i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,862 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2022 3:33:01 GMT
mint frost Avatar




The spores had stopped, but the ones on him seemed to continue affecting him. A wave of sleepiness overcame him briefly as he closed his eyes before forcing them back open. He couldn't collapse here. "What the hell are these?" he hissed as he looked as some of the barbs that had stuck to his hands and arms. He began to try to pluck them before looking over at Jayden and asking, "Are you feeling weird-" The pained howl of his Blastoise snapped him to attention as he turned to see Shellshocker in agony as Chu-e extendo arms held him off the ground in sharp inky black spears. "Hey-!" he started before feeling sick. "HEY WAIT-" [break][break]

The explosion rings out in a massive output of heat and light as Mint's scrambled for a pokeball at his waist before letting something out at random. Zucchera the Mareep props out cooing and scared before stiffening up as Mint called out, "PROTECT!" He's nearly broguth to his knees by the force of it all, with his own sheep pokemon struggling to keep the force field up. 's blinding light cleared the DARK ZONE, and he looked at 's Bastiodon who had pushed forward in front of him and his sheep. At least visibility was back, but it only contributed to the horror his pokemon was going through. He's could see it clearly now, blood dripping quickly off Shellshocker's body. Mint went pale as he watched his partner's innards slough out like a cracked egg. At least he was still, but the sight burns itself into Mint's eyes.[break][break]

"Aw FUCK-" he then said as he watched 's Gardevoir mutate and seemingly move to turn on them. Minions? Was this a raid boss? His vision is blurred, turning fuzzy and pink form 's attack. His eyes flickered to the Underboss, knowing better than to question him but there's that implicit question anyway. And some part of Mint understood why. That body- even if was Chu-e's- was a current threat to them. This battlefield is so much worse, so much more chaotic than GEOMANCY. He can barely stand it. How was he standing? [break][break]

The earth changes as began his assault on as well. He hesitated to move, watching the beautiful AURORA BEAM fly straight at his old mentor. He can't stay here- can't sit still. Especially when it seemed like League representatives were moving in on the tree, shooting indiscriminately. "Let's move outta the way- towars !" Maybe she's have an inkling about the weird circles. "Zucherra, Protect again, when we get there I'll try to pry out the spores before they get too ingrained." With that the pair take off sprinting , the sheep having trouble keeping up. As he approached Eris he shouted at her, "Do you have ANY idea what the grounds is doing now?!"



tagged ▸ ooc [break][break]

- owiiowwiee spores start blooming, tries to pluck them off himself [break]
- fucked up about Shellshocker dying [break]
- pulls out Zucchera the Mareep but is excited to see Felixand his Bastiodon covering for him and Jayden [break]
- tells the lads we moving out cause oooh owwie scawwy leaguers incoming [break]
- Tells Zucherra the Mareep to use PROTECTagain to cover the lads otw to Eris [break]
- Asks her 'wtf is going on' [break]
- boutta clean the fuck outta felix and jayden ( and eris?? if she wants??? ) of the spores if he can





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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,971 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2022 3:39:15 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
In the darkness Oscar would watch the flash of Genesect's cannon barrel. Once--twice--three times. Did any of the blasts hit? He could not see a damn thing in this unnatural bleakness. Suddenly, any senses that could still perceive what was happening were dashed at the sound or twisting metal. A flash appeared, illuminating the dark and making everything clear. Genesect had been defeated.

Oscar stood motionless, barely able to comprehend what he was witnessing. Genesect had been impaled by Necrozma, its metal exoskeleton torn apart as easily as tissue paper. This thing was born to fight Necrozma, and it was dispatched as easily as pushing over a child. Oscar felt the weight of their task before, but only now did it sink in how out matched they were. This thing, if it so desired, could eradicate humanity in an instant.

It was amazing.

Genesect was freed from Necrozma's grasp, and Oscar wasted no time in stealthily trying to withdraw it. When he succeeded, he would let out a sigh of relief. At the very least Genesect lived, otherwise the pokeball would have rejected its corpse. If they made it through the night, Genesect could at least be repaired. Of course they would have to survive first.

With visibility restored, Oscar would regain his bearings. To his surprise he was no rather close to his new best-friend-forever-and-always-no-take-backs , as well as a flaming masked figure. From his close position, Oscar would overhear Bryan suggesting that they use Infinity Energy to assault the dark puppet formally known as Chu-e--which caused Oscar to have a deranged idea. Could he possibly--would that work?

Well we shall have to fucking wait to find out because there was other shit to deal with now. A spotlight behind Oscar caught his attention, prompting him to turn his head. To his utter horror and bewilderment he would not find a normal light, but rather the bright blaze of a Solar Beam that was coming right for him and his two proximity buddies.

"Fuck!" Oscar pulled a pokeball off his belt and opened it, releasing his faithful Wobbuffet: Deliverance. As the Solar Beam neared, Oscar would kneel behind Deliverance and cry out, "Mirror Coat!" The Wobbuffet saluted, glowing a hazy purple as he covered himself with a reflective shield. Oscar was confident he would be spared, though he was not sure about the likes of poor Bryan and the masked stranger. He should have brought something with Protect! Why the fuck was this happening? Was fighting alien satan not enough? 


--Oscar withdrew Genesect sneaky like.
--Oscar threw out Wobbuffet who used Mirror Coat to reflect the Solar Beam.

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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,437 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2022 5:32:50 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
with one arm covering his face, eyes strained, greyson waits out the supernova. when it subsides and with it, the oppressive darkness, he blinks away the few spots of light that plague his vision. the soothing presence of the comfey around his wrist keeps him calm and a quick glance around him confirms the presence of , and .
watching fire a barrage of attacks in the direction of — was that rocket? — sends ice through greyson's veins. it felt as if he were standing in the trenches and mere feet away from mortar fire. the feeling haunted him.
with morbid curiosity he pays attention to the SOLARBEAM that was fired from 's pokemon. it races across the battlefield, clashes against a blue punching-bag shaped creature, and is then redirected. greyson's eyes flash wide and his hand moves before he can stop it, a shiny dewspider finding it's place among this carnage. its form shimmers in carbon copy of 's own pokemon, then it MIRROR MOVES the attack right back! now nearly 4X as large, it cuts across the battle field and back towards the intended targets.
he all too suddenly becomes aware of a sensation of warmth that spreads through him as 's avatar abilities take hold, but his attention is wrenched free from that thought as 's smeargle begins to charge GEOMANCY. the comfey around the champion's wrist extends it's own power to the mix as it gives him a HELPING HAND, meanwhile a flurry of petals (PETAL BLIZZARD) rips from the comfey around greyson's wrist, aiming directly for the tree of life.
greyson's heart thumps as all these things seem to happen at once, aware of just how dangerous this situation was. now more than ever, he needed to be on his A-game.

shiny dewspider MIRROR COATS the SOLARBEAM that was MIRROR COATED by to them. is this 4x damage? idk[break]
's comfey uses HELPING HAND to add its own power to the GEOMANCY of his smeargle.[break]
's comfey uses PETAL BLIZZARD to send a torrent of petals at the TREE OF LIFE.[break]
's comfey's action is UP TO HER.[break]


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2022 17:09:26 GMT
Deleted Avatar
are we laughing? are we drowning?
A humidifier of spring mist healed the scrapes and bruises of those fleeing the scene.

He wasn't sure how much closer he could get.

With a flash of light, the false darkness which choked the area made way for an early dusk. Dark, but no longer sickeningly so. He felt useless.

The pressure thickened.

A voice beckoned, but calling it a voice seemed like a misconception. It spoke with the space between words, a dialect no human was meant to comprehend.

d̷o̶ ̵n̷o̶t̴ ̸l̸o̵s̵e̴ ̷s̷i̶g̴h̷t̶ ̴o̶f̸ ̴t̵h̵e̶ ̶f̵u̷t̸u̵r̶e̵.̷

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Was that his heartbeat or his head?

a̷ ̸c̴h̶o̴i̸c̷e̴ ̶w̶i̴l̶l̵ ̷c̷o̶m̵e̵ ̴t̸h̷a̷t̸ ̸o̴n̷l̶y̸ ̶y̷o̸u̸ ̶c̷a̶n̸ ̶m̶a̸k̵e̶.̵

It deafened with its silence. A nothingness which held everything. Infinite in zero.

When did he get on his knees? Tendrils of pastel hair wrapped around his fingers.

t̷h̷i̷n̵k̶,̴ ̵f̵e̶e̴l̴,̷ ̸a̷c̸t̶.̶

Whose voice was that? he wondered numbly. His nose dripped bright splashes onto the ground below.

m̴a̴k̷e̶ ̷t̸h̴e̸ ̷c̸o̵r̸r̴e̸c̵t̵ ̸c̷h̷o̸i̶c̴e̵.̷

It was him.

It was always him.


He needed to get up.

Sirocco pushed himself to his feet. Shook once, twice.

A croon queried in his head. He turned to face Nina, the Hatterene gazing at him with something that approached concern. A shuddering breath in. "'m fine."

Sweaty palms wiped away the blood. He stared at it blankly. Do no harm.

"Let's get back to work."

-HATTERENE continues to use LIFE DEW on any people fleeing the scene
-Sirocco hears that weird ass prophecy shit like yo holla
-Running support for this event makes me feel like Rocco's bottoming
@urmom ● hi guys ● 69 words
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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2022 17:31:14 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar

Rex is just stupid enough to approach the tree, and just happy enough to see Gavin when the sky seems to erupt in light. He knows nothing of prophecies, or the weird markings upon the ground that speak to others. He knows of death, however. He that when that Ultra Beast’s head lands among the crowd, that everyone is absolutely screwed.

A scream of absurd terror rips through his throat as he shoves the Raichu in front of him. She would not die, but he did not know that at the moment. He just wanted to be safe.

Three Pokeballs fly open, unleashing an Exploud, Haxorus, and Houndoom as Rex tumbles and trips his way closer to Gavin, closer to the only protection he ever knew. The Pokemon crowd around him, terrified of the spores, the choas, everything. Hate for him turned into desperate protectiveness, protecting the one man that could get them out of this situation.

The hell’s that?

He’s not even sure who he’s asking the question to, or why he asked. Gavin was fighting it, along with the pipsqueaks near it. Rex didn’t know many things, but he understood that if everyone was fighting, he had to as well. It didn’t matter that it looked like a man.

Go guys! Kill it!

Houndoom Howls in fright. The horrible sound sent hearts racing and adrenaline pumping. The other two Pokemon scream. A Boomburst from Exploud and a Snarl from Haxorus. None dared race for the monster. Perhaps his Pokemon were perfect for him after all.

In it all, he and his Pokemon huddle near Gavin, seeking the protection he offered. The Lugia above them nearly made him faint in terror, but it was nice to know it was on their side.

Can’t believe you’re here, it’s like you wanna die!

If they died fighting this thing, he was going to kill everyone in hell.

TLDR: Rex uses his Raichu as a shield, and it will faint from the blast. He releases Houndoom, who uses Howl, Exploud who uses Boomburst, and Haxorus who Snarls all at Necrozama. Trying to support and has no idea what's going on, but figures they should kill this thing.


Pokemon: Four - Raichu/Female/Lightning Rod - Calm Mind, Nuzzle, Agility, Light Screen, Grass Knot, Thunder.
Five - Floatzel/Female/Swift Swim - Sonic Boom, Aqua Tail, Swift, Razor Wind, Agility, Aqua Jet.
Six - Exploud/Male/Soundproof - Crunch, Echoed Voice, Boomburst, Roar, Extrasensory, Solar Beam.
Twelve - Zweilous/Female/Hustle - Dragon Breath, Slam, Hyper Voice, Body Slam, Taunt.
Eight - Haxorus/Male/Mold Breaker - Dragon Pulse, Taunt, Scary Face, Dragon Claw, Draco Meteor, Snarl.
Seventeen - Morpeko/Male/Hunger Switch - Aura Wheel, Thrash, Bullet Seed, Quick Attack, Super Fang.
Fifteen - Anorith/Female/Swift Swim - Bug Bite, Slash, Rock Blast, Smack Down, Cross Poison.
Eighteen - Houndour/Male/Early Bird - Smog, Flamethrower, Howl, Roar, Foul Play, Nasty Plot.

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January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Search and Rescue / EMT
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
322 posts
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TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2022 22:02:39 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar

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@ tags

strength may fail[break]
the eyes grow dim


There is darkness, and then there is darkness. The surrounding world is inky, an oppressiveness that threatens to buckle knees and weaken hearts. Georgette casts a grateful look when his Stufful is released and the world around them lightens the area just a bit. As she regains her bearings, the small woman opens her mouth to speak, her brow furrowing when from the darkness sparks a torrent of light. Dazed by the glistening revelation, a murmur in her ear, at the back of her mind, distracts Georgette.

do not lose sight of the future. [break]
a choice will come that only you can make. [break]
think, feel, act. [break]
make the correct choice.

"What?" She asks in confusion, her expression perplexed when she looks over to Beau. "Did you-" she begins, her words suddenly cut off with a massive explosion in the distances. A soft cry of shock sounds from Georgette, her hands immediately going to her ears to blot out the noise; pressing her eyes closed against a gust of wind, she grits her teeth and sinks to the ground, doubling over to protect her head with her shoulders and body. Thankfully, she is too far from the epicentre to sustain injuries other than mussed hair and a few scratches from wayward debris.

Heart pounding, only the sound of blood singing through her veins reaches Georgette, as well as a numb, dull tone of white noise. Slowly she peels open her eyes, her slight frame trembling from the PRESSURE of the situation. Swallowing hard, hands shaking, she reaches out to lightly touch her nearby Slowpoke, ensuring the creature is safe and sound before whispering hoarsely, "Heal Pulse, please." The Slowpoke gives a tired nod, and as soothing waves radiate off the little pink otter Georgette tries to stumble back to her feet.

What is the correct choice? Her mind races, surprising herself with the errant thought. She is scared, that much is certain. Scared, but not helpless. Pressing her eyes closed a moment Georgette takes a shuddering breath as she tries to control her pounding heart. She would not - could not - give up now.

Someone might need help.

With that decision she releases a Snorunt from its pokeball to instruct it with, "Protect!" Looking shakily at Beau she manages, "People might be hurt. We have to stay." She wishes she didn't feel this way.


+ PRESSURE really getting to Gigi! [break]
+ Instructs her Slowpoke to Heal Pulse again [break]
+ Release Snorunt who uses Protect [break]
+ Determined to help injured people if she can [break]
+ Map Location with Beau added as well!


but the heart shall ever last
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2022 22:42:47 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
341 for @darkest day
This time it's his own name cutting through the darkness, carried by a somewhat familiar voice.

"Mr. Game?" A pang of guilt twisted in Locke's stomach as he called back blindly to the ranger, recalling the unfulfilled promise from their previous meeting. There was no time for regrets, though, as the lights suddenly flashed back on and revealed the true state of the battle.

Beneath the crowd now lay a complex diagram, familiar only to himself and select few others. Its sudden appearance and the weak tug of his charm signaled the Lake Trio's hidden presence, but were they here to aid them or simply watch their prophecy unfold?

His name reached his ears again, smaller this time, almost imperceptible over the chaos if he hadn't just been listening for it. He turned and locked eyes with at the same time his own voice repeated what he'd already been told months ago.

the future is lost.
your choice doesn’t matter.
there is no correct one.

Locke clenched their jaw, sucking air between their teeth.

Like hell they'd accept that.

They watched Eris disappear with her Pokémon with relief. The further she was from the tree and , the safer she'd be. And was that heading off to the left? A tactical retreat was also looking like the best option for themselves. They scooped Waku-Waku into their arms, picking at the Dark Seeds imbedded beneath her feathers as they hurried away from the Tree of Life and towards where they'd heard .

The redhead wasn't the only one searching for them though. "Angelo! Skyler!" Locke let the relief flood their voice as husband and wife descended to meet them.

They nodded at 's assessment and turned back to Senon. "I'm sorry I didn't call, but this thing beneath us is connected to these!" They raised up their own Unusual Charm, sparking faintly where it was attached to his Rotom phone. "I think we need a person at each point! Do you mind back-tracking to the furthest one from the tree?"

- light's are back on!
- sees the pattern from the 11th hour thread
- watches and leave the tree and decides to do the same
- backtracks to the center of the diagram while trying to remove the dark seeds from waku-waku
- meets up with , , and
- asks senon to go to the southeast point
- map
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]····
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2022 23:11:46 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
Jour Le Plus Sombre

The Comfey on Elisabeth's wrist brightly reacted to the sapping of her stamina with FLORAL HEALING, suffusing her briefly before the flowery Pokemon dissolved in a spray of petals on the wind. It was as if the Pokemon had gifted the last of its life essence to her before dispersing, giving the woman a momentary reprieve from the spores that engulfed her.


and his warning cut through the precious few moments allotted before the explosion, and that alone spurred Elisabeth's hand to instinctively throw another Pokeball forward. A Beautifly fluttered obediently forth, shimmering to PROTECT her mistress just before the devastating blow rippled across the expanse. Elisabeth fell to her knees, covering her face with her hands, to look up and see the remains of the creature scorched to dust in the darkness.

Another memory came to mind, unbidden -- a butterfly that had likewise thrown itself before her, doomed to die for the sins of her own recklessness -- before Elisabeth stamped down on it with all her might, gritting her teeth.

And in the absence of that memory, a new one surfaced:
do not lose sight of the future.
a choice will come that only you can make.
think, feel, act.
make the correct choice.

Although she'd been accused of insanity once before, this was the first time Elisabeth had truly heard a voice like this one rattling in her head. Without thinking, she spoke the mantra aloud, turning to with a question in her eyes.

Whether or not he heard her, his orders were clear enough: "FALL BACK TO THOSE CIRCLES YOU SEE OVER THERE."

Taking direction made sense of the chaos, in its own way. Doing her best to shake the spores from her clothing, Elisabeth followed the admin in pursuit, listening to him attempt to sort through the events that she, herself, could not articulate.

The Illumina Sinistea beside her limped along, bogged down as it was in the darkness of the spores that lingered on its form. Mulling over Mars's words, Elisabeth turned to dimly glowing Pokemon and ordered: "SPOTLIGHT on the tree, Sinistea." Obediently, the floating Pokemon obeyed her, even as it attempted to right itself amidst the thick, tar-like spores on its body.

Seeing how the Illumina Pokemon struggled brought Elisabeth's attention to her own predicament, the burden of the strange black phenomena wearying her beyond all comprehension. Another Pokeball entered the fray, this time bringing out a Weepinbell that she instructed to pluck off each spore with careful VINE WHIPs.

"What does it mean," she asked aloud, unsure what else to say. "That prophecy... What choice do we make?"



  • Comfey uses FLORAL HEALING on Elisabeth before dying to DARK SPORES.
  • Released Beautifly uses PROTECT to defend Elisabeth before dying to BARCELONA.
  • Hears the prophecy for scrubs with no plot to-date, speaks it aloud in front of .
  • Follows to his part of the map on the symbol.
  • Illumina Sinistea used SPOTLIGHT on the tree as it struggles to live, bb.
  • Try to remove DARK SPORES from Elisabeth with Weepinbell's VINE WHIP.

The Darkest Day ✿ Outfit | |
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,335 posts
part of
TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2022 0:49:42 GMT
For a solitary moment, there was a marginal inroad against the chaos emanating from around the Tree of Life. PIDOVE, despite his small stature, was able to blow back the dark spores surrounding Barnaby and his group. An unfortunate consequence of this, though, was that the chubby bird was now riddled in the ominous pollen-like substance. Almost immediately after instigating the DEFOG, it fell from the sky, unable to muster the energy to fly any longer.

An ill-timed omen, under which Barnaby was feeling similar effects. His body felt at war with itself; adrenaline sparked at every nerve, heightening his senses to fight against the chaos around him, while simultaneously he could feel his stamina being sapped from within. His legs trembled, his hands shook. Sweat beaded at his neck and fell like small rivulets along his back and chest. It was the spores. It had to be, given PIDOVE’s sudden condition.

Hurriedly, he began batting at his sleeves and pants, his shoulders and shirt, anywhere where he could brush the spores away. PIDOVE, with it’s last ounce of strength, even attempted to flap it’s wings and blow away the spores that it’s trainer could not reach.

Suddenly, flashes of light pervaded the inky darkness, goading Barnaby’s attention toward the Tree of Life once again. In the momentary brightness he could see with a large, deer-like Pokemon that appeared to be doing something significant to the Tree, although Barnaby could not even hazard a guess at the mechanics of these effects. Whatever was happening, it seemed to be driving away the artificial darkness - only to reveal a grim battlefield.

Sight and sound restored, Barnaby was confronted with the horrendous realities of battle all around him. Pokemon lay maimed beside their trainers, panicked civilians shrieked in the distance, and worst of all the crystallized human figure in front of the Tree had somehow skewered a BLASTOISE and some sort of mechanized insect on elongated talons. It was an awful sight to behold, and yet more crazed things followed without reprieve.

Odd, circular patterns began to crisscross the open space before them, illuminated by the starlight above and the various attacks being levied at the Tree of Life. What was happening? Involuntarily, Barnaby’s own voice cut through his roiling thoughts, muted and monotone as it recited:


Something like static pressed at the corners of Barnaby’s conscience, unbelieving of this grave intrusion. What omnipotent force had invaded the sanctity of his mind? What did these words mean? “You heard it too?!” Yelled above the din, he pointed the question toward as she relayed the mantra to .

There was no time to speculate on its meaning, however, not when - BOOM! A flash of energy spanned the field, leaving only seconds for Barnaby to call on another of his Pokemon. “PROTECT!” He screamed as he released the SNORUNT, which erected the barrier just in time to mitigate the force of the blast. Still, it sent the weakened ROCKET to his knees… where, in the aftermath of the explosion, the bodies of his two Pokemon lay as well, bloodied and barely recognizable.

The killing blast had come from some gigantic, otherworldly beast, now poised against those gathered and not the Tree of Life or even , as those around him had addressed the crystalline husk of a man.

Despite the terrible ringing in his ears, and the gnawing fear that was beginning to swell in his gut, Barnaby rose unsteadily to his feet, spurred on by Mars’ insistent orders to head west. He followed without hesitation, leaving the bodies of his Pokemon where they fell.

“I KNOW THIS SYMBOL. IT… It appeared when the Guardians did.”

Flashes of that dreadful night involving sprang to mind - namely, his talk of Legendary Pokemon and prophecies. The Lake Guardians… perhaps the words that had invaded his mind minutes earlier were connected to these odd symbols marring the earth around them?

It was a fleeting thought, one that was quickly ushered away as Mars continued to issue commands. Barnaby watched as leapt after , leaving him with the task of defending their position on the Western Point. Again he withdrew another of his Poke Balls, this time calling on GURDURR to erect a Wide Guard around their small group to protect from oncoming attacks.
• hidden identity (masked)
• standing beside mars & elisa at the western point
• pressure from first DE event
• attempts to remove dark spores from self (PIDOVE helps); feeling the stamina effects
• asks elisa if she heard the prophecy too
SNORUNT used PROTECT against the explosion
GURDURR used WIDE GUARD to defend group

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,335 posts
part of
TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2022 2:12:21 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]well... this is shitty.

the sky illuminates with an explosion. and then, a supernova follows. she winces, a hand rising to cover her eyes from the light. when it clears... there's more going wrong than she had initially thought.

clusters of people and pokemon are spread out around the tree. the group is farther away but quickly approaching as 's sivally takes the lead. her gallade holds firm on her approach with kyle and , wide guard holding strong for now...

behind them, fires off a solar beam and she's glancing back as it flies overhead. of course, that's when she sees it: the odd terrain.

her pink psychic terrain is gone but this? it's different, off putting in a way she despises. it creeps and crawls along behind them with a life of its own. and when it touches the comfey on her wrist, the little flower creature wiggles uncomfortably. she tucks it a little closer to her body as if she'll be able to keep the comfey out of harms way for now.

she can't but it's a nice thought.

her flygon joins kyle's sivally in its endeavor of attacking the tree, flying ahead of the group. with a helping hand from the loaned comfey, her flygon musters up a powerful boomburst and sends it flying toward the tree's trunk. and she tries to watch to see if the attack connets but her eyes continue to drift back to the corrupted terrain, to the way it laps at the ground.

the closer they get, the dread becomes worse.

- let's goooo boys + illeana
- weird corrupted terrain follows them
- gallade holds wide guard as they approach
- flygon uses boomburst to attack the tree in tandem with kyle's sivally
- this is wild
- the loaned comfey uses helping hand on flygon's boomburst
- map

[newclass=.illeana] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
1,565 posts
Callan Young DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2022 2:24:45 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
The combination of pressure, Spores sapping out his life force and the image of Blacephalon going down from the sky stop Callan in his tracks and trigger a PTSD memory of the Slateport attack on him, and all the accompanying list of failures. The pressure and spores get to him as he sinks to his knees and crumples as his body goes into shock, and pulls a Shinji, curling onto the floor waiting to die as the nuclear blast from Blacephalon strikes.

Asriel jumps in front of him, with it's tiny body unable to shield the rest of Callan. In desperation, it holds itself in front of its user, using Moonblast to absorb the force of the incoming fire. It fails to stop it, and is engulfed in the flames as it uses its tiny body to absorb the force of the heat, using what remains of its Pokemon Energy to constatnly apply Life Dew to its master so Callan would survive the blast as it's burned alive.

+ Callan falls to pressure and spores after the image of Blacephalon brings him into shock.
+ Callan's TOGETIC tries to ward of the incoming Blacephalon explosion, but fails, instead, using the last of its life force to apply life dew to its master to keep him alive as they burn alive.
+ Callan survives, Togetic dies.




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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2022 4:26:20 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

"Well done," Katherine commends her Blacephalon, pleased with its performance.
The jester then, as if on cue, turns to face its trainer. Despite the lack of lips on its balloon-like face, she could tell that it, too, was smiling. The clown's lack of facial expression proves disastrous when it beheads itself a second time, once more preparing a MIND BLOWN.
It had no Z-energy left to spare, but it could certainly still attack.
"I said well done, not continue. Hold your fire," she wasn't asking. Far from it. She demanded, but the clown did not care for her plea. At the sight of the bomb being thrown at her, eyes widen before her powers activate instinctively, allowing her to phase into anti-matter whilst she holds the clown's head in the air above the pokemon, not allowing it to reach the ground.
"How fucking dare you," this day was only going to get worse, wasn't it?
"Take your ability back, Reuniclus," Another SKILL SWAP commences, trading the BEAST BOOST with the MAGIC GUARD back.
"If you won't listen, then you won't stay outside to play."
Gallade joins Katherine in the effort to subdue Blacephalon, utilizing its PSYCHO CUT to assault the Ultra Beast whilst she releases her Gengar. The ghost-type quickly follows up with a DARK PULSE before the malevolent relinquishes her control over the ticking bomb, allowing it to detonate on its creator. The clown itself.
This has never happened to her before with the Ultra Beast, which naturally raises some questions. What was so off about it now? Why did it act up now? As if on cue, almost as though having heard her inner question, yet another word rang in her mind. The same familiar voice returned.
Darkness yields...

💎 kat's surprised when blacephalon tries to use mind blown again, but stops the bomb in the air with her avatar abilities.[break]
💎 orders reuniclus to swap their abilities again before gallade attacks it, and then she releases gengar to help it.[break]
💎 to finish the job, she releases the bomb and directs it to the clown itself, seeking to K.O it.[break]
💎 she would attempt to recall it assuming it's KOed, etc etc.[break]
💎 Katherine and her party are currently not approaching the tree. They're keeping a safe distance for now. idk where that would be on the map so i didn't put them there. will update when she's closer to ppl already there, i guess!

[attr="class","fas fa-moon"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,413 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2022 4:35:05 GMT
jayden cross Avatar



[attr="class","inner"] his claydoll's power split lands empty on the z-move that slices cleanly through it. it's not a surprise to jayden, who know it was a last-ditch effort. however, his pokemon's not ready to give him. as the pokemon spins to life, tossing the spores off that suck it's energy, his body explodes with the power of a PROTECT. seconds later, he falls limp and broken in pieces besides 's own blastoise, similarly skewered by an equally terrifying force.

[break][break] "mint, are you okay?" jayden's gaze is quick to snap to his friend's, ignoring the murderous blight that happened before him. it's only then that the grunt's former question is brought to light — was he feeling weird?

[break][break] he shares a quick look urgent look with , with their same silent language, before he forces himself forward. it's just as mint says - something is off, even if he can't imagine quite what - but jayden's forces himself past the feeling of fatigue as the spores burrow into his skin. painful. piercing.

[break][break] (but nothing was as piercing as his father's influence.)

[break][break] "come on. we have to —"

[break][break] his head jerks, first towards and the large beast beside him beating her wings with terrifying force. then towards , as the ground rumbles beneath them. finally, towards who seems to be desperately running for her life. with a flick of his wrist, his injured skarmory returns to it's pokeball in the same moment that a fletchling flies out. "tailwind!" he commands it, directing it towards , perhaps aiding in her run. Perhaps if she is able to run fast enough, it'll be enough to have her escape death.

[break][break] another flick of his wrist, and he draws out the serrated blade gifted to him by on his birthday. with it, he attempts to pry off a few spores before is having them run towards wherever eris is going. "good idea," he says, glancing up at his inkay above him. electricity sparks along the psychic-type as it attempts to remove it's own spores with thunderbolt.

[break][break] they make a break for it and as they do so, jayden withdraws another pokemon. this time it's his eevee and unknown-k. "help ," he commands the two. his eevee sprints forward and releases a LIGHT OF RUIN attack towards chu-e and the tree, while the unknown-k channels the use of HIDDEN POWER in a beam towards it.

[break] + claydoll DIES after protecting jayden and his party from jester's demise. [break]
+ returns skarmory [break]
+ releases fletchling and uses TAILWIND at to try and help her go sonic speedy[break]
+ attempts to remove his own spores with a serrated blade before going with to run towards the top triangle and while his inkay attempts to remove it's own spores with THUNDERBOLT [break]
+ releases eevee and unknown-k to use LIGHT OF RUIN and HIDDEN POWER towards the tree to assist , and .

eNTPN4Wo [break][break]


[attr="class","bar title"]THE DARKEST DAY

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,725 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2022 5:07:07 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

dark spores stung and tore at her skin. though the abra could sustain her, it did not make sense to stay here—and darkrai seemed to know this, eyeing over at her expectantly, silent despite her question. typical.[break][break]
through the darkness then, suddenly, fire was incoming. though the jester’s demise came from too far off to discern its origin, she reacted in time to save herself. [break][break]
”PROTECT!” [break][break]
a magnezone appeared out of its ball, shield stopping the flames and shockwaves—before it dropped to the ground, lights dimming. lulu loomed over it briefly, not needing to stare long to know it was dead. she kicked the metal side of it. [break][break]
”junk.” [break][break]
similarly, somewhere in the distance, swoobat also perished, though its death was much stranger and went, presumably, without a witness. [break][break]
darkrai was done waiting around. it ascended, white plume growing dimmer before it all but disappeared into the darkness ahead. lulu remained, momentarily stunned by the abandonment.[break][break]
”what the fuck? [break][break]
quickly deciding, she held out a pokéball to return the illumina abra, and hurry into the shadows to follow her patron into battle. [break][break]
”we’ll be okay in the darkness. we are the darkness,” she breathed to herself. then, she called up, louder, wait! fine! i’m right behind you!”[break][break]
she squinted for the faint glow of streetlamps and other illumina pokémon in the thick of the dark zone, unknowingly getting closer to where was positioned. as she covered ground almost blindly, she eventually noticed the pattern beneath her feet. [break][break]
”that doesn’t bode well.” [break][break]
still trying to keep up, she pulled out another couple of pokéballs. this time, a noctowl which flew at pace beside her, and her single unown. when it appeared, she quickly snatched it out of the air and held it close to her chest, carrying it along as she ran.[break][break]
”L, if we need a portal out of here, i'm counting on you. i know passwords. nightmare. wormhole. ultraspace…” fuck, she had too many things to remember. ”oh! i can introduce you to . he's dating my brother, actually...”
just up ahead, darkrai arrived on the scene to join ’s familiar shadow lugia in defense of rocket. a SHADOW BALL swirled between its wizard sleeves and launched at the tree.

magnezone uses protect against jester's demise, dies[break]
swoobat dies from dark spores / seeds[break]
illumina abra is returned[break]
darkrai goes ahead of party en route to help rocket[break]
• lulu releases noctowl and unown[break]
darkrai arrives near 's shadow lugia, uses shadow ball on tree[break]
• lulu attempts to appeal to her unown jic she needs a portal, noctowl follows closeby

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-darkrai"]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-unown"]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-noctowl"]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-magnezone"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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October 25
Canalave City
ANVIL General
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,187 posts
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TAG WITH @felix
Felix Gallagher
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2022 5:14:01 GMT
Felix Gallagher Avatar
Felix, indeed, threw out Bastiodon upon seeing Katherine's scary beam. PROTECT shielded the shield pokemon, blocking out the incoming Z-Move from absolutely obliterating Mint and his pokemon.

"Careful," Felix hissed, urging the cute man and his pokemon to hide beneath the wide pokemon's transparent sphere of safety.

When the incoming damage came, Felix shudder, as he heard the screech that erupted from his pokemon. Cold and cruel, the pokemon withered to 's power, eventually burning out to crisp.

"fuck," he sighed, watching the pokemon fail to the overwhelming strength of the elite 4 members. What a bitch.

After the ray of strength fizzled, a spark of electricity could be seen on the horizon. Eyebrow quirked, he followed and towards it. Whether or not it may reap benefits was up to the gods of hoenn, and beyond. At the same time, he heard a mysterious voice in his brain cells. "Did you hear that?" The question rattled the bones of the other.s

- he uses PROTECT to defend and gang, then DIES RIP
- runs towards eris with gangalang ( + )

-HEARS prophecy ????????????????

- ily sprial

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing