i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,435 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 20:49:49 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
[attr="class","ambrosia greyson"]
[attr="class","amilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[attr="class","textbox"] and clash, but their dispute is of little concern to him, mind focused with razor sharp intent on the two next to the Visionary.
His arm clung uselessly to his side, a throbbing, dull pain that he suppresses to the back of his mind; an issue, but for one after all was said and done.
A golem charges, every bit intending to BULLDOZE him. He smiles, equal parts pity and amusement. They expected to topple that which was named the INDOMINTABLE?
Greyson sucks in a breath, hot, magma-stained air filling his lungs. It was uncomfortable, but manageable; he was more than he had been, after all. Buildings crumple beneath a tumultuous sea and, for a moment, he's reminded again of the greater threat—of Kyogre, and Groudon, and Rayquazaa.
It's a momentary distraction and one ill-afforded to him to have. He extends his WILL to the world around him and finds... More. Buildings. Cement. Metal. Greyson tenses his muscles and to him, it feels as if the world quivers at his order. A heat-induced mirage, or perhaps a measure of pain manifesting? It didn't matter.
The world responds.
Metal rips from foundations, from homes, and from the floating debris in the sea. It flies to him—into him—and he grunts as the alien feeling ripples throughout.
But, it was done. It was enough.
Greyson can absorb the metal in the area around him, temporarily improving his durability even further.

Greyson stares down the charging Golem and flares his WILLPOWER, his speed skyrockets, strength reaching levels beyond inhuman alongside. With both palms he reaches out and grabs the Golem, its momentum and weight working against the very will of his oath. Metal and will reinforce his limbs, even as the FEATHERS come soaring over the ground-type's head. It strikes, piercing his clothes easily, sinking mere centimeters into his skin.
Greyson has passively become more durable, immoveable, and can "flare" his WILLPOWER to empower physical attributes temporarily. When greyson is struck physically, damage is always returned to the attacker (e.g. like a thornmail, immediate counter).

The pressure in his mind redoubles, under attack from an unknown assailant. A hallucination appears in the corner of his mind, a wispy figure of shadow with pale amethyst eyes. But his mind was resistant to such effects. He would no longer allow it to dictate his life.
He responds in kind.
"Die." He commands and, whether it was directed at the Golem or his Dark Passenger, his voice roars with the exertion of effort and rage. With bulging veins and muscles, surrounded by pools of lava and scorching steam, he moves to LIFT THE GOLEM over his head and into a nearby magma pool.
But he was not alone. He'd never be alone again.
Zamazenta moves even as the Golem charges. Speed wasn't its strong suite but strength was, powerful legs carrying it atop the ruined earth and buildings. Golden hues regard the Rocket's, body igniting in trails of crimson light, pointed ends on either side resembling the same flared shield on the canine's chest.
A meteor of blinding red light descends, silhouetted by the emerald hue of Rayquaza's own descent, a BEHEMOTH BASH that would crater the earth worse than any earthquake could.



[attr="class","icon-fighting"]🌠 B-2[break]
🌠 Greyson absorbs the nearby metal of a lived-in city becoming significantly more durable.[break]
🌠 Greyson flares his willpower to become much stronger and slightly faster. This will fade quickly over time.[break]
🌠 Uses a combination of his powers to stop the charging Golem (he is immoveable by default) and then try to lift the 600~700 pound creature and suplex it into a lava pool. Feel free to have it fail or counter it.[break]
🌠 Feathers land but he is resistant to Mental effects because of his Aura. He sees his mental demon but disregards it, rising above it.[break]
🌠 Zamazenta breaks away from Greyson and descends on the grouped up rockets with a Behemoth Bash.[break]
🌠 Any damage to Greyson (earthquake, bulldoze, feathers) will result in the person/creature responsible having a retaliatory effect of pain/damage.[break]



[newclass=".greyson"] --accent:#cec8ef; [/newclass]

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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
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TAG WITH @makotokurumi
Makoto Kurumi
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 21:11:42 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
Though Tsukiko appreciates the Life Dew that 's Gallade shares with the Rockets here - it serving as an additional balm to the damage taken from the fighting on Mossdeep - the fox does not remain on the field long with the ever-rising waters.

Makoto switches her out for Ryuu - and wastes no time in getting onto the Kingdra's back. If there's any species suited to these stormy waters, it'd be his.

However, things are quickly becoming dangerous here, as multiple Legendaries clash above. Makoto commands a Dragon Pulse - this time upon the true Palkia - and Ryuu complies with Sniper-like precision - but they otherwise remain as out of the way as they can, lest they get drawn into crossfire.
TLDR: Makoto is @ F2 and disguised. A. Ninetales appreciates 's Life Dew, but afterwards is switched out so that Makoto can get on Kingdra's back in the rising waters. Kingdra Snipers towards 's Palkia with Dragon Pulse. The two are sticking to the sidelines - Makoto is trying to avoid getting directly inbetween the clusterfuck that is All Of These Legendaries, and have a clear out if they need to GTFO.

KO'd -
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March 03
Viridian City
5'08" height
5'08" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
62 posts
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TAG WITH @mark
Mark Cunningham
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 22:31:12 GMT
Mark Cunningham Avatar
[attr="class","missingno-content"]Mark’s eyes narrow as he tracks the nearby locations through the live feed on his monitor. The ocean churns violently, twisting in response to the call of the beast lurking just beyond the cliff he’s crouched behind. For a brief moment, he tears his gaze from the screen to witness the surging tide devouring chunks of land and tearing foliage from the earth. Not wanting to be swept away by the same fate, Mark and his pokemon scramble up to a higher peak.

That’s when the order came through. Despite a flicker of hesitation, the thrill of Team Rocket's ambition surges through him. It’s a feeling he can’t deny. If the leader of Team Rocket demanded Kyogre be contained, then Mark would do everything in his power to contribute.

“Hit it hard. Blast it down,” Mark commanded, his voice steely as they reached the summit. His partner pokemon unleashed a devastating Hyper Beam from afar, aiming to strike Kyogre with everything they had while chaos reigned around them.


[attr="class","missingno-notes"]- Located in C-1
- Notices the other cities getting affected by Kyogre
- Porygon-Z is out
- Orders Porygon-Z to attack Kyogre with Hyper Beam



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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,404 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 22:39:37 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

He's drowning.[break][break]

Certainty grips him in icy claws as his lungs scream for air. His desperate struggle toward the surface weakens. Arms wrap around him, and Cillian can only thrash weakly in their grip.[break][break]

He assumes they're here to finish him off.[break][break]

And then they breach the surface of the water just as Lugia alights upon it, panic radiating from her in sharp waves. Cillian doesn't have the strength to scramble onto her back, at first, but he finds himself being helped by an unexpected source. As he coughs up water and shudders on the legend's broad back, he realises that they're civilians.[break][break]

"Not safe here," he rasps. "You should..."[break][break]

It's then that he notices the city is gone.[break][break]

There is only the ocean, vast and blue.[break][break]

A dull gaze sharpens with fury as the voice of warns the civilians away. They stick resolutely by the side of the underboss, unwavering in their determination.[break][break]

"Was trying - to protect them," he forces out in a thin snarl. "Which is better than your League can say." He jabs an accusing hand toward the Kyogre that has risen above the ocean like an awakened god. "They let this happen."[break][break]

Cillian is already extending a hand toward the civilians, to help them onto Lugia's back the same way they'd helped him. His cold gaze flicks to Thomas, then settles on Temp.[break][break]

"I'll get them out." He leans his forehead against Temp's after the kiss, understanding that a Beast must return to bear his fangs on the battlefield. "Be safe."[break][break]

As Lugia lifts into the skies, she calls upon HURRICANE winds in the hopes they might shield her passengers from the Kyogre's violent assault. They wing toward where Rocket's submarine has surfaced.[break][break]

"I'm going to have to get back to the fight," he tells his unlikely saviors with urgency. "You'll be safer here; there's a big target on my back. Thank you."[break][break]

Grave sincerity hardens into determination as he turns his attention back to the battlefield.[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]BATTLE OF SOOTOPOLIS



Desired location: Wherever Rocket Sub is[break]
Saved from drowning by Temp & civs, Cillian gratefully helps them up onto Lugia's back. A brief ceasefire between them is negotiated between Thomas & the Rockets for their sake.[break]
SHADOW LUGIA uses HURRICANE around herself to (hopefully) shield from attacks.[break]
They make their way to the Rocket Sub to drop off the civvies.[break]
Cillian turns back to the fight, and will rejoin it next around (if it's not over by then haha).


[newclass=.twtgm] --accent: #765d75; [/newclass]
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Ji-Won Ki
April 8th
Cerulean City, Kanto
You'll need it
like a craving
5'8 height
5'8 height
Maybe somehow I came off too strong to you~
265 posts
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TAG WITH @tori
Victoria Beckett
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 22:57:34 GMT
Victoria Beckett Avatar
[attr="class","ambrosia tori"]
[attr="class","amilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

The satisfying clash was let Victoria know that the attack had work. She felt her metal claws sink into his flesh and tear as Tori brought her full weight down on her opponent. His following scream was what let her know her attack was effective.

[break][break] For a moment, a straying thought crossed Tori's mind. How long had it been since she felt she wasn't being crushed underfoot? When was the last time she found herself performing well within the capabilities that she knew she had to offer? The feeling was familiar yet foreign at the same time and she could only wander if her training was finally paying off.

[break][break] She didn't have long to dwell on that fact though. As she landed her opponent snarled at her and took advantage of her lack of balance. The move was reckless yet it managed to catch her off guard. So in the end, it worked out for him at least.

[break][break] Tori never would've imagined that he would just charge forward despite the blow that he had currently received. "Ugh" she groaned as she was tackled down to the ground. In a contest of strength, Tori would surely lose. This guy had more raw power and muscle mass, he could easily overpower her.

[break][break] She'd felt as such when he had hit her with a barrage of flurrying heavy strikes earlier. Tori gritted her teeth as she attempted to struggle against him. Meanwhile the Arctovish and 10% Zygarde clashed mightily. The former taking advantage of the surging tempest waters and the latter managing to maneuver a satisfying CRUNCH into it's flesh.

[break][break] At this point the waters began to flood in. Tori felt it as she was underneath her opponent. "!" she growled as the water levels steadily rose swiftly threatening to drown them both. Chaos was ensuing around them and Tori managed to reel her head back enough to effectively headbutt her opponent.

[break][break] The attempt was to throw him off of her allowing her a moment to break free and distance herself within the waters. Nearby movement caught her attention as she saw dragon's appear. She thought there had only been one. Either way, with the clash of gods around the area Tori could only feel a growing resentment towards those not on their side.

[break][break] With a whistle she commanded her Arctovish's attention be diverted elsewhere. "There!" she instructed as she pointed in the direction of and Rayquaza.

[break][break] Suddenly a mighty HAILSTORM began to rain down swiftly activating the Arctovish's ability SLUSH RUSH which increases it's speed in a hailstorm. Inhaling deeply, empowered more strongly than before, in a last act of defiance, the Arctovish releases a FREEZE-DRY aimed towards Freya and the Rayquaza.

[break][break] The move formed a giant ice ball barreling straight towards them. Meanwhile she kept her attention on her opponent. Swimming after him she hoped to take advantage of the tempestuous waters. Tori took a deep breath, gathering as much oxygen as she could in her lungs. Reaching out for her opponent she attempts to wrestle him into a chokehold and take him beneath the water's surface along with her.


[attr="class","nametag"] ,

tl;dr: Tori attempts to break free from Roy by headbutting him and then swimming away. Calls her Arctovish to switch targets. Uses HAIL & FREEZE-DRY to hurl a giant ice boulder at Freya and Rayquaza. Tori continues to focus on Roy, attempting to grab him in a chokehold and drown him.

[attr="class","cp cp-fire"] LOC: D-2 (cliffside)



[newclass=".tori"] --accent:#a882b1; [/newclass]

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May 12
Goldenrod City
Victory Runs in My Veins
310 posts
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TAG WITH @lydiamagnusson
Lydia Magnusson
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 23:25:51 GMT
Lydia Magnusson Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb lydspost"]

brave men rejoice in adversity, just as good soldiers triumph in war.




Though nothing in the face of Kyogre’s awakening, the Twister saves those behind her. It shifts Kyogre’s flipper just enough to allow the whale to pass by unencumbered. Normally set apart by decisiveness, the veteran finds herself frozen in analysis.

This battle is chaos incarnate. The gods feel as numerous as the sky above. It is hard to acknowledge them all. Some are worthy of her worship while others are walking catastrophes. But it is Rayquaza that catches her icy gaze. “Triton! Go to Lord Rayquaza!” The snake’s body may thrum with power, but it is still injured by its earlier battle.

It is like a caterpillar emerging from a cocoon, no? Its wings are still damp and fragile.The armor is not yet fully formed. Or that is what she thinks. Instead, it is beautiful and her mind is again caught by indecision. What can I do in the face of these gods? I am a grain of sand upon their beach. She is a soldier, but she is without squad or weapon. All there is beneath her is a Kingdra.

One that is burdened by her.

With a noise of surprise, Triton watches as his trainer pushes away from him. She clambers onto a piece of floating debris—a wall of a home with a still attached window box. She offers her Kingdra a tight smile as she fights against the wind and ran. She reaches for another Pokeball. It is not one used often, and she is not even sure if the thing inside will heed her call.


It is a phantom. An aberration against all that is good. But it can fly.


Tossing up the Golurk’s ball, she climbs atop its offered back. Pruned fingers wrap tightly in its cracked armor. “Hit Kyogre with everything you have!” The ghost who stalks her has no name. It has no story. But it does have power. “Dynamic Punch!” She does not aim to stop it, just stall it.


Just long enough for the god of dragons to do its work.

As the hit seems to connect, she throws herself off the ghost type's back. She watches with surprising sadness as Bryan's fight to save the tree begins to sink.

Fuck it we balling[break]Tries to have her Golurk (oooo spooky yuck) to land a Dynamic Punch on Kyogre
Currently at C3



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May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
531 posts
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 23:32:43 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar
The roar of the sea overtaking Sootopolis was deafening, but Roy’s focus was locked on his opponent as he tackled her to the ground. The impact should have been decisive, but the chaos around them distracted him. His attention faltered for just a moment, but it was enough for his opponent to make her move.

His opponent, seizing the opportunity, barked out a muffled command and then smashed her forehead into his. The force sent Roy reeling, disoriented by the sudden assault as she pushed him off.

Roy growled through gritted teeth, struggling to shake off the dizziness. But she didn’t stop there. Her momentum carried her into the next attack, water now swirling around their feet as the sea began to flood the battlefield. Roy had to release her, scrambling to find higher ground, but his delay had already cost him. She was already directing her pokemon toward Freya and Rayquaza, aiming to turn the tide of battle.

Seeing the threat, Roy’s instincts overpowered his caution. He charged, a primal shout tearing from his throat as he surged forward with no plan other than to stop the artctovish at all costs. His Zygarde, ever in sync with its master, mirrored the reckless advance. It moved with same deadly grace as before, leaping from perch to perch, avoiding the rising waters with practiced ease before launching itself at the arctovish in a brutal Outrage, teeth bared and glowing with energy.

“Back off!” Roy shouted, more to himself than his opponent, as he barreled through the waves. But before he could reach the Artcovish, the sea overwhelmed him, pulling him under. He struggled to keep his footing, but she was already on him, wrapping herself around him like a constrictor, her grip tightening with every second.

Roy’s vision began to blur as his air supply dwindled. Desperation kicked in, and he thrashed against her hold, hands scrambling for anything to leverage against. His fingers found her mask, and he yanked hard, trying to tear it away. His other hand groped for a handle under her arm, and with every ounce of strength left, he twisted, trying to flip her off before the darkness claimed him.

The water continued to rise, but Roy wasn’t going to let it end here. Not like this.

[attr="class","zygarde-notes"]⬢ Located in D-2
⬢ Roy is using Zygarde
⬢ Is headbutted while examining the scenery
⬢ Tries to stop 's Artovish
⬢ Zygarde uses Outrage on 's Arctovish
⬢ Roy is caught in a chokehold
⬢ Roy attempts to remove 's mask (on accident) and break free
⬢ Roy needs help




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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,582 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 23:43:17 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

[attr="class","leprosearlo1"] [break]


A shadow's pokemon power definitely can't be put into doubt, not when Umber's surf overpowers 's whirlpool the way it does. The sub was safe at least as it dives down, some guilt reliving itself as he sees it move itself toward what land was left to bring aboard civilians. Though the gunshot doesn't go unheard and while he ducks it seems the bullet still strikes his mentor, "You alright?" he questions because that was just the type of person he was. [break][break]

Though as Theo suddenly changes their ride from his Gryados to naganadel and the underboss calls for a change of plans. He would've cursed about giving him a warning about the sudden change of mount but the Ranger's priority falls on recalling back Umber to her pokeball before they take off. He recognizes the plan by the whistle alone, yet he doesn't know the target. Raziel choosing to just brace himself as he hangs onto the Naganadel as they head full speed forward, and then it hits on who their target is: Zekrom. [break][break]

Shit... he curses before they ram into the deep black pokemon and the underboss just has to egg the avatar on. Though he knows the avatar is fast so he needs to be quick, no thinking just fight. With that notion Royal comes out from his pokeball jumping high up before Razz shares his energy with the ninja pokemon as it glows in an Icey aura as it forms one of his shurikens in hand before it aims it down at Zekrom and Royal unleashes the z-move SUBZERO SLAMER. [break][break]


Royal hoping to engulf the legend in ice before it explodes. Sure they know the proximity of , , and his own trainer but the royal frog trust his trainer's instinct. And if fighting along side Rocket would help them free Reshiram, Royal would help with his trainer's wishes. Their trust and the completion of the Z-move allows Razz and Royal to fully sync as Razz's captain's jacket turns black and red with white markings to match the greninja as his SYGNA SUIT activates. The ranger prepping a MAT BLOCK should Remiel try to attack either himself or Theo. [break][break]





+ @ sootopolis Raid + [break]

[break]+ hangs onto naganadel as they fly to D-4
[break]+ calls out his Greninja who on exit uses the ICE Z-MOVE SUBZERO SLAMMER on Zekrom despite the close proximity of himself, Theo, and Remiel
[break]+ Razz and Greninja Synchronize to activate his Sygna Suit
[break]+ Razz prepares to use MAT BLOCK should attack him or

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[newclass=.leprosearlo1 a]font:10px Oswald;color:#2b2b2b!important;[/newclass]
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July 7
Pacifidlog Town
5'6"//168cm height
5'6"//168cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
115 posts
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TAG WITH @aokihana
Aoki Hana
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 0:18:28 GMT
Aoki Hana Avatar
Swords arc out in front of her, leaving her grasp and slicing through the winds of their own volition.

One finds its way to the breloom in her way. The other, the pokemon's master. , deputy of Dewford. Hana grins as he falters, and even wider when his pokemon is felled by her blade.

Amid the storm, his words come like a whisper. Nearly drowned out by the wind and rain, she latches onto every word eagerly, oblivious to the wreckage of the city around them. Her eyes focus only on his lips, the bitter sentiment that lingers there.

"Hah! Love it when a man gets rough!"

She roars back in defiance.

The man reminds her of the sheriff. Fitting, for Navidson's deputy. The man's just as willful as he is. Just as stupid. But is he blind enough to sense like Navy is, to lose himself in the midst of battle and overpower her? She meets his eyes, searching for the steel that would cut clean through her--

A rising cough tears her mind away, suddenly made aware of an irritating numbness in her chest. Familiar, cloying, bitter as it rises up her throat and makes it hard to swallow. Likely the breloom's lingering powder. Her breath shudders, and she suddenly feels something hot and sticky rolling down her arm. She's pulled away from the heat of battle just enough to recognize the chain embedded in her shoulder, though she does not feel it.

The paralyzing powder is merciful, she thinks.

She reaches out with her good hand to catch her sword just in time for the man to pull the trigger again. Her doublade knocks the second chain aside, and she laughs. She readies herself to respond before he can reload again, but a light catches her eyes.

She looks up to the clouds, where the Origin Pulse breaks through to bright blue skies above. A break in the storm. Nature in conflict with itself. The power of gods unleashed against one another for the fate of this wretched city, a ruined city hardly worth all the bloodshed.

League, Rocket, they are just playthings, she thinks suddenly. Neglected toys, that the gods will deign to capsize and torment when they get bored. Dozens, perhaps hundreds have been washed out to sea by now. will never save them all. Neither will .

Her shadow is cast across the deck like a long spear behind her, across the deck of a boat that should, by all rights, have been smashed across a jutting rock in the middle of this storm and sunk along with the rest. It will in time, given the chance. But not yet. Both of them are simply too small, too unimportant, for the gods to pay them any mind. They quibble amongst themselves, giving her this moment of self-indulgence.

She looks back down to the man, exchanging with him an expression of feigned pity. Then she sinks into the deck, into the shadow cast by Rayquaza's growing light.

A sword appears behind the deputy moments later, pressed to his neck. The tossing and turning of the deck threatens to slit his throat, but she holds her blade steady, does not cut deep, but just enough that he can feel a drop of blood trickle downward even amidst the rain. A hand grasps firmly on his shoulder, and she presses his wounded leg into the deck to keep him there.

Then Hana whispers in his ear, slow and deliberate so that even amid the storm he can hang on to every last word.

"Threats comes easy, deputy. Following through on those, less so. But, no. I don't think you'll kill me. Not today. And, well. As for the other part..."

She gazes out, at shattered white walls, a near-sunken cityscape, crowds amid the rising waters. Even as they watch, heads are washed under the waves and don't resurface. Others, still not yet washed out to sea, are drowned in the bombs of an Origin Pulse. All of that is rendered a backdrop to the chaos of battle, set aside as an inevitability as factions squabble over the city, or whatever is left of it.

Most pay it no heed at all.

"How many civilians do you think you could've saved if you hadn't been distracted here by our little duel? One? Two? Ten?"

She laughs, her voice ringing cold and cruel in his ear.

"Do you think, just cause you didn't pull the trigger yourself, their blood is any less on your hands? Kyogre, it's rabid. Out of control. It ain't on your side, just like it ain't on ours. But your superiors, they sure knew it was headed this way. Sure as hell didn't come with search and rescue in mind, either. Went in guns blazing, right behind it. All it was was pretext: invade, and conquer."

She pauses, indulgent, savoring the irony. Just the way he talks and carries himself, she knows he thinks he's made the right choice. He's doing the right thing here, coming to this battlefield under this banner. But that look in his eye, it ain't the battle-forged steel of the sheriff. It wavers, if only just. He's still trying to prove to himself that this was the right decision.

She seizes on that.

"Maybe you've got a thing against killing civilians, but what about the League, hm? D'you think they care?"


tl;dr D2. Doublade cuts down breloom, wounds Montgomery. Hana is wounded in turn. She knocks his second anchor shot aside, and shadow sneaks, presses his wounded leg to the deck and gives a lil villain monologue. Cleared w/ Red!

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April 8
Ecruteak City
5'11" height
5'11" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @tsuru
Mitsuru Kagami
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 1:01:48 GMT
Mitsuru Kagami Avatar
She tried to hold on. She tried and she tried and she tried. But in the end, she was just a normal human in the battlefield of the gods, and even such a simple task proved too monumental a feat.

The blue stalactite struggled against her grip. Infinite energy warped her flesh, leaving bloody markings into her skin. Circles burnt themselves into her palms, tore lines down to her fingertips. Mitsuru grit her teeth as hard as she could, tried to keep herself calm, but she wasn't strong enough to grin and bear it. As a bloodcurdling scream forced its way out of her mouth, her resolve cracked, and that was all it took for the dark hole to pull the blue stalactite out from her hands and into Kyogre's maw.

"No, NO!"

But it was too late. All she could do was cling desperately to Entei and watch in horror as all her worst fears came to fruition. Getting what it wanted didn't satiate the leviathan's hunger, but only made it hungrier.

The God of the Sea had everything it could ever want, and now? It would take everything it couldn't get before.

For the moment, though, she was safe. Entei brought her to safer grounds beneath the Dyna Tree, doing what little healing it could, before turning its flames towards the tree besides them. offered her protection, the promise of evacuation, before rushing off to another fight. Both of them, while nice, felt like empty gestures. What did it even matter? Even now, the water was rising higher and higher. Tears streamed down her face. It felt like the end of the world.

N-no. It would be fine. It... It would be! Everyone was still fighting. The League, Team Rocket, they were both trying to stop it! Groudon, and Lugia, and that giant black crystal thing, and Ray... Was that...? No, no, it didn't matter what it was! What mattered was, they were all still trying! So even if it felt like there was no hope left in the entire world, she had to try, too!

"Come on, Okiku..." She breathed. Sore eyes looked to her belt and stained fingers pulled a Pokeball from her belt. "Confuse Ray, Pain Split, Perish Song, anything... Just please, help-- ME!"

As an Origin Pulse fired out across Sootopolis, she flinched. Her Pokeball slipped from her hands, bounced off the ground, and out from it came the absolute last face she'd want to see.


"Trubby!" She froze. "Trubby. Trubby! Get back in your Pokeball, right now! This isn't--"

And then, a blast of deep blue hit her beloved Trubbish head-on.

TL;DR - Suffering builds character.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
25 posts
Phoebe Myst DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @myst
Phoebe Myst
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 1:35:16 GMT
Phoebe Myst Avatar



Storm, lightning, rain, and water wreaked havoc as the last thing Phoebe remembered was the diluge of the assault. In the midst of the chaos, the waves had overtaken them-- threatening to swallow her. As she regained her senses... she looked to find herself on a small outcropping in the now flooded city. She groggily rubbed her head, feeling a headache on her. As she got to her senses, she saw the city completely flooded, as the Kyogre began to ascend into the sky using its enhanced power. Further more other legendary pokemon could be seen. [break][break] Catching her attention was the grunt of a familiar voice. Before her, she saw none other than her trusty Pokemon Medea All the time after the tidal wave, she was protecting her as using her psychic power as a barrier to keep Phoebe safe. She was solely focused to keep Phoebe safe. [break][break] Phoebe soon rose up on the limited ground, trying to find her next move-- but soon the legendary pokemon once again began their assault-- Kyogre preparing another Origin Pulse. "Oh no...." Phoebe gasped, as she saw the incoming attack. [break][break] Medea continued to hold the psychic barrier up-- determined to fend off the attack and protect her trainer and friend. Phoebe held on tight-- and looked for the next way out to find some solid ground or a next move to survive the clash of titans [break][break]
[break]ROLL FOR FALL OR GET OUT of ATTACK[break][break]



IMPORTANT NOTE: Returning after absence while in the hospital IRL. Gonna try to re-enter the event. Ty for patience. [break]
Location G-3.[break]
Phoebe comes to surrounded by water, Medea protecting her using Psychic[break]
Phoebe braces against the next Origin Pulse Impact-- trying to ride it out and find safe passage somewhere.

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,752 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 1:45:44 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowwtw"]"Contain the Kyogre! Sootopolis has prepared for this with Xerneas' sacrifice. All Pokémon exist for the glory of Team Rocket." issued their command, the voice of his would-be executioner buzzing in one ear. [break][break]

It was with luck that Rowan happened to already be engaged with the target, careening toward them on whaleback at an incredible speed. Wailord slammed heavily into the side of Kyogre, stunning the great beast and allowing an opening for attack. [break][break]

Bucked by the impact, Rowan tumbled and rolled down the back of Delago until the Pokémon settled onto the churning waves once more. An amused laugh escaped from his throat, patting the hide of his Pokémon affectionately. "Bet they've never seen anything like that before."[break][break]

Rowan steadied himself on two feet, letting out a sharp whistle to order the Wailord to swim into Kyogre's path. "Lets speak their language." The body of Wailord slowly began to expand with air as it inhaled, filling their lungs near to capacity as they stared Kyogre down.[break][break]

Opening their mouth, Wailord let out a NOBLE ROAR, their bellowing song echoing throughout what remained of the crater, an intimidating ballad rippling though the waves.[break][break]


[attr="class","rowwttag"]@kyogre [break][break]


TL;DR:[break] - F:4 [break][break] - Rowan heeds Walsh's communication. [break][break] - Wailord swims in front of Kyogre's path. [break][break] - Wailord uses NOBLE ROAR on Kyogre, letting out an intimidating, bellowing song.[break][break] - WHALE VIOLENCE!

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gia, gigi
november 12th
celadon city, kanto
in a stranger's lap.
5'6" height
5'6" height
when the lights go out and i'm all alone again.
757 posts
giada morgan DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @giada
giada morgan
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 2:28:43 GMT
giada morgan Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb giada"]

i tried to be good [break] am i no good?




as he stares down upon her, she feels strangling fear creep up from the depths of her bones. it seeks to overwhelm, to cripple her into inaction, as her former boss takes notice.




funny... she doesn't feel rather brave at all.


he points, then, to 's roaring moon and a sinking sensation rises. it ends with a well-timed crunch to her shoulder, teeth digging painfully into skin. a yelp sounds out, almost lost amongst the surging tides.


and as blood drips into water, turning muddy and rusted in hue, a familiar face blinks into the peripheral. she turns her head slightly, catching his likeness fully as appears from the chaos.


"oh, thank god."


relief feels like nothing more than a fleeting, brief respite in the here and now, but she clings to it with trembling claws.


"let's get 'em."


she doesn't feel brave at all, but the expression she puts into place fakes it well enough. her sableye snickers, meandering a few steps forward. once it's front and center, the small purple gremlin fires off some shadow balls at . somehow, the roaring moon from is gone... recalled in a blink and beyond them, kyogre rumbles through the breaking of rocky chains.


- at f-3[break]
- scared of ...[break]
- crunched by 's roaring moon :c[break]
- injured, but grateful showed up[break]
- sableye uses shadow ball at

sootopolis war.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by


raph, rafe
August 3
castelia, unova
meat shield
Vibe checker
you have brought
sin to heaven
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
-- and doom upon all the world,
205 posts
part of
TAG WITH @raphael
raphael dos plumas
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 3:01:14 GMT
raphael dos plumas Avatar
[attr="class","glizzy raphsimp"]

For as much credit as he gives Mint, he doesn’t think this plan is working. It doesn’t seem like anything they throw at this guy is going to get him to move. He swallows down his wince at seeing Petra lifted and slammed into magma like some WWE move-- but that, and the magma, become secondary to the flooding water and the shadow of Primal Kyogre in the sky.
He recalls Petra-- the pieces of her, really, because that’s all that’s left, and he barely has time to be thankful that her fragments go back in the Pokeball before the Zamazenta’s attack looms over him; he half-dives, half is tugged into the gripping undertow, and the behemoth bash creates a tidal wave, buoying him up and away from the fight. His back hits something hard, and he hears the sound of glass breaking underwater.
Raph bounces like a pinball, off office furniture and through pressboard walls, as the initial wave sinks away and leaves him gasping like a fish on cheap tile flooring. He has the wherewithal to summon his Serperior-- not a Water-type, but not so distantly related so as to be useless, here, either-- who wraps a strong tail around him as they prepare for the next wave.



• Golem is KO'd and recalled [break]
• Behemoth bash causes a tidal wave because sootopolis is underwater [break]
• Raph is swept up in the wave and thrown into the upper floor of some building. Swaps Serperior in to withstand the next wave. [break]
• Me outie [break]
• lets call it A3


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by


june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
798 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 3:12:31 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar
[attr="class","ambrosia charname"]
[attr="class","amilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


Damn that Ranger and damn that girl. Ameena and Gardevoir were out for blood, and she had nearly tasted victory as the flames sped forward, as the girl foolishly stood in front of the fairy that had guarded them all in the penitentiary and had now become her guardian. Indeed, Ameena had thought the girl would be burnt to a crisp, but she was shielded. Worse still, Necrozma loomed above them all and his laser... [break][break]

Well, Ameena had witnessed enough of Necrozma's power to know better. [break][break]

It was time leave. Celebi copied her mega evolved Gardevoir and launched a mystical fire back, just as Ameena tugged on Gardevoir's arm to urge the psychic what she'd already telepathically ordered ('Get us the FUCK OUT OF HERE'). Gardevoir, stubborn and filled with blood lust, craved this battle with Yuina so badly it tunnel visioned and ignored the impending doom. "NOW," Ameena shouted, her hand grasping at its pokeball, her heart beating out of her chest - this was her moment of clarity, the bucket of ice water drenching her. [break][break]

She could not trust Gardevoir. Gardevoir's judgement was so skewed, so overwhelmingly hateful, that it would pay both their lives for a chance at revenge. Gardevoir sensed Ameena's shifting loyalties to it and finally yielded, TELEPORTING them away from the laser, but not before a ball of MYSTICAL FIRE struck Ameena and singed her arm where she'd been tugged on Gardevoir. [break][break]

The duo floated above D2. Ameena looked below, panicked and painfully aware that Gardevoir had been the source of her uncharacteristic sadism of late. The emotional roller coaster was not yet over. [break][break]

was below, along with and . Ameena didn't have the capacity to help all of them substantively, but she could offer each of them something. Montgomery was clearly engaged in a fight, and while she didn't recognize the other woman, it was obviously a Rocket. She could not sacrifice her allegiance for him in Mossdeep, and she could not do it now. Similarly, she could not trust Gardevoir without a short leash. [break][break]

Clinging to her pokemon, she ordered, "Use healing pulse on the waters below." It would help the civilians that she saw her superiors helping, and hopefully offer Montgomery some aid without appearing deliberate. As the curing pulse spread out, Ameena took a long look at her companion. knowing now that she could not bring out Gardevoir again without sacrificing her own mind.[break][break]

Gk7nmrN3 [break][break] [ - Has to cut her fight with Yuina short due to Necrozma's laser
- Gardevoir uses HEALING PULSE on herself (burns) and into the water below, healing Montgomery (and civilians and anyone else in D2 choosing to benefit) ] [break][break]



[attr="class","icon-rocket2"] LOCATION: H5 -> D2 (SALAC USED)



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP