i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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august 12th
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POSTED ON Jul 12, 2022 11:05:28 GMT



RAZZ NEVER HEARS HIS ANSWER. the whirlpool sucks them in too soon. fernando’s dismissal of kingsman’s concern is buried under the nausea of dimensional travel.

they’ve felt this before.

a single white hair gleams in the wonderous light of their cyberworld. the cloud, to be exact.

the scientist’s premise is sound. it fits the bill of everything that’s been happening. at the very least, it explains why is unable to venture back into ULTRA SPACE. the lack of megalopolan interference makes sense too.

if proven correct, the reason why the SYNDICATE can travel between planes comes to light. it goes back as far as FATHER WINTER.

one detail still doesn’t make sense but fernando has no time to dwell on specifics. the porygons attack! and if this cyberworld is their domain then they will be wrathful gods.

for deletion is a fate worse than death.

with an agility that betrays the image fernando has upheld since his ‘incident’, he darts to the first cluster of people he recognizes: and . no words are exchanged as he shelters behind the machamp’s WIDE GUARD.

the answer to the riddle, DATA, is echoed by everyone around him. fernando also mutters it under his breath but his intention isn’t to provide a redundant answer. it’s to verbalize what the directory looks like.


the call to battle coerces the gyarados to strike back with a bolt of THUNDER.


- assumes the reason cannot return to ultra space is due to anomaly correction.
- if drk triad oversee universes, that's why they can tele / open world portals.
- runs toward and .
- hides behind 's WIDE GUARD.
- mutters DATA while contemplating the directory.
- gyarados uses THUNDER on opposing porygons.

- used 2 SALAC berries.

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
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Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2022 17:15:59 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

He would…

He would definitely have words with his Salamence later!

The last thing he remembered was diving into the whirlpool, screaming all the way. First everything was wet, and then… and then it was the same feeling all over again. The same feeling when he’d gone into that strange portal, being stretched out like a thin piece of paper and…

Surely they weren’t in… in another dimension?!

The moment the thinning sensation stretched him out, all he could do was steel himself for the familiar sensation of being warped inside-out before unceremoniously being spat down somewhere…

Huh, that was a lot more people than he remembered seeing…?!

“What the hell happened?!” were the first words out of his mouth; looking around wildly because the place made no sense at all—were they like… had they been transported into a game, or something?

The words that were left behind by the stranger that had appeared didn’t make too much sense, however the fact of the matter that everyone present was going to be responsible for the destruction of—

“That’s smack talk,” he remarked. No way was he going to believe that everyone in here was going to be responsible for the inevitable—there had to be another way. There just had to be!

And then the little pink things that were hovering, which he eventually recognized to be Porygon, started going berserk.

“Gabe, get back here!” he shouted, quickly recalling the Salamence and watching as everyone else—at least the everyone he could see around the immediate vicinity start putting up either defensive barriers or were trying to nuke the Porygon out of the air, before he remembered very faintly that there was a riddle that everyone had to answer…

“What kind of datascape are we stuck in?!” he yelled as he plucked another shrunken-down marble and this time, his Lucario emerged from the red beam.

“Vince! Aim at the Porygon!” he shouted, never mind if but for a few moments the hairs on the back of his neck prickled to all fuck as he felt a very… extremely spectral presence appear near him, before disappearing from his immediate range.

No questions asked, the jackal Pokémon saw the little pink blobs flying around—the cause of most of the destruction and insanity going on around them before taking aim at the closest one he could snipe from the ground with an Aura Sphere attack.

What a mess they’d gotten themselves in…


• he is definitely going to have words with his Salamence later
• oh no, not this same feeling again (as he recognizes—or his brain thinks it recognizes the feeling of being warped out so thin and stretched before the bits and pieces that make up his own body reassemble once again)
‘are we in a game or something?!’ (look he thinks they’re in SAO or something like that)
• totally and completely ignores the fact that they were scanned, but—
• notices the weird-looking guy, ponders a few seconds about the… riddle, is it?
• and then fucking mayhem breaks loose! Salamence is recalled
• Lucario is sent out, aims an Aura Sphere at the nearest Porygon, an attempt to snipe it out of the air
• Alexei answers the riddle, in a strangely… fitting way? (weaves data into his seemingly random, but totally and completely makes sense statement)

mostly, the bois stick together

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peppermint, micha
january 19
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mint frost
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2022 18:27:25 GMT
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"What the fuck is an origin point?" Mint whispered to , after the scientist had disappeared. "Yeah of course I am!" he added. This place made no sense, and the weight of what had just been revealed to them was still processing, waiting. Waiting for Mint to get home and realize just how insignificant his life could and would be in comparison to the grand complexity of the universe- universes? Something like that. [break][break]

For now, he did his best to capture whatever was going on, swapping to simply recording on his camera if the streaming feature was no longer working. [break][break]

"Mmmm, I'm bad at riddles." he added to his friends as he waited for someone else to try to answer, his eyes wandering towards the Porygon, about to call them cute before they started blasting attacks at them, pixelating whatever they touched. "U-Uh..." he began having a flashbacks to how easily Necrozma had vaporized his pokemon. He felt a twinge of guilt before pushing it aside to focus. "Why are WE the viruses when they LET us in?!" he whined as he began moving to safety. [break][break]

A myriad of shields go up and he tugs Annalise to the closest one. "Thanks!" he shouts at everyone working their best to keep from losing anyone to pixels of all things. 's shield provide cover needed for Agretti to stand behind. "Razor leaf! We need to knock out as many of those birds as possible!" he ordered before checking his phone again and then looking around for his friends, trying to stay in the gorup he recognized. "Mischa, ! Hurry up and take cover!" he added. [break][break]


tagged ▸ ooc [break]
- a lot of things to process in cyber world [break]
- absolutly still trying to stream, checking for any wifi connection [break]
- if he can't find anything he will continue recording on his phone for footage to use later [break]
- thinsk the porys are cute till they start blasting #dannydevito [break]
- moves behind illeana and eva for protection [break]
- sends out Agretti the Tropius to use RAZOR LEAF for cover [break]
- calling out to BOAT GANG to get behind illie and eva [break]




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Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2022 18:57:38 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Unlike Elaine, Violet had more or less expected something like this. Mostly because she tended to see things from the position of the host more time than not. And clearly, this was about riddles, about proving intellect and resourcefulness. Something happening underwater and such would certainly fit that notion still, but it would also acquire those coming in to have skills and experience with that kind of area decidedly not made for humans. Just because someone was smart enough to solve some sea-related riddles did not mean that they were expert divers or came equipped with the tools to act underwater for longer periods of time.
And no self-respecting host of enigma-olympics like this, not even a potentially evil one, would want to exclude a world-class intellect just because they could not swim, so to speak.
Granted, there was still a chance that she was wrong and overestimated the ones setting this all up. But life was risk. And she enjoyed it all the more when they dropped off of Jellicent, onto somewhat solid ground. And fortunately, she had been in Sootopolis. Hence, all of this weirdness did not completely take her off-balance at all.[break]
Though she was with Elaine that this guy was a prick. Even though she did not show it as much, remaining pleasant to neutral for the time being. Seeing the other’s light twitch on the arm was already telling. A bit of a crack, though somehow, she did not feel like pouncing on that today. Instead, she offered some advice. “Don’t let him get to you,” she started, quietly, just meant for the other’s ears. “That’s what they want, from the sounds of it. See our nature get in the way of doing this.”
It was advice meant as much for herself as for the other. The other being someone apparently a bit better versed in the whole computer stuff since she came up with an answer before Violet really comprehended what that C stuff was. But, fine, Elaine being so confident made her decide to lock in on that, too. “But yes, Data it is. Also, since you are already out, Jellicent go and Hydrocannon some of those Porygons.” She had, at the very least, some experience fighting hordes of those. Though this time they did not get to put them all to sleep. At least not for now.

+ Talks to Elaine, locks in "Data" too, sics Jellicent on the Porygon with Hydro Cannon n5YnJouG



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He, Him
June 25th
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Amor Rose
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2022 21:01:40 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Well now this was interesting getting sucked through a whirlpool into what was essentially a digital zone. He was sure that he had seen a show like this as a child except it involved a group of children with Pokemon like creatures. At the time he had thought it was absurd for some children to go to a a World of Digital Life. Computers were not portals to other worlds after all, but apparently whirlpools were. Hoenn was such a strange place, and this was the second time he was witnessing something impossible happening before his very eyes. His only regret was not coming here sooner, perhaps if he had, maybe he would have achieved the power he had sought after for so long. Maybe then he wouldn't have lost....The battle of Sootopolis reared it's ugly head in the recesses of his mind, but clinging to Draco they bested the whirlpool, and came out the other side.

Clearing his head he observed his new surroundings, and it was almost like the land from that cartoon he had seen so very long ago. If interdimensional travel was possible then....The possibilities were endless if they could figure out how this worked. His HoloWatch still wasn't working, but he was committing every thing to memory to the best of his ability. Teal eyes observed the landscape, and that was when the screen appeared out of thin air, and a scientist began to speak.

It was the most fascination, and horrible exposition dump he had ever received in his life. Honestly, some guy just shows up out of nowhere, and tells you that you are essentially walking in the Matrix of your world, and if you want to survive then you have to play some psychotic game. It was the worst aspects of two movies slapped together, and he frowned as the man told them their challenge. Draco was still at his side when the Porygon began their attack. Others were already answering the riddle, but could the answer be so simple as 'data'? If it was then he was going to be disappointed in this scientist who dragged them all here into an alternate universe. With so much potential to waste it all on that....

"Draco go help fend off the Porygon as I wrack my brain, and potentially overthink this entire situation." He commanded his Dragonite who sped off with Extreme Speed to help decimate the ranks of the Porygon that had started attacking them. The truth was he needed a distraction so his thoughts didn't wander back to what he had just recently lost.

So he began to put his brain to work.

You may think this is a tad backward,
but it's all part of the plan,
tada! unscramble me to be uncaptured
and lengthen your already short lifespan!

Reading the riddle he grit his teeth. Seeing where the Data answer came from easy. Unscrambling 'tada' would give it to you as well as 'a tad' backward was data. But that was obvious? Tapping his cheek the unscramble portion of the riddle bothered him, why would you put that there on top of the backwards hint? Was the scientist sneering at them, and their intelligence? What if it was literally 'unscramble me'? So he put his mind to work on that section of the riddle, and began to rearrange the letters

Out of all the words he sifted through the only one that made sense in the context of this situation was 'Username', but that left 4 letters unused. A username in this digital world? Was there something that they were missing? The file path looked wrong to him as well. There was an inconsistency in the directory separators with the \, and >. Running his fingers through his hair was he overthinking this?

Maybe he was the idiot making a mountain out of a molehill. Shouldn't the file path be reversed? If it was a Username, and that was a legitimate clue. Shouldn't that name come before the numbers file path? Then there was the backwards clue, if he reversed the entire riddle two more words appeared. Trap, and DNA....No he was definitely overthinking this entire thing. He took a deep breath, and ran his fingers through his hair again trying to calm down. The last thing he needed to do was weigh down the rest with his nonsensical dribble. Besides if he gave the same answer as the others, and it turned out to be wrong, then it wasn't his fault. But what if it was wrong, and he had the right answer?

Looking at the file path once more, it just felt incomplete. Which was probably the point. Just thinking was going to get him nowhere so he just closed his eyes took another breath.

"Data is the answer." He would speak the answer out loud if it was wrong at least he wouldn't be doomed alone. This was just the first test, apparently there were six other terminals they were going to have deal with. "Lovely...."

Dragonite uses Extremespeed to fight the Porygon!
Amor overthinks the living hell out of this riddle, and so did I!
Amor answers the same as others, but he has a nagging feeling.


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March 18
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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2022 21:06:36 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
As Oscar fell through the whirlpool with his companions, he too would hear a mysterious voice! It was screaming, and occasionally swearing--what did this mean!? Wait, those were probably just his thoughts. Well that was good to know, but it did not solve his dilemma of falling into a seemingly endless abyss.

Luckily that dilemma would solve itself. Oscar would appear in a strange blue world, surrounded by every person that jumped into the whirlpools. Oscar frowned as he observed his very blocky surroundings, "Is this hell? It isn't nearly as ascetically pleasing as I thought it would be..." Suddenly, the visage of a man would appear above them, and he would very kindly fill them in on what was going on.

Oscar squinted toward the swirly haired oddball, he could have sworn he saw him somewhere before. Must have just been his imagination, maybe he just had a very recognizable face. Speaking of wild imagination, this guy was weaving quite the story. cloud? Please, this was likely just some sort of--underwater fortress only accessible by whirlpool. In Oscar's mind that made more sense then being in some magic storage space. 

Oscar's contemplation of their predicament was interrupted by calling out the word Data. It was only then Oscar noticed the riddle, and after he looked between her and the floating words he would slowly raise his hands and say, "Um--Da-ta!" Please note that he said this with the same cadence that one would say 'Ta-da!'. With less enthusiasm of course.

Suddenly the Porygon perched on the cubic cliffs surrounding them began to attack! Oscar flinched, ducking slightly as he tried to figure out what to do. He turned to his left, yelling out "Robbie!" in a shrill voice before nearly bumping into Rob himself. "Oh, there you are. Counter attack!" Robbie aimed his stinger outward, using Thunderbolt in an attempt to deflect some of the Porygons' attacks away from the group.

Focusing on not being blasted, Oscar did not notice Lulu slip into his shadow.


--Oscar yelled out the possible answer to the riddle: Data.
--Naganadel used Thunderbolt to try and deflect some of the Porygon attacks.
--Oscar did not notice Lulu trying to get into his shadow.

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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
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5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
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TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2022 21:45:30 GMT
The ride down wasn't at all what is expected, leaving much of the group briefly disoriented. Others for a longer time yet. As Derek gathers his Gyarados into it's pokeball, their senses are brought to by the voice of some stranger, speaking of return to their allegedly doomed Hoenn. Well, someone here might know the face, but Derek was mostly clueless. At least he knew what they meant when they mentioned the Dark Triad! Oh, and the answer to the riddle too. Others responded sooner, but with a moment to consider the riddle, it seemed pretty obvious. "Data."

The unfortunate part was that they were being watched. Derek never paid attention to his digitized extremities, instead focusing on the numerous Porygon that began showing signs that they would attack. Positioned behind some of the others that'd employed a useful defense, Derek summons his Porygon-2 with hopes of dealing with them in one fell swoop.

"Pory, hit'em with your discharge!" Floating up above the shielding, the pokemon's beak took aim in the direction of it's kin. The surge of electricity, typically indiscriminate, seemed to draw itself towards the portions of their TRI-ATTACKS that held a current.


- Answers riddle with the word DATA
- Summons Porygon-2 to attack with DISCHARGE
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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
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Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2022 22:10:21 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
372 for @cyberchase conudrum
Locke easily hopped onto the backseat of his friend's Gyarados, sparing a glance back at everyone else on the shore and in particular. The young girl sounded as though she was getting a bit distressed over something, but surely was perfectly equipped to handle-And how were she and already ahead of them?

"Hideo! Eris!" Too late-both children were already Diving into one of the whirlpools while Locke fumbled to return Probo-Probo before followed the Sharpedo under. The sensation of interdimensional travel was now immediately familiar to Locke, and his stomach clenched with nerves as they dove behind the children.

It should've been less surprising, then, to find an entirely alien world beneath the waves.

"That symbol…drk triad…?" he mumbled as the memory of it from the soiree in Mossdeep and the strange lab within the Lilycove Museum both came to mind, pulling up the Unown Report he'd received from the latter. His analysis wouldn't be able to go deeper than that, as it was quickly replaced by the face of a light-haired stranger.

It was hard to follow the more technical details, but impossible to miss the man's prediction of their self-caused annihilation. Was that the reason for his experience at Granite Cave? Were all of those other Lockes also "future-responsible for the destruction of all universes?"

Theories could come later-they needed to focus on what was happening now, as the Porygon around them began to turn their attention and attacks toward the crowd. was thankfully faster than her two companions, already summoning a barrier around their little party. "If we live that long! And why is everyone shouting about data?!"

But Locke's immediate concern was less for their own life, and more for those of the children who'd been the first to rush into this new world. They spotted both and quickly, blessedly running away from danger this time, accompanied by another young boy they didn't recognize.

"Eris! Hideo! Over here!" They waved the group of children over, summoning their Probopass again with their free hand and directing her toward them. "Protect them!" Probo-Prono obliged, ordering her mini-noses to surround the fleeing kids and erecting a thin, see-through barrier above them, covering their escape.

- Hops onto 's Gyarados
- Return Probopass before they dive
- Calls out to and as they dive in first
- Recognizes the feeling of dimensional travel from their experiences in the Lilycove museum and Granite Cave
- Also recognizes the symbol from various recent events, as well as the drktriad
- Also pulls out his Unown Report
- Stays with Angelo and , but spots Eris, Hideo, and running from the Porygon
- He waves over the kids to come closer, and resummons his Probopass to Protect them as they run
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
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5'10 height
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2022 22:11:29 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]Fly me to the moon
Let me play among
the stars
Let me see
what spring is like
on Jupiter and Mars
A confused Phione detached from Rowan’s torso as the two of them landed on the glass surface of the blockscape, having expected the familiar ecosystem of the ocean depths. “Where the…” Rowan allowed his words to disappear into the liminal space, glancing about for the familiar faces of and that had come into the whirlpool with him. “We’re certainly not in Hoenn anymore.” Porygon perched on the blocky landscape, an analogous reference to flying monkeys on their own. Someone wanted them here, but who?

“It’s him.” He called out to as another familiar face appeared on the screen, one they’d discovered when cracking open the shinification machine. “This has something to do with Macro Cosmos…” A comment made to himself, though anyone nearby was able to discern the words rather easily.

Cloud? Liminal layer? Anomalies? Psycho Mantis? Rowan wished that had been here to see the fruit of her efforts, the true meaning behind the message they’d uncovered before: DRK TRIAD.

“Damn, I’m bad at riddles.” Of course he wouldn’t have much time to think about it, considering the assault that soon followed. Phione, being the compassionate creature that it was, attempted to CHARM one of the Porygon, hoping to dissuade the assault against their trainer in some manner. “tada…uhm…Data!” Rowan called out, hoping he’d correctly unscrambled the right word.


(tagged)⏤ @cyberchase

(notes)⏤ PHIONE USED CHARM on one of the PORYGON! ROWAN said 'DATA" for the riddle.
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Lethe Ascelin
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2022 0:21:22 GMT
Lethe Ascelin Avatar
what a strange place.

everything from the odd blue hue to the floating objects unsettles lethe. and the face that appears before them to speak does nothing to ease their nerves. future-responsible for the destruction of all universes… right. sure. lethe finds it difficult to believe the scientist’s words. at least, until they give them a possible out.

as much as they don’t trust this person, they have nothing better to offer as a solution.

they’re startled as they turn to climb off their kingler; they had acquired a hitchhiker, apparently. a moment passes before it occurs to lethe that they’ve seen this person before. it was no less than aries, the near-silent blue-haired woman that they had found difficult enough to work with under less threatening circumstances.

their thoughts are interrupted. dear lord.

out of the frying pan, into the fryer, it seems to lethe as they find themself — and the others — under porygon attack. they observe the riddle. apparently this one would be slightly more high pressure than the last. just what they needed.

luckily, this one also seemed to be slightly simpler. almost too simple, to the point where they were concerned they were entirely wrong with the idea of unscrambling ‘tada’. the only word they could think of with those letters would be ‘data’.

so, “data,” they say, with all the confidence of a child sure they got the wrong answer on a quiz. from the sounds around of others answering the same, they can tell they're not the only one with that answer at least.

then, they turn their attention back to their unexpected guest, “didn’t expect to see you again. what brings you here?” they manage to bite out, once off their kingler. they give chive a pat, who then puts up a wide guard as a shield from the porygons’ attacks.


- lethe is... deeply confused by this place.
- they realize @aries got a ride on their kingler
- they attempt to answer the riddle
- kingler uses wide guard
@aries mentions

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played by

Laika Boss

June 12th
Lilycove City
Lighthouse Keeper
Shut up and be happy
it's all in your head
5'10" / 177.8cm height
5'10" / 177.8cm height
You will find no hidden agendas in the sea's desire to swallow you whole
220 posts
part of
TAG WITH @klaus
klaus anchoret
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2022 1:52:55 GMT
klaus anchoret Avatar

The world is a disorienting pixelation of blue which clears as time ebbs on. Shaking his head, Klaus wrinkles his nose and grunts softly, his hand lifting to ruffle through his hair as he takes stock of his surroundings; after a moment he reaches down and lightly pats his Dreadnaw, murmuring a soft, "Good job, thanks," to the pokemon.
Klaus is promptly informed he's going to help doom the world. That sounds about right, honestly.
He then finds himself in a dome, brow furrowed anew at the riddle he's supplied. "Data," he eventually hazards - which seems correct enough. Spying and in the nearby distance, the young man quietly slinks over. Better to try and simply blend in - the Rocket higher-ups could take up a room's presence when they wanted, which suited Klaus just fine.
The attacking Porygon are soon the most immediate threat, and Klaus sends his Dreadnaw towards the nearest one with, "Razor Shell!"


+ Says Data for the riddle [break]
+ Goes to stand by Mars and Gavin [break]
+ Has his deadnaw attack a porygon with razor shell [break]



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played by

Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2022 1:58:15 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar



Whatever Gwyar's mood was, it ceased to matter the moment they entered... whatever this was supposed to be.

A nonsensical landscape stretched out before them, unnatural in ways that went beyond human construction.

Though he had lived in Hoenn for a little over a year now, this was a first for him. He had no clue as to what the hell he was looking at. A mass of blue gradients and geometry stretched out before them as far as the eye could see, towering formations that struck one with awe leaving the man breathless.

Given how disconnected Gwyar was from both technology and Pop Culture, there was precious little he could relate the scenery to. It was... mind blowing.

"W-what in the...?!" The man muttered, wide eyed and frozen in place.

And then, the movements of Porygons in the distance caught his attention. For a brief moment, the sight alone granted him some respite, if only because those were something he did know. A rare, man-made species, the presence of which helped... contextualize their surroundings, in a way.

But even then, the context did little to help anything going on make sense.

Suddenly, Raki leapt off his head and landed onto the floor, barking up angrily as screen suddenly materialized before the group, hovering over them.

A smarmy looking man appeared, and to be perfectly frank, even with that stupid haircut he was still the only thing in this entire place he could understand.

This guy... He was an absolute cunt!

He was playing with their lives? Really? What in the blazes?! And what the hell was that about 'back up plans' and 'clouds'? 'Parallel universes'? 'Origin Point'? WHAT.

And they were going to destroy WHAT?!

"Are you some manner of psychopath?!" Said Gwyar at the screen as the man's face vanished, replaced by a bloody riddle, of all things. He just went and did that! What a mad man!

"Wait... did he say Triads...?!" As in, those manchildren dressing up as Ninjas and picking fights with actual children?! They were judging them? Was that a joke? It was not particularly funny! The blonde scoffed. "I would not put much stock in the opinion of murderers wearing pajamas!"

Raki barked his agreement as he leapt back to Gwyar's side, narrowly avoiding a sudden attack. The blonde man ignored the riddle entirely as the Porygon around the large group suddenly became violent seemingly due to the man, attacking with blasts that seemed to turn everything in their path to... tinier blocks.

What was even going on here? This was too much Hoenn bullshit being thrown at him all at once...

But survival instinct mercifully triumphed any confusion, the man and Raki immediately leaping to action to save their own lives, both jumping out of a stray shots and rolling across the transparent floors in synchronized unison.

Immediately, they both looked around for allies in this madness; One left, the other right. Raki found a familiar silhouette first. And so, he barked, calling for Gwyar.

The man did not even look at where they were going, instead focusing on the Porygon trying to kill them as he sprinted after Raki, producing a gun from the wet holster underneath his pit and taking shots at the sentient masses of data.

Soon, Raki grind to a halt, with Gwyar shortly after him, gun still in hand and ringing loudly as he continued to shoot.


All the while, Raki clapped his hands together, before spreading them wide and roaring. A Wide barrier spread from across his palms, before conjoining together with another pokemon's own, combining into a larger, more solid formation.

Finally, as he went to reload his gun, Gwyar took stock of where Raki had dragged him.

And saw , , and, perhaps more disturbingly- .

"... Oh for Calyrex's sake." He managed to wheeze under his breath, glaring down at Raki, who was a bit too busy fortying the Machamp's wide guard to pay his master's issues any mind.

Aaargh, whatever! He slammed a full catridge into the gun, and began shooting again. He could worry about this later!

"DATA!" He shouted irritably as he took shots- not because he knew why everyone was doing it, as he certainly hadn't bothered with actually reading the man's riddle, but because everyone else was doing it as well, and he could read the hints.


-Lol wtf
-lol wtf
-Raki accidentally brings him over to the Family Squad.
-Raki is using Copy Cat, copying 's Machamp's Wide Guard to further extend and fortify the base Wide Guard.
-Gwyar is using GUN.
-D A T A

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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,909 posts
part of
TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2022 3:08:02 GMT

Before further conversation could flourish, Penelope's grip on Nagi's shoulder tightened as 's gyarados descended into the ravenous whirlpool. The plunge itself gave birth to a spring trap of hidden thoughts, all ranging from "I better not fucking die to this," to "holy shit I hope I don't die to this."
It took more than a second for Penelope's mind to catch up to her body. It's why, rather than contrive an answer to the solved riddle, her eyes immediately flung to the beams of lights that had nipped at their feet and ankles. She couldn't look for too long, though, as the army of porygons had decided to turn their peaks down towards them, eyes lit with hidden objectives and unforetold promises.
When Nagi twisted back around to her, she'd pull him back further, answering his question with an unrelated statement instead. "We gotta move, now."
She didn't quite know Nagi's capabilities all too well, but from what she knew about herself, she could already tell that trying to stay without support would only lead to both further disaster and possible death. So, rather than sticking around to coward behind Mr Mime's shield, she tossed out Milly, her Milotic, and gave strict directives to shoot down any incoming attacks with HYDRO PUMP.
Hurriedly, her eyes surveyed their surroundings. They were desperate for a familiar face -- something, anything.
"!" Her voice carried over the chaos as well as it could. Waving, she'd attempt to signal him over before returning her attention back to Nagi. What did he ask again?
Oh shit. Right. The camcorder. Nimble fingers pulled the camcorder from out the magnemite's magnet, fiddling with it til it...

- goes we GOTTA GO GO GO
-hides behind 's protect
- directs milotic to use HYDRO PUMP on incoming attacks/foes
- calls out to greyson
[attr="class","ooc"] + [break]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2022 3:22:16 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","postbody"] the flash of sakura-pink belongs to — who else? — and he assists her onto his samurott, ready to steer off into the unknown, when another weight settles on their ride. violet eyes blink in surprise, noticing and then .

[break][break] "yeah, we are," he says to , and the nods at the other two rockets in greeting. "hello." even if he'd wanted to, there's non time to question it. they have bigger, broader things ahead. soon enough, his pokemon is leading them into the unknown depths, heart lurching in his throat as the world spins around him.

[break][break] the sensation is dizzying, but no less so than the many excursions that he took on whenever he stepped into his pokemon's phantom force. or the sensation of his father dunking his head-first into ice cold water, dragging him down until he could no longer breathe. his father's words still ring in the back of his mind, prickling along his skin, and it only fades when an unusual — yet somehow familiar? — face pixilates before them.

[break][break] as the man speaks, the memory is brought to jayden anew. one of the customers from the cats vs. dogs event, all those months ago. or perhaps just a look-a-like?

[break][break] it's easy to get lost in the confusion, to get lost in the stunning holographic cityscape that exists before them. a riddle is thrown into the air, and several people rush to answer it, clambering all for a chance to unlock the key. DATA vibrates the loudest among them.

[break][break] quickly enough, however, they are under attack. alongside and , jayden ducks under the shield that 's salamance resurrects. much like that of of a nearby milotic (), his samurott lets out a mighty roar behind him as it aims a HYDRO PUMP to knock against stray beams or "birds", as mint had said. his hand flashes out behind him, reaching for the one closest to him — . "let's go!" he shouts, attempting to run towards the exit.

[break][break] if they're correct - if the key word is data - then their exit path should be opening shortly. better to exit first, then to be bottle-necked into a death sentence.



[attr="class","jayooc"] + tldr [break]
+ alongside boat gang, jayden jumps behind 's protect. [break]
+ jayden's samurott uses HYDRO PUMP [break]
+ with , he tries to run towards the exit

[attr="class","fas fa-crow"]

@ @cyberchase

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,333 posts
part of
TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2022 4:01:31 GMT
And so they dove, unwittingly passing though a portal into some unknown liminal space. They arrived on a glass platform surrounded by an azure cityscape, but not one Barnaby would have seen in his Hoenn. This place appeared to be a sort of virtual realm; everything somewhat pixelated and distorted and wholly unnatural. As he took it all in, an overwhelming feeling of unease nagged at him.

Suddenly, an image, which Barnaby recognized as the one used in the Unown Report and which had ties to the DRK Triad, appeared above them. The face that materialized next, however, was unfamiliar.

Barnaby listened intently as the scientist confirmed his suspicion that they were no longer in Hoenn. That much had been obvious given their surroundings. The DRK Triad wanted them dead... also not a huge surprise. The way he spoke was interesting, though. Like he was a God playing make-believe with his toys.

The whirring of a scanner below their feet goaded Barnaby's attention downward, where he saw a hazy mirror image of himself begin to manifest. It was not complete... yet.

The man on the massive monitor spoke of six terminals before he blinked offscreen. Barnaby looked around to try and pinpoint these terminals, but instead saw that the PORYGON around them were starting to move. Then, of course, a dome materialized to trap them in place. Wonderful.

The scientist's parting hint was yet another riddle, as if this was some trivial game. Based on how he spoke, perhaps it was to him. Barnaby heard others speak the answer aloud and, given that the majority of those gathered all said the same word, he decided to as well. "Data."

The word barely left his lips before a PSYBEAM whizzed past him, striking the glass to his right. Immediately he made to evade other incoming attacks while instructing his LAPRAS to counter with CONFUSE RAY. Perhaps this would disorient the PORYGON enough to where it launched a TRI-ATTACK at one of its own instead of their group.

• using ROCKET persona (BEE + black hair)
• suspicious of the scientist's intentions
• says "data" aloud
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing