i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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march 21
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parker jones DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @parker
parker jones
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2023 14:35:26 GMT
parker jones Avatar


life is what you make of it. and parker hadn't been making a whole lot of it for a while. all her days were spent getting by. working out, throwing punches, and hoping all the shit she'd done wouldn't come back to haunt her. there were rare moments of joy, usually when she had her head wedged between two thighs, but she didn't know how to want more. 

the money shoved under her mattress was a small fortune, enough for a getaway. and yet she'd never left. because where would she have gone? 

no, parker's life didn't really start until galar. it didn't start until she found friends to call her own. until she fell deeply in love with a woman who wanted every part of her, even the worst of it. until she was shown forgiveness. had been the catalyst of her recovery. if someone like him could forgive her for what she'd done, she owed it to him to do the same herself.

she found something to fight for. these people, even if they were just memories, were still part of them. they had desires. griefs. loves. wants. needs. and didn't that make them as real as her? as real as nomi?

she traveled wherever nomi needed her. she wouldn't give up her promise. but over time, parker realized she didn't care. there were no faction lines here. life was hard and imperfect, but it's always been hard and imperfect. 

the dawn of the final battle approaches. parker loses sleep. nomi begs her to come to bed, but she's restless. she presses her forehead to nomi's chest, wraps an arm around her, and grimaces. her heart is heavy. there is a nagging feeling in the back of her mind. 

everything is going to change. 

'no matter what happens, we have each other. we will always have that.'

"i love you, nomes," she says roughly. and she kisses her and holds her and thinks, we will endure. i will not lose this.

protects home turf
goes wherever nomi does
ready to punch her way outta here
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November 1
Mauville City
art collector
kiss me once
then kiss me twice
5'6" height
5'6" height
say a prayer for the wicked
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TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2023 14:46:26 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar

Another ten years came and went. couldn't recall her age, since she'd stopped counting. But, she believed she'd be near fifty at this point. Her hair was a stark white in contrast of the blue it once was. Stress and battle had caused the pigment to disappear, leaving her white as snow.[break][break]

Pure, perhaps. She didn't mind it.[break][break]

Circhester grew, thanks to the work of the guard. , , , and played a major role in the rebuilding of defenses and manning protection. She would always sing their praises when anyone tried to say it was her work that brought the city to its glory.[break][break]

There were many times she went to the hospital and clinics to catch . Summer believed she was indebted to him for saving her life, and she would try to take him away for a break and treat him to coffee or tea. On her, of course.[break][break]

's pub was one of her favorite places to unwind after a day's work. Even after heated nights and romantic nothings, she enjoyed laughing and drinking with the woman. She was fun and boisterous, a light in the shadowy world. She made sure to invite and to join in the fun as well.[break][break]

Summer would go and check on , to see how her work came along. She was impressed with the progress that she made with her research and weaponry. She was very glad to have her in their city.[break][break]

... she was growing up. It made Summer so proud to see her grow. And when she heard that the girl had a crush on someone, she practically squealed with joy. She would take her out to lunches and dinners regularly, giving her the best advice on what to do — and mostly, what not to do. And, the queen demanded to meet her partner soon. For... interrogation purposes.[break][break]

would steal the queen from her chambers, taking her out to sea. With the poison receding from the city, it took both of them by surprise. So Summer requested to join her in her adventure out to visualize what was going on. Though perhaps the two women had a bit too much fun on the boat and had to be dealt with by poor later...[break][break]

And, ... four years of their time had been spent fighting, followed by silence. Ignoring one another unless duty called. But the last sixteen years had been kind to them. At first, Summer had been hesitant to reach out to him, even though they had agreed to enjoy each other's company as friends. But with each meeting, it became easier. Whether it was food or drink, or even a casual conversation, Summer felt herself grow more and more comfortable with him. Their relationship, the loss of their child, it was all a healed wound. Now, she could enjoy his friendship. How it should have been.[break][break]

With communication between the other cities becoming more widespread, Summer reached out to the other kings and queens of each city. "We are offering you aid should you need any. I cannot offer you military assistance, but anything else, please don't hesitate to ask, and we can reach a negotiation," her letter said.[break][break]

While she hesitated to add a part to the letter, she did so anyway. "I should forewarn you that and I came across a great disturbance in the sea. The poison receded there, and it seems like it's going to come forth again at any moment. It would appear that a disturbance is on the horizon. Be prepared."[break][break]

- signed, Queen Summer of Circhester

[attr="class","tag"]rusted sword



- summer aged 48[break]
- checking in on all of her people[break]
- going to the sea with skyler[break]
- sent a letter to the other kings/queens in galar


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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
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an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
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Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2023 15:48:23 GMT
Callan Young Avatar

Callan adjusted his glasses while fiddling with his movements. His spine never got that much better and now he had to crack it every so often for it to have some kind of relief. Wrinkles garnished his features, but his eyes remained a piercing red, though now slightly marred by cataracts.

"Pay attention," Callan rasped, pointing at the battle diagrams he had sketched on the ground. Eve and Cal, and ’s children, nodded unenthusiastically. They had probably imagined the excitement of watching Pokemon battle it out, but instead it had turned into a two hour lecture on the calculation of speed tiers.

Callan sighed, the simple act of speaking now taxing on his lungs.

's diagnosis rang in his ears. Lung cancer, stage 3.

He was tired. Tired of fighting, tired of loss, tired of clinging onto life in this damned city. He had done his part, led Motostoke through countless battles, lost too many to count. It was time for him to let the others have their moments.


and would make fine leaders. He had slipped himself into the role of the royal advisor, but really most of his job was to just sit by the front of the castle in a rocking chair and look down at the Motostoke that they had all built together.

The occasional lecture to the kids was a mild, but welcome, distraction. The sting of loss never abated in his chest, but it fostered in him a desire to see the next generation of kids grow up in his care. Even if they were just a tad ungrateful, at times.

With great difficulty, the grizzled Callan Olde pushed himself to his feet.

"That’s enough for today. Your parents will continue where I left off... maybe." He clicked his tongue bumping his fist against Cal's chest. They had given him a spark of hope for the future, however short his own may be.

An Audience:

Callan made his way to 's study.

While Callan often consulted with and on the matters of the court or on situations, it was rarely, if ever, a social visit. Occasionally, a few jokes were to be made, but to the military advisor who had been barking orders on behalf of them, it felt selfish this time to speak privately on personal matters to him.

He knocks at the door, even if it was open. "Penny, hope I'm not intruding."

He reveals the nature of his illness, how much time he had left, the preparations he had done to make sure that everything would run smoothly, just in case. In his hand, he unfurls a envelope to the Queen.

"If you ever return home... please give this to my daughter, Lio. She was in Unova, Castelia City. ...Tell her father never stopped hoping to see her again."


The sun was setting over the ruins of the city as Callan made his way home. His hand went to the locket around his neck, tracing the faded lines of the young girl within.

So many years, so many tethers to the past he could not let go.

He sat on the porch of his small house, listening to the sounds of activity as people returned home to their loved ones.

Bowie settled down heavily next to him with a huff, eyes still bright with devotion. They had been through it all together. Callan runs a hand against the Toxtricity's electric mane, feeling the familiar numbing sensation.

When Eternatus comes, they would face it side by side.


And though the ending was already written, Callan would pray for the tale to end soon. Sooner, rather than later.

"Oh, Arceus." Strange. He had always been a believer, but he didn't pray. Not often.

He didn't know why the feeling overtook him this time. It was a prayer that so many have probably asked for the Creator to grant. So many of them, unfulfilled.

Still, if there was a time that he needed it, it was now. "Help me." The words sputtered out of him through phlegm and spittle, but he vocalized it regardless, seating himself on his porch, staring at a dimming orange sky.

"Help me, please." His vocal chords strain as he hacks through the pain.

"If you are there, help me, please."

"Please..." His voice fades, he holds a napkin over himself as he coughs. Flecks of red and yellow stain the cloth.

"I'm not ready to go." The words, cracked with the hiccups of suppressed tears, echo into a listless void. They were the pathetic prayers that were silently given, hands clasped, head bowed, eyes shut over the bedside. "Just a little more time."

But he could not manage that, he just craned his neck up at the sky, begging his answers to some astral power that had never given him a straight response. Heat flushed into his eyes and he could feel the wet droplets fall down the sides of his face.

If He could hear, He did not answer.

His eyes turn to Bowie, the moment of self-indulgence over. He sucks in a breath at the stunned Toxtricity, whose face moves from shock to concern.

"Worth a shot, right old friend?" He chuckles, forcing a smile on his face, and bringing a napkin over the trails of his tears. He stills the burn in his lungs, and lifts himself off the porch.

"Let's go have dinner."


+ Callan learns he has lung cancer. Don't smoke kids, even in anime RP.
+ Callan retires from the front lines to personally tutor Eve and Cal. children of and
+ Callan heads to 's office and hands her a letter, asks her to give it to his daughter in case he doesn't manage to go back to Hoenn.
+ He prays to Arceus to give him a little more time, so that he could return.


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March 03
Alamos, Sinnoh
boy genius
Associate Scientist
nature, nuture
heaven and home
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
sum of all and by them driven
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TAG WITH @kepler
kepler brueshaber
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2023 16:55:37 GMT
kepler brueshaber Avatar

Kepler settles into a routine. He hates to admit it, but queendom sort of suits him. Separated from Hoenn’s regularly dosed bullshit, he’s thriving. He wonders if anyone from The Time Before would even recognize him. Probably not.
Chief amongst his many irons in the fire became enlisting an array of champions in order to keep and safe. “A Kingsguard, if you will,” he explained to his-- his husband, his king-- as he trolled over the options. With the alleigances of yesteryear left to die in the dirt, he approached first , himself already famous for his bravery and heroics from back in the original timeline.
Next came : the burned man had been a stranger to him, their only connection the fact they both came from that Long Ago Hoenn-- but he was skilled in combat, kept a cool head, and seemed, for the most part, relatively loyal.
His third choice was the famous-- or infamous-- Black Knight, . He was known for his fearlessness in battle and also, a little bit, for his being slightly unhinged. But he’d thrown himself all in during the fight with Necrozma and Kepler saw value in the possibility gleaming in the sheer batshittery the man seemed to be rolling with. Plus, sometimes a little purpose helps to hone the blade.
was the next name on his list. He had been one of the longest-standing Gym Leaders in the Hoenn region and, Kepler assumed, did not hold the title without cause. His skill with avians and knowledge of archery would be a proverbial feather in the cap of this proposed Kingsguard.
He does not ask . He will never ask for anything. Any time they have to spend in each other’s company-- blessedly very little-- is cold and brief. Some things are too sharp to ever bury.
Though his reticence to craft a dark ore weapon marks him as the odd one out, is next on his list; his previous battle-fame and presence in Ye Olde Hoenn make him a top-tier target, and he’s proven his fighting capabilities time and again, even without the aide of an empowered weapon.
Last on his list is , who has already moved in and taken over the stadium in the heart of their city. She’s extremely capable and intelligent, quickly earning Kepler’s respect. He finds he has a lot more of that, now, since he’s been so far removed from his comfort zone.

As the years pass, things continue to grow, and change. Chocobo matures into a real Zapdos, worthy of the name and legend. Kepler becomes oddly possessive of his big chicken, and rarely ever lets him out of his sight. He knows that there are whispers amongst the commonfolk, about the striking resemblance Chocobo has to the monster that once besieged the city gates.
Running Hammerlocke as the hand of the Kings takes up all his time. He is no , to be swept away by the paranoia and the hidden legends of the world around him. Where once he would have thrown himself wholeheartedly, obsessively into seeking answers, and the truth, he finds that Ash’s need for his aid is a more pressing issue. It’s a strange sort of metamorphosis, one that, maybe, he would not have chosen for himself, had the need not arisen independently.
Where once he would have studied the objects that plunge through their atmosphere, he is, instead, wrapped up in the healing from them: levying contractor’s fees to repair the damage, rerouting traffic, and making sure aid arrives where it is needed.

One of Ash’s most influential projects as king is the founding of an orphanage-- namely for those who lost their families in the many attacks from the Poison horde, but disparity has no tenderness, so any child who found themselves unwanted or in need of aid was welcome. Ash played a huge part in it: designing it, making sure it had everything it needed for maximum comfort and support, even going so far as to handpick the staff.
He would visit it on the regular, making sure the children were healthy, happy, and well cared for. Kepler had never had a fondness for kids, before, but seeing his husband surrounded by giggling, smiling children made his heart do funny things-- well, funnier things than it already did.
On one of their last visits-- though they wouldn’t know it-- he found his hand moving unbidden to his midsection, the smile stagnating and dying on his face, before having to excuse himself to go cry in secret.

comes to check on him. It’s touching, especially since their last big hurrah together got her beloved Houndour permanently encapsulated in forever-frozen ice.
He gives her the best Hammerlocke welcome he could possibly conjure, flexing a little bit of his clout as queen in a way he doesn’t usually do. He figures they both deserve it, after all.
“It’s good to see you,” he says, over a large array of fine dishes and expensive wine, heartbreakingly genuine. “How, is, um. Wherever you are?”
They share a pleasant chat over snacks and booze in the face of the end of the world.

Pluto ages. It should not be something that is possible, but she does. Her lights begin to grow dim. Her movements become rickety and slow, like the joints that once kept her stone-clad body gum up and fail. She can barely hover more than a few inches off the ground, now, toes in a constant drag behind her. It saddens Kepler immensely, as she has been his stalwart companion for many years, but she does, eventually, give up the ghost, monolithic form separating with a sigh as she tumbles to the earth.
He buries her in the night, in the center of town, around the emerging statue of the legendary canine that is slowly eroding out of the ground like a festering splinter.

At Ash’s side, Kepler has to weather the rising and falling of the citizenry around them. The receding poison is a cause for celebration, but he can’t ignore the nausea that churns in his gut. The last two years of his life in Hoenn had been spent studying weather and climate anomalies-- and this one rang eerily familiar. Still, he has a kingdom to help lead, and so he puts his metaphorical blinders on and charges ahead while battling down the dread and anxiety that keeps building like a credit score: invisible and yet, somehow able to dictate the flow of your life.
’s letter arrives and something sinks home when Kepler reads it. The end is near. It is now or it is never, make the leap or die, forever.
He pulls aside at the very next opportunity, the nerves-- and other things-- coursing through his body having him on the edge of vomiting.
“We need to talk. We have a-- situation. I--,” He opens his mouth but the words don’t come. They die on the back of his throat. So he swallows the confession and hands the letter over with a shaking hand. “--think we have to have a plan. For, you know, the end of the world.”
He can’t say it. He can’t say it. He can’t say it.
They might all die, anyway. It wouldn’t matter, in the end.



- hammerlocke [break]
- Kepler throws himself wholeheartedly into helping run Hammerlocke. He departs from intellectual pursuits to focus on infrastructure, public health and safety, economics, etc. This helps to explain why he's not involved with the astronomy pursuits even though that used to be his jam-- he's got a new one.[break]
- He approaches a number of valiant warriors in an attempt to set up a kingsguard for and , specifically. Feel free to say no! This is just mostly to interact with Hammerlocke folks and put some seeds down for interactions in the future. [break]
- Pluto dies. Kepler buries her next to the statue of the dog that's popping up. [break]
- Seeing Ash with his orphanage kids has him feeling some kind of way. [break]
- Kepler has a lunch date with and they shoot the shit. [break]
- As the solstice draws ever nearer, Kepler reads 's letter and starts to panic. He has something he wants to tell Ash but he ends up not being able to and, instead, proposes they should start planning for the end of the world. [break]
- Always has g!Zapdos Chocobo with him. Has dual blades empowered with psycho cut.



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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
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Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2023 17:39:04 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

Necrozma shattering the near-quiet life of the previous ten years placed a certain perspective on Johanna.

While before she had only shared her life with through friendship and an awkward crush, she finally decided to ask the question of “Could we be more?” The answer was YES they could. And a ceremony was held officiating their love for all to see.

And as love blossoms so does the rest of the city. Galar becomes more open to them. Though Johanna spends much if not more time at the PokéCenter and the Orphanage she opened, she did make time for travel once more twice, offering her aid to those outside the borders and even those in other cities. Yet she always returned home. Home to Megan, those few times she did not accompany her.

Though she did not care overly much for the Prophecy that was shared among all, it did worry her. She worried it might steal away the life and love that she had. And so during her off hours, she returned to training not only herself but her Pokémon. Making sure they were fighting fit. Some of them enjoyed the return to old sport, others not so much. But they followed orders nonetheless.

But not only did she worry about what she could lose, but what her community could lose? What would they do once she was gone? She began to take in students, vigorously training them.

She was a stern teacher, sometimes too stern. But she did her best teaching them what she knew, and hopefully preparing them for the day where she would not be there any longer.

According to the prophecy that day would come closer and closer.

As earthquakes grew more frequent she began to regret having not put as much weight in the prophecy as she should have. This regret fueled her. She would not make the mistake of not being prepared, if it potentially meant harm to those who she held dear.

And so she honed skills, not only with the weapon crafted years prior, but also with the new phenomenon known as Dynamaxing. All of this effort to protect the people she held dear, and the woman she loved.


- Johanna continues to ignore the prophecy and just live her life.
- Finally confesses her love to Megan (And they have a ceremony)
- Starts traveling a bit when the poison leaves.
- Starts getting worried about the prophecy and begins to prepare.
- training montage not only of herself with the weapon/Dynamax/General battle, she also takes students


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April 29
103 height
103 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lime2
Megan Whitmore
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2023 18:57:13 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar

Odd, how a life could be completely set astray, yet not feel too far off what it should be. For all she knew, that was the reality they were forced to live. After ten years, she had mostly given up any hope of simply returning. Even if there was a valiant end to this story, then, at least in her mind, the time spent here would still be spent. As someone who had already been keenly aware of the meaning of ‘lost time’ before any of this had happened, Megan eventually managed to shake her melancholy. Waiting for this to end would likely just mean wasting even more time. Something she could ill afford. They were doing better, certainly, even pushing back the ooze in some places. But the hands of time could not be pushed back. Their partners showed that. At least some of them. They aged. Some seemed to near the end of their lives, even.
Humans would eventually follow. It was a law of nature. It took a while, but she did understand eventually. Saw the world with fuller eyes of sorts. Eventually, even noticing what was right in front of her. Still took Jo to ask, of course, but at that point, it was mostly her own uncertainty as to whether the other woman felt the same way, really. Ironically, it was due to the length of time spent together as was that Megan had grown hesitant in that regard.
Ultimately though, things worked out. For the first time since arriving in this desolate Galar did she end up feeling, pun intended, joy.[break][break]
But Megan would not be Megan if that did not come without at least some drawback. She had only ended up in this place due to her desire to not lose Jo again in the first place. At the very least she grew ready to acknowledge that. But that desire only festered further with time. After all, now that she had found someone to center her life around like this, she could not just let go. She held onto it. Wanted to protect it.
Jo mustered up her team more again, but Megan poured even more collective effort into it all. Continuing both her own training and that of her mons, she eventually shifted from helping in construction – which was needed less the more stable everything became – and instead focused on becoming a guard, joining the defenses more often and preparing for that darkest day they had been foretold. When Jo took on students, Megan decided to help with that, being even more unforgiving than the other, but knowing precisely why. The time would come when they would properly have to end this historical reenactment. Even if there was no return home at the end. That end would come, and she put her all into ensuring that they would overcome it.


+ gets better and more focussed after getting together with Jo, aids in the training and does her utmost to prepare for the battle she feels will come [roll]



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october 21st
lavender town, kanto
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2023 22:24:17 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

Time. Time was the one thing someone could never get back. And as the years went by without even a hint of what was to come, so did the memories of the good old hoenn and the life he once had there. At least this time around, the burnt scared man found himself a true purpose in his life. A family.[break][break]

No, not more pokemon though one could only guess how big his hoard was now. A true family. Something that burnt scarred never thought he would have after losing the one woman who he thought was the one (). A lovely wife, Ariana, and a little boy named after him, Maverick II. The last twenty years had been rough, but there was a silver lining. Well, for Maverick anyway.[break][break]

This hell hole, Galar, was ruthless to say the least. Day in and day out, fighting against poisonous pokemon to keep his new family safe. His little boy now ten, desperately wants to fight with his old fart yet Maverick refused to let the boy deal with such monstrosity. The fighting day after day has taken a toll on the once ex gym leader of hoenn, his mop of block hair showing signs of grey to reflect his age. Yet, the burnt scarred man refused to give in and even trained with some of his fellow old hoennians to keep his wits about him.[break][break]

He heard and attempts to learn more about this DYNAMAX ENERGY, though he mostly stays out of it. Maverick didn’t have the smarts for that kind of stuff. However, the man does learn that their days of fighting is not over. The DARKEST NIGHT is approaching, a final battle between THE SKELETON & THE BLACK KNIGHT is to come. Despite his age, Maverick continues to train with his weapon and his pokemon. Luckily though, some of the poison begins to retract and gives them the opportunity to travel between the cities.[break][break]

Suddenly, earthquakes begins to shake up the earth. Claimed to be a dynamic phenomenon, the skeleton and black knight fight in the skies. Maverick, old yet still kicking, refuses to let them ruin his new life in his gala region. After all, he has wife and mini mav to protect. The burnt scarred man readies himself, says goodbye to his family before heading out to face whatever Arceus has thrown at him this time. It must really hate him.[break][break]


[attr="class","bottom"]@teamzacian at route 120.[break]
team hammerlock. maverick had a family, wify and mini mav. maverick continues to learn about dynamax and learning how to use his weapon of choice.[break]

[newclass=".widesquaremaverick"]--accent:#a72f2d; position:relative; z-index:1; overflow:hidden; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".widesquaremaverick .bottom"]background-color:#222222; background-image:url(; background-size: cover; width: 420px; height: auto; text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top:-60px; padding: 10px 10px 10px; border-radius: 0px 0px 8px 8px; border: 5px #252525 solid;[/newclass]

[newclass=".widesquaremaverick .bottom a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]
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angel, rogue bastard
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2023 22:42:11 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar

Fifteen years.

It takes fifteen years for the plague to release its grip on Galar’s heart, toxic shrinking back from the veins. Leaving the routes clear so life could flow again.


Angelo is a bird who wakes to find the cage door left ajar. Path laid naked and wind beckoning. With an eager flutter in his chest, his cramped wings finally stretch.

They fly away before the world can decide whether it was a mistake or not.


When he wakes on excursion morn, the cottage is empty.

Goodbyes were now eclipsed with a swell of worry he didn’t understand, and that she avoided explaining.

Until they just avoided saying them altogether. 

Only Jones stayed behind to give him a sloppy, farewell kiss.

Remember. Kitchen is off limits but make sure she eats somethin' when she's here,” he tells the faithful guard dog, before closing the door to no reply.

As he often does. 

I'll be back soon.


Joining ’s region-wide survey corps is rejected. There’s a rebellious streak still running strong in him yet.

Instead, Angelo focuses on mapping the region where he could. Documenting dangerous paths. Infected pokémon dens. Looking for secrets.

Sometimes joins him and they venture the countryside together, investigating ruins and the remains of a region left to crumble. Sleeping beneath a prophecy filled night sky. Campfire burning.

Other times they visit old friends that they’d become separated from.

(he’d missed the fugger) invites them to go drinking when they have the chance. Occasionally he brings along his collection of wild spawn. Angelo scoops up the smallest and plays with the spitfires.

He doesn’t need convincing.

(Regardless of the quiet longing in his heart, the spare bedroom remains empty. They agree its for the best. Their time here is a finite thing.)

But its those instances of travelling with Skyler that Angelo treasured the most, while being far fewer than he’d have liked…

Its not quite the same, adventures without her.


One night out in the wilds, while he sleeps nestled between Latios and Latias, he's awoken by the pull of strings taut within his chest. 

Listening in on the midnight whispers of fear, grief, worry and hope of those he's connected to on a profound, soul-deep level.

He misses them. 

Misses those he'd left behind - his forged family. 

They all guide him back through the darkening realm. Back to Circhester. Back home.


Floorboards creak beneath his feet, an intentional announcement in the night from a man who could move as silent as the wind, before the mattress dips.

Let him bask in her rich, sleepy tones, before the scratch of beard and soft press of lips find her skin. 

I'm home, mia amata.

'To stay' is whispered in the tender rasp of a thumb against scarred cheekbone.

It's a promise. Kept each morning, as he wakes by her side. As binding and strong as the band he's now taken to wear on his finger. 


This time, when Angelo roots himself in Circhester, its his choice.

Where he'd been a scarce figure within the town proper for the past decade and then some, now their head of reconnaissance makes for a more frequent presence.

His squad gravitates nearby, routing scourges from the skies and land. When Angelo doesn’t head into the wilderness, knowledge that had sat dusty in his mental shelf is brought out into the light.

He’d spent many years back in Hoenn within the company of a dynamax pokémon, and he imparts that wisdom on the Circhesterians now.

With a newly forged bracelet encircling his wrist, together with , Angelo strikes a confident figure in the stadium as he trains his peers how to utilise dynamax energy.

Teaching their own how to fight fire, with fire.


After we get through this, let's go get a new adventure. Just us, this time. 


What? No way. You chose Circhester. It's been twenty years, do you know how many turns you owe me by now?


I love you, .  


- angelo travels and maps/surveys the region a lot once the toxic clears.

- meets up with some peeps in other towns. 

- comes back to circhester and doesn't leave as much to help with the final preparations. its where he realises his family is. < 3 

- teaching circhester how to utilise dynamax energy in battle. using his experience with having caught a permanently dynamaxed roggenrola from the ruins of regirock raid. helping with her research on them.

weapon: knives with pursuit 
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2023 23:35:27 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar


THE YEARS FINALLY CAUGHT UP WITH SELENA like an aging wine. The Queen recognizes that in the twinkling of twenty years that has gone by, her memory eventually betrays her: almost half of her living life has been spent here in Galar, hoping one day they will still get out. But her resolve remains unfaltering, especially now that all they have known in Hammerlocke is progress.

Her recon troops has made a stunning discovery that the "organs" from below the Power Spots are indeed the blight of earth from excessive intoxication. They are not the creature itself as prophecied by Calrex for they are traces of the cancer that continues to kill Galar. All efforts from her troops are made to treat these "toxic tumors", to free the earth from its tethers.

As poison recedes back into the ocean, traveling makes it possible for Selena's network of spies to expand towards other cities. Accepting Queen of Circhester's assistance and offer to work together, her "little pidgeys" have been implanted to benefit from their discovers. This will also be her way to coordinate with other Rockets in there.

Eventually, she will come to realize that even TEAM ROCKET itself are just vestiges of the life that once were. In other cities, even the League and the organization's cooperation is crucial in the fulfillment of the High King's prophecy. Selena will eventually come to a realization that her fixation in this faction war may have been the outcome of her desire to fit in, to be relevant in her organization. An organization that ceases to exist in this memory.

So, if she will not be doing this for Team Rocket, then she will be doing this for herself.

In the next twenty years, Selena's iron hands will be what she will be known for. She leads her people with the power to use TELEKINESIS and eventually, the ability to DYNAMAX. Her reconnaissance troops, which has grown into a battle army, together with 's kingsguard for her and , will have been the Hammerlocke's intrepid sword against any threat that will come tearing down his walls. Her ears and eyes on the poison-covered city walls will be her crucial line of defense and her trump card.

She touches the boulder that has now becoming more and more like Zacian. Her lips curl into a sly smile as Selena relishes in her plan: in the dead of the night, when everyone but those who submit to her are the only ones aware, the boulder will have found a new home in the secret dungeons with the help of her troops and 's local kingsguard, hoping to be the first to make contact with the legendary hero of many battles.

The boulder is to be replaced by another one, scraped off from earth intended to replicate the canine.

"No one will know," she's been assured by her little pidgeys.


- SELENA ages physically (appears as SUYIN BEIFONG from AVATAR: THE LEGEND OF KORRA)
- SELENA learns from her RECON that the organ is a blight of earth
- RECON TROOP grows to become a BATTLE ARMY
- SELENA accepts QUEEN of CIRCHESTER's assistance and the offer to work together
- SELENA's "little pidgeys" thrive in the shadows, takes advantage of traveling in-between cities to expand her network of influence
- SELENA realizes Team Rocket may have been a vestige of the past, realizing the reason and logic of her fixation is because of her BIGGEST FEAR of not being able to fit in, of not being relevant in the organization which has been a "vestige" of the past. Selena continues with her plan anyway.
- HAMMERLOCKE is thriving!
- SELENA orders her troops and 's kingsguard loyal to her to move the boulder into a secret dungeon her recon troops might have discovered in one of their missions, hoping to be the first to make contact. The boulder in the plaza is replaced by another one that acts as its replica.

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2023 23:46:27 GMT
skyler dross Avatar


“Travel safe, Angel.” The words taste like ash in her mouth. She watches his shadow disappear among the snow and ignores the tightness in her chest. The next time it happens, she isn’t there.

She’s grown to hate goodbyes.


In the beginning she’d sought to be free of this world the moment she stepped onto it. The shattering of those first few foolish desires had brought a new one: to stand in these lands on her own terms, or none at all.

Looking back at the snow-dusted cottage now, at the warm amber light that shone like a beacon from within, Skyler reckoned that she hadn’t done too badly for herself. She’d found family and community in the unlikeliest of places, in people that would have otherwise stood on opposite sides of a war.

And at the crux of it all, . The siren to her sailor’s heart.


“I do not look like a prune.” Skyler sinks deeper into the water, brows furrowed in stubborn defiance. Small whirlpools disturb the water’s surface, following the distracted movement of her fingertips.

“Not yet anyway, give me a few more- ah...”

Fingers sink into her mass of curls, slowly undoing her braids. A sigh falls from her lips, all arguments forgotten…


Necrozma is the first warning, but it takes the statue unveiling itself for the clock to start ticking. Inching closer to closure, to home-

-away from this.

(She allows herself this revelation when ’s arms encircle her, pulling her into his warmth as both fall deep into slumber).

Their story weaves itself in little scenes. When Skyler steals into the castle to kidnap their queen ( ), taking her on a merry monster-hunting ocean venture that had involved more alcohol than common sense - according to . So obviously Skyler repeated it. A couple of times for good measure.

She steals the King too ( ), but brings him to her table so that his kingly duties are left at the door - and he’s just Razz. Little bro who really ought to learn how to cook.

When she isn’t actively maintaining the ice wall or fighting off more incursions, she’s out making a menace out of herself. She drags , , and whoever she can get her hands on to 's tavern for drinks and merrymaking (and the occasional bar brawl).

She goes with to visit some other friends. She laughs raucously at ’s kids, convinces them to become pirates like herself (for a moment, her heart tightens at the sight of Angelo with the little rascals).

They know their time here is finite. Skyler sharpens her axes and looks at the magenta in the skies, feeling the poison looming on the horizon like a tidal wave. Works tirelessly to bolster their defenses where she can.

Skyler Dross hates goodbyes. If she laughs more heartily, if she drinks more fully in that last Christmas feast, no one thinks anything of it. The knowledge sits there, in how hungry they are for every last bit of stolen time. No one knows what’ll happen at the end of this.

If they’ll find home, or lose it.


“Sure, but I get to choose where.”

“It was the one decision, Vestri. Not my fault we got stuck for twenty years in it…”

“I love you too, .”


one year:
- skyler helps maintain the ICE WALL around Circhester
- is part of the city's vanguard whenever they're attacked
- wholesome happy times with the Circhester crew
- she loves no matter what realm they're in, confirmed
:' )  goodbye friendos
WEAPON: Twin (Viking) Axes with Inferno


[newclass=.skyler] [/newclass][newclass=.skyler b] color: #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler i] color: #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler a] text-transform:uppercase!important; [/newclass]
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January 3
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @vanillakingsley
Vanilla Kingsley
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 1:40:20 GMT
Vanilla Kingsley Avatar
Vanilla had spent the remainder of the first ten years enjoying time to herself. The life of a bakery owner was peaceful enough, although she would finds ways to distract herself every now and again. Some days were easier than others. She'd stay the course and go back into the bakery as time permitted...


Now the CEO of Kingsley Confections, taking owner ship of the King's Rest Café in Hammerlocke, Vanilla had her days filled to the brim with attending meetings, taking stock of their supplies or flying between the regions of Galar that had opened communication with one another. Cauli was getting up there in age, alongside most of her Pokémon, but still had some fight left inside of her. She was around thirdty, and after a period of becoming a more "heavy" after snacking on her fair share of treats while expanding to her confectionary empire, Vanilla had taken fairly good care of herself for her age. Although still single, unlike and who both had spouses, or even who now had a child of her own to train, Vanilla enjoyed a relatively busy (yet lonely) life of a business owner.

Sometime during the expansion, she had managed to secure a prosthetic for her missing arm. While not perfectly a substitute, the girl did enjoy some amount of hand usage returning to her, even if the ghost pains were a tad much at times. The pinkette roamed all around as she kept up to date on the usual going ons with Galar. Thomas had met the woman he had been looking for back in Hoenn, although it wasn't the same person. Still, it was nice to meet the woman, even if she was fairly distant. Biscotti even would manage to get with a girl that she had met. It was always a bit awkward to really get to know spouses with her not having dated before.

As Andraste passes away from the poison, Vanilla is there to try her best to comfort . Knowing that he had been close enough to their version of her, it must have been hard enough to really think about losing them for a second time. Some amount of time is spent trying to get their mind off of it, but the damage is done. Still, Vanilla tries to help with small talk, invitations to nights out, even more. Anything to improve his mood.

The same concern is then shown to as his own partner passes on. While she was happy that some woman had talked some sense into her brother's fat head, it was so strange to see him acting so melancholic. Maybe that's what scares her the most. Getting close that much to another person just to lose them. Vanilla furrowed her brow but continued to keep herself from growing intimate in the future. As the reports and information from the front lines has made her wonder all the more. Would they have enough to weather whatever storm would come next?

- Becomes CEO of baking and catering company across Galar.
- Gets a cool prosthetic arm to replace her missing one.
- Supports THOMAS and BISCOTTI through the losses of their wives.
- Becomes afraid of intimacy, doesn't want to lose people after becoming close.

Pf1W1bxk + 15

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
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good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 1:57:54 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


Emptiness is the most dangerous emotion.
Alas, the world keeps this secret silent, withholding cautionary tales from unsuspecting souls. Not a single parent, with all their vigilance, deems it necessary to impart the wisdom of this venomous affliction, leaving children unprepared for the moment when their spirit fades into a lifeless vessel. It is the most dangerous emotion, and the rarest of them all, for it has never been common in the history of mankind for people to lose their spirit.
On the rare days when Giratina elects to console its avatar, it does so terribly. It tells her that this will become ordinary eventually, that time won't always feel so slow, that it is a human privilege to forget and gods are not offered the same luxury. Her lips never part to offer gratitude, and yet the Renegade god remains impervious to its patron's unappreciative demeanour.
It is a dance they share once a year, its tempo unchanging.
It is within that void inside her, the hollowness, that Katherine finds herself succumbing to the smallest of emotions. The most fleeting inkling of annoyance erupts into a furious storm, the faintest flickers of envy ignite into manic episodes of longing and desire, the resurfacing of a memory - sweet or sombre - is enough to make her feel more fragile than she's ever felt, as though she might just lose herself to her thoughts.
She never learns to control it, but being her, Katherine finds a way to channel it better. Relief comes in the weirdest of forms-- two forms specifically-- each answering to a different name. Eve and Cal. Her godchildren.
They bring out the little humanity Katherine has denounced for what she considers the better part of her life. Anger, envy, resentment, regret and sadness gradually become scarce visitors. Joy, pride, relief, and occasionally, even annoyance (the one she has grown fond of) take their place. Cal and Eve tether her to this sick world she loathes. They make it bearable.
She should resent them for making her feel this way. The old Katherine would, but the thought never crosses her mind. Okay, maybe she resents the way they call her Auntie Kat. She doesn't like the sound of that, but that's it. It is the most she can bear to hate around them.
When she's finally reunited with , the first thing she asks him is whether he had children too. After all, everyone else seemed to have a couple following them around. He says no, she almost frowns, and that's that. Someone is keeping him happy, so she can't be too mad.
But old habits die hard. Katherine Fairburne never clamored to be perfectly good.
Bitterness seeps into her heart, inevitably arising whenever her godchildren are absent. As the years go by, she struggles to look at the monarchs of Motostoke without placing blame upon them for kindling her attachment to this place. She never intended to like it. She could never hold Cal or Eve responsible. Instead, her accusations fall upon the shoulders of their parents—her cherished friends.
Such resentment continues to fester in her heart, nurtured by none other than Giratina. When he tells her she should blame them for the way she feels, Katherine agrees.
It is as unfair as you'd expect from an unfair god and unfair goddess.


- in motostoke[break]
- may add more later if i feel like it.[break]
- still reclusive, but after the birth of eve & cal, she shows herself more n more.[break]
- she's a really good godmother[break]
- meets & npc!medb[break]
- kind of hates ollie n penny now[break]


[attr="class","bottom"]@ RUSTED SWORD [break]


[newclass=".katherine1"]--accent:#963030; position:relative; z-index:1; overflow:hidden; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".katherine1 .bottom"]background-color:#222222; background-image:url(; background-size: cover; width: 420px; height: auto; text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top:-60px; padding: 10px 10px 10px; border-radius: 0px 0px 25px 25px; border: 5px #252525 solid;[/newclass]

[newclass=".katherine1 .bottom a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 2:19:44 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]

goodbye galar: sword

a celestial queen & the descending madness.

the stars have always offered a solace she has never found in another. no person, place, or thing quite captures her attention in the same way the night sky does.

well, that's not exactly true... but he is gone and she is here, left to rot from the inside out beneath twinkling constellations and the fate they hold. their bodies have long since perished, becoming nothing more than shimmering carcasses in an otherwise bleak sky, but their sacrifice was not in vain.

she maps the stars the only way she knows how: with help.

from and to and her tentative husband ... each one becomes a soundboard for her own theories and ideas. it keeps the mind sharp, this incessant prattling about constellations. without it, she would simply wither away, a wasted mind inside an aging body.

and as years pass...

passages between towns begin to open up again as the observatory falls. with it, her dreams become ashes.

no matter how many times she tries, she cannot salvage a phoenix from the wreckage.

visits on occasion, bringing with him little sunspots he calls his children. they have become familiar, friends of her own kin, and she finds some light coming back into her eyes at the sight of them.

the real spark comes from 's willingness to sit with her, to soak up lofty concepts like a sponge as if nothing has truly changed at all... as if they're still a ranger and a head scientist who attempt to run in their spare time.

they aren't, not anymore, but the memory feels so real and tangible she can't let it go.

she looks at him one night, eyes ignited with a rare interest not seen in what feels like a decade.

"i think the constellations are fated events."

has she told him all of this before? she can't remember.

the days have all blurred together by now, a long stretch fading into distant memory.

"this one right here..."

a finger points up toward the sky, toward the constellation they labeled ★DrcN.

"it's the meteor event. do you remember that? it feels like a millennia ago now."

and her hand moves in the way her thoughts do, shaky and too fast to keep up with.

"and this one!"

★VStr, ★JnVr. she traces it faintly with her finger.

"that was what caused hoenn to gain the ability to access mega evolution. my old colleague had a hand in that, you know."

is he still alive? with the thought, however, it shifts and morphs into something she doesn't want to entertain... for she does not want to wonder what has become of either and if she starts questioning the mortality of it all, she will always end up circling the drain back to him. always him.

she sits in silence, then, and simply continues to point out constellations until it's time for to return home with his kids and once again, she is left alone with her thoughts.

eventually, as the years drag on, she allows to get closer. , too, is allowed back within her personal space. she keeps herself closed off, mumbling with fidgety eyes drifting back up toward the sky, but she's trying.

she's trying and trying and trying.

the final year

the final year, the tenth year that marks twenty finds illeana reyes working with her spear.

she has become the celestial queen by then, a monarch with her head in the galaxy... it makes those around her question if she's fit to do this, to rule and protect an entire kingdom.

and she's not, but the spear in her hand helps in grounding her to this reality.

helps, too, for he and (bless his heart) help her with training until she's comfortable enough to approach for a dynamax band. with his assistance, the band sits comfortably on her wrist and she feels a small semblance of normalcy creep back into her bones like ivy.

it is not enough, not for her, but it has to be for the night is dark and full of terrors as it approaches all too quickly.


tl;dr |
- studies the stars for a few years...
- until the observatory is damaged.
- meets with occasionally
- trains with her spear in the final year with & :peepobigsmile:
- asks to make her a dynamax band

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May 21st
Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Private Investigator
Open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age.
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TAG WITH @aidan
Aidan Hereford
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 2:20:08 GMT
Aidan Hereford Avatar

The daily struggles of life, the daily battles everyone had to go through every single day, things that were once seen as a fight for survival had just become simple routine. Time had been taking it's toll on everybody, but humanity as time and time again stood it's ground against everything. [break][break]

Things changed, days had become easier and brighter, Aidan didn't know if it was due to the "heroes" and the battles they had won or simply because he had grown accustomed to the grim side of dream Galar. A memory marked by beautiful memories, yet a world scarred by calamity.[break][break]

As the people brought back life to the dying region, many small commodities would once again come back, along with constant power and with the amazing help from and very long period of time he was able to bring back radio communication to Circhester and help spread it towards the other cities, giving them a much needed breather when it came to that small aspect of their new life.[break][break]

As travels became available once again he'd only accompany on her adventures too meet others. His path of meeting new people were always through others, never the best at making his own friends. It was a joyous experience to finally meet though, someone who he had contacted for many years, like finally meeting an online friend. [break][break]

Their meetings would would go from drinking, to talking about the Zapdos and simply enjoying the company of someone he considered new. To no one's surprise their drinking and their tavern runs would soon become a different kind of escapades. Alleys, walls and rooftops had fallen victims to their run-ins. The one he'd never forget was indeed the one time they found themselves freezing and lost among one of the many roofs, touch and human warmth always something Aidan craved and he would simply not deny it when it came his way. [break][break]

It was a simple life he lived, surviving alongside his pokemon, watching as everything around him grew old and relatable. Ever since he had finished his job with the radio he would try to keep up with anything Queen required of him and the city, after all he wanted to still be useful to the people and his friends.[break][break]





  • Location: CIRCHESTER
  • Weapon: Sword imbued with SACRED SWORD
  • Finished his radio project.
  • Traveled with Eris.
  • Met and enjoyed nights with Paxton.
  • Offered to help Summer with anything she needed.


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December 2
Aspertia City, Unova
Picking up the pieces
But I, I will, go on howling and hollow
1,109 posts
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TAG WITH @ashley
Ashley Shepard
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 2:32:41 GMT
Ashley Shepard Avatar

He woke up today, seeing his own reflection. He'd grown bags under his eyes now. How old was he now? Forty-five, right? Huh. Twenty years ago, stress had torn him asunder. The stress of an era of war, the troubles of an oppressive Rocket attempting to be a mainstay. Years ago, he spoke with about Rocket, and how little it mattered.[break][break]

"You were right, old friend."[break][break]

He dreamed a lot of those who he hadn't seen for a long, long time. He missed them. In a perfect world, his queen would have had and as bridesmaids, a ringbearer in , and his best man would have been Isaac. Hell, he'd have put as his best man if he were here too. Or . He didn't care. He missed them. He remembered toasting to the people on the night of his wedding, and what should have been happiness left him in tears as he missed them more than anything.[break][break]

He remembered looking to the sunrise the following morning.[break][break]

"The rains have ceased, and we have been graced with another beautiful day." The morning sun would alone see the cascading waterfall from his silver eyes.[break][break]

But you are not here to see it.[break][break]


With travel possible, King Ash of Hammerlocke would adorn himself in his attire and make travel. was building a Kingsguard, a task he did incredibly well as his queen. could handle things here while he made for travel. King Ash had his own travels to make. He had business to take care of. And hatchets to bury.[break][break]

While he holds no ill will towards or , he does try to have some kind of raport with both. Though, he often times sides more with Selena. She was like a big sister to him, more so in these times than back in...[break][break]

Hoenn was it called? He was forgetting now. Born to Unova, moved to Kanto, and living in Hoenn for years before this.[break][break]

He visits royalty.[break][break]

To and of Motostoke, where he would bend a knee. A couple he had once wronged greatly, in a life that was far past gone. He revealed his name to both as King Ash. To both, he would allow his name to be said as just Ash. They were all royalty. And he bore as many gifts as he could from Hammerlocke to Motostoke. "I cannot make up for my youth. But I do hope, these gifts serve you well. I cannot ask you for forgiveness as a king. But I can ask for it as a man." He seems so much happier. So much more positive. And as he kneels, head against the stone of the floor, he would hope that is enough.[break][break]

And yet, King Ollie pulls him up. He yoinks him upwards, and with it... he feels light as a feather.[break][break]

... he likes this man. The sunshine yellow smile. Tells him to call him Ollie. "We may be kings, but... you can both call me Ash."[break][break]

He wishes he invited King Ollie and Queen Penelope to the wedding now.[break][break]

He goes to see in Motostoke too, and even buys him a drink, wanting to at least tell the man that he became something more. He wants to ask him about his life. He wants to thank him for being a best dad he ever had. Out of the long laundry list of them he had... Theo was at least two fours on the dice.[break][break]

To and of Circhester, a beautiful place, where he visits a pub to enjoy drinks. He sees both of them, with intent to open up lines of communication, should either be needing to contact Hammerlocke.[break][break]

To and of Ballonlea, another beautiful place, with a woman he swore he saw on an app a long time ago. He has wronged neither, and merely bows to both. Though the journey takes a lot out of him, he ensures all locations are open.[break][break]

But the journey to bury bad blood was even homeward bound.[break][break]

When he returns to Hammerlocke, he has a goal. He calls upon . A grudge that he had still held, even now, and a number of bodies who had long since passed on come to his mind, and drag behind him still. Those lost, long since gone, but never forgotten. He would engage in a conversation with.[break][break]

It's hard, to confront someone who had been the bane of multiple nights in youth, but those woes had festered and healed. Scars. That's what they were to him.[break][break]

"I wish to dub you an elite guard of Hammerlocke."[break][break]

It's... painful. A conversation that Ashley once upon a time would never have made, but maturity forces him to take it on, and so he does. He holds Landon in contempt no longer.[break][break]

"My wife leads too. And I wish... I hope, you can lead with us. I know your strength firsthand, and I would be honored."[break][break]

Finally. He learned the name Concord Hallas, the masked knight. He had him in his company. He didn't know if they could ever trust each other fully, but right now, for the times ahead, no matter the blood, it needed to be put aside.[break][break]

Kep's work bears fruit too. An elite guard, no less. A task that he knew his hand, his queen could make. He remembers coming home that day, and twirling with his wife in his arms, only to feel his back suffer from the exerted stress.[break][break]

Growing old is getting old... a sentiment he knows too well, as Haku the Dragonite hugs him one more time one night he was out in the stars. She curls up on the balcony, her favorite spot in her olden age.[break][break]

She never did wake back up.[break][break]


There was still work to be done in Hammerlocke, though. Life could come back, could be fixed. The war took many lives, and inevitably when the end comes years down the line, it would take more. But for now, there was something he had to do.[break][break]

He established the Shepard Orphanage. He would order it built. And he designed it, he built the schematics for it. Sleepless nights trying to find a home for these children that lost so much. He would ensure it was readied. And then, in the building, he tossed his crown to the bed to assist it being built. He had the muscles, he was going to help the labor. Nacho, his Hawlucha, and Sunny, his Raboot, helped too. Santana would cut wood, and Ana? She would always be there, wiping off his face.[break][break]

I took a few months of hard work and dedication. But sitting in Hammerlocke now was a home for kids who lost everything. Something he wished he had on the streets of Unova. And with the happiness returning to those who lost everything in years of turmoil and war, to hear the giggling masses, the people of Galar smiling again.[break][break]

He felt liberated.[break][break]

It makes it worse, when he asks some of them their names. And he broke down crying that day. Kids named after those from the past. His heart shattered at Jaden. Izaak. Signe. Naya. Among others... the kids called him a crybaby, for just looking at them and bawling at just their names.[break][break]

That made him laugh.[break][break]

On the last visit though, when he and Kep both go... when he's busy teaching young Izaak how to ride a Mudsdale, he would see Queen Kepler excuse himself to go cry. And Ashley, old as he was, would just... stare in worry.[break][break]

"Is everything okay, Crybaby King?"[break][break]

He turned down to the blonde, and ruffled his hair.[break][break]

"It will be, little Izaak."[break][break]

He'd have to confront him later.[break][break]


's letter arrives one day. Kep takes him aside. In their many years of marriage, almost nineteen now, he could tell there was something Kep was hiding. It wasn't just the end of the world. But he doesn't press Kepler about it.[break][break]

Because Ashley didn't fear it at all.[break][break]

"End of the world is here now, huh? Good. I was waiting for it to get here." He smiles to Kepler, pulling him into a hug.[break][break]

But he takes a moment, and eyes him. "I'll prepare the soldiers."[break][break]

It was time for war.




- Years go by. Ash realizes how old he is. He misses people who seem like a memory now. He cries for them in the sunrise.[break]
- The journey to Motostoke, Circhester, and Ballonlea to meet nobles, to see them in person.[break]
-- Kneels before Ollie and Penny, hoping he is forgiven for the past. In Hoenn. King Ollie is sweet.[break]
- Sees Theo in Motostoke. Visits the pub after seeing Summer and Razz in Circhester, and meets with Illeana and Aaron of Ballonlea.[break]
- Has a meeting with Paxton, and asks him to be an elite for him. To fight for Hammerlocke under his banner.[break]
-- Everyone has to bury the hatchet with what's to come.[break]
- Haku the Dragonite goes to sleep on the balcony by his bedroom in the castle. She does not wake up (death).[break]
- Creates the Shepard Orphanage in Hammerlocke, and is dubbed by the kids the Crybaby King when he hears their names.[break]
- Sees Kepler run off as he teaches Orphan Izaak how to ride a horse.[break]
- Letter arrives from Queen Summer of Circhester. Queen Kep approaches him, and he smiles at the supposed world's end.[break]
- Ash states he'll prepare the soldiers, though he knows that Kepler isn't telling him something important.



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing