i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 9:11:50 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar
"#1— do you have a role model? if so, who is it, and why?"
Never had one, guess my older brother was, once.

"#2— your back's against the wall. you're down to your last pokemon. which pokemon is it, and why?"
Absol, been counting on the guy since I could remember, he's definitely smarter than me.

"#3—What’s the best and worst relationship advice you've ever received or given?"
Don't go for a ladyba, when there's a Ledian around the corner. The best I've given was...Don't listen to me, I don't know crap about these kinds of things.

"#4— describe a new paradox pokémon. go crazy! the whackier the better!"
Absol, but instead of one small horn, it has three, but it's also bigger, and blue all over with a small tuft of fur across its back.

"#5— would you still love a loved one if they were a wurmple?"
No, why would I love a wurmple, I hate bug pokemon.

"#6— do you have a quote/proverb/lyrics that changed your life? if yes, what is it?"
"Behind the thorny bush lies a grove." I think someone said that once when I was small?

"#7— what's the biggest lie you've ever told?"
I'm not scared.

"#8— what big or small thing would you do to bring a little more joy into the world?"
Write a cookbook.

"#9— who do you want to battle most, and why?"
, how cool would it be to fight the ol' champion, guess that'll never happen now.

"#10— how do you like your steak?"

"#11— if you had to kill someone, could you?"

"#12— would you want to fight one thousand durant sized ursarings or one ursaring sized durant?"
Thousand Durant sized Ursarings, I can stop around a bunch, plus I hate bug types.

"#13— what was your last dream about?"
The last one I remember? I think I was being tortured for a while? Then I got let free...Weird stuff, really hate a few people from it.

"#14— what is your purpose?"
Glory to Rocket.

"#15— if you had to remove one city or town from hoenn, which one would it be?"
Guess we could do without Dewford, nothing ever goes well for me there.

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march 16th
castelia city, unova
one last
desperate hope.
5'5" height
5'5" height
Every home decor and hardware store reminds me more of blood on your marble floors
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TAG WITH @evgenia
evgenia ambrose
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 14:31:38 GMT
evgenia ambrose Avatar


answered in-character & anonymously

5. Would you still love a loved one if they were a Wurmple?
“...I have no one I love to that extent, so not really.” Jenny pauses, as if sensing the awkwardness her words manifested. “Sorry for such a boring answer.”

6. Do you have a quote that changed your life? If yes, what is it?
“My sister said something that stuck with me,” she began, her voice in a measured cadence, “last I saw her, she said ‘just think, everything could be different for me tomorrow. My whole life could change. I hope it does.’ I had to be… thirteen or so? Not very provocative, but… everything could be different. No matter what, things change.” The dark-haired woman looks away.

“I realize that now.”

7. What is the biggest lie you've told?
“...This question makes me uncomfortable.” That is all she says.

13. What was your last dream about?
“I dreamed of a memory. It was summer; my family and I were walking through the Marine Tube — it is this underground tunnel, six miles long, a walk-through aquarium. No one spoke. Strange.”

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cass, cassie
november 7th
petalburg city, hoenn
student (private school)
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @cass
Cassandra Kubrick
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2024 12:05:45 GMT
Cassandra Kubrick Avatar
answered icly digitally, all rewards put in PC!

"Your back's against the wall. You're down to your last Pokemon. Which Pokemon is it and why?"
Jon. What do you mean why?

"Would you still love a loved one if they were a Wurmple?"
Yes, but it's hard to imagine for some. Can they still evolve?

"Would you want to fight one thousand Durant sized Ursarings or one Ursaring sized Durant?"
1000 Durant-sized Ursarings.
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fen (mille)
dee/dem/der, they/them
march 9th
mossdeep city
office worker (cracker)
5' height
5' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @fenelle
Fenelle Miller
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2024 12:17:04 GMT
Fenelle Miller Avatar
answered oocly (but in-character)

"Do you have a role model? If so, who is it and why?"
Hard to pinpoint one single person. Think every Rocket superior has something to aspire to.
Think else it's just my sibling.

"What’s the best and worst relationship advice you've ever received or given?"
If you continue to behave/dress like that no one will want to date you. (PROMISE????)
You'll find someone !! :)

"Describe a new Paradox Pokémon. Go crazy! The whackier the better!"
Biblically accurate angel, but it's an old server. Just myriads of cables all intertwined and engineered for a purpose. The pokémon is massive and has vaguely a worm-shape with a duck-face head thing. It has wings made of technicolor.
It's called Iron Debug.

"Would you still love a loved one if they were a Wurmple?"

"Who do you want to battle most and why?"
Boss Walsh. Just because. Would be interesting. I don't want to get fired though.
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sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2024 12:22:45 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
answered icly in person

"Your back's against the wall. You're down to your last Pokemon. Which Pokemon is it and why?"
I think most likely my Sylveon Sylv ... but we might also be first. So I think my Milotic Garnet is likely as well ... since I don't really use her in battle often and am more familiar and savy with fairy types!

"What is your favorite water-type?"
Primarina! But Azumarill are also quite good ... and I've learned to love Milotic quite a bit.

"If you had to remove one city or town from Hoenn, which one would it be?"
W-what? That's- a tall order to ask. I suppose ... ... ... do I have to answer this? ... Okay, hmmm. ... Sootopolis......?
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May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 21:28:48 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar
What is the biggest lie you've told?
The biggest lie would have to be that I didn't need family. Someone very important to me changed my view on that.

If you had to kill someone, could you?
Without a doubt, but it would need to be necessary.

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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
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Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 1:18:01 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




Question 1: "I don't really have a role model, not anymore at least as I'm supposed to be the example for others. But if I had to put a name with a gun to my head I'd put *****" the name was written and then erased. [break][break]

Question 2: "Primarina, Duh. She's been with me through everything, she's one of my most trusted partners." [break][break]

Question 3: "Primarina." [break][break]

Question 4: "A new paradox pokemon? What about a chandelure that's a lightbulb?" [break][break]

Question 5: "Yeah I would, and if someone answers no I wouldn't date them" [break][break]

Question 6: "Probably some of the lyrics I've written. Oh! I know, probably from my song checkmate. Are you the queen or are you the pawn?" [break][break]

Question 7: "That I trusted ." [break][break]

Question 8: "Host a free concert that anyone can attend! I want people to enjoy music!" [break][break]

Question 9: "... . But I want him to go all out." [break][break]

Question 10: "Medium!"[break][break]

Question 11: "Yes. I would. As an absolute last resort"


notes about this post

Notes go here

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may 7th
hau’oli city, alola
rooksexual (demi)
lilycove gym leader
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his hands keep turning into birds and flying away from him. eventually the birds must land.
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lam logan DOLLARS
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lam logan
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 1:32:04 GMT
lam logan Avatar
"#1— do you have a role model? if so, who is it, and why?"
For sure! That's gotta be my dad. Took care of me and my little brother all our lives. It wasn't like we were super well off, and we traveled around Alola a lot, but he made it comfortable enough. Plus he taught me a lot of what I know about birds!

#2 - "Your back's against the wall. You're down to your last Pokemon. Which Pokemon is it and why?"
There's definitely a few it could be, but my money's probably on my altaria, Mallow. She's one of the hardiest on my team.

#3B - What is your favorite water-type?"
Psyduck, of course. And cramorant.

"#5— would you still love a loved one if they were a wurmple?"
Yeah! 'course I'd still love if he was a wurmple.

"#6— do you have a quote/proverb/lyrics that changed your life? if yes, what is it?"
"Take it easy, man, but take it!"

"#8— what big or small thing would you do to bring a little more joy into the world?"
I'd host local birding tours, if I had the time!

"#10— how do you like your steak?"
No steak for me. Or any meat at all.

"#11— if you had to kill someone, could you?"
Can't say that I could.

"#12— would you want to fight one thousand durant sized ursarings or one ursaring sized durant?"

An ursaring-sized durant.

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
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Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 2:38:40 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar



1. Do you have a role model? If so, who is it and why?
and . Isaac is kind and always fights to help people, no matter what the stakes are. And Navy always keeps his word and tries to be a little better every day, no matter how hard it is.

2. Your back's against the wall. You're down to your last Pokemon. Which Pokemon is it and why?

3. What is your favorite water-type?
Wooper wooper wooper wooper double triple mega wooper

4. Describe a new Paradox Pokémon. Go crazy! The whackier the better!
I don't think that's a real good idea considering how they are created...

5. Would you still love a loved one if they were a Wurmple?
nothing would fundamentally change, but if they became a dustox, we'd have a few issues?

6. Do you have a quote/proverb/lyrics that changed your life? If yes, what is it?
Happiness never lasts. But it sure does feel better than hurting, whenever it fades, you just fill yourself up with more and more happiness. And if it ever overflows, well, that’s when you share it with others.

7. What is the biggest lie you've told?
That I'd be fine on my own.

8. What big or small thing would you do to bring a little more joy into the world?
I'd try to help anyone that needs help, even if it's just listening to the or giving them a hug.

9. Who do you want to battle most and why?
Tough question. I don't think I wanna battle people as much as I do wanna challenge legends.

10. How do you like your steak?

11. If you had to kill someone, could you?

12. Would you want to fight one thousand Durant sized Ursarings or one Ursaring sized Durant?
I think the giant Durant would be a lot easier to handle than those Ursaring.

13. What was your last dream about?
I was back home. With momma, pa, my other pa, my brother, all my other brothers. Everyone I've met along the way. Everyone was happy.

14. What is your purpose?
I don't know. But right now, I just want to help people and bring them a little happiness. Through rain, sleet, wormhole or shine, I'll deliver a smile, just like Locke did.

15. If you had to remove one city or town from Hoenn, which one would it be?

If everything in the world were to suddenly change, what is the one and only thing you'd want to stay constant?

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Roze, Rosie
March 28
Hulbury, Galar
5'9 height
5'9 height
I would give anything, just to thank you.
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Roze Falkner DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @roze
Roze Falkner
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 7:00:44 GMT
Roze Falkner Avatar
"Do you have a role model? If so, who is it and why?"
"A little earlier, and I'd have probably said it would be my mother and father, but..." the conservationist smiles warmly, "there's a handful of people I've met in Hoenn who feel like good guides on what I aspire to work towards, a particular archaeologist whose care for pokémon was rather inspiring, and a man of respectable charisma who's been able to make sure I keep a steady line, thus far would be my answer," she'd added further, referring to one and in particular.

"Your back's against the wall. You're down to your last Pokemon. Which Pokemon is it and why?"
The conservationist chuckles, "I'd probably rely on my Duraludon, Stormy. While my dear Altaria's my closest friend, well, she'd likely be the first one I'd bring out because of how dear she is to me, Stormy however, he's always a rather stalwart shield and the anchor to my team."

"What is your favorite water-type?"
"I do quite appreciate the brilliant bioluminescence of Fineon and Lumineon, they're rather mesmerising in the night ocean,"

"Describe a new Paradox Pokémon. Go crazy! The whackier the better!"
The conservationist cocks her head slightly, a bit confused by the question, she's only seen a handful at best and she'd figured they were the only ones. "... an upside down Altaria, perhaps?"

"Would you still love a loved one if they were a Wurmple?"
"Nothing would fundamentally change about them, I'd make sure they're happy, safe and live a fulfilling life as the best Wurmple they could be!"

"Do you have a quote/proverb/lyrics that changed your life? If yes, what is it?"
"Not so much changed my life more just... how I've always lived it, but, something along the lines of caring for those around you, sharing kindness is an easy feat, after all."

"What is the biggest lie you've told?"
"I told my parents I'd be fine with cooking on my own when I moved out, it's been a rough road, ahaha..."

"What big or small thing would you do to bring a little more joy into the world?"
"I've always wanted to help maintain some sort of nature preserve where as many pokémon as possible could live healthily, all the brighter if it could be used to show people around the world the beauty of it all,"

"Who do you want to battle most and why?"
"I'm not really all for battling, it's much more a necessity to protect what I need than a sport I chase after,"

"How do you like your steak?"
"A delicate medium rare with a nice port wine's always wonderful,"

"If you had to kill someone, could you?"
"I couldn't even dream of doing such a thing! Couldn't we just talk it out?"

"Would you want to fight one thousand Durant sized Ursarings or one Ursaring sized Durant?"
"Either scenario'd be rather interesting. What sort of environmental adaptation and genetics would have caused a Durant-sized Ursaring or an Ursaring-sized Durant? I'd love to study that."

"What was your last dream about?"
"A peaceful day atop a grassy hill under the shelter of an apple tree back in Galar, watching the ocean glitter and dance at the port below."

"What is your purpose?"
"I'm always doing my best to make life better for those around me, be they people or pokémon."

"If you had to remove one city or town from Hoenn, which one would it be?"
"I'm sure that's not necessary to do."

"Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below."
"If you were to be able to put down everything you were doing, no strings attached, all loose ends tied cleanly, what'd be a nice retirement plan? Any holiday destinations or a bucket list?"

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,654 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2024 0:18:21 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar



1. Do you have a role model? If so, who is it and why?

It'd probably be . Guy's the reason I got as far as I have.
2. Your back's against the wall. You're down to your last Pokemon. Which Pokemon is it and why?

My Beheeyem's always there for me. He'd be the one that's got my back when I need it most.
3. What is your favorite water-type?

My Starmie would screech at me if I didn't put them as the answer here.
4. Describe a new Paradox Pokémon. Go crazy! The whackier the better!

Starmie, but it's a UFO.
5. Would you still love a loved one if they were a Wurmple?

I'd love them no matter what kind of Pokemon they were.
6. Do you have a quote/proverb/lyrics that changed your life? If yes, what is it?

"The decisions you make and the actions that follow are a reflection of who you really are."
7. What is the biggest lie you've told?

I don't lie.
8. What big or small thing would you do to bring a little more joy into the world?

Give people a chance to be their best selves.
9. Who do you want to battle most and why?

Whoever that Xerneas jackass in Rocket is.
10. How do you like your steak?

11. If you had to kill someone, could you?

This question was left blank, but was filled in later with different handwriting.
12. Would you want to fight one thousand Durant sized Ursarings or one Ursaring sized Durant?

Ursaring-sized Durant. My Arcanine would rock it.
13. What was your last dream about?

I was surrounded by a bunch of Ursaring-sized Joltiks. They wouldn't stop patting me on the head. Felt weird.
14. What is your purpose?

I̴͍̜̙͇͔͙̠̫̹͎̯̤̞̺̓͑ ̵̫̳͖͕̀ͅd̵̯͚̯̮̳̻̟̪̭͚̟̣̫̠͛͊͌̿͂͋͌͗́̄́͝ͅơ̸͚͔̠̗͖̞̜̇̌͋́̾͒̿̈́̆͒̔͘͠n̴̩̪̤̆͗̀̓̈́̈́͒́̒͌̏̂'̴͙͓̰̩̱͙͙͛̈́̀̈̔̅͆̔̊͒̽ͅͅt̶̡̛̜̠̽̎̈́̂͛́̀̽̄͆͐̋͆͋ ̶̢͍̖̼͙̣̳̲̈͑͌͋́͋̓͋́͐̊͘͠͠ķ̸̬̹̤̈́̆n̴̢̦̞̣̦̥̞̪̱̉̔͒̐̅͑͊̓̚͠o̶̼͗̆̇̓̿̓́̈́̉̌ẅ̸͔̯͇̤́̑̓̓̌̆͒̒̇͛͌̐͊̕͠ To help the people of Hoenn prepare for what's to come.
15. If you had to remove one city or town from Hoenn, which one would it be?

Every town in Hoenn is part of Hoenn. Removing any of them would be destroying a part of Hoenn.

How do you get your caffeine?
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April 1
Tackle Shop Manager
Got My Wingman
Ace's Basses
34 height
34 height
Someone's always criticizing. You might as well do what the fuck you want.
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TAG WITH @maddmckenna
Madeline McKenna
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 0:40:48 GMT
Madeline McKenna Avatar
"#1— do you have a role model? if so, who is it, and why?"
Not sure I have anyone I could actually become. My Uncle Joel's pretty cool.

"#2— your back's against the wall. you're down to your last pokemon. which pokemon is it, and why?"
That'd be Yakuza. Guy's my ride or die.

"#3A— what’s the best and worst relationship advice you've ever received or given? OR What is your favorite water-type?"
I told myself I could change a guy. Big mistake.
#3B - What is your favorite water-type?"
You would think I'd know this. Probably Crawdaunt or Sharpedo.

"#4— describe a new paradox pokémon. go crazy! the whackier the better!"
A Hypno that's not creepy. Maybe an Obstagoon that doesn't shed so much? A naked mole badger?

"#5— would you still love a loved one if they were a wurmple?"
I would be more worried about getting them back to normal than stuff like this.

"#6— do you have a quote/proverb/lyrics that changed your life? if yes, what is it?"
You can take an idiot to school, but you can't make them learn.

"#7— what's the biggest lie you've ever told?"
"Of course I've smoked pot."

"#8— what big or small thing would you do to bring a little more joy into the world?"
I scan coupons for people under the counter. I sometimes rent fishing poles to kids for free.

"#9— who do you want to battle most, and why?"
I'd love to battle my dad. If by battling, you mean punching him in the face.

"#10— how do you like your steak?"
I'd say medium. The pink grosses me out.

"#11— if you had to kill someone, could you?"
Probably not, no. No one's life is worth more than anyone elses.

"#12— would you want to fight one thousand durant sized ursarings or one ursaring sized durant?"
Definitely rather deal with an oversized Durant.

"#13— what was your last dream about?"
It was about a dead guy ruining a family dinner. Kind of deserved if I'm being honest.
"#14— what is your purpose?"
I think worrying about that will wreck your day.
"#15— if you had to remove one city or town from hoenn, which one would it be?"
Definitely Rustboro. The place is a grade-A cesspool.

What's your favorite song?

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October 21
Ecruteak City
Ace Detective (HBIC Agent)
Healing Hands
42 height
42 height
I may be on the side of the angels, but do not think for a SECOND that I am one of them.
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TAG WITH @nikitasokolov
Nikita Sokolov
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 0:53:54 GMT
Nikita Sokolov Avatar
"#1— do you have a role model? if so, who is it, and why?"
I was quite a fan of Sherlock Holmes growing up.

"#2— your back's against the wall. you're down to your last pokemon. which pokemon is it, and why?"
I would be remiss if I did not say Detective Winters II. He crawled back from the grave for me.

#3B - What is your favorite water-type?"
I would have to say Intelleon.

"#4— describe a new paradox pokémon. go crazy! the whackier the better!"
I think not.

"#5— would you still love a loved one if they were a wurmple?"

"#6— do you have a quote/proverb/lyrics that changed your life? if yes, what is it?"
The difference between stupidity and genius is that the latter has limits.

"#7— what's the biggest lie you've ever told?"
"You have a cute baby."

"#8— what big or small thing would you do to bring a little more joy into the world?"
Solve another unsolvable case.

"#9— who do you want to battle most, and why?"
I would enjoy a rematch with Cillian Quinn. After him, Elisabeth Fiorelli is high on the list.

"#10— how do you like your steak?"
I prefer other cuts of meat.

"#11— if you had to kill someone, could you?"
I could and have.

"#12— would you want to fight one thousand durant sized ursarings or one ursaring sized durant?"
Why exactly are we fighting?
"#13— what was your last dream about?"
My dead wide and children. Next.
"#14— what is your purpose?"
To unravel the threads of human depravity.

"#15— if you had to remove one city or town from hoenn, which one would it be?"
Mauville is a sickening testament to consumerism.

How would you commit the perfect crime?
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May 12
Goldenrod City
Victory Runs in My Veins
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TAG WITH @lydiamagnusson
Lydia Magnusson
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 1:31:13 GMT
Lydia Magnusson Avatar
"#1— do you have a role model? if so, who is it, and why?"
My mother. She is a strong, courageous woman without fear.

"#2— your back's against the wall. you're down to your last pokemon. which pokemon is it, and why?"
Minerva is my other half. I can trust her to guard my sixes.

"#3A— what’s the best and worst relationship advice you've ever received or given? OR What is your favorite water-type?"
I was told older men were more mature. It is not always true.
#3B - What is your favorite water-type?"
Kingdra is an elegant creature worth of respect.

"#4— describe a new paradox pokémon. go crazy! the whackier the better!"
I am not very creative. Perhaps we could reassemble the Galarian fossils in more...logical manner.

"#5— would you still love a loved one if they were a wurmple?"
Why would this happen? It seems unlikely.

"#6— do you have a quote/proverb/lyrics that changed your life? if yes, what is it?"
By perseverance the Sligoo reached the arc.
"#7— what's the biggest lie you've ever told?"
I strive to be honest whenever possible.

"#8— what big or small thing would you do to bring a little more joy into the world?"
I merely try to protect what is already there.

"#9— who do you want to battle most, and why?"
I would enjoy a rematch with .
"#10— how do you like your steak?"
I prefer medium rare.

"#11— if you had to kill someone, could you?"
It is the duty of a soldier.

"#12— would you want to fight one thousand durant sized ursarings or one ursaring sized durant?"
I do not enjoy bugs, but I prefer a single large target.

"#13— what was your last dream about?"
I was in the sea with Lugia beside me. All I remember are her eyes.

"#14— what is your purpose?"
To serve Lord Arceus's wishes until my dying breathe.
"#15— if you had to remove one city or town from hoenn, which one would it be?"
I would remove Sootopolis and clear the Rocket surge in one swoop. It would have to be evacuated of course.

How many push-ups can you do?

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June 18
Snowbelle City
Rocket Scientist
Fill Me Up Buttercup
35 height
35 height
This vessel is a lie, a shapeshifting beast, a lesson in fluidity
364 posts
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TAG WITH @calpurnia
Calpurnia Kubrick
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 2:29:21 GMT
Calpurnia Kubrick Avatar
"#1— do you have a role model? if so, who is it, and why?"
I am a fan of Mati Hari. In real life? Absolutely no one. It's a miracle I turned out so well.

"#2— your back's against the wall. you're down to your last pokemon. which pokemon is it, and why?"
I would not leave my fate to an animal.

"#3A— what’s the best and worst relationship advice you've ever received or given?"
The best? Don't change yourself to suit someone else's needs. The worst? Any of that submissive housewife nonsense. It's a wonder men even exist.
#3B - What is your favorite water-type?"
While I detest most Pokemon, I find Milotic aesthetically pleasing.

"#4— describe a new paradox pokémon. go crazy! the whackier the better!"
I would love to see a more primeval version of my baby Purrseus! Maybe longer teeth with more fluff?

"#5— would you still love a loved one if they were a wurmple?"
Absolutely not. Wurmple are disgusting.

"#6— do you have a quote/proverb/lyrics that changed your life? if yes, what is it?"
Power is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.

"#7— what's the biggest lie you've ever told?"
I did tell my children Santa Claus existed. It was certainly the most amusing.

"#8— what big or small thing would you do to bring a little more joy into the world?"
I try to be free with my compliments.

"#9— who do you want to battle most, and why?"
I would enjoy a rematch with .
"#10— how do you like your steak?"
I prefer medium rare.

"#11— if you had to kill someone, could you?"
It is the duty of a soldier.

"#12— would you want to fight one thousand durant sized ursarings or one ursaring sized durant?"
I do not enjoy bugs, but I prefer a single large target.

"#13— what was your last dream about?"
I was enjoying some 'private time' with my husband. It was quite enjoyable, if a disappointment to wake up from.

"#14— what is your purpose?"
To help humanity shake off their Pokemon dependency.

"#15— if you had to remove one city or town from hoenn, which one would it be?"
I think Fortree is a malaria-ridden eye sore. Treehouses? What a juvenile, silly idea.

What's your favorite position?
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP