i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 5:58:09 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar



"Hey wait!" Before he could actually get an answer from the sheriff he turns his attention to Hoenn's little sister and the woman of his dreams. With the attention gone from Kazimir the giant man feels like a ghost in this whole crowd. He's not one to interrupt a meeting between lovebirds so he slumps against the counter of the bar and sips from his glass as he watches the party move on by itself.

's little announcement catches his interest. The man was never one for these sort of astrological things but the novelty of it all was always so fun to partake in. As he straightened himself up he was stopped by , a man who he did not recognize at all. Their apology was all he could take in as suddenly their lips touched with one another and he was pulled into a kiss. When they broke apart his only reaction was when he mentioned mistletoe. "Huh?"

Looking up he did see the Minior holding the little sprig before flying off to go terrorize another couple. "Uh...yeah...Sorry I...gotta..." He pulls away with a half hearted smile as he tries to distance himself. He was probably the rudest person right now at this party for doing that and makes his way over to to place his hand on the podium. He needed a distraction and this seemed like a good one. Again sorry .

Taking a look through the telescope he could see the constellation that belonged to him, Dragapault. Not the one he was expecting but he couldn't lie they were fascinating Pokemon. Sort of reminded him of his fathers back home in some weird way. "Uh...how about a reading about TRUTH? Or honesty I guess?"

@mega social
- kaz gets left alone :c
- but pog luci comes to save the day?
- oh no! trhe wild kaz got scared and ran away!
- kaz does a reading with about TRUTH!

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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,637 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 8:51:49 GMT
ollie morales Avatar

unlike himself, gideon was always composed and even-keeled. it was to be expected from a museum director as successful as he was. and while ollie did appreciate the other's stability, there was a certain discreet pleasure in unsettling him.

[break][break] the loud exclamation from his friend was rewarded by a hearty laugh.

[break][break] it was for reasons like this that ollie liked hanging out with . there were many other reasons, of course — he was not bad to look at, for one — but also because his reactions were always so endearing.

[break][break] the sharp ache in his chest from seeing and had begun to dull, replaced with the warmth that was .

[break][break] "let's go! but first, i wanna get a reading."

[break][break] ollie reached for the other's hand once again, eyes darting swiftly past him and towards NIOLA TOLSTOY. the head ranger didn't recognize her, other than she was someone had brought along, but he lined up behind the others regardless.

[break][break] when it was his turn, he would ask her about LOVE — eyes only swiftly darting to the sight of and across the room before settling on gideon's handsome face.

[break][break] "i want to ask about love." his lips twitched into a bemused smirk, wondering if his friend's ears could possibly get any redder, before darting towards the woman reading their fortunes. "think we'll get lucky this year?"


[attr="class","ooc"] tldr; [break]
- asks for a reading about LOVE with [break]
- feels a little jealous about and again :CATTO:

[attr="class","fas fa-heartbeat"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



[newclass=".luck"]margin:0px auto -10px; width:450px; background-image: url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; background-color:#2b2b2b; color:#ddd; text-align:justify; border-radius:5px; border:1px solid #232323; text-transform:lowercase; letter-spacing:0.2px; font:12px 'Roboto'; position:relative; overflow:hidden; z-index:1;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".swarmbottom"]background-image: url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; background-color:var(--accent); height:50px; width:450px; margin:0px auto; border:1px solid #232323; border-top:none; position:relative; z-index:99;[/newclass]
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played by


jan 30
hearthome, sinnoh
one-track mind
one-track heart
6'3" height
6'3" height
high achiever, don't you see? baby, nothing comes for free.
189 posts
luciano fisk DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @luci
luciano fisk
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 9:04:53 GMT
luciano fisk Avatar

He should have felt more badly about it. Using a man like that, just to see if he could get a rise out of Concord. But in the moment, Luci didn't care.

[break][break] All he could think about was the heat in his stomach at the sight of his Concord kissing someone else, all he could think about was the story that Concord had shared with him that morning, and all he could think about the way that the last time they were at a part like this, he had watched Concord on the dance floor with another man before disappearing from the party completely.

[break][break] He was furious.

[break][break] Petty, jealous, all terrible emotions that were unbecoming of a Fisk, but Luci couldn't help himself. He didn't turn away as the other man excused himself, stuttering some foolish response before disappearing into the crowd.

[break][break] His eyes were for Concord. They always had been.

[break][break] Luci expected the other man to let out an outburst of equal fervor but instead the deputy just stared at him and said nothing. It ignited something more furious in the sculptor's heart, but on top of that, it made him feel sad. Being on the receiving end of such a disappointed gaze...

[break][break] There was no one that Luci hated himself more in that moment than himself.

[break][break] "The tablets. Right."

[break][break] Luciano wanted to do no such thing. What was the point of being here, if Concord was not even going to respond to him?

[break][break] But he was pathetic, and wretched without Concord. He couldn't bear it.

[break][break] "Let's go, then." With that, Luciano offered his hand for the other to accept before sweeping towards the crowd on to the tablets. His eyes landed on the GOODRA tablet, which for his destiny was seated. He pressed a hand against the cool stone to begin the communion, before then taking off towards the fortune teller.

[break][break] "I desire a reading on WEALTH."


[attr="class","ooc"] [break]

[newclass=".luci3"]--accent:#B6C4E3; [/newclass]

[newclass=".luci3 blockquote"]width:350px; margin:0px auto; text-transform:lowercase; font-size:12px; line-height:15px; border-radius:0px 0px 10px 10px; border-top:none; padding:30px 50px; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".luci3 .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]
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songbird, eve
september 5th
to be a flower you need rainy days.
310 posts
evelyn silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @songbird
evelyn silph
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 20:09:30 GMT
evelyn silph Avatar

to come back to kyle being married was a big shocker. it was unexpected even. oddly, it made her consider her very own future. being back in hoenn, what was next for evelyn silph's personal life?

"fortune reading? i'm not sure if we missed the window or not but sure."


evelyn took his arm and followed after finishing her drink. "though i'll refrain from participating, the supernatural isn't really my thing. i never really believed in silly things like that." besides, the only thing she believed in was her eldest brother. she didn't need some silly reading guiding her lifepath.


evelyn, on their way, took notice of . she would ask her friend a question, "what do you think of matias?"

note: evelyn is vibing with her bestie. she's not interested in the readings, but follows if he is. she wants his opinion on a devilish brother of hers. [break][break]

[attr="class","ooc"] @gang-gang

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by


dr. graves
he / him
October 28
fallarbor town, hoenn
museum director
professor / researcher
allopatric isolation
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
i get by, but it's hard to forget in the smoke of denial and the fog of regret.
463 posts
part of
TAG WITH @gideon
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 1:53:39 GMT

Yes, his ears could get redder. [break][break]

"Do you really believe in this sort of thing?" The professor probed skeptically, obviously deflecting. [break][break]

Love. He hadn't had much luck in that department this year. The revelation surrounding and her ties to ROCKET had shaken everything he thought he knew about the sentiment. Instinctively, Gideon's eyes scanned the crowd for , the one who'd dropped that bomb, but his brother was nowhere to be seen. [break][break]

Yeah, that drink was a must right about now. Luckily, a waiter with a tray of cocktails was walking by. Gideon plucked a glass from the selection (some sort of odd milk concoction) and took a thirsty sip before taking Ollie's place at @nio's table.[break][break]

"I'd like to conduct a reading about my CAREER."[break][break]

That was a safe topic, surely. Still, the professor kept an ear out for the Zodiac Maniac's response to .


outfit check[break]

• asks if ollie believes in readings like this[break]
• man elisa really sucks, huh?[break]
• asks for a reading about his CAREER


[newclass=".gunstempgideon"]--accent:#d49f3a;font:13px Poppins;[/newclass]
[newclass=".gunstempgideon b"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
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[newclass=".gunstempgideon a"]font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: lowercase; color: #d49f3a; [/newclass]
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[newclass=".gunstempgideon .body"]background-image:url("https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;color: #AAAAA6[/newclass]
[newclass=".gunstempgideon .credit1"]font-size:15px;[/newclass]
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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
650 posts
part of
TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 8:10:17 GMT
Ettie Avatar
As Ettie got her reading, the approach of another person - - would catch her attention... Or perhaps more accurately, what caught her attention was the Smeargle that tailed after them! A canine! A species that she was familiar with, in fact, given that she had Yip!

Smiling brightly, Ettie turned to face Quill, with a bright smile. She'd crouch a little bit to be eye level with the beagle, and would give a couple friendly yips in greeting! "Hello! Friend!" She'd add on, asking "Friend enjoying, too?"

Haru and Anat both would glance over to watch this exchange; and the Lucario in particular would give a gentle, fond, smile at Ettie's shenanigans. She truly was a pup at heart.
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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
787 posts
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TAG WITH @caleb
Caleb Harcourt
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 18:20:28 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar

They were a sight to behold, walking hand-in-hand across the room like royalty - which was a strangely familiar feeling, Caleb realized. The image of the plain wooden crown had waved in front of him in the interrogation room, demanding to know its purpose, popped into Caleb's mind unbidden. Vague, disjointed memories of a time-outside-of-time when he had been a king pulled at his heartstrings, a familiar ache. Had been part of that too? Another city, another kingdom?[break][break]
Shaking his head as if to clear it, Caleb gently pulled the Councilwoman onto the dance floor, wrapping an arm around her waist and taking her hand in his own. So close, he could feel the intense warmth rolling off of her, golden and rich like her intense gaze. Be careful or you'll burn yourself, he cautioned. The looming reminder of her Patron's ruinous power was ever-present.[break][break]
"I envy you," Caleb murmured, leaning in close, uncertain where, exactly, his words were coming from - just that they suddenly felt important to say. "I often feel as if I cannot change a goddamn thing about this cruel, doomed world. You, on the other hand, have the power to help people - to make real, lasting impacts on the lives of Hoenn's citizenry. I wonder - what will you do next, Councilwoman?"[break][break]
A man like him would never have that power. Not when Rocket defectors were still such a controversial topic amongst the League's elite.[break][break]
Ollie is trying to change that, a small voice hissed. As if drawn to the other man, then, Caleb's gaze flicked away from Penelope to catch and huddled around some kind of fortune teller's table. Closely huddled. Holding hands.[break][break]
Jealousy sparked once more, and he abruptly turned back to his dance partner. They swayed across the dance floor, a glittering ruby and her cobalt suitor.[break][break]
When the music came to an end, Caleb realized they were, as if willed by fate, standing beneath a sprig of mistletoe.[break][break]
He did not hesitate. Leaning in, his grip on her waist tightening, he planted a kiss upon 's cheek. He lingered a moment to take in the sweet scent of her, unable to stop himself from hoping Ollie would see. As he pulled away he murmured, low and sultry, "Thank you for the dance."[break][break]

TAGS | [break]
- Takes Penny to the dance floor[break]
- Remembers what it was like to be a king in GG, feels oddly nostalgic[break]
- Due to the effects of ENVY, reveals to Penny that he is jealous of her position as a Councilwoman because it means she can do good for the region in ways he can't - implying (and challenging) that that's what she should do, regardless of what her ruinous Patron might want...[break]
- Notices and and gets jealous again...[break]
- When the dance ends, Caleb notices they are standing under mistletoe. Decides to kiss Penny on the cheek to spite Ollie.[break]



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[newclass=".calebtest8 .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass]
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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,062 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 22:06:35 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


He reached over, wiping away one stray tear.

"Then... how about we pick one?" He offered, smiling at Yuina.

What? No one can choose the date of their, or anyone elses' birth?

Says who?

"A birthday means the most something to those who love ya." He said as he held out his hand to her. "To ourselves, it's just a day like any other. So... if we can't remember the original one, who says we can't decide on a new one?"

He scratched at his cheek nervously, before smiling.

"I'll celebrate it with ya, whichever day ya pick."
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played by


Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,864 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 22:55:03 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Running late to the party, Josh didn't feel at all bad about hopping aboard Braver and simply TELEPORTING to Mossdeep. He normally would ride to the island at high speed on a flying Pokémon, but he didn't want to miss any more than he already did. He was also bundled up; it was cold on the northern island this time of year!

The first thing that caught the Gym Leader's eye after he stored his coat in a coat room was the Draconid Zodiac. He approached the exhibit set up by NIOLA TOLSTOY, put his hand on the DRAGAPULT tablet, and awaited his reading more out of idle curiosity than anything.

It would not take long for to locate the Mauville Gym Leader, the yellows of his outfit making him stand out. "Wow, this place sure is crowded! How you been, Yuina?" he asked. "I'm not taking much stock in it, but did you get your reading yet?


{PC: 1}

DRAGAPULT: November 22–December 21
Individuals born under the sign of Dragapult are often drawn to philosophical and intellectual pursuits. They may have a deep interest in understanding the world around them, exploring different belief systems, and seeking knowledge. They are also typically known for their honesty and straightforward communication style. They may value truth and authenticity in their interactions with others and can be direct in expressing their thoughts and feelings.
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played by


Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,827 posts
part of
TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2023 1:18:25 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


As Yuina's small world was crumbling in on itself, the notion that she was still so broken, so lost as a person, wondering if she would ever be whole, she was frozen in that moment until Doug... did nothing more than be himself...[break]
A single tear had broken through her hazy eyes as she looked up at him, but he was gentle in wiping it away before offering a solution... To pick a date, whichever one felt right... It seemed like such a simple fix, surely one of the star signs would resonate with her... But she had to wonder...[break][break]
Would she ever be a whole person? Would she ever be herself again?[break]
Her name wasn't her real name... She was about to pick a day that wasn't the day she was born... Was she meant to be some patchwork doll made of pieces that were anything but her true self...? Yuina hated the thought, that she felt like she was grasping at puzzle pieces that weren't actually meant to form a picture, until... She remembered 's words...[break][break]
"The person that you are now.... I hope this is who you have been meant to become..."[break][break]
Maybe she should actually try to build the puzzle instead of feeling like the pieces didn't mean anything to each other... She just only hoped that if the day ever came... If she found a way back to her old life... That it wouldn't be like having two different puzzles that couldn't fit together...[break][break]
In that moment though, as Doug spoke, Yuina's haze began to fade, and she gently took the hand that he offered. He made everything sound so simple... He was so encouraging, and supportive... She could at least try, to put the puzzle pieces together...[break]
"Thank you... Doug... I still feel so lost sometimes, like I'm only a shadow of a person... But the people that I've been meeting, people like you...," Yuina spoke then, softly, a small gleam in her amber eyes...[break]
"Thank you, for just being you," she had a lot of other things she felt like she wanted to say...[break][break]
The two walked then, hand in hand, towards the tablets that were laid out, and Yuina was now able to smile as had just finished looking around at what the celebration had to offer.[break]
"We're going to go look at them now, I'm glad you were able to make it Josh," Yuina offered with a grateful smile as she started to walk along the tablets with Doug.[break][break]
It was difficult, trying to find the words that felt... Correct? She hardly knew herself as a person, she was discovering things, feelings, emotions... Every day... This would have no actual bearing really on how she moved forward with things but... She wanted it to feel right? It should mean something to her...[break]
Coming across one tablet, a Pokemon called 'Kingdra' depicted on it, she paused as she fully read the words etched into the stone... Adaptability... challenges... New experiences...[break][break]
"Which one of these is yours Doug," Yuina wondered, as she pondered how she felt about the Kingdra inscription... It definitely felt like it resonated with her the most...

Holiday Party![break]
Dress, Hair[break]


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October 26
Anville Town
5'3 height
5'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
111 posts
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TAG WITH @siosoti
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2023 4:45:51 GMT
At first, Quill seems rather perplexed by Ettie's barking. That's a human girl, isn't it? Why is she barking like he does? How strange...but, with a bit of curious sniffing and observing, she seems friendly enough! And so, he yips and barks in return- tail wagging behind him and panting happily. As if in understanding of her question, he nods, then tilts his head as if to say 'Yes! And you?'

Sio perks up at this sort of simplistic conversation once they've gotten their reading, simply observing a moment before they crack a small smile. "Well hello there. Looks like you've found yourself a new friend, hm, Quill?" they ask, gesturing to . And following that, they look at the girl- that same intrigued yet fond smile being given to her. "And what about you, dear? Are you having fun?"

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
553 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2023 4:48:54 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

He was a stern appearing fellow and he definitely had an aura that one would not hesitate to call unwelcoming, but she had seen far more dour people in her life. Hell, she had been one of them at one point.

"Well, kicking off may be a bit tongue-in-cheek in this case." Elaine chuckled, trying to stifle off the awkwardness of her attempt to start a conversation. But, those moments allowed a moment to get a good look at the man's face and as she did, something had clicked.

Ah. When she was a child, she was hardly ignorant of the world around her. Though her life was merely contained to one region at that time, she knew of the world outside and of others in a similar world as her. And this man had made far more stretches of fame than she ever did, so how could she not know him?

But the bigger surprise was that he was able to identify her. Though she hadn't changed much since her disappearance from Sinnoh, it had been long enough time that all of that should have been buried.

"Ah, yes. Pleasure to make your acquaintance too, Detective Sokolov." Caught off guard for a moment, Elaine took the seat that she had been offered. "Though, how did you recognize me? This is the first time we've ever met, I think."

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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
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Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2023 21:19:47 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




"Ours? I have enough little trouble makers at Home island." she mentions in response as she can sense Eris's unease. She hadn't really resolved her complicated relationship with the young girl yet but it was something she was going to let Eris initiate since the girl was fighting her own demons. "And I don't, more like an accessory for now that I regret...do you? Can you take it?" she asks him as she was unsure if he did or not. [break][break]

"Ohhhh so your name is Isaac huh?" she says with a small smile, if Navy knew of him and wasn't freaking out of his presence here that means he earned her boyfriend's trust right? "Don't mention it, just wanted to make you squirm a bit." she says as her expression lights up at both of them.[break][break]

As she sees someone wave them over to the bar, Melody doesn't recognize them at first. Maybe a friend from goodbye galar? She sees Isaac heading over to the tablets and Melody decides to split off from navy if he didn't want to go with her. "What's your name? I love your hair!" she says as the bright eye'd diva looks towards as she tried to uncover the mystery behind the green eye'd person before her.


notes about this post


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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,898 posts
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TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2023 7:37:35 GMT

Hands clasped, golden light caught between fingers, the pair of ruby and sapphire glided across the dance floor. In time, elegance became language, shared between every step, spin, and twirl. Their radiance was only matched by the iridescent memories that flickered through the councilwoman, carrying her to a time just nearly out of reach.
Back then there was simplicity to the danger rampaging in their yard. There were no leaks of envy, complications of broken promises. It was only her and him. Scarlet and gold.
But that was then, and this was now.
Betrayal was an act now brandished through soft whisperings and longing gazes. it was act constructed far across the room, right in view of their vengeful 'date.'
By the time Caleb whispered into the shell of her ear, a horrible stretch of envy had already constrained her, twisting around the neck like a noose. Every additional gaze only further fed the flames that scorched, reigniting the scattered flicks of gold dancing across her eyes.
When the sprig of mistletoe came into view, Penelope had already made her decision. A kiss on the cheek wasn't enough; the punishment must meet the crime committed.
With fingers curled around the trunk of 's tie, the councilwoman nearly yanked the man downward, drawing him into a kiss. It was far from anything passionate, brimming with an air of necessity rather than want, but it dragged on long enough. By the time it ended, her hands had naturally reached for his cheeks, cupping them.
A beat passed and Penelope leaned forward just enough to whisper onto the shell of his ears, her breath hot against his skin.
"My advice? If you seek change, prepare to fight for it. Don't wait for permission."
From there it'd be his decision: to act or coward away. To run or to stay.
Regardless, the queen would make her move.
Long, languid strides carry the woman to the very table that had stolen her attention in the first place. But not before another image caught her eye - one of deep familiarity. .
She'd seen him before, hovering near the bar. If it weren't for , she would've approached, maybe for a dance or a quick laugh. Unlike most of these suits, there was no need to wear a mask around him.
If their eyes would meet, she would smile again, this time making a quick gesture of what could only be interpreted as 'save me a dance'.
Only after would she make it to the table.
"My my . Now where's the fun in skepticism," she answered for , moving right up to 's available side. Her eyes never faltered from the woman behind the counter. Not even for him "I would also like a reading about LOVE"

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2023 8:19:31 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]THE STARS OF THE DRACONID SHINE



"Fontaine" - HOYOMIX



ZODIAC MANIAC NIOLA TOLSTOY regards you with a strangely piercing glare as you approach the reading table. It's as if she's scrutinizing your very soul the moment your eyes meet. Though you might find her mien rather uninviting, the woman gestures for you to take a seat across from her before you can turn away.[break][break]

"You've come to have me speak to the stars for you, yes? Very well. Though I warn you: the DRACONIC PRINCIPLES are very ancient and wise, but they do not speak as you and I do. Patience and great contemplation may be required to understand them. Even then, you might not."[break][break]

The mix of bright red holly and evergreen wreaths decorating her station contrasts against the wide star chart, tarot cards, crystals, and other occult paraphernalia found scattered there. Soft white smoke billows from the various candles, filling the area with the rich aroma of sage, balsam, and cedar. They each stand erect from candle holders in the shape of REGIDRAGO's maw.[break][break]

"You understand? Excellent. Then hand me your palm and we may begin." She says, holding out her own.[break][break]


(DURALUDON): Your future goals are poised to be a harmonious blend of passion and steely ambition. The cosmos whispers of impending endeavors that will ignite the electrifying force within you, propelling you toward UNCHARTED TERRITORIES with unwavering determination. The enigmatic forces of destiny weave a tapestry of opportunities, urging you to channel your innate LEADERSHIP and enterprising spirit. Remember, dear Duraludon, that your future goals are intertwined with the enigmatic dance of FATE & FREE WILL.[break][break]

(DURALUDON): The stars converge to illuminate the journey of self-identity that lies before you. Be not afraid to navigate the currents of your inner world, for within its depths lie hidden truths and PURIFYING REVELATIONS that will shape your understanding of your purpose here. Prepare to unravel the layers of your being and the Draconic Principles will bestow upon you the wisdom to decipher the RIDDLES of your existence. Like the rivers that shape the valley, however, you must continue to press forward to achieve any true INSIGHT into the nature of your world.[break][break]

(DURALUDON): The celestial energies swirl around your family sphere, hinting at long-awaited revelations. As those energies swell, PATTERNS may emerge, offering glimpses into the mysteries of your familial connections. Pay heed to the whispers of intuition, for they may hold clues to navigate the encounters that will test your ESTABLISHED BONDS with others. The alignment of the stars hints at a profound shift that is set to unfold for you: a decision between INDEPENDENCE OR DEPENDENCY. The lone wolf or the uncertainty of joining another pack.[break][break]

(HYDREIGON): Hydreigon, embrace the duality within you, for it will serve as your compass through the harrowing journies that meeting your goals will require. However, it is important to be aware of the potential for your TEMPERMENTAL nature to lead you to procrastinate or become easily clouded. A CHANCE ENCOUNTER may hold the key to a pivotal solution, while a cryptic message from a distant source may illuminate the path ahead. Trust in the mysterious forces at play, for they are guiding you toward the fulfillment of your deepest ASPIRATIONS.[break][break]

(HYDREIGON): The stars weave a tapestry of enigmatic love for you, Hydreigon, entwined with the essence of duality and boundless curiosity. Your REBORN (REBIRTH) heart is a vessel brimming with the whispers of ancient romances, yearning to unfold amidst the cosmic dance of fate. Vague predictions flutter through the astral winds, hinting at a fateful relationship that will reignite the flames of your PASSION. A mysterious figure may emerge from the mists of TIME, carrying with them the echo of a romance that transcends the boundaries of the physical realm. Perhaps you've already found her?[break][break]

(DRAGONAIR): The alignment of the Dragonair suggests that this is a time for you to focus on setting clear and attainable goals. Your goals are often intertwined with creating a HARMONIOUS (HARMONY) and nurturing environment for yourself and your loved ones. Embrace your INTUITIVE (INTUITION) nature and let it guide you towards defining your aspirations. But beware, Dragonair: someone in this room seeks to twist your EMPATHETIC (EMPATHY) nature to serve their own needs.[break][break]

(TYRANTRUM): Tyrantrum, you are a natural leader, and you are used to getting your way. But in love, you need to be more flexible and willing to compromise. If you are not, you may find yourself in a relationship that is not FULFILLING (FULFILLMENT). The stars warn you that you may be tempted to give your heart to someone who is not WORTHY (WORTHINESS) of it. This person may be CHARMING (CHARM) and charismatic, but they may also be manipulative and controlling. If you are not careful, you could end up being hurt.[break][break]

(TYRANTRUM): In the ethereal realm of love, the Draconic Principles beckon you to harness the regal prowess that resides within. Embrace the untamed ardor of your heart, for it holds the keys to unlocking the vaults of ENDURING romance. Amidst the trials of seeking, remember that Tyrantrum is destined for GRANDEUR, and so too are the romances that await. Seek not to dim your effervescent light, but rather let it shine as a beacon of allure and AUTHENTICITY. As you rise above challenges, let the resplendence of your spirit kindle the flames of passion and attract kindred souls enraptured by your majestic essence.[break][break]

(FLYGON): You have lost a friend in the sandstorms of time, have you? As a seeker of BALANCE, wandering Flygon, you are always looking for ways to make things right, and you are always willing to help others. Lean on these aspects of yourself, remain open to unexpected avenues, and trust that the universe will conspire to bring you back together. Embrace PATIENCE and RESILIENCE— for the journey ahead may not be straightforward. In seeking, you may discover new facets of yourself and your connection to the world.[break][break]

(FLYGON): In the realm of new romance, effervescent Flygon, set your sights on a path of balance and mutual understanding of goals. Strive to maintain EQUILIBRIUM between your desires and the needs of your partner. Embrace the beauty of COMPROMISE and the joy of shared aspirations as you navigate the intricacies of this new relationship. Let your heart guide you, but also engage your intellectual prowess to discern what you truly seek in this romance. Set clear INTENTIONS and communicate openly with your partner, fostering a foundation of trust and transparency.[break][break]

(FLYGON): In the realm of family, scarred Flygon, the scales of reconciliation tip with the gentle touch of empathy and understanding. Seek to understand the perspectives of all involved, embracing the virtues of FORGIVENESS and restoration. Let your actions be guided by the desire for healing and COMPASSION, as you endeavor to mend the frayed connections. Allow the past to be a teacher, not a captor, and be open to the possibility of RECONCILIATION and renewed bonds. Though you may feel alone in the great empty desert, embrace the power of communication and reach out with sincerity and vulnerability.[break][break]

(FLYGON): In the pursuit of inner strength, young Flygon, look to the depths of your being with courage and determination. Embrace the power of SELF-REFLECTION and introspection, for it is within these moments of quiet contemplation that you can unearth the strength needed to triumph over adversity. Do not take for granted the support of those who uplift and inspire you, drawing upon the wisdom and ENCOURAGEMENT of kindred spirits. Cultivate a mindset of OPTIMISM and unwavering resolve. Know that every challenge is an opportunity for growth and transformation. Believe in your capacity to overcome, and let your spirit soar with the conviction that you are capable of surmounting any obstacle that comes your way.[break][break]

(FLYGON): Be wary of falling into old patterns or repeating past mistakes with love, wounded Flygon. As you navigate the sand-swept desert of romance, be mindful of the circling Mandibuzz above that could signal TROUBLE ahead. You deserve more than just the scraps of any carrion they've picked at. The mystic forces also hint at the importance of balancing your aspirations for love with your EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING. You can sometimes be too caught up in the moment, and you may forget to take the long view. It is important to remember that love is a journey, and it takes time to build a strong and lasting relationship. Be willing to take RISKS and explore new possibilities. You may be surprised at who you find yourself falling in love with.[break][break]

(FLYGON): In the realm of love, implacable Flygon, you are poised to experience a delicate dance of new connections and profound partnerships, urging you to embrace the unfolding symphony of emotions. Beneath the moon's gentle gaze, a chance encounter may spark a flame within your heart, illuminating the path to profound INTIMACY. Yet, beware of the allure of this desert illusion, for not all that glimmers hold the essence of truth. Beware the whispers of RESENTMENT that echo through the corridors of the heart, for they may threaten to disrupt the delicate equilibrium you hold dear. Seek clarity in the depths of your emotions, and let the WISDOM OF THE PAST guide your steps toward a love that resonates with your soul's melody.[break][break]

(GARCHOMP): In matters of love, Garchomp, you are passionate, intense, and deeply loyal. This intensity can sometimes spill over into your career, but it's important to carve out dedicated time for your relationships. The stars indicate that open communication and EMOTIONAL VULNERABILITY will be key to maintaining a harmonious love life. Your AMBITION and determination will continue to lead you to new heights in your professional life. However, it's essential to remember to take breaks and prioritize self-care, as burning out can affect your relationships. The key to balancing love and career lies in setting BOUNDARIES and creating a clear division between the two aspects of your life.[break][break]

(GARCHOMP): Proud Garchomp, you are a force of unfathomable depth and unwavering determination when it comes to your career. Prepare to navigate the SHADOWS & LIGHT, for a transformative journey awaits in the ancient corridors of your professional domain. Beneath the purview of the Draconic Principles, the stars whisper of potent OPPORTUNITIES (OPPORTUNITY) and clandestine ventures that beckon to your resilient spirit. Beware the allure of secrecy and subterfuge, for they may obscure the path to the ascension you seek. Instead, harness the intensity of your passions and the penetrating gaze of your INSIGHT to unearth hidden truths and forge alliances that resonate with your soul's purpose. [break][break]

(GARCHOMP) - Celestial energies converge to bring light to your future goals. A sense of DOUBT weighs heavy on your mind, as though there is someone within your present self that draws out the worst in you, whether it be a more familiar companion or a mere acquaintance. Listen to your INTUITION and follow what it says, as it will be the driving force of your convictions. This person will only hold you back, and you will be forced to make a CHOICE as to whether or not to pursue your convictions or move on. Know, however, that fortune favors you this time around, and the answers you seek are within grasp.[break][break]

(DRAGAPULT) - The North Star points to the truth that you seek. Perhaps one of the hardest pills to swallow, you are BOLD (BOLDNESS) for diving into this topic headfirst. If it's a truth that you seek, then know that as it stands, you are a TARGET of negative energy. There is someone who wishes harm or ill will upon you. But your convictions allow you to burn bright like a STAR, but like all stars, they will eventually snuff out. Be vigilant of your surroundings, and look deeper into those that you may trust. Treachery is afoot.[break][break]

(DRAGAPULT) - Stars seem to twinkle about until they shine brightly upon their topic of choice -- self. You're a noble spirit who seeks ADVENTURE. With that adventurous streak, you find yourself all too trusting of those around you. There is no shame in an overwhelming sense of trust, but you are advised to be MINDFUL of those you give this trust to so freely. There are people out there who wish ill of you and wish to see you fall. It is upon you to PERSERVERE and prove them wrong, even if that very person might be yourself.[break][break]

(DRUDDIGON) - The cosmos breathe life into your goals and present with the hardest truth. You are not accustomed to CHANGE, ergo why this feels daunting. You will soon see what you've come to know and find comfort in turning itself on its head, but it is upon you to ADAPT to this change and overcome the obstacles that face you. So long as you can adapt, the finish line is in sight for you. Be aware of who to LET GO, knowing they no longer serve you or your higher self.[break][break]

(GOODRA) - The stars shine and flicker like a heartbeat, resounding with the idea of love. You've been scorned in the past, and it's left you JADED with the idea. Part of you yearns for a future with someone, but the realist in you sees that you need time to HEAL first and foremost. And there is certainly no shame in that. There is no need to rush into the subject of love, as you are a free spirit. But hopefully, the person WAITING for you doesn't find themselves stagnant, or you'll slip right out of their grasp.[break][break]

(GOODRA) - Glitz and glitter on your mind brings forth the topic of wealth. As one would imagine, a ONE-TRACK MIND isn't the right thought process when it comes to a goal such as this. Opulence is achieved by a SHREWD MIND and scathing approach. Money itself will come to you, but it's not something that will come easy. You'll be forced to make a CHOICE between wealth and those you care for.[break][break]

- EL'S SPOINK - (KINGDRA) - So it's projected, so it shall be. Growing up can be frightening, especially for a young Pokemon. POWER will be what remains necessary. Whether in battling strength or inner strength. Not only that but you must TRUST your trainer to guide you to the best of their ability. Know that your hearts are in sync and that SYNCHRONICITY will be what makes you the best version of yourself.[break][break]

(KINGDRA) - (For a moment, a sense of intrigue sparks in Niola's eyes.) So you believe in past lives? Fascinating. The stars have lived long enough to witness birth and rebirth, so they easily share a story of a WORLDY SAVANT who wishes to see the world for what it's worth. You were willing to dive in headfirst with a sense of TENACITY because that meant the answers you sought would be found deeply. If anything, you were strong, and independent, but mostly, you were FREE.[break][break]



ZODIAC PARTICIPANTS may treat any of the THREE BOLDED KEYWORDS in their individual reading as a writing prompt and complete it anytime before the END OF THE EVENT for a chance at a single dice roll. The format for submission can be found BELOW. If you roll a 100, please let OSLO know on Discord/DM's![break][break]


  • ZODIAC PARTICIPANTS may complete UP TO all three prompts for a total of THREE ROLLS
  • Only ONE prompt/roll per post
  • Though a great deal of FLEXIBILITY is granted in clearing each prompt, you are expected to sincerely try and explore it
  • Mingling with and collaborating with other PARTYGOERS to complete a prompt is highly recommended and smiled upon

For example: [break][break]

(AMPHAROS): Ampharos, you may have experienced challenging situations or made decisions in the past that have left you feeling burdened or in need of redemption. The reading indicates that now is a time for reflection, forgiveness, and RENEWAL. The Draconic Principles encourage you to embrace self-acceptance and to release any guilt or SELF-JUDGMENT that you may be carrying. Redemption starts from within, and it is important to acknowledge your own worth and VALUE, regardless of past actions or experiences.[break][break]

✦ ✦ ✦

Remiel selected redemption as his zodiac reading topic and received RENEWAL, SELF-JUDGMENT, and VALUE, as his writing prompts. He may now post again exploring one of these prompts to redeem a SINGLE DICE ROLL in that post. He may do the same with the other two prompts for TWO ADDITIONAL DICE ROLLS in each respective post.[break][break]

Please BOLD the prompt you are completing in its post. Tag beneath the dice roll you make for it afterward. No need to provide a TL;DR (since I'll be reading fufufu) but it would be appreciated regardless to give me a better idea of what you were going for!


🎄 SHOUTOUT to @nio (HOWITZER) for helping me complete a good number of these READINGS![break][break]
🎁 optional event[BREAK][break]
🎁 prompt based[BREAK][break]
🎁 ZODIAC PROMPTS can be completed anytime before this thread closes[BREAK][break]


🎁 draconids[break][break]
🎁 archaeology[break][break]
🎁 sky pillar[break][break]
🎁 national museum of natural history[break][break]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP