i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,329 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2022 21:53:52 GMT
As announcements were given and instructions clarified, Barnaby looked up when the swarm of PORYGON-2 descended upon the crowd. Without hesitation he took the offered Focus Band, tying it securely to his left bicep.

He glanced around, taking stock of what the ROCKETs around him had decided. Surely none of them would be foolhardy enough to...

"Felix—" The name came out strangled, horrified.

No heroes? Then what the fuck are you doing right now?

Barnaby didn't verbalize his extreme displeasure out loud, partly because he was experiencing flashbacks of a similarly life-threatening moment they had shared.

Images of that chaotic day ran through his mind. The blood, the fear, the screams, the gunshots. The deafening silence thereafter.

Merde. Merde. Merde. Merde. Merde.

Grabbing Felix's forearm, tight, Barnaby gave him a look that said, don't you dare fucking die on me.

And then he released his grip. Concern melted from his expression, replaced by calm determination.

His gaze flicked to and , nodding at the both of them. What a ragtag bunch. What sort of battle experience did either of them have? Barnaby figured he'd find out soon.

"At your word, General."

Barnaby, too, released his first Pokémon - his silver NINETALES, Sybille. She remained at a heel by his side. Watching, waiting.
accepts focus band
team: felix + mint + eris
released ninetales

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,845 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2022 23:11:20 GMT
mint frost Avatar

He wasn’t sure what had been said just before he’d arrived but whatever it had been, when he looked up at , he seemed visibly upset. That or constipated. He’s sure Eris didn’t have an unkind bone in his body and his eyes turn to stare at accusingly before the young girl stepped through to announce the exam about to begin. He accepted the focus band without a second thought before letting out a scoff and giving his friend another shove. “You too! Merc experience doesn’t make you invincible.” He said, though he didn’t try to force the band on Felix. He’d be covering him anyway. “At least try to talk to us before you do something stupid.”

At the suggestion of teaming up though, he jumped to object. “You sure you wanna stick with him? Don’t force yourself if you don’t want to.” he added, frowning at his choice in partners. Eris was alright, but without anymore context than what he’d seen, he wasn’t all that excited to join forces with Bee, regardless of what had gone down. He turned to guy wide eyes narrowing into a glare. “Bee can always buzz off.” There’s a pause before he clarified. “That means ‘fuck off’.” Despite this, it seemed like the team was set anyway, much his chagrin.

With that he turned to back his attention to the defacto leader of their team. is more than capable, and I’ve done some training since our last mission together. So, trust us a little bit.” He said, raising his eyebrows at the man before turning to Eris. She wouldn’t want this on, but there was no need to take unnecessary risks for a simulation. “If you get hurt, you’ll delay your SPECTRA training.” He stated as he snatched up the band from Felix and slapped it onto one of Eris’ wrists. “Medbay food is shit anyway.” He continued with a sigh before letting out Straciatella. “Telly, take care of us.” He said as the Abomasnow began to pat, him on the head. His gaze eventually made it back to Bee. “That guy too, since we’re technically a team.” He added not about to sacrifice team cohesiveness over a little spat. “We can talk more later~” He added with a smile, though there was nothing friendly about it this time.


+ team femboy is ago go [break][break]
- taking a FOCUS BAND [break]
- starting some shit [break]
- slapping a FOCUS BAND on as requested




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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
1,179 posts
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2022 3:18:03 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

Most of the people she recognizes are above them, just watching. As many converse with various displays of comradery, Lex remains silent and observant. There are so many new faces, many she doesn’t recognize. Another current beast is among them, . It’s nice to see she’s not the only Beast participating. But most of the familiar faces are above. It’s a little unsettling being among the strangers, especially as they all begin to team up and unite in preparation. Much like what’s buried deep, she’s alone.

Well, not entirely.

From the dark air around her, long, ivory clawed fingers reach out, curing around her broad shoulders. The wraith leans forward through the void, whispering in her ear through sharp teeth. It’s nothing comprehensible, merely a hiss, but they’ve been together long enough to at least understand each other in certain ways. She’s hungry.

Having already proven herself in countless ways, Lex accepts the FOCUS BAND. She has no intention of dying in a simple exercise when there are important mission on the near horizon.

The new Beast snaps the bracelet onto her right wrist, glancing down at it momentarily as it molds to her shape, “Let’s go,” Lex steps forward towards the clusters of participants. The SHADOW GARDEVOIR phases into their plane, hanging at her hip closely. Her dress billows ominously in the still air, pale red eyes trained forward. The coolness of her protoplasm brushes against the back of her neck, raising goosebumps beneath the tight, black jumpsuit.

Lex stands amongst the other participants alone but towards the front, inviting those without a group to join her if they wish.

And it looked like someone did.

The Shadow Gardevoir turns her head first, piercing red eyes glaring down at the young woman. Lex turns next, craning her head to let amber eyes trace the potential ally’s figure. Typically, she would refuse, but part of this exercise did require team work. Lex isn’t delusion enough to think she could do this on her own, “I don’t think you will get in the way,” is that a hint of a small smile at the corner of the thief's lips?

Her eyes flash to the FOCUS BAND. She’s pleased to see it. It shows the girl is at least not an idiot. A simple exercise isn’t worth risking your life over, “I’m Lex,” she leaves the invitation open for her to introduce herself.

Teaming up with
Shadow Gardevoir makes an appearance
Lex ACCEPTS the Focus Band
Let’s goooooooo

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,211 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2022 5:39:29 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]It completely flies over her head as to why Felix seems so bothered when Barnaby appears and the confusion only intensifies when she bears witness to Mint's hostility towards the man. Is Barnaby somehow on the 'Top 10 most hated Rocket operatives' list somewhere? But he's nice... Then again, Gavin has warned her time and time again that Rockets are as described on the label, evil in their own ways.
Just as she's about to refuse the Focus Band from the porygon, Mint pretty much slaps it onto her wrist like a snap ruler. She's not given any time to return it before the porygon disappears into the crowd and she can't risk exposing herself by trying to return it to the examiner so...
"I can keep myself safe, thanks..." She mutters, quietly prodding at the Focus Band and wilfully ignoring that sigh of relief that Reiner gives her. It takes a bit, but eventually she comes up with a verdict, one that she finds important enough to poke Mint on.
"Couldn't Remy have made this cuter with small Litten or Togepi patterns? Or do you think he spent all his budget on this room?"
- Participating[break]
- Taking the Focus Band with Mint's help
[attr="class","adrie-note"] || ||


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Fix, Mr. Fixer, Mr. Fix
December 17
Mahogany Town
5 height
5 height
I can fix that.
20 posts
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TAG WITH @thefixer
The Fixer
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2022 21:08:27 GMT
The Fixer Avatar

He suppressed the habitual urge to re-check his gear while idle; He knew everything was in good order, because it always was, and it would give the wrong impression if he kept fidgeting and acting as if he wasn't confident in his own preparations. Still, the nagging little urge to check just in case wouldn't quite go away, like an itch in a place he couldn't scratch in decent company. Damnably annoying.[break] [break]

"That all? You've been slacking, if that's the case - Getting soft in your old age, Shioda Oyabun?" If the sheer absurdity of stating that taking on a dozen opponents was a poor enough show to warrant disappointment wasn't indication enough, the levity in the Fixer's heavily modulated voice made the jest clear as he spoke to . A low, reverberating sound emanated from his helmet, the thoughtful growl of some cybernetic beast as he leaned his head to one side. "People can be so fussy sometimes. Maybe if you had gone for an origami dragon instead - Who doesn't love a dragon? If I had to be origami'd into something, I'd be pretty alright with a dragon, personally." [break] [break]

Though there is little at all to discern an expression from the sleek, shining armour that encases the Fixer's face, the subtle shift of his posture and the tilt of his head are sufficient to indicate a contemplative sort of interest as he regards the bruiser before him. "I can free up some of my schedule for an old client, sure. You know how to reach me. Assuming we survive this little shindig, anyway." [break] [break]

The beep interrupted him before he can continue, and so he turned to listen to the announcement with a keen air. He studied the girl that would apparently be assessing them, or at least in charge of giving them the in-flight safety instruction rundown. The Fixer had a healthy respect for girls, on account of having been stabbed by one once. Left a mean scar, too. [break] [break]

As the Porygon-2 neared him, a gauntleted hand reached out to accept the Focus Band without a beat of hesitation. Anyone not taking each and every advantage they could in a dangerous situation was a fool, and asking for the consequences. The Fixer rather liked being hale and whole, and if they were kind enough to supply something useful, why, it'd be downright rude to refuse it. Ignoring the glitching snatches of scenes that flicker in and out of existence around him, he returned his attention to ,tipping his chin back and asking, tone casual, "Want to give this a whirl, duo style?" He knew that she was more than capable in a fight, and, better yet, she was reliable, which meant he could turn his back on her with only the normal degree of back-itching premonitions of a knife being aimed square between his shoulders. [break] [break]

Shifting his focus to ,he held up a hand in an apologetic gesture. "Sorry, Miss, but I'd prefer to work with just Shioda Oyabun here, if that's all the same to you - Familiar face, and all. I don't much like diving in the deep end with strangers, hope you don't mind. Maybe another time, though."




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November 16th
Jubilife City
Former Beast
You don't wanna see me bratty~
595 posts
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TAG WITH @sailorarti
Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2022 21:46:37 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar
razor-sharp teeth, i bite bullets.
Serena had quieted down and began to carefully watch over the influx of new participants. There were a lot and if she was expected to choose one who could make it all the way she wanted to really pay attention. The obvious picks in her mind were , , and . But her ears perked up with the mention of another notorious name, .

Serena's brows became furrowed as honeyed orbs rotated their focus between those chosen four. Just as she reached to place her bets in on the table her eyes spied another familiar face. Wasn't that? Wasn't that the girl she met in the woods? she believed her name was. Serena had no clue the girl was a grunt.

An amused grin formed on her lips as her fingers hovered over the betting board. Last minute changes surely wouldn't hurt.

tl;dr: Serena locks in , , , and for her bets.
outfit ● control room - proctor
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she/her, he/him (business)
August 1
security consultant
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
67 posts
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TAG WITH @yoshiro
yoshiro shioda
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2022 21:53:55 GMT
yoshiro shioda Avatar
For a beat or two, long enough for the silence to be noticed by those around them, Yoshiro remained still and quiet, her countenance impassive. But then the corner of her lips twitched up in response to the jest, a low sound of mirth emanating from her chest, and she bumped the side of his arm with the side of her fist in an almost brotherly fashion.

"I'll have to start practicing my dragons for next time - wouldn't want you to be disappointed when it's your turn." There was her own manner of levity there, found by those who knew her well enough to look for it, the watered steel of her voice smooth at the edge. "Maybe a little Haxorus. Just for you."

It looked as if she had more to say about future employment, but as the announcement sounded and the Porygon-2s started to zip about, Yoshiro tilted her head and listened, one tattooed hand falling back to the hilt of her katana as she settled into an easy sort of wariness. Say what one will about Shioda, she was very good at her job - both the criminal one, and otherwise, and there was little use in jeopardizing either enterprise at a whim.

Or upsetting Amber, if she should disappear again.

The Focus Band went on. That would be that.

With a cursory check of her tamahagane, only an inch or two of shimmering metal revealed and only for an instant, Yoshiro re-sheathed the blade and lifted her chin in assent toward . A last scan of the room made, she asserted, "Not the worst odds we've ever taken. You remember the Machamp gauntlet?"

Concurring with the man beside her, she addressed , "Perhaps another time, once I've had the opportunity to see your work firsthand. I wish you fortune and glory, nonetheless."
+Focus Band ON +Team and +Pokemon: Arcanine, Jangmo-o, Zorua
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,408 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2022 23:24:12 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
A pleasant buzz from the champagne is Gavin's cue to stop drinking. Only in the privacy of his own home would he allow himself to go any further than this. He sets down the flute and turns his gaze to the room below as final bets are called.

Tilting his head, he locks in his own.

". . ." His gaze lingers on the girl they'd thought might be Chryssa. "Chryssa is young. This one's a grown woman. Relative, perhaps? Or just a coincidence." His shoulders shrug, and he adds, "I'll throw '' in as my wild card."

Smirking, he settles back to watch chaos unfold.
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Mar 1, 2022 1:07:56 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

After ’s cue of ‘sending in the girl’, things shift down in the arena and groups begin to form. Lightly and gently swirling what little champagne remains in his flute, Mars watches the examinees carefully, paying close attention to their choices on groups and on if they take the focus band or not…
Some of the ones who don’t are expected, but others… Well…
”Some of these people must have a death wish.” With ’s choice it at least seems that way. ’s choice, on the other hand, makes Mars think that he probably wants to prove something to or whatever. Stupid. ”Guess I’m betting on those with bands and those without, to make it fair. and for no bands, and for those with bands… Hmm…”
The first two were an easy choice, having been through difficult experiences with them both and having seen their combat abilities firsthand. But, the rest?
His gaze falls on , and there’s a slight frown when seeing her choice in teammates. Why would she do this to herself? Surely she must know what she’s doing, right? If there’s any silver lining, perhaps it’s the fact that is there with her…
So, if not Elisabeth, then who?
He considers, finishing his champagne, and he smiles after a moment.
and .” It seems like the obvious choice even if he hasn’t seen the Kalosian’s combat skills. Is it because of a slight degree of trust? Or, perhaps it’s just the slightest sliver of belief.
”Shame the actual isn’t here, though. It should be interesting to see what this “relative” of hers gets up to…” The words are directed at , coming in company of a smirk.



Control room | Proctor[break][break]
♡ BETS ♡[break]
NO BAND: & [break]


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November 1
Mauville City
art collector
kiss me once
then kiss me twice
5'6" height
5'6" height
say a prayer for the wicked
1,148 posts
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TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Mar 1, 2022 1:35:08 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar
The exam seemed to begin, with stating to "bring in the girl." Whatever the fuck that meant.

Summer was still a bit bitter that Remy hadn't acknowledged her. She'd make sure he'd hear about that later, though. Right now, she was too busy looking down below to see what exactly was going on.

Honestly? This was all whack. Maybe because she was so pregamed and intoxicated that she couldn't really understand everything going on, but what she did get was that some people were accepting these bands that could save them from death or maiming or not. In her eyes, it was a simple decision.

You absolutely took the band. Why waste your talents and life in a stupid exam like this?

Summer huffed before slumping back in her seat, looking over at and as they discussed bets. Her polished finger tapped her pursed lip as she thought about who'd she bet on. She didn't really know many of the participants down there. But, based on her intuition, she could definitely pick out some good potential from the crowd.


" has my bid. That blonde girl over there, with the long hair, she does too," she said, pointing over at .


Well, Barnaby was hot. And that blonde girl, she was a cutie. Maybe she had something in her.

"Hmm... and maybe that cute little girl with those group of idiots that refused the band. Oh, and that really scary looking dude. They seem to have potential."

Summer was referencing to , , and , of course. And .
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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,737 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Mar 1, 2022 2:28:46 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







"I'd rather not talk about it." he says not so gracefully dancing around the subject. [break][break]

He was already exhausted, "My money is on cause if anything happens we might need a new admin after I talk to Mr. fox." he says crossing his arms extremely upset Priam was partaking, failing to see the irony in his emotions. He took a sip of his whiskey and then almost spitting it out again as he denies the focus band. [break][break]

He shoots Theo a glance upon him saying priam was stupid, he was but only he was allowed to say that. "We've been sparing with one another for a long while. He SHOULD be fine. god help them all if he wasn't cause he was not in a good space mentally.


notes about this post

Notes go here

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he / him / his
february 11
Celadon, Kanto
5’7 height
5’7 height
173 posts
part of
TAG WITH @jiro
Kenjiro Yamada
POSTED ON Mar 1, 2022 15:50:21 GMT
Kenjiro Yamada Avatar

Honestly he didn’t know how he was able to stand all the noise, but he looked up the moment most everyone was called to attention…

It was still too bright to see beyond the range of the lighting around the area. He still couldn’t shake the feeling he was being watched, though, could anyone blame his paranoia?

Either way…

Much tempted as he wanted to go through the entire thing without the band, he had to spare a second glance. After all, he’d been there in the hellfire when Kanto burned, right at the forefront. He’d seen—things.

He wondered what would think of this.

A twisted smirk flashed across his features for a bit, wondering who else hadn’t teamed up with who yet…

Back then he would be hiding in the shadows, just within the admin’s reach, in case shit went down. Now, however? It was a different playing field altogether.

He wasn’t one for high positions anyway, jack of many trades yet a master of none…

With that, he unballed the only named Pokémon he had with him; revealing itself in a flurry of tassels and metal before hovering at his side—his Doublade, Yamato.

There was nothing else to it—

“Ladies,” he began in and ’s direction as he gave them a slight bow; seeing that everyone else had pretty much either paired or teamed up, it was now or never.

“Any space for a Kanto veteran in your number?” he added, so quiet only they would hear as he slapped the band on.

• takes a mental headcount, notes that there are nineteen special referrals
• notices that people are pairing up or teaming up,
• slaps a band on, just in case
• approaches and and asks if they’ve got room for one more on the team
• now accompanied by his Doublade


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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,691 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2022 19:29:48 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]S.P.E.C.T.R.A. EXAMS





The last of the PORYGON-2 return past the gates, as those who opted to abandon the exam follow in tow. This prompts ANANOVA IYATOLI to scan the participants remaining with her device once more. "35 and 18," She remarks. ”That completes the preliminary roll call and preparations.” A half-second glitch may or may not have excluded from the fold. Anyone running the exam has yet to realize 's GENESECT is present, and may be the one to blame.[break][break]

Regardless, the young girl lowers her data-pad and smiles up at the CONTROL ROOM’s observation deck. ”Esteemed PROCTORS, the first official S.P.E.C.T.R.A EXAMS may now begin.” Ananova nods, turning back down towards the large group gathered at its center. Meanwhile, the holograms surrounding them steadily begin to increase in number and grow clearer in picture. ”Good luck everyone.”[break][break]

Well placed steps pull the young girl backward afterwards, and a blaring alarm sounds as the massive gates begin to slowly close. As night fills the sky in strokes of dark purple and blue, the view of the OBSERVATION DECK and the CONTROL ROOM is entirely obscured from the PARTICIPANTS down below. Those inside either, however, are still able to observe the participants from above: like gods and demi-gods watching mortals from high up Mt. Olympus.[break][break]

The distance between them, of course, is considerable. Thankfully, both OBSERVERS and PROCTORS are able to walk up to their one-way mirrors and spawn a personal digital interface with the touch of a finger. They may use these to track the progress and status of specific participants wearing FOCUS BANDs, or zoom in to specific scenes that may be too far or too obscured by the holograms to see with the naked eye.[break][break]

This is sure to come in handy as, before long, a pulse of GREEN ENERGY flows throughout the stadium’s systems, transforming the world around the participants in the blink of an eye:[break][break]


The unintelligible chatter of a thousand conversations fill the ears of every contestant. Carnival games ding and ‘whoop’ like a chorus of badly choreographed Kricketune from all around. The scent of a salty brine is carried in a cold breeze that sweeps throughout this bustling festival scene, though it finds itself mixed with the aroma of fried treats and carnival appropriate delicacies. A great mass of civilians walk, work, and perform all about. If they’re holograms, nothing less of an empty touch will come to reveal that, to which most will react with a degree of confusion.[break][break]

Strangely enough, all of the buildings and stalls surrounding everyone are CORPOREAL in nature— even if their contents, game prizes and equipment and such things, may not be. Standing in a circular courtyard at the center of it all, the participants are free to assess their new surroundings further. A looming lighthouse tower in the distance seems to call forth to them. A beach nearby and a massive stage seems to do the same.[break][break]

By all accounts… this seems to be an artificial imitation of Slateport City’s night market. And, based on the multitude of lanterns, flowing red banners, and the grandiose time ball affixed to the top of the lighthouse… it is NEW YEARS 2020.[break][break]

The 35 ROCKET NPC's almost immediately scatter to explore their surroundings, assembling into their own little pairs or groups. Many of them guffaw as they poke and prod the hologram folk, or smash a few stalls with their Pokémon in a show of power (or chaos).[break][break]

PARTICIPANTS, you may:[break][break]

☐ explore/test your surroundings[break]
☐ discuss strategies or plans[break][break]

will be assumed absent and ejected from the event unless a post is made this round meeting the criteria of the rules below! Namely: FOCUS BAND choice and THREE POKÉMON to be locked in.[break][break]

, please include the THREE POKÉMON you’ve chosen to bring in your next post! They will be locked in.[break]



To easily differentiate one group from another, everyone is asked to mark whether they are in the OBSERVATION DECK, CONTROL ROOM, or PARTICIPATING, somewhere in their post.[break][break]


NEW OBSERVERS, please reference the introduction for information on the setting and the event itself, prior to joining in with a post.[break][break]

OBSERVERS & PROCTORS you may post multiple times during this round, but no double-posting.[break][break]


As of 02/26, 12PM PST, sign-ups for PARTICIPATION have closed.[break][break]

This mini-event is NON-DEATH ENABLED to participants who chose to wear a FOCUS BAND: the likelihood of injury is still high, but wearing it in no way affects scoring. Those who opt out of wearing a band enter the exam DEATH-ENABLED. Mainly, this provides an increase to difficulty. Though it may result in permanent injury/death.[break][break]

Your character is allowed to remove their FOCUS BAND during the exam to become DEATH-ENABLED. Once they do so, they cannot put it back on to revert this setting.[break][break]

PARTICIPANTS, please indicate whether or not your character is wearing (or has removed) a FOCUS BAND somewhere in their post.[break][break]

The rules for all current PARTICIPANTS are as follows:[break][break]
  • All Pokémon have been locked in.
  • No more than one Pokémon out at one time.
  • Avatar abilities are allowed.
  • You may only post once during this round.




👥 35 NPC's[break]
🔴 🟢 🟢 🟢 [break]
🔴 🔴 🟢 [break]
🟢 @elliott 🟢 [break]
🟢 🟢 🟢 [break]
🟢 🟢 [break]
🔴 🟢 🟢 🟢 [break]

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played by

Laika Boss

June 12th
Lilycove City
Lighthouse Keeper
Shut up and be happy
it's all in your head
5'10" / 177.8cm height
5'10" / 177.8cm height
You will find no hidden agendas in the sea's desire to swallow you whole
220 posts
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TAG WITH @klaus
klaus anchoret
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2022 20:45:09 GMT
klaus anchoret Avatar

”Good luck everyone.”
Despite the chaos of noise that unfolds around the group, tension bleeds out of Klaus's frame as he looks around the hologram of Slateport. This wasn't real. He could handle not-real. Klaus's hand passes through a nearby man, a static-y feeling shooting up his arm that he duly ignores.
Fist clenching and unclenching in an absent manner, Klaus shakes out the sensation before his magenta-pink gaze settles firmly on the lighthouse in the distance. "We should go there," he asserts suddenly. The young man does not wait for anyone of his group to confirm or deny the decision, instead moving purposefully through the crowds as he mentally repeats his mantra of It's not real.
"Steel and water," Klaus mumbles, his hand going to his hip, only to pause as he thinks better of it. "Down closer to the water. Anwhistle can Safeguard us, unless someone else has a Protect. Both might be worth it. There was an Ultra Beast."
"I know the area," he continues in a distracted manner, his hand swapping to another pokeball that he doesn't release just yet. "The beach down there should be safe enough. The rocks can provide cover, but they'll hinder our movement. I can draw whatever out onto the open water if we need."
Gone is the timidity of earlier, a focused glint evident as Klaus falls silent, consumed in his plans. The song filters unbidden into Klaus's mind, an almost manic laugh spilling from his lips which then continue to move, wordlessly repeating the lyrics to himself:
I'm sinking to the bottom of my [break]
Everything that freaks me out [break]
The lighthouse beam has just run out [break]
I'm cold as cold as cold can be [break]
Be [break]

Klaus releases Lapras from his pokeball.


+ , , [break]
+ Participating [break]
+ Pokemon: Dhelmise, Skrelp, Lapras [break]
+ WEARING the Focus Band [break]
+ Takes his team to the beach, aww yiss [break]
+ Lapras is RELEASED [break]



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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
1,436 posts
ana fell DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cygne
ana fell
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2022 20:50:08 GMT
ana fell Avatar

[attr="class","llppromisedtitle"]trouble tracks[break]me down

[attr="class","llppromisedtitle2"]in the troubled parts of town


Cyg remembers this. [break][break]

Well, a version of it. [break][break]

She remembers… she remembers where she was: in PJs, on the couch, in her apartment, with a 24 pack of PBR and a Stouffer’s lasagna in the oven. [break][break]

She remembers the emergency news broadcast interrupting the ball drop and the New Years Eve coverage. She remembers the shock, the horror, the region-wide stupor; a phone call from her parents. [break][break]

But mostly, she remembers: [break][break]

All employees will be expected to show up for their scheduled shifts. - Management [break][break]

That’s what she remembers the most. [break][break]

She’s a bit shocked when -- Klaus-- immediately jumps into action, taking charge of their little group and shepherding them out of the market, towards the lighthouse. She watches him interact with an immaterial picture and does the same, the hair on her forearm standing on end as electrical shivers slither down her spine. [break][break]

“There was another Ultra Beast?” Cyg asks, more stupefied than questioning Klaus’ authority. Maybe he was here, first hand. Maybe he’d seen it. All she’d seen were the TV broadcasts. [break][break]

She still has Sinistree’s Keystone cradled in the crook of one arm. Above them, the lighthouse is an ominous beacon in the night, lamplight swinging like a guillotine pendulum, round and round. The focus band is a weight, an anchor, around her arm; she looks from it to , whose arms are bare. [break][break]

“We can use the lighthouse as a base of operations,” Cyg says, thinking out loud. “It’s tall, and defendable. We would just have to deal with this Nihilego, right?” She holds Sinistree’s keystone-- still inactive-- a bit closer, as if for support; her eyes go to , then, checking in with the final member of their team. They’re all strong. They can do this. [break][break]

Whatever it is. [break][break]


[break]> participating with tyrantrum, spiritomb, and claydol[break]> wearing the focus band[break]> team up with izy, klaus, and elisa[break]> following klaus down to the beach/towards the lighthouse[break]> why aint no one tell me my last post was still QUOTED



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[newclass=.CYGNE .llppromised]--promisedAccent:#C6A6E5;[/newclass]
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP