i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,862 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2021 22:17:16 GMT
mint frost Avatar


A familiar, soft voice rips a grin from the grunt as Jayden made his way towards their little circle as they waited expectantly for that meteor shower. “Mischa!! It’s good to see you again!” he said before nodding enthusiastically. “Ah, do you two already know each other then?” he said easily looking back at Luka. “Good, good, it makes introductions easier.” He said clapping lightly. “This guy’s Artemis, one, if not my only, best friend form childhood. He’s really sweet despite how cool he looks.” The Rocket explained gesturing to the poor trainer. [break][break]

The promise of more alcohol made Mint perk up but he’s already clearly feeling it. There’s a bit of delay to his smiles and his reactions, and the way his head tilted to the side from time to time like he was listening to a song no one else could hear. His cheeks were fairly flushed and the lack of anything really substantial for dinner meant the only thing churning in his stomach at the moment was just alcohol and sugar. “Bo! You’re so thoughtful~” he said practically giggling, but there’s enough acuity in him that he doesn’t reach for a glass. “Did you give someone a hard time for it?” he added, teasing the ginger a bit. “Ah, sorry Mischa, this is Bo! I’ve just met her but she’s funny.” He added with a short laugh. [break][break]

He’s rightly bubbly, watching new friends mingle with old friends. He felt so warm, so happy about it all. Even if every connection here wasn’t as deep as he’d like it to be, it was still nice. He doesn’t complain when Artemis let go of him, instead turning to look back at his friend before finally noticing the Espeon resting on his friend’s shoulder. “Ah, sorry to ignore you Solaris. I’ve missed you very much as well~” he cooed, reaching over to gently give her a little scratch near her ears before retracting his hand. “Mmm, that reminds me…I haven’t seen Gelatto in a while.” The scary cat Ninetails had scurried away in the confusion and gotten himself all kinds of dirty off his nervous gorging. Now, not looking nearly as regal as when he’d made his entrance, the timid Ninetails padded out to the gardens searching for his trainer and hoping he wouldn’t scold him too much for the bits of cholate and sauces staining his snout. “Baby…..boy….” Mint gasped looking down at Gelatto’s mess, as the ashamed Ninetails attempted to reach up for his trainer to be carried. "Oh-" he mumbled as he attempted to carry the fox for a moment, carefully avoiding the stains and hugging him a bit. "'re going to be so sick tomorrow..." he murmured as he set the oversized baby back down, much to Gelatto's whining.


+ + + @artemis + post 14 [break][break]

- MISTEW MISCHA!! [break]
- introducing arty and bo to jayden [break]
- teasing bo!! [break]
- rightfully tipsy guys [break]
- petting solaris [break]
- babying Gelatto [break]
- endeavour: carry a pokemon [break]




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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,412 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2021 23:00:59 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","lyrics"]MY HEARTS IN SPADES

[attr="class","name"]MICHAIL VOLKOV



"we've met a few times," jayden explains to . were they friends? he wasn't sure. it was hard to tell, considering that jayden found it difficult to tell if he was friends with anyone. it was still a fairly new concept to him. "i had the fortune of matching with her in the hoenn star tournament."

[break][break] he glances at then, flashing a smile. it was a good memory, though brief.

[break][break] "michail - " he starts, but then pauses, with a quick glance at . " - or mischa - is fine. mr. volkov is my father." or was his father. the memory of dmitri, as stale as it was, sets something tight in his chest, and jayden feels a sudden urge to quell it. he needs a distraction.

[break][break] he finds himself glancing down at @artemis , who is apparently mint's friend, though one of the quieter members of the group. he nods briefly at him - a greeting. jayden can relate to the quiet, even though perhaps not as tuned to it as the younger man, and he opens his mouth - as if to say something about it - when returns to the scene, with drinks.

[break][break] "thank you," he says to her, tempted for a moment to grab one of her drinks. however, jayden has had plenty shots already - maybe that's why it was making him do impulsive things. colorful lights glitter down from the minior's dancing around them, and music trills in from the ballroom. even in the darkness of the garden, his gaze finds luka's.

[break][break] she looks lovely in the starlight.

[break][break] "i'm alright for now," he tells bo, and then offers his hand to the pinkette. "my night has been well, but i haven't gotten the chance to dance yet. would you like to join me?"

[break][break] he heard that it was a thing people did at parties.

+ tldr jayden chats a bit, but then asks luka to dance (#7)



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Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
615 posts
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Andy Blackadder
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2021 23:34:15 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




seemed to be all about the suggestion. Oddly enough, Andy was not a seafood aficionado. Krabbies not withstanding, shrimp had that poop chute running down their back and he was not about that. At all. Bottom feeders aside, the Galarian gawked at Doug as he manhandled and from the ground.
Then he came towards him.
''Sullivan, don't you fu-'' But it was too late. Ki didn't seem to mind at all. If his mind wasn't clouded by anger, Andy would have suggested the Captain ate megalopolan brains to answer the man's question. ''Unhand me, you Kantonian savage!'' The squirming was minimal however. Thrashing about didn't make his leg hurt less.
''Help me you haunted jizz droplet.'' The demand fell on deaf ears however, as Epitaph only trailed behind cackling at the sight. ''What?'' The offer from for treats he had stolen threw him off his argumentative balance. ''This isn't the time for junk food, goddammit!'' The reprieve from his gripes proved brief.
''Hideo!'' The other boy was heard before he was seen. ''Get me out of here. Doug's being a dickbag!''






[attr="class","dangercredits"]cyan of pixel perfect

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casey, baby boy
September 24th
Fallarbor Town
ask him.
rest assured, he's still ripped
285 posts
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TAG WITH @casey
Casey Fincher
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2021 0:04:02 GMT
Casey Fincher Avatar

And drain him she did. Though he had his usual athletic walk, his way of just gliding across the floor, he walked down the stairwell with her, pinching at the span of muscle between his shoulders and neck. A prominent mark in this region was dark purple; somewhere between a kiss and a bite that left superficial damage to little blood vessels. "Summer... Did you have fun?"

His button-up shirt was hanging off his shoulders like a cape, thanks to an intact neck-tie. Though, like before, he'd entrusted her with his suitjacket. Realizing that they were re-entering a public space, he sheepishly buttoned up his shirt again.

With a hand clasped in hers, he led the two of them down the stairwell. That thing he was forgetting, that thing he was selfishly putting off... That thing he was selfishly putting off that wasn't too late to fix... Those pokemon could fend for themselves, but he worried. "...We should get little drinks, or something."

He was being terrible. Gearing for a walk with her, without spelling out why right away. "If you're still worn out, I can carry you." He drew closer to the edge of the bar area, with a hand raised to try and get the bartender's attention. He pointed to the tap behind the counter for ginger ale. A fine mixer, mostly used as a home remedy.

Though, a crop of blonde hair pointed up like dying grass got his attention, and he didn't want to be rude by ignoring someone. "So... how's your night going? Huh? Did you see the Miniors a while ago?"

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papichulo grippin' culo
october 14
castelia city, unova
personal trainer
he looks up
grinning like a devil
6'0" height
6'0" height
it's like we go through the same shit every night
468 posts
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TAG WITH @andres
andres buenaventura
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2021 0:38:00 GMT
andres buenaventura Avatar

The commotion outside is alluring, and Andres is more than eager to check it out himself. But he didn’t want to abandon , wherever his date had gone. He’d moved to retrieve some drinks, expecting him to follow but he supposed the guy had gotten distracted. That didn’t surprise him though. A glance at the guests and he realized there was a lot more rich and famous people than he’d realized. The soiree was a right mix of the upper crust as well as lower class it seemed. Not that it was a bad thing, but he figured Artie would’ve wanted to chat it up with his contacts as well. After all, when you thought about it carefully, Andres was the eye candy here, going along with the younger blonde’s whims as he pleased. But that was Andres’ flaw. After all, he couldn’t resist a pretty face. [break][break]

He ordered something light. He’d already had a couple of shots and he doesn’t want to get wasted yet. Tonight, wasn’t really that kind of night for him anyway. He got sloshed at clubs, not at fancy parties he wanted to remember the morning after. As he scanned the party in an attempt to sport the shorter blonde, his attention is picked up by another guest and he arched an eyebrow at his state. Hazel eyes dart around immediately picking up telltale signs of a more promiscuous nature. He offered the stranger a smirk. “I did actually, guero. But from the looks of you, I’m no the only one who’s been seeing stars this evening.” He said letting out a quick whistle as he turned to his partner. [break][break]

“Querida belleza~! Miss Summer!!” Well, wasn’t this a fucking delight? He eyes Casey carefully, noting his posture and the hints of purple blooming on the neck before turning to Summer who was equally guilty. He moved in to fix a stray hair of hers. “Caray, didn’t think you were the type for a quickie at such a public event.” He said just barely catching the smell of sweat mixed with perfume off the poor girl. “Andres. Andres Buenaventura. Nice to meet you.” He continued with a grin at Casey. “Since you’ve already done the handiwork, mind relaying to me the hiding places you found? I’d like to take Artie somewhere…fresh.” He said before letting out a laugh. “Make sure you hydrate; you look like you’re about to fall over. Summer must’ve put you through the fuckin’ ringer.” His words aren’t malicious in the slightest. Andres was the last person to judge people who took out their boredom in more risqué ways. After all, there was a reason he was trying to stay somewhat sober tonight. [break][break]

“So, tell me~ How were they~~? Aside from heavy as hell. I want to know what I’m missing after she cruelly rejected me at her party.” He said, nodding at Summer’s chest all too casually for polite conversation. He’s quick to add with a wink, “You’re not so bad yourself…though a little tall for my tastes.”
He could see the appeal, it just wasn't for him.


+ + + post 5 [break][break]

- yall thought i wouldn't huh [break]
- getting drinks at the bar [break]
- talking to casey [break]
- calling out the hot and bothered teens [break]
- chill as hell [break]



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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2021 0:40:24 GMT
luka chêne Avatar
i don't know anything with certainty,
but the sight of the stars makes me dream

It takes a moment for Luka to recognize the diminutive. But when she does soft giggles pour from her lips, bubbling like pink champagne. It's cute, and it juxtaposes the stoic man standing in front of her. Another gap moe to add to the list.

She too eyes the tray, but her hand is still holding the glass of Charteruse. Luka takes a few sips as the rest of the group gets acquainted and makes their introductions, listening intently and nodding when appropriate. She's distracted again by the sight of the Minior dancing around all of them, colors blinking like hundreds of colorful stars in the dark sky.

"Eh?" It's ' offer of a dance that snaps her out of it. She glances from his outstretched hand to his eyes, watching the colors in the sky swirl amongst dark irises. "I...y-yes, of course!" Perhaps she jumps at the chance a bit too eagerly. But it's as though he had read her thoughts, her girlish wish for a romantic spin underneath the stars. There's color in her face, but she hopes the darkness conceals it.

Luka's hand finds Michail's, her fingers curling around his. She smiles, as bright as the starlight that illuminates them, and places her half empty glass on 's tray. "I'd love to."

- chatting with , @artemis, , and
- accepts Jayden's offer to dance
- post #12

● star soiree

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November 1
Mauville City
art collector
kiss me once
then kiss me twice
5'6" height
5'6" height
say a prayer for the wicked
1,148 posts
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TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2021 0:54:33 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar
Before they left the room, Summer made sure that her hair was fixed to the best of her ability and that her makeup wasn't smudged anyway. She did a quick reapplication of her lipstick, helping remove any lipstick that happened to get on Casey's skin off, and exited, smoothing her dress out.

Her legs felt a bit wobbly from the nerves and everything that had happened, but she managed to keep herself up somehow.

"I absolutely did," she answered, looking over at Casey as she grasped his hand. "I hope you did as well." She offered a bright smile.

She reached over with one hand to smooth his shirt out a bit, helping him to look more presentable. But, who could blame them? They were a hot mess.

Summer nodded, following him down the stairs. "I can walk. I think we'd draw a lot of attention if you carried me. But, you're more than welcome to carry me sometime," she said with a laugh.

They approached the bar, and as she settled there, waiting for drinks, she heard Casey talking to someone, and then a familiar voice hit her ears.

Oh my god. Not him.

She turned her head and gave Andres a pointed look, her eyes staring daggers into him. "You should pay attention to your own business, Andres. It doesn't concern you." Summer was cold and to the point, clearly not pleased with his appearance.

And then he did it. He really fucking did it.

"You little- come here!" She lost her temper with him, stomping forward to smack his head with an open palm. "That's none of your business either!" If she were an animal, it'd be clear that her hackles were raised and she was ready to bite.

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2021 2:30:21 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Is it unfortunate? A shame? Should he feel annoyed that their moment got interrupted and that he probably won't get to have his dance with now that the meteor shower will soon arrive? Probably, and selfish as Mars is, those feelings are there, but for the moment, for Cian’s sake, he can push that selfishness aside...
”Are you two really childhood friends? That’s cute as hell. I bet you were adorable as a kid.”
It’s teasingly that he smirks, and with this gesture an arm is wrapped around Cian’s shoulders, Mars then returning his attention to Elliott.
Is he a model, then?
When he's is about to ask, the next question comes, and for a second he can do no more than look down at @elliott (and I mean it literally. Sorry, average height king Elliott). That word that he has been so fond of as of late, the one he has been so entranced with, suddenly has a strange ring to it, but this feeling is also quickly pushed aside because it would do no good to deal on it.
In the end, it’s with a smile that he gives up that thing that had mattered so much to him – the one that may have just been one of his only reasons to come to this soirée. A smile, even when something much different lies behind it. After all, that’s what Mars does best, isn’t it? Give himself reasons to smile with full confidence and honesty even when he can’t stand things.
”I don’t mind, though you better return him in one piece or we’re going to have a problem. Can’t have my cute boyfriend dying on me.” The words come with a wink, and he turns to look at Cian. ”I’ll probably head out to have a smoke, come find me once you’re done.”
As if to kiss him goodbye, Mars leans in, and it is quietly and softly that words are whispered to his ear before giving him a peck on the cheek: ”Have fun, love you. Don’t forget that the meteor shower is soon.”
With that, he steps away, heading towards the garden.
In truth, he knows well they probably won’t even get to see the meteors together, but that’s okay...
What matters tonight is that Cian has fun, right?
The cold night air is refreshing, and while leaning against a wall, Mars looks up at the dark firmament as he reaches into his jacket for a pack of cigarettes. And, just like it seems to happen every time he peers up at the night sky as of late, those words that had been spoken into his mind recently show themselves loud and clear:
Look to the stars.

What is he supposed to find there? Are they really watching? Who are they, even?


Out at the gardens for a smoke (11)
[BREAK]Open for interactions ♡


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2021 2:46:43 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Matt paused, taking his words into consideration. "I guess I do, huh? I didn't think about that." Shit, should he have dressed in a better outfit then?

Well, he wasn't technically recognized as Alexei's aid yet, so he figured it was fine. For the time being.

He looked up at the sky, the air around them quieter now that people seemed to go inside since the observatory roof had opened. He could hear crickets in the air. It reminded him of being outside.


Fending for himself.

Did he miss it? He wasn't sure yet.

Matt didn't notice the hand dangling between them, too busy looking at the stars. "You know, I did this a lot when I was alone. Stare at the sky. Try to find the constellations," he said, leaning back in his chair.

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casey, baby boy
September 24th
Fallarbor Town
ask him.
rest assured, he's still ripped
285 posts
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TAG WITH @casey
Casey Fincher
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2021 3:05:12 GMT
Casey Fincher Avatar

Just a mess. A mess. Hair was in his face. He was covered head to toe in a thin layer of sweat, his shirt wouldn't stay buttoned. Two cups sat at the counter waiting, amber pools of ginger ale with carbon vapor bubbling up and flying off. "...Nice to meet you."

He then caught Andres' little aside. Hair-raising in all the wrong ways. It kind of woke him from his stupor, leading him to down his drink immediately, scouring his throat with the carbonation. His eyes widened, and he could feel fire in his veins just standing there. "It's a shame you're not the type to mind your own business."

He then had the nerve, the gall to ask for advice. Casey bit his tongue, and pretended not to hear it. Perhaps he could delegate looking for her pokemon to his Skarmory. It was brighter than he gave it credit for.

Seemingly, it got her all fired up too. Her steely expression made it clear that the two had clashed before.

Casey then heard the rest of his comment. He would've laughed, if he didn't have to be an adult right now. "You're "missing" for a reason." He said, stepping away from the counter slightly and putting himself beside the two of them, but not infront of her.

Though, it was made clear that it was go-time when she lost her temper. He could very well regret it later, but Casey balled up a fist and threw it at the man's ribs. He did so with a step forward and one foot pivoting, as if he were a baseball player trying to bury the ball in the catcher's mitt. "..."

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triple h
september 14th
rustboro gym leader
champion (hoenn & vct)
now come together, come apart
4,046 posts
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TAG WITH @cian
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2021 8:31:05 GMT
almost on cue, cian steps on elliott's foot.

one dance.

the sadness behind mars' smile, no matter how brief or temporary, is recognized, though nothing stirs within him — not even guilt. instead, he smiles when mars leans in to kiss him goodbye, returning a few words of his own:

"love you, too. see you soon."

after mars leaves, cian turns back to his friend, extending a hand towards him.

"come on. you know how to dance, right?"

dancing with @elliott
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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2021 9:03:18 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

[attr="class","lyric"]born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes

[attr="class","name"]remiel calcifet

[attr="class","crown"]the crown prince




Remiel genuinely smiles as he pets the Houndoom, determined to discover and grant her only the perfect foot-tapping, eye-squinting, tail-wagging scratches. "You are quite the lovely lady, yes you are." The royal coos.[break][break]

Just as soon as her master had introduced himself, however, he was in a hurry to depart— leaving both Enya and the Ninetales, Hestia, behind. Remiel simply looks up and blinks, not stopping from his affections as @elliott disappears within the hedge maze once more. Earl Grey floats over to the pair, presenting himself to Remiel in particular— as if to say he was ready to be appointed the task of dog-sitter.[break][break]

"At ease, my friend. It's not everyday we get stuck with such pleasant company." He says, pausing from his expert petting when he looks up and sees entering from the path opposite the one Elliott had taken. Despite the Houndoom's prompt insistence for more, shoving its face into the royal's palm as a means to incite it, Remiel is captivated by the sight of her as she approaches.[break][break]

"Not mine," He manages to say, staying seated at the end of the stone bench as the Houndoom abandons his attempts and saunters over to Illeana with the curious Ninetales instead. "I'm just looking after them." She brushes his arm and he's very conscious of the motion, watching her as she shares her affections with them as well. Though that's when the bitter reminder of her dance with earlier suddenly arrives.[break][break]

His smile slowly dissolves as a result, though she was no stranger to his indifferent expression as well. Unbeknownst to him, there was a tell-tale twinkle in his eyes that perhaps Illeana could interpret: one that said not all was well with .[break][break]

"I've yet to see the main event," He answers, glancing at her before leaning back and setting his hands down on his lap, looking up to the stars above instead. "I won't leave until then." The somewhat faint sound of music can be heard from a section of the ball nearby, reminding him of the dance they'd yet to have.[break][break]

Assuming Fernando hadn't tired her out already, of course.[break][break]

— SUIT REFERENCE HERE (minus the jacket): x[break][break]

TL;DR — Remiel gives Houndoom best pets. Answers Illeana, is reminded of her dance with the Silph man, loses his smile and tries to pretend he's not a little bitter about it. Nikki said she likes him jealous LOL.


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2021 11:10:09 GMT



“FUCK YOU,” he parrots with Chatot like precision.

Contrary to his words, the room is saturated in luminescent pink. The onset of his MISTY TERRAIN begins to manifest but the vapor never forms. It’s a tease meant to blue ball, to keep him on edge both literally and euphemistically—that’s a double onTONdra.

There is something wrong with you Decker. Whatever this is—it’s not natural.

Which is where he comes in. The frown subsides as his lips curl.

So why, or what you need me for, comes with a cost. Fail to uphold your end of the deal and I have no reason to entertain you.


- scolds killian
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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
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Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2021 12:30:44 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
Locke stiffened at the announcement. Of course they’d have to turn off the lights for the meteor shower, he should’ve realized that coming in. He’d told he’d been scared of the dark once, but he hadn’t told him that childhood fear had morphed and resurged later in life.

Pup-Pup yawned at Locke’s feet, drawing him out of his head for a moment. He bent over and pulled her into his lap, letting the Herdier’s weight ground him and giving the other three a polite nod as they disappeared into the dance floor.

“Er, while we’re talking about moving outside though, I’m not sure I want to be in here when the lights go out…” they confessed to , pulling out their Pokénav to check the time, the mysterious charm they'd picked up before swaying as they flicked it open. They glanced around the room to try and find…well they weren’t sure. Maybe someone standing at a switch? Some kind of indication of the exact moment the lights were to go out.

What Locke spotted instead was a new pair of strangers approaching themselves and the ranger with some amount of purpose. “Do, uh, do you know these guys?” they whispered to Razz before and reached hearing distance.

Slopply edited outfit
+Reference meteor shower
+Carry a Pokémon
+Confess a worry
Locke's garden charm is out for those who want to se it!
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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she / her
December 16
oldale town
We've got the time to take the world and make it better than it ever was
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lumia peura DOLLARS
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lumia peura
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2021 15:00:37 GMT
lumia peura Avatar
star soiree
excitable crowd!!
[attr="class","bang"]she's trying okay,,,

A Quagsire... Her heart melts at the thought of the derpy pokemon whilst he mind wanders off in thinking of names.

"Bluebell? Aster... Larkspur? Maybe Allium..." In the midst of her little list, Lumia barely acknowledges how Lars has grabbed drinks for them both. And in turn, she finds herself blinking twice at the glass held before her, hesitantly taking hold of it and swirling the drink around the edges before offering it to her Dragapult. "So uhm... your... friends..."

She locks eyes with the stranger and can't help but lose her words, her nerves eating at her as she quietly grips at Lars' sleeve. One step, followed by another, she slowly edges her way behind her cousin, only offering the drinking duo a panicked nod of the head before ducking back into cover.

Are they intruding? Maybe she shouldn't be here... She's just a stranger, after all!






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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing