i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2024 8:08:37 GMT

a punishment it was. [break][break]

not a pleasant one, mind. thankfully, it looked as though the wardens were true to their word - although her accursed curiosity bites at her, asking what the harsher option was. twisted curiosity should be a sin - one that she'll drink regardless of its label. she, like many others, are brought down to the same hellhole. the same hellhole could make anyone vomit from the putrid stench. [break][break]

then she's met with blood and guts and gore. [break][break]

it doesn't bother her, unlike some of the other prisoners here. it's now where she can properly see the stature of the other prisoners - namely being able to recognize immediately. it's not the blood nor the flesh nor the rot and spoil that makes her stomach turn - it's the fact that these people are ruthless enough to drag children into their idea of repentance. it's watching a child take another familiar man, , over her shoulders to carry him.[break][break]

the second one she recognizes is the voice of ; distant to the past, in a time in her rocket days, but a voice that instinctively brings a shiver up her spine regardless. she's only grateful that she's changed too much to no longer be recognized (but the voice that followed the stinging residue of a gunshot to the leg still lingers; she hasn't forgotten). [break][break]

the third is - as he's pulled down into the slop and curses the demons that put them there. she recognizes a last one; . a friend, and someone she genuinely didn't think she'd see in this hell. the screams, the yelling, it all blends together: and marisol can't bring herself to lift finger to do more than what she's supposed to do as friends are tied to the ground, and expected to clean. [break][break]

what are you doing, marisol?[break][break]

the mask is suffocating, her body is heavy. now, her heart is numb and the adrenaline, she knows, will run out. though the chains coil around her body like thorns and the stench threatens to rot her lungs, she takes a deep breath of the rotting pastries and blood and much in the dirt. it's disgusting. it reminds her of the lab, of the hospital, of father--[break][break]

of home. [break][break]

she watches as people break, or are pushed one by one. a beast is released on the floor, foul as it rushes to the closest prisoner. screams follow as people run to get to work. screams follow as those in the DUMMY ward are chained to the ground. the masked nurse, with all her disillusioned "freedom" moves closer towards and , seeming to be someone only trying to help their ward with the work. [break][break]

"illie?" she asks, just to confirm; the white hair is unmistakable. she and marisol have been on enough outings and enough escapades to not recognize her voice. when the beast's footsteps echo in the halls, she's quick to drop closer to the ground. she's swift with her hands as she begins to gather the gunk that surrounds the woman chained to the ground.[break][break]

she's used to this, after all. marisol is quick with her hands and quick with her feet when she can pick up pieces of mush with bare hands, carrying them against her stomach. the sights don't scare her, nor does the texture. [break][break]

just like childhood. [break][break]

all while she tries to avoid the gaze of the monster; she's trying to do her own share, as well. two seemed to be busy distracting the beast, one is only still recovering from surgery, and one is her friend, chained to the ground in filth. the ones who can't move will be the first targets, so it's risky to stand by the ones that hit the ground. [break][break]

she knows. [break][break]

but the better part of her, who stares at a child, a patient, and a friend, can't stomach the thought of self-preservation. [break][break]

how hypocritical.



- stuck in the WEAK ward[break]
- guts and gore; feels like her childhood[break]
- vaguely recognizes , , and [break]
- getting to work like a good prisoner, helping , and with their parts of cleaning



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Laika Boss

October 13
Ula'ula, Alola
Supply Coffee
God General's Wife
There are more things in heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy
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TAG WITH @nenet
Neffatari Nzingha
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2024 9:43:48 GMT
Neffatari Nzingha Avatar

Following behind Zev as they were lead towards the Chamber of Desires, Nenet allows herself to glance this way and that as they pass through a long hallway. How many people did this prison contain, she wondered as they passed doorway after doorway, and for how long had they been held captive?
Shaken from her thought, she soon finds herself freed from the mask with a look of surprise. A few she recognised (, , , ) - most she didn't. Nonetheless, she looks askance to Zev, nods at his lowly murmured words, and then flashes him an apologetic look. Her face schools into abject indifference.
"I can't seem to get away from you," is what she replies with in turn, her voice louder than Zev's in reply. Unmasked she wouldn't risk the narrative that they had broken up and went their separate ways. It wouldn't do for the League to come sniffing at her door for being chummy with a war criminal in public.
Zev would understand. He had an alternate persona to be in public with her for good reason.
She looks away until the voice of Velmos draws her attention. Brow knitting subtly, a quick glance around the area confirms there's no way for Nenet to refuse looking into the mask chained as she was to the others. So dutifully, she falls in line behind Zev and awaits her turn to peer inside.
There is nothing for a moment, just the blackness of space until soft pinpricks of starlight scatter across the firmament. Her hands moving to work the controls of the spaceship, it's not long before Nenet lands upon a barren landscape, some faraway planet in Ultra Space.
Boots hitting the ground with a puff of dust, she moves swiftly through the heat and humidity to stand underneath an outcropping of the cliffside that rises before her; pushing a pair of goggles onto her head, Nenet kneels onto the ground and watches the magnified proceedings with abject fascination;
There's nothing at first, just some molecules bumping about until something happens and before her very eyes she witnesses it: the spontaneous uprise of life.
The next thing she knows she's pulled roughly back from the mask to allow another to take her place. Is that all she needs? Time and the means to travel through Ultra Space to see the answer to the ultimate question?
Bewildered, Nenet steps away and finds herself led towards scalding showers. Shuddering beneath their warmth, it's not long until she pulls off the clothing shielding her from the water as she adjusts to the temperature. Wordlessly, she places the clothing on the ground and stands pensively beside Zev as she ruminates carefully over the vision from the mask.


- Ugly Ward.[break]
- .[break]
- Once the masks are off acts cold toward Zev to keep the public rouse they're broken up.[break]
- Looks into the mask and sees the act of spontaneous life arising, thinks if she travels through Ultra Space she may be able to see it.[break]
- Takes off her clothes and showers while ruminating.



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,877 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2024 16:27:31 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Phew; it seemed Josh's many friends secretly hidden among the two wards still had their common sense about them. He had already been cut by the OKIDOGI's chain once, the thumping growing worse by the hour. During the elevator trip, he let out a hiss as the pain flared. Only a hiss, not a cry or wail like when , , or others he worked with at Dewford witnessed him be shot. That pain, as miserable as it was, gave him the fortitude he needed to soldier through this.

As one of Hoenn's Champions, he had to remain strong, even if few people recognized who he was in his mask that made his face feel like he was inside of a sauna. He fiddled with the mask to try to get even a modicum of ventilation underneath it, but to no avail; it would have been an airtight fit if not for the holes letting him see.

As the platform descended lower and lower, it became impossible to see, the Gym Leader bumping into as he subtly swayed. The sound of machinery reminded Josh of the Mechanical Kingdom that asked him to explore. He longed to do that over what the TOXIC CHAINED trio asked him to do, as much as he loathed the place. He had resigned that going there was locked away in the past; without a Pokémon to his name, having no idea where he was, and presumably no one knowing any idea where none of them were, this was his new and short life. The TOXIC CHAINS' venom, if not treated, would take what remained of his strength from him.

Was this the price of the supernatural that had warned him about?

Josh flinched when he felt landing on something squishy: the bodies of prisoners not strong enough to make it. Though he did not scream, his hair stood on end beneath his garb. The Megalopolans were right about one thing; this was much less labor intensive than their last job. Compared to that, hurling everything into the huge bowl in low light was easy enough.

As the OGERPON charged about, Josh could not distinguish its steps from the many others echoing in the low light. It was only the sound of a whipcrack that made him aware that the steps were not made by a prisoner, but by a Pokémon he had never seen before. By the time he caught sight of it, it was too late to dodge the creature's supersonic natural weapon!



- Weakling ward
- Josh breathes a sigh of relief when the wards cooperate.
- Josh bumps into on the elevator ride down.
- Josh is further relieved to see their second job is far less labor intensive.
- Josh obeys the wardens without a thought and gets to his janitorial work.
- 1 Salac (24 -> 23; Winter Masquerade 2022)·
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April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2024 17:11:35 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Coming to his feet, Beau kept his head down and his ears closed, for all the whirling his head was doing. When the platform rose, he was alarmed to notice the number of prisoners already riding it, and as he was herded on board - a tight squeeze that had him fighting not to jump back off of the platform or forcibly clear out those around him so he could just breathe for one minute - he had to wonder how many people had ended up here, all told, and whether any of them knew anything better about their reasons for being abducted.
When the platform stopped and he was forcibly shoved from the platform with the others, he looked around - there wasn't anything here, what on earth were they talking about cleaning up?
Then Okidogi hooked one mitt around his bicep and hurled him unceremoniously through the hole where the platform had been moments prior, and he landed with a squelch in a pile of...well, he'd rather not think about it. The melange of potent scents hit his nose, and he immediately gagged, a primal, visceral revulsion shuddering through him as he recalled the remains of the deceased prisoners and their ultimate destination.
He'd thought about it.
Scooping a double handful of the disgusting substances, he cast about for the bowl in question before locating it in the darkness, hurling his chore into the basin with a groan.
As something non-prisoner began making its presence known, with the sounds of strikes and wooden beatings, Beau looked up in alarm. The creature - visible only in flashes of light from above - flailed blindly toward him, and he dove out of the way to narrowly avoid being struck by the heavy cudgel the thing was carrying. Wait - it looked like...that thing from the RKS simulation? Where did they actually get their data from, that thing was real?
The chain-infested creature turned and growled lowly, lunging this time for a brawny figure to Beau's left, nearly his height - Eddie, damn it. With the man distracted by his work, Beau could only throw himself to the left, taking Eddie to the ground to avoid the cudgel whipping through the air where his torso had been. He landed in the refuse with another wet impact, adrenaline pulsing through him.
"You okay, brah?" he echoed lowly, feeling Eddie for any injuries.



Beau dodges Ogerpon.[break]
Beau helps Eddie dodge Ogerpon.[break]
Beau is trying to work and keep his head down.[break]
Beau's anxiety is through the roof.[break]




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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
784 posts
Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2024 18:40:50 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar
Had not come to her, taken her hand and assured her that she was not alone, then she might have completely succumbed to sadness and grief. And just like her cellmate, she did not let go of Ettie’s hand as the votes were tallied.

A sigh of relief escaped her as she was proven right in trusting the goodness of her fellow prisoners. But she barely had time to celebrate before they were ushered to their punishment.

Down and down they went not only physically by the elevator, but mentally as the task was revealed. But even so Johanna steeled her resolve. Painful memories of what had just happened to her beloved Pokemon formed her actions, pushed her to behave. And so she began to clean even leftover Mochi mixed with whatever else was on the floor. It made her sick, but her sickness meant little if it would keep her beloved Pokemon alive.

But then she saw getting beaten around by a green ogre. And she could not just stand by. But between the time it took for the horror to set in and her body to move in an attempt to save her friend from the beating, it was already finished and moved on.

Unfortunately she found herself straight in its path. Before she could get out of the way, the Green Ogre let her feel the might of its fury. First a kick in her stomach, then a dance of lashing vines on her back, and finishing this wonderful theatrical bout of violence of with a headbutt, before throwing her to the floor.

The Toxic Chain tethered to the floor prevented her from skidding on the floor from the force of the blows, and instead gave her painful yanks. With each yank she remembered their wardens words, even if she didn’t want to believe them.


- Johanna appriciates Etties efforts.
- Johanna is a good prisoner and cleans.
- Johanna sees getting beaten.
- She tries to help but is too late. Instead making herself a target of the Green Ogre.
- Johanna gets a proper beating.

Punished Pokemon:

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2024 20:14:05 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

He listened to the words that was spoken as his chain forced him to be glued to the ground, and further at the mercy of another creature. Amor frowned harshly, those in his ward were going to suffer because the third ward had decided they should. Which meant he had no allies in Ugly Ward as far as he was concerned from this place forward. They were people that were trying to get him killed, and that was enough reason for him to forsaken them. From this point forward. Still they had a monumental task ahead of them.

They had to clean this massive pit, and so he began diligently trying to clean it up as best as he could. That is when a strange creature began to lurk within the darkness. Dashing around, and tearing into those around him with no regard, so he continued to clean as fast as he could, but the creature made it's way to him. Even in his state, he had just barely managed to avoid the worst of his punishment. A few of the blows got through his movements around the chain, but it wasn't anything compared to what @shred had gone through.

Amor would be bruised, but it was manageable at the very least. Everyone in this place still had their masks on, and he could only go off the voices that he heard. Some of them seemed far more familiar than others, there was nothing he could do when he was stuck to the ground like this except to keep cleaning. Though would hear him mutter under his breath due to their proximity.

"They better pray....We do not get to choose their fate next...." Genuine anger coursed through his veins, but all he could do was keep at the task at hand. Phase one of his plan had gone off without a hitch. They had managed to to get the lesser of two punishments....Now they had to figure out what was the next part of this sick game.

Amor manages to escape the beatdown, but still gets a few licks landed on him!
Amor is not happy that his ward was forced to suffer more!
Views the Ugly Ward as an enemy from this point forward.


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November 17th
Opelucid City
5'11" height
5'11" height
Days fade into a watercolour blur / Memories swim and haunt you
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Alba Evovae DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @alba
Alba Evovae
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 0:45:19 GMT
Alba Evovae Avatar



Right. Of course people would choose trust. Why had he expected any different? All that breath wasted on arguing his point, and nobody had given it a thought.[break][break]

“Well, fair enough.” Alba brushes past ’s vitriolic spiel and ’s disagreement as best as he could, thankful this stifling mask of his hid his darkening expression from the rest of the ward. She’d sure yelled about serpents and hell loud enough… loud enough for the opinion to take root, maybe.[break][break]

Well, whatever. If by trying to forsake the other ward, he’d ended up forsaking his own, he’d just rely on himself and nobody else. Why worry about the other Krabby in the bucket? Alba would make his way to his own freedom, and consider everyone else after that.[break][break]

…The thought of that howling in the night comes to him unbidden ()—[break][break]

And any more thinking on that is cut short by the group being herded onto the elevator like sheep. Time for the punishment… Alba feels more like a bundle of straw than a person as the lumbering hound of a jailer tosses him to the floor. Then he feels painfully human as his surroundings strike at his senses.[break][break]

The first thing he notices is touch. The floor is sticky, covered in lumps of something soft and malleable that tangles with his hair. Then comes smell; the cocktail of sickly sweet and acrid copper swirling together. He doesn’t need to look to know what he’s landed in, but he does so anyway. Human remains and half-eaten mochi; he takes a deep breath to steady himself, only to gag on the stench and the Toxic Chain still tight around his throat.[break][break]

But this is manageable. Clean the floors, hold yourself together, wait for the next opportunity to come out on top on this game of theirs—[break][break]

His blood stills at the sounds of screams and footsteps. It churns into panic as his bindings force him to the floor, force him to pray rather than run. Alba’s own scream joins the echo as their tormentor finds him, before he clamps down his teeth and curls up amongst the filth, powerless to do anything other than tremble.



In the Dummy Ward![break]
“Wow, nobody wants to betray other prisoners with me” - Guy who has a degree[break]
Gets thrown into human/mochi goop by the Dog[break]
Making a note here that regardless of the rolls I get, I would like Alba to get BTFO by Ogerpon





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December 25
Cascarrafa, Paldea
0 height
0 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
214 posts
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TAG WITH @lucia
Lucia Aldrete
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 1:01:52 GMT
Lucia Aldrete Avatar
It had taken a while for Lucia to recover from the overwhelming pressure of being stuck as slaves in this mysterious location. Even behind her mask, the child's tears could still be heard dribbling down the side of her cheek. It was still terrifying to imagine spending the rest of her life here, but Lucia recovered soon enough with a sharp inhale. The mask was muggy and humid from her own tears, but she found it in herself to glance up at and nod her head.

”O-Okay.” She murmured to him and bit her lower lip in uncertainty. Their wardens spoke up to usher everybody into the weird platform or elevator, while Lucia hesitated for a moment, then walked beside Hudeo as everyone gathered one one platform.

It was hard to discern voices from faces, as many people here were still unknown to her. She didn't even really know the person who had comforted her, unable to identify them based on the voice alone, but they sounded young like her. It was a small comfort to have somebody like that nearby and it helped with her confidence immensely. She quietly took her place beside and remained quiet alongside everyone else.

Lucia could have sworn she heard the voice of around them previously, but didn't dare to look anywhere but forward now that they were directly nearby some of those weird looking Pokémon.

The trip down to the new destination they had in store was a bit longer than before, leaving Lucia with only her thoughts and fears to keep her company. She thought back to some familiar faces that had crossed paths with her, though, worried they too, were stuck in this hell. It was a scary thought but she just quietly prayed they were far away from this. no doubt would be able to save them from the moment they woke up. But Lucia had to stay strong so she could learn more from him when they met again.

”I wish you were here, Doug. You'd know what to do right now.”

The floor's descent had ended with Ana audible click as machinery settled into place and people were allowed to move once more. Unfortunately, they had been helped to get a head start on the punishment offered to them as the green canine would suddenly throw them off of the platform, including .

”H-Hey! What are you d-”

In a minute, she was airborne! Lucia sailed through the air before landing on…something. It wasn't solid, which was nice, but it was gooey and very clearly not fun. She looked down at the vat of substance they all had fallen through. It looked familiar and purple, as Lucia held up a sample to her face. ”Mochi?” She asked aloud, though spinning it around would reveal some fleshy red bits inside. One of which just so happened to be…

An eyeball.

Another terrified Lucia scream later, she tossed the glob of mochi away and got to work quickly. The person that had helped coax her through the last task had buddied up to her again and got to work cleaning the floors. Their punishment, however, only showed itself in the middle of their duties, as a bipedal masked Pokémon would stumble out of the area above and join them.

And by that, they meant it would be their torment through the duty.

Lucia worked quickly to deposit the mochi in the bowl, though would oftentimes get a kick or a lash aimed at her. The person had done their best to keep it away, as Lucia stopped to look up at whoever this person was.

”Why are you doing this? I don’t want you to get hurt worse if I have to.” She whispered to . ”I’m used to it.”


- Consoled by and is slowly gaining confidence
- The smol and tol meet, as the smol sticks around him
- Taken alongside the other people who failed the first test
- Thrown into the disgusting mochi and begins to help clean it
- That strange masked Pokemon continues to try and attack her while cleaning up, though interferes to her dismay

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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,435 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 1:18:17 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
The toils of a day of hard labor leaves echoes of pain rippling throughout Greyson's body. Young and in-shape as he was, this environment was as unforgiving as it could be.

"It has to be a Pokemon," he hisses back. "It wouldn't make sense otherwise. Might be an Ultra Beast — something we haven't registered?"

He turns silent at the subtle threat in a wall of darkness; an involuntary tightening of the throat so poignant he had to double-check if the chain wasn't strangling him. Distracted as he was it was easy for OKIDOGI to send him crashing into the floor and into something soft and wet.

Realization dawns, the stench of rotting flesh coming through the mask as easy as if it wasn't even there. His entire body shakes, rattling with discomfort and disgust, vomit sliding up and down his throat as pure willpower keeps him from choking on it behind the mask.

Shuffling through the dim-light on his hands and knees Greyson steers closer to the woman he suspects his Naomi. Her pondering aloud confirms he was right.

"Quit staring off into space."

He catches the same flash of green she does. It carries with it the echoing of hurried steps; light, but quick. Who, or whatever was in the room with them, was just small enough to come to his waist.

Another flash.

Wait..? Was that? His memory flashes to a moment shared with . How could that 'simulation' have been so accurate...?

Torn from his thought at 's shout, Greyson finds the avatar under attack by the Pokémon sharing the space with them. Fighting against the empowered mystery Pokemon was suicidal — this was the 'collective' punishment mentioned earlier, wasn't it? It was 'manageable.' They could survive this.

"Come on," he hisses again with a whisper that cuts through her screams. One hand wrapped around her wrist, he tugs her out of the way, moving her roughly across a blood and mushi stained floor.

"We have to stick together. I watch your back, you watch mine." Even if he hated every second of it, he couldn't worry about the others here — in order to survive he would need to be everything he hated.

At least until they find a way to escape. Until a chance presented itself.

"Now get up."

They had work to do.


Weak Ward.
Theorizes the NEVER-ROT'S ORIGINS with .
Has an involuntary reaction of fear as he embraces the wall of darkness.
Okidogi tosses him onto a corpse and he nearly throws up in his mask.
Remembers Ogerpon from the RKS Simulation with . Wonders how the Simulation could be so accurate.
Drags away from the Ogerpon, standing over her as he tells her it's basically them two vs the world, and to get her ass up.
Becomes someone he would hate in an effort to survive until they have a chance to escape.

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trey, graves
twenty seven
august 18
lavender town, kanto
on a manhunt
fire to a flame
ignite it
5' 10" height
5' 10" height
To infinity, even beyond it; I am a comet, no destination
36 posts
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TAG WITH @atreyu
Atreyu Hargrave
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 1:40:43 GMT
Atreyu Hargrave Avatar
Atreyu was given no time to reflect on his vote before the middle platform descended. Upon it were more people much like himself, likely from one of the other wards, though he didn't know which. Had the order been revealed and he'd already forgotten? Shit. He took another look around, hoping to memorize the surroundings, before being ushered upon it himself, practically stumbling into a group of people as the doggish patron shoved them aboard. There'd been no reveal regarding how the voting went. It was assumed that whatever results were had would be revealed upon arrival at their destination, but who could really be so sure about that? Their captors were hardly benevolent—they could choose to hold onto those results until a later time, or to disregard them altogether. In the middle of his musings, someone bowed to him, offering a simple thank you in return for something he couldn't quite place. Was she thanking him because of the vote? Did that mean the upper floor belonged to the Dummy Ward, then?

"We're stuck in this together—teamwork is important," he replied, letting some tension escape him in the form of a sigh. He could only presume she would've, and possibly might have, done the same in her position. "The human spirit is harder to break than they might think. We've got to help ourselves as much as we can." Or maybe the pokemon did know that and it was the reason they were toying with them so much. It was hard to say.

The groaning and clicks of machinery didn't go unnoticed as they traversed downward, going deeper than Trey would've though possible. Their destination was dark, and Trey lost sight of the person who'd spoken to him as they were forced off the pedestal, shoved into the new location blindly and without care. He tripped over something and found himself on his hands and knees once more, this time coming in contact with something eerily squishy and wet. The soft scent of peaches mingled with tangy, metallic undertones, Trey only realizing what the substances were when the soft light of the chamber below illuminated enough to give him vague ideas.

Mochi... and human flesh.

Dread threatened to drag him down into the pits of despair as he listened to the announcer, a sour taste accompanying the shift. As his mind tried to block out the unique, unholy textures squelching between his fingers, he honed in on what the Megalopolan was saying. The never-rot? Was that the name of who was in control, or were they talking about the essence of the toxic chains as if it was sentient? Trey's own chain tightened around his head as if it could read his thoughts, punishing him for trying to assess the situation. Still, even as he pushed guts and purple globs towards the center of the chamber, his mind raced, unable to slow even after being reprimanded. The opening and closing of a door caught his attention, as did a new revelation of information.

The Ugly Ward had been given a choice too, it seemed, and the results were being acted upon in this very moment.

Protests, screams, grunts of pain—all and more filled the space as the Dummy Ward was inflicted with their punishment. He could not tell that people had been tethered to the floor, but he was aware of something new moving throughout the space, skittering around and leaving chaos in its wake. Pushing more gunk towards the bowl below revealed something in the light: a creature on two legs, caped and twisted with its own set of toxic chains. It was acting too recklessly to be in control of itself; it was likely as subjected to torment as they very people it was attacking. He paused as he heard someone try to call out to it—

—and in his moment of distraction, a foot came in contact with his face, slamming into the mask protecting it. His neck snapped backwards, pain searing through Atreyu's body as he collided with the floor below. There was less squish to protect him here, and as his shoulder collided roughly with the hard floor below, more pain seared through him as the creature trampled him in its exit, stomping on his ribs and kicking him in the gut as it escaped. Trey groaned, unable to do much more with the wind knocked out of him. Sharp stabs bloomed from his upper body as he lay there, struggling to breathe and regain composure. If he didn't recover quickly, though, he was at risk of his canine boss literally kicking him back into action. Pressure throbbed in his head as he grit his teeth, slowly urging himself back onto his hands and knees. He panted through the pain, mind reeling to catch up as he forced himself to catch his breath. This was likely only the beginning, he was beginning to realize, and unless their captors were thwarted, this was probably far from being over.


-trey replies to aubre
-tries to piece clues together
-squirms in the cursed playdough
-gets bodied by ogerpon (he's being trampled despite what the roll may indicate)
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January 25th
6'1 height
6'1 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
74 posts
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TAG WITH @nimbus
Laurence Whateley
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 2:26:57 GMT
Laurence Whateley Avatar
Seconds felt like hours, as the monkey tallied their votes, his breaths, while already labored, almost felt empty, as if his lungs had simply been filled with sand. They had ultimately voted to trust, though the tension of betrayal from the dummy wards was almost palpable, a restless veil had wrapped around them all, with only their warden only to rip it off...Now, it was time to pray the other ward had given them the same graces.

The doctor let a small whisper under his breath, a prayer. 

It was the megalopolans were the ones who had broken the news to them, the announcement that both had ultimately bent to trust one another, yet the third ward had chosen to forsake his own. 

"What? This is not what was told! When did you say that the third party voting with us?!"

The question had been coated in venom, as Laurence looked to face the monkey in rage, his features obscured in the mask he'd been unjustly bestowed. He tried to move forward, however the idea of such had immediately kept him in his place. They'd damn near kill a man who incited issues and damn near fought their warden, he'd not be such an example. 

His anger would be glossed over, the megalopolans ignoring such a thing as they began to corral them onto the platform and descended lower into the prison. It had seemed that their punishment would begin. It would take a moment for them to descend, to see that the ward under them had already been emptied, with no sign of his daughter there, when the final floor had been reached. The floor they had gotten to had been pitch black, and almost impossible to navigate, but for those who had managed to be bold enough to try to wander, to find their surroundings, they'd feel something at their feet. It'd been Laurence would touch something cold though, the familiar texture of skin before he'd let out a shout, throwing the arm into the distance where it'd make a dull thud on the floor, and found itself hidden again, waiting to be found.


He clammed up immediately, feeling bile rise in his throat as he tried to steel himself. It was an arm. The doctor heard himself protest, an arm. 

The damned would have little time to wander, the warden's puppets quick to give them their task and credit their judges, before they too seemed to be consumed by darkness. They had been tasked to clean this place up...And by filth, they had meant the bodies that had been littered around them. If that hadn't been what made him almost yell, then it'd be the cry that had sounded out far from. They had been heard almost once the Megalopolan had left from the dim light source they had, its figure being replaced by something more monstrous, the figure almost asphyxiated by the chains around them, and when Laurence blinked, it found that it too had gone back into the cover of the gloom. However, it had been with them, for more screams had sounded out again. 

It was instinctual to move, to try to find cover among either the mochi that had been around them or the deceased, however, the chain prevented such, daring to choke those who had received the short end of the voting stick. And with such, the doctor, in a quick sense of judgment lay on the floor, feeling the coolness of it wash over his already feverish body. He had not been mistaken for what he had seen, that hooded monstrosity that revealed itself for the briefest of moments. it had been set on them, and for such, when he lay on the ground, he stilled himself, hoping that it wouldn't find him. Hoped that maybe it'd treat him how it'd treat the few corpses that it would have stumbled upon, like nothing. 

TLDR: Laurence fucking flops on the ground and pretends to be a corpse, hoping that Ogrepon doesn't find him and beat the shit out of him.
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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,329 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 4:10:29 GMT

In the end, his bid to lessen 's punishment fails as the the DUMMY WARD is chosen by the majority. He can only hope the other admin is able to steel himself against what's to come. [break][break]

In the meantime, Barnaby's ward was led to their promised chamber. Their masks sloughed off and stagnant air cooled the skin, offering fleeting relief in the face of what stood before them. A stark room, a towering mask, a man— [break][break]

An alien. A familiar one, at that. VELMOS, but markedly more grotesque than how remembered him. Overtaken by the poison, a slave to the — never-rot? [break][break]

Scanning those gathered, he recognized many in the chamber. For now, however, their faces blurred in the glow of TERASTALLIZED crystal. As Barnaby approached the mask, its azure hue reflected tantalizingly in his eyes. Inexplicably, the light called to him. [break][break]

And then it all went black. [break][break]


Pitch darkness welcomed to one of his deepest desires, now fulfilled in glorious retribution before him. Around him the shadows flared, growing more ravenous and out of control as he stepped closer. [break][break]

At their center was a man, strung up by a gallows composed of violet, fleshy chains. [break][break]

AGUSTUN L'OISEAU struggled against the TOXIC CHAIN wringing his neck until he was as blue in the face as VELMOS. There was fear and panic and pain in his eyes — so familiar, so similar — until the light in them dulled and his body stilled. [break][break]

With him gone, the last connection to a time long-buried was finally severed. [break][break]

could finally forget. [break]


Even when he eventually pulled away from the towering mask, Barnaby couldn't help but dwell on the vision it had presented. His brother's lifeless stare was practically imprinted on the backs of his eyelids. Every time he blinked, he saw those dead eyes. [break][break]

Could the never-rot truly grant his desire? [break][break]

The thought sent a thrill of anticipatory excitement through him — a sentiment that stayed with him as they were ushered into the communal showers. However, 's encouraging words barely registered through his purple-tinged haze. [break][break]

"..." [break][break]

He undressed with the others and nodded in her direction to offer some acknowledgement. But it was unfocused, lacking his earlier earnest intensity.[break][break]

The scalding water cleansed the filth from his body but not from his mind.[break][break]



UGLY WARD [break][break]

• unmasked[break]
• desires to see his brother DEAD[break]
• gets nakey[break]
• is pretty listless in the showers, dwelling on the vision[break]
• acknowledges elisa with a nod



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March 6th
Nimbasa City
5'7 height
5'7 height
Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
514 posts
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TAG WITH @flood
Xenon Antheil
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 8:33:46 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar



In the end the votes are tallied, no punishment comes to Xenon and she breathes a sigh of relief as she looks over at the idiot who nearly got her beat up for doing a good job. Even so she can't help but wince watching Navy get the stuffing beaten out of him along with his cellmate, even if it was his own fault she could at least sympathize as someone who had definitely gotten beaten in prisons for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.
So off they go, flying from the Ugly Ward to this so called Chamber of Desires, dangling precariously from the beak of this toxic bird as she guides them to whatever fresh hell awaits next. Xenon would have to be a fool to truly believe that whatever is coming next is some kind of reward, and even if it was there was nothing stopping their ward from being next on the chopping block the next time the wardens decided to play another cruel game with them. No, Xenon takes this opportunity to observe just where they're going and the geography of this strange prison, trying to derive any sort of clue as to where they might be in Hoenn, if they were even still in Hoenn to begin with.
Rows of Tera crystals, foreign architecture she didn't recognize, a mysterious mask hooked up to a machine that was Megalopalan in origin based on the whispers of those around her. It wouldn't be a stretch to guess that they were in some kind of different dimension similar to the Ultra Wilds that she had been plunging into the past year, but there still wasn't enough information to make any kind of accurate guess. All she can do for now is play along, watching people put on the mask and see.... something.
Her mask pops free from her face, the first thing she does is bring her hand up to her nose to check if it was indeed broken or not. No such luck, just very bruised, no chance they'd take her to any kind of infirmary. Some new freak crawls out of the woodwork and starts rambling on about bright futures and potential, all Xenon can do is sneer at this idiot as he blabbers on about things he could never hope to understand. She had seen the future for herself already, whatever this guy saw was nothing, brainwashing toxins judging from the sickly purple chain choking him and feeding him more of that poison slop.
Finally it's her time to step up, getting pushed from behind by a nameless guard and face to face with The Mask. "Nothing you have to show me has any worth. The only future worth a damn is the one I choose." She shouldn't be talking, she should just be shutting up and nodding along to whatever they have to say. But god damn, something about the way that idiot spoke about the future, the utter confidence he had in the bullshit someone else fed to him... It was truly disgusting for someone who believed in the purity of one's own personal future.
The neon future she once saw is subsumed by toxic purple. The lights of the city flicker as poisonous chains wrap around the buildings, connecting them like power lines, connecting the people. The scientist known as ███████ █████ is elbow deep in a robotic replication of the legendary dragon of ideals, a bright smile on her face as she makes the final connections in its Quark Drive. She had achieved her dream, she had created a world where everyone could chase the future to their hearts content.
The battle against the League was hard fought, not everyone had been willing to let go of the past. And even once the League had been dismantled and scattered to the winds, her fight still hadn't ended. She had seen what Team Rocket had done to Johto, replacing one rotting tree with another was simply inexcusable for such a moral woman like herself. Every single root needed to be pruned and burned for the future to shine brightly, the revolution never really ended.
But she had done it eventually. Almost a decade of constant struggle, and finally she had achieved the freedom she wanted for all. And it was all thanks to the glorious wardens, the beautiful Fezandipiti who melted the frozen hearts of Rocket, the courageous Ogerpon who shattered the bonds that held them down, and the brilliant Monkidori who helped her plan it all. And in exchange all she had to do was accept the █████ ██████, the rope that bound all, the-
Come on now girl. You know it would never be that easy.
The girl pauses as she watches the pulsing Quark Drive. The Iron Ideals shudders to life, electric blue sparking in its gaze as it stares into her soul and speaks with her voice.
There's no superhero who's going to come save you and make everything just the way you want it to be. We know better than that. The only future worth anything is the one that we pull from the fire.
"I know but... isn't it nice to dream every now and then? To hope that maybe we can just lie down for just one night and everything will be better in the morning?"
The Iron Ideals's face has no plasticity, no room for emotion, yet even so she can feel an air of mirth rolling from it as it reaches out and grabs her left arm.
"Dreams are nice kid. But it's time to wake up."
And then it pulls. And pulls. And pulls. AND PULLS HER-

She screams as she rips away from the mask, tumbling backwards and scrambling from the Wellspring Mask as it glimmers and shines under the light of the Tera Crystals. Immediately there's three guards on her as she tries to run, where she's running she doesn't know, as long as it's not here, as long as it's not that future, not that future where that pathetic thing masquerading as her would so easily kowtow to another rotting tree. "So that's all it takes huh!? We wrap the noose around our neck and you'll give us everything we ever wanted?! Our happy little future in exchange for a collar and our freedom!? Come on now, I might be ugly but I'm sure as hell not stupid! Try a little harder next time, maybe show me a nice red mask that'll tell me how cool I am and how the toxic chain will make me super buff and as strong as a Machamp, that'll definitely go down well!"
She looks left and right expecting a round of chuckles from her fellow prisoners, because honestly who could ever buy such a sweet load of shit? But the more she looks, the more her heart sinks as she observes the glazed over visages of so many. "You've gotta be kidding me. Navy!? What the fuck happened to the fire huh, you really gonna buy into someone else's future that easy!? Where's the fucking wall that I couldn't pass in the Ultra Deep huh!?" Xenon looks to Tsubaki next, expecting that rebellious spark that knocked her out not even a few hours ago. Nothing.
Yuina Hingashi. Theo Beckett. Zev Harcourt. People she knew at one point or another. Each and every one buying into the lie, the promise of an easy future, all in exchange for a set of manacles and a toxic chain wrapped around their neck. Feeding them poison. Anyone looking at Xenon would see something quite unusual for those who knew of her reputation. The firestarter rebel who never once backed down in the face of danger, the ultramodernist who chased the future with a smile even as she committed all manner of atrocities, the dreamer who never stopped running down the path to tomorrow... Was well and truly crestfallen as she's lead to the showers and stripped, hosed down like a broken dog with scalding hot water. And so she continues to plan, knowing that she truly has nobody but herself to rely on in this Prismatic Penitentiary.



Ugly Ward[break]
No Salac Berry needed baby, we balling in the club tonight[break]
Xenon sees a future where nobody rules over anyone, where everyone can pursue their dreams without being held back by the past, a future where Iron Ideals empowers the world... and a world where her Iron Ideals wake her up from this toxic nightmare. She screams and berates her captors as she scrambles back from the mask, expecting the support of everyone else, only to see half of the ward brainwashed by this illusion.

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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
798 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 15:54:01 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

The dizziness, from the chain - so she hypothesizes, makes it difficult to follow. She knows the other tribes are inferior. They trust each other, but they did not trust the scenario enough to obey. It adds a point to the 'this is a dream' column: that everyone peripheral to Ameena experiences one thing, and she receives a different treatment. [break][break]

The bird deity, up close, is stunning. Ameena does not mind the march to the new mask. She especially does not mind the removal of her own. She touches her face instinctively, looking to her cell mates. Diana is utterly gorgeous, and Luka is not hard on the eyes. Perhaps the tribe placement is ironic. Perhaps the ugliness is something deeper. "Neither of you deserve the moniker ugly," she observes instead f outright stating her suspicion.[break][break]

Others accept the mask of desire. Ameena... well, she's been drinking the punch this long. Might as well see what a dream within a dream looks like. [break][break]

Her desire is clear: she is reunited with her mother. [break][break]

They laugh, dance, sing, collect flowers, point out constellations, and touch each other's faces like they'll never see each other again. Distantly, very distantly, Ameena has already swallowed this bitter seed that poisons her belly and threatens bile. But presently, she presses her thumbs against the valley of her mother's smile lines and feels like she is looking in the kindest mirror. Ameena shares her research and journey with her mother to get to the dream realm. [break][break]

Her mother's face almost freezes. The motionlessness lasts for less than a blink, but Ameena feels it burned into her mind. Why? Is it because even her subconscious cannot imagine what her mother would say to the lengths Ameena went through? The unethical studies performed to accomplish it? The blood on her hands to climb the mountainous obstacles of reality to reach into the dream realm and pull herself into it, into a reality where her mother lived, a rebirthing of herself to find a happy ending in a beginning - or was that as incomprehensible as it sounded? Could her mother wrap her head around it? Could she make peace with it? That Ameena was not hers? Would there be another Ameena in this dream realm to take out? The complications of getting what she asked for, what she worked for for more than a decade, what she dreamed of... How could she have overlooked it?[break][break]

The moment stretches, but it does not break. Her mother returns to smiling the half-second later and cherishes Ameena. Ameena drifts immediately back into the dream, coated in the desire like warm syrup, and she lets herself drown it. [break][break]

The dream within a dream is ripped from her without ceremony as she no longer dons the mask. Words fail her. She needs to wake up.

TAGS [break]
NOTES – looks in mask!![break]CpW3NLo_



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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 15:55:23 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
By the time they finally arrived to the Chamber of Desires, Grigori’s knees buckled ever so slightly. He was not a man destined for flight. Even worse was when his sandals slapped and rubbed against the floor. So close to the ground, yet so far away.

But, finally, they arrived to their destination. The stifling mask fell around his neck, alongside everyone else’s. His doubts were confirmed: his ward was filled to the brim with familiar faces. , , , , and his own roommate . So many important people in just one room. And yet, he knew there were many more elsewhere.

If one wanted to, they could wipe out most of the top dogs of Rocket with a single coordinated attack. But yet again, the Megalopolans had other plans. That’s why they lined up to look inside the mask. Even worse, he watched as a few tried not to. How they struggled against the chain, against their warden, and against Velmos.

How futile it was. Thus, when it was his turn, he put his face into the mask. Just a brief peak, nothing more. Except…

It was beautiful. Dastardly so. There he was, in his favorite folding chair. Next to a campfire, with a dozen so other people. He could feel the ethereal warmth provided, even if he was not truly there. Grigori himself sat surrounded by friends, family. True friends, not the ones aligned with the insidious red ‘R’ on their sleeve. No, it was people he knew all too well.

. His heart leapt to his throat. She was there. She looked… happy. At peace. Sure, there was a violet toxic chain around her throat– alongside everyone else. But the woman was entirely relaxed. She was talking to friends, old friends of her father. None of them looked stressed, as they warmed themselves by the fire and roasted hot dogs and dined on S’mores. He had a plate right in front of him with three alone.

But the first words he heard from her mouth sent a chill through his nerves. “It’s great to not have to worry about Rocket anymore.

His tongue felt heavy in his throat, and air struggled to get into his lungs.

Oi, you can say that again! Bastards deserved all they got coming to them.

Oh, that Elisabeth bitch? I bet she had that stupid smirk up even as the platform dropped. But she ain’t around, so who cares?

Poor shame, what happened to that Jayden fellow. But he had his chance.

But, then, why was he here? He had done far, far worse than them. If not in reality, then in the metaphorical sense. He’d been around longer than most of them, yet here he was as happy as can be. The paper plate felt impossibly heavy in his lap.

But I’m sure glad they didn’t just throw people on the ropes willy-nilly,” a hand slapped against his left arm. “Ain’t that right, Grigori?

Yea,” June crossed her arms and leaned back into her own chair, a chuckle on her lips, “it was a surprise, but… I know it must’ve sucked. Feeling trapped there. But, hey, not like you ran away, or tried to get out of it. And hey, before you know it, you’ll be done with your remedial shit and you’ll be a free man!

Hell, maybe even Dad will come out of his grave and forgive you himself,” she said wistfully. “He’d like that. But I’ll just have to do it for him, right now. Besides, I know you didn't want to kill him, that night. It is what it is.

Something snapped. His face peeled away from the kalediascopic mask. Sweat poured down his sickly white face, and he gulped in air like he'd never breathed before. He was out, he was safe, he was free from that-that...


The word gave him pause, concern, fear, pleasure, joy, gut-wrenching depression, and every other conceivably related emtion in the human vernacular. Why did he... want that? Maybe such a future was in the cards. He could be happy. Have the live he deserved. Maybe not the one from his dream, those months ago, but... the next best thing? One that belonged to this reality. This universe.

But thirty-one years of trust, loyalty, absolute obedience to Rocket, clashed violently with this hope. It did not need reason, nor elaborate phrases. His mind flashed to his conversation with , in Dewford.

It was treason. That dream had Rocket dead, but him alive. He must go down with the ship, for that was his purpose. Grunts were not afforded mercy, or these temptatious desires. If Declan Walsh, or Cillian, or Elisabeth, or any of his superiors knew of this, what he saw, what his apparent 'true potential' was...

His life was forefeit. So why did his heart yearn regardless?

These doubtful, horrendous thoughts followed him into the showers, where he disrobed and placed himself squarely underneath the stream of water furthest from everyone else. His hands did not stop shaking, no matter how hard he pressed them against the wall or his skin, and his once authoritative eyes fell to the ground in fear.

Fear that his bosses could see into his soul.

- Grigori doesn't like flying
- Damn that's a lot of his bosses here. Ain't that fucked up
- Sees that you MUST see into the mask, so he only gives it a small peak
- After the fact, he falls for the ruse
- In the showers, he keeps himself very far from everyone else (for now) and hopes that no one asks him what he saw while he wrestles with this new piece of information about himself

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