i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 6:55:42 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]

"Rest can wait..." is all Razz would respond as the circumstances of everything seem to gather after they defeat the Black Knight once more and more information seemed to be revealed. The information seeming to lean on the idea that they would all be stuck here longer and sadly their communication with the other lands were still very limited. Though Razz would do what he could to try and study into the Stars and this Dynamax phenomenon when he was allowed. Raziel somewhat familiar with what he believed was Regirock when it came to constellation ★RcPk. [break][break]


They say life is what you make of it, and yet Razz isn't entirely sure what he should be making of the hand he's been delt in this 'memory.' Sure there is the good times he has, the young man having taken in since they had first been stranded there. Trying to make sure she was taken care of despite now needing to grow up in a new kind of warzone. [break][break]

Every now and then taking up small invites from and , though in the beginning their time in the city felt almost nonexistent. Which just grew worse once the toxins were starting to let up. And while he had gotten closer to others thanks to the use @saliorarti's bar Raziel often found his duties as king taking his time more than anything else. Not to mention many others had found close companionships in others like and , or and , or even and her new crush which took him far to long to even realize she had one on the lad. [break][break]

Even when roads had opened Raziel found himself far too worried about the city to venture too far for too long. The longest time having spent out would have probably been to see and his new family. Raziel showing off just how bad he was at holding a baby. [break][break]


So while there were some highlights here and there most of it felt more like work. The King choosing to keep up with his training of the people like soldiers at times to be sure that they would be ready to fight. Least for those who were willing as he knows to make a city there had to be more than just fighters. Raziel spending most of his days trying to help the people than he does helping himself. Whether it be through training, listening to their plights, or having to try and digest all the new information that has come in about the new prophesies. [break][break]

The young man having taken his role serious enough that when invited over by it was very much having to almost literally 'steal' his time to actually go. And while he knows he shares the duties with Queen , there is a paranoia in him having already lived through one war from Kanto to just shut off his brain. Many would find that if you weren't already close with the king that you probably wouldn't get close now, as one or two heart broken assistants would come to learn. Though that was probably more due to his odd reaction to social cues more than anything else. [break][break]

Though as the Winter Solstice comes and the skies begin to darken Razz for once feels ready, having made sure to check in with both and @naomi about the new Dynamax band and having spent some time bonding with Reshiram as he trained with and Mesprite to get use to the new sizing and power. [break][break]

Now hopefully these years haven't been a waste.


[break]+ Sygna Suit
[break]+ In CIRCHESTER
[break]+ Mostly spends his time training the People of Circhester in training, and attending needs as king.



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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 6:59:14 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar


Despite being the prince for so long, being king had always felt alien to him. It wasn't until now that Remiel was finally beginning to feel comfortable with his station. Well, as comfortable as one could possibly feel in such a nightmarish world, anyway. He spent every day preparing his people for the conflict to come and practicing the power of DYNAMAXING with his HATTERENE and DYNAMAX BAND.

Furthermore, the power of his IRON BANNER— the royal guard of knights sworn to fight alongside ZACIAN and protect the people of HAMMERLOCKE— only continued to grow. Despite the diminishing morale, many citizens were inspired to join by their native-born king and fight for the glimmer of shining hope that remained in their weary hearts. Idle hands were the devil's handiwork and all that, after all.

The latter half of this new decade, however, finds their king enticed with the STARS and the CONSTELLATIONS they offered forth. As an archaeologist, the stories they told intrigued him greatly. And perhaps he could gleam some glimmer of foresight or warning from said accounts.

Aside from that, King and ZEKROM take flights from time to time to visit other cities in GALAR. Sharing the power of his TERAVOLT turbine with these cities, Zekrom works with them to set up DEFENSIVE SYSTEMS and QUALITY OF LIFE enhancements that hopefully boost the spirits of those who have lost so much for so long.

In situations where the POISON begins to seep in closer to each respective city, ZEKROM undergoes TERASTALLIZATION to become FIRE-TYPE and burn the poison away.


grows tired of physical relationships with no substance behind them. When stops coming to his bedside, he hardly notices. Instead, he finds himself missing deeply.
and his IRON BANNER find themselves pitted against and his own KNIGHTS in the HAMMERLOCKE STADIUM often. They even DYNAMAX spar every now and again.
may or may not have gotten into an entanglement with one night. Allegedly. 
visits a few times a year to see how he's faring. He still considers him a friend.
and SHINY ZEKROM work with from time to time to aid with the caravans. The two find him to be quite noble and charming.
is proud of for growing up into the person she has become. He endeavors to look out for her whenever possible and assist in DYNAMAX training as well.
is happy to see with family and responds to her letter warmly. HAMMERLOCKE offers the might of its MILITARY and other resources (such as ZEKROM's power) to CIRCHESTER should it need it.
♔ The moment it is possible, sends correspondence hoping to learn if she is okay, asking for forgiveness for his past actions, and offering his help whenever she should need it. Should she ever visit HAMMERLOCKE, he offers to test her SPEAR against his SWORD.
sees walking down a street one day PREGNANTE and waves HELLO.
finds a friend in and enjoys their TEATIME with whenever they can have it. It is one of the few times he truly feels at peace these days.
reunites with one day after returning from a mission with and finds their children to be incredibly adorable. He cooks them pasta.
pushes the limits of DYNAMAX with more consistently than with anyone else. They nearly get themselves killed here and there, but it's par for the course since they're old men now.
is brought to tears when marries his best friend and, for a split second, swears he sees in attendance. He wonders what might have been.
invites to train with him in HAMMERLOCKE often so that they may enhance their bonds with ZEKROM and RESHIRAM. Between the force of his IDEALS and the force of and his TRUTH, he is confident they can be a force to be reckoned with.


spends a great deal of time training his HATTERENE to DYNAMAX and assisting others in that field as well.
uses his influence as KING to inspire more civilians to join the IRON BANNER knights and fight alongside ZACIAN when the time comes.
conducts his own RESEARCH into STARS and its CONSTELLATIONS.
SHINY ZEKROM travels from CITY to CITY to use its TERAVOLT and power systems that may be used for DEFENSIVE MEASURES or enhance QUALITY OF LIFE.

🍒 using X0 SALAC BERRY
🧥 is wearing a black ensemble with reinforced padding and a knightly sword

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Adel or Della
February 21
Ballonlea City
18 height
18 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @adelaide
Adelaide Whiteley
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 10:51:43 GMT
Adelaide Whiteley Avatar

[attr="class","header"]The Huntress Is On The Prowl...


It was hard to believe another ten years have been past while being stuck in the dream or has it become a nightmare? Adel couldn't tell but didn't give up on something returning to their world once it was over. She hears there was more sights in galar of the sword and shield statue to zacian constellation in the sky. She always stared at the constellation in hope of finding out what happen to the poor legendary pokemon or were they safe?[break][break]

After all the letters to @mikeal, She knew he was going through a lot much like herself. The times he poured his heart she could never forget. They shared a common "lose" with the hyper age of her dearest feline. However she never went mad or stop believing that eventually everyone would find a way to return home. She close to while locked in hammerlocke but the moment word passed that there finally allowed to travel the lands again. She headed for Circhester City.[break][break]

Experience the world outside of hammerlocke made her smile but nothing compared to the time she shared with Mikael. He was broke soul need melding to keep from fray to hard into the darkness. It was not easy however she confided in him what she could do with no other. Her hopes, her dreams, and even her personal worries. Couldn't ask for a better friend even to travel with him. They had a bond like no other. [break][break] Adel took time out to honor her skills prepared show the day never come they were needed and keep a close eye on Mikael. The second he went too charge she always there and still had never left his side.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + / galar

Summary: Adel remained to help hammerlocke until after the able travel again and heads to Circhester City. She travels around with Mikael enjoy his company bonding with through the years become almost inseparable. She remained by his side even when begin to spiral she does to her help. [break][break]Y|PHJFgR



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January 23
Cake Decorator
I might not feel pain, but I can still bleed.
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TAG WITH @biscotti
Biscotti Kingsley
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 12:33:10 GMT
Biscotti Kingsley Avatar


One Year Later

When push came to shove in Hammerlocke’s monarchy, Biscotti was just a tool to ease the tension. He threw himself at the other ruler’s feet—playing the part of door mat—in order to get poisoned daggers back in sleeves. When tug-of-war erupted, it was his antics that cut the rope.

He was the pacifist king.

But, if he’d heard what @shred thought, Biscotti might have murdered a man. Fortunately, his ability was Swift, not Mind Reader.

In the year after Stella’s death, smiles never reached Biscotti’s eyes. Though he forced grins for visitors, especially fellow royalty like , his heart felt empty. For three months after the woman’s death, the bakery remained shuttered. No warmth flowed from the oven at its center, his diet slipping to scrounged canned goods and hard tack. Only occasional visits from and broke the monotony.

The loss of @thomas’s beloved gave him a purpose for a while. A place to channel his energy into something that mattered.

When he left his home, it was with a mask in place. He attended to his little monuments of distraction. Those smiles and sounds of laughter the only thing that kept him going. When the bakery reopened, the decorations lost much of their charm.

When the poison receded, he tried his best to seem ecstatic. But this victory felt hollow. What was the point of winning when you lost what mattered most?

Two Years Later

But his act didn’t fool the people that mattered. Not @thomas, not , and not . Vanilla grew tired of his moping. When the roads between towns opened, his sister demanded they survey them together. Diplomacy was something kings did. So, not really up for a fight, the brunette followed.

Going with the flow? That he could manage.

In those towns, he saw the effect the transplants were having. Many of them had constructed orphanages. The sound of radio communications now buzzed throughout the streets. Demand for the family’s baked goods spread among the communities. Things got too busy for self pity.

When he looked up again, the gaping wound in his chest had faded to a scar. Her name made him turn toward the stars for inspiration. He conferred with others about the constellations. Then, one day, the sound of Mareep no longer made him cry

Five Years Later

With war gone for the time being, Biscotti tried to repurpose the artificats of war. The trebuchet was covered in vines, repurposed into a playscape for the town’s children. Old bows were distributed. But, instead of real arrows, the accompanying shafts were tipped with a soft rubber.

The miniature golf course was expanded, devouring the most damaged parts of town. Ice rinks were switched for roller rinks throughout the year. In winter, he whittled little dolls from scrap wood and bricks. Somehow, he became a tale of good will and gift giving.

The Other Years
When Dynamax was discovered, Biscotti was over the moon. Sure, he might be into his 30s, but every little boy dreamed of playing Godzilla. Or, at least, training something that could be Godzilla. Eventually, it’s Rawr and Jangle that prove the most adept at playing giants.

During that time, a friend convinces him to give love another chance. But people aren’t as forgiving as Stella. It’s only after he suffers a broken leg on the battlefield that someone else weasels their way in. The nurse is nice and super-duper cute. His smile is enough to light up Biscotti’s day.

“What is with all the scars?”
“Oh, I can’t, you know, feel certain things.”
“You can definitely feel happy though.”

Yeah. Looking into those eyes, he thinks that he can. The guy’s two kids—from his very short masquerade as a straight man—help make it possible.

Not wanting to jinx it, Biscotti avoids taking it to the next step. Love wasn’t about rings, after all.

The Final Day
Suddenly, the day of the solstice is upon them. From its dusty perch above the mantelpiece, Stella is brought down. Scotti straps it across his shoulders as he turns his attention to the city’s walls.

A testing wave sends a dozen stars bouncing around his boyfriend’s kitchen. A window shatters with a loud clash. Biscotti winces, hiding the stick behind his back. He’d have to apologize later.

But he did make a wish on every one.


  • Really struggles without his wife
  • Helps his sister get used to being down an arm
  • Develops a habit of laying on the roof, studying the stars
  • Drug outside by his sister when travel reopens, slowly gaining interest in the other towns
  • Repurposes a lot of old war equipment into playground equipment

  • Works with his Incineroar and Tyranitar to master Dynamax energy
  • Breaks his leg and falls for his NPC nurse
  • Sends out his Swift attack as a test before the battle, makes a wish on every star



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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 22:21:40 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu"]A decade in meditation, lost in study. If only for the stars you might've lost yourself in the glow of the cave, at the bottom of the world. [break][break]

But now, a hermit returns from the deep. She dedicates the next ten years of her life in preparation, for the inevitable conclusion whispered to her by that twisted glowing organ. She hones her body and her mind for a singular purpose. Some would call her dedication and steel-will a sort of madness, caused by staring into the glow so long. But to her, it's the only sane thing left to do. [break][break]

This world will come to an end. [break][break]

She hones all of her resources. Rare metals, brought to her by from his journeys across the region. Black Fragments that steal light, bathed in the glow for ten years. She processes them into a bow, tips her arrows in the encroaching venom. Readies herself for war. This world will end without a king, but it will not end without a fight. [break][break]

"That sacrifice isn't in vain, Navy."[break][break]

You speak. [break][break]

He thought he was alone. Your footsteps are deft and quiet in the dark. [break][break]

He's staring at a ruined statue, speaking to a pokemon that by now is just a distant memory. That's caught your eye. You trailed him, listened softly to his words filled with sorrow and regret. [break][break]

Only then did you choose to speak. [break][break]

"There will always be things worth fighting for. This world's ours as much as theirs at this point, we've spent most of our adult lives here. [break][break]

But life goes on, no matter what. [break][break]

Whatever you lose, you hold it in your heart even after it's gone. [break][break]

But that's why, you feel it too, right? Why you haven't forgotten there's a world out there, that this is just a dream to wake up from?[break][break]

Even so, it's worth fighting for as much as her."

You nod toward the dog.[break][break]

There are no worlds more important than another. Dreams themselves are as important as waking life. [break][break]

But dreams, like all things, are transient and fleeting. [break][break]

Thus is the beauty inherent in life itself, that it is but for a short time. [break][break]


+Tsubaki crafts a bow made of a meteorite and the Black Fragments which soaked in the light from the organ in the deep for a decade. Her arrows are tipped with the venom.[break]
+Tsubaki hones her body and mind for combat for the next decade. Her pokemon are pushed to their limits. She's ready to fight for a world she doesn't believe in. [break]



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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
In this and every life
I choose us every time
1m62 / 5'3 height
1m62 / 5'3 height
Through my rise and fall, you've been my only friend
150 posts
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TAG WITH @aura
Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2023 0:48:39 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
”I thought is was my turn to cook today?”

Brynnhildr’s lips curled into a smile when she heard her husband’s voice ring out from behind her; no matter how much time passed, he still managed to sneak up on her without as much as a sound. She could only guess how long he’d be standing there when she turned around and found him leaning against the doorpost leading into their kitchen.

”You already did plenty of cooking for the boys earlier,” she smiled, leaning against the counter while capturing his gaze with her own. The Unovan was half-expecting him to retort - about it being no big deal- but at the same time she also knew that if she looked at him a certain way, he’d go along with almost anything she asked. ”So I went ahead and did the same,”

”It’s your favorite.” A hearty meal she’d been trying to perfect ever since she got her hands on the recipe, just so she could see the smile on ‘s face whenever she made it. ”I even got dessert sorted,”

”Give you something to look forward to.” The grin playing on her lips, and the way her hooded eyes regarded him, left little to the imagination as to what exactly she was implying.

"Hoh... I can't help myself when you look at me like that.”

If only he knew… well, she knew he knew. And that made it all the more fun.

She leant into his embrace, arms wrapped around his neck. How lucky she was to have spent these last 20 years at his side, something she reminded herself of every single time she gazed into his eyes; aged and wise. The way they looked at her, seeing her own loving gaze reflected in his.

”I love you too, love,” she smiled back lovingly, tiptoeing to kiss his lips. ”Welcome home.”

For this man’s happiness she’d move Heaven and Earth.

And she feared that it would not be long before that would actually be the case.

The skies had been foreshadowing what was to come. The last earthquake had rocked the city’s foundations not too long ago, but she was most aware another was to be inbound soon enough. In the last ten years she’d gone about her business as per usual; by now she could fix the machinery with her eyes closed, and every morning and evening alike she practiced with her chained daggers, honing her weapons and body alike, as she steadily pushed her the boundaries of speed itself.
It would not take long before they'd have to make decisions that would shape their destinies, and that of the hero their story was meant to build. Brynnhildr was ready, whenever that moment would come.




+ Is loving the married life with [break]
+ Master chief technician
+ Has been diligently practicing her Extreme Speed chained daggers ever since they were forged[break]
+ Has been trying to push her speed boundaries alongside [break]



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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2023 1:03:26 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowwtw"]Another decade passed in an instant, days blending seamlessly into years. Any fondness Rowan held for his previous life had been lost, utterly immersed in this new reality that he now called home. Treating Pokémon with kept him busy, their companions that they'd arrived with now aged and tired. It was sad to see such strong Pokémon a shadow of their former self, but Rowan was grateful for each and every one of them. [break][break]

Close friends were now family, bonded by their experience. , , , and had become as close to him as siblings, unable to imagine what life would be like without them by his side. Still, Rowan finds himself every so often thinking about his true family, . Their betrayal was a lifetime ago, and any feelings of resentment he'd carried into this realm had quietly receded, long since replaced by saudade.[break][break]

Once the routes between towns had become opened again, Rowan shared tearful reunions with the likes of those he hadn't seen in decades. and were the first he sought out, followed by . Their returned presence in his life was a welcome change, reminiscing with them about the lives they once lived and telling the tales of the lives they now lead.[break][break]

Yet there is no relationship he cherishes more than that of his husband, . Being able to have a happily ever after with the man was all he truly wanted, and this realm had allowed that. Rowan wouldn't take a single day with them for granted, enveloped in the bliss of their unimpeded love.[break][break]

For now, it seemed as though everything was perfect.[break][break]


[attr="class","rowwttag"]@rustedsword [break][break]
TLDR; Rowan pretty much kept doing the same as he did the last 10 years, also visited some people.


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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2023 2:14:42 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
Twenty years.
It flies by quicker than he thought, but slower than he would've liked. But, that was life, wasn't it?
He gleams insights from the statue, imparting them onto the likes of , , , , and so much more. He speaks to anyone that would listen; anyone that would fight.
He never marries, or finds love. The pang in his chest at never resolving things with is enough to keep others at arms length. Often, he'll ponder what could've been. He would've liked to have been a father — he would've been good at it, he thinks. But, he makes do by surviving, though never quite living.
Working with , Greyson has small daggers made for the children of those who he considers his family. This would upset, no doubt, the likes of and , but perhaps and would understand. A war lingers on the horizon, edging closer each day, as inevitable as a sunrise. They would need to fight — all of them. But for now, let them emulate The Hero of Many Battles. Let them be children.
Despite everything — their situation, his shortcomings, his 'what-ifs' — Greyson finds a measure of peace. Acceptance allows him to temper his anger, and his grudges, resolving them away to the back of his mind. While never truly gone, and certainly not immune to flares of emotion, Greyson can see the writing on the wall.
Constantly battles keep his mind and blade fresh, though even that takes its tolls eventually. By the end of two decades, the vast majority of his team has retired from combat. Only through pride alone does his Delphox still accompany him into battle, every bit a Supreme Matron, wizened by two decades of combat and life. There was no doubt in his mind that his Delphox was a force to be reckoned with, a powerful psychic with the patience and tempter of a woman not to be fucked with.
He checks back often on the Zacian statue, the only real source of a 'timeline' for this place. As it nears completion, Greyson can only smile. Purpose flooded him, twenty long years of it, as he stands on the front-lines of war.
The Darkest Day was upon them and Greyson would go down swinging.




Greyson laments on what could've been, and regrets never having the chance to be a Father himself.[break]
Is the uncle that buys kids shit that they shouldn't have for / and / with 's help.[break]
Finds peace (read: acceptance) of the life he lived until now.[break]
Flower braclet to allow him the use of teleport[break]
Tracks the statue of Zacian's completion to understand when the The Darkest Day is upon them.[break]
Stands ready to fight, no matter the personal cost[break]


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2023 3:13:09 GMT




the lot of them. time may console their hearts, afford them some sense of normalcy in routine, but one remains vigilant well beyond his efforts. he is one of the few who cannot find peace in this bastardized memory.

happiness eludes him, not because he cannot find it, but because he chooses not to partake.

he cannot afford to.


when the stone threatens everything they’ve worked towards, fernando mourns it as if it were one of his own. decades of works suddenly becomes mortal. records that can be written, stored, but not copied endlessly. such a primitive era requires greater efforts to ensure this knowledge lasts forever.

so he becomes a scribe. someone who writes the copy that will eventually take with her. the rumored crazy man who etches the constellations into ballonea’s wooden foundation. stone too, becomes his medium of choice, as years are spent chiseling this knowledge into memory.

how many times has he recited this? while others fall in love, whispering sweet nothings to their partners, he calls to the stars. recites his theories like generational stories. in time, small snippets erode. washed away by the tides of age, but time cannot revise what he knows.

stories change but the message remains the same.


when the poison recedes, he remains in his home, ballonea.

they will come, he presumes. and if they don’t, then word will find its way back to his ear. only then will he pull himself away from his precarious work. for he does not believe any of the other cities have someone with his discipline.

they are barbarians, after all. willing to fight and die for their loved ones, but unable to commit themselves to the means to prevent conflict in the first place.

only the mention of DYNITE ORE perks his interest but he leaves that to more capable hands.

their time is short, he misinterprets. he foresees a more dangerous future. for he believes their escape is bound to their reputation. with less poison, or the false pretense of peacetime, there is no chance for them to prove themselves. which means no escape.

but that cannot happen. they will escape. he will ensure it. so he, on his own axis, predicts the inevitable disaster well before it happens. that’s why the houses of ballonea are plagued with his engravings. hieroglyphics that will last well after its inhabitants.


is his most trusted advisor. they have waded through countless scenarios together. and, with all these years, they understand what they’re doing. which means there is little left to discover. only the rambles of a mad man spur them on.

he should have foreseen his transition to part-time. maybe that would have lessened the feeling of betrayal that he hides in the recesses of his library. priam was supposed to be like him. someone who would never give up.

but he is not. he is weak. he is a traitor. a deserter.

he is like them.

in time, fernando will come to terms with it. attribute it to the girl he always seems to dote on.

she’s not real’, he keeps to himself. ‘and i will make sure she dies’. for what is their escape if not the death and abandonment of fragmented abominations?

who is fernando if not a hypocrite? for all that he rebukes priam’s commitment to the cause, he finds comfort in . she is the POWER SPOT for his descent into obsession. an enabler for a work ethic that has no equal.

he never dared to ask why she didn’t oppose him. did she know better? that he would abandon her if it meant living up to his principle?

i love you, he says on the rare occasions their schedules allow for them to sleep together. and when she breaths a sigh of relief, he watches her eyes close. knowing very well that his obligation goes beyond her.

he must do more. for the others who are not in this realm. for the people they left back in hoenn. they cannot live like this forever.

she will always come second to his obligation. to his duty. that is who he is.

that is who she fell in love with. the body may break. the heart may mend. but his soul belongs to his will.


it does not take ’s word to reveal that a resolution is coming. he has seen it in the stars. how could they not when the sky threatens to bleach their word in a darkness they thought all but dispelled?

hm,” he mutters to himself as the DYNAMAX BAND hangs from his wrist. a stern stare back at belies his distrust but eventually he relents. this too, has a part to play, he believes.

now is a time to end this.

his thoughts go beyond those in this realm. , , . names that no longer have a face in his memory. he thinks on how they’re doing.

if they relented in their escape or if they still commit every day to not just escaping but stealing from this memory all that it can offer. this is just a detour to the real danger that still lies in wait.



- never comes to accept living in this memory.
- fears losing all their work when the METEOR crashes into the OBSERVATORY.
- becomes a scribes and commits their work to archives: papers for , into ballonea's wood, onto houses, etc.
- repeats his notes throughout his life. manual versions of publishing books.
- upset becomes part-time and gets a gf.
- continues his life with . always puts her second to escaping this realm.
- rejoins society as the WINTER SOLSTICE looms.


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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2023 7:29:39 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]GOODBYE GALAR:[break]



🎼 Final Fantasy XVI OST - Battle Theme


FINALLY, THE WINTER SOLSTICE APPROACHES. The ZACIAN STATUE finally breaks apart enough to reveal itself in full detail: a regal looking dog wielding a sword, fringes of fur like wing-like armor and a majestic crown atop its head.[break][break]

Despite 's attempts to hide their cities' statue, it always returns to the same spot no matter how it is displaced. A supernatural force returns it constantly—perhaps, one conjured by ZACIAN itself.[break][break]

As the world grows colder, newfound families huddle together for warmth. Armies rise from the inspired townspeople, while knowledge is cultivated and gathered from the stars.[break][break]

More constellations are found by those studying the heavens:
★Nbl - a pokemon that looks like the small cloud creating a star, directed by a disembodied hand.

★Prsm - the black knight attempting to keep a cross-hatch of space together as if it were falling apart.

★Gntc, ★Lnch - the skeleton making a small celesteela grow exponentially huge.

Those who develop and distribute DYNAMAX BANDS practice DYNAMAXING or GIGANTAMAXING their Pokemon in preparation for the final fight. The energy seems to DISTORT SPACE itself, causing Pokemon to change their size and the world around them.


PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS. In this raid, Pokemon are able to DYNAMAX. For the purposes of this raid, the DYNAMAX mechanic will more flexible than what may be implemented on site.[break][break]

🔴 A Pokemon can only be DYNAMAXED/GIGANTAMAXED for a brief period of time.[break][break]

🔴 When dynamaxed, a Pokemon's moves are replaced by their corresponding MAX MOVES.[break][break]

🔴 If the Pokemon is able to GIGANTAMAX, then they will have access to their G-MAX MOVE even if they DO NOT HAVE DAMAGING MOVE OF A CERTAIN TYPE.[break][break]

🔴 A dynamaxed Pokemon can not mega evolve, terastallize, or use z-moves.[break][break]

🔴 Pokemon who dynamax are exponentially larger. They also are stronger and more hardy.

Suddenly, the whole region hears an apocalyptic knell. The skies run red. Crimson clouds choke out the sun. In the far south, near POSTWICK, every kingdom will be able to see a blinding pillar of magenta light erupt into the heavens. A horrid creature emerges from the earth there.[break][break]

The dark violet dragon soars into the sky, its serpentine body rolling like a flexible spinal column. Thin, spindly claws and ribs protect a core of pulsing energy. Tendrils sway behind its back as it carves its path, while its diamond-shaped teeth are bared for a ear-splitting roar. The townspeople are quick to declare its mythologized name: The Skeleton.[break][break]

The Black Knight is quick to chase after it. Clad in shiny black metals, it entangles itself with the dragon in the air. Their violent union is scorched with radiant, prismatic lights and searing beams. Their battle is almost sensual. The Black Knight strikes with its obsidian claws with bloodthirsty vengeance, while The Skeleton seems to be taunting it, allowing its opponent to make purchase with some of its attacks. With every strike, bright particles rain down from its body... it's as if The Skeleton is wanting to be milked of its innate force.[break][break]

The purple-pink clouds above intensify there and at "home". Suddenly, each ZACIAN STATUE breaks open with a LOUD HOWL. The stone reveals an ILLUSORY FORM of the Hero Dog. The dog stands majestically on all fours, its determined gaze aimed for the south. Despite the scars on its body, it remains a stalwart symbol of heroism. The body is translucent. Ethereal. Like a spirit, the ZACIAN'S BODY can be seen illuminating the darkening realm.[break][break]

The Dog beckons for every king and queen. Every trainer and their Pokemon. The armies of townspeople. Some time is given for those needing to say farewell to their children. After all, who knows if they will be back... and should they be successful, if the CALYREX is to be believed, would they truly be returning back to the kingdoms they have called home for the past twenty years?[break][break]

The time comes. With a hair-raising howl, the ILLUSORY ZACIAN begins to run. Behind it, the Hero Dog leaves an ethereal trail that hastens the gait and flying speed of everyone behind it. The armies of BALLONLEA, CIRCHESTER, HAMMERLOCKE & MOTOSTOKE begin to join together. They traverse the WILD AREA and eventually find themselves on the outskirts of WEDGEHURST where EVERY ILLUSORY ZACIAN HALTS.


THE ILLUSORY ZACIAN AWAIT THE ORDERS OF EACH KINGDOM'S ROYALTY. Only on their command will they assist with leading the charge, for on the slope that they stand on, everyone would be able to see where ALL THE POISON HAD GONE.[break][break]

The Skeleton had drawn all the SLUDGE to create an anticipatory army of their own. It is an endless warm of malice. Pokemon made out of poison sludge and armored with the scattered debris cut from the THE BLACK KNIGHT'S body await them. TOXTRICITY act as generals; however, more horrifying are the GIGANTAMAX POKEMON positioned furthest away.[break][break]


A GIGANTAMAX RILLABOOM, CINDERACE, AND INTELEON prepare themselves to strike from afar. Whether it be through sudden bursts of vines, meteors of flame, or bullets of brine, reaching these Pokemon will be a harrowing trial—if people can survive. To further complicate matters, TRAINERS WHO HAVE STUDIED THE DEEP & ITS ORGAN OR DYNAMAX/DYNITE ORE/MAX MUSHROOMS will notice that each GIGANTAMAX LEADER HAS THREE BARRIERS OF DYNAMAX ENERGY protecting them.


Luckily, the falling DYNAMAX PARTICLES allow anyone to DYNAMAX their Pokemon on this battlefield once called WEDGEHURST. It is clear to each trainer... In order to reach the NECROZMA & ETERNATUS, the armies of each kingdom must prevail against noxious horde.[break][break]

On the royalty's command, the armies descend.



🗡️Trainers may use their weapons alongside their Pokemon for a total of "two moves" per post.[break][break]

🗡️A weapon based on SKETCH can SKETCH & USED THE SKETCHED MOVE IN THE SAME POST. Furthermore, weapons that HEAL can also be used to ATTACK a POKEMON MADE OUT OF POISON in lieu of supporting another Pokemon or trainer.[break][break]

🗡️ Mega evolutions, z-moves, terastallization limitations are reset. If you have used them before in the raid, you may use them again.[break][break]

In this round, rolling a 49 OR BELOW will cause YOUR POKEMON TO FAINT.


BELOW ARE THE DEVELOPING STORIES OF EACH CITY. Please click on the SPOILER tag to reveal them.[break][break]

From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
cleansing sludge and claw by earth, pool and mind,[break]
walls art hath raised to protect us i'm told.[break]
as speeches forge our hearts so bold[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Did clothe in the black knight's armeth'r didst a bird[break]
arriveth, with thund'rous forks and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
from the depths, a geant venusaur didst appeareth,[break]
bringing vine and pollen to our ballonlea.[break]
our h'roes combated backeth, and did protect our town[break]
and so we didst bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

With hearts of compassion, they tended the Pokemon Center with grace,[break]
Binding wounds and offering solace in every embrace.[break]
In the wilderness, heroes ventured, hunting for sustenance in every place.[break]
And when the night unveiled its glittering tapestry of stars,[break]
They turned their gaze upwards, seeking guidance from afar.[break]
Our heroes delved into prophecies they sought to unfold,[break]
Words of mystic power, their meanings to behold.[break]
With hammer and anvil, one forged weapons strong and true,[break]
Armors that gleamed, imbued with powers old and new.[break]
In their selflessness, a path home is uncovered true,[break]
for the heroes who shaped a realm, with sorrow and joy in all they do.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Through the passage of ten years, time's relentless flow,[break]
Our heroes evolved, their knowledge and strength did grow.[break]
They unlocked the secret, the power to dynamax,[break]
Harnessing cosmic energy, one birthed from the primordial past.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
to maketh walls of ice and eyes in the sky,[break]
the eye below strikes the poison palms.[break]
wat'r floweth to act as balms.[break]
the poison well now sees the sunne.[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Clad in the black knight's armor did a bird[break]
arrive, with thunderous legs and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
From the depths, a geant kingler did appear,[break]
bringing brine and froth to Circhester.[break]
Our heroes fought back, and protected our town[break]
And so we did bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shall beest remembered?[break][break]

A city watch emerges, sentinels with vigilant eyes,[break]
Protectors of the streets, where safety never dies.[break]
Glowing ore, a captivating sight, studied with utmost care,[break]
Weapons honed to perfection, craftsmanship beyond compare.[break]
Healers of the realm, their touch mends both body and soul,[break]
Devices charged with energy, pulsating with electric coil,[break]
Voices connected, bridging distances across the fields where poison spills:[break]
What more shall beest remembered?[break][break]

Through the passage of ten years, time's relentless flow,[break]
Our heroes evolved, their knowledge and strength did grow.[break]
They unlocked the secret, the power to dynamax,[break]
Harnessing cosmic energy, one birthed from the primordial past.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
to repaireth our walls and scout our skies.[break]
Dragons inspireth nay feareth, nay ire.[break]
On full stomachs, our people parry palms[break]
the castle mure well clear'd with nay qualms,[break]
the vault reveals tapestries two.[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Clad in the black knight's armor did a bird[break]
arrive, with thunderous legs and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
From the depths, a geant Charizard did appear,[break]
bringing hellish flame to old Hammerlocke.[break]
Our heroes fought back, and protected our town[break]
And so we did bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shall beest remembered?[break][break]

Spies cloak in shadows, whispers carried on castle wind,[break]
A clandestine network, secrets they've sinned.[break]
The Emerald Knights rise, armor gleaming bright,[break]
Protectors of Hammerlocke: defenders of our last lights.[break]
Skills are honed in battle, each sword, axe, or arrow precise and true,[break]
Defenses are fortified, a fortress continually made anew.[break]
What more shall beest remembered?[break][break]

Through the passage of ten years, time's relentless flow,[break]
Our heroes evolved, their knowledge and strength did grow.[break]
They unlocked the secret, the power to dynamax,[break]
Harnessing cosmic energy, one birthed from the primordial past.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
to maketh bulwarks f'r threats uninvit'd.[break]
Two young nobles greeteth each home[break]
while one young sir unearths the well's tomb.[break]
Some expl're the caves east to findeth heavenly scales,[break]
as the bleeding train is clott'd and did push off its rails[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Did clothe in the black knight's armeth'r didst a bird[break]
arriveth, with thund'rous forks and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
From the depths, a geant Garbod'r didst appeareth,[break]
bringing stench and sludge to Motostoke's sph're.[break]
Our h'roes combated backeth, and did protect our town[break]
and so we didst bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

The glowing ore's allure, a subject of tireless study,[break]
As poison seeps in depths, waters murky and muddy.[break]
A lady conceals, with the forsaken son by her side,[break]
In shadows they dwell, secrets within them reside.[break]

From sorrow's embrace, an orphanage blooms,[break]
A sanctuary of hope, dispelling life's gloom.[break]
Peasantry entrusted, tasks with purpose assigned,[break]
Shouldering burdens, a community aligned.[break]
Amidst grieving tears, the fallen find solace's embrace,[break]
In sacred flames they rest, their spirits finding grace.[break]
With hammer and Sobble spout, weapons and armor are wrought,[break]
Crafted with love, their power cannot be bought.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Through the passage of ten years, time's relentless flow,[break]
Our heroes evolved, their knowledge and strength did grow.[break]
They unlocked the secret, the power to dynamax,[break]
Harnessing cosmic energy, one birthed from the primordial past.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • please refrain from using Pokemon nicknames in your TL;DR. use the POKEMON SPECIES NAME.
  • please ROLL THIS ROUND.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.

Do note, there are many characters participating. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.


JUNE 26TH - 11:59PM PST

NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

has missed a round and is at risk of being kicked from the event.[break][break]

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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March 03
Alamos, Sinnoh
boy genius
Associate Scientist
nature, nuture
heaven and home
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
sum of all and by them driven
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TAG WITH @kepler
kepler brueshaber
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2023 18:46:36 GMT
kepler brueshaber Avatar
[attr="class","body"]The night that steals the statue, Kepler argues with her, queen to queen. He thinks it’s a stupid, foolish endeavor, a waste of resources, time, and attention, and a sure way to alienate themselves from the populace.
When he wakes in the morning, bleary-eyed after a night of poor sleep, to find the statue back where it came from, he doesn’t know it did it, itself. He thinks put it back. That maybe he finally got her to see some sense, and goes about his life with the confident fulfillment of someone finally arguing for the right thing, for once.
The temperatures continue to drop. There’s not really much snow in this part of Galar-- its not like his homeland of Sinnoh where white stuff blankets the whole region for a quarter of the year. But the sun is always curtained behind thick, gray clouds, the air is always disgustingly wet, and there’s chilly drizzle more days than not. Kepler settles into his normal routine, slightly altered with the presence of… internal factors; a rash of pneumonia and flu sweeps Hammerlocke but is quickly contained and treated, thanks in part to his intricate knowledge of antibiotics.
He’s in the middle of working on a plan for winter rations and prospected supply shortages when the dim light flooding in through the window turns red. As he peers out into the blood-stained world beyond, fingers white from where they grip the windowsill, he sees it rise as the citizenry begin to quake and scream its name:
The Skeleton.
“Here we go.”
Like a giant egg, the Zacian statue in the center of town erupts into dust, and the ghost-like image of the canine sprints off in its intended direction, leaving behind glowing contrails of energy that seem to beckon in its wake.
Kepler gets into his armor and dons his Blades of Mercy. Before they rush off to their certain doom, he pulls Ash down for a deep, meaningful kiss-- making it count, if its to be their last.
“Come home to me,” he says, before they part, “I don’t care where that home is. As long as you’re there.”
He mounts up on Chocobo and calls to action the kingsguard, such as they are, and the various lesser knights and those capable of fighting, gathering them all in time with , and together, as a unit, they head out to face their doom.
The air on the battlefield is already rancid with the stench of poison, the glutinous hordes gurgling and belching with the shifting of their horrible bodies. Behind them are three enormous final stage Galarian starters; and behind them, the Skeleton, and the Black Knight.
He rides back and forth on his jaunty-strutting bird and is suddenly struck with inspiration, calling to those about to fight:
“Forth and fear no darkness, warriors of Galar! Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered! Fight against ruin, and the world’s ending!”

And in his stomach, though it is a boiling pot of nerves and fear, there’s a little, geeky light that shines, brighter than anything the terrible, noxious army could ever throw at him. He even does the Théoden thing where he rides along the line and tinks everyone’s blade with his own, struggling to keep from laughing like an idiot as he does it.
Hyped up and electrified, he can barely wait for the various royals to give their commands before they’re charging down upon the foul host, knives out to the sides as he rides his squawking steed into battle. Chocobo falls amongst the toxic soldiers, sundering and tearing with his talons. They launch at a Toxtricity general, Chocobo’s feet glimmering gold with ancient power as Kepler squeezes the handles of his blades and delivers sharp slashes of his Psychic-empowered psycho cut knives.




- Gathers the populace along with King and Queen and helps to lead them to the battlefield.
- Does Theoden's 'forth and fear no darkness' speech for INSPIRATION AND MORALE [break]
- Waits for the royals to call the charge and then, you know charges. [break]
- Dives into the horde on his Galarian Zapdos and attacks various poison soldiers with psycho cut. [break]
- Galarian Zapdos attacks a Toxtricity general with ancient power. [break]
- Using my last three salac berries JEEPERS CHRIST RNG



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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,738 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2023 21:34:12 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

When approached him about joining the Kingsguard he was forming, the Kalosian accepted his offer. Whatever it took to get through this nightmare. Whatever it took to win.

Twenty long years had passed, since they got spirited into this Arceus-forsaken realm.

The time had finally come. The 'Skeleton' and 'Black Knight' violently clashed in the skies. A Phantom Zaican had emerged from the boulder, guiding them to their final battle. As the others said goodbye to the families they formed over the long two decades, Thomas visited the grave of the realm's Andraste. He would profess his love to her, one last time, pay his last respects, before suiting up, and joining the others.

Thomas stared down the battlefield before him. Toxtricity Generals leading the forces of the 'Skeleton' and 'Black Knight.' In the distance were three Gigantamaxed Pokemon, a Cinderace, Rillaboom, and Inteleon.

Thomas would allow the others to take out the barriers protecting the three titans, while he would attempt to aid in wiping out the Generals.

Kalameet's eyes would glow, before causing the ground underneath one of the generals to erupt violently. The Earth Power exhibited by the Hydreigion would hopefully aid in cutting the head from the snake.


notes: Thomas accepted joining Kepler's Kingsguard
Thomas visits Alter!Andraste's Grave one last time
Thomas suits up for battle, joining the others
Thomas flies into battle on his Hydreigon
Hydreigon used Earth Power on one of the Toxtricity Generals
2 Salacs Used

Timeskip FC

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December 2
Aspertia City, Unova
Picking up the pieces
But I, I will, go on howling and hollow
1,109 posts
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TAG WITH @ashley
Ashley Shepard
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 0:43:29 GMT
Ashley Shepard Avatar

He hadn't even known that had even taken the statue. And for good reason. The dog appeared there all the same, the statue awaiting the fated day. And each day, Ash would look upon it and feel a deep-rooted regret, what felt like eons ago.[break][break]

He's busy training his soldiers, using the King's Shield to constantly deflect attack after attack. He's grown strong in these days, learning how best to do combat without a blade, and disarming and defending. A shield. At one point, he remembers what Selena and him had done for a trial, with that one man... the sword. ? Damn, he even missed the guy.[break][break]

Shield to the end.[break][break]

When the skies dye red, he does not panic, he does not relent. He throws his arm out to the soldiers. "MY PEOPLE! PREPARE FOR WAR! SECURE YOUR BATTLEMENTS! MAKE YOUR PRAYERS, AND MEET ME OUT ON THE FIELD IN ONE HOUR!" He calls out, a booming voice befitting a king of Hammerlocke.[break][break]

The pillar of magenta light brings with it the Skeleton, a dark violet dragon soars in the sky like a serpent... and chasing after it, the Black Knight. Soon after. Their clash is fated, pre-ordained, and as the soldiers prepare their weapons, there's a loud howl. For a moment, Ashley sees it there, their eyes lock.[break][break]


They beckon to follow, and with their howl, they sprint off and away. The king adorns himself within armor, the shield at his side, and he prepares to mount his steed.[break][break]

One last look to his queen. Certain doom dragging upon their lives, as they have a moment to enjoy each other's presence, and with one meaningful kiss, and a hand to 's stomach, he smiles ear-to-ear. A smile he rarely made, laced with uncertainty, yet a quiet confidence overriding it.[break][break]

"I will return home to you. I promise, my queen. As will you." He presses his lips back to their own, foreheads pressed upon the parting of lips, as their soldiers mount their steeds, as the weapons are readied, and the people go. A moment of solemn solidarity, and amidst the chaos, he would let Kep go.[break][break]

He didn't want him fighting like this, but King Ash knew better than to argue. Chocobo was too valuable.[break][break]

The longing of his old friend, Haku the Dragonite, has him lament the lack of his favorite steed as he mounts his own. Upon his shoulders, Nacho Libre the Hawlucha would caw out, as King Ash awaits the kingsguard. The many Kepler had formed, and then of course, the one man he had approached for. .[break][break]

Firing him a smile, King Ashley roars out.[break][break]

"Hammerlocke! Let us ride!"[break][break]

He leads them to the battlefield. It reeks, rancid of poison, and an army awaits them. Sludge stares them down, the generals of the salamanders that were Toxtricity watch on, and Ashley sees the massive walls before them. He knows two of them well. And he smiles.[break][break]

Are you doing well... Bongo?[break][break]

He does not need to order them, because his own wife does that for him. Ashley hardly has to speak at all, as Kep does the one thing from that Tolkien movie he watched. He would have called him a dork in youth, but now it felt so all-important, what with their life on the fringes of that fence between life and death.[break][break]

As he dinks every weapon he can, Ashley awaits the finale. His queen truly was splendid.[break][break]

"Hear me now, hero!" He calls out to Zacian, his eyes on her own. He had wronged her so much before with that cheap shot a long time ago. But now? He smirks with a confidence that has grown beyond that, and he can only hope she has too. "We will pave the way! This is your story. End it the way you see fit, success or failure, we will find it together. My people! TO BATTLE!" He holds the shield at the ready.[break][break]

King Ash charges. And his mind goes back to every memory he had, playing at once. The orphanage. The foster care. Rocket. Kanto. Suffering. Betrayal. Hoenn. Rebirth. Repeat. Agony. Friends. Love. Choices. Life. Death. Rebirth. Kingdoms. Queen. Marriage. Hope.[break][break]

Was it enough?[break][break]

And with it, the war begins. The first goal is to clear the way to the Gigantamax Pokemon. He races on, with Nacho Libre the Hawlucha on his back. Flying upward to strike a Toxtricity with a FLYING PRESS. While Ashley, mounted still, races forth with a KING'S SHIELD to attempt a battering ram that cannot be stopped, intending to trample the general Toxtricity, yelling with powerful intensity as he charges.




- Training the soldiers, when the end of the world comes. WAR WERE DECLARED. PREPARE.[break]
- Illusion Zacian is leading the way...[break]
- One last meeting with Queen Kep, hand to his stomach, and tells him he will come home for him. Kep needs to as well.[break]
- Reach the battlefield, and loves watching Kep rally the troops.[break]
- Reminiscing.[break]
- Addresses Zacian; he doesn't know how this ends, but they will pave the way for her.[break]
-- He's yelling loud. Just try and stop him.



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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 2:34:22 GMT
Shred Avatar
The time of reckoning has come.

I am where I always am when I hear the howl - Atop the walls. Watching. Waiting. Where others chose to make their homes in cabins and castles, I slept on crumbling stone under the pale of the moon. When others were spending time with their false wives and ghosts of children, I waited for the morrow. What others tried to forget, I never forgave. When the triumphant cry of a hero restored echoes throughout Hammerlocke, all I hear is the jingle of the key that will free me from my cell.

Decades of watching the horizon, and finally, I can see the dawn, bathed in shades of violet. This ordeal nears its end. Tell me, my allies: Are you ready to break the chains that bind us, together?

“Always, brother.”
“But of course! The noble knight must have his squires when the final battle comes!”
“Yes, please.”
“Break. Free. Now.”
“Ain't nothing else worth doing, is there?”

Then we shall delay no further.

Time is given for us to part ways with our loved one, but I have no goodbyes to say. I shed no tears and I offer no apologies. I do not even offer this realm my contempt, for I do not wish it to remember me, even in passing. No, just as I shall forget this land, this land must forget me. I leave nothing behind. It will all leave with me.

Thus, when the finally unnecessary goodbye is spoken, and as the phantom of the hound sprints forth, I follow behind it. Anticipation drives me onward. This is all I have left. I am but a monster in black armour, nameless and without prestige, unfit even to be called a man.

Yet, as I swore so long ago, I shall see this prophecy to its ending.

As I come skidding to a halt, boots digging into the muck, I look up and see not a battlefield, but a warzone.

Allies, enemies, they have all gathered here. To my left and right, I see faces I have not seen in twenty long years. Ahead of me, I see faces I have spent the last twenty years killing without remorse. More of these poisonous Pokemon, in even greater numbers than ever before. Not only that, but behind them are Gigantamax Pokemon, clad in so many layers of layers of protective energy that you can just barely make them out through the shimmer. To fight such large foes is a challenge. To fight them when they have such barriers is folly.

“Not. Without. Equal. Power.”
“Dynamax power. That we don't have.”
“Maybe... Maybe it isn't too late to ask for a spare...?”

I did not train you to be cowards. We have our convictions, and we shall stick by them. We only need be sensible in our crusade. Leave the others to exhaust themselves fighting giants, while we cull the lessers. Then, when the smoke clears, we shall be the ones to bring an end to this tale. The Black Knight and the Skeleton will die by our hands, but until then...


As that final roar tears free from my throat, I charge forth with axe in hand. I fight, and I do it as me - Not as a member of the Kingsguard, or of the Survey Corps, or of any dismal faction in this dismal world. No, I am wild and vicious and forever free, and nothing will take that away from me. With all my might, I swing wildly at the gathered beasts, seeking to lay one low with each blow. I do not know how many I must kill, but if there is a limit to their ranks, I intend to find it. However, I will not find it on my own. Between cleaving blows, I find the time to reach a hand down to my belt, and free an ally from its Pokeball. Skeledirge! Teach them what it means to become our enemy, and put them in their place!

“Alright! Time to get this party STARTED!”

The aligator emerges in a flash of red, and rearing back, it releases a guttural SNARL that rips out throughout the army of the damned gathered in front of the Inteleon. I have no delusions about reaching it, but so long as I can keep the masses in check? Then my role in the first stage of this conflict will be done, and it will be done well.

TL;DR - Shred, having all of his coping justified and running off a massive seethe-boost to his ego, starts swinging at the Inteleon's Army with his axe, while Skeledirge uses Snarl to damage them and keep them in check.

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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,437 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 2:47:39 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
Greyson is the first to greet Zacian in ballonlea as it emerges from the stone. He smiles fondly at the legendary; greyson knew that their time here would end today in one way, or another. Allowing the beast to pass, he looks to the trail that it leaves in its wake. He pats the orbs that house his Pokémon , and takes off after the canine.
Upon arrival to the battlefield, Greyson surveys the threat that lies before him. It was an impressive display of Pokémon with even hints of a command structure. His gaze lifts up and beyond the fodder to the three titanic pokemon beyond. The ocean of Pokémon that lies between in-front of them is not to be an underestimated.
But they needed to get to Necrozma. To Eternatus.
Nothing would stop him from that goal.

[break]The peace he'd worked so hard to established recedes, but doesn't quite leave — it simply had no place on this battlefield. One hand wraps around the steel of his blade, the other on a scuffed, dented, and aged Pokéball. A vespiquen stands in-front of him, aged but no less eager to prove herself. She clicks her mandibles and flutters her wings.
The dynamax braclet on his wrist responds to their bond — their collective will to get back home. She consumes the strange particles, growing and rising, becoming a true monarch. Once her full size, it was as if she was looking down on ants.
Greyson looks up and nods slowly, permission granted to engage their foe for what could be the last time.
Vespiquen rises into the air, titanic in size and scope. From the honeycombs of her dress a great heart-stirring vibration begins to emanate. She ushers forth a command to the hidden creatures.


Grubs by the dozen emerge, each the size of a Steelix. They swarm down in a cascade of clicks and scratches; screams of agony and fear follow in the wake of their destruction. Others had come here with weapons of destruction — Greyson brought a whole fucking army of his own.
The bracelet on his opposite hand begins to thrum, and Greyson steels himself for what's next. Tossing a final glance at the ethereal canine, he sprints in the direction of the enemy.
In a flash of steel and violet light, Greyson teleports into the fray.





Greyson greets the Zacian with a smile before wordlessly following after it.[break]
Enters into a state of mind appropriate for a Final Battle.[break]
Summons his vespiquen and dynamaxes it.[break]
Dynamaxed Vespiquen uses attack order as massive grubs begin dropping like bombs.[break]
Flower braclet to allow him the use of teleport[break]
Greyson dives into the fray of combat, sword in-hand, teleporting around as he fights.[break]



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing