i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2022 0:16:29 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
Thrown onto the sands as the susurrus of rising and falling waves filled the silence, Elisabeth's eyes blinked open slowly.

Hands wrapped around herself protectively, skimming the surface of her body to ensure that all of her was healthy and whole. When she glanced down at her legs, there was no blurring there to betray her past ordeal with the flames of the second terminal.

The taste of memory was like ash in her mouth.

Was I really so quick to consider dying?

Disgust curdled in the pit of Elisabeth's stomach, directed at whatever ancient weakness had blossomed in her with the ferocity of an arrow piercing its mark. In the wake of her self-reproach, relief flooded her body with the realization her better instincts had stopped her from revealing such vulnerability before the likes of , , and .

Arceus. She'd almost martyred herself in front of them. Annoyance flashed across Elisabeth's face as she bit back her own displeasure with herself, standing to her feet.

It didn't matter that she'd have lived, as evidenced by those who had chosen to delete themselves being alive and well. Living with the knowledge of that misstep would have been painful in and of itself.

And then other memories returned to her as she steadied herself: what had happened in those last few moments, including the inexplicable way that the whole platform glowed as... as something she could not explain happened to . Her eyes scoured the beach, seeing others had returned to their senses. Familiar faces, like , , and , were here. And new ones, like and .

Then her expression relaxed, finding the one face in the crowd that she had sought for most. "Mars!"

Whatever had happened to him, he was alive.

  • God, being weak is the worst, glad that is over.
  • Relieved she didn't embarrass herself by martyring in front of her Rocket pals, can you imagine.
  • PHEW seems ok, that was some effed up shizzle.

✿ CyberChase Post ✿
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2022 1:40:44 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
The fight broke out as people continued to badger about what was more important. 's words fell on deaf ears for the most part, and Aaron almost had to shift his attention to the guy he mostly agreed with trying to destroy the terminal! So much for thinking things out. Luckily, someone had the right idea to protect it. Unfortunately for them, Rotom found that maybe the guy wasn't full of shit. Well, that was fine...maybe they could do it with just a few at a time? Suddenly, everything changed...and a guy he vaguely recognized seemed to be able to manipulate the entire thing now. And suddenly...they were back on the island.

Aaron sighed in relief as he looked for and . He found one of them, Hideo's Rotom nuzzling against his trainer's face. That was one...and Eris was nearby, he heard her. Looking back at Hideo, he spoke up. "I'm fine now." His signature monotone was back. He also spotted , who looked like he was looking for everyone. Whatever, he stayed close to Hideo, but in silence, contemplating what the hell did he just witness and what was he to do about it. He was never a destiny boy...people made their own way. And sunk or swam on their own merits and even partially by luck. If anything...this just encouraged him to train harder and prepare for a fight of a lifetime...
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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,858 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2022 3:10:08 GMT
mint frost Avatar




Lights flash, various. The bodies of people around him disappear and he waited wuietly for the end. At least then, his chest would stip hurting and he could breath again. He tried to lock eyes with one more time before giving him a nod goodbye and then- [break][break]

Nothing. [break][break]

His doppleganger struggled to scream a panicked 'Eat shit!' Before a huge alarm rang out. What the hell was a system failure? He closed his eyes, the ue ditto cocooning him like the giant rubber condom it was as bright light engulfed them. [break][break]

He woke up groggy, waves lapping his sandaled feet. A blue blob rested on his chest and slid into his lap as he sat up. His phone was in his hand. He turned slowly gathering his memories slowly and searching for familiar faces. He managed to stand on hisbfeet, the Ditto in his hands before stumbling past bodies in various states of waking up. He stopped and dropped to his knees, shaking awake. "Hey! HEY!" he began as his throat tigthened and his vision blurred. Shaking fingers dig and curl into whatever fabruc he could as he felt the overwhelming surge of panic, hurt, and fear racked his body. He's a blubberinf mess by the time his friend showed any sign of consciousness. He doesn't hesitate, wailing as he dropped his pokemon in the sand and wrapped his arms around the other Rocket's. "T-Thank y-you s-s-so much!" Despite his size, his hug is a vice grip as Mint searched for any semblance of stability. [break][break]

He's just crying, bawling and shaking over his friend as adrenaline finds an outlet finally. The crying slowed but only because he spotted familiar long blonde hair and he screamed indignantly as he stood up and pointing, face red, snot and tears staining fair skin. "Y-YOU TRIED TO K-K-KILL ME!!" and then more wailing as his hands moved back to try to wipe his face. 's betrayal and cruel treatment finally hitting him full force.

tagged ▸ ooc [break]
- iykyk [break]




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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,796 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2022 4:41:59 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]



Their bodies bend and snap through reality. It’s become a familiar feeling. So much so, that she barely losses their her balance when they snap back to the sandy beach of Mirage Island. She takes a large breath, filling her lungs with the fresh ocean air.


“Shit!” she gasps as a sharp pain strike up her side. It makes her double over, pressing a hand to the open wound in her side. It’s warm, the pressure causing blood to leak through the fabric of her tank top, “What the fuck,” she whispers to herself in thought. Everyone else’s wounds have healed, why not hers?


Blade is quick to fire a HEAL PULSE to stabilize her before he wraps his arm around her waist. Blade gives a quick smirk before he TELEPORTS them to the hospital.



+ Real IC wound from missing a round :sadge:[break]
+ Blade says “Bye Matty”


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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2022 7:05:05 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Oh. Ohhh. For Violet, the return to normal was internalized, truly. It was a speedrun of a gradual shift over years. Building resentment. Failures compounded by expectations. Running away from home, failing even harder, learning and building upon that foundation. When her Doppelganger returned to her, she understood what that had done to her. Mina was her past, a buried one. But that person was also undeniably a part of her. It was why she had helped those hapless souls in Sootopolis. It was why she had felt empathy towards the girl next to her. Even though Violet was a Rocket, that did not mean she had fully divorced herself from the girl she had once been.
Sometimes, two things could be right at the same time. Though she did shudder slightly from the implication that her current role would have treated her old one like that. Yet, that could probably be chalked up to the mad scientist’s designs. Those Doppelgangers and scans, they had been supposed to replace them, right? Clearly, there was more to those implied sacrifices than just loss of life.
Yet, that was kind of secondary. Her Jellicent was floating in the waters in front of her, and she did give it a gentle smile. That thing had tried to kill her once and had been the catalyst that had led to her experiencing emotional pain. Yet, she was still glad to see it back. Some things were not as contradictory as they might seem, really.
Violet blotted out most of the people around her. There were some she knew from Rocket, yes, but those were too busy to approach her anyhow, so she did not give them much thoughts. Instead, she allowed the sounds of the sea and the touch of the breeze to get to her momentarily, eyes closed, breathing steadily. But there were words that could piece this tranquil moment. Vio did not begrudge that.
Instead, she turned towards the other, briefly thinking. Then, she decided to simply do what you did when a cute girl, well, when a friend, really, was crying. Maybe she overstepped her boundaries again and would earn herself another slap to the face for misunderstanding things. But frankly, after all this, she just did not care. If it happened, it happened. But if she could help Elaine with it, she would go in for a hug, simple as that. Thus, she wrapped her arms around the other and pulled her in a little, just so that the sensation could embrace the mind. “I don’t know what troubles your mind in that regard. But I think I can relate a little. Elaine, in every moment you are the person you choose to be. It is your life. What feels right, usually is right. And if you can’t tell what is, you will find yourself reflected in others. After all, without others, how can you really tell what kind of face you are making.”

+ ooc notes



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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,527 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2022 8:10:25 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar



everything annalise lost comes rushing back as she reappears on the shore, filling her body like the first, sucking breath after being underwater for too long. it feels surreal but she knows it happened if only because some of the people around her begin to cry as the adrenaline leaves them.
and as the adrenaline leaves her, too, guilt and anxiety find home for themselves in the grooves left behind. her breath comes quick through a tightening throat. she'd thought horrible things about . she'd gotten her chesnaught and killed. no, her mind corrects. that's not what happened.
she killed mint.
annalise shrinks down to her knees, hand over mouth, as the realization washes over her. there's no rationale, no excuse for why she did it. so many people ended up volunteering themselves, but she volunteered up one of her best friends herself. as much as she wants to fight it and say it wasn't her, it was. some ugly, monstrous version of herself, but still her.
there's a cracking sound, then a shadow draws over her, blotting out the sun. she looks up, glossy-eyed, and the face looking down at her makes her breath catch in her throat. "chestnut?"
a paw is outstretched to help her back to her feet. the unwavering kindness makes her eyes sting. her chesnaught becomes a blur of green-and-cream as annalise gets up and throws herself at him.
"i'm so sorry," she whimpers pitifully into his thorny shoulder. "thank you for saving my life in there."
annalise wants to say more, but an accusing voice makes her turn away from her pokemon. it's mint, alive, blotchy faced, pointing a finger at her with deserved betrayal. she finds her voice, small and draped with disbelief: "mint?"
annalise takes a step toward him, then another, then stops. she understands if he doesn't want her near him after what happened.
"mint, i'm so fucking sorry, i ... " annalise can't say she didn't mean it because she did at the time. she'd been so frustrated by his failures, by the way he kept teasing her about the gaps in her memory. and she'd expected everyone else to put up more of a fight over who had to go into the light, so she'd wanted to get ahead before someone forced her to go in. [break][break]
the tears run hot trails down her cheeks as she hiccups the shittiest excuse in the world: "i - i don't know what i was thinking! that place did something scary to my brain and i - i don't know, i'm just — i'm so so so sorry!"
she doesn't feel confident that that place did anything to her mind except put it under pressure, but it's hard to swallow a truth that she's capable of being so horrible of her own volition.

[attr="class","annalooc"] + tldr [break]+ anna is emo and gives a youtuber apology


[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]



[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]




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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
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TAG WITH @memo
Guillermo Marceliño
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2022 14:43:20 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
Stripped of his compassion, Memo could only stare into an eternity of sadness, anger, longing, and loneliness. Stripped of his empathy, he had a selfish focus on a future devoid of love, every interpreted hurt festering against his heart like being strung through with a live wire.

“How could you forget about me!” he yells, knowing that it isn’t really Alex’s fault and lacking the part of himself that could force him to care. He distantly registered Kaida as coming closer to them, even after he’d told her to stay the fuck away, but he doesn’t realize what she’s doing until her Ekans is fucking biting him and he yelps in pain, the snake sinking its fangs into his bicep and throwing a coil over his shoulders in a vicious squeeze. “No! Leave me alone!” It was a breathless squeak, because the air was being crushed out of him.

Petulant and childish, to the very end.

Suffocated, his vision began to warp, and Alex’s voice sounded very distant and far away-- then the rant changed, and he felt hands on his face, pulling him in and kissing him, and he was crying like an imbecile, and he still had this stupid snake around him, and he was afraid.

“What if I can’t?” he asked, voice hoarse, “Alex, what if I can’t?!

But it was too late because the feather went off and Kaida’s snake spins him and Memo falls on his ass and his last sight is Kaida’s angry face as she tries to hell her Ekans to kill him.


Guillermo sits up in a rush, heart squeezing, lungs pumping wildly; the world spins and he feels sick to his stomach, the ghost of pain in his nose and arm, feeling constricted. Dizzy, he puts his head between his knees--

--a gentle muzzle ruffles through his hair, Zuza’s pink lemonade rings of heal pulse falling over him like a child’s game of ring toss. “Z-zuzu?” he asks, voice cracked and hoarse (ha, ha), as he reaches behind him, coming up onto his knees to wrap her head in his arms, face wet with tears as he cries into her mane. “I thought-- I--,” his voice breaks, and Zuza helps him to his shaky feet, as everything crashes back into him like a wave that threatens to knock him over again.


The word tears from him on a painful gasp, and as he starts to look for Fortree’s gym leader, he sees Kaida stomping towards him. “Kaida!” He says, taking two steps in her direction, arms hovering out. “Are you okay? Are you hur--,”

His concern is cut off as her fist drives into his face. His whole skull echoes with a noise like a plastic bag crinkling as his nose really does break, this time, not just cyber-breaking. To his credit, he doesn’t go down, but he does grab his face, taste the hot iron of blood on his lips.

“Yeah, I-- d’ank you, for d’att,” he said, and meant it, voice coming out chunky from the swelling impeding his nostrils. Zuza whickers in the horse version of a laugh. A black shape floats in front of him and he thinks, for a moment, he’s about to pass out, but it’s just--

“Shivani!” he shouts, though it comes out more like Chobani! Because his nose is fucked up, and he wraps his Banette in a hug and he really does sob this time. Holding the little marionette close to his chest, he crosses the beach to where Kaida has found Alex (Shivani wiggles free of Memo’s grip and slips back into her Pokeball) and falls to his knees in the sand. He’s crying, his face a mess of blood and tears, and he’s really trying not to be pathetic, but he burns those beautiful lavender eyes into his brain and reaches out a hand (the one not covered in blood) to hesitantly touch Alex’s shoulder because he doesn’t really deserve this anymore and he also can hardly believe it’s real.

“I’m-- I’m so sorry,” he whispers (I’m tho thorry), stomach quaking, and he feels like he’s about to come to pieces right there in the sand.

“I love you.”

There's much more he wants to say, of course, but he's bleeding profusely from his nose and, like, two seconds away from either vomiting, or openly weeping, or both.

t l ; d r
- memo's nose breaks
- real sadboi times

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2022 16:02:56 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

The explosion of wind from the feather as it disintegrates is more than enough to shove the other two away, far away from the unnatural brightness that surrounds him.

He doesn’t know if the other is already in his right state of mind, however if ’s fast enough to notice, he mouths these words, meant for him—and for him alone:

“I love you.”

And then—

He’s gone.

(TW: gore)

It’s like—it’s like that one series he’d binge-watched, long ago. Where the middle of nowhere is just a bright, white space. No ceiling, just a floor—

And then, he sees his counterpart across him. Noticeably, though, his doppelganger’s eyes are red, and not purple. Strange, isn’t it.

“You could’ve had it all, you know.”

He can’t believe that it’s the same voice, the same cadence, ringing out across the space—but somehow, there’s something wrong with it. Something he himself can’t place.

“I’d have taken your place, be fuckin’ normal, for once, not afraid of death—didn’t you like that? That feeling? Of forgetting everything that bothered you, and just going on ahead and crashing into shit without even giving the slightest fuck that you could die from that complication? That’s the one thing that sets you apart from me, you know. I’ve got the body—the one you so desperately wish, the normalcy you want, and yet you still refuse to give in, to just die and let me take your place instead.”

He just blinks for a few moments, staring at him—himself.

How… how could he sound so angry? Like that?

“The moment you lost your heart, I saw my chance. I know, just as much as you do, that you don’t keep your best memories in your brain. You keep them in your heart, the one I absorbed, while trying to take over you, watching you stumble out there like a blind little freak. How did you survive twenty-eight years wearing your heart on your sleeve? Giving yourself away so easily to the first person who bats their eyes at you? I resented that, you know. All. Of. That.”

He doesn’t realize the other is getting closer, becoming more and more real while his own form was slowly fading away into the whiteness, warping and glitching like code gone wrong.

“I should’ve taken your emotions too. How the fuck did I miss that.

As the footsteps echo closer, the doppelganger begins to solidify more—almost becoming flesh and blood, but curious, curiously—one of the two hands of his double hadn’t fully materialized yet.

“Well I’m here to take everything away from you. And take your place out there.”

The last thing Alexei remembers of this white place is the menacing grin of his own double, far too close into his personal space before a burning pain spread through the gaping hole in his chest.

It felt like an eternity, floating in—floating somewhere.

Was he floating in space? In the clouds? The last thing he remembered before he blacked out (whited out? Was that even a thing?) was that his doppelganger had approached him and literally tried to rip out what remained of—of himself.

What the brain forgets, the heart remembers.

Maybe this was what it was like, to—to die? To return to stardust, to the particles that made up the existence of the universe?

The same hissing voice echoed in his ears, though.

“You left him. Don’t you remember that? You left him to die, you left the blue—”

“Stop,” he began quietly. “Stop that. I didn’t leave anyone.”

“Oh, but you did, you left your best friend of eleven years in the lurch—”

“Our paths diverged! How could you say that?”

“You left him, you let him die, he’s gone, gone, he’s never coming back—

“We did go our separate ways, but I never meant to—”

“Stop making up excuses, you killed him! You killed @mattis!”

“I did not!”

“Then prove it!”

He swung his head around wildly, trying to find where the source of the hissing voice is coming from—but he can’t find his doppelganger in this aetherial space, he can only hear the other’s voice—

“See? You can’t even prove it, you’re such a coward! And now you’re running off with someone else and just—”

“Shut up,” he heard himself saying, closing his eyes and trying to pinpoint where the other voice was coming from—had his other!self hidden himself so well he couldn’t find—

“Lots of things happened. I told him—I already made my peace with Mattie.”

“Another Mattie, but not the one you know—”

“Shut. Up!”

Alexei figured, if they were still within the datascape, and if this operated on the same principles as that reverse-isekai series he’d watched, then he could manipulate the entirety of the realm within as long as he had the means to do such a thing—

“You can’t fight if you know what I said is right, can you?”

“You’re me. We are the—the same,” he growled, keeping his eyes closed and just attempting to zone in on the sound of his doppelganger’s voice.


“I can prove it.”


He doesn’t respond to his doppelganger’s voice—at least for a few moments. All it took was the courage—that very same courage he had when the train was screaming down upon them all—for him to take the first move, to take a step forward, as one of his exes had said.

To take one step forward…

“Because I’m you, and at the same time, you’re me.”

Taking another deep breath, he willed himself not to flinch or make a noise as he himself dug his fingers into the skin over his chest, never mind if the pain was absolutely terrible, he was fucking dead anyway—pushing bones apart and just watching as the white space was stained red, red, a deep dark crimson red because of what he was doing—

“You’re the coward.”

How is he even calm when he said those words as he pulled out his own fucking heart again, staring at it in his hands.

“How dare you fucking hide yourself… where it hurts.”

“If you do that you’re going to kill yourself! Aren’t you afraid of death?”

“What’s there to be afraid of? I’m already here. I’ve accepted the fact that this is it.”

Steeling his own nerves, he began to crush the organ in his hands, never mind if he had to swallow down an agonizing scream that was so painful it was ripping him apart, to be doing this, to actually eliminate the source of the—

“You dare?!”

“Yes. I fucking dare,” he hissed through gritted teeth, never mind that his hands were covered in so much blood it was making him absolutely queasy and wanted to faint on the spot.

If he had to do it, then he had to go through with it.

“Go back…to where you belong. In the nothingness.”

A hideous noise ripped through him after that last statement.

The next thing he’s aware of is the fact that there’s something in the sky above him, and holy fucking shit, why does he feel like he’s been reamed through a particle disintegrator, each and every singular atom that comprised his entire being flattened, stretched out, and then flattened again before being violently ejected back into the throes of reality.

A faint, distant roaring noise—his Salamence—makes its presence known by landing in front of where he’d fallen. While he’d let Kaida pass, Memo, on the other hand, he would roar very loudly at, exactly once, before letting the other man run past him.

The Salamence then rolled his eyes at the cotton-candy unicorn and let out a huff. What the fuck had happened back there?!

The first thing that registered in his tired, absolutely piss-exhausted mind was a pair of arms hugging him, before suddenly backing away and he’s falling back into the sand once again.

The rest of the exchange is missed, but djinni he does not want to open his eyes because he can feel the beginning of a migraine coming on—and then he feels a lighter touch on his shoulder, and then heard Memo’s voice—pained and destroyed because of something that was clearly bothering him.

(He didn’t need to open his eyes to know that the other was in obvious distress.)

His first words—well, the first noise that he actually makes is a coughing noise, and he feels a little trickle of something running down the side of his mouth, warm and wet and definitely smelling of iron.

“I…I think…we need to go to the hospital,” he gasped, feeling something sticky bubbling up in his mouth before it popped quietly.

He was… absolutely sure it was blood, the stench was something that had indelibly burned into his olfactories since time immemorial.

“N-n-now,” he continued, because ow, ow, ow, fucking shit, ow, ow, ouch the pain his body was going through was now belatedly catching up to him and the sensory overload was starting to get to him again.

If Memo was quick on his feet, he’d recognize the signs.

deleted, done and out
• has a fight scene with his own doppelganger trying to destroy him not physically, but mentally and emotionally
guess how that went
• next thing he remembers is appearing on the beach, lying in the sand and tilted on one side before Kaida finds him first and hugs him
• Alexei’s brain is making AOL dialup noises because he’s not fully there yet, at least mentally
• physically: there’s a new scar on his chest right where his heart is; mentally: anything that happened after the train came screaming down at them is not there up until the point before he got erased
• so yes he’s not coming out of this 100% whole

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
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TAG WITH @memo
Guillermo Marceliño
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2022 16:36:08 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
Memo’s ocean of emotions dried up immediately, replaced with the frigid cold of fear, as he watched that little spindle of red slip down the pale of Alex’s skin, a horrible bloom of color leaking from the corner of his mouth.


Zuza is at their side in a second, dropping waves of heal pulse over Alex as Memo enlists Kaida’s help. Through his clogged nose, he says “We hab to-- help me get him on d’ dragon. We hab to get him to a hobspital. Now.

Whether she helps or not, Zuza switches gears from heal pulse to Psychic, enveloping Alex in a pink glow to raise him off the ground and place him gently on his Salamence.

Memo is at a crossroads, because Gabe can fly faster with only Alex aboard, but he doesn’t trust Alex’s ability to not fall off midair. So he clambers aboard, physically securing Alex’s arms around his waist, letting the man lean most of his weight on him.

“You can b’mad ad me lader,”
he says to Gabriel, “but ride now we hab to take care of him. Fly fasd ad fly eben.” He instructs, absorbing Zuza back into her Pokeball.

He’s still afraid, but gone is the hesitancy, the petrification. Now he knows he has to act.

t l ; d r
- hospital episode

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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2022 18:05:18 GMT
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Focus, agent.

Breathe in. Breathe out. His eyes opened.

Having finished processing what he had witnessed within 'The Cloud', the agent took to the next step. Educated guessing Deduction.

Avatar or not, everyone present had become a possible target. Regardless of whether Maldacena was being truthful or not, their presence in 'The Cloud' would surely not go unnoticed by the Dark Triad, and it was possible, that the information on just who they were, down to the last detail, had been recorded.

This surely meant that the Dark Triad would adjust their own plans in preparation for whatever measures the League prepared against theirs.

All the information acquired, including the Dark Triad's grand plan to destroy 'The Origin Point' aka, their Hoenn, would inevitably reach the top brass of the League and Rocket alike. The presence of and assured it.

Known leaguers aside, if he met any of these folk in the future, he would know to at least perform a background check...

Much was learned of simply by witnessing the known rockets interact with others in the last few minutes leading up to everyone's near death; though the effects the cloud had on their psyche made things difficult to parse, he resolved to commit the faces of every single person he had seen today to the best of his memory.

Not a single person present was 'normal', no matter how they looked, acted, or how old they might be. His gaze dragged over , and specially, before he sighed.

"What else...?" He mumbled to himself as he cupped his chin, eyes narrowing. He didn't think he needed to report to directly, save to mention he had been there as well. With so many high ranking leaguers present, the woman would surely have a complete report in her desk before the day was over.

But he did need to report this to the INTERPOL High brass...

"Yes." The blonde man intoned after a moment, letting Hideo know he was quite near by. "I, too, made it out unharmed."

He ran a hand over his brand new scar, a clean, thick river flowing down from his shoulder to his hip in a perfect line. A burning pain surged as his digits ran over the superficially healed wound.

"Hrgk... For the most part." Right. A lesson perhaps even more important than everything else they had learned today...

Before Zacian's sword, his mastery and understanding of swordsmanship, which had once felt as vast and deep as a lake, had seemed as superficial as a puddle.

There was still much to learn- greater heights for him to reach. A lesson learned at just the right time it seemed, in the face of Galar's plight.

The man's gaze rose, eyes narrowing with determination as his jaw tensed. Before his family was harmed by his failures in Sootopolis...

'I'll destroy Necrozma- whatever it takes.'

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2022 20:42:04 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Several voices answer his question. and , he could recognize immediately. The unknown voice, , further answered him, saying everyone had come back. Some were in better condition than others, but they were all back.

It was some small relief.

But before he could really start to think about what to do next, he could feel his Rotom tapping against his cheek again. It moved down, tapping on his pocket next. “My phone?” Hideo asked, taking a second to realize that was what his Rotom wanted.

He took his phone out, the Rotom floating into it. He could feel his phone rumble as his Rotom possessed it, and soon, the Rotomphone pulled up an app - a simple note-taking app. He could hear it type something out.

There was a brief pause, followed by the text-to-voice app on his phone being activated, reading the text out loud.

I saw text in the terminal.
Its purpose is unclear.

Unclear indeed - Hideo had no idea what it meant. But maybe someone else would have an idea?

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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2022 21:39:00 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar




- Still crying with
- Calms down enough to respond to




Locke pulled himself away from , trying to put on a watery smile between wet hic-ups, before promptly breaking into more sobs when he took notice of Reiner, who'd followed his trainer into oblivion mere moments ago. He pulled the Luxray into the hug as well, crying about what a good boy he was.


It took the prompting of a another mystery from to pull their senses together for something useful.


"Monroe?" they questioned, wiping the last of their tears (for now) away. "Like the old commissioner?"


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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2022 23:40:35 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
It was warm. It wasn't just the tears that were streaming down her cheeks. The feeling of the arms wrapping around her and the body holding her own felt a stark contrast when compared to the cool ocean breeze that had been blowing past her hair.

It was something that felt just as unfamiliar coming back from that untamed space, and yet it was hardly unwelcome.

"Elaine, in every moment you are the person you choose to be. It is your life. What feels right, usually is right. And if you can’t tell what is, you will find yourself reflected in others. After all, without others, how can you really tell what kind of face you are making."

But, what did feel right? What felt wrong?

At the end of the day, she stood upon the fulcrum of a seesaw, unable to choose either end. To go back to how she used to be those years ago was not right with memories of what happened in the interim. But to go back to how she was when she came to this island earlier today didn't feel right either.

Her mind felt like a turbulent whirlpool as both aspects of her selves seemed to bubble up from within. At least, that was what she had thought initially. But...

Yeah, I don't need to keep fretting over this right now.

It all seemed to simmer down as the once perilous waters of her mind quelled into a still lake.

Who was Elaine Highland now? The soul of the young woman remained. All she had to do do was let time pass and watch herself be reflected in the eyes of others.

"You're right. I can take my time figuring that answer out again." Perhaps a part of her really died in cyberspace. But she would figure out what was left of her and put herself back together over time. After all, that new self that would build itself back up in the end was still her.

"Thank you, Violet," she said while reciprocating the embrace.

She could finally let her mind rest on everything else. The fact that her Pokemon had returned. The fact that they had made it safely. The tears continued to fall down her face, but her mouth no longer curved into a frown. A soft smile had returned to her face.

"We're all finally back."

  • Who is Elaine Highland now and who has she become?
  • Did a part of her die in cyberspace?
  • The answer is unclear, but Elaine can take her time figuring it out.

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2022 1:46:48 GMT
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He can see it. He can feel it. It’s in every single particle that makes up his being. Unown. It’s all Unown. All he is, all his thoughts, all of his memories, everyone around him, every pokémon, everything they all are, and even the very world they’re all standing in. It’s all Unown. Strings upon strings upon strings of data that conform everything. How could he have been so blind before?

Those golden eyes of his widen and turn azure, marked by the Unown swarming within, and at that very moment, Mars falls to his knees, crumpling. His pained screams cut through cyberspace, his head pounding and leaving him barely able to hold onto consciousness. The soothing sound of 's voice, that which he had been attempting to hold onto as if his anchor in these raging seas, no longer reaches him. All these is is Unown. Perhaps Unown is all there has always been.
The download continues, data being drawn to him as to a beacon, and even if Mars had been able to put a stop to it, he wouldn’t have. He welcomes it. He embraces it. He sees. He listens. He understands. The Unown speak to him, the entries of the Unown Report embedding themselves into his mind. Almost a hundred and fifty so far. It feels right.

This is the end. The data passes through him as if a conduit, guided to its true destiny. To those around him; returning their lost limbs, traits, and memories. To the terminal, RESTORING the previously failing systems. And, finally, even remaining within himself, precious memories once forgotten now arising. How could he have forgotten her? How could he have forgotten them?

The Cloud, the back-up plan, the liminar layer between their universe and the next, Maldacena’s domain, is left behind, and slowly, the strings of data begin to fade to the back of his mind. Still on his hands and knees, Mars feels the ground beneath, no longer solid and crystal clear but soft, warm, and marked by specks of gold. Sand. A wave gently washes ashore, and he can feel the cold of the ocean water just as much as he can smell the brine in the air. Del Mar. The ocean to which she had said they belong to.
He’s back. He made it back.
calls out to him, and it’s the sound of her voice that causes him to stand. When looking at her, there is a slight smile, and it’s then that eyes that are golden once more search their surroundings, falling upon faces familiar and unfamiliar alike. is here, he’s alright, he made it back. Thank all the gods for that. No… Thank the Unown for that.
, who he had been unable to protect before, is here too, safe and sound. is alright. is alright. is alright. is alright. . . . And, even , , , , and , who he had thought they might not see again. Or, had he? He had told Eris they would meet again, hadn’t he? He's a man who keeps his promises, especially to those who matter this much to him.
He gives the girl a smile, her minimised pokéballs being retrieved from his pocket and shown to her: They’re here. They’re with me. They’re safe. We're all safe.
For now, at least.
It’s then that he notices that nearby, , a child who has undergone one too many ordeals for someone so young, also stands. Something said catches Mars’ attention, causing him to frown:
I saw text in the terminal.[break]
Its purpose is unclear.

Mars frowns.
”Monroe? Like Ulysses Monroe?” The name of the former commissioner is the first thing that comes to mind, but why would such information be copied in The Cloud? In their back up plan?
There are so many questions left to ask. So much that is left to be understood. That much is obvious to Mars when looking at the Unown-? that now is able to LEVITATE once more. Something has changed, he can feel it. When the symbol looks at him, he can see himself too. What has happened to him?
Later, once he’s home, HIS FILES will be updated, but for now, despite all of his questions, Mars focuses on the present. He reaches for the Unown-?, and when he does so, he finds himself smirking.




[break]- THANK YOU SHIV FOR THE AMAZING RAID AND FOR THE WRAP UP TO A WONDERFUL ARC ;-; This has been such an incredible experience and I can't wait to see what's in store and to continue Mars' development. Thank you to all those who helped me get here through the Unown Report arc, every single thread has been a joy and here's to many more ♡


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2022 2:17:31 GMT
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Josh had no clue how long he was unconscious for. The last thing he remembered was his Absol pouncing him in an act of desperation and rage, followed by the sensation of every nerve in his forearm and chest exploding in agony at the same time. The sheer pain drowned out any sense of memory he had after that. He thought he was going to die.

His vision returned to a grainy beachfront, the first thing he felt being stabbing pain from his left forearm and chest. Twilight, noticing Josh stirring, helped Josh at least sit up to take in his surroundings. He peered to his right, and saw he once again had two arms, fully functional and intact. Was it all just a dream, like his vision of Raikou on that fateful night in Fortree? It seemed too real to be a dream.

Josh's question was quickly answered as he let out a loud hiss followed by a scream, his nerves feeling like they were on fire. Tilting his neck down, the left sleeve and the lower chest area of his favorite shirt had a massive cut all the way across them, revealing cauterized slashing wounds the entire width of his lower left forearm and the entire width of his lower chest. While they were completely sealed and the risk of infection was near zero, the surrounding wounds thumped in pain with every beat of his weary heart.

That was no dream. It was real.

" ! ! Are you okay?!" Josh called out to the two of them, hissing afterward again. Even projecting his voice loudly was painful. While his voice didn't get their immediate attention, his call did prompt two distant cries that sounded...vaguely familiar. As they cried a second time, the screeching sound became ever more familiar. A familiar streak of blue and white shot about his vision until an upside-down blue face popped in front of him, nuzzling Josh with its short snout. "...Resheph! You're okay!" Josh reached out to gently hug the Dragonair as she undulated around Josh's open arms.

That wasn't the only surprise he would get; a crackling howl echoed from the other side of the small island, a yellow and blue blur shooting across his vision periodically. "No way..." Josh gasped as whatever it was that was racing back and forth at high speeds. It stopped just outside of Josh's peripheral vision and let out a familiar cry the racer never thought he would hear again.

"SABER!!" Josh shouted, unable to see clearly with eyes filled with tears of joy. "It's really you!!" The Manectric barked. While the stabbing pain returned from the pressure the electric-type put on his wounds, the relief and pure bliss coursing through Josh blanked the pain almost completely. He thought he had lost his best friend forever. Overwhelmed with emotions, he let Saber pounce him back to the ground and lick his face unceasingly.

Josh's trip through cyberspace taught him several important lessons and strengthened his resolve. First, while he deeply cared for all of his Pokémon, and especially for Saber, he had to respect not just his closest bond, but all of them. Yes, that Manectric meant the world to him still. But if he was put in a situation where he had to choose a single Pokémon over the rest of his squad, he had to be prepared for the possibility that his Manectric may have to be a martyr. It was a chilling thought, yes, but he could not sacrifice the many for one...even if it was the very first Pokémon he journeyed with.

Second, Josh had to accept that saving everyone simply was not possible. Rather than dwelling on those he could not save, he needed to remain resolved and do his best to help the people and Pokémon standing in front of him. This was something that would not change overnight; it would take months, or years even, to fully understand what those words truly meant.

Third, Josh had a real reason to chase Raikou now. His reasons for chasing Raikou beforehand were almost purely selfish; he wanted to sit astride and hold the reins of the fastest creature on four legs, using it to vault his way to the top of Master Class. After today, though, he had acquired newfound determination and resolve. He had seen a bleak future of a completely destroyed Hoenn, its only inhabitant hellbent on destroying and reshaping her in His own image. That wasn't the future, though.

While he could not change the present, and he certainly could not change the past, there was something Josh could still do. He redoubled his efforts to pursue the Beast. Not for the thrill of sitting on the thundercloud of the fastest Pokémon to ever roam the earth. Not to hoist a mere trophy. And definitely not to break the land speed record for riding on a Pokémon. Not anymore. Josh sought the legendary Pokémon Raikou to make sure the future he saw today would never come to pass. He couldn't do it on his own. But with a lot of help, he was confident those two would meet.

Together, they would vow to change the future that refused to be changed.


{WC: 882}
{PC: 9}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Josh          Human          Good
Saber         Manectric      Good
Twilight      Absol          Good
Resheph       Dragonair      Good

- Josh wakes up on the beach with his body intact, except for his Absol's PSYCHO CUT wound.
- Manectric and Dragonair return, and Josh is emotionally overwhelmed.
- Josh has had three big takeaways from his time in cyberspace:
1) All his bonds are important, not just his bond with his Manectric.
2) Saving everyone is not possible; he will spend his efforts on saving those in front of him. This will take months to fully manifest.
3) Josh's chase for the Legendary Pokémon Raikou now has a greater and much more noble purpose: to rewrite the future and ensure the complete and utter destruction of Hoenn is no longer a part of it.


Thank you so much Shiv for the incredible raid - it took me outside of my comfort zone, but I loved it. This has also been an amazing character development opportunity for Josh, in particular doing a good job at curbing the naivete keeping him from taking a more active role in defending Hoenn. Several of his posts in this thread will be referenced in flashbacks for the next couple arcs of his character. Here's to more development going forward!
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RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
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