i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 0:58:55 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Despite bullets tearing through the head of his doppelganger, he continued his advance. But before he could touch him, stabbed him in the leg with her rapier, taking out his leg, and slowing him down enough to where Thomas could back away from him. As he fell with Yveltal, Thomas turned to his successor.

"Thank you.", he told Melody.

Before he knew it, he found himself staring his doppelganger in the eye. Rather than being scared, Thomas glared at him angrily, before he 'respawned' with the others.

While the others talked, and discussed what happened at their respective terminals.

"Allow me to fill in some blanks.", Thomas interjected. "The Avatar of Reshiram someone that recognized. A dead man named Ashton. And Yveltal's Avatar was me.", he would tell them. "Yes, at one point, I was Yveltal's Avatar, before he unceremoniously abandoned me.", Thomas revealed to Kyle.

"I can tell you for a fact that we both gained our Avatar Powers at separate points after the Three Day War. In my case, I was summoned to Mt. Pyre immediately after the battle had concluded. As for Kingsman, I'm not sure of when exactly he threw his lot in with Reshiram, but it was sometime after the Excursions.", he'd elaborate.

"And I know this because one of the powers Yveltal granted me was a Shinigami Eye, one that allowed me to spot those who had 'defied death', Shadow Pokemon, as well as Avatars.", he'd continue, before taking off his eye patch, revealing his restored, but normalized eye. "It was how I was able to tell you were an Avatar during that meeting conclusively.", he'd reveal to Kyle. "And at the time of the Excursions, Razz did not possess an Avatar Aura.", he'd continue on.

"After Yveltal abandoned me, for some reason, my eye remained restored. I don't know if Yveltal is watching me through it, or what.", he'd add.

It was then that recounted what happened on her end.

"Darkrai? A train? Oh shit, that was a horrific nightmare that occurred almost three years ago! Tell me, was the train summoned through a golden ring?", he'd inquire.

notes: -Thomas thanks for the assist
-Thomas glares angrily at his doppelganger
-Thomas adds onto the conversation between and , elaborating on the Avatar Doppelgangers
-Mass revelation
-Questions on Terminal 2

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,668 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 0:59:41 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo ran his hand through his lower abdomen - at least, where it was supposed to be. It didn’t feel like anything was there, but he still had feeling above and below the area. And it didn’t stop him from walking, his top half following his bottom half as if nothing were missing. “The fuck’s going on?” Hideo muttered to himself, his curiosity getting the better of him as he reached in and decided to press on the inside.

The feeling sent a chill through his spine, and he immediately withdrew his hands. He did not want to feel that ever again.

To get his attention off that, he moved it over towards his Beheeyem. “Is Aaron alright?” he asked; that blast that hit him must’ve hit as well. The answer he got was an uncertain one, as well as directing him towards where Aaron probably was.

It certainly sounded like a displeased Trevenant was in that direction.

He could also hear someone laying into a couple other people, yelling at them for taking too severe a risk. He could recognize the voice: it belonged to ████…


Dang, he really did forget her name. He was gonna feel weird if he walked up to her mid-rant and asked for her name.

He chose to approach , hoping his Trevenant wasn’t about to attack him. “So what’s he missing?” he asked his Beeheyem, receiving a very clear answer: a lot of his left side, including an ear, a few fingers, and part of a leg. And he seemed to be…asleep?

Well, at least he could help with one of those.

He knelt down by Aaron, trying to shove him awake. “Come on, Aaron,” he said, trying to rock the other boy awake.

And through the chaos, he overheard people discussing something about what they encountered. Nobody seemed to bring up what happened at his terminal, so he might as well shout it out, even if he didn’t know exactly who he was shouting two. He might even wake Aaron up in the process. “We had to choose the odd one out, and we got Darkrai! Though we also had to deal with Cresselia and a couple others I never heard about before!

Would that be helpful? Heck if he knew. He barely understood what was going on at this very moment. "Then there was some really loud train-crashing noise?"

Hideo realizes he shouldn't poke his insides
Hideo goes over to
Overhears - still can't remember her name
Shouts that Terminal 2 encountered Darkrai (and Cresselia, and two other Legendaries he didn't recognize)

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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,437 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 1:08:26 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
the merry-go round of 'i'm fines' go off without a hitch, but annalise still hadn't responded to him.
"anna! hey?" he's closer to her now, leaning down to get a good look into her eyes. the missing portion of her body was a definitive concern, but so too was the complete disregard of him.
did she forget him? was her brain missing too?
"earth to anna, you there?"



[newclass=".greyson"] --accent:#7c98b2; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".greyson .notes"] margin:25px 30px -15px 30px; text-align:center; padding-top:10px; border-top:1px solid #222; font:11px 'Poppins'; text-transform:uppercase; [/newclass]
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leo, leon
september 30th
rustboro city, hoenn
demirom. bisex.
ceo, inventor
save a little
love for me
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
i wish i were better, i wish i had strength. i wish i had anything to prove i was brave.
468 posts
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TAG WITH @leonidas
Leonidas Stone
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 1:30:33 GMT
Leonidas Stone Avatar

As he and his own began hovering higher within the air, his gaze shifted towards upon noting a faint shift in weight within his Pokemon, and then towards as he sought refuge within moments slightly later,[break][break]

Though for a moment, his gaze lingered upon him from the edge of his vision before directing itself towards the ongoing carnage before them.[break][break]

With the ongoing chaos surging within the terminal, he remained leaned upon the metallic form of the creature beneath him, faintly leaning to and fro in direction as needed as a means of further directing the manifested barriers for use of those around. Once every so often, hues of amber cast themselves over a vigilant shoulder for the sake of tracking those he covered— though a certain often had been a moment too late to keep up with the happenings as he looked forward just in time to be met with an odd sensation pulsing against the upper regions of his chest.[break][break]

For a brief moment, an airy, almost empty gasp left his lips as his hand clawed, instinctively, against the stricken spot, and all the vigilance in the world had been rendered irrelevant as he snapped his eyes down upon noting his fingers meet…nothing.[break][break]

A void, he felt. A void he saw just mere moments after several more claws; several tugs of the shirt down to be met with naught more than a space within his own body. Eyes widened, he gazed back and forth between his own body and the incoming projectiles, only snapping himself back within the moment in time to careen his companion back to make a barrier’s impact with another projectile.[break][break]

He couldn’t afford to allow a blank mind to weigh him down.[break][break]

And so did he resign to returning to the battle occurring within those moments— briefly, at least. The sights of the void remained seared within his mind, but he continued to focus as much of his attention upon the flying attacks until they lulled into a false sense of security; a brief reprise matched only by an immediate, heightened anxiety as Polaris recalled without warning, leaving his trainer landing upon the ground with barely enough reflex within his jarred mind to catch himself upon a knee.[break][break]

The landing only allowed him a moment to begin reaching for his idle wound before he found himself in transport.[break][break]

And then just like that…he’d been back. It had been an odd sensation, to say the least—though certainly jarring through the travels, having been met with a similar, yet all too different reflection of himself within a closer proximity—but his feet found themselves upon solid ground, and within the midst of a processing daze, he’d found himself gazing upon the selfsame others that had gathered, to begin with.[break][break]

His hand drifted towards his chest once more, though as his attention drifted towards the lapse in solid form as his fingers pushed through the shirt upon his then-partial back, he lifted his gaze towards and within the midst of their conversation; a gaze that soon drifted between as she brought the file attached to her into view, and then towards and as they shared their parts and asked their inquiry, respectively.[break][break]

”...There definitely was a train, yeah…” he hummed lowly, narrowing his eyes in thought. They drifted towards the ground before finding their ways back towards the void upon him once more. ”A train. Floating buildings, floating pillars— stuff you’d see straight outta fiction, honestly…”[break][break]

His mind lulled once more as his mind seemed to catch up to the recent events; a short lived revelation before her slowly lowered his hand. Scanning throughout those nearby, he furrowed his brows with a pensive look before catching sight of a familiar face once more, still keeping an ear out for ongoing conversations while making an uncharacteristically apprehensive walk towards .[break][break]

”Hey,” he murmured, ”are you okay?”[break][break]



  • basically: all the kinda-important stuff happens in the second half of the post LMFAO
  • leo's composed, but, a hella deep processing lull? also may be on the verge of a panic attack, who knows
  • lost a big, gash-like section ranging from the crook of his neck scaling diagonally down across his chest/upper body
  • leo.exe is lagging basically
  • hears the conversations happening; responds with some environmental details
  • dazed but checks up on


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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 1:35:04 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","postbody"] it's a relief to hear that they are okay. even if he doesn't know either particularly well, everyone in terminal 2 who went in together came out together — they'd forged a bond.

[break][break] even with ----, who's name he still couldn't remember.

[break][break] "that's good to hear," he says to , though it still seems bizarre. "can you walk okay?"

[break][break] his thoughts shift when he hears mention the events that took place. "zacian and zamenta. they were the ones that mint chose —" he says, pointing to the blue-haired boy that is . "and tried to eat him alive."

[break][break] at 's question, jayden purses his lips.

[break][break] "a golden ring? i'm not sure — the trains came through several rings, as darkrai and cresselia attacked us in an endless loop." he remembers pulling out a lunar ring, and the pulses that darkrai had sent their way. it had only been through sheer luck that jayden didn't end up with an injury like or .

[attr="class","jayooc"] + tldr [break]
+ jayden answers question, and fills in the blank for who the two dogs were [break][break]

+ his pokemon forget THREE MOVES EACH. current moveset below: [break]
— samurott - aqua jet, hydro pump, ceaseless edge [break]
— ditto - no moves [break]
— duoblade - sacred sword, protect, shadow sneak

[attr="class","fas fa-crow"]

@ @cyberchase

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 2:12:54 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Obviously a copy of the original Kyle wouldn’t be able to recognize me without my signature suit and tie combo.” Mars tells , sounding absolutely serious, but there’s a smirk for a moment there. The situation is dire, yes, but panicking won’t do them any good, and it seems the champion understands that too.
Of course, it also would do no good to take things lightly.
When joins their conversation, Mars gives her a slight smile.
”Good to see you’re okay, Luka. Thanks for filling us in about Terminal 2… Cresselia, huh? Must have been shocking.” He may just be the only person here who knows of the temporary bond the pink-haired woman developed with a much different Cresselia in another world, and because of that there’s mild concern over her reaction. Still, there are priorities, and much more pressing concerns to preoccupy himself with.
talks more in depth about being a past avatar and the chronology, Mars recognizes him after the events of Terminal 1. And, while he does so, someone in the large crowd also adds to Luka’s explanation about Terminal 2, naming the legendary pokémon she could not. He nods at both 'S words and 's answer to Thomas's question, listening carefully before returning his attention to the files before them.
”I think that if you look at the images, what would make sense is FILE 01, then Terminal 2 where the eight twenty apparently disappears, then Terminal 3 where its replaced by four ninety one, and then the one from Terminal 1, where four ninety and four ninety one are destroyed.”

He tries to line up the files accordingly, standing by Kyle and Luka.
”Chronology leads to a different answer, though, and Luka is right: the different colour of her image is suspicious. It might mean it goes first or last.”



[break]- Discussing the FILE SEQUENCE with Kyle, Luka, and Thomas
Feel free to join in on the discussion POG


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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,527 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 3:40:59 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar



she shifts her weight experimentally, taking a step back, then another, before moving back to her original spot. it feels odd in a way she can't explain, but she can walk without difficulty. for a moment, she wonders what running or bending at the waist would feel like, but she pushes the thought away and meets 's gaze with a reassuring nod. "yeah, i can walk."
a pink smoke rolls off of 's body, making her eyes widen. her brows knit with concern as the professor mumbles to herself and reaches for the gap of nothingness in her chest. the lost look on illeana's face makes her want to be a bit braver for her — for everyone — even though she feels like she can do little else than offer her a comforting hand on her remaining shoulder. [break][break]
a voice draws closer, pulling her attention away from illeana. she turns her head and sees looking at her. he leans down to meet her eyes, calling her a name that chases away the warm, relieved expression she greets him with. [break][break]
"anna?" she echoes his confusion and concern. did he hit his head in the other chamber? "are you, like, mixing me up with some other girl, greyson?"
she sees something wrong in her peripheral vision. lowering her gaze, she steals a glance at the nothingness cutting across his torso. her stomach does a flip and her eyes snap back up to his face, half out of alarm and half out of a nauseating desire not to look at it anymore. "oh my god, are you okay?"

[attr="class","annalooc"] + tldr [break]

+ talky to jayden[break]
+ puts her hand on illie's good shoulder uwu [break]
+ talky to greyson[break]


[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]



[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]




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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 3:50:49 GMT

it happens quickly, a bit too quickly. [break][break]

there's carnage, and chaos, and there comes a point where it's har to keep track of anything anymore. the voids being thrown out, on top of the attacks, and the pixels and everything.. she finds it so difficult to believe that this is reality, and yet here they are, stuck in this datascape of pixels and binary and data. if the sense of urgency wasn't there, she'd probably find this interesting, and would take more time to look into everything. she doesn't have that luxury. [break][break]

not when a train comes throttling down one of the open portals, and she gasps in response, instinctively letting go of the bolt - hoping that gravity can pull her down fast enough. it doesn't. [break][break]

she's facing the train when it happens, and her eyes shut in anticipation for the pain and the stinging, until she feels her feet touch the ground, and she's alive. somehow. but though she's alive, and tries to open her eyes, she feels that only one of them is open. where did the other go? [break][break]

it comes to a shock when she raises her hand to try and hold the left side of her head, only to find that everything above her left cheek has disappeared, the train taking the quarter of her head up to the centre of her scalp. the right eye widens, though she still feels the bangs that.. weren't brought along with it. it was just the part of the head, but now it feels static. it's odd. it's uncomfortable. the hair that isn't caught in the impact still moves, as though it's attached to anything. it's unsettling. [break][break]

".. ah." she tries to speak, it looks like her voice is still working. her right eye and ear still work, but the left side is a goner. how curious. how frustrating. [break][break]

she doesn't even feel pain. it just feels empty, and that part of her vision is gone - not like it changed much, what with an eyepatch already being over it most of the time. it would be best not to touch the void left behind, so she raises her other hand to rest against her head as she recovers from her landing. [break][break]

their surroundings are reset, and it looks like everyone returns to a common area. here, she hisses, softly. it's uncharacteristic of her to lose her temper, but anyone would get a little upset losing a quarter of their head. she glances down, eyeing a copy - a copy of herself - staring back at her with dead eyes. ah yes, just like looking in a mirror. [break][break]

then her working eye glances at the screen before them, and she already notices a group forming, talking about their experiences. then, she chirps up, albeit briefly, so she can have time to herself again later. "they weren't invulnerable." she cups her fingers behind her right ear, holding in the direction of the small crowd ( , , , , , ) to add onto the retellings of terminal 2. "even though they're data, we're still able to disable them." she motions to the little plate of a cursola, who carefully hops out of her hold. she doesn't know how useful this information is. [break][break]

".. and it was easy. it felt like it was too easy." and it unnerves her to say. legends shouldn't be so easily downed. [break][break]

she takes a deep breath, she needs it. luckily, she can still hear in her right ear, so she catches the familiar voice of . so she glances over with a slight glare, slightly tired. still processing. there's silence when she's lowering her glare back to the ground. "i'll be okay." her fingers curl around the remaining side of her upper head. her cursola is concerned, expanding the ghastly body of hers. [break][break]

"what about you?" she starts, taking another deep breath, and a sigh "are you and your pokemon okay?"

𓆙 mari loses a part of her head; left eye and ear.
[break]𓆙 thought and brain are unharmed, but she's now deaf and blind on the left side of her head.
[break]𓆙 no she's not okay, but thanks for asking.
[break]𓆙 cursola is okay though and that's what matters most
[break]𓆙 comments on the vulnerability of the legendary pokemon

cyberchase conundrum

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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,454 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 8:19:04 GMT

the general consensus is that everyone is okay even if they don't look okay. take for example: missing lower torso and yet he's still standing. alive.[break][break]

which leads him to believe things being "deleted" aren't permanently gone but just misplaced.[break][break]

before he can address , the boy walks away to join another. matias can do no more than purse his lips before turning to address .[break][break]

"just like everyone else, i'm okay."[break][break]

while he waits for 's answer, he watches only to feel a little bit proud that the champion's getting so involved.

[attr="class","ooc"]- checking up on people[break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-manectric color-shiny"]

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[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,615 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 11:36:39 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar


Cyberchase Conundrum

Feeling the energy of a HELPING HAND thanks to Melody’s pokemon his explosion is enough to destroy Ashton. As he lands again his arm is shaking from the way their explosions collided. The room is even hot for him as those also fighting for their lives in Terminal 1 finally taking down the other two legendaries. Even knowing that the white dragon in front of them was fake still messed with him to see. [break][break]

As they’re back in the original terminal Razz’s hand is shaking. He look down at his hand, slightly digitized from the counter explosion. Though what haunts him more from the encounter was watching Blair get deleted the way he did. [break][break]

"then, help me. help me find who is responsible for the murder of my friend,"

He recalls these words from Reshiram, and there is a guilt there of now having killed him here. And while its his own dead copy’s reflection that stares back at him, due to their similar looks, Razz can’t help but see Blair again and worries of what the real Reshiram would think of all this. He hears talking around him but his thoughts distract him mostly from the puzzle going on and what and others were trying to piece together. His mind a blur, at least until he hears ’s saying his name. [break][break]

”And just what have I lied about that matters anything about this situation?” Razz grumbles back, not really in the best of moods himself with everything going on. Not that Eris paid too much attention to him as she went over to the delivery boy to cover his injuries. For now the ranger just takes a deep breath and tries to calm himself at the idea of having been so exposed, his nerves acting up and there was no Salem here to help him.



[break]+ Razz is in slight shock about seeing Reshiram and Ashton
[break]+ Does not have the time to deal with Yvetal let the others do that
[break]+ Metagross uses PSYCHIC to move everyone near Razz away from him. This possibly includes but not limited to: and . Because figuring out who is actually near him is weird lol
[break]+ Razz moves up in the air to get himself further away from others, then tries to counter Blair's explosion with his own explosion.


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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 13:51:36 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

it's not a surprise that katherine survives without any grievous injuries. she may have gotten used to giratina's blessing, but still, rocket and the league both forged her into the woman she is today.
"i think you're right, mars," she'd been mostly listening so far. focused on assessing the injuries of others and their odd states. many of those injuries should have ended their lives. and yet...
no one was fully gone. no one died.
"look at the first file," she points directly at the circle around the 820-named pokeball. "the orange circle touches both 490 and another one that's not named here. once 820 is gone," her finger moves slightly to the side, pointing at the next file - where 820 is entirely gone. "both 490 and 491 are closer to each other and the weird orange area crossed deeper into their domain."
which naturally leads them to the final file...
"and then, well..."
"..they're gone."
destroyed, most likely.
- kat supports mars' theory[break]
(idk if we all need to rp putting the files in the same order, but basically mars' is the order kat would've used as well - F1>T2>T3>T1)

[attr="class","fas fa-moon"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 21:26:37 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Basically put: mass chaos fucking happens.

Due to so many things happening all at once, he barely has time to register whatever the hell else is going on around them—mostly because one second later Zuza is there and an unfamiliar Yanmega, however accompanied by the very familiar voice of Kaida joining them—

The winds howl around them force-aimed like a turret towards the incoming bodies of fused metal and steel, screaming along the tracks before they’re eventually dispatched.

But was it enough?

Clearly, as the bisected segments of train crash down all around them, something—something was bound to happen. He wasn’t sure what it was, but the sounds of battle all around him reduced themselves to a dull roar as he hyperfocused on the two companions that were with him.

He hoped to all hell that the others were safe—namely , , and .

(How were and faring, though? It was hard to tell, what with all the insanity happening around them.)

It felt like everything was being disassembled and put back together again—wait a second, what the hell? Why was he looking at something he never noticed until now—a digital copy of himself, but with absolutely dead lilac-colored eyes blinking back at him, before disappearing as they all appeared at the same point once more.

It’s like going through a warp portal in-game back to a previous save point—only how was he supposed to know how that felt?

Little did he know, during that point when they were being warped back to where they had all come from (and him seeing the dead-eye version of himself), something else would disappear as well.

The next thing he registered was his weight being spun roughly around, and, and—

“What happened?” he blinked as he looked around. “I’m fine, I’m fine…”

Or was he?

He looked down at himself, seeing that he still had both arms and legs. Okay, check. Those were still there. A hand unconsciously rubbed at his neck, and he could still feel the bandages that were there—check, that was… wait. Wait, wait, hold up a second…

He looked down again, and for some reason he felt… strangely… lighter? Than usual? He wasn’t sure if he was having an out-of-body experience right then and there as he just happened, coincidentally, thought he noticed something missing?

Him, missing…?

He then pressed his right hand over his chest—yes, the same right hand that was hanging onto the other man like a vise, somehow they’d lost each other temporarily in the void of data as they were all brought back here, where they stood—

Instead of feeling something faint pulsing beneath his palm, there was…


And then, the next question—

“Who… are you?”

• uhoh
• was that hubris coming to bite him in the ass for not having any Pokémon out? MAYBE
• Alex has something similar to an out of body experience as he belatedly realizes what is missing
• nope, he still has his arms and legs, so that’s not it
• still has his eyes so that’s not it either
• instead of losing obvious body parts, Alex is missing his heart. Yep.
• (and missing something else too. AHAHAHAHA)

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 22:37:47 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
How oddly poetic that only through coordination with can they take down Yveltal's ghost? Were it not for a permanent animosity established by the attack on his brother, , Gavin might've been almost grateful. It's concern for that brother that sees Gavin tear his attention away from their nemesis and rush toward him.

Before he gets very far, the jarring sensation of being turned into data and shuffled back into the original room disorients him.

"Fucking Hoenn."

He finds that Rowan is close to ; a dangerous situation for the undisguised underboss to entangle himself in. Pressing his lips together in dissatisfaction, he makes an attempt at eye contact to convey his concern before turning away.

is similarly injured, and Gavin feels a mixture of frustration and desperation at his inability to help either of them. He'd made it out of the fight unscathed, but at what cost? What would happen when they got out of this place?

With his stomach in knots, Gavin steps up next to the group discussing the files.

"Perhaps there's a file zero?" Amber eyes sweep over the files, lingering on the darkest one. "That would explain why file one isn't... well, first."

Gavin really wants to make sure is OK but is worried about outing his Rocket affiliation, so keeps his distance with some potentially meaningful eye contact if Row catches on.
Gavin suggests that perhaps the dark file is file 00 or something

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
554 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 22:53:22 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
Despite seemingly immeasurable odds, the two legendary Pokemon had fallen. The discharges of electricity let lose by Astrape had supported the attacks of the others that fell onto the enemies before them. However, short of her intent, they did nothing to the surroundings. The world around her had not distorted nor had it been rent apart. And yet, this still remained a success. The avatars and the legendary Pokemon (or at least their copies, given one of said avatars happened to have been in the group) had fallen. It should have ended without incident, right?

Elaine was not sure what she could think of it. How could she? Was it the aura of pure concentrated death or the pitch blue plasma that had caused it. In the inevitable storm of the crossfire, she could hardly say what dregs of attacks had passed through her. But that was hardly her biggest concern as she gazed down upon her body--or what remained of it.

A surreal, physically impossible sight had come into her view. A portion of her thigh above her left knee had gone missing. That wasn't to say that her leg was cut off. Far from it, despite the sensation of something missing, it was like the pieces of her had some ephemeral connection. But that wasn't it. Her right elbow. Her left and right shoulders. Half her torso, leaving an odd shape behind. A quick tightening of the fingers that still grasped 's hand was enough for her to know that everything had functioned. A portion of her heart and lungs were missing to the point where she couldn't feel anything and yet her body still functioned like nothing had.

Leaving behind the dissonance of absent sensation yet undeniable function.

And such surreality was only compounded by the sudden activation of the terminals and the sudden transport/teleport back to an initial origin. Yet, as she rematerialized, the parts of her body that were lost were not regained. Yet it was not just that. The visage of copies of everyone floating in whatever expanse they not stood over as well. The new riddle.

Even though they had escaped some example of danger, they had been left behind with a plethora of problems. Though others were musing the meaning behind the riddle and sharing the multiple images that had been given to them in the different terminals, there was something that took immediate priority first.

She turned to face Violet, whose hand she was still holding.

"Are you okay, Violet?"

There was still no time to let the loss sink in. After all, she was not the only one who suffered this kind of fate. She could only move forward.

In the meantime, she would need to gather information she heard buzzing around her.

Listening in on Katherine Fairburne's deduction, she nodded along, saying to nobody in particular. "Given the seeming sequence, the logic definitely stands."


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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 23:54:35 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
The Trevenant just gave both Elga and friendly pats on the head. It was well established that Hideo was a friend. And that included the boy's Pokemon. But he didn't think they realized just how hard of a sleeper Aaron was. Hideo tried to wake up the boy, and he didn't even stir. Even with the extra noise and yelling, even from Hideo, Aaron barely made a huffing sound. And so Trevenant just stayed silent and around the boys, a protective knight. He sure as hell couldn't understand what was going on. Heck, for intents and purposes, Hideo should be dead! What was up with that? Well, whatever the case, he was a silent sentry...and hoped his friend would wake up soon...

Trevenant gave friendly head pats to Elga and Hideo, acknowledging them as friends.
Aaron is still asleep, despite Hideo's attempts.
Trevenant is guarding both boys.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing