i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
808 height
808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 1:40:02 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]PASSERBY ANALYTICS HQ #7



🎼 Castelia City (Night): Remastered ► Pokémon Black & White (ZAME ARRANGEMENT)


PASSERBY ANALYTICS HQ — This survey company has expanded its business and services from Castelia City. Providing questionnaires and statistics about the citizens of Hoenn, you're bound to learn something new about the trainers around you![break][break]

ICLY, these survey questions may be accessed digitally or in person at RUSTBORO CITY. You may also choose to answer these survey questions OOCLY instead. These surveys are also answered ANONYMOUSLY.[break][break]

The questions submitted by other characters do not have their actual names listed beside them ICly. The tags are just an OOC way for credit and gratitude.



"Do you have a role model? If so, who is it and why?"[break][break]


"Your back's against the wall. You're down to your last Pokemon. Which Pokemon is it and why?"


"What’s the best and worst relationship advice you've ever received or given?" OR[break]
What is your favorite water-type?"


"Describe a new Paradox Pokémon. Go crazy! The whackier the better!"[break][break]


"Would you still love a loved one if they were a Wurmple?"[break][break]


"Do you have a quote/proverb/lyrics that changed your life? If yes, what is it?"[break][break]


"What is the biggest lie you've told?"[break][break]


"What big or small thing would you do to bring a little more joy into the world?"[break][break]


"Who do you want to battle most and why?"[break][break]


"How do you like your steak?"[break][break]


"If you had to kill someone, could you?"


"Would you want to fight one thousand Durant sized Ursarings or one Ursaring sized Durant?"[break][break]


"What was your last dream about?"[break][break]


"What is your purpose?"[break][break]


"If you had to remove one city or town from Hoenn, which one would it be?"


"Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below."



TO PARTICIPATE, please heed the following guidelines:[break][break]

  • Post in this thread with your answers to the survey questions.
  • All of your characters may participate.
  • To redeem full rewards, you must answer at least TWO SURVEY QUESTIONS (EXCLUDING THE SUGGESTION). The answer's level of THOROUGHNESS, DETAIL, AND LENGTH is entirely up to your discretion.
  • Please indicate if your character is answering a survey question ICLY or OOCLY.


COMPLETING TWO SURVEY QUESTIONS will net your character the following rewards:

[img src="" title="1X GACHAPON TICKET" style="box-shadow:none;border:none;"][img src="" title="1X DEVOLUTION STONE: this devolution will not be an in-character phenomenon, for that technology does not exist in this setting. feel free to make up an IC reason for how you obtained the devolved Pokemon" style="box-shadow:none;border:none;"][img src="" title="1X SHARD OF CHOICE (RED, YELLOW, GREEN OR BLUE)" style="box-shadow:none;border:none;"][break][break]

To roll the GACHAPON TICKET, please post in the SITE SHOP and mention you received it from PASSERBY HQ ANALYTICS #7.[break][break]

There is now an AWARD for participating in at least 3 PASSERBY HQ ANALYTICS THREADS called "Survey Squad". If you already are eligible for the reward, please redeem it in the Award/Badges Thread.[break][break]

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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caty, cat
any except she
june 6th
lumiose city
"starving artist", forger
5’8.5” height
5’8.5” height
to live deliciously.
12 posts
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TAG WITH @cato
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 2:34:02 GMT
cato Avatar
"...So, I'm just recording a couple survey questions, huh...?"

It's not the worst thing Cato's done for a little extra cash, right? They can't be that embarrassing.
"#1— do you have a role model? if so, who is it, and why?"

Almost immediately, Cato sighs, pinching at the bridge of his nose. "This kind've question really makes me seem like a kid. I'm twenty-six."

"...My boss, I'd guess? We're in the same line of work," counterfeiting, "—And it's nice to see someone else succeed in what you do. It's a pretty standard answer. I don't... like looking up to people."
"#2— your back's against the wall. you're down to your last pokemon. which pokemon is it, and why?"

"I'm starting to feel like this one's just meant to intimidate me...?? Smeargle's my first, and probably the bulkiest, as a result... but when it comes down to it, can't you just flee if a battle's not going your way?"

"...What? Only with wild Pokemon? Really?"
"#3— what’s the best and worst relationship advice you've ever received or given?"

At this one, he grins a bit. Clearly, he's still proud of it. "Don't really think a lot about romance, but Aris does. Every time he brings someone back, I tell him to dump them, 'cause he always gets all weird about it... and he never takes it, but it's some damn good advice."
"#4— describe a new paradox pokémon. go crazy! the whackier the better!"

"...Do you think, in the future, a Ditto's still just... Ditto?" He doesn't seem all that original with his answer, but he's trying his best to come up with something. Come back in a month or two.
"#5— would you still love a loved one if they were a wurmple?"

Cato pauses, to check if this is actually a survey question or a frenzied text message from somebody else, before answering. "...I'd probably crush them. Bugs freak me out."
"#6— do you have a quote/proverb/lyrics that changed your life? if yes, what is it?"

"It's always five o'clock somewhere...?"

"What, do I look like the type of person to start parroting someone else's words?" How ironic.
"#7— what's the biggest lie you've ever told?"

"If you lie for long enough, it'll become, to you, the truth. That's what I live by. No such thing as telling a lie if it's true somewhere. That being said, I've never lied in my entire life. Not once."
"#8— what big or small thing would you do to bring a little more joy into the world?"

Cato's eyebrows furrow, and their nose wrinkles. It's the expression of someone who's still not quite sure how to bring a little more joy to themselves, no less the whole world. "Skip. This one's corny."
"#9— who do you want to battle most, and why?"

"If I really had to think about it... someone else with a Smeargle, so mine can Sketch their Sketch, and it'll continue forever in an eternal Sketchobouros."
"#10— how do you like your steak?"

"Completely raw."
"#11— if you had to kill someone, could you?"

Cato's never killed anyone before— besides the mood— but, somehow, this question still feels a little like he's being implicated. "Probably? It's not something I think about a lot, but I think we've all got the ability to. If I 'have' to, sure."
"#12— would you want to fight one thousand durant sized ursarings or one ursaring sized durant?"

"Eeeuugh, I just talked about bugs! There's no way I'm fighting a giant one! I'd just... hit all the little Ursarings with a book and be done with it!"
"#13— what was your last dream about?"

"...Huh. I'm one of those people who never really remembers what they dream. It's a little odd, right? I think it's just a little bit of creative block, but I only ever wake up feeling like I'm hungry, or tired... so I guess I can't really answer this all that well. My imagination's been on a bit of a downturn."
"#14— what is your purpose?"

Who are you, my psychiatrist...?

"I'd like to create something, someday, that's entirely my own. That's my purpose."
"#15— if you had to remove one city or town from hoenn, which one would it be?"

"Don't know why it has to be Hoenn. I don't think any of us here would really miss Lumiose, right? Right?"


With a small sigh, he crosses his arms over his chest, and the recording stops; although, as a small section for suggestions pops up before their submissions, he types in a quick, deep, well thought-out question.

[pls ask people next time where you can get good deals 4 pokeballs bc the taxes i have 2 pay for one ball @ pokemart r an actual govt scam. thx]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 4:09:35 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar
Answers from to answer this awesome questionnaire. 
Question 1: My role model is . She is an amazing pokemon trainer, commanding, responsible as an ambassador, and more so I learned she even runs a Pokemon Gym. I wish to get to know her more. [break][break]
Question 2: My final Pokemon is Dizzy, my Delphox. He's my strongest, most reliable and my best friend! He never lets me down easily! [break][break]
Question 3: My Favorite Water type is Starmi [break][break]
Question 4: If I made up a Paradox Pokemon, a Proto-form of Eevee, showing more rock-based attributes, including a gem on its forehead and holding more mystic look to it. [break][break]
Question 5: I would love a loved one if it was a wurmple. It would just take an adjustment period... or two. >< [break][break]
Question 6: OOC: "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution." Albert Einstein [break][break]
Question 7: That I told my parents I didn't go into the woods, when I clearly did. [break][break]
Question 8: I would volunteer at a local drive or center, helping raise money or doing good deeds for the community. Volunteer service. [break][break]
Question 9: for our encounter and humiliating defeat in Area Zero. I have to grow stronger to face Team Rocket! [break][break]
Question 10: Medium Rare [break][break]
Question 11: No. Never. [break][break]
Question 12: Durant-sized Ursarings. A huge Durant would freak me out!! [break][break]
Question 13: My last dream was me in my old home town in Johto, still in school, despite hating it there. [break][break]
Question 14: My purpose... is whatever I want it to be. I get to freely decide what my purpose is![break][break]
Question 15: Slateport. The industrial area makes me feel a little sick. So much pollution. [break][break]

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february 5
lilycove city
demi bisexual
5'4'' height
5'4'' height
why didn't you stop me?
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cassidy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cassidy
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 5:11:34 GMT
cassidy Avatar
the interviewee sits down with her hands neatly folded in her lap. most questions are passed with a simple yes or no, or even a pass for more egregious questioning. but there are a few that she provides more detailed answers to.
"Do you have a role model? If so, who is it and why?"

"i used to. that is no longer the case, however."
"If you had to kill someone, could you?"

"i do not endeavor to kill, it would not be my first choice. but if i had to choose between my life and theirs, i would choose my own."
"What is the biggest lie you've told?"

there is a lingering smile on her lips, one that possesses no mirth, only a strange nostalgic bitterness for things that could have been. "i told myself that i would be happy."
What is your purpose?"

"i have no purpose but to survive. that is what we are all destined to do, that is what i will continue to do."

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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 5:43:30 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
"#1— do you have a role model? if so, who is it, and why?"

...No. But I envy those who act without feeling. It appears to be a freeing way to live.

"#2— your back's against the wall. you're down to your last pokemon. which pokemon is it, and why?"

A Ruinous creature chose me in my darkest and most miserable hour, and I imagine it's the same one that would be there in my last.

"#3— what’s the best and worst relationship advice you've ever received or given? OR What is your favorite water-type?"

"Love is blind." (Also, my favored Water-type if you must know is a Toxipex.)

"#4— describe a new paradox pokémon. go crazy! the whackier the better!"

I fail to see the point of this exercise, and question the mental state of the person who proposed it.

"#5— would you still love a loved one if they were a wurmple?"

I don't understand this question, and I won't respond to it.

"#6— do you have a quote/proverb/lyrics that changed your life? if yes, what is it?"

Loosely translated from Kalosian, the proverb reads: "Be a Wooloo, the Lycanroc will eat you." Those who allow themselves to be innocent and helpless will be devoured by all that is stronger, crueler, and hungry for power. All weakness must be kept hidden from view.

"#7— what's the biggest lie you've ever told?"

"I'm happy."

"#8— what big or small thing would you do to bring a little more joy into the world?"

I suppose my death would bring joy to a lot of people. Unfortunately for them, I have no interest in allowing that.

"#9— who do you want to battle most, and why?"

Truthfully, I prefer not to battle. It's taxing emotionally and physically. But there are those I would prefer to see dead so I don't have to see them at all, and their names are immortalized in a place where I will always be able to find them.

"#10— how do you like your steak?"


"#11— if you had to kill someone, could you?"

I have, and I will. Why wouldn't I? Plenty of people wouldn't hesitate to kill me.

"#12— would you want to fight one thousand durant sized ursarings or one ursaring sized durant?"

I'm going to personally kill whoever wrote this question.

"#13— what was your last dream about?"

...There was flowers, and moonlight, and other things that don't matter enough to mention here.

"#14— what is your purpose?"

Hah. To ruin all I touch, like some reverse-Midas. If only I were joking.

"#15— if you had to remove one city or town from hoenn, which one would it be?"

Ever Grande, with the entirety of the League's government locked inside.


If you could start life over as another person, would you?

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 6:48:07 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
"#1— do you have a role model? if so, who is it, and why?"
If you put people on pedestals, they will inevitably fail you.

"#2— your back's against the wall. you're down to your last pokemon. which pokemon is it, and why?"
I am an Avatar. We rise and fall together.

"#3— What is your favorite water-type?"

"#4— describe a new paradox pokémon. go crazy! the whackier the better!"
Is that not how those beasts are created? I'd prefer not to contaminate that particular pool.

"#5— would you still love a loved one if they were a wurmple?"
What the fuck?

"#6— do you have a quote/proverb/lyrics that changed your life? if yes, what is it?"
Knowledge is power.

"#7— what's the biggest lie you've ever told?"
Hm. Nice try.

"#8— what big or small thing would you do to bring a little more joy into the world?"
I am no harbinger of joy.

"#9— who do you want to battle most, and why?"
I will crush anyone who stands in my way.

"#10— how do you like your steak?"

"#11— if you had to kill someone, could you?"
I can. I have.

"#12— would you want to fight one thousand durant sized ursarings or one ursaring sized durant?"
Do they have access to their full movesets, or...?

"#13— what was your last dream about?"

"#14— what is your purpose?"
To conquer.

"#15— if you had to remove one city or town from hoenn, which one would it be?"
Ever Grande.

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,037 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 8:02:45 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar
"#1— do you have a role model? if so, who is it, and why?"
I don't really think so? I did my dad when I was a kid.

"#2— your back's against the wall. you're down to your last pokemon. which pokemon is it, and why?"
Depends on if I'm on land or in the sea. Compass (firagarif) and Marina (sharpedo) will always have my back.

"#3— What is your favorite water-type?"

"#4— describe a new paradox pokémon. go crazy! the whackier the better!"
A bruxish made of metal, but it's got these crazy glowing eyes and like electric teeth!

"#5— would you still love a loved one if they were a wurmple?"
I would build him a little Wurmple enclosure and be the best Wumrple owner in the world. :pleading:

"#6— do you have a quote/proverb/lyrics that changed your life? if yes, what is it?"
...? No? What am I, a nerd?

"#7— what's the biggest lie you've ever told?"
Well... I don't like Bubble and Squeak as much as I pretend I do... don't let my husband know! He likes it, so I would eat it every day to see him happy. ()

"#8— what big or small thing would you do to bring a little more joy into the world?"
Someone keeps stealing my lunch and I'm being very gracious by not punching them ().

"#9— who do you want to battle most, and why?"
I want 's blood on my hands <3

"#10— how do you like your steak?"
Does it matter? (I kill him with my mind)

"#11— if you had to kill someone, could you?"
I already have.

"#12— would you want to fight one thousand durant sized ursarings or one ursaring sized durant?"
The Ursaring sized Durant!

"#13— what was your last dream about?"
I don't wanna talk about it.

"#14— what is your purpose?"
To love and cherish my husband.

"#15— if you had to remove one city or town from hoenn, which one would it be?"
Ever Grande

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██ 27
April 4
████████ Mauville
Male-leaning Pansexual
Club Owner at Icarus
Undercover Grunt
perpetual slut era
6'3" height
6'3" height
Sipping Capri-Suns like a Dom Pérignon
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TAG WITH @aris
Aris van der Veld
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 8:36:06 GMT
Aris van der Veld Avatar

"Do you have a role model? If so, who is it, and why?"

Aris flashes a playful smile. "Myself, of course. Why would I need to look up to anyone else when I'm perfectly content with how I do things?"

"What’s the best and worst relationship advice you've ever received or given?"

He rolls his eyes and throws his head back in exasperation. "Oh, I'm sure Cato has already answered this for me, which is really funny because he's the last person who should be giving relationship advice to anyone." Aris raises his head. "I keep telling him to stop looking like his Smeargle just got murdered, maybe then he'd get some action."

"Would you still love a loved one if they were a Wurmple?"

He purses his lips and tilts his head as he ponders the question. His real answer? I'd let my Houndour rip them apart and put them out of their misery. "I'd keep them around and care for them like my other Pokemon. I think they'd get along great with my little friend here," he chuckles, scratching the Houndour on his lap under her chin.

"Do you have a quote/proverb/lyrics that changed your life? If yes, what is it?"

A gentle smile sits on his face. “In order to rise from its own ashes a phoenix first must burn.”

"What is the biggest lie you've told?"

Aris lets out a little laugh, his turquoise eyes twinkling with something a little more than humour. "I think it's best not to reveal my lies. Doesn't that go against the purpose of lying?"

"What big or small thing would you do to bring a little more joy into the world?"

"I think my smile does plenty, does it not?" Aris demonstrates his effortless, bright smile and underpins it with a wink.

"If you had to kill someone, could you?"

"Oh, goodness, no!" he chuckles, his Houndour shaking in his lap with the movement. Not by my own hand. The Pokemon points her snout upwards and lightly licks Aris' chin.

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MAY 18th
i don't like change
but i'm not afraid
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
when everything is in disarray, i think we'll be okay!
728 posts
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 14:33:50 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar



1. Do you have a role model? If so, who is it and why?
“Think I'm too old for that sorta thing now, but some'a my friends are real tough folks, an' got good hearts. I wanna make sure I keep up with them, if nothin' else.”
2. Your back's against the wall. You're down to your last Pokemon. Which Pokemon is it and why?
“Easy; that'd be my Tauros, Beau. He's a lean, mean, fightin' machine! Plus, he's been my best friend fer years; no matter what happens, I know I can count on him.”
3. What is your favorite water-type?
“Tauros, duh.

… The hell you mean, 'Tauros isn't a water type?' You ain't ever heard of the aqua breed before? Geeze, buncha amateurs.”
4. Describe a new Paradox Pokémon. Go crazy! The whackier the better!
“Oh shit, that's a cool idea! Huh, lemme think... maybe some sorta prehistoric Tauros? Yeah, I know, same answer as the last two questions, but hear me out; big-ass bull, wicked, curled-up horns, and maybe they'd be real shaggy, like a Mamoswine, or somethin'. And maybe they'd be some sorta Fightin'/Normal type combo; little bit'a Kanto, little bit'a Paldea, you know what I'm sayin'?”
5. Would you still love a loved one if they were a Wurmple?
“Huh, that's a tough one. I mean, if they're a Wurmple, is their brain still in there? Do they remember me? Do they still love me back? Does a Wurmple even know how ta love or think or remember?

I dunno. I'd probably still take care'a them though; maybe I'd set them up in some sorta tank with a buncha leafy greens, or whatever the hell Bug-types eat.”
6. Do you have a quote/proverb/lyrics that changed your life? If yes, what is it?
“Wouldn't say it changed my life, exactly, but there's one song that's really stuck with me over the years, and some'a the lines from it get stuck in my head sometimes-

Nothin' matters when we're dancing,
in tatter-tatters you're entrancing,
be we in Paris or in Lansing,
nothin' matters when we're dancing.

… Uh, sorry bud, didn't mean to turn this into some sorta weird karaoke number.”
7. What is the biggest lie you've told?
“I, uh, don't know that it's just the one lie, if I'm gonna be honest. I mean, I guess it kinda is; it's more like one big lie made up of a buncha littler lies that just kinda started stackin' on top of each other over the years, like a house'a cards, or somethin'.

And no, I ain't tellin' ya what it is. Ain't none'a your damn business, for starters, and for another, I'm tryin' ta put it behind me now.”
8. What big or small thing would you do to bring a little more joy into the world?
“I just try an' be good to people. It's a real small thing, sure, but it doesn't take any effort.”
9. Who do you want to battle most and why?
; I'm comin' for you Triple H! Ahahaha!”
10. How do you like your steak?
“Oh hell yeah, this is my question! I can't believe you folks actually put it in! Man, if that didn't just make my day-

Oh yeah, my answer? Rare, no doubt. Few things worse in this world than an overcooked steak, my friend.”
11. If you had to kill someone, could you?
Had to, huh? That's... hard. That's real fuckin' hard...

Suppose I'll hafta eventually, givin' my line'a work an' all, and givin' the way the world's headin'. I don't wanna think about that, though.”
12. Would you want to fight one thousand Durant sized Ursarings or one Ursaring sized Durant?
“Oh shit, that's a tough one. Uhhhh, probably the Ursaring sized Durant? 'Cause they're still, like, super weak ta Fire, so if I've got my Pokemon with me, one Flamethrower and the bug goes down. Now, if we're talkin' mano a mano, then I'd probably still take the Durant, 'cause squishin' a buncha tiny Ursaring'd just make me kinda sad.”
13. What was your last dream about?
“Been havin' a lotta nightmares lately, 'bout bein' strangled by chains and gettin' the shit kicked outta me by a big-ass dog and 'bout my friends gettin' their shit kicked in by the same giant dog. Fuckin' sucks, to be honest.”
14. What is your purpose?
“Honestly, I'm still workin' on that, but I feel like I'm gettin' closer than ever to figurin' it out. That's the funny thing about livin' in Hoenn; I feel like I've gotten closer to answerin' that question in the last five months than I have in the last thirty-odd years.”
15. If you had to remove one city or town from Hoenn, which one would it be?
“Yeesh, that's kind of a rough one. I'd only do it if it's on the condition that no one gets hurt in the process, for starters; maybe all'a the folks there would just get blipped to somewhere else on the map, I guess.

That bein' said, I'd probably pick Sootopolis, 'cause it's the bad guy headquarters of Hoenn. That fact that the region's even got one'a those to begin with is kinda fucked, but hey, I'd be able to send Rocket scatterin'.”
“Nope, I'll give other folks the chance to get their questions added for the next go around. Thanks for havin' me!”
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june 04
mt. silver, johto
interpol engineer
critical mass of hearts and minds
5'2", 158cm height
5'2", 158cm height
there's a pretty big twist at the end. i doubt you'll like it.
295 posts
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TAG WITH @yujin
Yujin Ha
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 15:55:57 GMT
Yujin Ha Avatar

Do you have a role model? If so, who is it and why?
"There was this Alolan marine who was quite a hardass. But he was like a father to me ಥ﹏ಥ"

Do you have a quote/proverb/lyrics that changed your life? If yes, what is it?
"A lady told me, 'You might want to marry my husband.' Well, she was dying at the time 흫_흫"

What is the biggest lie you've told?
"This is delicious! Can I have more ( ಠ◡ಠ )"

What big or small thing would you do to bring a little more joy into the world?
"This one time I fixed an antenna tower and gave Heahea City its internet back. I think people will be very happy with me if I keep doing things like that ◕ ◡ ◕"

If you had to kill someone, could you?
"After you do it the first time, the rest is easier ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿"

What was your last dream about?
"A village in the snow, a musty church, and bodies strung up from the ceiling. The heads turn to follow me."

What is your purpose?
"To catch bad guys and save pretty women, I think! (=ω=;)"
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April 6th
Lacunosa Town, Unova
Pokemon Researcher
between those pure icy breaths
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Cain Stille DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @sugarcain
Cain Stille
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 17:50:07 GMT
Cain Stille Avatar



1. Do you have a role model? If so, who is it and why?
Cain doesn't have a singular role model. He is inspired by everyone he knows, and all the people he comes to know over the course of his travels. There is a childhood friend/older brother figure from his hometown that would likely be the closest person to a singular role model in his life, however.

2. Your back's against the wall. You're down to your last Pokemon. Which Pokemon is it and why?
Chantilly the Frosmoth. She is his first partner and pokemon friend, and the one he relies on the most.

3. What is your favorite water-type?
He loves water-type pokemon, so it's hard to say. Some of his favorites are the more elegant ones, however, such as milotic, lumineon, and vaporeon.

4. Describe a new Paradox Pokémon. Go crazy! The whackier the better!
He's not necessarily the creative type, so it would take him some time to answer this question. OOC-ly, I'd like to imagine paradox pokemon for some of the more underrated pokemon. Specifically a paradox version of maractus is stuck in my head as of late?

5. Would you still love a loved one if they were a Wurmple?
Yes, he would. And he'd care for that Wurmple as best as he could until they were Cascoon/Silcoon, and Dustox/Beautifly after that. If there was some way to revert the loved one back to human form, Cain would also seek it out if it was possible.

6. Do you have a quote/proverb/lyrics that changed your life? If yes, what is it?
Cain likes a lot of vocally-driven songs as well as piano instrumentals. OOC-ly, I associate him with a lot of works by Claude Debussy, especially Reverie and The Sunken Cathedral. But fun fact is that the lyrics found on his profile and on his application are from the song "Ice Queen" by IVE.

From between those pure icy breaths / Those eyes like the midsummer sun / Such love, such triviality. Shall we try it once? / etc.

7. What is the biggest lie you've told?
Cain doesn't outwardly lie a lot. His biggest lie is a lie of omission, wherein he just doesn't say what's on his mind most of the time unless he's being forthright on purpose. That said, the biggest lie is probably something of little consequence. White lies to go along with the lies of omission, you know?

8. What big or small thing would you do to bring a little more joy into the world?
Cain is interested in knowing the secrets behind pokemon, pokemon evolution, and evolutionary science as a whole. Also has a lesser interest in medicine, as well as biotech. So he tries to bring more joy into the world by having this knowledge readily available towards others, and helping out wild pokemon while also including them in his studies.

10. How do you like your steak?
He likes his steak medium rare to medium well.

11. If you had to kill someone, could you?
Technically, he could. Mostly it would be out of self-defense, though. And the guilt would likely overwhelm him after the fact...

12. Would you want to fight one thousand Durant sized Ursarings or one Ursaring sized Durant?
One Ursaring-sized Durant.

13. What was your last dream about?
He dreams often, actually. Both while awake and asleep. His last dream at night was about the ocean... his last daydream was about raising his newly-caught mudkip, and how the mudkip's personality may or may not change when it evolves.

14. What is your purpose?
Cain, in this universe, isn't the type to think about what his purpose is or not. He just wants to follow his dreams/goals as well as continue doing what he wants. If that can be considered his 'purpose,' then sure.

15. If you had to remove one city or town from Hoenn, which one would it be?
Weird question... he wouldn't do that, because suddenly removing a place from where it once was would have serious consequences on the people, pokemon, and environment. If it was an omniscient thing, so the place would just be removed and reality would be altered to fit that change, then he still wouldn't pick a place. He also isn't native to Hoenn, so he feels it would be unfair to pick a city or town at random.

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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,909 posts
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TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 22:26:46 GMT

"Do you have a role model? If so, who is it and why?"

"I used to, but not anymore."

"Your back's against the wall. You're down to your last Pokemon. Which Pokemon is it and why?"

"Blaziken. He's my ace for a reason, and I don't know where I'd be without him."

"What’s the best and worst relationship advice you've ever received or given?" OR
What is your favorite water-type?"

"If they love you almost nothing will stop them from being with you."


"Never search for someone that "completes" you. You should be whole by yourself."

"Describe a new Paradox Pokémon. Go crazy! The whackier the better!"


"Do you have a quote/proverb/lyrics that changed your life? If yes, what is it?"

"Beauty is terror. We want to be devoured by it, to hide ourselves in that fire which refines us" - The Secret History

"What is the biggest lie you've told?"

"I love you."

"What big or small thing would you do to bring a little more joy into the world?"

"haha I already do my job every day."

"Who do you want to battle most and why?"

" and , equally. To kill."

"How do you like your steak?"

"Medium rare, but I'd also be okay with a medium."

"If you had to kill someone, could you?"

"Unfortunately, it is part of the job. "

"Would you want to fight one thousand Durant sized Ursarings or one Ursaring sized Durant?"

"What was your last dream about?"

"A place called Motosoke, though a lot of that is hazy. All I can remember is smoke and iron."

"What is your purpose?"

"To help those who cannot help themselves."

"Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below."

"What is your favorite Hoenn spot?"

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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,049 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 22:50:34 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar


answered in-character & anonymously

1. Do you have a role model? If so, who is it and why?
"It's idiotic to look up to other people as if they didn't have flaws."
2. Your back's against the wall. You're down to your last Pokemon. Which Pokemon is it and why?
"Everyone should carry a Pokemon with them that knows TELEPORT or PHANTOM FORCE. If they don't, they're fools."
5. Would you still love a loved one if they were a Wurmple?
"This is a stupid question."
7. What is the biggest lie you've told?
"You don't have enough space on this survey for all my lies."
10. How do you like your steak?
"Medium rare."
11. If you had to kill someone, could you?
"I have."
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played by


she / her
cerulean city, kanto
it's a mystery
personal assistant
5'5" / 165 cm height
5'5" / 165 cm height
Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everyone I've ever known.
70 posts
Sasha Huang DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @sasha
Sasha Huang
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 22:56:04 GMT
Sasha Huang Avatar


answered in-character & anonymously

1. Do you have a role model? If so, who is it and why?
"I guess... I used to really admire my father. I think I still do. He was so knowledgeable, and his mind was so sharp. But he was kind and always encouraged me."
2. Your back's against the wall. You're down to your last Pokemon. Which Pokemon is it and why?
"Grimmsnarl. He's my oldest companion, and I trust him with my life."
7. What is the biggest lie you've told?
"Probably the one I tell myself every day."
8. What big or small thing would you do to bring a little more joy into the world?
"I draw. Mostly for myself, but if others like it too, then I'm happy to know that."
11. If you had to kill someone, could you?
"I... don't know."
14. What is your purpose?
"I'm still trying to figure that out."
15. If you had to remove one city or town from Hoenn, which one would it be?
"This is a strange question. Sootopolis, I guess. But I'd rather see it freed from Team Rocket's grasp."
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played by


he / him
September 5
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
paralegal / special agent
6'1" / 185 cm height
6'1" / 185 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,443 posts
part of
TAG WITH @gunner
Gunner Graves
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 23:01:31 GMT
Gunner Graves Avatar


answered in-character & anonymously

1. Do you have a role model? If so, who is it and why?
"This is a tough question, but if I had to pick one person, then I have always admired my brother . He's worked hard all his life to make his dreams come true. You have to admire that."
3. What's the best and worst relationship advice you've ever received or given?
"I don't know if I should be giving any kind of relationship advice."
5. Would you still love a loved one if they were a Wurmple?
"...Yeah, I guess so."
12. Would you want to fight one thousand Durant sized Ursarings or one Ursaring sized Durant?
"Er, one Ursaring-sized Durant, I think Aren't they kind of the same size anyone, one's just more horizontal?"
14. What is your purpose?
"To protect Hoenn."
15. If you had to remove one city or town from Hoenn, which one would it be?
"None of them. Why is this question on here? This is too suspicious."
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing