i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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November 16
Verdanturf Town
do no harm
unless you justify it
5'10" height
5'10" height
Developing the cure to your miserable existence.
175 posts
Rhys Collins DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rhys
Rhys Collins
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2024 2:12:23 GMT
Rhys Collins Avatar

He had expected something to be done regarding a staging area for the gauntlet, but the arena that had been constructed in Sootopolis put even Rhys' expectations to shame. No mere battle floor, the area posed almost too many options, terrain types, and strategies, wide enough to form a defense but close enough that he couldn't avoid engagement forever.
Then again, that wasn't the goal of this particular exercise.
His first order of business was to shuck his coat, fold it hastily, and stuff it in his satchel. White would stick out like a sore thumb against the natural environment, and had he realized this was going to be more akin to guerilla tactics, he would have prepared more appropriately.
He surveyed the area briefly as he straightened; he couldn't get a bead on many participants, many having already moved to begin their preparations, but the shock of red hair flitting out of his field of vision had to be , and he mentally cursed. He knew firsthand that she could not only hold her own in a battle, but had an incisive mind for tactics. If any of the other competitors were similarly inclined, the prospects of advancing through the rounds was abruptly that much harder.
He released Oz and slipped into a nearby copse of trees, the only terrain able to disguise his movements while not backing him against a wall. Maneuvering quietly among the slender trunks, he came to a resting point at length and gestured to his pokemon meaningfully.
The Reuniclus spun in place, the air in a large cube around them sparkling as the space became a WONDER ROOM. As the visual effect sparkled into nothingness, only a faint distortion in the air remained to signify its presence. It wasn't much, but it was the best he could do in the circumstance, and any advantage was better than none.
He hoped, at least.



Use one of your Pokémon's moves to give you an advantage at your current position: Reuniclus used WONDER ROOM.




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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,969 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2024 4:23:15 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar listened passively as and introduced the gauntlet, a smile creeping across his face as he absorbed the comfort of their familiar voices. It was little consolation, but knowing that they were watching helped settle his nerves. He was surrounded by some of Rocket's best, no one could blame him if he happened to be a little nervous. Those nerves were dead though, stifled by forced confidence. If he could not rise above these elite warriors, his friends would surely give him hell later.

As the others rushed into preparations, Oscar would leisurely wander the starting area and observed. A lot of varied strategies to keep track of. Team ups, hiding, forcing the terrain into an advantageous position. Oscar pondered if he should use any of these observed behaviors as inspiration, but in the end Oscar decided to lean on tried and true methods of the past.

He summoned Genesect Prime from its pokeball, who swiftly faced its master to await his instructions. Oscar placed his hands into his pockets, "Hover mode." Prime obliged, transforming into its compact hoverboard form (Magnet Rise). Oscar stepped upon Prime's back and tapped the top of its head. "Go up, as high as you can."

Prime did so, rising into the air over the battlefield. Floating above the treeline, Oscar patiently waited for the battle to begin in earnest. Then he would rain hell upon his fellow competitors...

Prompt: Use one of your Pokémon's moves to give you an advantage at your current position, such as a weather move, terrain move, Trick Room, etc.
Oscar went up to take the highest ground.

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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,048 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2024 17:48:16 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]S.P.E.C.T.R.A. THE GAUNTLET




🎼 "Battle! Team Rocket Grunt" - Braxton Burks


THE CHOSEN SIXTEEN SURGE INTO ACTION. Several rush for the trees, while others head toward higher ground. Between some of the participants, alliances form. accepts 's proposal to team up, if temporarily. As the former's MAGMORTAR uses SUNNY DAY, the latter's CERULEDGE keeps an eye out for danger. [break][break]

And danger may soon come. stalks across the arena, only to be intercepted by and . Whether he accepts or not, their aid may be what turns the tide in their collective favor. [break][break]

Near the center of the arena, wanders close to the pond where 's EMPOLEON lies in wait. herself hides in the branches of the trees above the unsuspecting and his KIRLIA. [break][break]

In a similar vein, and his BEHEEYEM screamble up a small incline and near the MISTY TERRAIN where 's GRIMMSNARL lies in wait. Meanwhile, and his REUNICLUS stumble upon 's NIHILEGO'S TOXIC SPIKES in their attempt to craft a WONDER ROOM. [break][break]

As searches for higher ground with his EMOLGA, they pass beneath the deadfall trap laid by and her GOLURK. Not far away, and run into each other among the rocks; her LUCARIO senses the auras of both the scientist and his HEATRAN, warning her before they come into view. [break][break]

One of the chosen sixteen does not bother with the landscape, traps, or his fellow participants. Hopping onto a hoverboard-shaped GENESECT, rises into the air above the arena. From up high, he can choose any target. [break][break]

All is quiet. The tension in the air is so thick, one could slice it with a knife. Then the loudspeaker crackles as speaks again, his words flashing on the screen beneath the observation deck. [break][break]

"Your ten minutes are up. Begin the first round."

A bell chimes again. The screen says, "BEGIN."[break][break]



BATTLE ONE OR MORE CHARACTERS WITH YOUR POKEMON. You can only POST ONCE for this round, but your Pokémon can use up to TWO MOVES in your post. [break][break]

PLEASE ROLL ONCE THIS ROUND. All participants may add 10 to their roll.



  • The PVP portion of this event is limited to ROCKET participants who are not canons and/or Avatars.
  • The separate, non-PVP megathread will be limited to CURRENT ROCKET CANONS and ELIMINATED PARTICIPANTS only.
  • One character per player may participate.
  • A character must have at least 50 POSTS to participate.
  • A character age limit of 18+ is in place for this event's participation.
  • Each participant may bring FOUR POKÉMON with them into The Gauntlet. Participants must use a different Pokémon on their team each round, switching Pokémon at the start of every new round.
  • All mechanics/Pokémon (Sygna Suits, Paradox Pokémon, Ultra Beasts, Mega Stones, Tera Orbs, etc.) are allowed EXCEPT DYNAMAX.
  • Salac berries MAY NOT be used.
  • PLEASE INCLUDE A TL;DR at the bottom of your posts.


The outcome of each round will be decided by rolls, but participants are recommended to keep the following guidelines in mind during the event. [break][break]
  • Avoid godmodding, meaning taking control of another player's character or Pokémon during roleplay. This is sometimes called powerplaying.
  • Your characters may attempt to physically attack each other; however, remember, Pokémon are always more effective than human-made weapons.
  • Mod deliberations are final.



As stated, there will be five total rounds: Rounds 0-4. [break][break]

Round 0 is a preparation round that will allow participants to affect their rolls for ROUND 1 ONLY. Rounds 1-4 are PVP rounds for determining the winner of The Gauntlet. [break][break]

All participants must roll at the end of their posts for Rounds 1-4. For Rounds 2-4, each participant adds their rolls together for a total sum. Half of the participants in each round, the ones with the lowest totals, lose the round and cannot move on. Characters who miss the round are automatically eliminated. [break][break]


Each round will limit the maximum number of posts each participant can write, based on the number of participants in each round. [break][break]

  • Round 1: 16 participants (1 post per participant)
  • Round 2: 8 participants (2 posts per participant)
  • Round 3: 4 participants (4 posts per participant)
  • Round 4: 2 participants (5 posts per participant)

The more you post in a round (up to the limit), the higher your chance of moving on to the next round. As a result, this is considered a fast-paced event. PLEASE TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION IF YOU CAN POST AT THIS PACE BEFORE SIGNING UP. [break][break]

The winner will be determined from the Round 4 match-up.


All participants of The Gauntlet who posted in at least Rounds 0 and 1 will receive the following rewards: [break][break]

The winner of The Gauntlet will also receive: [break][break]




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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
797 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2024 18:05:20 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Perfect. As the round began, Ameena saw ' reuniclus enter her spiked area. There was no reason to avoid such an advantage, even if she knew reuniclus were formidable pokemon. She had recently gotten her hands on one herself, and she had fully intended to force it into its shiny palette much as Rhys' was. Well, she would have to admire it later. For now, it needed to be punished for encroaching upon her space on the platform.[break][break]

"Strike him!" She ordered. Nihilego obeyed instantly, throwing a rocky power gem at the psychic pokemon. "Be cautious," she tacks on. The Nihilego had a penchant for getting into trouble with no care in the world. Consequently, Ameena had to ensure it used some sort of defensive action by her order. Nihilego launched a clear smog to reset any improvements the reuniclus might have tried to respond with. [break][break]

TAGS [break]

NOTES – Attacking / Nihilego used power gem on ' reuniclus and pre-emptively follows it up with clear smog to clear stat changes.[break][break]TDHXNOaA


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jigokuhime, snow white
october 18
mauville city
ace lesbian
trustfund baby
i'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine
141 posts
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TAG WITH @maki
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2024 18:58:03 GMT
it isn't long before she spots her first prey. lying in wait, maki's empoleon doesn't miss the opportunity either. the steel penguin, from underneath the water, releases a fine mist into the area, hoping to obscure its surroundings. it keeps its own eyes locked on 's kirlia overhead, waiting just enough time for the mist to thicken before launching itself out of the pond.

as it does so, maki jumps down from the tree, her figure hidden within the mist. "metal claw," she calls, emotionless. her empoleon rushes at the fairy type, wings outstretched, talons hardening into steel. it swipes at the kirlia viciously, not taking any chances despite the other pokemon's smaller stature. if it's lucky, it'll score a critical hit. if unlucky, its own mist will work against it.

OfemDZ4a (+10)

empoleon uses MIST and then METAL CLAW on 's kirlia.
maki jumps down from her tree and obscures herself in the mist.

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January 01
Fortree City
Rocket Employee
175 CM height
175 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
417 posts
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TAG WITH @gerald
Gerald Kaiser
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2024 21:26:12 GMT
Gerald Kaiser Avatar
Gerald had never considered himself one of the popular ones. So when two other grunts decided that he was a suitable teammate he was surprised. Though he couldn’t quite decide whether it was in a good way or not.

“Sure, let’s team up. But I have no intention of sitting back and just waiting for shit to happen.” He explained to Violet, only for a deaf-grunt to join in. Admittedly that produced a bit of a sigh. But he tried to communicate the idea as best he could with a series of hand gestures and repeated attempts at saying it verbally hoping they knew how to read lips or something.

But either way He continued on his way. His plan was straight forward, no mouse traps, no nothing. Let Miss Deaf-Grunt and Miss Didn’t-See-Anything make their plans. If they wanted to join up they could follow him or not. He knew they would stab him in the back in the end, for such was the very nature of this competition.

But moving on he continued to prowl. Until he found , or at the very least someone that looked enough like the guy. “Be Quick and don’t hold back.” He instructed the Absol before it ran in pursuit of the target.

STONE EDGE spears tore through the ground toward the would-be enemy as an initial attack aimed to limit movement and do damage to any partner Pokemon before the Absol charged forward intent on delivering a gift of NIGHT SLASH’s as a follow up.

- Gerald accepts and 's help, but doesn't agree to any fancy plans just pushes on.
- Continues looking for
- When he finds someone that looks enough like him he will start the fight by letting Absol rain a valley of STONE EDGE's and NIGHT SLASH's down on the Target.

A6jWmtxD +10




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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,200 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2024 22:09:14 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Taking up the gauntlet
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]As she lay in wait, Aurelie had a moment to reflect on the other competitors in the Gauntlet. When the event began, she'd still been focused on the recent harrowing hardships she'd suffered in the Megalopolan prison. Now, her thoughts turned to the present moment—and the potential for either victory or defeat.

Who else was on the platform? she wondered, thinking back to the group of familiar and unfamiliar faces. Most of them fell into the latter category for her, truth to tell.

But she remembered , with whom she'd explored the Great Chasm. So too had she done with , who had impressed and humbled her with his knowledge of Pokemon types, moves, and tactics. And she quailed at the possibility of facing , whom she rather liked and also feared.

The figure that she now saw approaching, though, wasn't any of those three. It appeared to be a white-haired stranger, with a white-and-yellow Pokemon she couldn't place. Though the red-haired smith could distinguish a dozen different metals by look and feel alone, she still didn't have a great grasp of the Pokedex.

One more step, just one more step... Come on, come on... she mentally urged the stranger, as they came toward the crude deadfall trap. She hoped her Golurk was staying still and keeping out of sight behind the huge boulders. Her grip on the strip of cloth she was using as a trigger tightened with anticipation.

A few excruciating seconds later, she saw they passed under the trap. Maybe they'd fallen for it; maybe they'd noticed the cloth tied around the bottom and were investigating suspiciously. It didn't matter.

Exhaling sharply, Aurelie yanked hard on the trigger cloth. Seconds later, the boulders crashed in on each other and then to the ground below with a deafening, thunderous boom.

"Yes!" she exclaimed, leaping to her feet and punching the air happily. It worked! The trap worked like I planned! she rejoiced.

Aurelie waved to her Golurk, which rose more ponderously and fearsomely. From a belt sheath, she drew a knife. Subduing the urge to rush in heedlessly, she edged toward the wreckage with cat-footed caution, not wanting to fall into a trap herself.

"All right, Argile!" she called to the Golurk. "Use Fire Punch on whatever comes out of there! And then..."

She broke into a wicked little grin. "After that, what better time to set up your Deathly Defender?"

ZN4tjsXm + 10
Total = 60


- Triggers deadfall on Kazuya and his Pokemon
- Draws a knife but only tiptoes forward
- Instructs Golurk to use Fire Punch on whoever comes out first and then set up Deathly Defender Z-move

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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Black Dog, the weakest beast
November 9th
5'3" and 1/2 height
5'3" and 1/2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
881 posts
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TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2024 22:22:26 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar
It is not that finds, but the edge of a hound's fangs. The dog orders his dark knight forward, flames wreathing around the edge of Jubei's blades. They clash against hard stone, seemingly disappearing in shadows. Jubei emerges from the Absol's shadow, a shadow sneak leading into a clash of bitter blades against Absol's night slashes. Hovering on the other side of the wall, the dog sees the inevitable convergence of forces on this epicenter of the clash.[break]
"Oi, Dory! Get yer Magmortar in here! Gonna need all the fire support I can get." He speaks the words while trying desperately to stay on his feet. There will be an opportunity for him to engage in hand to hand combat, but not yet. Not with so many Pokemon on the field, and so many eyes on him. For now, he fights to simply survive.

+ 10
Tl;dr: Jumps , hoping Dorian backs him up. Ceruledge uses shadow sneak to move under the stone edges, emerging from Gerald's Absol's shadow and clashing against its night slashes with bitter blade. Hitoshi himself is just trying to stay out of harm's way while waiting on Dorian to join in the fun.

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march 21
debt collector
chaotic stupid, i'll get used to feeling useless
589 posts
parker jones DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @parker
parker jones
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 1:19:28 GMT
parker jones Avatar
"oopa," she mutters and crosses her arm over her body, fingertips to toes, "doopa." and repeats, back and forth, but the next round is, "oopity" and "doo." and then she's all stretched and consequently bored, but also too high-strung to be bored. 

remus' ears twitch to the crackle before mr nightmare number two tells them to begin. then the lucario falls into his natural rhythm and makes a small noise when another rocket baddie walks right on near them. parker winds up and then lets out a pained exhale when she realizes she recognizes the face. 

they had fun together avoiding those donphan shaped metal beasts. he's got another beast by his side and judging by the lava that makes up a decent portion of his body, it puts them at a disadvantage. 

she gives remus a look that says trust me and then stumbles out into view, going, "hey, buddy, why was seven afraid of six?"

and remus emerges opposite, fists swinging towards the heatran.

parker is an oompa loompa and lucario tries to close combat heatran

Fg87U6qS +10
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fen (mille)
dee/dem/der, they/them
march 9th
mossdeep city
office worker (cracker)
5' height
5' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
443 posts
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TAG WITH @fenelle
Fenelle Miller
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 9:19:03 GMT
Fenelle Miller Avatar
With the help of Metagross and some lip reading, Fenelle understood the ongoings, nodding in agreement as they continue their pursuit as a group together with also. It seems like there isn't much of a plan going on, which also worked for Fenelle - as long as dee could focus on a clear target for now, instead of being caught in an overthink overdrive. Too many targets on the field, too many to consider individually but you needed to - everyone is strong in their own rights ...

Fenelle has hopped on Metagross again for a quiet walk through the arena area, but quickly jumps off as dee sees command his Absol. Dee pats der steel type a few times, in addition to making coordinated, but also kinda random sounds that all are fairly irrelevant as large. The Metagross knows what it has to do.

Its instructions are veered off-course by the surprising but also not unexpected introduction of a second figure. With a little psychic communication, the Metagross focuses one Meteor Mash aimed at 's Ceruledge, while the other Meteor Mash is searching its target in presumably 's pokémon, or whoever else Gerald has attacked before.

As battle erupts with the Stone Edge from der current team mate, stealth is out of the floor so the Metagross would aim for maximum destruction. That forest needs to be gone. (Part of dem feels bad, but then again - this arena won't survive its pretty terrain once this battle's over at large, anyway.)

- pursues dorian with gerald and violet
- as gerald starts the offensive and is then hit by hitoshi, also opens fire
- aims one meteor mash at hitoshi's pokémon and another meteor mash at dorian's/whoever else gerald attacked's pokémon
- generally also attempts to flatten the area if possible lol

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Mad Dog of Rocket
May 8
Pyrite Town, Orre
Night Club Owner
Marionette Accardo
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
817 posts
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TAG WITH @dorian
dorian westcliff
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 16:12:43 GMT
dorian westcliff Avatar

With their agreement in place, and sunlight beaming down on their location, Dorian climbed up a hill with his Magmortar, taking the high ground, while allowing his partner to take to the battlefield proper.

When and engaged in combat, Dorian was already on it. Smoochie Duckie fired off a Smokescreen, cutting down visibility, and giving the samurai some cover. Once the smoke had time to form over the battlefield, the Magmortar fired off a Lava Plume across the area.

The Ceruledge would find itself being invigorated by the fires, thanks to his ability. His Bitter Blades were given that extra power, on top of the sunlight laid down earlier.

gHGkSJmQ +10

notes: Dorian took the high ground with Magmortar
Magmortar laid down a Smokescreen to provide Hitoshi cover
Magmortar used Lava Plume

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March 03
Alamos, Sinnoh
boy genius
Associate Scientist
nature, nuture
heaven and home
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
sum of all and by them driven
541 posts
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TAG WITH @kepler
kepler brueshaber
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 16:33:31 GMT
kepler brueshaber Avatar

@ gauntlet

He’s not the only one who has taken the high ground. He can see that… from the high ground. Kepler watches rise on his fucking Genesect and thinks about how fucking unfair that is. In a very cool kind of sexy way.
Pale tendrils of thin mist curl across his little cliff, clinging to his leggings. It seems odd, given that the humidity is rather static and dry, so he follows them back to their source: the wide and sweeping fog bank of misty terrain, though he doesn’t really know that’s what it is or where it’s coming from. But he knows it isn’t normal and so he clocks that down as a variable to keep an eye on.
The voice of evil god tells them their waiting period is at an end. Everything goes to hell in a handbasket real quick. Stones are flying, explosions are going off, zip zaps are being zap zipped. Kepler swallows hard and tries not to quail back against the rock.
He has to make a decision. He can either turtle here and wait for the final rounds, or he can be a big boy and jump into a combat he might not win. He’s so fucking scared, he’s so fucking scared. Of what? Of failure? Of pain? His heart is racing. He’s going to give himself a fucking cardiac episode if he just continues to sit here and break apart into his lesser components.
Pluto clocks his rampant pulse and waves a hand, casting a protect barrier over him to give him some semblance of peace of mind. The rainbow-hued soap-bubble structure calms him, if only a little. He exhales, inhales. He has to either deal with the strange fog bank right next to him or go for the throat of someone else. He’s a scientist, not a fighter, what the fuck is he doing?
“Go big or go home,” he says on an unconvincingly raspy exhale, pointing into the sky at the floating Genesect.
Pluto brings her arms together and down, summoning booming thunder as she aims to draw a thunderbolt down on top of .

fully expecting this to backfire on him but Beheeyem uses protect on Kepler and thunderbolt on Oscar.


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March 18
Heahea City
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 17:50:55 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
As the gauntlet commenced, Oscar watched vigilantly from on high. Things got interesting quickly as and ambushed . If more joined the fight, it could be easy pickings for Oscar. They just needed to clump together, and one Techno Blast would probably be enough to blow them all away. Unfortunately, fog began to envelope the battlefield and limit Oscar's visibility. The pale observer clicked his tongue, "Leave it to Rockets to play dirty. Now I can't see shit."

Oscar looked around carefully, staying braced upon Prime in case they had to quickly move. Only the higher areas were visible now, leaving Oscar surprised that so few of the contenders took to the high ground. Then his eyes rested upon , though only for a moment. Oscar witnessed the motions of Kepler's Beheeyem, aimed right toward him. Oscar's eyes widened as he felt a surge of static in the air, as well as the unmistakable sound of looming thunder. "Fuckin' twink bastard..."

Oscar rolled off of his Genesect, just in time for it to get smashed with the Thunderbolt. Its HUD blitzed as the electricity roared through its circuitry, causing it to stutter loudly before falling out of the air. The heavier Prime fell past Oscar, who had flattened himself into a proper skydiving stance. Slightly slowing his descent would not mean shit though if Prime could not recover, Oscar was about to become a pancake and he was not psyched about it. "Come on come on come on come on!"

Prime managed to reboot its systems before falling past the treeline, abruptly stopping mid-air as its hovering capabilities resumed. It flew backward, making a sharp turn toward its master in order to catch him upon his back. Oscar landed roughly, probably bruising a fair amount of his chest from the impact. Better than splattering on the ground though.

He stood up shakily, whirling around to locate Kepler once again. Luckily the slim scientist's location upon the high ground made him easy to spot from Oscar's vantage point. Oscar sneered as he held his sore ribs. "Looks like we have a volunteer Prime. Retaliate!" Prime aimed its cannon toward Kepler, or more accurately toward the cliff he was standing on. Kepler was clearly protected by a barrier, so Prime would have to get creative to take him and his pokemon out. Its cannon charged, the mechanisms within gathering as much Infinity Energy as possible before unleashing it as a massive silver blast (Techno Blast(Steel)/Steel Worker).

The blow should strike the cliff itself, ideally causing it to crumble away from beneath the scientist and his alien goon. For good measure, Prime fired a volley of rockets in the same direction (Magnet Bomb/Steel Worker), hopefully either battering that Beheeyem on the way down or anything else that stood within the vicinity. Oscar did not approve, "C'mon man, Kepler's cool. That was overkill." Prime began floating upward, silently content with its attempt at vengeance.


--Genesect got bopped by Kepler's Thunderbolt.
--Genesect retaliated with Techno Blast and Magnet Bomb empowered by its Steel Worker ability to blow up Kepler's cliff and anyone else nearby.
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September 7
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 21:46:41 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

That was fine by her. Both a third person she did not know joining up and dark and broody over there taking the spotlight. In fact, it suited her well enough so that she could hang back for a bit and follow the man with some distance between them. He evidently still considered her little more than some common grunt, but that was fine enough by her. While she had taken this job in part to garner recognition, given where her strengths laid and what the admins wanted out of her, she did not need to take too much of the spotlight. Others could do that.
Especially when Ceruledge crashed into Absol, and Metagross sought to join a frantical melee. Certainly, they could have joined in on that, too. But while bearing overwhelming strength down upon a lone opponent was a good enough tactic, she decided that there were better options.
After all, if they could join up, so could others. Moving to the side of the others through foliage, Violet and her Iron Crown waited until something else happened. Aside from the Sunny Day going up and everything. No, she waited until she saw actual fire raining down from above upon the melee.
Vi did not watch. She did not wait. They would either overcome that or not. That was up to them. Nothing she could do there anyway. “Like we trained. Pattern Future Perfect,” she instructed Iron Crown as it, bearing her, would rush towards the high ground that had established. It bounded upwards and she timed when it would be sufficiently close to the ground, then disembarked, skidding to a halt on the rocky terrain.[break][break]
All while Iron Crown’s antlers shone in bright lights, first purple, then grey, changing after each mighty swing of its head at the apex of its jump. The second was a Tachyon Cutter, aiming at the Magmortar straight ahead. The first seemed like it did nothing, but fired off a delayed Future Sight that would only even attempt to hit right after the cutter did, but curved, from the side.
“Mister Westcliff. I find myself disappointed. Shouldn’t you be down there, joining in the fray with a knife?” After all, the man did not want her to use a gun back then. Why use the Pokemon equivalent of one, now?

+ Temporarily working with Gerald and Fenelle, hangs back and dodges the lava melee, tries to flank dorian up on his high ground with a Future Sight and Tachyon Cutter combo. Also some light snark. KbMeAdec+10



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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2024 0:37:01 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

None seem too eager to approach him. When the official start is given, Adrian can hear the muffled outbreak of violence—skirmishes breaking out across the platform—and feels his pulse quicken. Thankfully, nothing seems to direct their aggression at him and Grimmsnarl yet...[break][break]

Though as far as battle royales go, that meant he was scoring rather poorly.[break][break]

I guess I should have been more proactive.[break][break]


The air around him trembles with a resounding boom that cascades across the platform, and Adrian is able to observe the crash landing of some hot rod-esque object. There was nothing else here for him—and so he paid mind to the source of the disruption, perhaps out of habit.[break][break]

What the Hell was all that about...?[break][break]

Adrian approaches them through the mist, closing in on their silhouettes until he can see what was Kepler and Oscar duking it out. Without any obvious identifiers, they're just bodies in the throng; he has no bias. And he seemed to have the drop on them...[break][break]

"Fake them out." His voice is hushed. Using the mist as a cover, Grimmsnarl is able to snake dense tendrils of hair along the ground, hoping to trip up Oscar's Genesect before it attacks. Bolting out of the peripheral, these would do very little to harm, but impeded the battle.[break][break]

"Sucker Punch, now." Another strike sent from out of the veil enshrouding them.[break][break]

b8gaXoYN + 10

[attr="class","bottom"]GRIMMSNARL uses FAKE OUT![break]GRIMMSNARL uses SUCKER PUNCH![break]Engaging ()[break]

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[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]
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RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP