i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2023 8:50:26 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Had he really forgotten the concept of ‘free time’?

For four years straight, even after he’d ascended to one of the earliest Head Ranger positions, his life had always been a flurry of activity.

Now, though—everything was mostly silent, and he had his former work as a courier to fall back on; while still maintaining some kind of decency within the Ranger ranks (thanks ).

The truth of why he had left the position would remain a secret, as the rest of the Rangers knew he’d been reassigned to focus elsewhere on other activities.

So, how did he find himself out here, all the way in Mossdeep, a quiet and brooding figure slipping through the crowds like a ghost while sipping on some champagne?

Simple: he had too much time on his hands now!

Wandering idly over to the table where the tablets that had inscriptions of Dragon-type Pokémon were located, he wondered if it was too late…

“Tyrantrum, and something about love… or rather, the lack of it.”

(Yes, he had seen his best friend among the crowds, but did not approach due to the fact that he was surrounded by other people… and there were other people besides he could spend time with.)

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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,903 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2023 9:10:57 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

The female shiny Indeedee starts in handing out the treats from the Audino to their recipients and with a smile, Sayoko is happy to help Pulse with the job. While she does her share, the female Indeedee fixes her Santa hat and leaves some treats from the bag she carries to put into the stockings too.[break][break]

When the royal ambassador gets her reading from the famed occultist, she steps back to process the information. Her whole reason for taking the post of royal Galarian Ambassador was so that she can try to convince her aunt in making her reasons on why Hoennian-Galarian relations were beneficial to both the country she represented and the host country that took her in. In spite of her tries, Queen Edelynn II has expressed none of the desire of wanting to ally with Hoenn. [break][break]

Her gloved hands begin to shake a little in apprehension. Was she really becoming just like her aunt? Someone who was so stubborn and not accustomed to change around her? Being accustomed to change was an important part of being a political ambassador to her country because she would want to see what kind of changes both countries will have with each other through their alliance. If she worked harder, maybe Elise would see how it'll affect Hoenn and Galar in the future...if she was successful.[break][break]

But... Elise was afraid.[break][break]

Of what the future of Galar will be under the influence of her aunt and Prime Minister Calcifet.[break][break]


@holidayparty [break][break]


- Prompt: Change



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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
643 posts
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2023 10:28:15 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
Bibidi blinks, as Watson proceeds to eat the bribe - the Alakazam staring down at him with a momentarily befuddled expression. Why..?

As runs up to take 's hand and follow the siblings, El casts her a gentle and warm smile. Though, noticing that she seemed a little nervous... "It's alright - even if there's been unpleasant parts, it won't stop us from having some fun wherever we can, right?" They weren't sure what exactly had her unsettled in the moment - the things that were going down at the bar were a potential part of it, for sure. But at the very least, they wanted to extend some reassurance for her.

Which, the readings that they and Artemis both recieved were recieved with clear interest. El wasn't wholly sure how much stock to put into astrology - when you had psychic-types and the like who could peer into the abstract, sometimes reality ended up being stranger than fiction. But it was nonetheless interesting, intriguing. And even if you set aside the supernatural and occult half of it, the advice given was still sound.

The thought of uncharted territories, though, brought a soft chuckle out of El. Glancing to Isaac and Eris both, they'd muse out loud "We're no strangers to diving into new places, yeah? I wonder what kind of adventures we might get up to, in the future." with a bright grin. Between the time spent in a dream Galar, time spent in the Wilds, and even smaller-scale scenarios such as the tera-crystal tunnels below and the occasional space-time distortions...

They felt like they could face whatever new frontiers they were propelled towards no problem - and they very much thought the same of those close to them. (Though, they hoped that the aforementioned 'adventures' wouldn't be as dramatic as dangerous Wilds jaunts or spending 20 years in Galar.)

Perhaps what they were less prepared for, though, was an approach from . Though they had seen and recognized the idol at the bar, they hadn't wanted to make a big deal or scene of it then. But when she comes asking for their name and even complimenting them, they can't help but find themself flushing a bit - visibly caught off guard.

"O-oh, I... I'm El Sunderland!" They respond, hoping that the smile on their face read as polite rather than dumb. "And thank you - I, I think your outfit's really pretty." A genuine attempt to return the favor with a compliment of their own - they think she's quite beautiful, really.

The beautiful idol was lost on Artemis, though, who seemed eager to move on to the one other thing that had been offered alongside the readings. Oinking, she'd tug at the hem of El's shirt and point towards the telescope - she wanted to look through it, she wanted to see the stars!

El blinked at this - glancing down to their spoink, then back up to the others. "Oh - right, the telescope! Do you guys want to go see the constellations, too?" The glance that they cast Melody implied that she was welcome to follow as well - for as much as she had put them a bit off-kilter, they were happy to include her in the trio's shenanigans.
- Bibidi the Alakazam and Baron the Iron Valiant are subbing for El and in manning the bar.
- Bibidi is befuddled by Watson eating money.
- When runs up to join El and Isaac, El gives her a warm smile + some words of reassurance when they notice her appearing a lil nervous.
- El and Artemis the Spoink enjoyed the readings they recieved!
- The mention of uncharted territories makes El think of past adventures they had; stuff like the dream-Galar, the Wilds, the tera-crystal tunnels, and space-time distortions. They also muse to Isaac and Eris about the three of them being no strangers to exploring new areas + that they wonder about what sorts of (hopefully not-too-dramatic) adventures the three of them might run into in the future. Overall though, they feel confident that whatever the cosmos throw at them or those close to them, they'll all be ready.
- 's approach and compliment catches El off guard + flusters them. They give her their name, and compliment her outfit in return.
- Artemis wants to see the telescope and look at constellations! El asks if Isaac, Eris, and Melody are interested in going as well.

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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
650 posts
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2023 10:58:46 GMT
Ettie Avatar
There were many large and strange words used in the reading Ettie recieved - and for a moment, she was unsure of how to even process it all... Certainly, she was picking up words a bit more - especially after those lost 20 years - but it was still a gradual process, a process that sometimes left her feeling handicapped.

There were patterns in the world that she felt like she should be able to remember and recognize - from the words written on pages, to the things people said, to even certain little routines and constants... But whenever her mind tried to reach for them, it came back foggy and disjointed. And trying to push through that fog - sometimes even with Haru's help - gave her headaches.

She wanted to understand. She was once able to understand. She didn't know why she couldn't understand now. She sometimes felt like she'd been around for so much longer than she's truly been - and when she really let her mind linger on it... It was something she could barely cope with.

Yet, Haru and Anat both were there as well, and the two could easily memorize the reading given together for Ettie's sake. They were also sensitive to the turmoil that briefly stewed in their packmate's heart - and the two would both gently pat Ettie, offering their own forms of reassurance. She'd get there - she had so many years ahead of her for this, and they'd be with her for each step.

And on top of the reassurance, it was hard to be upset for long when there were friends to be made! Ettie beams as Quill responds - and she gives a little wiggle, as if her own equivalent to wagging a tail. "Ettie having fun!" She speaks to him with a nod, eager as can be as the feelings brought on by her reading faded into the background.

, too, would be met with a bright smile. "Mhmm! Ettie love pretty sights! And pretty sounds! And lots people!" She spoke to them, gesturing animatedly and giving another eager wiggle. But with a curious tilt of her head, she'd glance between Quill and Sio both - asking "What's friends' names?"
- Ettie gets a little bit existential over patterns - namely, the patterns (language/writing, day-to-day routines/constants) that she had picked up during her 20 years in dream-Galar, but had forgotten upon awakening from the dream. She feels upset over not being able to grasp the things she feels like she should still be able to - but Anat and Haru are there to comfort her.
- The existential-ness is soon forgotten in lieu of interacting with Quill and ! Friends! She confirms to them both that she's having fun, then asks for their names!

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2023 14:17:03 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Hilariously, what delusions of grandeur he had, were mostly gone. For he’d seen the harsh truth and reality behind it all—

Was he really that far gone when it came to entertaining any kind of notions involving romance?

(Was getting friendzoned by the start of the curse? Or was it way back then, when he’d encountered a certain bluenette…?)

Either way, he noticed that his own glass of champagne was empty, and made to look for another wait staff wandering around to exchange the empty glass for a new one.

Maybe it was lucky that nobody had noticed him yet, all things considered… who knew if by the next party he would still be allowed to attend?


anyone can notice him, feel free.


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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,601 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2023 17:14:54 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
"hoenn changes that in you," he'd playfully tease with a wink. "i don't really believe it either, but it is nice to get lost in the moment sometimes, right?"

he brings both of them over, where they catch the tail end of people receiving their own readings. he gets distracted by the tablets long enough to miss the initial wave, but maybe he can ask for a late reading.

"oh, i came with him in the party earlier," he tells her as he looks for his own zodiac alongside eve's. "he should be wearing a similar hat as i do if you want to search for him. i'm surprised you guys didn't take him along for your silph entrance. that was kinda mean."

of course, he says all of it lightheartedly, but every word he said already suggested his relationship with .

"oh, would you look at that? you're a dragonite!" kyle doesn't believe in them, but they are pretty fun. "huh? it says i'm a garchomp, but nothing here really fits me."

perhaps if he was a day older, he would have been a flygon, whose description fits him better. the constellation looks nice through the telescope, however.

"are you sure you don't want a for fun reading?" kyle makes a last minute invitation for before heading to the zodiac maniac. "hello, may i please have a reading about my career?"

  • still hanging out with eve
  • asks for a late reading
  • open to be bothered

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songbird, eve
september 5th
to be a flower you need rainy days.
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evelyn silph DOLLARS
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evelyn silph
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2023 3:50:10 GMT
evelyn silph Avatar

evelyn softly laughed at 's playfulness. she was glad to see him enjoying his time here at the party and haivng fun with the reading. though, still, she remained standing on her desire to not participate. her mind, after all, was elsewhere. she would look toward once more.


"a dragonite sounds about right." it reminded her of her dark past. a past she's not exactly proud to speak of, but that did not mean she wasn't proud of how she's grown and learned from it. suddenly, she would interrupt their time together to talk more seriously. holding his hand and pulling him gently back. evelyn's expression became a softly saddened look.


"i'm not sure actually. since my return i've felt a bit of heavy air around them." she was already worried about her eldest brother, but then there was and to think about. "the three of them seem to have a lot on their plate, but they're not exactly easy to talk to." hence why she wondered if knew anything, "it's why i asked about . i wanted to know if you were aware of anything that i should be concerned about." after all, he'd tell her if she had anything to worry about when it came to her family.

note: evelyn vibing, talking to about her concerns with how divided her family feels. [break][break]

[attr="class","ooc"] @gang-gang

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2023 4:05:51 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Pulse, along with Sayoko, handed out the treats to the guests. The Audino managed to hug who he could hug, some of them being enthusiastic about hugging the soft and affectionate Audino. Finally, when he was done, he'd head over to Sayoko, and give her another hug, as thanks for helping him out.

Despite everything leading up to this moment, despite having seemed to have cast them aside, doubt once again started to surface.

Every woman he had been with, every woman he had loved, all of them were let down by the Kalosian. Emily was neglected, Thomas' work as an Interpol Agent consuming him. Dates missed, promises broken, until she couldn't take it anymore.

Jasmine watched as Thomas engaged in his self-destructive war on Silas' Rocket. Despite having a brush with death at the hands of , he threw himself back into the jaws of danger, once given the chance. Despite the love they had for one another, seeing Thomas seemingly throw his life away was too much for her.

Asteria, the last woman who had dated him, watched him throw everything away. Hoennian Elite Four, Kalosian Nobility, all of it cast aside4, in the name of his war with Rocket. And in the process, their relationship.

Andraste, his Seraphim, unceremoniously disappeared on him. Their last conversation was an argument about whether they could keep it up. Thomas refused to relent. He never got the chance to apologize, or confess his feelings to her.

So who was to say that he'd do any better with Desiree? Would his war against Rocket claim yet another love? Did he even deserve to be loved by another person? Despite attempting to power through these feelings, guilt ebbed away at him.

No, he promised himself that he'd do better by her.

"Desiree, there's something you should know.", he'd begin. "Every relationship I've had, prior to this, I've managed to screw up. Always at war with the underworld. Always allowed it to come between me, and my partners. Always became a self-destructive mess, in my battles with Rocket, or the Harmonia Foundation.", he'd confide. "If I do start to slip into those ways, please, call me out on it.", he'd request of her.


notes: -Pulse thanks Sayoko with another hug
-Thomas processes his doubt
-Thomas confesses his past failures to Desiree, and asks her to watch him.

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✧ des ✧

✧ desi | diamandis ✧
✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty five ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
740 posts
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TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2023 5:22:46 GMT

The readings both herself and were given regarding their goals in the future were vastly different. She could not help but naturally listen to both of them, as her nosiness was ever prosperous especially when it came to those she loved. But all of the things that left the words of the palm reader were things she already thought of herself wishing to accomplish, especially in their relationship. He was always one she could be completely open and honest with, and she wholeheartedly wished to reciprocate the acceptance of darkened past times. Two souls that were just as alike as they were different, but delicately woven together with similar ideals and wishes.[break][break]

Looking at him with stars in her eyes and holding his hand between hers, it was to no surprise with the depth of the readings that the lovely tone of the night would shift into retrospection and introspection. His words were somewhat worrying, but with the path that he was on she was faithful that he would not slip into those dreary ways. It was partly due to her own mistakes she had made in a previous relationship of hers, the one time a fling evolved into something more. At least, other than what had finally bloomed like a fruitful blossom in those decadent moments prior; emotional ties and time had led them closer than lustful vanities. Like him, she wanted to cast out the mistakes she had made and prove to herself that she grew from them.[break][break]

However, having too much hope was unrealistic, especially when it came to how dark her mind was able to become in times of emotional torment. "I will, I promise. ♡ I screwed up the relationship I was in too, it's something I'm not proud of," she said softly, ".. so if I ever do something fucked, please tell me, even if it seems like it'll hurt. Please." Though she tried to live vicariously in the name of love, it was her biggest fear to slump into her old ways- the hurt that led her to pick up the drugs, the pain and jealousy that fueled her chemically-induced grind to make it to the top. Desiree's INTENTIONS were to secure prosperity and happiness for both of them together, all at once, to be there for him as he always had been for her. It was what brought her heart to rest in his hands, after all.[break][break]

"But you give me hope for the future, Thomas. You always have, through all the thick and thin. You're always there for the world! ♡ It's okay to not be perfect," she pulled herself closer to give him a small peck upon his lips, ".. but I will always intend to try. And with how you've always stood by me, even when I told you everything.. it makes me feel like you will too, mon amour."[break][break]




- reading prompt: intentions



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October 26
Anville Town
5'3 height
5'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
111 posts
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TAG WITH @siosoti
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2023 9:47:56 GMT
While Sio knew well enough what words were spoken to her in her reading- what the stars showcased to her, there's still plenty that perplexes her about the whole ordeal. Communication, dedicated time, prioritization of self-care...boundaries. The hell is she supposed to do about those? Boundaries, such a superficial yet all the more heavy weighted concept- the very thing that makes or breaks one's tolerance for people and places. Lord knows she could never go back home because of lines being crossed- both on and off their face. They'd never again let themself be silenced, be it by man or beast.

Their face remains neutral- cold, stoic, a brick wall between themself and the partygoers. What right did they have to see how they felt? What right did they have to their inner thoughts, their turmoil and constant fight for more control- more, more, more? Only Quill seems to pick up on this tension, licking his trainer's hand to slowly calm them down. At the very least, they're calm enough to...

"Oh- well that's wonderful, dear. Parties like this are always bustling- and you certainly seem like the type to enjoy it all." Sio responds, that small smile returning to their face. As for Quill, it's easy to say that Ettie's wiggling spurs him on, too- though more so for a bigger full body movement. One that causes Sio to gently grab the Smeargle in attempts to calm him down. "Ho- hoo- hoh boy, easy there dear. We need to introduce ourselves to our new friend." they chide affectionately, patting his head. "But...I am Sio, Ettie dear- and this sweet pup here is Quill!"
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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
650 posts
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON Dec 25, 2023 10:36:33 GMT
Ettie Avatar
At being referred to as a 'friend', Ettie perked up visibly - giving another brief wiggle. She wasn't sure what had to ho-ho-hold Quill still for - did he want to play? She could play! Playing with friends was fun!

Really, things like established bonds - for Ettie - were an odd concept, when one really looked at how she approached it. There were definitely bonds that she recognized as being closer - those of her adoptive family, those of her packmates...

... But otherwise - as far as she cared - if someone wasn't prey, and if they weren't a threat either, then that meant they were already established as a friend. And friends were always good! She just needed to get to know Sio and Quill a little more so that she could be a good friend to them, too!

A stranger was only a stranger if you couldn't get to know them, right? She didn't see any reason to distrust someone from the start - not when most other humans she met were confirmed friends! Besides, she felt safe from most threats, when surrounded by the bonds that are her pack.

But as far as getting to know someone went, names certainly made a good first step. As Sio and Quill introduced themselves, Ettie would smile bright. "Nice to meet you! Am Ettie!" She replied - although it was pretty obvious that Sio had picked up on her name, Ettie didn't think twice of introducing herself. Gesturing to her two pokemon - a Lucario and a Delphox respectively - she'd next introduce "Is Anat! And Haru!"

Anat and Haru both would give respectful nods to the duo. They had a better grasp on the line between strangers, acquaintances, and friends than Ettie did - but Sio and Quill both seemed pleasant enough.

With introductions out of the way though, Ettie would glance to Quill curiously - asking "Did friend want play?"
- Lead the Established Bonds prompt into thoughts about how Ettie approaches friendships with others - which is to say, if you aren't food and you aren't a bad guy, you're probably a friend! Also touches on the safety she finds with her pack + Anat and Haru's more realistic views on bonds with people you just met.

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October 26
Anville Town
5'3 height
5'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
111 posts
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TAG WITH @siosoti
POSTED ON Dec 25, 2023 21:00:36 GMT
While something like bonding seemed oh so simple to a girl like Ettie, Sio had plenty more complications and intricacies on the matter- rules they had to follow, cues they'd learned over time as a detective and reporter both. Sure, they could manage a smile well enough or talk with honesty in most of their statement...

...But emotional vulnerability was something they'd always struggled with. It wasn't like they could go up to any old person they called a friend and rant about their day; that they could sit down and have heartfelt conversations with those they interviewed on a day in day out basis- not without the risk of being harmed, anyhow. As of right now, the only person in Sio's personal circle that had such a highly held privilege was Makoto- and they'd only just scratched the surface of their psychic shield. Perhaps that was why the detective held such a deep fondness for psychic-type pokemon in the first place- they could pick up on any feeling or cue without issue, without elaboration or veils of bias or falacy. There was no risk of being wrong around them- only dishonest, and even that form of risk was arbitrary and rare. They'd be fine with introductions, and first name basis conversation, but if anyone wanted to know anything further, they'd have to work tremendously for it- prove they deserved to know.

That being said, Ettie seems...fine enough. Just another naive kid making her way through the world with her loyal pokemon by her side. "Ettie, Anat, and Haru. I see," Sio mused, nodding their head. "It's nice to meet you all as well!"

Meanwhile, at the offer to play, Quill's hyperness seemed to only grow more and more- until finally, his wriggling got Sio to free him! Finally! He barked and yipped excitedly, nodding all the while. "I suppose we'll take that as a yes! I wouldn't be opposed to accompanying you lot either, if you don't mind." Perhaps not to play, but at least to supervise and ensure nobody got hurt.
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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,087 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2023 1:12:24 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu4"]The corners of Baki's mouth twitch as she watches 's totodile chew up the pokedollar bill she handed him.[break][break]

Don't do it.[break][break]

Not here, of all places. [break][break]

You're supposed to be above that, right?

Distracted by suppressing that feeling rising in her chest, she barely even resists the tug at the bottle from 's Alakazam, barely even notices 's stern voice. All her concentration focused on turning down the corners of her mouth, maintaining that dour atmosphere that would turn everyone away, the girl stares intently at Watson. [break][break]

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. [break][break]

A buncha people are looking at you, and you're gonna do THAT?[break][break]

Maybe you've changed. Maybe you just don't have that EDGE anymore, Baki.[break][break]

They're gonna see, you know that, right?

She buries her face and crouches down on the ground, level with Watson as her shoulders begin to shake. [break][break]

Maybe only the totodile could hear it in the midst of the party, the roaring of voices all around, but even so... it was mortifying. [break][break]

The girl couldn't stop herself from laughing. [break][break]


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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,796 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2023 6:22:37 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar

There was an odd . . . precision to the reading. The skeptical scientist narrowed her eyes and slowly stepped away from the table, the fanatic’s words echoing through her mind. The more she dwelled on it, the more uncomfortable she got. Eva suddenly became oddly aware that her hands were still empty and she had nothing to sip on as a distraction.

Turning, her gaze quickly scanned the room. was nowhere to be found. He seemed to forget their drinks, just as she had expected, “I’ll be right back,” she muttered to the small group, excusing herself to make for the bar, "You guys want anything?" she asked before she left, taking orders from , , and .

& &

Eva is open to interactions while she gets a drinkie drink

[newclass=".eva"]--accent:#298A08; position:relative; [/newclass] [newclass=".eva blockquote"]width:350px; margin:0px auto; font-size:12px; line-height:15px; border-radius:0px 0px 10px 10px; border-top:none; padding:40px 70px; [/newclass] [newclass=".eva blockquote b, .eva blockquote i"]color:var(--accent) [/newclass] [newclass=".eva .top"]background-color:var(--accent); padding:10px; height:15px; background-image:url(https://image.ibb.co/dMFuMc/flower.png); background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; width:470px; margin:0px auto; border:1px solid #298A08; [/newclass] [newclass=.eva .milkcredit]font:bold 15px poppins; transform:rotate(90deg); position:absolute; bottom:25px; right:41px; color:rgb(65,65,65); text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #222, 1px -1px 0 #222, -1px 1px 0 #222, 1px 1px 0 #222; text-transform:uppercase;font-weight:bold[/newclass] [newclass=.eva .milkcredit a]font-weight:bold; color:var(--accent)!important;[/newclass]
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October 21
Ecruteak City
Ace Detective (HBIC Agent)
Healing Hands
42 height
42 height
I may be on the side of the angels, but do not think for a SECOND that I am one of them.
333 posts
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TAG WITH @nikitasokolov
Nikita Sokolov
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2023 15:05:53 GMT
Nikita Sokolov Avatar
[attr="class","nikita"]The man did not critique her awkwardness, but he also did not encourage it. Engaging in conversation encouraged people to stay. It was not so different from feeding a stray animal. Which, in most cases, was more trouble than it was worth. At least it is not another astronomy pun. Those are absolutely dreadful.

A hand waved vaguely in a gesture for calm. Just last week, he had been called a psychopath and fingered as a pedophile. The last thing he wished was for Miss Highland to get the wrong idea Another shot helped cool the raging beast in his belly for a few moments more. “My daughter adored you.” Her father’s work was boring, but a young girl doing the same was somehow the definition of cool. Even though years had passed, there were some things about a person that did not change.

The dour face is cracked by a sad, lonely smile. “She’d roll over in her grave if I didn’t.” At the g-word, his voice cracked. Most days, he tried to pretend they had never existed. The past and nostalgia were for softer-hearted men. Not revenants with hands tainted red. Any opportunity to dwell on grief ends as the readings are given.

At the base of the wall, Winters listens attentively to the reading. Nikita snorts. “What a load of rubbish.” He shakes his head. “There is some art to the chicanry. It's a pity people fall for it.” Who exactly should he reconcile with? Just a soliloquy to his wife’s skull? Aologize to a five-year-old with the memory of a Magikarp?

Hm. When was the last time he'd spoken to Andrei?

The man turned toward as she sat down. “Dr. Morales.” The greeting is soft. Shaking his head, he returns to nursing his drink. Satisfied with the reading, meanwhile, Detective Winters plops himself down between Elaine and the avatar. His faux antlers jingle gaily.



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing