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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
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Selena Desmarais
epigraph & elegy [s]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 3:56:01 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar
Selena is not particularly interested with such affairs but she remembers the ominous plate they have retrieved back during the Lilycove excavations from the pamphlets eagerly distributed around the region.

She tips off about the said gathering and decides to tag along nonetheless. And she is more than happy to be there, in the strange congregation of plate-wielders and possibly nerds and religious for even if it is not a social event, it is where information are exchanged.

“Ours came from Lilycove.”

And that is roughly the only thing she has uttered during the entire meeting. After all, she expects to be the one more enthusiastic about the situation. She's nothing more than just a chaperone, as what she humors him before arriving; and if anything, a journalist intrigued by the arcane.

Her eyes wander with the rest of the people chatting over the plates. Most of them, Selena has already met, like and , and of course . She gives a little nod to them before she finds her seat. She finds one at an earshot away from the group, beside the hooded figure in shades.

“You're making quite a presence, councilor.” She teases with her softest voice possible, respecting the incognito he's trying to pull off. Whatever gives it away, if he asks, will be answered by intuition. Or perhaps the familiar sensation she's feeling whenever the other tapu avatar is around. “I guess you're not here for the pleasantries but only for information.”

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 6:53:04 GMT

Fernando says nothing at first. He lets the comment slide. There’s nothing to dispute when she’s correct. However, the silence gets to him and he leans in closer to her, bring his voice into her ear.

I don’t want to be a distraction. Sometimes others need to take the spotlight.

And returns to his personal bubble.

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Slateport Ranger Captain
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Razz Kingsman
epigraph & elegy [s]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 7:46:00 GMT
Razz Kingsman Avatar
 Razz was greatful that had informed him of this. Due to him not being very social things like this didn't always get near his radar. So despite his injuries he's taken recently, neither they or the sign up front was going to stop him from entering. The place was a little odd but so were the people, but if he recalled correctly from their 'date' herself was a weird one.

With him Razz had a note book as he wrote any information of what people were giving, his time as his father's assistant coming of use for once:

Straw Hat ( ): Neon Green; 'And Space Set Free'
Patrick ( ): 'Three beings were born' | history??
: Red; 'Two beings of time' | Dialga??
: Blue; | creation trio

ours: Dark bluish-gray; Its shards became this plate

That was when gives information of theirs, but not of what he's been jogging down but rather location. Razz was hoping to keep silent, but he supposed if they were going to get anything things should be said.

"Based on what's been shown so far, all these Plates have a distinct color and engraving," he speaks up, looking down as he rather not see strangers looking at him, "I don't know much about the Creation Trio, but if we want to know just how many of these there are and piece together what they say we could all share it. I have written down what's been said so far, but if any of us want to piece if together fully if the rest of you can share your color and engravement.... umm... please," he makes sure to add at the end. His tone of voice very much showed he wasn't used to speaking with a group. "After it's all written any one who wants a copy I can send you a photo of the notes"

But as he looked toward a few of the people who haven't said their information such as , , and to see if they'd be more willing.
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May 1
Eterna City, Sinnoh
radio host
as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
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chryssa glasgow
epigraph & elegy [s]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 8:42:13 GMT
chryssa glasgow Avatar

The girl looked up, her movements slow and distant. "John," she greeted Doug Sullivan. Her eyes seemed unfocused. "It's good you came. Through a window, wasn't it?" Even with the eerie hymn echoing from every corner of the chapel, the sound of glass breaking had been unmistakable. At least to someone waiting alone in the dark, alert to every step, every murmur, every heartbeat beneath the floorboards. "How... original."

She shivered. 

"Unfortunately, I don't have time to answer all your questions," she said. Her eyes slid past the green metal fragment as if she was barely able to acknowledge it. New sounds were already creeping in from outside the church walls. Footsteps. Voices. Capsules releasing. "They're coming."

Zac Ramsay was first. Chryssa didn't react as the side door was caved in off its hinges like a hole punched through a paper bag, nor to the big man's greeting. He asked her how many people were coming and she answered distantly, with quiet certainty. 

Her eyes slid to the well-built blonde man who followed from the broken door, holding another red metal plate. "Sixteen were made." She heard Priam Conrad's voice from the front entrance and gave him a nod as the Espeon-carrying delinquent took a seat in the back. "And sixteen were broken."

Turning the new information about the Plate shards over in her mind, she sat back in her pew, closing her eyes again. The omnipresent sound of Perish Song relaxed her, helped her clear her head. And she needed to think clearly.

Chryssa had taken a huge gamble by distributing her flyers, by securing this location, and by inviting these people here. She had no idea who she was dealing with, as evidenced by the next group who arrived. Mysterious figures, trailing cold in their wake. Two of the region's own Gym Leaders, from Rustboro and Lilycove respectively. Even the Galarian Ambassador, flanked by a confident posse as he exited a swirling portal. 

It was comforting, therefore, when Angelo Vestri flashed her a smile from a nearby pew, and when Chu-e Choi slid in next to her on the bench. "Hello," she managed in reply. Her hands tightened in her lap, fingers knitting together. She realized she'd taken up a praying pose and wrenched her hands apart again, gritting her teeth.

She couldn't let her guard down for a second here. 

"History indeed," she said to Gavin Merlino, who'd wasted no time sharing his theory about his own epigraph, "Or legend, as Mr. Calcifet states."

The discussion had begun. Who would have thought one of her many boyfriends, Razz Kingsman, would be so organized? She made a mental note to definitely ask him for one of those pictures. As for the Creation Trio...

Well, it was one thing Chryssa did know about. 

She stood, mostly unnoticed given the number of people now congregating in the chapel, and crossed over to the altar. 

She knew exactly where it would be. Chryssa withdrew a ceremonial scepter, its head crowned by a strange, wrought metal symbol. A candle was affixed to each of the three points, which the girl broke off and tossed away. "The church uses this for certain ceremonies. The Creation Trio, birthed by the One's first breath. Palkia, Lord of Space. Dialga, Lord of Time." Her eyes passed across Stormy Silph and Remiel Calcifet, who'd been discussing it, "--and the Renegade. Giratina." 

The music had stopped. The Pokemon had all slumped in their alcoves, falling one by one into a dreamless slumber. 

She looked across the people who had come, some standing, some scattered along the wooden pews. "So Sinnoh Scripture says, anyway. But we can't exactly trust that now, can we?" Chryssa inclined her head towards Kazimir Wynter. "The inscription on-- what's your name, sir?-- his Flame Plate is clear. Two beings of time." Her eyes narrowed.

"Is there anything else... contradictory anyone's noticed?"

OOC: was I waiting for sixteen people? yes, I was. by the way, any active Pokemon may be feeling a little... perishable. you fell right into my trap, plate club


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Gavin Merlino
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break.
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Cillian Quinn
epigraph & elegy [s]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 9:14:08 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Though he does not visibly react at mention of Dialga, Gavin's attention sharpens toward . Dialga was one of the legends outside of Galar and Hoenn that Gavin had some knowledge of, solely due to its alleged steel-typing. He sought mastery over steel and shadow, yet such a title could not be earned without study of their pinnacles.

He says nothing, electing to listen.

He does, however, let out a soft huff of laughter as steps from a shadowy portal. How dramatic. Should they catch one another's eye, he'd offer his fellow Rocket a curt nod, but no words of greeting were spoken.

Like Razz, he takes his own notes. They are recorded by the Rotom nestled in his phone... until the phone screen suddenly turns dark and the light on Rotom's ever-empty pokeball blinks on. Fainted. At his belt, a Klefki similarly slumbers.

"Sinnoh's legends are not the only ones." His deep voice carries the sharpness of irritation; he did not appreciate such trickery. His narrowed gaze rests on . "These plates were found in the bowels of Hoennian earth."

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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Chu-e Choi
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POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 9:58:59 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"Sinnoh doctrine says sixteen. The Kalos says seventeen, to make up for the conviction of fae. You might be one short, Chryssa." He tapped his chin with his phone, idly playing with it as he did. "Also you're fucking crazy. Love it. Keep it up." Snorting, Chu-e sat back after speaking up. He hadn't noticed the... weirdness. But none of his own pokemon had so been pit of their balls.

"So, like, we going to form some religious club?" He clicked his tongue, grinning. But he was taking thos more seriously than he was acting. Chu-e had been raised in Sinnoh, too. Had attended all the services at the small church in town, did the Plate Painting Ceremony, kissed the knuckles of the priests. It was familiar if distant in memory.

But while Chu-e was talking to , any familiar faces like or were ignored as strangers. And for the most part, many of the people here Chu-e didn't know.
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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
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Selena Desmarais
epigraph & elegy [s]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 10:13:34 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar
She does not respond anymore but she acknowledges 's silence with a nod. Instead, she takes time to look at each of the people's faces and mentally notes the information she's getting from them.

It is then that she notices other characters including Elite Four member and a few good acquiantances like , who has taken her gym challenge months ago, and .

takes the time to summate all their inquiry while she presents to them a holy artifact and uses as an aid to explain the Creation Myth which they eventually try to disprove.

“It's too early to conclude anything about it.”

Selena speaks from the back, stands up and leaves the councilor on his pew to join the rest.

“These plates may be cut the way it is so that it's impossible to derive what is its intended meaning. And I suppose we haven't found all of the plates yet.”

Like her companion , Selena is already jotting down on her notepad similar to what the ranger has already written. However, there are other words scribbled on the edge of the paper—names of which who hasn't yet shared anything.

And a gibberish of a name () who she tries to recall inside her head, for the last time she knew that person to be long dead.


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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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John Sullivan
epigraph & elegy [s]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 23:41:56 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

"Tough crowd." He said after a moment, finding it hard to maintain bravado in the face of 's uncharacteristic languidness.

He had only come here hoping some back and forth would make him less miserable- but it seemed the game would be on hold tonight.

He tipped his hat, hiding his expression beneath a deep, cast shadow.

"Understood." He said, before the doors were summarily torn off their hinges, 's bombastic arrival far outshining his own.

The youth flinched as the man all but shouted his name (and Chryssa's, curiously), tipping his hat at the man in response.

"Zac." He said, and not much else.

How had he been? He preferred not thinking about it.

Luckily, there was not much of a silence following his words. Two men whom he had never seen joined them only a step behind Zac. All business, no pleasantries, not even a name- and they had been eavesdropping, if the answer he was given was anything to go by.

"That so?" He said from under his hat. He didn't know much about theology or history outside of Kanto- he had only gotten two lessons on such subjects, and it had been quite a while since he had seen -, so he couldn't agree or disagree with the man.

Another one joined them soon after. Yet another person he had never met, a tall, muscular blonde, apparently acquainted with Zac. He was quick to join in and offer his own piece on the subject.

'Two beings of time.' Time, time... He knew of Celebi, being raised so near to Johto, and having spoken to Cait. And he knew a bit of Dialga; mostly on a distant, pop culture level.

Those two, then?

No. 'Three beings were born.'

Dialga came in a pair with Palkia, he knew that much. So who was the third? Arceus? That didn't seem right. Even a Kantonian Bumpkin like him knew him as the 'supposed' creator...

His thoughts are cut off by Ki's arrival. The man doesn't even say hi at him- and Doug can only smirk at that. He can't even blame him, after the restaurant tab.

It seems as if Chryssa and Zac know just about everybody.

The next one to make his appearance is a completely unremarkable person wearing extremely stylish glasses. There was absolutely no reason whatsoever for the fact that Doug was waving at the man.

None at all.

And then there was Ms. Stormy.

Ignored again, but that was fine. Right, Dialga. Back on track-

Or the literal Galarian Ambassador and his Rock band can just walk in through a literal portal of Darkness, that works too.

His body temperature seemed to drop as exited the portal along with and , the youth nodding at him with a smile.

Doug gave a well practiced stephord smile and a tip of the hat in return, even as his feet seemed to set on automatic retreat. It was a pity, but he couldn't even give Angelo a proper, club member greeting in response.

He had come here with hopes of forgetting about the Desert.

The words of the scarred young man went mostly unheard by the disturbed youth, his feet carrying him backwards until his butt came to rest upon the stairs leading to the Altar.

It was at around this time that Chryssa took the center stage. His attention was pulled to her, if only in the vain hope that her theatrics would distract him from unwanted thoughts.

It kind of worked.

A creation trio.

Dialga, Lord of time.

Palkia, lord of space.

Giratina, the renegade.

'Three beings were born.'

Dialga... and Palkia...

'Two beings of time...'

Chryssa suggested the writings might have had contradictions amongst them, but another suggested something else.

'And space set free.'

"... Huh. Dunno about that, Pink Miss. Red and Green actually fit together pretty well." Ironic, given color wheels and all.

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
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Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
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Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
epigraph & elegy [s]
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2021 1:09:13 GMT
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Epigraph & Elegy
ever grande city | social


    Several people followed Zac's entrance, many of which he knew. He grinned and waved at his friends, a stark contrast to the tense atmosphere. " ! Were you following me?" Zac accused playfully. "You got one of these things too? Did you get yours digging around underground?"
    Their catching up was interrupted as eleven other trainers arrived, either slinking in subtly, or deliberately making an entrance. Four of them arrived via a dark portal, and Zac applauded their pzazz. "Whoa! Nice entrance guys. Would have saved the cost of a door too, though it was already open for ya..."  
    One of the arrivals is , who Zac has had the displeasure of meeting in the past. He returned her curt nod, just as Odium, his Tyranitar, collapsed behind him, thudding to the ground and cratering the ornate tiles. . I don't know how but she's...done something. He returned the fallen giant and looked over at the girl, who had taken up position in centre stage, right at the altar.
    "The inscription on-- what's your name, sir?-- his Flame Plate is clear. Two beings of time." 
    “These plates may be cut the way it is so that it's impossible to derive what is its intended meaning." says , only to be immediately contradicted by .
    "... Huh. Oi. Pinky Pie's onto something. Red and Green fit together pretty well." He was right. The inscriptions fit together perfectly.

'...two beings of time...'
'...and space set free...'

    "Well we've got green here, right Doug? Who has red?" Zac looked around. was holding a shard of brilliant red plate. It's edge flickered with faint redness, like the outer edge of a candle. "C'mere Kaz! Lets see what happens when we put 'em together!" Zac said.
    He pulled his own plate from his backpack. He unwrapped it from the layers of aluminium foil and handkerchiefs, and walked towards his friend, shard extended.

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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Remiel Calcifet
epigraph & elegy [s]
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2021 7:39:27 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]





silver leaves in the air

of starseedlings


Remiel examined the room closely, noting who had brought a plate and who hadn't, before Angelo's quip (and almost intimate position) drew his attention back effortlessly. He couldn't be bothered to make a response. Though he uttered a very curt, and likely familiar (at least to Angelo), snort from his nostrils. The prince did not agree, but it was an amusing thought nonetheless.[break][break]

Returning and 's nod, and watching as the latter walked over to the hooded figure nearby, the young royal sat quietly with his thoughts for a moment. Then began speaking, putting forth a proposal that he was sure many of the others here had thought about themselves as well.[break][break]

Then there's faint chime of a whimper to his right ear. He turns to find Earl Grey faintly floating, still conscious but affected by something in the air. His master paused, briefly looking around and taking a sniff. There was nothing in the air except... music. And, just like that, it stops. His distrust grows. He moves to return Earl Grey to his luxury ball, but the little butler refuses. He can still stick around... for now.[break][break]

Shortly thereafter, sharp hues of cobalt watched as the strange teen ( ) stood from her seat and pulled a scepter from the altar just ahead. After a brief overview of the Creation Trio, and a voiced distrust of the Sinnoh Scripture, Remiel began to wonder exactly what was in play on the cosmic chessboard. He'd pondered this for weeks now, since he'd witnessed Giratina itself rise from the chaos of the war at Mauville.[break][break]

And if Giratina existed, well... surely that meant the rest of the Creator Trio did as well.[break][break]

Perhaps even the Original One.[break][break]

Existential crisis aside, he eventually decides the epigraph upon the plate he carries warrants him being one of the first to step forward, considering it very much seemed like the beginning of a larger passage. Seeing one of the men ( ) stepping forward to initiate Kingsman's proposal only bolsters his resolve. So, with a sigh, he removes his leg from the other and rises.[break][break]

Rather than gather with the rest of them, however, he proceeds towards the Lord's Table (otherwise known as the altar or communion table) at the center, just a few feet away from . If they're to compare the plates side-by-side, then surely such a large table could accommodate. Though he does pause to look over his shoulder, gesturing for his crew ( , , ) to accompany him as well. Space around the table was limited, and he knew they cared for a front seat to the mystery as much as he did.[break][break]

As he ascends the steps towards the altar, his Sinistea follows along as quickly as it can. "'The Original One breathed...'" The prince quotes with his indifferent tone, rolling up his sleeves before setting the metal case he carried upon the stone table. Opening it with a Ditto-proof thumbprint scan, he pulls out the SPLASH PLATE, a vividly blue tablet that remains perpetually wet against all manner of natural or artificial influences. He knows. He's conducted the experiments.[break][break]


Despite the water that slowly begins to pool on the table, he sets it down in front of him (vertically) with a sharp 'klank', but doesn't remove his hand until he sees the others do the same as well. "We may not have all the pieces of this puzzle present, but if we're to understand exactly where this leads, I believe it most prudent for us to compare what we have so far and convene again at a later date."[break][break]

The identity of this second 'being of time' eluded him, and he couldn't bring himself to believe the answer was as simple as Celebi, deities of the forests. The existence of wormholes and alien dimensions complicated the possibilities far too much, after all. Government, politics, religion, and even archaeology could only scramble to keep up amidst a myriad of other revelations.[break]




epigraph & elegy


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May 1
Eterna City, Sinnoh
radio host
as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
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chryssa glasgow
epigraph & elegy [s]
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2021 15:44:08 GMT
chryssa glasgow Avatar

These plates were found in the bowels of Hoennian earth.

"But why here? And why now?" she murmured. She seemed unaffected by Gavin Merlino's sharp tone of voice. She seemed to have barely recognized that here and there, all around the dark chapel, the lights of active Pokeballs were flickering from bright to dim. Even the crash of Zac Ramsay's absurdly inappropriate Tyranitar as it collapsed to the ground didn't seem to phase her. 

If those had been her Pokemon singing in the wings, it seemed their purpose-- or their target, rather-- was not those assembled.

Are we going to form some religious club?

"A religion is meant to worship," Chryssa said quietly.

She flashed Chu-e Choi a small, soulless smile. 

She recognized the Church of Arceus was flawed. No one knew better than her its defects, the inconsistency between legend and reality, the falsehoods and empty rituals decked upon its followers. Sixteen plates, said Scripture, but the Kalos sect said otherwise. Scattered across space and time, said the tenants of the Shattering, and yet four or more of the pieces had been uncovered in the same place and time here on Hoenn. 

Why were they here-- and more importantly, who wanted them in their hands?

"The Splash Plate," she breathed as Remiel Calcifet revealed the metallic blue tablet. Water beaded on its surface, leaving no doubt as to its identity. Chryssa's hands tightened around the scepter as she leaned forward unconsciously, a swathe of brown hair falling over the communion table. "I thought I'd found it myself..." Her tone was deliberately casual despite her eyes, alight with fascination.

And with a settling chill.

"It was a fake, unfortunately," she said lightly, drawing herself back again. "Nothing compares to the real thing! Truly... one... of a kind." 

She returned to her pew, scepter still in hand. It seemed she had little else to say-- at least for now. 
Her eyes moved to the Sinistea still floating by the dark-haired man's shoulder. It's still not safe to speak. Not here.

Not yet.

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Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
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Andy Blackadder
epigraph & elegy [s]
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2021 23:17:16 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




When retreated it sapped some gusto. For the life of him, Andy could not figure out why the other teen felt as he did after their mission. Megalopolans might be sentient, but they weren't people. Pokemon were often the same, and yet they ate of them. He wasn't sure what to do to recoup the situation, which typically frustrated him to the point of anger.
At any rate, crowds had never been one of the boy's favorite thing. It was preferable to focus his … 'attentions' on one or a few. Just as a broom could only sweep one room, he could only antagonize so many at once. For now. Just since their arrival, much talk came of the plates and their meaning. Remiel, much like himself, believed them to be legends.
Others took things more literally.
''Fat chance,'' he responded to 's question flatly before the girl butted in. He was banking on something more scientific if Remiel's presumed intentions where anything. The boy had his doubts all present here were religious sycophants, even if he were a more agnostic one himself. Perhaps he was just acting out a tad because of Doug.
Although the mention of the renegade giratina peaked his interest.
Much as his Galarian counterpart had surmised, if the violent one existed, and they along with others had seen it, then so too must the rest of the legends in some form. Be they two or three. Though Andy remained blissfully quiet as the rest went back and forth over the veracity of it all. Myth had never been his area of interest of expertise.
He was more interested in history. Puzzles had never been something that came naturally either. Not to mention that out of the crowd assembled, this girl sort of gave him the creeps and heightened his paranoia. The unseen gengar tucked into his shadow cooled further in response as if to calm him. The prince was right, even if Andy did just go along with him.
It really did seem like that didn't have the full story yet.






[attr="class","dangercredits"]cyan of pixel perfect

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
epigraph & elegy [s]
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 23:55:25 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

[attr="class","queenpkmn"][attr="class","pokesprite item flame plate"]

as he was approached about his own plate and the mystery of its words kazimir himself looked at it to try and add his own two cents to the puzzle. the phrase "two beings of time" sure was vague, yeah dialga was one of the legendary pokemon said to control it but what was the other one? time and...space perhaps? time and space were usually the two words that went together in a lot of stories, heck it was kind of a staple not to have it worded like that, but what pokemon controlled space?
it wasn't until zac spoke up again that kaz remembered the big man asked him where on earth he even found his plate, "just like you said, dug it up a few days ago and all that down near meteor falls. and hey, even if its about sinnoh legends weirder stuff have happened in hoenn. what did everyone forget the aliens?" he added that last sentence when someone pointed out how weird it was that these plates ended up in hoenn when this whole region was a hotbed of weird stuff going on.
when he said his piece he walked over with zac and put the two plates together and the two of them managed to make a sentence of sorts that made a little more sense than them separated. as kazimir squinted at them he could see that the writing on these plates did look like they were part of one big relic. "well it looks like they make up some kind of message when together. anyone got any more pairs that do that or another piece to this one?" maybe they could at least make some sense out of this mystery.


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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
hello darkness
my old friend
--- height
--- height
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
epigraph & elegy [s]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2021 19:21:34 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

The scarred man lingered in the background with his massive six foot seven hell hound by his side. He took mental pictures of everything, doing his best to put names with faces. It would be a wasted effort on his part. He will forget their names.

But regardless, he listened. Warm gaze would shift from one person to the next as they spoke, not really giving his opinion on anything. Maverick just remained quiet with his hands in his pockets, observing and listening intently. What information could he learn and absorb?

for at ever grande. in not good at big social threads and mav isnt much of a social type so yeah. but he is still here. xD

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz
[newclass=".ryder"] [/newclass]
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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
epigraph & elegy [s]
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2021 17:18:01 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

All this talk of myths and legends and religion goes mostly over Skyler's head. Not that she isn't curious, per se, but she soon finds her attention drifting away from the words being spoken, silver eyes catching on the intricate stained glass that looms over the chamber. Fingers twitch subtly at the ornate arrangement of colorful glass and for a moment the sea captain can't help but wonder just how valuable those pieces are. The final look is impressive, she can admit, even for folk like herself. Superstitious she might be, but religious beliefs had never stuck with her. Too organized. Bureaucratic, even.

The last few notes of that strangely discordant melody fade into the air and a looming sense of familiarity strikes Skyler, brows furrowing momentarily as she tries to place where she's heard something like it before. For some reason the sound of crashing ocean waves come to her, along with moonlit shores-

'Ah.' Her Lapras armada, practising Perish Songs into the solemn night air. A considering silver gaze falls on chryssa glasgow, curiosity peaked.

The familiar sight of a deep blue slab has her focusing her gaze on the table and the people gathered around it. A slow grin curls her lips at the sight of more familiar faces; and being two of them. The captain gives each of them a brief salute. She also thinks she sees somewhere, but can't be quite sure due to her earlier distraction. She still waves an arm, hoping the woman was present (they really should resume their swimming lessons sometime). 

Speaking of...

Captain Dross leans forward and a calloused digit digs into 's side, meeting his ocean blues with a lopsided grin of her own. "Think I could get away with a few of those stained glass windows when no one's looking?" Something greedy bleeds into the amusement in her voice; there's no disguising the familiar promise of trouble in moonlit silvers - along with a brief flash of appreciation. There's something deeply satisfying about her current vantage point.

"Or maybe we should join Remy... he does look awfully lonely over there..."