i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2022 4:42:47 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]PER ASPERA AD ASTRA[break]



🎼 Battle! Shadow Triad | Pokemon Masters EX


FATHER WINTER SMILES AT THE OUTCRY. Allied with this monstrous stallion, he believes himself to be invincible. Still, his smug smirk requires no further speech. The coin has spoken for him.[break][break]

He laughs at 's furor. 's rebellion. "that is not your choice to make." He says to the latter's challenge.[break][break]

The bullet from 's gun is swiftly melted by a HIDDEN POWER from Father Winter's UNOWN-D. Other UNOWN emerge from the invisible fabric of reality. Their sclera grow brighter whites as they manifest in full.[break][break]

Immediately, the ORIGIN FORME PALKIA unleashes its attack. It's nearly an instantaneous action. One that betrays the showmanship of pink, swirling energy behind the dragon of spatiality. Those who have called TAILS are seemingly spared. Those who have called HEADS suddenly find their spatial awareness severed, sliced and smashed.[break][break]

Despite Z-MOVE, GRAVITY, and PROTECTION, those who have called HEADS, , , , , , , , , , , , and are immediately brutalized by a SPATIAL REND. They may choose ONE OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING OUTCOMES:

1. The character will die.[break]
2. An on-field Pokemon will die protecting them.[break]
3. A Pokemon will come out of its pokeball to protect them and die.[break][break]


The attack tears clothes and scales, fur and flesh. Disorients the body and thrusts it away from the yearning soul. Bodies drop to the cold Pyre earth and stain it scarlet. The souls of both humans and Pokemon rise above their lifeless bodies and witness them as they attempt to pass...[break][break]

The remainder of trainers who had called HEADS or have not answered manage to endure the SPATIAL REND, but barely. , , , , , , , , , , , , and may choose to ONE OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING OUTCOMES:
1. The character will be heavily injured (e.g. cuts everywhere).[break]
2. An on-field Pokemon will be heavily injured.[break]
3. A Pokemon will come out of its pokeball to protect them and FAINT.


DESPITE THE VEHEMENCE of the DRK Triad's intervention, several actions still manage to be carried out right before the attacks land.[break][break]

's DITTO TRANSFORMS into 's ALTARIA. With a silly smile on its face, it flaps its wings to conjure a HURRICANE to combat 's MEGA GENGAR's CORROSIVE GAS. Simultaneously, 's DRAGONITE and its TWISTER joins to weave a powerful gale. Several Rockets are caught in the winds, stifling their advances in fading gas.[break][break]

Although the miasma is dispersed alongside Pyre fog, the PRIMAL POINT MACHINE begins to sport marks of melting...[break][break]

's Z-MOVE: DEVASTATING DRAKE collides through several DEFENSIVE UNOWN; though, she may believe it to be of little use as the world breaks, every little action counts.[break][break]

's NOIVERN conjures another howling HURRICANE. As attempts to rush for the PRIMAL POINT, he and are caught by the frustrating zephyr, aided by 's TOGEDEMARU, Tubby, and its GRAVITY.[break][break]

In midst of the chaos, 's LIGHTNING STILETTO manages to get by and embed itself near the machine.[break][break]

Before is fully interrupted by the SPATIAL REND, his YVELTAL uses its empowered DARK PULSE. It clashes with ORIGIN FORME PALKIA's spatial powers. In this moment, the YVELTAL senses and communicates to its AVATAR that there are souls amassed here. So many that have not been able to pass properly. The path to the afterlife has been obstructed by the tightening of dimension and universe...[break][break]

defies the DRK Triad too. His recuperated SALAZZLE blows a festering glob of TOXIC toward the ORIGIN FORME PALKIA; however, the dragon is able to endure its effects. The distraction provides enough time for , , , , and to act.[break][break]

"another SPATIAL REND, palkia! meteors! shockwaves! time to clean house!"[break][break][break][break][break][break][break][break][break]

As the SPATIAL REND from the coin flip assails her, 's refuses to have fate decided for her. As runs toward her, 's MEGA LAPRAS summons a G-MAX RESONANCE. The blast of ice is met several soaring meteors. They clash and explode into frigid clouds; several ICE FRAGMENTS FORM DANGEROUSLY ON THE PRIMAL POINT TOO.[break][break][break]

As an AURORA VEIL is set, , protected by 's MEGA CHARIZARD and its AURORA VEIL, allows the Underboss to produce a clone. The MARS CLONE attempts to move toward the PRIMAL POINT. As it advances, 's UNOWN-?'s HIDDEN POWER is opposed by Father Winter's UNOWN-D's HIDDEN POWER. The beams persist, sizzling as they attempt to outdo the other.[break][break]

However, Father Winter does not realize that luck is not on his side.[break][break]

A SHOCKWAVE forged by ORIGIN FORME PALKIA crashes into 's GOLURK'S EARTHQUAKE. At the same time, 's ZARUDE shrieks as it attempts to ensnare Father Winter and his UNOWN-D with a Z-MOVE: JUNGLE WRATH. Vines emerge close to the PRIMAL POINT; however, most wrap around the contesting UNOWN-D, allowing 's UNOWN-? to strike it with a SUPER-EFFECTIVE HIDDEN POWER. Father Winter's partner is launched afar. Though the vines fail to wrap around the dragon and its tamer thanks to a SPATIAL REND, manages to leap through and PUNCH the DRK Triad in the jaw.[break][break]

Blood bursts from Father Winter's gums; however, the coin is kept away as Father Winter leaps in pained retreat.[break][break]

wields a Z-CRYSTAL. His RESHIRAM is imbued with its power, and a Z-MOVE: DEVASTATING DRAKE lands on the ORIGIN FORME PALKIA with a severe explosion: one that also comes dangerously close to the PRIMAL POINT. A need for justice drives and his patron, for the vengeance of RESHIRAM'S PREVIOUS AVATAR is nearly in their grasp.[break][break]

ORIGIN FORME PALKIA cries as a TERRAIN OF TRUTH is set and as it conjures the energy for another SPATIAL REND, 's ORIGIN FORME GIRATINA interrupts it with a SPRINGTIDE STORM.[break][break]

A beautiful, yet indomitable tempest of spring collides with the dragon as TELEPORTS successfully toward the PRIMAL POINT. As her GIRATINA clashes with the PALKIA, she can sense the eons old conflict. The rivalry of siblings. GIRATINA had turned on ARCEUS in the past— and it does so now. In this moment, would realize that her ORIGIN FORME GIRATINA may be attempting to amass the powers of ALTERNATE GIRATINAS, other GRISEOUS ORBS or CORES to usurp ARCEUS one day...[break][break]

While and 's CLONE attempts to reach the crystal, 's MEGA GRIMMSNARL hinders their advance. A G-MAX SNOOZE causes the former's gait to slow... however, the CLONE is enough to distract Father Winter from witnessing 's advance.[break][break]

Protected by a hurt , fights against the behemoth before him. With his AEGISLASH, he commands it to Z-MOVE: AEGIS IGNITION, forging a massive KING'S SHIELD that withstands METEOR, SHOCKWAVE, & SPATIAL REND. As the heroic bulwark resists, the combined energies coalesce. Mix together like a chemical bomb... before detonating in a massive explosion.[break][break]

The whole mountain shakes. Those who nurse each other in the aftermath of the coin flip struggle with their footing. The defiant assists those in need with her GALARIAN PONYTA and the remnants of her powers. stays close, her ALTARIA recuperating by the Councilwoman's METAGROSS as the summit shifts and groans.[break][break]

@elio attempts to recuperate too, his PYROAR healed despite the overwhelming feelings of futility. While he tends to himself and his Pokemon, attempts to inspire a critically injured . Thoughts race in their minds. Loss. Fear. Pain. Love and hope and beloved ones. In 's LUNATONE'S mind, however, a FUTURE SIGHT reveals a sound similar to that of shattering glass.[break][break]

After departs , his HAUNTER attempts to get him closer to the peak. He catches the grand view of the blooming explosion from 's Z-MOVE and ORIGIN FORME PALKIA's combined attack. The detonation is enough to touch the PRIMAL CRYSTAL in the PRIMAL POINT...[break][break]

...and the PRIMAL POINT IS FIRED.[break][break]


THE PRIMAL POINT'S BEAM fires toward the meteoroid. Those still alive or conscious will be able to watch its direct trajectory. How it zooms with the League's conviction through the skies. When it makes contact, the meteoroid disappears in a pulse of blinding light. Those who continue to watch would see that the warping was imperfect; a massive chunk of CRYSTALLINE MAKE remains before it is smashed apart by a RAYQUAZA.[break][break]

During the chaos, the PRIMAL POINT'S BEAM ricochets back to the peak. Glimmering and charged with an unknown energy, it smashes into the machine, creating yet another EXPLOSION that rocks the mountain. By the PRIMAL POINT, an ALLY-SWITCHED is suddenly snatched away by a blur of shadow.[break][break]

A fragment of the PRIMAL CRYSTAL is blown away. It spirals in the air with incredible speed. While barely misses it through his fingers, and their HAUNTER manage to catch it before it is lost to the inevitable plane shifts.[break][break]

The INVISIBLE DOME is visible briefly as it SHATTERS LIKE GLASS. The plane shifts violently in Hoenn, overlapping layers of alternate universes, dimensions and timelines shifting and displacing Pokemon onto the land.[break][break]

Where the PRIMAL POINT once stood, is a torn rift to THE BORDER BETWEEN LIFE & DEATH. From it, the SOULS OF DEAD POKEMON AND PEOPLE emerge. For a time, their spirits are visible. The soul of a MOLTRES can be seen flying outward, heading towards MT. CHIMNEY, while several fiery wisps in the SHAPE OF THE LETTER "V" soar out and across the land.[break][break]

Lastly, the souls of FOUR EERIE CREATURES emerge, their perilous spirits flying out in various directions. Some perhaps, slide into the rifts of other worlds...[break][break]

THOSE SLAIN BY THE COIN FLIP will find their soul forms dispersed back from the border. From limbo. That cloudy, solemn place of departure obstructed by tangled and pressed universe and dimension. They may ATTEMPT TO FLY BACK INTO THEIR BATTERED BODIES; similarly, ANY DECEASED POKEMON (FROM THIS EVENT OR THE PAST) may attempt to return too. Should they lack a body, their bodies will magically reincarnate on the peak.[break][break]


YOU MAY CHOOSE to resurrect your dead character and/or one of your dead Pokemon. Please identify who and what is being resurrected in your TL;DR. The souls of dead characters from the past may be resurrected in the future, but not now.

"reckless." The Rocket Boss seemingly scolds. Having remanifested by shadow, he sets an unscathed onto the mountainside. The Underboss would notice that the Boss is not entirely there physically, for there are see-through gaps in his "flesh".[break][break]

Perhaps, Walsh isn't really "here".


IN THE AFTERMATH, Father Winter and his ORIGIN FORME PALKIA remain battered and bruised close to the PRIMAL POINT. The flickering light of 's LIGHTNING STILLETO, which has somehow persisted in the earth, casts ominous shadows across the man's handsome face. Blood is smeared across his chin as he gasps for breath through his persistent smile. Yet, his frenetic gaze betrays his realization of a plan gone wrong. He must make his escape...[break][break][break]

"chain it for retreat." Father Winter spits crimson as several UNOWN emerge.[break][break][break]

They circle around the ORIGIN FORME PALKIA before constricting like ropes. They strangle the creature's neck, force its long four legs to seize and buckle.[break][break][break]

His harmed UNOWN-D hovers weakly beside him. Slowly, Father Winter attempts his escape as the UNOWN begin the process of teleportation.



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • you must ROLL THIS ROUND.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.

Do note, there are many characters participating. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.



NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2022 5:39:15 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]for a moment... space stops flowing around them. everything stills, even time.

and with the landing of a coin, everything goes to shit.

spatial rend fires off in rounds. it strikes people near and far and in between. she stifles a gasp, eyes widening at the sight. and her mind screams for justice, for freedom, for the god.

"stop it!"

attacks fire back toward the spatial god and she can't watch the way each one lands. it feels wrong, like kicking a caged animal unable to resist the submission it's been forced to learn. tears well up in the eyes and she takes a few steps forward, blindly trying to get closer as more people suffer from the wrath of palkia.

she manages to keep her healing mist up despite the ripple of space around them. it should assist , , , , and ... at least, she hopes so. and as she navigates her way to the primal point unscathed, the same cannot be said for those around her. she pushes as much power into the healing mist as she can. perhaps it'll save them... perhaps it'll even save palkia.

unfortunately, it will not save her.

the strain is too much on this plane of existence. it can't withstand the pressure and with the primal point's beam striking back down, everything shatters. dimensions merge, mingle, and mesh. somehow, it reminds her of the barrier, of the walls of a dimension experienced with . and in a way, it feels wrong for pride to swell in the chest for a theory proven correct.

spirits begin to drift, escaping like bats out of hell. in the cluster, she swears she sees the endearing face of . and faintly, she feels a warm smile begin to rise. it's bloody, as if choking on the reality of his demise. if she looks quick enough, she swears she sees a glittering ring drop to the ground near his spirit.

and in a soft whisper, she asks for the assistance of a former flame. "help me out here, alex."

her galarian ponyta is quickly called back and replaced with a familiar automaton. the golurk looms at her side, close enough to act as a shield should she need it. despite the shaking of the earth and the pressure of worlds colliding, she drags herself up that goddamn mountain side. she'll face father winter head on if she has to, if it means freedom for the very god he's corrupted.

and as chains begin to rise with the power of unown around palkia's body, she yells at father winter.

"you're not leaving here alive!"

her golurk disappears into the shadows, then, and uses the darkness to its advantage. it creeps closer to father winter and emerges as close as it can to palkia. a few feet away, illeana is raising the stolen sword from her battle against . her golurk takes a moment to charge before it unleashes a z-move: never-ending nightmare on the chains holding shackling palkia into place.

"let palkia go, you fucking monster."

paaa: mt pyre.

tl;dr |
- free pp head palkia!
- keeping healing mist up for those getting attacked
- thinks she sees in the spirit cluster
- is that a ring?
- recalls galarian ponyta
- summons golurk
- golurk uses z-move: never-ending nightmare on the chain holding palkia
- fuck u daddy winter!

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[newclass=.illeana i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2022 5:50:35 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowwtw"]"Melody!" Rowan called out as he watched his friend nearly get struck down by the SPACIAL REND. A hand reached to the Pokéball on his belt, bringing out his Araquanid. "Mirror Coat, stand guard!" The issued command was followed, standing between the two trainers and any further assault. "Arceus, are you okay?" Perhaps a dumb question considering the legend of space had just attempted to rip her apart. At least he cared, right?[break][break]

Amber eyes turned towards the skies as the veil between life and death had been shattered, revealing the souls of the past and present. Perhaps it was the guilt that weighed so heavily on his soul, but there was only one presence he'd seen among the sea of deceased. "Cobra..." Rowan muttered underneath his breath, feeling as though someone had jabbed him right in the gut. Instinctively, he reached a hand towards the shattered skies, beckoning the Machamp to return.[break][break]

"I'll take you home." He promised with a shaken voice, tears forming on the edges of his regret-ridden eyes. Perhaps Rowan had no right to even request for the Pokémon to return, should they be at peace, but this was more than a selfish need to unburden himself. He owed it to to return what he'd taken, to unite old friends once more and help mend the heart he'd broken when he'd taken that life. Ultimately, the choice was Cobra's. [break][break]

[attr="class","rowwttag"]  [break][break]
TLDR: Rowan brought out Araquanid and used Mirror Coat to defend himself and Melody. Saw COBRA THE MACHAMP in the veil of death, and promised to bring them back to Noah Faber.


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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2022 6:01:04 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]By the time he'd worked up the will to act, it had been too late. In an instant, Palkia twisted the space between dimensions, and a death rattle echoed across Mt. Pyre. He couldn't make out the voices; people, Pokemon, and even spirits cried out in a single, pained unison. And then they were gone.[break][break]

He refused to let this stand.[break][break]

Those who were closer to the Primal Point, those who were already ready, lashed out against Father Winter and his malformed Palkia. Some saw success, enough that the Primal Point was allowed to fire despite his intervention. Others simply had their efforts swallowed in field after field of defensive Unown. Yet, when the dust cleared, the godbeast and its handler still stood. And they had every intent of getting away with it.[break][break]

Even after the lives they unceremoniously snuffed out.[break][break]

Even after their meddling caused a rupture in reality, unleashing the dead upon the world of the living.[break][break]

Even after disappeared, swallowed up in a towering explosion.[break][break]

Isaac turned to Ashley, determination flashing in his eye. "I'm not letting them get away," he said. His voice was weary and wavering. His stance was shaky. The pain jackhammering the side of his head was starting to catch up with him. Yet Isaac Merlo only knew one direction; onward.[break][break]

He turned to Knuckles, nodding. And then every g-force imaginable slammed into him as the Lucario tore off, piggybacking Isaac towards the battlefield with a steely glint in her eyes. Isaac regretted his choice almost immediately. The extreme speeds she could run at pounded Isaac with g-force after g-force, and the side of his head pounded like a jackhammer. What remained of his vision blurred. His heart shuddered as if it was going to explode. Was he pushing his body through too much, too soon? Was he going to fall here on the sidelines, unable to impact anything?[break][break]

And then he felt a gentle claw on his shoulder.[break][break]

Isaac shook his head, forcing himself to see through bleary eyes. His jaw dropped as he saw a familiar Aggron behind him, floating free and unshackled from the limitations of reality. Was he seeing a mirage? No. It was impossible. There was no faking that warm, gentle look in her eyes. "You're back," Isaac said, awed and breathless. In response, Kiryu simply shook her head, a frown spreading across her face.[break][break]

"Oh." A pause. "But you're here?" This time, Kiryu rumbled in affirmation, and in that moment Isaac knew. There was no getting Kiryu back. Not even the realm of death being torn open could undo what had been done. She was old. She was tired. She had lived a long, fulfilling life. And now, even through the most tragic of circumstances, she could finally find her much needed rest. Perhaps it was fate that dictated Mt. Pyre, Hoenn's place of rest, would be where she laid down arms at long last.[break][break]

But that didn't mean she would go gentle into the good night. Just as Isaac stayed with her in her final moments, so, too, would she stay by his side for as long as he still needed her. With her at his back, and Knuckles guiding him onwards, Isaac knew he couldn't ask to be in better hands. "Thank you, Kiryu," he said, his small voice barely holding itself together to prevent the deep, bittersweet warmth within from spilling out. "For everything. I love you."[break][break]

Her hand squeezed around his shoulder. From it spilled a magnificent rainbow light. Her power, her determination, her love spilled down Isaac's arms, washing over the burns from when their Mega Evolution backfired. There was no pain in that arm anymore; only a gentle, soothing warmth. It poured back into Isaac's Mega Band, and then practically erupted into a rainbow burst.[break][break]

With each step she took, Knuckles grew taller. With each hold she had on Isaac, she grew stronger. Her tail flared out in a single swish, and her long, wavy dreadlocks floated back into the wind. An aura laced with Infinity Energy exploded around her, giving her the power to run faster, fight harder, and protect the one that she had come so far to find again. Kiryu's love for the trainer she raised had passed down to the poor, beaten-down stray that he had given a new lease on life.[break][break]

For the second time in Knuckles' life, Mega Lucario stood tall. Yet where once she was born of frenzied hate, now she was driven by purpose and love.[break][break]

Knuckles scaled the peaks of Mt. Pyre in heavy leaps and bounds. With how high she jumped, it was almost as if Kiryu was carrying her, helping her reach heights she could never imagine. It was funny. Beforehand, Isaac had envisioned this strategy for damaging the Primal Point; pop up the ridge and attack from out of the sun. Now he was turning that same plan against the man who threatened Hoenn most.[break][break]

Yet it wouldn't be an Aura Sphere that they launched. Instead, as Knuckles crested over the ridge, Isaac held his Pokeball up for her. "I've got a plan," he promised her. "Trust me?" The Mega Lucario looked skeptical for a second, but ultimately she nodded, leaning her head against the ball.[break][break]

As she disappeared, Isaac landed on the ridge, whipping one last Pokeball from his belt. It wasn't the freshly-evolved Duster or the ever-tricksy Sanford taking the stage. Instead, the ball hurled right at Father Winters' feet was a massive explosion of lights and colors, the product of far too many Pokeball seals loaded onto a single ball. If the man could handle being flash-banged, he would be able to see Aubrey; exhausted, drained, and almost fainted Aubrey, the Scrafty looking like beaten-up shoe leather compared to his magnificent godbeast.[break][break]

She wheezed, barely standing from the exertion. Despite this, as she turned to look at Father Winters, she snickered with a shit-eating grin on her face.[break][break]

As if out of nowhere, Sanford whizzed from the shadows behind Father Winter. They aimed not for the man himself, but instead for his Unown. Would their efforts prevent it from interfering as Aubrey stepped forward to slug Father Winter right in the gut? The injured Pokemon's appearance was little more than a ruse; while she was too tired to lead the fight herself, her Beat Up meant that all of Isaac's team had followed her in spirit.[break][break]

Isaac may not have been at the initial clash, but he was able to see what was going on even from his distant position. The man had surrounded himself with defensive Unown, taking advantage of their numbers and vision to blunt attacks heading towards him and his Palkia. Was there a better counter to that than a pre-emptive blinded, followed by a Dark type assault on all angles?[break][break]

After Sanford and Aubrey came Toto, the Blastoise charging from the left to try and steamroll over Father Winters. Duster hopped off of his shell, the Marowak twirling his bone to try and smash the Unown-D on the way past. It was poetry in motion, every member of Isaac's team working together seamlessly for the first time today.[break][break]

And that meant every member. Kiryu's spirit burst out from behind Isaac, Knuckles riding atop the great Aggron's shoulder. Together, the two sailed towards Father Winter, Kiryu's head lowered and Knuckles' fist drawn back. While it paled in comparison to the strikes they could perform under their own power, Isaac's two strongest Pokemon sought to end this Beat Up on a high note.[break][break]

"I don't give a shit who you are or how many of these things you control. You're not getting away," Isaac snarled. Would his gambit work successfully? Or would his team just be beating their heads against an endless wall of Unown? "I'll chase your ass to Ultra Space if that's what it takes to make you pay for this."[break][break]


TEAL DEER;[break]
Isaac and Knuckles to rush the mountain after seeing Palkia's Spacial Rend and the Hoenn region's clash for the ages.[break]
Along the way, Kiryu's spirit supports him onwards one last time.[break]
Knuckles Mega Evolves to ensure they make it before Father Winter can escape.[break]
Despite this, Isaac recalls her, instead throwing Aubrey's ball at Father Winter's feet.[break]
Her Pokeball, riddled with an ungodly number of ball seals, is practically a flash bang.[break]
Aubrey uses Beat Up, seeking to use dark type attacks from every angle to counter Father Winter's Unown shield strategy.[break]
5x Salacc used!


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / M-M-M-M-MEGATHREAD


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July 07
Ever Grande City
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170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
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Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2022 7:37:38 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

seemed intent on following her into whatever choice she made. Her eyes shot wide as Megan picked heads as well. She wanted to refute it but knew the call had already been made. There was nothing she could do about it.

And like so many of Johanna’s choices throughout her life, this had been yet another wrong choice. For a short second she felt despair wash over her as she came to realize that she had lost and even worse, Megan had lost because of her. She quickly turned to take one last gaze at Megan, if she were to die she wanted the last thing she saw in this world to be something pleasant.

And then Spatial Rend stole away her life as it brutalized her body, killing her.

Dragapult finished performing its Z-move, though it was seemingly woefully ineffective. But in its exhaustion, it turned to its trainer expecting and hoping for more orders. But all it saw was Johanna’s lifeless body lying on the ground.

It hurled itself over her body in grief, tears welling up as it and all the tiny spectral Dreepy joined it in grieving their beloved trainer’s death. But tears quickly turned to anger, to rage. Dragapult turned its glaring eyes toward Johanna’s killer. Now caught by chains of red and seemingly attempting to escape. Dragapult would have none of that, it would have justice for Johanna! It released a menacing roar before It quickly zoomed toward the Palkia. Blue draconic energies covered its body like a menacing aura as he aimed a DRAGON RUSH at the Red Chains now binding Palkia, hoping to pierce both the Item and the deity.

But death would not be the respite that Johanna deserved. No, the world was not done with her, or perhaps she still held regrets that bound her to the realm of mortality. Even from the border between life and death she saw how Dragapult grieved her before being consumed by anger, and knew the rest of her Pokémon would do so equally. She could not leave them in this cruel world alone. She had to return.

She pushed herself through the rift that had appeared. Her spirit finally found the strength of will to stand up for herself as she pushed past other deceased humans and Pokémon alike. Making her way back to her body. For a moment wondering if the body would take to her spirit, given she didn’t know whether it was damaged or some spatial anomaly that had killed her.

Well, she dived in all the same trying to revive as best she could. Her heart began to pump once more, her lungs heaved for air in a quick burst, and warmth returned to her skin. And then pain, oh the pain. For a brief blissful moment she had forgotten how painful existence was, but no more. The pain of all her collected wounds was back. But though pain tried to take her attention she rushed into a sitting position before she looked around wildly. She needed to know that Megan was safe.


MASK: Smiley Mask
- Takes one last look at
- Johanna.exe has stopped working
- Dragapult has sadge then angry.
- Dragapult charges at the RED CHAIN and PALKIA hoping to pierce both with DRAGON RUSH
- Johanna.exe has been restarted.



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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2022 7:53:20 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar



This is not the future Katherine's been shown in THE CLOUD. She defiantly stares at the approaching SPATIAL REND, cold fire still burning within scarlet eyes. Hoenn's been told time and time again that they cannot defy fate.
Giratina, however, thinks otherwise.
As it clashes with Palkia, Katherine is quick to summon another Pokemon. Her Scolipede seeks to PROTECT against the spatial attack, but it is easily dispatched before it manages to. The unyielding elite four also suffers in the process; cuts litter her form and figure where her dress gave in to the attack's pressure and tore away.
She is, however, still standing.
Giratina and Katherine are one in this battle and in the rebellion against Arceus itself. The deity's all-consuming rage echoes within her, ripples of it flowing through her heart, igniting a vengeful desire. They must continue.
Momentarily, when the beam connects with the meteoroid and is subsequently reflected, Katherine completely forgets the PRIMAL CRYSTAL itself. The world-- the plane-- their entire universe shifts and transforms into something she can't recognize.
A myriad of souls escapes the torn rift, and in them is one specific Pokemon that Katherine does recognize. SHADOW DUSKNOIR emerges as a bone-chilling breeze billows past Katherine, freezing her in place for but one moment. How.. How doesn't matter.
"You're not leaving!"
Giratina pulls back, returning to its avatar as the resurrected Pokemon comes to life. Her eyes snap to , an expectant stare shared with the head scientist. This is what they've discussed. Here, now, they can seize their fates.
"LEAGUE! Whoever hears me-- target FATHER WINTER! He's not leaving with PALKIA!"

The Dusknoir quickly recognizes its trainer's familiar snap of fingers; its cue unmistakable. It opens its maw, and GRAVITY intensifies as it once did. Katherine's PROJECTION OF THE DISTORTION WORLD also spreads far and wide whilst the BLACK HOLE ensues.
dusknoir opens the mouth in its stomach, channeling an intense gravitational pull.
while its mouth is open, pokemon within a limited vicinity around it cannot be returned, cannot use TELEPORT, ALLY-SWITCH, or any other moves that allow instant movement, lose the ability to be semi-vulnerable, and are under the effects of GRAVITY.
while this ability is in effect, the user cannot defend, attack or move. the move will end as soon as its mouth is closed or covered.

"No more chains, father. Pay for what you've done."




[break]+ Katherine's fit. (HBO please don't sue me)
[break]+ Katherine's Scolipede is sent out to protect against the SPATIAL REND, but it faints before it can use the move.
[break]+ She is hurt despite Scolipede tanking the majority of the attack. Her fit is also pretty messed up/torn.
[break]+ Giratina pulls back to stand by her (in case she needs protecting or w/e)
[break]+ Shadow Dusknoir revives (?) and uses its ability BLACKHOLE to prevent father winter from escaping with Palkia



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December 2
Aspertia City, Unova
Picking up the pieces
But I, I will, go on howling and hollow
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TAG WITH @ashley
Ashley Shepard
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2022 9:46:15 GMT
Ashley Shepard Avatar

Shades, DRIP, face is obscured by facemask to help hide identity, 1 Salac Berry Usage!
Intensity within his eyes, the space of the mountain rends, and with it comes the brutality. Death is in the air, but tails is called. Ashley believes himself lucky for a moment, a short-lived victory afforded by the deaths of so many. How is that victory? Blood is pooled. He knows what he has to do. Jump into the fray, and beat this smugerroni fuckboy.

Scowl on his face, he watches Isaac run with Knuckles, Ashley has the same thought. With Bongo as his front-man, he begins racing steps behind Isaac upon Bongo's back, the Rillaboom running like a wild gorilla. Not only his support, but as penance.

Seeing her again though? That hurt. Kiryu.... he felt the pain of the moment. Of what he had done, wash away and smash into his body all at once, but that feeling disappears, when he sees her.

Closure is a funny thing. One moment, he's thinking those wounds are closed, but as he sees Sushi, Bullet, Pluto... he gives a sad look. None of them seem to have malice. They are just... spectral. Like figments of reality about to disappear. But it's her that makes him that same teenager again, as Ashley halts Bongo. It's her that makes his heart stop, his eyes prick again.


The Alolan Raichu smiles at him, untethered from her own body. Ashley's jaw is open, as he reaches out for her. She accepts with a hug, Ashley giving one good arm hug around her. Every disgusting part of Ashley feels so miniscule now. Where the blood starts. "I'm so sorry. I didn't... you didn't deserve that, Jubilee. None of you. Pluto, I sent you to your death! Sushi, I wasn't good enough to keep you safe... Bullet, I was so dumb, I-... I-..." With it, that dark swirl of emotion purifies itself as Sushi lays on his back, Bullet on his shoulder, and Pluto floats upon his cheek.

And he realizes the strength of the love they have for him. What they mean. The warmth they have for just a moment, he doesn't throw away for the world.

But it was their time. The four of them know it. With a spark of electricity, Jubilee shocks Ash from her little arms, as she, Sushi, Bullet, and Pluto float away. They all give a smile. "... thank you. I love you all. I wish I had more time with you." A sobbing smile is in return.

When Orpheus turned around, Eurydice was gone forever. When Ashley turns around, Bongo gives a happy, wide-berth smile, he holds a fist out to his trainer. Ashley was back. The small trainer nods. "For them, buddy... where's Isaac?" He was already gone, up there.

"Goodbye." He sees Sushi's grin. Hears Bullet's chirp. Feels that rocky texture of Pluto. But he knows... Jubilee is there. Waving. He doesn't turn back. All he does is hold his left arm out into a thumbs-up for her.

No more letting the past rule his life. To fight in honor of their memory is what matters.

With every fiber of his being burning with a fire, he hops back on Bongo, and with renewed vigor, and a positive feeling, he races up that mountain, up that hill, towards Father Winter, and intends to break the fucker over his knee.

He's screaming at the top of his lungs now, positive swirls of raw emotion fueling him forward. "Everything you got, buddy. BEAT HIS ASS!" Holding the drum upwards, Bongo begins a WOOD HAMMER down at Father Winter, intent to brutalize him, and Ashley even calls out from atop. "You haven't begun to see reckless yet, shithead!" So long as he's locked in place, he just hopes Bongo can make it.

Who does he get to say who lives or dies?


[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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not reviving anyone.
ashley atop bongo (rillaboom) runs with isaac
sees sushi, bullet, pluto, and jubilee
emotional moment. i cri. he hugs them.
ash lets them rest peacefully.
ash finally lets go of the past.
atop bongo again, races to fist father winter in his face
bongo wood hammers him with his drum attempting to slam him
ashley talkin mad shit
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2022 15:24:00 GMT
Deleted Avatar

It was like the world was trying to tear itself asunder, lives were taken all around him and the mafioso felt like he was losing his damn mind. Losing his footing Elio fell to his knees a palpable look of shock on his visage. Ensnared by a persistent feeling of terror and futility the young man was all but willing to give up.

But somewhere in the compression of worlds, time, and space, as souls hung on a fragile precipice between life and death. A familiar voice rang out in his mind, striking his very soul and filling his heart with a warmth he felt was long gone.

Her back was turned to his own, and for a moment he could see himself in their garden in Kanto, surrounded by flowers. The sun shone down encompassing them in its warmth. The smell of various flowers and berries wafting through the air. And a gentle breeze that caressed one's hair and tickled one's nose - taking various flower petals along with it into the ever-blue skies.

'My beautiful star...' Though he couldn't see her he could just tell she was the same as the day she left him. No longer pale and unmoving, but draped in her favorite Spring dress, her golden hair freed from its braided bun, an unblemished and beautiful woman. Full of life and light and exuded compassion and hope.


"I'm sorry... mother... I-" He paused trying to swallow the lump that formed in his throat. "I wasn't strong enough."

Despite his confession, he could feel her smiling, despite everything, she would always try to smile. 'My dear, sweet, little sun. So passionate. It's so painful to see that regret has dimmed the fire within your soul. But, I never blamed you. Not once, nor will I ever.'

"Mother, I-"

'Helios. You burn the brightest when you have something to protect, something to strive for. What you lack isn't strength, it's conviction. Seek your purpose, my son, and shine brighter than any star in the sky.'

Elio found himself standing up, shaky, but slowly remembering, slowly returning to who he once was. A fire lit in his very heart and soul. A desire to fulfill his duty as a member of team rocket. But to also fulfill himself.

He wasn't sure what the future may bring. That if the fire inside him would protect those around him, or burn everything down into ash. But one thing was for sure... He saw things more clearly than before. He felt he understood himself a little bit better.

In the moment between seconds, the soul of his mother vanished in motes of light, passing onto the afterlife as her last words filled his heart til it might burst.

'I will always love you, my beautiful little sun.'

What felt like forever was actually a few seconds, and whether it happened in front of him or in his mind was irrelevant. What did matter was the here and now. And right, he realized he made an error in his judgment.

Palkia was NOT a monster. The poor thing was merely a pawn for some shitty power-tripping assholes schemes. No, the real monster was the likes of Father Winter and whoever the bastard worked for. And Elio had no intention of letting the man get away scot-free. Especially not with such a powerful pokemon at his beck and call.

"Iskandar, Hyper Beam!" The lion fueled by its master's passionate order charged up a powerful golden beam of energy before unleashing it on the red chains that bound the suffering space god's body. Hoping to aid in relinquishing the Dark Triad's control on the ancient pokemon.

Whatever it takes... If not to set it free, then at least to spite the bastard known as "Father Winter" directly. Too much was lost to let such a dangerous being go with their tail between their legs. And Elio was all about sending a message.

There was no fear left in Elio's heart at that moment. Just an unbridled desire to be personally defiant to the powers that be. And he'd gladly do so with a smile on his face! They would survive. Team Rocket would survive. Hoenn would survive! And no one, not even Arceus itself was going to tell him otherwise!

"HEY, ASSHOLE! FUCK YOU!" With that, he takes his pistol and attempts to shoot Father Winter with three rounds.


+ Face is still obscured by a lion mask, though there are slight cracks in it now.
+ Elio watches as the world goes absolutely batshit and is demoralized.
+ His mother's soul comes to comfort him in his time of need, giving him back the clarity and passion he needed, she then passes on.
+ Elio orders his PYROAR to attack the red chains around Palkia with a HYPER BEAM.
+ Gives one final "FUCK YOU!" and middle finger to Father Winter in defiance.
+ Attempts to SHOOT Father Winter near or at his extremities because Elio is a fucking petty, vicious, Gremlin.

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2022 18:15:12 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Palkia's power is tremendous and unavoidable; though he'd tried to refuse participation in Winter's game, Gavin's mere utterance of the word tails had unknowingly sealed his fate. Amber eyes widen as the god of space tears it asunder.[break][break]

Blood. Broken bones.[break][break]

None of it his own.[break][break]

Held breath chokes in his throat as Gavin processes his continued existence in the aftermath of such tremendous power. His next thought is for his husband.[break][break]


He sees him charging for the peak, but not toward the PRIMAL POINT as they'd agreed. No. His reckless, stupid, beautiful husband runs right up to Winter and punches him in the face. Gavin's laughter is sharp and hoarse in his throat. Injured though it seems he was from Palkia's attack, Temp is alive — avenging them both for a promise unfulfilled. Satisfied, he turns toward the PRIMAL POINT, intending to snatch the crystal as ordered.[break][break]

He's slowed by the weighted winds of a hurricane that Lugia is not here to help him vanquish, breath stolen from his lungs by the powerful storm. He crouches low to avoid being thrown to his death on the mountainside, sees the brilliant flash of 's LIGHTNING STILETTO nearby. They may have had their differences but he's never been happier to see a sign of the other Galarian's presence; they were both ROCKET in the end, both AVATARS, and perhaps together they'd stand a fighting chance.[break][break]

The mountain quakes, and Gavin barely manages to keep his footing thanks to his crouched stance. He sees the surge of energy headed for the PRIMAL POINT.[break][break]


It is not death he loathes to confront, but failure.[break][break]

There is a sound like shattering glass, and in a swirl of shadow he finds himself — somewhere else? Safe. Breathing hard from adrenaline and exertion both, and faced with the ethereal figure of his savior.[break][break]

"Walsh." He's too stunned for it to be a question. Then, surprisingly, relieved. "I thought—" He shakes his head. It doesn't matter. Walsh is alive, and so is he. "Thank you. Sir."[break][break]

Doubts manifesting for months, paranoid thoughts bred and encouraged by those around him, fade before the gravity of what the Boss had done for him. Had he wished Gavin dead, a lack of intervention would've done it clean. Had he been Triad himself, surely he would have relished in the easy extermination of another AVATAR.[break][break]

"We weren't fast enough to secure the Crystal. I'm sorry."[break][break]

But perhaps a different prize...[break][break]

His gaze shifts to the fleeing FATHER WINTER and the chained PALKIA.[break][break]

"Dhelmise!" he thunders. "STOP THEM!"[break][break]

The shadowed seaweed colony's anchor turns black as SHADOW before it's swung toward the chained PALKIA, aiming to loop around the captive legend and PREVENT IT'S ESCAPE.[break][break]


On a different part of the mountain, a space where life and death converge, the soul of a loyal Lucario finds a body once thought lost to the wicked claws of an extradimensional terror.[break][break]





⁠— Th-thanks Papa Walsh :pleadtorb:[break]
⁠— Gavin's loyalty to Walsh is reaffirmed; he apologizes for not securing the Crystal in time[break]
⁠— Dhelmise uses SHADOW HOLD on PALKIA[break]
⁠— Faolan the RESURRECTED??? LUCARIO is having a literal existential crisis; please hold


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April 29
103 height
103 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lime2
Megan Whitmore
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2022 19:55:18 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar

How? How could it be so…easy? So quick? One moment, she was trying to stand her ground alongside Johanna. The next, it seemed like the fingers of a vengeful god picked up, ground her between them, then flicked them away licke trash.
Megan just looked at the scene in utter shock, not even realizing that Swampert, who had been trying to guard both of them with a move, had had to use its actual body to shield its trainer and perished. It wasn’t that she did not care about her Pokemon. But she had been looking at Jo, saw the other look at her, too. Saw that split-second of agony when the realization hit the woman before the attack fully caught up with her body. As if someone you knew was just hit by a high-speed train right in front of you.
There was wet on her face.
She turned to look at the other. Judging by the Dragapult’s mourning, there was no bandaging things this time. In fact, there was nothing she could do to help. Nothing she could do to change that situation. Death was final. There were no do-overs. At least as far as she knew.
She turned, hand instinctively grasping Hydreigon’s ball. Only a Pokemon that had almost killed her felt right to use in this moment. Still in shock, there was little emotion in her actions. This was not the kind of thing she would be doing in full control of her facilities. But it didn’t matter. She’d already failed. No way she could fail harder. “Try Attack. The man.” It was probably pointless, too. But it still had to happen. And her ire was clearly directed at him. [break]
After all, Pokemon were little more than weapons in such cases. They could disobey, but he was clearly forcing that thing too with all the chains and whatnot. No, that man was completely and utterly to blame. So, for the first time in her life, she at least partially wanted to hurt him. Not stop him, no. That would be incidental. This was all about hurting someone to feel better about her own hurt.




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he / him
September 5
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
paralegal / special agent
6'1" / 185 cm height
6'1" / 185 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gunner
Gunner Graves
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2022 22:39:48 GMT
Gunner Graves Avatar



The SPATIAL REND smashed into Gunner's body with bone-breaking force. Distantly, he registered the tearing of fabric as his clothing ripped and tore. His mask cracked; a large chunk of material covering the left side of his face flew away, blown by the storm winds conjured by his transformed Ditto and 's Dragonite.[break][break]

But that was the last of his concerns. Gunner collapsed onto the rocky ground, bleeding from innumerable gashes across his body. Every inch of him burned with agonizing pain. Thankfully, he had fallen within 's HEALING MIST. The restorative energy immediately started their work on his wounds, staunching the blood flow and knitting together the smallest scratches. Still, it was not enough.[break][break]

Coughing, Gunner raised himself onto his elbows as Dagonet, still in the form of an Altaria, rushed to his side. As he raised his gaze toward the primal point, a massive explosion above him rocked the mountain. Gunner flinched hard beneath Dagonet's wing. His breathing shortened into desperate gasps. His heartbeat raced a thousand miles a minute. A phone call cut off again and again in a dark corner of his memory.[break][break]

Then the primal point fired.[break][break]

Gunner gasped as the searingly bright beam lanced skyward, striking the meteoroid at the same instant as other beams fired across Hoenn. The dark rock of the satellite vanished, but even as the pain in his body overwhelmed all other senses, the special agent could see that something continued to hurtle through space toward them.[break][break]

Then that too shattered, followed by the dome surrounding the region.[break][break]

Another explosion rocked Mt. Pyre, this time originating from the primal point itself. Gunner fought every urge to run and scream. He clung to Dagonet, the Ditto's large body taking the brunt of the force impact. When Gunner finally looked over, his jaw fell open in shock. The spectral forms of souls — both human and Pokémon — drifted from a rift torn into the air itself.[break][break]

Had he himself died? No. That couldn't be the case. A quick glance across the peak told him that some of his allies and enemies were still very much alive, including Father Winter and the strange Palkia that had tried to kill them all.[break][break]

Gunner turned to Dagonet to give an order when a familiar silhouette among the flickering spirits caught his eye. Wide-eyed and unbelieving, he stared at the face of a woman preserved only in photographs and memory. The scent of lilacs filled his nose, the same way it did when he used to bury his face into her hair. [break][break]

Tears welled in Gunner's eyes. A sob escaped him as a pain greater than any wound twisted in his chest.[break][break]


The ghost of her met his gaze and smiled with apologetic sadness. At that moment, he knew everything he was seeing was real. Then she looked directly at Father Winter before meeting Gunner's eyes once more. Her lips moved, though she made no sound.[break][break]

"Stop him. I know you can."[break][break]

Every movement was agony. Nevertheless, Gunner raised himself into a sitting position, his breathing ragged, his arms shaking. Slowly, weakly, he opened Dagonet's Poké Ball and recalled the Ditto, then summoned forth his Alakazam.[break][break]

Another's voice, a man's, echoed in his head, one he had not heard in a long time: "Are you going to let the vile people of this world decide your fate for you? Or are you going to take matters into your own hands?"[break][break]

"Merlin," Gunner rasped, golden eyes turning flint-like as he regarded the legendary Pokémon bound by red chains, "ALLY SWITCH with Palkia."[break][break]

The Alakazam glowed brightly with psychic power.[break][break]




- Wearing black tactical gear + mask covering his face for anonymity.[break]
- Suffers grievous bodily injury due to Palkia's SPATIAL REND.[break]
- Sees the ghost of his lover who died during the Kanto War.[break]
- Switches out Ditto for Alakazam and orders Alakazam to ALLY SWITCH with Palkia.



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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
241 posts
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TAG WITH @pokejun2
Oliver Shrakes
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2022 1:24:26 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
Man that guy looked too arrogant. And he was getting very close. Then, due to his wrong guess, and Spatial Rend was blasted at him. Way too close for Dragonite to dodge...but his Bastiodon, as if sensing what was going on, burst out of its pokeball and tried to use Endure. But there wasn't enough time to use it...but its body was enough to stop the attack on himself and Dragonite. Both himself and Dragonite saluted their fallen comrade, and continued towards the Primal Point, within eyesight at this point. Rocket and League alike were attacking the new threat. That said a lot to him, but he waited for now. Until the Point launched. Though both he and his Dragonite was forced back from a close attack from the Palkia and another attack.

He barely caught a glimpse of the Rayquaza shattering what was left of it. And the dome went with it. That odd psychic Pokemon ought to be happy now. Hopefully he'll see it again and wish it luck. From where he saw, a rift formed, and those that died, Pokemon and human alike, gathered near where the point once was. Oliver even saw his Bastiodon. His steel type flew through him, and back into its mangled body. He watched as his buddy revived. Olie walked over and hugged his big headed buddy. "You reckless fool...thank you, but don't do that again." The ranger shed a few tears as he spoke his words. But there was more to do here. Returning his Bastiodon, he turned to find Father Winter with blood on his chin, and Palkia injured. It looked like he was trying to retreat. Oh no you don't.

"Dragonite, Hyper Beam. Take out both him and his Unown." With a brief charge, Dragonite fired his most powerful attack. And he wasn't the only one doing so.


Bastiodon broke out of Pokeball and took the hit. Died.
Bastiodon also revived.
Oliver is by Primal Point, sees things.
Orders Dragonite to use Hyper Beam on Father Winter and Palkia, trying to kill them.

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Mad Dog of Rocket
May 8
Pyrite Town, Orre
Night Club Owner
Marionette Accardo
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
822 posts
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TAG WITH @dorian
dorian westcliff
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2022 20:40:11 GMT
dorian westcliff Avatar

It seemed that luck was on Dorian's side today. He made the right call, and was spared the fate that many on the enemy side had to face. But whatever joy he got out of the enemy being subjected to the Spatial Rend was rendered null and void as was among the victims. Even seeing the three members of the Elite Four falling victim, in some capacity, to the Spatial Rend was of little consolation to the Mad Dog.

The Salazzle's toxic glob only served as a distraction. But a distraction that was enough for others to besiege the deity of space. Through the mouth hole in his ski mask, a wicked grin formed on the Mad Dog's face. He enjoyed watching the Palkia, and Father Winter take their punishment for meddling in his world. Father Winter moreso than Palkia.

Finally, the Primal Point was fired, and the dome confining them was shattered. Dorian looked on, watching as those who had died came back to life.

Then Father Winter opened his mouth. Dorian had no intention of letting him get away that easily.

He would recall his Salazzle, and bring out his Incineroar, Mister Bigglesworth, in her place. "Help free the big dragon! Darkest Lariat on those binding them!", Dorian ordered the Incineroar.

The Incineroar would jump towards the Unown, outstretching his arms, and spinning around as he attempted to strike down the Unown, and free Palkia.

"Your luck's just run out!", Dorian declared to Father Winter. "I'm gonna melt that coin of yours down, turn it into a molten slurry, and I'm gonna slowly pour it all over you!", he'd threaten the man wickedly.


tags: @tag
notes: Dorian watches on in horror as is
Dorian watches the beatdown with satisfaction
Dorian watches as Johanna comes back, relieved
Dorian swaps Salazzle out for Incineroar
Incineroar used Darkest Lariat on the Unown attempting to chain up Palkia

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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2022 13:41:53 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


Here we go.

As the skyline shattered audibly like glass, a bloody knight stood at the ground zero of the clash of powers, holding firm against an Aegislash as it struggled to remain conscious.

For the second time in a mere few months, the man stood at the boundary between life and death— not as a migrant, but an spectator, peering deep into the next world as souls escaped from the beyond and into their world.

Unknown souls, familiar souls, powerful souls, eerie souls...

Beloved souls.

"Hoh..." He uttered, breath stolen as something haughty, beautiful and familiar flashed from beyond the boundary, almost like a siren call.

Foolishly, he took the first of many steps needed with his nearly broken body... and in response, something flew out the gates, smacking the man across the forehead and stopping him short, pain exploding upon his forehead as an almost famliar laugh echoed in his skull.

Truly haughty.

"... Right." He muttered while rubbing his forehead, unable to stop himself from smiling. "Right."

He wasn't done here.

In the aftermath of the spacial rend and Aegis Ignition clashing, Gwyar's cape had been reduced to tatters, his armor was scratched and torn, barely holding together.

All in all, easily the second worst injury he had suffered in the past couple of months.

Tasteful and aesthetically pleasing patches of blood flowed down the length of his body as he breathed in deeply, managing the pain wracking his body briefly before his eyes snapped wide open.

"Stop the Unown." He ordered bluntly.

herself was handling 'Winter' or whatever his name was. He was as good as theirs now.

He needed to make sure they wouldn't escape them with Palkia dragged along. And on that front— Galatine came in handy.

She blurred forth from his hand, here blade driving itself into the chain links of the artifical chain, wrenching it towards the soil before attempting to drive them in, exerting a supernatural force upon them.


-Gwyar is heavily injured. But no worries— 'tis but a flesh wound.
-Aegislash used BLOCK on the Unknown.

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2022 5:46:06 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
[attr="class","ltr-tags"]for PAAA: MT. PYRE
[attr="class","ltr-lyrics"]born under a bad sign [break] with a blue moon in my eyes
[attr="class","ltrhead-text"]His G-MAX GENGAR temporarily phases out of existence.[break][break]

If that wasn't a warning that something dangerous was coming, then Remiel wasn't sure what was. It is thanks to the efforts of his bodyguard the SHINY URSHIFU, however, who had always maintained a keen sense to DETECT danger, that the masked ambassador is saved from the worst of what was to come. He is shielded from the SPATIAL REND after said bodyguard bursts forth from its ball and stands its ground in front of him.[break][break]

The intensity of that attack, however, still manages to tear at 's black uniform and cover his body in small cuts. When it passes, he slightly staggers to draw out his FAINTED Urshifu's luxury ball and return it.[break][break]

Then, suddenly, the PRIMAL POINT is fired.

The masked admin watches as the meteor is BEAMED elsewhere, leaving the remaining chunk of crystal to be blown apart by none other than the legendary RAYQUAZA. He almost hesitates to awe at the sight of that iconic dragon, but is ripped out of that awe when the beam ricochets back with a STRANGE NEW ENERGY and explodes the PRIMAL POINT.[break][break]

Their world is saved, but the target of his conquest— a usable fragment of the PRIMAL CRYSTAL— is lost in that explosion.[break][break]

Next he watches as the DOME surrounding Hoenn SHATTERS shortly thereafter. Should he survive this, he can finally go back to his HOMELAND. Though the crown prince has to wonder whether it will look the same after seeing so many ALTERNATE REALITIES, DIMENSIONS, AND TIMELINES flash before his eyes.[break][break]



A voice in his mind rumbles. It belongs to none other than the Deep Black Pokémon ZEKROM, and is paid great attention— given the fact that the dragon does not speak often.[break][break]


It's then that the masked prince turns to face the EERIE RIFT that hovers where the PRIMAL POINT once stood. His G-MAX GENGAR reemerges in that moment, its large eyes brimming with delight. Spreading it gaping mouth even wider, the hell-mouth Pokémon seems eager to swallow as many loose spirits as it can, like a DONDOZO catching YANMA.[break][break]


Rumor has it that its gigantic mouth leads not into its body, filled with cursed energy, but instead directly to the afterlife.

Remiel, on the other hand, is filled with desperation when the realization of this rift settles in. He only briefly acknowledges the MOLTRES flying by and accompanying thoughts of , the strange alien creatures, the V-shaped wisps, and even a vaguely familiar FLYGON. The spirits of people and Pokémon emerge from that open rift in a wave, but his eyes only dart to and fro in search of one:[break][break]



"I-Isra!" He calls out, conflicted between ultimate closure and hoping he would not see her among the dead. "Are you... there?" But, when he doesn't seem to garner any response, the prince's desperation slowly settles. Instead, he hopes that the spirits of those GALARIAN lives lost in the war, and the spirits of those lost in GALAR, find their way back home... to peace.[break][break]


PSAMATHE the FLYGON returns to life elsewhere!

Just as the fog clears from PALKIA and FATHER WINTER, however, so does the grief from the masked admin's mind. His main objective might have been lost, but that wasn't the only BARGAINING CHIP he had planned to acquire for negotiations with . Static coils around his body as determination pushes past pain, physical and mental.[break][break]


He didn't appreciate to see PALKIA chained up as ZEKROM had been some time ago. Those who wished to harness the power of dragons often seemed to go about it as brutishly and uncivilized as possible. Frankly, it DISGUSTED the royal.[break][break]

If he was to free the space-renderer from such a force, however, he would need to time his next actions carefully. Timing was everything. If past experiences in these sort of situations had taught him anything, it had most certainly been that.[break][break]

Though it comes to no surprise for him to find briefly cutting off his advance to free the legendary from its bonds herself. The time they had spent together in MOSSDEEP, searching for the means of opening a backdoor to PALKIA's prison, made it abundantly clear to him how much she was putting into this effort. She had no idea of his own plans— no one did— but helping her now was the least he could do to help mend the betrayal he'd inflicted upon her.[break][break]

"DEUS is going to have a hard time if we don't take care of those UNOWN first," He calls out to her, snapping his G-MAX GENGAR to attention with a sharp wave of his hand. "Allow us to help you!" He exclaims.[break][break]

"G-MAX TERROR!"[break][break]


The powerful surge of poltergeist energy manifests from around and beneath FATHER WINTER like a cloud of dark haze. The malicious phantoms that dwell within that surge seek to strike all the UNOWN down within that haze, hoping to SHACKLE those that haven't fainted in shadow. They seem to have a particular hankering for FATHER WINTER's personal UNOWN-D, however.[break][break]

Meanwhile, within that cover of shadow, Remiel takes the opportunity to strategically TELEPORT.[break][break]


In a daring attempt of perfect timing, seeks to seize FATHER WINTER from behind before swiftly ZAPPING him unconscious with his bare hands.[break][break]

You'll make a nice gift for our commissioner, he thinks to himself. Though, certainly, he could benefit to garner a few answers of his own out of this infamous 'wish-granter'.[break][break]

Using that same cover of shadow he had used to enter, the masked prince of GALAR endeavors to cast a LIGHTNING STILETTO and KIDNAP the man with a second and final TELEPORT.[break][break]


📝 TLDR[break][break]

SHINY URSHIFU detects the incoming SPATIAL REND and tanks the blow for ![break]
SHINY URSHIFU faints![break]
PSAMATHE the FLYGON returns to life elsewhere![break]
seeks out in the flurry of spirits; silently hopes GALARIAN LIVES return to their homeland![break][break]


G-MAX GENGAR unleashes G-MAX TERROR on all the UNOWN binding PALKIA, with a focus on striking and/or chaining down the UNOWN-D protecting FATHER WINTER![break][break]

G-Max Terror inflicts damage and prevents targets from switching out or fleeing.

uses the cover of G-MAX TERROR to TELEPORT to his LIGHTNING STILETTO![break]
attempts to KIDNAP FATHER WINTER by ZAPPING him unconscious before TELEPORTING away![break]
🍒 using x9 SALAC BERRIES

[attr="class","gimcredits"]made by gimmick
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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing