i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2022 15:00:03 GMT
Deleted Avatar
are we laughing? are we drowning?
The darkness and decay held illimitable dominion.

Sirocco's life didn't flash before his eyes, but for the first time, he noticed how infinitesimally small it was.

They were a brief moment of time in an incomprehensibly large universe. It would keep spinning without them.

Billions of years, hundreds of planets, one lonely solar system-

and a boy, impossibly small.

Strands of hair wrapped and tugged at his wrist. Nina. Fog cleared. Just because he was small didn't mean he was insignificant. The orders to evacuate came through, and the psychic type perched on his shoulder, letting her long hair drape behind him and at his sides like a mystical shield. Hatterene weighed eleven pounds on average, some distant part recalled.

"We're a liability here," he spoke softly, knowing only the pokemon next to him could pick up on his words. "but what we can do is keep everyone else out of the way to prevent collateral damage. Let's get the non-combatants out of dodge."

The two joined a barricade much closer to the tree than anticipated. "Drop a Life Dew on any injured," the intern instructed, watching as his partner's eyes glistened with an eldritch light. The water was expelled as a soothing mist.

In the dark, it was cold.

-Follows 's orders for rangers to assist in civilian evacuation.
-Reluctantly leaves the Tree of Life and organizes/provides support for other rangers/evacuees
-Hatterene uses Life Dew on any retreating pokemon and trainers. She has the ability Healer, if that helps...?

@tagsomeone ● notes here ● word count
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2022 2:31:47 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

One by one, they appear by his side; , , , and . He can barely see them despite their proximity, and their voices sound as if mere whispers, yet in the darkness, there’s still something terribly comforting about knowing he has people he can rely on close to him. And something dreadful too… A deep-seated feeling that comes with the awareness that those he cares for are about to face something terrible – some of which aren’t even near him at all. Is alright? Is ?
That feeling only increases when the tree attacks Killian’s Beheeyem immediately after it teleports him into the scene.
It’s as if it considers them all to be intruders one more. But… Why wasn’t he attacked, when he had also teleported? If only Mars had time to ponder on that. If only things didn’t immediately take a turn for the worse.
But, this is Hoenn, and in true Hoenn fashion, of course things immediately take a turn for the worse.
”No. I don’t think it’s Chu-e. Not really.” He responds to ’s question just as spores begin to rain down. is dead, so what is this, then? Is it the pokémon that had been living inside him, now controlling his corpse? Is it the thing that he, , and saw in their vision? No, the vision had been different, it had been…

A single word is spoken into Mars’ mind just like prophecies once were, and with it, a memories resurfaces from the depths he’d rather not dwell in:

This time the scene is vivid. Those who’ve kept up with recent events will recognize the TREE OF LIFE.
They’re all present—whether they’re there as spectators of the vision or there at the time of the event, is uncertain.
A murky, large figure floats in front of the tree. whoever or whatever it is has a strange hold on a large black bird.
It drags the Yveltal down into the ground and smashes its head repeatedly until the Pokémon goes limp.
The legendary Pokémon remains there. Motionless.
The figure turns its attention to the three of them. It stares for a moment before lunging straight at them.
An eighteen-wheeler sized appendage reaches out for them but is obstructed by a shimmering red barrier.
It starts to screech as the barrier buckles underneath the pressure…

”Gavin!” It’s over comms that Mars reaches out to just as he grabs one of the Luxury Balls at his belt.
The fact that he’s completely covered should grant him some protection from the needle-like spores, yet a Pyukumuku is still released by the admin and placed on his shoulder – hoping its PURIFY will be able to help while it attempts to remove the spores spores. ”This is not like the vision, I think there’s something mo–”
The comms are hijacked. Because of course they are. At this, Mars sighs.
”Don’t expect to be able to communicate with everyone. We might be on our own… It would be best to stick together.” Mars looks at those around him, thankful for the light produced by ’s Illumina pokémon. Hopefully the reinforcements that had been promised before the comms died would arrive soon. ”I think there’s something wrong with the tree.”
If only were nearby to confirm it. Couldn’t Xerneas calm the tree? There’s no way to contact the Rocket Beast, so Mars considers his options for a moment, releasing a small Riolu that looks up at him expectantly.

It’s a long shot. A speculation. Blind hope... What else is new?
”I want you to use LIGHT OF RUIN on the tree.” The POKÉRUS-afflicted Riolu seems confused for a second, but he complied nevertheless, moving closer to the Tree of Life and gathering light between his paws before firing it towards the nearest root.
’s energy reading devices had told them the tree is full of Infinity Energy, so if Light of Ruin really is the same, perhaps returning some of that energy to the tree might help…
Or make the situation worse.



[break]- Most talking to , , , and
[break]- Tries to tell that this is not like the vision and that something worse might happen, but the comms are hijacked
[break]- PYUKUMUKU uses PURIFY to try deal with the spores while removing them
[break]- POKÉRUS!RIOLU uses LIGHT OF RUIN on the tree because Mars thinks returning some Infinity Energy to it may help.
[break][break]HIDING IDENTITY | MASKED ♡



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January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Search and Rescue / EMT
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
322 posts
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TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2022 3:59:25 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar

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@ tags

strength may fail[break]
the eyes grow dim


Relief floods Geogette's expression as @sirocco offers his assistance in unloading her Mudsdale, followed immediately by 's appearance - the latter is saddled with retrieving the heavy bottles of water. Murmuring a soft thanks to the both of them, a makeshift first-aide station is set up easily. Wishing she had brought a table and tent, Georgette huffs softly as she realises there isn't much to be done about it. They would have to make do with what she's brought.
's answer of his authority over the situation is met with a nod and gratitude. The smaller woman follows his lead on evacuation - she was more adept at triage and search and rescue, better to let someone else do the organisation here aside from her. Once that is completed, however, she is left at somewhat of a loss. Too far away to know exactly what's happening at the tree, her eyes widen immeasurably when an explosion of darkness - of spores - blankets the area. Wincing, her arm lifts to shield her head; luckily Gigi is too far away to be affected by the spores, though there are others who are not so lucky. The scream of her Mudsdale draws her attention, her hands moving to settle on the mare's shoulder to quiet her. After a few moments of whispering soothing words, she recalls the mare into her pokeball. Better safe than sorry in case Clementine spooked and ran into someone.
Her features a touch ashen when she looks around, the PRESSURE is unlike anything the small woman has experienced before. Swallowing audibly, she glances over to who still remains, her voice tight as she asks, "Are you alright?"
Something was happening. She isn't sure what. Chewing on her lower lip for a moment, her brow furrowed, Gigi settles on releasing her Slowpoke.
"Heal Pulse," she directs after a moment's hesitation. She exhales an audible breath as peals of soothing energy begin to radiate around her - perhaps they would help with those odd spores.


+ Utilises those around her to set up a makeshift first-aide area [break]
+ Helps evac the scant citizens that were left in the area [break]
+ Is feeling the PRESSURE of her first death-enabled event [break]
+ Releases Slowpoke and directs him to use Heal Pulse in the hopes it settles her nerves and helps somehow with the spores [break]


but the heart shall ever last
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,740 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2022 4:43:12 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







Suddenly, the tree of life began to feel more like one of death as the entire area became hostile against his enemies and allies alike. It seemed like Bryan and Xerneas's words fell upon deaf ears as the dark spores raged in the area, infecting everyone near it including Bryan and Xerneas. [break][break]

He watches as he can just BARELY make out that Eris is moving towards that mysterious figure. "Eris no!" he tries to warn her but it seemed like no use thanks to the Dark Zone begins to take effect. One by one this person, or...thing is disabling them one by one. However he was determined to fight back, even if he felt powerless as he knew what was going on underground.. [break][break]

He released a Pokémon to his side, just barely witnessing a kid and his weird glowing wishiwashi ( ) managing to fend of the dark spores themselves from it's strange glow so Bryan decides to follow his lead. He releases his new comfey who began to ILLUMINATE the area around him "Both of you look away from me. Xerneas, keep channeling that geomancy, I think it's working. Comfey, handle these spores please." as both his partner and his pokemon nodded.[break][break]

Comfey began to use aromatherapy in an attempt to heal them of the dark spores as Bryan's avatar abilities began to kick into full gear. He began to glow rather brightly before yelling at the top of his lungs, trying to get rocket's attention as he began to shine like the sun "EVERYONE. THAT THING IS CORRUPTING THE TREE. XERNEAS IS FIGHTING TO RESTORE IT. HELP ME." [break][break]

.Bryan can use the late solgaleo's energy within himself to shed or cast blinding light from his body. the consistency or longevity of this ability is unknown. [break][break]

Xerneas also begins to activate his FAIRY AURA, continuing to use GEOMANCY in an attempt to drive back the invader as ILLUMINA COMFEY USES AROMATHERAPY


notes about this post



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lFtuce07 [break][break]
(1 salac used) [break][break]

Falls victim to the dark spores and the dark zone [break][break]
Feels the power struggle between the invader and Xerneas for control of the tree [break][break]
Sends out his illumina comfey. [break][break]
Xerneas continues to use GEOMANCY to wrestle for control of the tree, Illumina Comfey uses Aromatherapy on Bryan and Xerneas to rid them of the dark spores.[break][break]
Bryan uses solgaleo's energy in him to shed a blinding light to try and fight against the dark zone

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,621 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2022 10:57:04 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar



[attr=class,charname accenttext]
Dead ends in my mind...

[attr=class,bulk][break]Adrian feels a tension building up in him that he cannot release, every breath a conscious effort as he strives to keep up with Rowan in the gloom. The jingle on his right hip, a Klefki, is the only sure company with him. Secure in a place of relative concealment, it wards its trainer like a crafty shield, though perhaps in vain.[break][break]

In the unnatural blanket of night, Adrian's eyes turn into placids pools once again, pallid irises prominent amidst the stygian-stepped sclera. Though he cannot see far, he gleans more than most amidst the shadow and smoke of their enemy's obfuscations.[break][break]

Upon reaching the Tree of Life, Rowan became difficult to track through the murk and dim. His eyes tell him precious little. There are many pokemon all around them, but the signatures are weak; some even impossible to detect. The air is heavy with something that strains his eyes, but he does not recognize it for what it is: the corrupted energies of pokemons' attacks, altered in some way.[break][break]

Even when he tries to call out, his voice feels muffled and indistinct. To stave off the dread of isolation, Adrian releases GRIMMSNARL and TYRANITAR onto the field. They are seasoned fighters, especially Omen, who once faced off against Yveltal. Speaking of...[break][break]

Still no sign of the wretched thing, or its perturbing voice to jar his senses... Only grim warning as a prelude to the madness.[break][break]

Eventually he caught up to Rowan, stumbling through the shroud towards their aura. They have taken to attacking the tree, and he audibly heard his command: RAIN DANCE and SHEER COLD.[break][break]

"Are you sure that's a GOOD idea!?"[break][break]

They have both known the Tree of Life to attack aggressors, and what's more, he believes the preeminent threat to be anything but the tree before them. Yet even as he stares in disbelief, a brilliant aura punctures the veil of shadows and reveals the contesting force of Xerneas' GEOMANCY pushing back against... something strange.[break]That, or perhaps this is the fabled light at the end of the tunnel.[break][break]

Before he can think to do much else, he swears to have felt a steeled gaze upon him, perhaps expecting something... more.[break][break]

Your home. Your own dimension. Will you fight to protect it?

tags [break]
tl;dr Arrives at the Tree of Life[break]
Actively observing all visible AURA signatures[break]
Releases GRIMMSNARL and TYRANITAR to 'guard' his flanks[break]
Questions ROWAN'S plan of action attacking the Tree of Life[break]
Detects the surge of aura/(infinity energy?) that is [break]
(Can Adrian see the infinity energy/aura in pokemon moves?)


template by punki

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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
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TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2022 12:02:11 GMT

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
stare into the abyss and find bravery

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
within the mantle of the reaper


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
and the steel of his scythe

[attr=class,bulk]Falling from the sky really put your life into perspective in a way nothing else could. Not that there was anything Derek could do with it in these next moments.
And it wasn't just Derek's life, either. Forced to bail from the Skarmory, he can tell it's not going to stick the landing. It's dead, or dying. A plethora of holes have been punched through by something shot from the black flowers growing along the tree.
To avoid a similar fate, Derek reluctantly abandons it to the fall. Trained hands rummage for a pokeball at his holster. Thankfully he's memorized their placement. Releasing a Salamence to save him, Derek is finally able to focus on the comms.
Which, as it turns out, is quite a lot.
But before he can answer who spoke directly to him, a horrid series of pleas and the like drone out everything else. Pretty creepy stuff to hear as Derek made his descent unto the dark below.
He spoke his answer, but no voice he knew could be heard in response.
Comms might be dead. But that didn't stop him from landing. If one were going to die, it might as well be on their own two feet. Standing. But maybe not the part where he was now surrounded by what were mostly strangers. They all seemed to find their bearings, at least.
Before he could even think to do anything, Derek had to know what was going on inside the pitch black. To sate that dire curiosity, another pokemon is let loose. This time an illumina slowpoke is directed to cast a spotlight ahead of Derek, that it may guide him and possibly some others along their way.

- skarmory dies to black flowers[break]
- abandons skarmory, both falling[break]
- releases his salamence to catch him[break]
- eventually lands outside the darkness zone[break]
- uses slowpoke to illuminate/spotlight a way further into the dark


template by punki

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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
1,374 posts
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2022 14:21:06 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




407 words

don’t let it take the skin

from your bones


If that isn't Chu-e, it must be the parasite puppeteering him around. Killian frowned. Before he can stop it, his mind is already drawing a comparison. Should he die, will Deoxys treat him the same? Will it hollow him out and use the husk that remained to suit its needs? His stomach twisted into knots thinking about it. [break][break]


He shook the idea from his head. Now wasn't the time to entertain such thoughts. Although - diamond blues narrowed on 's distance form. Perhaps their parallels are precisely the thing Killian should be considering.[break][break]

"Chu-e could still be alive. Not sure how things work with whatever is inside him, but if it's anything like Deoxys, it could be controlling him." [break][break]

They'd have to get closer to know for sure. Easier said than done with shit starting to hit the fan.[break][break]

Instinct pulled Killian's body in front of as the tree lashed out. Thankfully, the target isn't him or Lex but his Beheeyem. Photon screeched in agony before going limp on the crystalline root. [break][break]

"This isn't good" the admin clicked his tongue and stepped over the fallen Pokemon. He'd mourn later, if at all. The darkening world and toxic spores demanded immediate attention. [break][break]

Again, Killian nudged an exhausted Deoxys. [break][break]

"I know you can feel that pressure. Whatever is putting that out is more than I can handle on my own."[break][break]


"I've asked for so much today, but please help me. We'll die if you don't."[break][break]

Deoxys stirs inside the shared space. How many times will he put them in danger? How many times will he ask for help and give nothing? Its patience draws thin, thinner than the human mind can comprehend.

Killian's body morphs underneath Deoxys' influence. Biomass enveloped his clothes and spread across his skin. Like the foe they faced, he turned into something alien.[break][break]

HE BECAME MONSTROUS.[break][break]


"I'm heading to Chu-e, but if you're attacking the tree," the flesh-like substance at his waist parted for Killian to grab a Pokeball. The EEVEE inside stood at side. "This one knows LIGHT OF RUIN. It'll use it the second you fire your own." [break][break]

Killian turned to face , barely visible in the dark. "Help Mars if you can but stay safe." [break][break]

He charged into the darkness in the direction of and . Killian's body vanished as he moved, CAMOUFLAGED by Deoxys.[break][break]




- Pulling from personal experience, Killian tells those close to him might be alive but under Necrozma's control.[break][break]
- Protects from the tree roots. Doesn't bother mourning the loss of his Beheeyem.[break][break]
- Has an internal conversation asking Deoxys for help.[break][break]
- Transforms into Totally!NotCarnage with his symbiote pal.[break][break]
- Releases an Eevee with Light of Ruin to help Mars.[break][break]
- Camouflages after a farewell to and makes his way to and .[break][break]

Due to deoxys interfacing with his dna, killian can morph parts or all of his body by converting his flesh into the deoxys' biomass. consequently, with deoxys' collaboration, killian will be able to camouflage himself, shift into a more monstrous form, and store things in deoxys' biomass.



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[newclass=".punkiangercredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2022 18:57:45 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

around him kazimir manages to find himself in a group of people he doesn't really recognize himself save for who he waves over to, "hey Angey, some serious shit's going on, ya ok yourself?" he asks as he looks around to notice the strange spores coming down from above everyone. Only it was a little too late to notice them as one of them landed on his cheek and dug into his skin as a wave of fatigue suddenly came over him, it was so sudden and strong that he almost fell over as his knee felt like giving out yet he caught himself before he could hurt himself.

his joltik wasn't so luck as despite its size spores still clung to it and the little pokemon looked to be like it was falling fast asleep within seconds. "what's...why am i...damn..." returning his small spider to its pokeball he looked up to the sky and the fading tree of life. he had no idea what was going on but he knew that he would have to clear these spores somehow to try and save people like and who were near him and Angelo. "everyone get down, gonna try and give us some air...in here."

taking out two pokeballs he sent out a vulpix and his zarude who immeditely got struck by the spores and were arledy out of breath despite being fresh on the field. "damn...ok kerchak kong let's get some healing up, vulpix lets burn these spores away!" the trainer called out to his two pokemon who got to work.

the vulpix looked up into the dark sky and raised its tails up to signal some kind of drought that would bring in sunlight to brighten up their day. even then it took in a breath before unleashing a tongue of shadow fire above it to burn away any more spores in the air that would try to come into contact with anyone or anything else. the zarude on the other hand got to work slamming his hands onto the ground as vines erupted from his back and dug into the dirt around him and began to glow, from the looks of it it seemed like something pumped from his body into the ground as the glow covered the area under him and anyone close by including his allies and trainer as his jungle healing skills went to work to try and relieve people of their fatigue.

"hey does anyone know what's happening exactly? it looks like that tree of theirs is going nuts or something, or am i just seeing things?" kaz asks as he keeps his focus on the tree before him wondering if there was something he could do, because becoming a lumberjack was starting to seem like the best option right now.



    * affected by spores
    * recalls joltik, swaps out for zarude and (shaodow hatched) vulpix
    * vulpix ability drought triggers, vulpix uses shadow fire to burn away spores
    * zarude uses jungle healing on allies and surrounding area to heal health and status conditions
    * kaz keeps his focus on the tree, looking for more signs of trouble or changes.

[newclass=.pokkenger] [/newclass]
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[newclass=.pokkenger u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: solid 1px #18d13f;[/newclass]
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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2022 20:06:21 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
It's when the world starts to crumble and that ol' familiar PRESSURE of death starts to mount, that Angelo's gaze turns skyward.

For a flicker of a heartbeat, the pilot is tempted to take to the familiarity of the air, to scout from up above where he oft roams and knows like the back of his hand.

Only for the sight of pokemon in flight being skewered by dark needles, their bodies falling to the whims of gravity, to turn that instinct to dust. Much like the dark spores that begin to choke the air.  

I'll take that as a sign to stay out of the air.” He mumbles, sarcasm dripping from his tongue. “Great.

He recalls his Dragapult without a second thought, an image of Auriga flickering in his mind.

Handling the weight of the pressure he could do. Especially when the last time he'd taken his dragon to the skies beneath this same weight, he'd sent her to her death. 

What Angelo plans to do next however, is determined by the sound of two familiar voices. and approaching him equal parts familiarity as confusion.

Fancy running into you both here,” wetting his lips, a wry - but somewhat relieved - smile pulls into place as he gives the Elite Four a firm smack on the back. “Good to see you.

He gives a nod towards , too. Even though he's not familiar with them. 

Bits and pieces.” He admits when they ask if anyone knew anything, toying with the goggles around his neck as darkness begins to drift.

No point in keeping it hush now that it was erupting all around them.

Short version? We're in the middle of an end of the world prophecy called The Darkest Day. I'm not sure how it all links together, but it has something to do with the Tree and a big, shadow creature that's going to try 'n kill a legendary pokemon called 'Yveltal'.

Probably not exactly like what had told him, but it's close enough.

Dunno if keeping this Yveltal from the tree will change anything... But I can scout ahead, at least see what we're working with.” 

As Kaz sets to work trying to set up some relief, Angelo plucks a pokeball from his belt, calling his Sceptile. Within their huddle, it begins to DETECT AHEAD FOR YVELTAL AND ITS PROPHERCISED ATTACKER Locke had told him about in the vision.



- talking to temp and kaz
- Darkest Day Gang assemble (c'mere & )
- standing with in his protective bubble
- sceptile uses detect to scout ahead (mostly for yveltal and the 'BIG BAD')

[newclass=.angelocam] [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam b] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam i] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,969 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2022 21:07:14 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar did not yet comprehend the severity of what was happening. This was simply a strange occurrence in an otherwise night, something that could hopefully be explained by unusual weather patterns or whatever the fuck. He had no such luck, never has. People began to appear, flocking toward the tree in droves. As activity increased, Oscar suddenly felt uneasy. He pulled an earpiece out of his coat pocket, connecting to the Rocket comms to hopefully get an explanation.

What he heard sent shivers down his spine. As soon as made the call to gather, Oscar turned to sprint toward the gathering crowd. He did not get more then ten feet before a purple body splattered in front of him. Blood sprayed onto his coat, thick and fresh. His initial reaction was to groan in disgust, but then he took a closer look at the body. It was a crobat, flattened by the impact of its fall--its flesh covered in puncture wounds. Oscar's eyes widened. His teeth chattered as the haunting realization finally hit him.


His prized crobat was dead, just like that. Memories of the Slateport blackout overwhelmed Oscar, his chest tightening as despair draped across his body. He could not perceive what else was being said over comms, he was too focused on his precious companion laying dead before him. He probably would have stood there for a very long time if it weren't for the screech from the comms. 

Oscar threw off his ear piece, the shock of the sudden noise waking him from his trance. He looked up to find most of the crowd that had gathered to be now running away. Good--he knew where to go. He stomped onto the earpiece, crushing it as his despair turned into rage. He ran forward, going the opposite direction of the running civilians.

As Oscar reached the roots of the tree, he would take in what exactly they were dealing with. Oscar's mouth twitched as he looked upon the form of , a puppet to some sort of dark force. If it were not for the familiar black crystals forming around Chu-e's body, Oscar would have no inkling of what could be occurring here. Oh but Necrozma don fucked up, Oscar would recognize those crystals anywhere. They were the same crystals that infested his shadow Bisharp and Nidoqueen, their transformations taking place during Necrozma's attack on Slateport. Oscar pulled a pure red pokeball off of his belt, it was time for payback.

Oscar opened the ball, releasing Genesect from its enclosure. Genesect was programmed, possibly even created, to hunt and kill anything related to Necrozma. Oscar pointed forward toward the defiled corpse of Chu-e. "Genesect! Fulfill your purpose!" Genesect looked to the black crystals, Analyzing them from its position. After a moment of scanning, a message appeared on its vizor's hud.

Priority 1 Target
Exterminate With Extreme Prejudice

Genesect launched forward, single mindedly running toward its destined nemesis. As it joined its fellow pokemon, it would stop to launch a Techno Blast aimed directly at Chu-e.


--Nostra fucking died
--Oscar joined the others near Zombie Chu-e
--Oscar sent out Genesect, who immediately launched a well deserved Techno Blast at Zombie Chu-e

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,858 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2022 22:56:08 GMT
mint frost Avatar




In an instant the atmosphere changes further. The unease and anxiety seem to take shape, threatening to crush everyone in it. Despite this, Mint held fast heart thudding loudly in his chest and body recognizing the danger. He's undeterred however, managing to fend off the urge to run. And with the PRESSURE, so came the start of the battle. But not before he locked eyes with as the Underboss desperately looked between his comrades, bagging for help. He felt another thud in his chest, but instead of panic its grief. He's not the only one as moved instinctively towards him. [break][break]

Straciatella lets out a groan of alarm as her HAIL is transformed, and dark spores latch onto her and her trainer. It felt like a mosquito bite, and then the drain. "Ah- Fuck." Mint laughed not seeing that coming. He hadn't anticipated the AURORA VEIL to be corrupted as well. Even the relief of a message directly from Walsh and some other operative is cut short by the strange hijacking. [break][break]

It's getting bad, and his mentor's dead eyed stare haunt him. Steady on. That's the last order he'd received. The tree is going berserk, but through it all there's still some light from the crystal blooms. Fuck it, he can see the body from here and Eris by his side. They're at least getting the body back form whatever that thing was. With illumina pokemon beginning to light up the battlefield like beacons he swapped out Straciatella for his Blastoise. "Get to and , help bring them back!" he ordered, eyes darting around for a familiar faces in the dim light of the Illumina. " ! are you ok? Have you seen Felix?! B-Before the darkness-" He had a sneaking suspicion he wasn't about to be. Even with the efforts of 's Tyrantrum and the SAFEGUARD forming thanks to 's Togetic. [break][break]

When 's Aegislash is cut down, Mint is reminded of the carnage. Both Rocket and League alike surged forward to meet at the tree and suddenly he realized Shellshocker was darting for it amid 's downpour, ready to pop up a shield once close enough to the father and daughter duo. "Oh no-" His skin pricked, goosebumps running over his skin as he broke out into a cold sweat . What the hell was he supposed to do now?


tagged ▸ ooc [break][break]

- ouchies dark spores and darknes, get wreck everyone gomene [break]
- straciatella the abomasnow is swapped out for Shellshocker the Blastoise [break]
- Shellshocker the Blastoise sent to help PROTECT eris and chu-e, and begin to retrieve them if allowed [break]
- Mint staying nearby to group up with his friends ie spectra kids [break]
- Scared because he just watched Felix's ghost DIE [break]
- Corrupted AURORA VEIL (2/5) [break]





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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2022 1:56:58 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

For someone who was just a civilian, 'Daisuke' handled the pressure rather well. In truth, it was all too familiar to the former member of the Elite 4, from the moment he was a part of the rescue of from Rocket occupied Slateport. If anything, the pressure only encourages the tall, dark man to move forward.

Though moving on foot slows them down, but the trio eventually arrive. They would be greeted with dark spores. His Incineroar attempts to cover his master, while driving back the spores with a Flamethrower. Unfortunately, the spores would survive the jet of fire, and latch onto the Incineroar's body, bogging the boar down, and draining him.

Seeing the others attacking the roots of the tree, his Inteleon would fire off a Snipe Shot towards the roots of the tree.


tags: @tag
notes: -The Pressure is all too familiar to Thomas
-The trio arrives
-Incineroar attempts to shield Thomas from the spores, and destroy them with Flamethrower
-Incineroar fails to destroy the spores, gets spored and sapped
-Inteleon fires on the tree roots with Snipe Shot

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,704 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2022 2:04:02 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

the hail that stung her skin was soon replaced by dark spores that she couldn’t shake off. she brushed at her arms and her face, panicked. voices on comms subsided to HQ’s siren, the backdrop to walsh’s update. the voice that followed was unfamiliar—but none of this was as alarming as the final voice, bone-chilling and inhuman. [break][break]

then, static.[break][break]

lulu was too far away, in a storm in the dark zone, to further warn those close to whatever possessed . she felt hopeless dread as she watched the dark silhouettes of , and then , approaching doom beneath the corrupted tree. [break][break]

lulu looked quickly up towards the moon, only to catch the sight of her reinforcements turning back, driven away by impassible threats unseen to her. only a few still flew closer—all of them SWOOBATS, for whatever reason, braving certain death. maybe they were just UNAWARE. pink energy glowed from the closest one as its FUTURE SIGHT reached through unsteady time for ’s intentions.[break][break]

dotting the darkness were the glows of hoenn’s new illumina pokemon. their energy, like the crystablooms, seemed to cut through the shadow particularly well. thinking quickly, as the spores effects began to weigh on her shoulders, lulu reached into her pocket and released a glowing ILLUMINA ABRA of her own.[break][break]

”put it to sleep,” she urged, and a DARK VOID pulled the young psychic-type under.[break][break]

standing at DARKRAI’s side, her eyes glazed over some, as magenta dreams were pulled from the abra’s mind and into her own. DREAM EATER stole from its slumber to sustain her, but as she addressed her patron, the lethargy in her breath persisted.[break][break]

”darkrai... what is this? is this... the end?” [break][break]

how she had wanted to see it happen, in all its glory—but not like this.


• affected by dark spores[break]
• sees and approaching , but too far to do anything[break]
• bat horde turns back (mostly); closest SWOOBAT remaining uses FUTURE SIGHT on from above[break]
• lulu releases ILLUMINA ABRA, DARKRAI uses DARK VOID on it (one guaranteed sleep per thread)[break]
• lulu uses DREAM EATER on sleeping ILLUMINA ABRA to hopefully combat health effects of dark spores[break]
• lulu asks darkrai if the world is ending[break][break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-darkrai"]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-abra"]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-swoobat"]

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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,333 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2022 5:42:20 GMT
As the struggle unfolded before him and many dreadful things happened simultaneously, an overwhelming pressure overtook Barnaby. The shear unrelenting hopelessness bore down on him, almost sending him to his knees if not for the intentional stiffening of his muscles against the heinous force. Regardless, he needed time for his body to adjust and was stuck in place for now.

From his vantage point beside and Barnaby was able to observe the carnage that followed the attack on the Tree of Life: it's roots came to life, impaling several Pokémon in their wake, while sharpened needles fell from the sky with a similar result.

DARK SPORES, too, rained down upon those gathered with a frightening effect. In an effort to minimize their damage, Barnaby drew his hood further around himself. For the most part, though, there was very little exposed skin for the spores to touch. Even more, the mask he wore prevented them from attaching to his face or being inhaled. A small blessing, as even just their proximity - clinging to his clothing - was enough to sap some of Barnaby's waning strength.

As this was happening, a corrupted AURORA VEIL swept darkness over those closest to the Tree, including Barnaby. An inky suffocation smothered his vision and hearing, leaving all but those closest to him blotted out... which was a grave problem to have when it seemed like attacks were coming from all sides. This artificial darkness needed to be removed if they were to fight back effectively.

As if to push Barnaby forward, a muted rallying cry from carried over to him, hushed and whispered by the corrupted AURORA VEIL. It was enough, though, to spark him into action. From his pocket he withdrew and lobbed a Poké Ball, releasing a chubby PIDOVE.

"Defog!" Barnaby ordered, raising his voice to combat against the silencing effect of the darkness. "Try to remove this Aurora Veil!" Although he was skeptical of how well the small bird would be able to do this assigned task... he figured he had to try something.


used x1 Salac Berry

• hidden identity (masked)
• standing beside mars & elisa
• pressure from first DE event
• little exposed skin for spores to touch
PIDOVE used DEFOG to try & remove AURORA VEIL

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2022 11:47:16 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
The streets are soon empty of anyone save for those who'd take a stand against the growing threat. Civilians are hushed away to wait the night out in huddled groups, fear and a resigned exhaustion weighting on hunched backs as they go. Skyler watches as the last of them turn a corner and disappear, leaving behind the skeletons of normalcy.

Though she's never been one to leave fate in the hands of divine intervention (or any intervention that isn't her own), the captain still holds onto the hope that there will be some sort of normalcy for those people to return to - after whatever nightmarish event Hoenn has decided to grace them with this time.

The sound of nearby conversation draws her attention. Her white-knuckled grip around her dagger grows tighter still when a familiar name is spoken onto the too-still air, hitting her like a punch to the gut. It's what has her quitting her hiding spot, approaching the voices on determined, ground-eating steps. Drifting spores snag on wayward strands of blonde curls, but Skyler barely pays them any mind.

"End of the world prophecy, Angel? Sounds like your typical Friday night." Because when have either one of them been known to dip out of a world-ending event? No, they'd rather have the front row seats, raging - quite literally - against the dying of the light. She draws close enough to lightly brush her finger up 's wrist, a gesture of silent comfort.

"Heya , ," she gives both of them - and - a lopsided grin. It fades quickly as she turns to face the tree, and the shadows not cast by its colossal shape. The Pressure that sinks into her bones finds in them a well-worn home.

An Absol is called forth, its crimson eyes growing black when Skyler commands it to use Future Sight on one of the figures beneath the tree's giant bough - . She doesn't know what this creature (Chu-e) is capable of, but she doesn't put much faith in the survival of whoever's down there.

Beneath a starless night, beyond the pale cliffsides that surround Sootopolis, a leviathan lies in wait.

watches as the civilians leave to go somewhere safer
joins  , , and  and is within kaz's protective bubble
has ABSOL use FUTURE SIGHT on because she's pretty sure they'll die (sorry, gavin) and wants to know what chu-e is capable of

@ dawn of the darkest day
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing