i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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december 10
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TAG WITH @sergeidachev
sergei dachev
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 1:58:53 GMT
sergei dachev Avatar
THE YEARS THAT FOLLOW shines a glimmer of hope that is brighter than any of the constellations he has ever read.

While he lets do his own thing in the laboratory, entrusting the fellow scientist with the creation of the PROTO-DYNAMAX BANDS, he chooses to focus on the developments of their findings in the constellations. He knows will love to hear his findings, fueling his imagination as the lorekeeper that he is. But time flies so fast that even the kids he used to love his stories are now warriors and in their own accord, vowing to beloved Hammerlocke their promise of protection, emboldened by the stories his boyfriend has inspired them to.

Sergei's routine has been even more routinary in the next ten years that follow. Weekdays and weeknights kept Sergei in his laboratory and in the Night's Watch. Weekends will have him visit one city to another, hoping to collaborate what they have found as much of the poison has receded and travel is now made possible. The discoveries that all the best and the brightest of Hoenn and Galar's astronomists are all nothing but unbelievable and stunning.

The writings on the wall are true. There is no hiding to the heralding of the end of it all.

Looking at his notes, the writings on the wall, and the face of his beau who ages beautifuly, Sergei only wishes stories can actually change the world, just like how CALYREX told them.


"IF CALYREX SAYS THERE IS, THEN THERE IS NO DOUBT THERE IS," Sergei responds to as he inquires about their fate. Unlike him, the redhead's attention has been tied with his work and his eagerness to be helpful. The thriving reign that and has inspired him to be so. But it also means as time flies by so fast, so does his memories of the old world.

Sergei can only remember his name and his life mission in Galar. He would probably have forgotten that he has also a family waiting for him in Unova.

"I think the clue to what CALYREX told us is that what we believe is what we make happen."

Cupping 's face, reassuring that everything will fall right into place.

And so they will be too.


EVENTUALLY AND HIS LABOTATORY WILL BE AN ACADEMY, for the work that is required into studying everything can only be so much for the two of them. "A protege or two will help us," he convinces the other. The redhead promises the other he will try to oversee the learnings of the students so as to not interfere with their work.

His NIGHT'S WATCH group will expanded in numbers, eventually filling all of Hammerlocke's battlements with armed guards like him. He will eventually be promoted to a captain, leading his own troops with his reliable strength.

There is only so much he can do when time is chasing them. His recent findings only tell him that what is about to come is about to come.



- SERGEI establishes an academy in the laboratory with , promising to take care of aspiring scientists to carry on and help them with their task as researchers
- SERGEI is somehow promoted to captain in the Night's Watch
- SERGEI is in a long-term relationship by now with
- SERGEI forgets much of his old life as he is focused with his work in Galar (workaholic era yass!)

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August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 2:34:17 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

Fifteen Years Later
Time was an issue; no, simply calling such a thing an issue wouldn’t pass. Kouji knew that as he stepped into the open, his walking stick pressing against the ground, a click, and a clack as he looked out onto the sky for the first time in a truly long time. The black strands that had run through his hair were now well and truly gone, pure white. The sunglasses which partially hid his now injured right eye were far from being dark enough to cover up the scar over it.
The familiar weights in his pockets didn’t provide any succor, the simple knowledge he was reconiled with his partners, with his trusted knife, none of that mattered to him as he looked over the city scape had come to detest. The people that walked through the streets made him sick, but he was back; in his original role. Eyes avoided him, and he avoided them.
It was only natural, arrested, and held in the dungeons for five years, he had tried to push crime, he had tried to take over the night, he had tried to form his own guild of the night, and the King of Night had saw fit to punish him, until his spirit broke and he had learned to follow. The many scars upon his body were a reminder. A dull ache that would follow him for the rest of his life, of that he was sure. Time was a fickle mistress, but it wouldn’t allow him to forget this, neither would the brightness of the outdoors, for eyes that were used to the darkness of those dungeons it was too much.
The alleys suited him better anyways, and the castle walls needed defending. The men needed guidance, yet he knew even in that role he wasn’t necessary. This place had defended itself, for long enough. He had a simple role to follow, that was the act of following itself. Slow steps towards a room he knew well, one that he considered his own back when he had done his job in this strange world. Yet, the moment he opened it, he found the entire room now different, a different group of soldiers, of garrisons.
His eyes landed on his old compatriots, those who should have been alongside him in the dungeons, the cowards who quit, for a simple life. To enjoy a normal life, a peaceful life, the initial war he had seen had been his dream, but it lagged, fadded, and they had gotten it too good. He could see that burgeoning of comfort upon their faces, even in this struggling world. They were happy, able to enjoy normal lives, they had acclimated.
”Makes me sick to my stomach.”
Twenty Years Later
Lifeless, a singular golden eye looked over the papers in front of him, peace was beginning to gather, and yet war was on the horizon. News, information, all of the things his old blockheaded self would have never understood. But he had to understand such things now, it wasn’t an option, an employee of the King of Night, a loyal man…
He was not. Consequences, a man who knew such a thing could be kept in line. Having put down the parchment on the table, and moved on over to the door, Kouji could see a glimpse of himself from the corner of his one working eye. His present form, stronger than upon his release, but never again a fighter. He couldn’t walk without the aid of a stick, his limp left leg which pulled behind him.
The meeting of Kings, the statue, many things would soon change, everyone who knew was on edge, preparing, and he had to do the same. He had earned himself at least some trust, a modicum he was sure. ”I need to prepare myself.”
That strange phenomenon, those strange crystals, he needed one of both. There was only one man he could go to regarding such a thing. So he walked, he had kept himself away from everyone, if it had nothing to do with his duties, he had no need to speak, to meet, to see.
It all disgusted him.
Even his old allies, especially his old allies.
But he would meet with one, , the only one who could get him what he needed. The journey to the man’s store, a blacksmith. Yet another, who perhaps shared a similar thought came. . ”Devlin, still alive huh?” He said before he walked in.
The wars to come would be difficult, but it didn’t matter either way. Kouji didn’t care whether they won or lost, he just needed to find the right place to die.



-Fifteen years: Kouji gets outta the dungeons after 5 years inside, worse for wear, lost an eye, crippled leg, and numerous other injuries. Gives into being a lacky of Zev's, promises not to do crime, and just focuses his entire life on city defence.[break][break]
-Twenty-Years: PunishedKouji thinks some more on his present state, grows even more hateful of his surroundings, but continues to do what he does out of fear. Works on doing what he can for what he assumes is the final moment, makes a line at Josh Devlin, goes to Amor to get a swanky weapon, and a dynamax thingie.




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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
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you are my dark star
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long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
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fern delaney DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 3:20:30 GMT
fern delaney Avatar


The more days that pass, the more life settles into place. Their life before Ballonlea, before this Galar begins to become more of the memory than the dream they’ve constructed and committed to living. The apothecary and pokecenter still need to be run. They maintain careful operation, especially as begins to travel more than stay. They have their children to raise alongside . They grow like weeds with the other children of Ballonlea, forging their own ties with the world around them. Accompanying their parents on trips to the other kingdoms.[break][break]

Everything grows. The world begins to flourish as the toxins recede. It feels a lot like comfortable settling, even when it feels like there’s still an undefinable something looming on the horizon.

Even so, they are content and happy. Curiosity tugs the back of their mind as to whether or not they’ll go home from time to time. But most days they forget that they really have anywhere to go back to. They have a life, a family. This is their world now.[break][break]


reaching twenty years

“You’ve really prepared a lot, Aoife. I’m impressed.”[break][break]

Fern surveys the stores that his eldest has prepared—stockpiling poultices and tinctures and salves for the coming winter’s solstice and whatever it intends to bring. The stores stack up and consume a back corner of their storage room. Clearly, she has been squirreling these things away for some time. When they look at their daughter, they no longer see the little girl who used to toddle after them through the apothecary, eager to stick her hands into whatever she could get her hands on.[break][break]

Instead, she’s the young woman she’s grown into. Clever and witty, but still quiet and observant. Eighteen. When did that happen?[break][break]

“Well, da. Better to be prepared before the fact than scrambling after.”[break][break]

She points out the obvious dryly, fingers twirling around her golden braid. They laugh, and curl her into his arm in a hug. “Smart girl, this one,” they murmur against the top of her head. The first of their ducklings. “You’ll stick together later on, right? Keep an eye on Maritza—you know how reckless she can be.” Their smile is absent and wistful. They wonder if her namesake, would be impressed or annoyed by their youngest daughter’s impulsivity.[break][break]

“Honestly, da. It’s like you think I don’t plan these things.” A quiet laugh, teasing.[break][break]

“Yes, yes of course. Just humor your old da, will you?”[break][break]

A dramatic sigh. A smile, “I’ll look after them, da. If you look out for pa.”[break][break]

“It’s a deal, dove.”[break][break]


The more the years stack up, the more weathered they feel. They’re not as spry or quick on their feet as they once were. That long winded ailment from over a decade ago still remains in their shortened lung capacity. In their low threshold for the cold or wet weather.[break][break]

So too are some of their team incapable of battle. His flutter mane, and darling Nim, have weathered the years poorly. His typhlosion’s spirit remains bright and resilient, however. So Nimuë remains back in Ballonlea with the children of the orphanage. Determined to protect to the very last if she must.[break][break]

Despite these setbacks, despite feeling their age, Fern is just as resilient. Just as cocksure as they had been when they’d first been pulled into this shifted reality. I think they like you, they’d murmured to that first day. The years have unspooled, and Fern finds him just as beloved, just as steady as the city’s king. As their king, and they will follow him to the very last.[break][break]

“Of course we’ll survive. It’s you and me.”[break][break]

Just as it has always been.[break][break]

Their hand winds through his as they depart on the solstice. They lift the back of Jayden’s hand to press a kiss against his knuckles reassuringly. But their eyes are bright and clear. Determined, confident in what they can accomplish now that their group is stronger than its ever been.


+ time just keeps on truckin[break]
+ continues to work as the local apothecarist[break]
+ raising his lil bebe ducklings alongside jayden, they’re teens by the end :’3[break]
+ travels to visit the other kingdoms and reconnect with previously lost ties[break]
+ ready to rise to whatever challenge the solstice brings [break]
+ flutter mane and nimuë (h!typlosion) are too old to fight. they stay with the kids at the apothecary.[break]
+ has prepared plenty of herbalist remedies to have on hand for their numbers with help from aoife.[break]
+ is confident they’ll do well because they’re unified in the effort. [break]
+ weapon is a set of throwing knives that utilize phantom force




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October 25
Canalave City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @felix
Felix Gallagher
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 5:38:44 GMT
Felix Gallagher Avatar

Time was a slow crawl.

Months felt like years, years were decades, and decades were lifetimes. By the end of it all, the life that came before was no more than a fragmented memory. Like shattered glass, pieces littered his mind, jagged and without shape, and without the means to pluck them all up and piece them together, they would remain as they were. Broken and indiscernible.

"If given the chance, would you go back," once asked him. It'd been a decade since their arrival at Ballonlea, and with their roles now firmly set in place, there was no denying the reality of their situation.

Felix had been drinking that night, so his lips were loose, flapping with all the free will left in the world.

"I would."

This answer never changed. From year 1 to year 20, he remained steadfast in devotion, living every day for the possibility of righting the mistakes that still wrung his mind.


Felix ascension to knighthood never swayed. From the moment was crowned as ruler of these lands, the former admin was decorated with plated steel and the responsibility to defend, and so he did.

Unlike others, who spent their vacations traveling to distant cities, Felix kept his time dedicated to Ballonlea alone.

First, there was , to who he promised his entirety to. As wife and husband, the two crafted a home together, bringing life to two children: Lia and Oliver.

The day they were born was the happiest day of his life.

Unknowingly, trauma reared its ugly head, and as felix stumbled through fatherhood, relations with his son were riddled with mines. He'd often console over it. With time, it became easier.

Whenever came through town, he'd set aside some time to chat. At first these conversations revolved around and her decaying mental state, but as with all things, the gears of time forced changed upon them, and eventually, Felix's questions centered more on Barnaby than anything else.

A lot of time would be placed into maximizing these newfound weapons their blacksmiths had forged. As a guardsman, it was on Felix to incorporate their advantages to Ballonlea's overall defenses, and so he did, as he did with the new dynamaxing phenomenon when that came to play.

- still loves Illeana
- still works as head of the royal guard, tho mainly spends his time protecting queen Luka
- has two kids w Luka n they get married
- while he doesn't travel to different cities, he makes time to continue investigating means to escape the memory
- makes regular meetings w Barnaby to hear of Elisabeth's conditions. This begins to fade, but he still chatties with Barnaby
- learns and trains with dynamaxing and how to apply it to their defenses
- while others are happy about the receding yuckies, Felix is like hmmmga and begins to further make preparations.


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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
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church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 7:18:20 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

Time passes. Snapshots of ten years of life are forged.[break][break]


Many of the children at the orphanage are, for lack of a better word, sad.[break][break]

While Temp cares for all who pass through his doors he wishes they were not there. So much happier and safer with family who loved them. Not having to deal with life as they had known it ripped away so soon.[break][break]

Temp is a King. The children he cares for do not hunger or thirst or want for anything. He thinks they deserve that grace.[break][break]

Many of them, younger ones mostly, flock to him. His kind smile and willingness to join in horseplay endears them to him. Yet not all are so quick to warm up. Some are shy. Some are more wounded inside than most people can see. They shy away from him, then, as if afraid to make that bond. Afraid to reach out and lose someone else.[break][break]

They always come over in time. Kindness counts, as they say. You pour your heart into someone enough and over time they will give you smiles or enjoy seeing you.[break][break]

Except one child.[break][break]

Diot was an anomaly. She came from outside the walls of Circhester. The last wishes of an old man sick with the poison sludge, her small hand pushed into Temp's before he passed away. Other than her name, Temp knows little about her. She prefers to keep to herself or to play with the Rookidee that come down from 's Aviary. When she does play with the other children, she is rough and loud and takes charge. Always the one chasing, never the one chased. Her laugh is loud and smile mischievous.[break][break]

She seems to tolerate Temp. She will reach out small hands for her share of whatever is offered that day. Diot is not afraid of him, which is very important. She seems to regard him much like just a presence that is there and whose duty it is to feed and shelter her. She listens when it suits her yet is not an obvious troublemaker even if rambunctious.[break][break]

A strange child.[break][break]

Temp thinks she might be lonely. Even if she plays with the other children, Temp sees she is not close with them. It doesn't quite feel like keeping them at arm's length. It feels like something else, something familiar he can't put his finger on.[break][break]

One evening, out on the lawn, Temp sits o n the steps and watches the Corviknight fly overhead. Lugia's massive shadow passes by overhead, a sign his husband is home from whatever business he had that day.[break][break]

Diot points at her and speaks. Temp, so used to her silence, had forgotten the girl was there.[break][break]

"Who is that?"[break][break]

Temp tilts his head down at her. Cillian did join them from time to time. While the Aviary and the Orphanage were on the same land, behind the same gate, and Cillian did live with them... he mostly kept away from the children. It was more out of being busy than some great fear or dislike or anything else. They both had duties they needed to attend.[break][break]

"King Quinn."[break][break]

Diot frowns and rolls her eyes, sassy despite her young age. She glances back at him.[break][break]

"You're King Quinn."[break][break]

"He is, too. . He's my husband."[break][break]

"Who was that with him?"[break][break]

"Lugia. She's his patron. She's can be very scary... but she's very kind, deep down."[break][break]


And then they had said little else to one another.[break][break]

Temp thinks little of the incident till a few weeks later. He's rounding up the kids for baths and Diot is missing. The little redhead was usually pretty easy to spot. Bongo shakes his head when asked if she had left the Orphanage grounds; the Zarude using his vines to keep track of whoever entered or left.[break][break]

Temp eventually finds her at the Aviary doors. Usually this place is off limits; even if the Corviknight were mostly tame, many of them were still wild enough that startling them could be dangerous. He is about to snatch her away but stops himself. She hasn't noticed him yet and and he wants to know what she's after.[break][break]

The wrought iron door is too sturdy for her. She eventually gives up and just starts to smack the door.[break][break]

This, of course, rouses the occupant inside.[break][break]

Cillian is only more handsome after the years. Age has been kind to him, in Temp's humble opinion. He's annoyed but doesn't seem surprised. Diot darts inside with a small giggle when the door is cracked. Cillian just sighs and closes it behind her.[break][break]

Now, how long had this been happening?[break][break]

But, secretly, Temp just smiles to himself.[break][break]

Both Cillian and Diot could use each other's company, he thinks.


- Temp has the sudden epiphany that he has been coddling the Galarian Articuno, which he has started to call Frigid as a nickname, and makes more of an effort to toughen it up. He imparts, not for the first time, how important it is to protect the people you care about.


- Temp has always had a mild fear of flying. He is jealous of how people like and can ride on steeds as well as and has reliable rides with their dragons. With Frigid fully grown, he does his best to overcome his fear and fly on her back. They end up sharing a moment when they spot a beautiful aurora over the Circhester mountains.


- Even if Princess Diot, now officially adopted by Temp and Cillian, prefers her other father to Temp, he does still love and adore her. The two of them sits under the wings of Frigid and Lugia and he shares stories of her of his home and his people. She asks about his tattoos and he tells all the meanings, mourning his own father and his lost Hoyeon family back in Hoenn.


- Temp goes and hugs all his friends. Come here , , , plus many others... You will not escape the bear hugs > : )


- Temp spends times with and Rayquaza. While he's not as adept at science, he does like assisting. Mostly he spends time chatting with Eva about the old stories his people tell about Rayquaza. Rayquaza never indicates if these stories are true or false, but being able to share the stories make him happy.


- Before the final battle, Temp spends a nice and very fluffy day with Cillian.


- As they're suiting up, Temp makes the hard acceptance that his daughter may get hurt. He stops her before the battle, and she acts as if he might try to stop her. However, he just gives her a hug and tells her he loves her and he's so proud of her. He knows that, no matter what happens, she'll grow up to be a wonderful woman and she will be an amazing Queen when she succeeds them. She frowns and tears up but Temp wipes the tears away before they can fall. He tells her to save them for when she really needs them.

[attr="class","tag"]@ tag



🔗 notes


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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 7:20:54 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]GOODBYE GALAR:[break]



🎼 Final Fantasy XVI OST - Battle Theme


FINALLY, THE WINTER SOLSTICE APPROACHES. The ZAMAZENTA STATUE finally breaks apart enough to reveal itself in full detail: a regal looking dog bearing a segmented shield and thick, majestic fur like a legionaries' crest holder.[break][break]

During this time, many continue their work. Research, teaching, training camps, the creation of gas masks and observation of the stars. Medical aid is administered to those injured during defenses, while others like brave death by mapping out the deep... attempts to glean information from XERNEAS. With its hooves, it intuits that the Galarian soil, despite the receding of poison, is almost irreparably polluted. The first appearance of this poison seems to have come from prehistoric times as well...[break][break]

As the world grows colder, newfound families huddle together for warmth. Armies rise from the inspired townspeople, while knowledge is cultivated and gathered from the stars.[break][break]

More constellations are found by those studying the heavens:
★Nbl - a pokemon that looks like the small cloud creating a star directed by disembodied hand.

★UPrm - a winged light dragon providing energy to a cross-hatched area as if to sustain it.

★Gntc, ★Lnch - a pokemon that looks like the skeleton making a small celesteela grow exponentially huge.

Those who develop and distribute DYNAMAX BANDS practice DYNAMAXING or GIGANTAMAXING their Pokemon in preparation for the final fight. The energy seems to DISTORT SPACE itself, causing Pokemon to change their size and the world around them.


PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS. In this raid, Pokemon are able to DYNAMAX. For the purposes of this raid, the DYNAMAX mechanic will more flexible than what may be implemented on site.[break][break]

🔴 A Pokemon can only be DYNAMAXED/GIGANTAMAXED for a brief period of time.[break][break]

🔴 When dynamaxed, a Pokemon's moves are replaced by their corresponding MAX MOVES.[break][break]

🔴 If the Pokemon is able to GIGANTAMAX, then they will have access to their G-MAX MOVE even if they DO NOT HAVE DAMAGING MOVE OF A CERTAIN TYPE.[break][break]

🔴 A dynamaxed Pokemon can not mega evolve, terastallize, or use z-moves.[break][break]

🔴 Pokemon who dynamax are exponentially larger. They also are stronger and more hardy.

Suddenly, the whole region hears an apocalyptic knell. The skies run red. Crimson clouds choke out the sun. In the far south, near POSTWICK, every kingdom will be able to see a blinding pillar of magenta light erupt into the heavens. A horrid creature emerges from the earth there.[break][break]

The dark violet dragon soars into the sky, its serpentine body rolling like a flexible spinal column. Thin, spindly claws and ribs protect a core of pulsing energy. Tendrils sway behind its back as it carves its path, while its diamond-shaped teeth are bared for a ear-splitting roar. The townspeople are quick to declare its mythologized name: The Skeleton.[break][break]

The Black Knight is quick to chase after it. Clad in shiny black metals, it entangles itself with the dragon in the air. Their violent union is scorched with radiant, prismatic lights and searing beams. Their battle is almost sensual. The Black Knight strikes with its obsidian claws with bloodthirsty vengeance, while The Skeleton seems to be taunting it, allowing its opponent to make purchase with some of its attacks. With every strike, bright particles rain down from its body... it's as if The Skeleton is wanting to be milked of its innate force.[break][break]

The purple-pink clouds above intensify there and at "home". Suddenly, each ZAMAZENTA STATUE breaks open with a LOUD HOWL. The stone reveals an ILLUSORY FORM of the Hero Dog. The dog stands majestically on all fours, its determined gaze aimed for the south. Despite the scars on its body, it remains a stalwart symbol of heroism. The body is translucent. Ethereal. Like a spirit, the ZAMAZENTA'S BODY can be seen illuminating the darkening realm.[break][break]

The Dog beckons for every king and queen. Every trainer and their Pokemon. The armies of townspeople. Some time is given for those needing to say farewell to their children. After all, who knows if they will be back... and should they be successful, if the CALYREX is to be believed, would they truly be returning back to the kingdoms they have called home for the past twenty years?[break][break]

The time comes. With a hair-raising howl, the ILLUSORY ZAMAZENTA begins to run. Behind it, the Hero Dog leaves an ethereal trail that hastens the gait and flying speed of everyone behind it. The armies of BALLONLEA, CIRCHESTER, HAMMERLOCKE & MOTOSTOKE begin to join together. They traverse the WILD AREA and eventually find themselves on the outskirts of WEDGEHURST where EVERY ILLUSORY ZAMAZENTA HALTS.


THE ILLUSORY ZAMAZENTA AWAIT THE ORDERS OF EACH KINGDOM'S ROYALTY. Only on their command will they assist with leading the charge, for on the slope that they stand on, everyone would be able to see where ALL THE POISON HAD GONE.[break][break]

The Skeleton had drawn all the SLUDGE to create an anticipatory army of their own. It is an endless warm of malice. Pokemon made out of poison sludge and armored with the scattered debris cut from the THE BLACK KNIGHT'S body await them. GALARIAN SLOWKING & SLOWBRO act as generals; however, more horrifying are the GIGANTAMAX POKEMON positioned furthest away.[break][break]


A GIGANTAMAX INTELEON, RILLABOOM, AND CINDERACE prepare themselves to strike from afar. Whether it be through meteors of flame, bursts of back-breaking vines, or bullets of sharp brine, reaching these Pokemon will be a harrowing trial—if people can survive. To further complicate matters, TRAINERS WHO HAVE STUDIED THE DEEP & ITS ORGAN OR DYNAMAX/DYNITE ORE/MAX MUSHROOMS will notice that each GIGANTAMAX LEADER HAS THREE BARRIERS OF DYNAMAX ENERGY protecting them.


Luckily, the falling DYNAMAX PARTICLES allow anyone to DYNAMAX their Pokemon on this battlefield once called WEDGEHURST. It is clear to each trainer... In order to reach the NECROZMA & ETERNATUS, the armies of each kingdom must prevail against noxious horde.




On the royalty's command, the armies descend.



🛡️Trainers may use their weapons alongside their Pokemon for a total of "two moves" per post.[break][break]

🛡️A weapon based on SKETCH can SKETCH & USED THE SKETCHED MOVE IN THE SAME POST. Furthermore, weapons that HEAL can also be used to ATTACK a POKEMON MADE OUT OF POISON in lieu of supporting another Pokemon or trainer.[break][break]

🛡️ Mega evolutions, z-moves, terastallization limitations are reset. If you have used them before in the raid, you may use them again.[break][break]

In this round, rolling a 49 OR BELOW will cause YOUR POKEMON TO FAINT.


BELOW ARE THE DEVELOPING STORIES OF EACH CITY. Please click on the SPOILER tag to reveal them.[break][break]

From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
cleansing sludge and claw by earth, pool and mind,[break]
walls art hath raised to protect us i'm told.[break]
as speeches forge our hearts so bold[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Did clothe in the black knight's armeth'r didst a bird[break]
arriveth, with froren stare and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
from the depths, a geant Venusaur didst appeareth,[break]
bringing vine and pollen to our Ballonlea.[break]
our h'roes combated backeth, and did protect our town[break]
and so we didst bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Star Wardens seek wisdom in constellations above,[break]
Unlocking cosmic secrets, boundless knowledge to behove.[break]
Football's birth, a game bringing the medicine of joy:[break]
Physics' ailments healed by the natural world’s toys.[break]
A school's doors open wide, minds thirsty for study.[break]
Psychedelic mushrooms sprout, nature's colorful art,[break]
While young hearts are nurtured in an orphanage of letter-writing heart.[break]
But amidst progress, tragedy strikes in cruel descent,[break]
A Pokémon Center, once thriving, now shattered in lament[break]
The Kingdom of Arts now fortified by the royal guard[break]
Steel smithed and adorned by the scarred.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Through the passage of ten years, time's relentless flow,[break]
Our heroes evolved, their knowledge and strength did grow.[break]
They unlocked the secret, the power to dynamax,[break]
Harnessing cosmic energy, one birthed from the primordial past.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
and protect our kingdom with psychic mind,[break]
a rousing speech inspires by angelic rains,[break]
while claws and sludge art quell'd before teen[break]
falls upon our realm again, but fret not shouldst[break]
we incur did wind once more, the hero's bath[break]
returns to glory by a queen of dragons,[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Did clothe in the black knight's armeth'r didst a bird[break]
arriveth, with froren stare and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
from the depths, a geant kingler didst appeareth,[break]
bringing brine and froth to Circhester.[break]
our h'roes combated backeth, and did protect our town[break]
and so we didst bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

A Survey Corp emerges, protectors of us all.[break]
Some study the stars' celestial tapestry, divinations made to enthrall.[break]
In the streets of justice, knuckles are held with brutal hands,[break]
As dragons soar the skies to hold order and seek the homeland.[break]
A response team assembled, swift aid their decree.[break]
An orphanage provided, for the young lost to The Black Knight’s violent spree.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?

Through the passage of ten years, time's relentless flow,[break]
Our heroes evolved, their knowledge and strength did grow.[break]
They unlocked the secret, the power to dynamax,[break]
Harnessing cosmic energy, one birthed from the primordial past.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
to recup'rate our wounded, our walls, and minds.[break]
a dragon scout carves deep trenches[break]
while lightning and spells stomp hands of noxious stenches[break]
the townsfolk art did inspire by two strange men[break]
while the vault returns to its former glory again[break]
what m're shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Clad in the black knight's armor did a bird[break]
arrive, with thunderous legs and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
From the depths, a geant Charizard did appear,[break]
bringing hellish flame to old Hammerlocke.[break]
Our heroes fought back, and protected our town[break]
And so we did bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shall beest remembered?[break][break]

Glowing ore is elucidated as defenses are raised,[break]
while bodyguards venture into poison's deep unphased.[break]
A city reborn, transformed to adventurer's delight,[break]
Thriving with quests, its spirit alight.[break]
Storytellers weave tales, magic in their words.[break]
As a bathhouse beckons, a haven for the weary herd.[break]
A Master Blacksmith's forge is ablaze with skill and might,[break]
With gentle tolls of handbell, healing echoes bright.[break]
What more shall beest remembered?[break][break]

Through the passage of ten years, time's relentless flow,[break]
Our heroes evolved, their knowledge and strength did grow.[break]
They unlocked the secret, the power to dynamax,[break]
Harnessing cosmic energy, one birthed from the primordial past.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
acting as earthen bulwarks for our town to survive.[break]
Violent women slayeth the hands at our throats[break]
while a mistress of the forge builds cotes[break]
for our wingless people as the bleeding train[break]
is severed from its track.[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Did clothe in the black knight's armeth'r didst a bird[break]
arriveth, with froren stare and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
From the depths, a geant Garbod'r didst appeareth,[break]
bringing stench and sludge to Motostoke's sph're.[break]
Our h'roes combated backeth, and did protect our town[break]
and so we didst bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Prophecy's riddles unfold, entwined in a mad tower with poison's haze,[break]
Glowing ore tinkered upon, its power carefully appraised.[break]
Training camps arise, wielders sharpen their might,[break]
While the kingdom sharpens the mind; knowledge's flame is made bright.[break]
Travelling in our policed Motostoke is made with ease,[break]
Smithing's hammer strikes, creations born of fire and steam’s breeze,[break]
Our courier's path unfurls, messages on swift steed,[break]
As an orphanage is made for the young ones so desperate in need.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Through the passage of ten years, time's relentless flow,[break]
Our heroes evolved, their knowledge and strength did grow.[break]
They unlocked the secret, the power to dynamax,[break]
Harnessing cosmic energy, one birthed from the primordial past.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • please refrain from using Pokemon nicknames in your TL;DR. use the POKEMON SPECIES NAME.
  • please ROLL THIS ROUND.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.

Do note, there are many characters participating. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.


JUNE 27TH - 11:59PM PST

NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]


, & must fill out their TL;DR posts ASAP for their posts to count as having participated in the round.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,408 posts
part of
TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 15:37:19 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

"Do you think you could?"[break][break]

A DYNAMAX BAND gleams on his wrist, and Lugia regards it with intelligent red eyes. When she replies, it's almost smug.[break][break]

Of course.[break][break]


No matter the strict physical regiment designed by and maintained alongside a careful diet, Cillian can feel his age. His joints ache. His grip is not always as strong as it was, particularly in his scarred left hand.[break][break]

He has always feared growing old. Death approaches quietly, lurking.[break][break]

He is not a young man, but he is not yet incapable of fighting. Of defending these people that have come to be his own.[break][break]

It would not be so bad, he thinks, as the first warning bells begin to chime beneath a blood red sky, to die defending them. Far better a death with purpose than a long, slow approach of the end.[break][break]

He does not share these thoughts with his husband, nor their daughter.[break][break]

But he does tell , who he thinks might understand. There is little time for talk as Circhester's royalty leap into action, but a brief sentiment in shared:[break][break]

"I am meant to go out fighting, I think."[break][break]

This was not the cause he'd thought to die for, yet his golden eyes are a blaze of sunlight to combat the mounting chill. His body grows old, but the fervour of his youth remains in the eyes of the Shadowed King.[break][break]

"Release the prisoners," Cillian commands. "They can fight on the front lines."[break][break]

It is a mercy, he thinks, to have some stake in one's own fate.[break][break]

The birds are released, as well, a great flock of screeching steel that clouds the sky. With no messages to deliver, no orders given, they would help defend this city and its children in the absence of the army.[break][break]


A howl echoes through their ancient city, and Cillian answers its call.[break][break]

Where once he'd sought to wrangle the canine in Rocket's name, he now looks to its illusory form for guidance.[break][break]

He does not need to say goodbye to his child, for he pulls her onto Lugia's back behind him as they follow the Zamazenta's ethereal trail. A wave is given to and the bird dubbed Frigid, knowing they will be close-by.[break][break]

Even Rayquaza is acknowledged by both avatar and patron as their final battle dawns.[break][break]


A promise, offered to the dragon alone.[break][break]


"We must get clear from our allies," Cillian calls to the armies and gathered royals from Lugia's back. With incredible reluctance and a firm order, Princess Diot dismounts to join their forces on the ground. Cillian wouldn't drag her into his reckless plans, though he knows that Temp will be right beside him. Cillian's heavy gaze sweeps over the gathered royalty. "I trust you."[break][break]

Even . Even .[break][break]

He offers a last nod before, without a word from him, the shadowed leviathan pivots in the air with the grace of a swimmer and carries them into the skies with powerful wingbeats. The force of them stir up storm-strength winds upon which she rides.[break][break]

When they are high enough, Cillian activates the band.[break][break]

She is already large, but Lugia's wingspan darkens bloody skies as space and time contort around her. Cillian feels like little more than an ant on the back of a whale, his comfortable purchase turning to a desperate press against one of her aerodynamic plates. A sound like laughter rumbles in her chest, an earthquake beneath him that sends his heart to his throat.[break][break]

I would not drop you. Hold on.[break][break]

When they draw close to the massive Cinderace, she swoops low.[break][break]

Cillian leaps.[break][break]

His fist arcs through the air, the familiar movement sending tendrils of void and shadow from crystalline knuckles. Like ropes about a tree's trunk, they'd seek to curve around the rabbit's ankle and pull. He needed only to imbalance it, for SHADOWS to HOLD it long enough.[break][break]

The poison-soaked earth would begin to shake, to crack beneath a building pressure. Stormclouds gather at her call, a lashing RAIN to set the battle's stage. Then, with a deafening roar augmented by Shadow Lugia's haunting battle cry, a MAX GEYSER would erupt in a swirling maelstrom, the power of the sea bent beneath the will of its Guardian.[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]RUSTED SHIELD



WEAPON: Knuckles tipped with claws. (SHADOW HOLD)[break]
Cillian tells someone to release the prisoners to fight. He also releases the birds from the Rookery to defend the city. The Birds (film)[break]
After Cillian snares it with SHADOW HOLD (to hopefully prevent it from dodging) LUGIA uses MAX GEYSER (WATER) on CINDERACE. The geyser also sets the weather to RAIN.[break]
Didn't plan it around that gif, that was a happy accident.[break]
Used 2 SALACS b/c I've been waiting for this climax all raid and I am not going out with a whimper LOL


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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]··
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february 3rd
malie city
senior ranger
5’2” height
5’2” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
253 posts
part of
TAG WITH @absalom
absalom steel
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 18:44:10 GMT
absalom steel Avatar



The Twentieth Year[break]
Pre Winter Solstice
The young man tried to help out whenever he could. Though with his condition acting up more frequently he was limited on what he could do. Thanks to some of the others though he was never bored. had often brought his books about the constellations whenever he visited. Reading about the constellations helped make him feel not as useless and gave him something to do.
If he hadn’t been doing that he was asking the others what they had discovered about the constellations. Looking over the notes he was able to help them figure out what the constellations were trying to say. Though he didn’t think they new constellations were that hard to figure out.
On days where his condition wasn’t affecting him he would train up his body. It was all in preparation for the winter solstice. After all he would need to have good upper body strength to use his bow. So he couldn’t allow his upper body strength to fade. He couldn’t allow his condition to take that from him.
Of course he made sure to pace himself. He wanted to reserve all the energy he could for the big battle after all. That didn’t mean his condition didn’t still trigger at times due to his training. But he tried to limit the amount of times it happened. After all the signs that the winter solstice was approaching was becoming clearer and clearer everyday as the day came closer and closer.

The Winter Solstice
He looked up at the sky as it turned red and crimson clouds covered the sun. If that wasn’t a sign that the battle was finally here then he didn’t know what was. His attention was soon grabbed by a violet beam shooting into the sky and he looked towards the source to see a Pokémon he had never seen before.
Though the Pokémon with him was definitely one he did recognize. ”That’s just great Necrozma has returned. Why did I have to be right in thinking it would return?” he asked no one in particular a sigh following his words. Sometimes he hated being right.
He ignored those around him as his attention was grabbed by the reappearance of Zamazenta. He did a quick scan but didn’t see the ice cat. It seemed like Zamazenta had come alone. Which hopefully meant it would be able to help them out. Hopefully it would be enough if that was the case.
He noticed the Zamazenta seemed to beckoning everyone who could fight and he joined the fray. Together they seemed to march until all the settlements seemed to come together in the wilds. The continued marching for a big before reaching their destination. Considering he had never been this far in Galar he wasn’t sure where they were. Though he supposed that didn’t really matter.
He looked upon the battlefield taking in everything around him. Of course he noticed the Necrozma and Eternatus surrounded by hordes of sludge pokemon. It seemed like they would have to battle through the hordes of sludge pokemon to get to Necrozma and Eternatus. Something he would leave for the others. For now he would send out his chosen Pokémon and focus his attention on the dynamax and gigantamax Pokémon at a distance.
He immediately sent out his Jigglypuff and dynamaxed the dual type. ”Song use Max Starfall. Aim for the gigantamax Cinderace if you can. If you can’t that’s fine the attack should still at least hit some of the Pokémon,” he told his partner. The Jigglypuff didn’t respond just fired off a Max Starfall like she had been asked to trying to aim for the Cinderace if she could.
While Song did that he fell back a bit getting a bit of distance between him and the fight. After finding a bit of a higher vantage point he notched an arrow and began to fire arrows in quick succession towards the enemy Pokémon. His main aim was towards the Slowbro and Slowking. He hoped his bitter malice arrows would take them out of commission.
While firing he kept an eye out for , , and any other friends he had been able to make over the years. He knew the possibility of some of them not making it so he wanted to keep an eye on them he he could. Hopefully he could prevent anything from happening to them if he did.[break][break] Z_BGFPhW

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + helps with research when he can [break] trains himself up in preparation for the winter solstice [break] joins the others going to the battle field [break] Dynamaxes his Jigglypuff and has her use Max Starfall hopefully landing a hit on the Cinderace [break] Due to using Max Starfall misty terrain with active for five turns or until the end of the battle whichever comes first [break] Gets some distance and moves to a higher vantage point so he can fire Bitter Malice arrows into the horde of sludge Pokémon, though he’s specifically aiming for Galarian Slowbro and Slowking



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played by


may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,028 posts
part of
TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 19:17:05 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

Temp stands at the gate of the orphanage. Of his home. Instead of a grand castle, this was the legacy he had built for himself.[break][break]

Even if everyone able was gathered to fight, not everyone could. The townsfolk to young, old, or sick huddle in the orphanage with the doors locked. The gates are sealed closed. A few of his own pokemon, now too old or sick or weak themselves for this fight, linger in the courtyard. He knows they won't go down without a fight. If this is all their finals stands then so be it.[break][break]

Frigid stands beside him. She is so large now, has been for so long. Her wings are folded under her.[break][break]

Sometimes he wonders if she could talk like Lugia could. Sometimes he is glad she doesn't. Sometimes he wishes she would.[break][break]

She, too, is ready for battle. Special armor, light but durable, shines in plates over her wings. Cups to protect her and will help protect Temp as well when he mounts her saddle. This is made my , a special request, the black metal of Corviknight feathers melted down into something lightweight.[break][break]

Her talons are tipped with something else. This one by . Metals claws to assist the Galarian Articuno with ripping and shredding of flesh.[break][break]

Temp stands before her, and Diot already departed. A Dynamax band in hand, he lifts it up for her to inspect.[break][break]

"Will you?" Temp does not ask if she can. He knows she is capable. But he wonders if the cold bird has ever absorbed any of the wisdom he has tried to give her over the years. She was so hard to read.[break][break]

In the end, after a few moments of quiet studying, she dips her head for him.[break][break]

Temp clasps the charm to her reins and mounts.[break][break]

They take off in a flurry of lavender.[break][break]


Days before, Temp had been drafting up final letters. Well wishes to friends and loved ones. Last asks if his life was snuffed today. Temp is not a poet, knows the letter are crude. But they are heartfelt.[break][break]

Temp pours all his love into them. He tells about all his love and how happy their life has been together. About how, if given the chance, he would pick Cillian in every life in every way he could. Cillian is his husband but also his soulmate, the bonding ritual they did together still etched into the lines of his face and beating of his heart.[break][break]

He trusts these letters to . A secret between them.[break][break]

"I just can't imagine myself dying in bed or in my sleep, you know?" He tells her, a sad smile on his face.[break][break]

- [break][break]

Temp will always follow to the brink.[break][break]

Diot joins the ground forces. Her Corviknight and Eevee will help keep her safe. Remnants from both he and Cil, should neither of them survive this.[break][break]

A fire burns in his chest.[break][break]

Temp is a young man no longer. He can feel the aching in his joints when he hefts the heavy shield up onto his arm. He's almost fifty and time waits for no one, after all.[break][break]

But Temp had always been meant for battle. He will fight till his last breath even if it hurts.[break][break]

Lugia pulses with Dynamax energy and Frigid is only a moment behind. Squeezing the band on her reins, she pulses with energy. Soon, he is like a flea on her back. Long purple wings shine down like an aurora over the ground forces..[break][break]

Temp may have raised the Articuno from a hatchling but Lugia is like her mother. The psychic bird knows how to whip and fly around the shadowed legend, even like this. It is a lovely dance in the sky, one fit to match the battle between the Skeleton and the Black Knight in the distance. Where Lugia whips up rains and a powerful spout of water, Frigid makes to press the storm into a Hurricane.[break][break]

Yet the power is amplified. A wind storm tornado picks up, tearing into the land as it aims for the Cinderance in turn.[break][break]


Temp is not one to sit idle on the back of his pokemon while they do all the work. His approach has always been very hands on.[break][break]

When Temp sees leap from Lugia's back, he feels a pang of fear. It is swiftly replaced by a loud laugh, deep and sudden and sharp. Cil knew how to make him feel like a young man again.[break][break]

The saddle, meant more to keep him secure, is unclasped. Temp yells a reassurance over the high wind and leaps off the back of his friend.[break][break]

The fall is steep and wind howls in his ears. The shield is raised; Temp intends to bash into the Cinderance and grasp onto it. Crawl on the creature and Shadow of the Colossus with his husband.[break][break]

The energy shines in the shield, the King's Shield activating to help protect him from harm. It would also wrap around and whoever else may be nearby.[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]@ tag



🔗 temp ensures the children, sick, and elderly are as safe as he can leave them by having whoever is left in circhester stay at the orphanage. some of his own old, sick, or unable to battle pokemon are left behind to help defend it should they fail.[break]
🔗 temp leaves his final goodbyes to various characters with should he die.[break]
🔗 Frigid, the Galarian Articuno, is given armor and weapon made from Corviknight armor. he rides on her into battle. she is his only pokemon out.[break]
🔗 G Articuno Dynamaxes. She joins Lugia in attacking Cinderance with a Max Airstream.[break]
🔗 temp chooses to join and Shadow of the Colossus the Cinderance. he activates his King's Shield to protect himself, Cillian, and whoever else chooses to be around the big bunny[break]
🔗 There are not very many good gifs of G Articuno > : ([break]


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Black Dog, the weakest beast
November 9th
5'3" and 1/2 height
5'3" and 1/2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
886 posts
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TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 19:42:56 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar
These twenty years pass, as all things do. The call for war is sounded. People rally behind their kings, they follow their leaders. All of them are together once more, standing on a desolate battlefield. When this creature was a boy, he dreamed about being born in an era where battles such as this one transpired. That is a world better suited for him.[break]
We do not get to choose our world, nor the circumstances of our birth. Few are blessed even to choose the circumstances of their deaths. Life, as this black wolf has learned, is about finding something to keep you going through the dark times. He found his flame long ago. That flame has kept him going day after day. All these years have is a training ground while he finds his way back to that flame.[break]
She waits for him across this battlefield. She waits for him in the dawn beyond this day. People say their goodbyes, they treat this battle as if might be their final battle.[break]
Hitoshi has no intention of dying here. He simply will not die. He made someone a promise. Hitoshi is many things, but he is no oathbreaker.[break]
In the center of his sword is affixed a band pulsing with dynamax energy. Jubei explodes with power and grows to tower over the battlefield. The dark knight and the black wolf charge. They charge right down the middle. His blade is a red wind, never staying in one place for very long. Amber eyes fall upon things that will soon be dead. His bitter blade seeps life from them with every hit, healing him. Some might say he is surrounded. All that surrounds him are dead things.[break]
Every foot gained is a foot that brings him closer to her. He is bitten by some monster. Gripping it with his free hand, he pierces its brain with his sword, feeling the strength flee its body. Kicking it aside, he moves on to the next creature.[break]
A downward thrust. A forward kick. Sway from side to side. Move. Advance. Fight. Fight. FIGHT. 戦い 戦い 戦い.[break]
Jubei knows his master's heart. With his own blade, he will carve a path for Hitoshi forward, through the Rillaboom guarding the way. Drawing in air, he launches a blade of heated fire across the battlefield at his foe.

Hitoshi jumps right down the center, using bitter blade via his sword on monsters.
Carving a path down the middle front towards Rillaboom.
Cerulege dynamaxes, jumps into the fray too.
Launches a Max Flare at Rillaboom.
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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,048 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 20:50:59 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

The sky above Hammerlocke darkened with crimson clouds. Zev strode down the cobblestone toward the city's front gate where Zamazenta's illusory form waited. He had said no goodbyes. Despite his long and prosperous rule as one of their kings, the peasantry still feared him. And soon, they would be rid of him.[break][break]

At long last, the hope that had sparked within Zev caught fire. The certainty that he would make it to the other side of the day's battle and return home filled him. Anyone who looked upon his face would see a burning resolve that had not been there before.[break][break]

Outside Wedgehurst, Zev met 's gaze and nodded at his comment. Then the assassin turned to , his co-ruler of twenty years. "Remember what I told you," he said in a tone that sounded more like an order and less like a reminder.[break][break]

A quick glance at transferred more meaning than any words the two men had exchanged in the past two decades: "I'm counting on you to protect him."[break][break]

Because if one thing was certain, it was Matias' loyalty to Kyle.[break][break]

Turning away from his allies to face their enemies, Zev opened a Pokéball to release his Gengar, his oldest and most devoted companion. His Dynamax band flashed, and Smoke surged with power into a familiar form. His ghostly body towered over the battlefield, enormous maw grinning, tongue lolling out with excitement.[break][break]

Meanwhile, dark crystals spread across Zev's body, covering him from head to foot in a void-black carapace. Two tendrils rose out of his left hand, forming a longbow. Pink energy gathered in his right hand as he used it to draw the bow's string.[break][break]

Zev's voice cut through the howl of battle. "Targeting the Inteleon. Fire at will, Smoke."[break][break]

As G-MAX TERROR ripped through the sky, a dark bolt of spectral shadow, LIGHT OF RUIN shot from Zev's bow to rip through the Water-type Pokémon.[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]gg: rusted shield


Zev is wearing black tactical gear + mask medieval clothes[break]
Reminds Kyle not to die, and tries signaling to Matias to protect Kyle[break]
Covers himself in crystal armor[break]
Uses his LONGBOW OF LIGHT OF RUIN on Inteleon[break]
Gengar DYNAMAXES (GIGANTAMAXES) and uses G-MAX TERROR on Inteleon[break]
Gigantamax Gengar's ability SHADOW TAG is active



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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
787 posts
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TAG WITH @caleb
Caleb Harcourt
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 22:00:46 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar


Caleb spent the entire week leading up to the solstice planning with . They had collaborated with the other cities and their monarchs, creating enough DYNAMAX BANDS to ensure their armies would be ready to fight whatever appeared out of the void. For what felt like the first time since arriving in Motostoke, Caleb felt they were prepared for just about anything.[break][break]
Instead of feel apprehensive, he merely wondered whether this battle would finally herald a return that had long been promised. If they won, would the Calyrex appear to send them back to the region - and time period - they once called home? Perhaps winning meant they would get to stay, and losing would send them back. Maybe there was no "back" to go to; maybe they were simply careening towards an inevitable doom.[break][break]
Caleb kept his speculations to himself. He had a city to bolster, a kingdom to inspire. Isaac was the voice of their rule, but Caleb was relied upon more than he had ever realized. It had taken twenty years for him to internalize the fact that he, too, was important. That he mattered.[break][break]
Prior to the solstice, the king spent one final passionate night with , the two of them finding some measure of familiar comfort in the way they had fused together over the years. They did not speak of their arrangement, nor what it might become should their circumstances change. Caleb saw no point in mourning something that very well might persist.[break][break]
One thing he did know: with Barnaby, he'd been happy.[break][break]
He went to see the girl the morning of the apocalypse, dreading that goodbye far more than any other. As he neared the home had cultivated over twenty years of isolated witchcraft, he realized that the woman had made it impossible for him to actually enter the tower - and so, from below, wholly impeded by the thick, thorny vines she'd conjured - he called out to Lisette.[break][break]
She says I cannot go to war. Please...I want to fight.[break][break]
She begged him to let her out of the prison Elisabeth had created, fierce and defiant, but he merely shook his head. With a hardened heart, he realized that even if it were possible to free her - which it wasn't - he agreed with Elisabeth's decision.[break][break]
"She's right to keep you from the potential death that awaits us," he'd said, hoping she could hear him. "I know you're strong, but this is a foe beyond you - maybe even beyond us. You trust me, right? Whatever happens, I won't forget you, Lisette."[break][break]
Perhaps he'd had something like a daughter, after all.[break][break]
The howl of the legendary dog heralded their call to arms, and on the day of Necrozma's return, the black knight and its skeleton adversary brought with them the largest force of poisoned, gigantic Pokémon Caleb had seen yet.[break][break]
Beneath a crimson sky, Caleb and Isaac organized their fighters. Caleb glimpsed and standing together on the battlefield, nodded his head to them, a small, wry smile gracing his lips - his affection for them an obvious, unfiltered thing - then released his Lapras, Lyra, oldest and most beloved of his Pokémon.[break][break]
Activating the DYNAMAX BAND had forged for him, as well as his trident, Lyra grew to a massive size as rain began to fall. She summoned a G-MAX RESONANCE, creating an AURORA VEIL around the Motostoke trainers and their Pokémon. The icy force of energy rocketed towards the enemy Rillaboom.[break][break]
"I'm with you," he reassured , putting a hand on the other man's shoulder. They'd been friends, co-rulers, and brothers for nearly two decades. Together, they would prevail: as they always had. Always would.[break][break]

[attr="class","tag"]GOODBYE GALAR: RUSTED SHIELD


Caleb is wearing medieval clothing and a crown[break]
Caleb is in MOTOSTOKE[break]
One last night with , surely this won't turn into something tragic when they go home...[break]
On the morning of the solstice, Caleb says goodbye to Lisette. Though she begs him to let her out of her thorny prison, he cannot - and even if he could, he wouldn't (he agrees with 's choice)[break]
Caleb, along with , lead Motostoke to war. Caleb's trident activates RAIN DANCE for the Motostoke army and anyone nearby to them[break]
GIGANTAMAX Lapras uses G-MAX RESONANCE on the enemy Rillaboom. This causes an AURORA VEIL to go into effect, protecting allies from damage.[break]
+1 Salac used[break]



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[newclass=".calebtest2 h2"]font:bold 14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.1px[/newclass]
[newclass=".calebtest2 .text b"]font:bold 12px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".calebtest2 .tag a"]font:bold 15px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".calebtest2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".calebtest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
[newclass=".calebtest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]·
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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,654 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2023 0:22:15 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
The day of the Winter Solstice was soon upon them - and the call soon followed. The statues that had been growing over the years finally unveiled their purpose, Zamazenta emerging, ready to lead them into battle. One didn't need sight to feel the pressure of the moment, to know that their final battle was upon them.

Hideo made sure he was prepared: his Dynamax Band rested right by his Z-ring, all Pokemon accounted for, his Future Sight blade by his side and his shield on his back. He had spoken to his family about the gravity of what was to come, spoken his farewells - and given a promise he would rejoin them when the fighting was over.

He knew not if he would get a chance to speak to them again - if this would grant him the chance to return to Hoenn. To what had once been his home.

He strode out atop his Glastrier, his Beheeyem seated behind him. The assessment he received from Elga was as much as he'd expected: an army awaited them, with The Black Knight and The Skeleton brawling behind the horde.

"To be fair," he answered , even if those words had been spoken aimlessly, "Necrozma is The Black Knight, and its appearance here was foretold. Though before we can tangle with The Black Knight or The Skeleton…"

He drew his blade, a purple hue coating the weapon.

"...we'll need to reach them. And it would seem we've no reason to wait." His Beheeyem notified him of someone leaping into the fray - . Hideo wouldn't let him stay there on his own. Battling on the frontlines was something he'd grown accustomed to over the years - he couldn't rely on or to bail him out if the fighting came his way.

The moment after his Beheeyem dismounted, Hideo charged forth. He swung a wide arc across the air - a seemingly-pointless gesture. But in a few moments, the purpose would be made clear, the arc of Future Vision energy slicing through the air, striking any of the Pokemon that tried to get in his way.

Dynamax energy built in the Beheeyem left behind, growing dramatically in size; as Hideo fought in the front lines, Elga would support, keeping Hideo oriented and aware of any incoming threats through his Telepathy, enhanced by the power of this form.

But support wasn't the only thing he was there for: his hand pointed forward, psychic energy flowing out in rings towards the massive Rillaboom, before the Max Mindstorm erupted around the target.

Hideo says his farewells before riding off into battle
Hideo charges in atop Glastrier, trying to support
Hideo uses his Future Vision blade to help clear a path
Beheeyem Dynamaxes, helps keep Hideo oriented via Telepathy
Beheeyem uses Max Mindstorm on the Rillaboom

Salac x1


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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
241 posts
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TAG WITH @pokejun2
Oliver Shrakes
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2023 1:14:29 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
Oliver sees both familiar and unfamiliar faces in his training camps, including . It was always good to brush up on the basics. But also perhaps get stronger due to inexperience or some other factor. Hopefully it pays off, not just for Julia, but for others as well.

and led the Motostoke crew down. Seemed they were focused on the center of the army as the Zamazenta led them there. Several trainers brought out their dynamaxed or gigantimaxed Pokemon. Oliver wouldn't. His focus, for now, was going to be crowd control. Besides, it would be a tragedy if everyone used that power at once. Best to stagger it, in his opinion. War Club in hand, he fired off an Ice Beam first. If nothing else but to slow down the encroaching army with a wall of ice. Taking out a Pokeball, he released Galvantula.

"Galvantula, use Discharge! We've got to get this crowd under control before we hit the big pokemon in the back." With a spiddery scream, the electric bug used Discharge, sending waves of electricity towards the army, hopefully taking out several at once.


Oliver used Ice Beam to attack and maybe set up a wall of ice to slow down the army.
Releases Galvantula.
Galvantula uses Discharge to strike multiple enemies at once!

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,586 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2023 2:22:27 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
kyle's blood runs hot with adrenaline and excitement. as if all the time cooped up inside the castle building up his city resulted to fervor wanting to erupt from within, his hand shakes as he grips his weapon as he wields it.

i won't hesitate, he tells himself. this is what i was chosen for!

he cares not for the objective nor the efficiency of his every move. his weapon remains blank for it will shorten his time with the fight. the king cherishes every moment, every second, as his blade pierces through each black armor and toxic physiology of his adversary.

beside him was his mightyena, who deliberately makes contact with the sludge pokemon with the fight. quick feet allows him to literally storm through the crowds as he develops his own armor with a steel terastalization. the sheen of the mightyena hides another glow as it channels energies from ultra space for it's z-move.


mightyena calls upon the strength of the pokemon around it for an attack. its power builds up with the number of pokemon on its side of the field.

the mightyena uses up the power borrowed from the rest of galar and decimates the slowking general standing before the intelleon. a double tap from the king with his blade piercing through its heart seals the deal.

Embrace the dark you call a home,
Gaze upon an empty, white throne
A legacy of lies,
A familiar disguise

this fight doesn't affect him. he always knew they were just characters in a story foretold within the memory they live in. soon, this battle, too, will be added as a constellation in the skies.

still, he does his best to protect this land.

like a game with multiple endings, kyle wants to see how this one will end. like a game with multiple endings, kyle makes sure he doesn't get the bad one for his first attempt. like a game with multiple endings, kyle knows this run will make an impact to him, so he needs to relish the experience.

kyle can choose to make the ash manifest as raikou and suicune to aid him in battle. they will act as separate, additional entities in threads/events before fading away after a period of time.

raikou and suicune , too, have joined for kyle to experience other perspectives in the fight. there was with the former, who has always done his best to use the legend to its fullest potential. his guild leader in takes the latter, exciting kyle with what she would do with an extra tool under her belt.

everyone would be fighting for something that wouldn't matter in the end, but that shouldn't be the case. time enjoyed wasting wasn't wasted time.

Sing with me a song of conquest and fate
The black pillar cracks beneath its weight
Night breaks through the day, hard as a stone
Lost in thoughts all alone

the people of hoenn have ruled their respective cities, and soon, this realm.

he stood tall by the outskirts of wedgewurst when an illusory zamazenta broke free from his prison. with a passionate command to fight, it would join the people of galar in the eradication of the legion.

kyle, a creature of doubt and anxiety, would find confidence in making the claim to conquest. he has , after all, who he knows would make sure his king gets what he wants.

he turns to the person he finds himself unironically attached to for the past twenty years. . kyle still isn't sure how their dynamic works, but he wouldn't trade it for anything.

"you're talking to ho-oh's avatar," he'd casually joke about with the king of the night before they would charge. "i don't die. i respawn."

that would be the one-liner he'd leave before he dips into the fight, giving an apt conclusion to their silly little relationship over the course of their rule.

  • sygna suit deactivated
  • mightyena activates quick feet from poison
  • mightyena teras to steel afterwards
  • mightyena bulldozes through hordes with z-move
  • mightyena uses z-move to kill g!slowking
  • kyle last hits with his weapon
  • paves the way to inteleon
  • raikou > josh + suicune > julia
  • kyle wields sketch!zweihander


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP