting to freeze every sludge monster it touches with a howling BLIZZARD. [break][break]


Following is his Slither Wing, who’s released and runs at his side. GMAX attacks go flying, and Mint grins waiting for them to open the path for him. Carbonara glows DYNAMAXING, her golden wings glistering with the strange energy. “I think it’s coming down! Straight through the heart, Carrbonara!” he ordered as the giant bug opened its mouth and pounced on the giant grass type. BUG BITE quickly morphs into MAX FLUTTERBY, trying to take advantage of the opening other’s may have already provided. [break][break]



@any rocket | floating weapon. |20 year time skip DRIP [break][break]

- wakes up to the red light and wakes up bryan [break]
- meets up with the monarchy for their powow [break]
- gives his sorta last goodbyes/assurances to his friends [break]
- catches up with hideo and uses BLIZZARD to try and FREEZE the SLUDGE ARMY MINIONS [break]
- DYNAMAXES Carbonara the Slither Wing who uses BUG BITE -> MAX FLUTTERBY [break]


it's a highway, highway to the dark [break]
and a neon medusa's got your heart .

[newclass=".neonmint"] --color: #48cbf0; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body u"] font:11px Roboto; letter-spacing:2px; border-bottom:1px dotted; text-decoration:none; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body b"] color:var(--color); font:bold 12px 'Poppins'; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body i"] color:var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint"] width: 490px; margin: 0px auto; min-height: 500px; background: #171718; padding-bottom:20px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .top"] background-image: url(; height: 300px; margin-left: 20px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .colorbar"] height:20px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; background-color:var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body"] background:#222; margin: 20px 30px 20px; padding:30px; font:12px 'Roboto'; text-align:justify; color:#eee; border-radius:0px 20px 20px 20px; text-transform:lowercase; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .lyricbox"] background:#222; font:11px 'Consolas'; padding:20px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; color:#eee; text-align:center; letter-spacing:2px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .lyricbox b"] color:var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .lyricbox i"] border-bottom:1px solid var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .oocbox"] text-align:right; border-top:1px solid #333; padding-top:10px; margin-top:20px; font:10px/12px 'Poppins'; margin-bottom:-10px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .oocbox .title"] font:bold 15px 'Poppins'; color:var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint a"] color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font:bold 13px/11px 'Poppins'; text-transform:uppercase; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .pkmnparty"] text-align:center; width:400px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .pkmnparty img"] margin-left:-20px; margin-top:-10px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body .iconimage"] float: left; margin: 8px 15px 5px 1px; border: solid 9px #272727; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: -1px -1px 0px #232323, 1px -1px 0px #232323, -1px 1px 0px #232323, 1px 1px 0px #232323, 3px 3px 0px #303030, -3px 3px 0px #303030, 3px -3px 0px #303030, -3px -3px 0px #303030; [/newclass]

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January 01
Fortree City
Rocket Employee
175 CM height
175 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
417 posts
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TAG WITH @gerald
Gerald Kaiser
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2023 12:29:37 GMT
Gerald Kaiser Avatar

An apocalyptic knell washed over the region announcing the day of Prophecy was upon them. Even Gerald heard it. Though not long after the blinding light of a magenta pillar became visible.

Members of the Survey Corp were quick to jump into action, as they always were. But today was different. Gerald could feel it.

He ran home, hurried as quickly as he could. Wife and children were already privy to the news of what had appeared. He hugged all three of them. Cried as he said his farewells, told them how much he loved them, told them to be safe, and even lied as he promised to be back soon. This wasn’t like any other expedition and they all knew it.

Gerald tried to leave Iroh, his Iron Moth, behind. But it declined. Though its mechanical body had grown worn and torn from age, it would not see its trainer alone on the battlefield no matter how little it could fight.

Gerald left to join the Survey Corp as its Commander. His brave men and women soon joined the main host of the army of Chirchester as it made its way to the battlefield.

Gerald was the first to arrive, the first to gaze upon them all, alongside him were his Decidueye, a trusty companion.

As the rest of The Survey Corp stood before the colossal army and gazed upon its generals and its giant monster of a Cinderace at the back. Fear struck true in their hearts. The Survey Corps, though used to fighting, were not soldiers of war. Their skirmishes had been small in comparison to this. While some hid their fear others voiced their worries.

“Sir?” A young man said.

“Yes?” Gerald answered, his gaze fixating upon the man and his fearful trembling voice.

“Are we about to charge to our deaths?”

For a moment Gerald was surprised by the directness of the question. But then Gerald’s gaze grew solemn. He felt the tension forming in his troops. “We probably are.” He would not lie, not to his troops.

Another soldier chimed in, voice quivering with fear as well. “But we are all just going to die here, what did we fight for? Was it all meaningless?”

Gerald knew where this was going. Despair gripping the heart of his troops tightly.

“Meaningless?” His voice echoed with a certain growing power. “Yes. It's all meaningless. No matter what dreams or hopes you had No matter how blessed a life you've lived It's all the same if you're shredded, blasted or burned by the enemy standing in front of us –” He paused. Taking a breath before continuing. A righteous fury against the monsters that would steal these brave men and women’s lives were forming in his chest.

“ – But everyone will die someday.” This was a promise.

“Does that mean life is meaningless? Was there even any meaning in us being born if we are just meant to die? Would you say that of our fallen comrades? Their lives. Were they meaningless?” He gave them a moment to consider. Before he loudly continued “NO, they weren't! It's us who gives meaning to our comrade's lives! The brave fallen! The anguished fallen! The ones who will remember them are us, the living! We die trusting the living who follow to find meaning in our lives! That is the sole method in which we can rebel against this cruel world and the enemy it has pitted against us! – ” Gerald roared!


With a powerful charge he slammed into the army breaking the first poisonous monsters beneath his warhammer. The next swing of his hammer hit the ground on purpose. Large spikes of STONE EDGE began to spew up in a straight line into the army, hopefully breaking their ranks further in.

The rest of the Survey Corp joined him milliseconds later. War cries and weapons raining down upon the poisonous enemy.

Meanwhile Decidueye stayed behind as soldiers fought on the battlefield and giant monsters sent calamity after calamity against each other. Decidueye was neither big nor a close-ranged fighter, and so he used his keen eyes to scout for any important enemies in the army. And he saw it, at the far end. A Poisonous galarian-Slowking-looking-thing, the odd one out compared to the rest.

Decidueye notched an Arrow on its string, gathered as much energy as it could and allowed a Z-MOVE: NEVER-ENDING-NIGHTMARE infused arrow to fly aiming for the head of the enemy general.


- Gerald says his farewells to his family, and promises to be back (A lie)
- Gerald's Survey Corp is struck with fear as they gaze on the Cinderace Army
- Gerald holds a rousing speech resolve any doubts and fears in The Survey Corp
- Gerald charges into the fray as the first of his soldiers. He uses STONE EDGE to break the army ranks with his Warhammer
- Decidueye stays back, locks onto the Galarian Slowking General of the Cinderace Army, and sends a Z-MOVE: NEVER ENDING NIGHTMARE infused arrow at the general.

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June 22nd
Anistar City, Kalos
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lucette
Lucette Castellane
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2023 17:07:00 GMT
Lucette Castellane Avatar

Finally, the day of the major battle comes when the kings and queens of their respective territories rally the people into battle with the three Gigantamax Pokemon and their army. She hugs her husband and their two kids good-bye since Lucette had to join in the battle for her two kings of Hammerlocke. Once she steps into the designated battlefield filled with the others going for the generals, army, or the three Gigantamax Pokemon, the presence of two other giant Pokemon that weren’t the three starter Pokemon of Galar made her a bit curious over what they were.[break][break]

Releasing her Greninja outside of his Pokeball, the female lawyer definitely had taken some months of training with her Pokemon for her to use her Dynamax Band, the energy making the ninja frog into a giant version of himself. She fights alongside her Dynamaxed Greninja as he releases a powerful torrent of Max Geyser onto the Gigantamax Cinderace while Lucette focuses on dealing a blow on the Toxtricity general with her shortsword where her swings release pulsating water towards the purple lizard.[break][break]


@rustedshield [break][break]


- Lucette arrives to the battlefield when she gets called to war after saying good-bye to her family.[break]
- Her Dynamaxed Greninja targets the Gigantamax Cinderace with Max Geyser.[break]
- Lucette goes to deal with the Toxtricity general with her shortsword's ranged Water Pulse attack.[break]
- 1X Salac used.[break]
- Weapon: Shortsword of Water Pulse



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[newclass=".lucetest3 .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]·
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August 18
Nimbasa City
Pokeleague Soccer Player
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Lucas Holden DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @clown
Lucas Holden
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2023 17:34:26 GMT
Lucas Holden Avatar
At the sight of one of the G-maxed opponents, Zico let out an appreciative whistle. Lucas can't help but snort once the avalanche of moves hits the Dynamaxed enemy Cinderace. A glimpse of a future possibility, perhaps?
He won't wish that on his partner, but there's an argument about being too eager to engage enemies. Still, if he wants to take on everyone by himself, who is he to say no?
Everyone, is it? Lucas glances at the trial before them, a seemingly endless tide of poisoned hosts with several towering specimens overlooking the battlefield. There's no guarantee that they could cut their numbers to size. The lull in the poisonous invasion in recent years seems to be building up to this climax.
A climax, though? Not without the accompanying performance, no? If the preliminaries already promised excitement, it stands to reason that the final match need to live up to the hype.
Lucas feels if he doesn't let his partner loose, he'll resent him for the rest of his life.
"Alright, buddy, let's see what you can do!"
Ball's in your court, as they say.
Local space distorts as the Cinderace Dynamaxes, granting the battlefield two colossal fireballs. Hoping to take out one of their opposite numbers fast, Max-Zico turns his attention to the big drummer, kicking his ball at him. Lucas kicks his weaponized steel ball, coordinating their attacks to try and take out one target fast.
Even if they'd take the brunt of the punishment.



+ Equips the Close Combat ball.[break]
+ Dynamaxes Cinderace[break]
+ Cinderace launches a G-Max Fireball at the Gmax Rillaboom, for old times' sake.[break]
+ Lucas kicks the Close Combat ball at the Gmax Rillaboom as well, for size[break]



[newclass=".fakebq"]--accent:#975fb2;font:12px Roboto;[/newclass]
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april 15
mauville city
47 height
47 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mrcamm
Colton Boothroyd
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2023 19:00:46 GMT
Colton Boothroyd Avatar
Colton’s lips drew thin as he gazed at the approaching army. A group of gigantic Pokémon, surrounded by even more instances of the sludge that they had been warding off of their city walls for the past two decades. One final push by their enemies to wipe them out and they would hold nothing back. Fear was only natural when facing against enemies that seemed more like forces of nature than Pokémon, but, as the cries of his allies’ Pokémon become earthshakingly loud with Dynamax power, their forms growing in size to rival that of the Rillaboom, Inteleon, and Cinderace, Colton could feel something else take the place of that fear: Hope, courage, and the will of everyone to succeed.

As the air became filled with the deafening roar of tidal waves, blazing infernos, and booming thunder, Colton couldn’t help but feel his ego being stoked a little bit. It was power he had helped create, the Dynamax bands being key in leveling the playing field between themselves and the steadily approaching Gigantamaxed Galar Pokemon. He wondered if they were surprised by the citizens of the different kingdoms being able to shatter the barriers that surrounded them, their own show of force potentially outmatching the attackers. Did they have other tricks up their sleeves to force a shift in the kingdom’s attack strategy? Was this all bait to burn out their resources early before a vicious counter attack would come that they’d have no chance in stopping?

”Well, no use in giving them the chance to counter attack,” Colton said, his own Dynamax band glowing as he raised Arti’s Pokeball. The red energy flowed into the Pokeball, causing it to expand enough to require Colton to hold it with both hands before tossing it upwards. In a giant flash, the Rotom appeared, it’s tinny cry now deep and booming as it’s trainer turned his attention back towards the approaching Pokémon, his gaze settling on the Cinderace. Without a word, he pointed towards the rabbit Pokemon, his other hand lifting his King’s Shield to ready it’s own defensive power while Arti launched a MAX GEYSER towards it.

- Colton Dynamaxes Rotom, readying his King’s Shield to absorb any counter attacks
- Rotom launches Max Geyser at Cinderace

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Alicia Jewel

July 5
Fortree City
Elite Ranger
135 height
135 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
612 posts
Julia Davis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @julia
Julia Davis
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2023 19:39:29 GMT
Julia Davis Avatar

Even after all these years, Julia still wasn't totally sure what had happened between and when they'd first entered Galar. She didn't see much of the former during their time in Hammerlocke until one day, the land around them began to change. She saw him with , moving his arms to terraform the land to be more hospitable. Despite what had happened before, she grinned.[break][break]

[break]The opening of travel meant that Hammerlocke got plenty of visitors from folks looking to reunite with loved ones. Julia's heart swelled every time she caught sight of joyous faces seeing each other for the first time in over a decade. (Had it really been that long? Sometimes, it felt like time was racing even faster than .) One face, however, made her freeze in her tracks. What the hell was doing here?! And with , of all people?!

[break][break]Fifteen years of defending the town and going out with the Adventurer's Guild made it easy to steel herself and step forward, ready to protect El at all costs. Temp stepped forward, arms open... and then gave El a hug? Julia came to a halt again, this time out of sheer confusion.[break][break]

🎼 Cassette Beasts - Aleph Encounter

[break]An apocalyptic knell rang out across the region. Crimson clouds choked out the sun and dyed the sky red. A pillar of magenta light shot into the sky from the south, and a terrible creature emerged from it: the Skeleton. The Black Knight appeared soon after to clash with the serpentine beast. Julia didn't watch their battle for long. She had a Guild to rally.

[break][break]"Adventurers!" she called. "This will no doubt be the hardest battle we have ever fought."

[break][break]Some of them looked at each other, uncertain.

[break][break]"But I know we will emerge victorious," Julia continued. "I have seen each of you grow stronger and overcome every obstacle in your path. Even when you've been knocked down, you've gotten back up again to fight back twice as hard. No matter what may await us on the battlefield, I know we're strong enough to take it down. So ready your weapons, adventurers! We ride into battle together!"

[break][break]The Guild members cheered and raised their weapons in solidarity. Julia smiled proudly, but her face fell when she saw a certain person among the crowd.

[break][break]"Conrad," she said, approaching him. "Stay here and help defend the city."

[break][break]Conrad's eyes widened. "What? But I wanna fight with you!"

[break][break]"It's too—" Julia stopped herself. Saying it was too dangerous would just make things worse. "We need people to defend the city while we're gone."

[break][break]"I'm a member of the Guild, too! I should fight with the rest of them!"



[break][break]A dual-headed squawk interrupted them. Chester's left head looked sadly at the two, while his right glared at Julia. Even the joyous middle head wore a blank expression. Looking into the Dodrio's three pairs of eyes brought Julia right back to her days in Hoenn, specifically her arguments with her father.

[break][break]Julia sighed, defeated, and smiled softly at her son. "You're right. Just promise me you'll be careful, okay?"

[break][break]Conrad smiled back. "Only if you promise the same."

[break][break]The two hugged, sealing that promise.

[break][break]Julia and her Guild gathered around the illusory Zamazenta with the rest of the city's trainers. summoned Raikou and Suicune from ash and gave the former to and the latter to Julia. She excitedly mounted her temporary partner and stroked its side. The Zamazenta howled and ran to the south, leaving an ethereal trail behind it. Hammerlocke's army followed it, enhancing their speed as they raced to the final battle.

[break][break]A huge army of poisoned Pokémon met them there. They were guided by two Galarian Slowking and one Galarian Slowbro and backed by Gigantamaxed Rillaboom, Cinderace, and Inteleon. Behind them, the Skeleton and the Black Knight continued their battle. 's speech further roused Julia's fighting spirit. It was just like she'd said before: No matter what stood before them, they'd get through it. No army would stop them after all they'd been through.

[break][break]Julia pointed her sword forward. "Adventurer's Guild, chaaaaaaaarge!"

🎼 Cassette Beasts - Deus Ex Calibur

[break]Julia sent out Sparkie. "I'll clear a path," she said to the Raichu. "Get ready to Max Lightning that Inteleon."

[break][break]Sparkie squeaked in understanding. Twenty years had made her far less timid than she'd once been.

[break][break]The skies darkened, and Julia looked up to see... Oh, Arceus, Shadow Lugia was gigantic. Seeing it again after two decades sent a shiver skittering up her spine; the only relief was that it was on her side this time. She took a deep breath and focused on the army in front of her.

[break][break]"Let's go, Suicune!"

[break][break]She squeezed her mount's sides and dashed into battle. She didn't go nearly as fast as on his Raikou, not having the proper training to do so. Instead, water began to form below the Suicune until it swelled into a wave. It and Julia rode the Surf into the fray, Julia letting out an excited "Yaaaaaaaah!" as she raised her sword. She struck at any Pokémon that got too close with her Sacred Sword.

[break][break]Behind her, Sparkie gathered energy from Julia's Dynamax Band and the Dynamax Particles falling onto the battlefield. She grew to an enormous size, took aim at the Gigantamax Inteleon, and let loose a bolt of Max Lightning.





  • Sees terraforming and thinks that's neato
  • Very confused about hugging
  • Rallies the Adventurer's Guild with a speech; briefly fights with Conrad because she doesn't want him to get hurt, but Chester snaps her out of it
  • Gets to use 's ash!Suicune (counted as a separate additional entitiy per Kyle's avatar powers), hell yeah!
  • Rides into the fray on Suicune's Surf and uses Sacred Sword on the hordes
  • Raichu Dynamaxes and uses Max Lightning on the Inteleon
  • Play Cassette Beasts



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February 2/14
Nimbasa City
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
26 posts
Rhydia Ver DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rhydia
Rhydia Ver
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2023 21:07:13 GMT
Rhydia Ver Avatar

She was in the midst of a piece when the next calamity arrived. The details of that work are lost to time, lost to the fantasy she had come to know as reality. The only record of it remains within the queen’s mind, forever swirling within the whirlpool of lines and colors that comprise her imagination.[break][break]

”Queen Rhydia.” A voice she’s grown quite familiar with speaks to her from the room that connects to the balcony, calling out to their Queen like any good Lady-in-Waiting should.[break][break]

A sky soaked in blood is her only hint as to what is truly happening, but she doesn’t stop her painting immediately, allowing the younger woman- ‘Caesi’, as she’s choosing to call herself now- to continue speaking.[break][break]

”The prophecy spoke of this moment… didn’t it?”[break][break] She speaks with the same uncertainty that all of the denizens of the Kingdom of Fantasy did, as if she was a bystander to a fate thrust upon her.[break][break]

Liar. Rhydia thinks, not showing the girl the smile she wears. It’s time for you to face the same past as all of us. You can’t outrun your past by denying it’s caught up to you, after all. She suddenly drags her brush across the canvas, leaving a crimson streak across the skies of the landscape she has spent hours on.[break][break]

A fantasy stained red… yes, that’s exactly what she wants this to be.[break][break]

”Go assist in the mobilization of the palace staff. I’ll be down to the square after I’ve spoken with Seris.” Rather than give a proper goodbye, she sends her servant off so that she can speak privately with her son, her final malignant mark on this world.[break][break]

”Understood, my Queen.” ‘Caesi’ leaves as ordered, walking right past a reflection of Rhydia two decades past. By now she knows the impostor to be the Queen’s Hisuian Zoroark, but they exchange no pleasantries. The pup that became a ‘daemon’ still only tolerates her existence, just like it only tolerates its trainer’s.[break][break]

The door closes, leaving the pair of them alone. Only then does Rhydia stand up from her seat and walk towards the center of her chambers, eyes meeting a reflection of herself from twenty years ago.[break][break]

”Before the next budding calamity blooms into a flower of crimson, allow me to offer you what you want, Clair.” She watches as the ‘Daemon’ reaches down and opens a cabinet, removing a sword it stole from the knights’ training ground.[break][break]

Before she can speak, she’s pinned to a wall and placed at the end of the blade, held still by superior force. Her mirror image snarls in a way human lungs cannot, betraying the illusion it wraps itself in temporarily.[break][break]

”Twenty-five years… that’s how long it took you to build your courage, hm?” The blade presses to her throat, drawing a small trail of blood down the edge. ”I wouldn’t blame you, Clair. Naming you after the self that I painted over, only to be killed by your bubbling hatred while you took my form would be quite beautiful…”[break][break]

”—but we both know this me isn’t the one your grudges dragged you out of the grave for.” The Queen reaches up and takes hold of the blade, pushing it away from her neck as if it doesn’t weigh anything at all.[break][break]

It cuts into her palm, but she smears that crimson along ‘her’ face, along Clair’s cheek.[break][break]

The ‘Daemon’ backs down, making a complicated expression with a face that didn’t belong to it.[break][break]

After all… the face that belonged to it belonged to ‘Clair Holden’, a sister that only would ever know.

Their armies gather and unite with the forces of the other cities within the wild area, facing down a seemingly endless army of sludge commanded by three gargantuan Gigantamax pokémon. The Illusory Zamazenta answers only to the royals, though Rhydia simply joins in the request for its assistance. She has no interest in shields, even after all this time.[break][break]

Standing at the front, she regards those whom she knows from her home of twenty years. Her fellow King and Queen and , her Lady-in-Waiting , the young man who still saw through the mask of humanity she wore to that very day , the chilly scientist whom she only ever saw in passing , the man she always saw close by ’s side , and… and even her own brother, distant yet close as ever, even after all these years, .[break][break]

The faces that make up the canvas of Ballonlea are there upon that battlefield like every other city, and Rhydia feels a twinge within her chest she hasn’t felt in ten whole years.[break][break]

Once again, calamity makes this world real. This disaster assures her that this is not just a dream to be forgotten, but a life they’ve all lived together. From the frigid tundra the the sludge soaked slopes, they fought the march of time to arrive.[break][break]

”It’s time to complete our work, so allow me to add my stroke!” The doppelgänger at her side begins to shimmer and glow as the Queen of Fantasy joins the battle, dragging her personal brush through the air in the direction of the sludge army, aiming to capture a Galarian Slowking and a group of its sludge minions in an aura of blue and pink, PSYCHIC. With a flick of her wrist, she aims to send them up and into the path of the Max Geyser sent out by Shadow Lugia.[break][break]

Additionally, HISUIAN-ZOROARK DYNAMAXES, letting loose an aura of pure malice amplified by the Dynamax Particles in the air, attacking the Gigantamax CINDERACE with all the hatred it was prevented from releasing upon Rhydia.

Pokémon + Tagging/TLDR Here[break][break]


TL;DR - Rhydia makes one last painting of BALLONLEA’s landscape, dying the skies red.[break]
- Hisuian-Zoroark tries to kill Rhydia, but can’t bring itself to do it still, even after all these years. The woman in front of it has changed, she isn’t truly the same evil human it swore to kill.[break]
- Rhydia rallies the armies that stand behind her and the other royals in her own way one last time, all while remaining unmoved by Zamazenta’s heroic figure.[break]
- Hisuian-Zoroark DYNAMAXES, then aims a MAX PHANTASM at Gigantamax Cinderace.[break]
- Finally, Rhydia uses her weapon to paint over the air, using PSYCHIC on the Cinderace’s Galarian Slowking and the sludge around it, hoping to throw it into Shadow Lugia’s MAX GEYSER.



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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,202 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2023 22:01:29 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Come back with your shield or on it.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]It was hard to believe it'd been twenty years since they first came to this land, since they'd first heard the prophecy...since so many things had changed in their lives. On this fateful day of the winter solstice, Aurelie could swear she felt every one of those past twenty years in her joints, her bones, and her weary, anxious thoughts. The armor she'd forged for herself weighed heavily on her, despite the many straps she'd included to distribute its burden, and her war hammer felt cumbersome and unwieldy in her hands.

Yet, there was a lightness in her heart too—an oddity given the dire battle confronting them and the possibility of death awaiting her. If it does happen, Aurelie thought, strangely tranquil, it is the death I've spent a lifetime earning. And it was a good life.

She looked to either side and smiled in satisfaction, seeing her fellow trainers outfitted with weapons and armor of her own making and DYNAMAX BANDS of her devising. She met their eyes, taking comfort in their solidarity and amity and drawing strength from her comrades' resolve. She could hear the armies all around them, ready to defend the city that had become her beloved home.

A good life indeed. I have no regrets. I'll fight with all my heart and soul, with everything I have, and if I come out on the other side of it, I'll welcome whatever comes next with an open heart.

The red-haired smith caught her breath as she watched her fellow trainers launch into battle, firing off attacks of water, flame, lightning, ice, thorns, arrows, and blinding light at the terrifying Gigantamaxed Pokemon, the GALARIAN SLOWKING and SLOWBRO, and the poison Pokemon that had ever been a plague on the land. She gasped in awe to see SHADOW LUGIA soaring overhead with astride, shivered at the sight of the NECROZMA, took heart from 's inspiring speech and shining shield of protection, and marveled at the power of the ILLUSORY ZAMAZENTA looming upon the battlefield. She applauded as the shimmering barriers around the CINDERACE, RILLABOOM, and INTELEON collapsed under the onslaught of at least a dozen Dynamaxed Pokemon attacks.

Then Aurelie cast aside rational thought and churning emotion alike and charged into the fray.

Trusting to her armor to keep her safe, she let her decades of relentless swordsmanship training come to the fore and guide her in battle. Igniting with FLAME CHARGE, the red-haired smith's war hammer arced and whirled swiftly and surely amidst the enemy Pokemon ranks, thumping heads and pounding limbs with bone-breaking force and scorching their skin with blazing fire. With every strike, Aurelie felt her movements growing faster and her hammer lightening in her grasp, until it felt like she herself had turned a being of pure flame, furious and unstoppable.

No regrets. No second thoughts. Nothing to slow me down.

Usually, she used a hammer as a tool to create things. Today, she wielded it in the service of destroying creatures that would otherwise destroy her and her comrades.

Beside her, Aurelie's trusty GOLETT roared and rumbled as it fought alongside her, clearing a path through the poison Pokemon. As the two of them neared the GALARIAN SLOWBRO acting as a general to the horde, Aurelie turned to the GOLETT and nodded fiercely. "All right, one last time...EARTHQUAKE, please! Let's get 'em!"


- Watches in awe as everyone works together to disable the barriers protecting the CINDERACE, RILLABOOM, and INTELEON
- Leaps into battle and fights against the poison Pokemon horde with her FLAME CHARGE war hammer alongside her GOLETT

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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December 31st
Blackthorn City
Assassin / Architect
my most beautiful chaos
One day I will find you
1m85 // 6'1 height
1m85 // 6'1 height
Her heart in spite, is warm and bright
162 posts
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Kyrenai Black
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2023 23:47:28 GMT
Kyrenai Black Avatar
Kyrenai never makes it to Hammerlocke.

She’s left Motostoke before the Zacian rises from its statue, wandering the wilderness beyond, her eyes on the skies above wherever she goes. Yet, even though she does not hear the Zacian’s call to arms, the song the Skeleton and the Black Knight have been playing crescendo’s at long last; she knows where to go, and promptly makes her way there.

When she arrives Motostoke's soldiers recognise their former captain by the darkened armor she wears; spiked pauldrons, long black tassets protecting her thighs, sturdy, edged gauntlets protecting her arms, all covered in pitch-black robes torn by combat. Long red hair with strides of silver escape from the helmet covering her face, spikes running around the top of her head like a martyr's crown.

From beneath her visor an eerie glow of restless fire burns, and they know what will come to pass. When the call for attack chimes across the battlefield, she's at the frontlines with her soldiers, aiming for the Intellion's armies. Her flamberge begs for blood as it sings its song of death across the field, steadily advancing together with Crux, her Hydreigon. Their target is simple;

The "army general".

Once they're within range Kyrenai takes a stance, ceasing her advance and slamming the giant blade into the ground. The eerie fire smoldering within her bursts free from its very core, an Inferno of flames surging forth ever so hungrily, ready to devour any opponent within its grasp.

From within the fiery chaos Crux charges his own attack, unleashing a Hyper Beam at the nearby Slowking.


- Inferno-style Flamberge || Kyrenai's armor
- Hydreigon's out and about
- Kyr's Hack 'n Slashing her way through the enemy ranks
- Slams Flamberge into ground; unleashes Inferno on her surroundings
- Hydreigon Hyper Beams Intellion's Slowking


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP