i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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She/Her; They/Them
Ecruteak City
Fond of girls
26 height
26 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
63 posts
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TAG WITH @serendipity
Saki Shitachi
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 3:14:25 GMT
Saki Shitachi Avatar
So much for the Legendary Pokemon of knowledge. Actually, was that even what this thing was about? Saki hadn't quite paid enough attention at the time. Offering answers to everyone's questions sure sounded like something a knowledge Pokemon would do though. With no incentive to pursue the creature, her Metagross dropped straight down to the ground, with Saki splayed out pathetically on its back. Was this the sting of rejection? She'd expected this result, but trying had been her only option. Seems like it had just been miscommunication, but an interesting miscommunication all the same. Closing her eyes, she muttered a few thoughts to herself out loud, then regrouped with the others.

"Looks like all the fun people are headed to Circhester... there's safety in numbers." Seems she had, in fact, gotten over her obsession. Or more accurately, realised it was unactionable. No, it always had been, and she'd always known. It was just one fleeting moment where she'd been given a chance. So now, for her, it was back to business as usual. "Not that I'd run from a suicide mission. But it sounds like we have everywhere sufficiently covered. My head does still ache, too..."

Saki copes for a split second, then follows their impromptu gang to Circhester.

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June 22nd
Anistar City, Kalos
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
17 posts
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TAG WITH @lucette
Lucette Castellane
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 4:19:11 GMT
Lucette Castellane Avatar

Those who were working with the league were trying to protect the king of the bountiful harvest from dying, but their attempts were for naught. The death of the king ended up with four pillars of light leading to the four cities and the loss of its rider meant that the Glastrier would find another rider within the opposing faction in mourning the loss of its beloved king. Some of her other fellow Rockets were going to any of the four cities where sticking together with the ones that had experience would be a good idea.[break][break]

Her Greninja follows his trainer wherever she wants to go in terms of the pillars of light that people were going into, so Luce nods over to her ninja frog. “Guess we’re going to Hammerlocke, friend.” A nod comes from Kotaro as the ninja frog follows the pink-haired young woman over to the group of other men heading to the pillar that would lead them to the city itself though she wonders if the red-headed woman would pick any other place where they’ll go their separate ways or if the redhead was going to do the same place.[break][break]


@rustedshield [break][break]


- Lucette decides to go to Hammerlocke.



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,881 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 4:50:04 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh and Aslan had perhaps gone a little too fast trying to snatch Calyrex from their murderers. The royal and regal Pokémon slipped right through his arms, and it was perhaps a good thing; Josh, too, may have been speared by Groudon's PRECIPICE BLADES, and there could have been two victims instead of one. While he no longer believed he was the Knight of Thunder, he still had the chivalry of one and did not understand why the legendary rider would willingly as to be sacrificed like this. He loudly hissed at and at for their misdeeds. The very presence of the Scorned brought out an emotional flare-up he had thought his conversations with League higher-ups had brought him past.

" , I once looked up to you," the Pokémon racer lamented as the teleportation beam to HAMMERLOCKE began to form around him. "I once thought of you as a leader. A leader who genuinely wanted your successors to achieve greatness. A leader who desired a world free of Rocket's malfeasance. But no. Your true colors have become evident to me. There are some," he pointed at , "who deserve every bit of your wrath. And mine too. The reason I joined Hoenn's League is to make sure people like her can never threaten the families of anyone else like they did mine. I would want to see no more than the heads of every one of Team Rocket's playmakers speared with lightning."

The beam began to engulf Josh as he continued lashing out at the Volatile. "But the little guy who is following directions because he doesn't have a choice? Why should they be swept under the bus?! Rehabilitate them! Allow them to make themselves useful! They do not deserve death like those truly responsible for this madness do! I serve the League's precepts, not sycophants who manipulate their followers into your twisted interpretation of them!"

The Gym Leader turned toward . "I'm sorry you had to hear all of that. I just can't stand either one of those two. It's a long story, and I'll share it with you when we make it back to Hoenn if you want me to." He breathed a deep sigh to collect his thoughts. Before Josh could resume his heated discussion with the two Avatars, the beam of light to HAMMERLOCKE swallowed him...


- Josh verbally lashes out at and for the crime of regicide.
- Josh and his Pyroar attempt to head to HAMMERLOCKE, whether by their own will or not.
{WC: 336}
{PC: 4}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good
Saber           Manectric         Good
Aslan           Pyroar**          Good
Resheph         Dragonair         Good
Mastema         Togekiss          Good
Sidewinder      Dragapult         Good

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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 5:33:53 GMT



the attack from goes unnoticed and unaddressed. thankfully, comes to his aid, and as the SACRED BLADE swipes overhead, matias is quick to pull his leg back. the bullet grazes his thigh, drawing blood.[break][break]

he locks eyes with for a moment before being pulled away.[break][break]


it takes him literal moments to process what is being said to him—what is being yelled at him. the random outburst confuses him.[break][break]



as reaches his side to start dragging him away, he realizes this may prove to be an opportune time to rid hoenn of what plagues it.[break][break]




his conversations with come to mind as he flicks his wrist. an EARTH SPIKE shoots out of the ground, looking to impale right as the beam of light swallows them.[break][break]

groudon disappears back into its pokeball, and with it, the DROUGHT fades.[break][break]


- matias is saved by [break]
- matias ignores lol[break]
- stealthily, matias tries to IMPALE with an EARTH SPIKE right before being teleported away[break]
- matias heads to HAMMERLOCKE[break]


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March 6th
Nimbasa City
5'7 height
5'7 height
Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
514 posts
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TAG WITH @flood
Xenon Antheil
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 6:46:54 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar

"I don't want your advice dog, nor do I need it. Strength in numbers ain't worth jack or shit if you're not pointing that blade somewhere, and so far the only plan I've heard has been to stand around and wait for big brain to die. I'm finding a way out with or without you all." 's advice is swiftly discarded as Xenon rides further out into the blizzard, her opinion made loud and clear on the intercoms for anyone in Rocket (including ). A Glacial Lance flies her way and only further punctuates her point, hanging around this dying rodent to wait for more deadweight Rockets was nothing but a waste of time in her own opinion.
So she'd go further into the snow, damn the consequences. If it was a choice between wandering out into the cold to maybe die, or staying in one place and definitely dying, the choice was more than obvious. Too bad that nobody else could see that as she heads off into the wilds of the Crown Tundra on her own. She sure as hell wasn't trusting some dying king's promise of legend and fame. This was merely a broken dream of the past, a dying country with no worth, an artifact rotting in the grave. Into the trash.
If she was going to be any kind of character in a story, she'd be the Ultramodernist Villain who bulldozes over these legends and myths, throwing all of it into the trash where it belonged. Kings, knights, princesses, heroes, she'd crush them all and climb the mountain of their corpses to get out of this rotting corpse. And then she'd forget this place ever even existed and firmly bury it in the dirt where it belonged.
Perhaps then it is a blessing in disguise that the Calyrex's power reaches out to her regardless, wisps of Infinity Energy lashing into her in the storm and dragging her across space, bending her path towards the Glimwood Tangle and taking her to one of those last bastions of civilization... Ballonlea.



+ Gets teleported to Ballonlea while riding her Scolipede through the storm, makes clear her discontent with the orders of her superior .





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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
553 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 7:36:42 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

It almost felt like an instant. Her words had been drowned out by the roars of the scattering lances. But even worse, the once stagnant air around her had blown in two directions. If she had not been witnessing the result, she would have never believed with had happened.

The person who she had not even caught a glimpse of had taken advantage of her vulnerable back to launch an attack. But that was not all. The Glacial Spear had been flying towards her.

Had it not been for the quick thinking of Siegfried who had broken out of his Pokeball to act as a shield for her.

In one instant, her two knights had been gravely injured. One from a sucker punch that knocked her to the ground and other from the spear of ice he had been protecting his master from.

Yes, it had all happened in an instant.

And in that instant, the world almost seemed to blur. The form of the young woman who had walked out after launching the sneak was beyond vague. Though she could see glimpses of alabaster white with a contrasting mask upon her face, she could not tell who she was.

Even though she could hear the words of the young woman before her, the voice seemed to distort. A feminine voice would be distorted into one sounding inhuman and would be distorted by a faint ringing.

Perhaps could count herself fortunate that the veil of her lie would be maintained at least a bit longer.

Ah. Ahhhhh. She's right you know. Ever since the incident in the Cloud, you've lost something vital.

The young woman took two Pokeballs and returned her two criticaly injured Pokemon to their Pokeballs. She never once turned back as the questions were answered and as the others put their acts of euthanasia into place.

Sure, your megalomania was one thing you lost. But, at it's core there was something more fundamental that you lost. Something that made you me. Otherwise, you wouldn't be standing here so blank-eyed.

Time almost seemed to stand still as what seemed to manifest before Elaine was an ethereal mirror of herself, it's presence so tenuous it could fall apart at a breath. Yet, the malice in its voice and face were undeniable.

What do you think this was? It was the desire that created me. Something so fundamental cannot be left empty without collapsing in on itself.

Yet, Elaine could not breathe a word to the her past self who had died. What had she lost? What had dulled her blade to such an extent? She could press her hand to her heart forever and never find out.

It was a primal instinct to you. Do not forget it.

Your rage. Your hatred. The fires that you so cruelly tried to snuff till they were nothing but faint embers. Rekindle them. Use them. And forge that which you lost.

Or else you will lose your Pokemon and your friends one by one. Once again, you will...


As she said 'friends', the face of flashed in her head. She reached forward and grabbed the manifestation by its face and swung her hand to the side.


Her hand grabbed a lone Pokeball and released the beast within--the dragon she had only just recently recalled.

"IMMOLATE EVERYTHING, TIAMAT!" She cried out as she jumped atop its back.

She would let her rage and hatred burn bright and burn everything in sight. After the dragon took a deep inhale, it let it out, a mass of flames to consume everything before, including the stranger who helped remind her of what she had forgotten.

"We can head to Motostoke as soon as we've crushed everything."

  • Elaine's outfit, not well suited to the cold but such are the casualties of fashion
  • Ceruledge is severely injured by Sucker Punch, Gallade is severely injured by the lances
  • Elaine returns both Pokemon
  • Elaine is admonished by her past self about something she had lost before she wipes that illusion away. None of it happened in real time. Think of it as a conversation in her mind.
  • Elaine sends out Flygon, hops atop its back and uses Fire Blast towards the Spiritomb
  • Elaine makes verbal intent to head to the Motostoke portal


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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
694 posts
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 16:53:05 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Ugh. Of course, they would not be allowed to play this out. It did not exactly come as a surprise to her, really. Legendary Pokemon just were rude like that. But still, she had hoped that she could at least get more than those few words in before some random spike came around and knocked out everyone.
But then again, at least she only lost one, not two in this. Best to feel glad about that as she recalled Spiritomb for the time being, already trying for her next ball to figure out what to do next. All the while, she kept listening to people announcing on the Rocket Comms where they were going after she had heard something die in the distance and something about portals. At least that legendary had the decency to be very loud about it all so even on the outskirts they were able to hear what was going on, to an extent.
That was what made her go for her Aegislash. Bringing it forth, she mounted it whilst watching her…acquaintance? Friend? Or something else entirely? It was unclear. But she watched Elaine struggle all the same. Something had happened back during their underwater endeavours, that much she knew. But it was difficult to understand what was happening then and there, of course. For the time being, she simply let this play out.[break]
Not the Rocket way to do things, of course. Elaine was utterly vulnerable in those moments. The other had not even managed to properly react to the Ice Lance on her own – another sign to Violet that the redhead did not belong on this field of battle – so it probably would have gone her way had she just assaulted her then and there.
But Violet didn’t. That would have been the rational thing to do. Only she was not the most rational person. Part of her just wanted to see Elaine collapse under all of this. Another rooted for the girl, hoping she could get over her issues and get stronger. As always, the contradictions within coalesced into proper interest and curiosity, even as they hovered a bit further away from the other in preparation for flying towards the portals.
Yet, one of her desires was met by Elaine. Suddenly, the girl seemed to all but flare up, shouting her defiance to the high heavens. Vio’s eyes widened. Not in shock but more in a kind of exhilaration as she watched what followed. Because yes, yes, that was the stuff! That display of passion, fury, of prowess! Ah, it was amazing. Even though Aegislash was already getting out of the way and managed to not get burnt by those flames, Violet could feel their heat, felt invigorated by that. Smiling, she gave the dragon-rider a big smirk from beneath the mask.
Momentarily, she debated saying something. But the other really had already said all there was to say. Best to not ruin the moment. Instead, she turned her Aegislash around and made straight for the portals, reaching for the comms to also -more quietly – state her intent. However, she briefly hesitated. Elaine wanted to go to Motostoke. Probably best not to go there, least she would have to fight her more.[break]
Violet smirked to herself. “Heading to Ballonlea,” she simply noted before going that way. It was her favourite one of those cities, after all. And if Elaine decided to pursue her there instead of going where she wanted, that would be something interesting all in its own right.


+Watches and kind of cheers her on quietly, replaces knocked-out Spiritomb with Aegislash, then heads for Ballonlea, half trying to goad Elaine there oUkEUtEF



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  • Mawile Female Hypercutter Sucker Punch |Taunt | Iron Head | Play Rough | Endure | Hyper Beam
  • Frosmoth Female Icy Scales Quiver Dance | Bug Buzz | Icy Wind | Feather Dance | Tailwind | Powder Snow Ice Bug
  • Spiritomb Male Pressure
    Sucker Punch | Curse | Nasty Plot | Confuse Ray
  • Jellicent female
    cursed body
    whirlpool / shadow ball / night shade / hydro pump / strength sap
  • Aegislash Female Stance Change traded aerial ace, automize, king's shield, power trick, sacred sword, swords dance
  • Zarude Male Leaf Guard Jungle Healing, Power Whip, Bind, Hammer Arm, Scary Face, Growth

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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
1,436 posts
ana fell DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cygne
ana fell
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 18:40:49 GMT
ana fell Avatar


rusted shield,

She doesn’t know the first fucking thing about Galar and its mythologies. She’s fucking lucky she knows anything about Hoenn’s mythos and she’s lived in the region her entire fucking life. She squints up at it while it spits riddles and is, in her eyes, relatively useless. It doesn’t know anything about anything that isn’t its own story. It doesn't deign to answer her question and that's about all the use she fucking has for it.

It takes a lot to kill it, though, judging by the number of people attempting to put it out of its misery. The bulb on its head spits out some petals that glow and Cyg knows, somehow, that these are teleport beams, like the idea just popped into her head and, “This is some fucking freaky shit,” she says to no one in particular, reaching out a hand to drag it through errant light particulates.

The comms crackle in her ears and Kanaya finally decides everyone else is healthy enough to heal Cyg up. Her head begins to feel clearer as the bleeding is staunched and the dip in her skull evens out with an unsettling popping noise.

A bunch of crazy fucking shit happens.

attacks and Cyg does a very good impersonation of the white guy blinking gif because if she hadn’t just been healed she’d have thought she was fucking hallucinating.

This guy is fucking insane. Unbelievable.

decides to try and make the Calyrex a burial mound. Some people join in. Kanaya assists with moving some of the statue pieces back into place with psychic, making everything nice and neat to suit her Virgo sensibilities.

says she’s going to Motostoke. Or whatever. Again, Cyg doesn’t know jack all about Galar, but the name makes her little grease monkey heart happy.

“I’m following Viper,” she chimes in, heading for the proper teleportation petal.






gardevoir helps bury Calyrex and rebuild the shrine[break]
gardevoir heals Cyg's head a lil [break]
cyg watches matias attack josh and is like, what the actual fuck, but doesn't intervene because if the league wants to be all piss contesty and infighty then more power to them[break]
chooses to follow elisa to motostoke

[break][break] mostly



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he / him / his
october 13
Malie, Alola
blissfully unaware
shepherd & lorekeeper
remember me
for centuries
40 height
40 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
421 posts
Jack Napier DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @napier
Jack Napier
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 18:55:18 GMT
Jack Napier Avatar
Not only did his question fall on deaf ears, so did the redhead’s, and he was about to take extreme insult to that when the incoming Ice-type attack literally slammed into his Incineroar who fought valiantly against the attack…

“How rude,” he sighed before watching the dual-type collapse after being knocked down, and out by the powerful Ice-type attack.

“Didn’t even answer either of our questions… this shit makes absolutely no sense at all…”

He could only sigh. As the chaos broke out around them, he pondered on what to do next—and pulled out another Pokéball, summoning his Lucario, Li, taking a three-point landing.

“Since you only have dragons… I think it’s better we stick together, because I can tell you don’t have any healing moves, what do you say?” he offered—he was at least aware the other knew that he had a Gardevoir.

Watching as the four beams of ‘teleportation’ (what?!) showed locations unknown to him, he turned to the other man.

“Well, where you going? I’m following you wherever you’re headed.”

On his cue, the Lucario used Life Dew on them both—and whatever else Pokémon the redhead would bring out that may need healing.


+ mostly, as always
+ Incineroar is knocked out RIP his ace!
+ Jack.exe took extreme insult at the bulb-headed Pokémon not answering any of their questions!
+ saves his freak-out for the redhead once they’re in a quieter location
+ going to follow Sergei wherever he goes. Hue
+ Lucario used Life Dew to heal them both

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 19:38:00 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]The tension rolled out of Isaac's shoulders like steam from an overdone tea kettle. 's words, 's departure, and the concerned look in 's eye stuck in him like a trio of daggers. He'd diffused the fight, but at what cost? Tipped to the edge of frustration and desperation, only found strength in his words. To everyone else, he just kind of erupted.[break][break]

But how could he not? Time and time again, he tried to find peace in a region ravaged by war. The fact that this cacophony of violence could extend even to this dreamlike copy of a frozen hellhole, where they only had each other to rely on for their very survival, filled Isaac with a mix of fear and loathing. Time and time again, his efforts were spit on, forgotten, or actively turned against him.[break][break]

Or were they? As slung a familiar blanket around her shoulders, Isaac's gaze softened. "You kept it," he said, his brain slowly putting two and two together. Sure, he hadn't been able to single-handedly defuse an entire war with nothing but his optimism and pluck. But the camp he'd set up in the Ultra Deep Sea had clearly made a difference for at least one person, one that she'd carried with her to this day. So what if she stole that blanket? The proof was in the pudding. Isaac had mattered.[break][break]

And now he was acting like some asshole because that wasn't good enough.[break][break]

He sighed softly, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, guys," he said. "That Pokemon . . . this place . . . it gets to you. I just want us all to make it out of this mess, y'know?[break][break]

It was too late for some. Calyrex, the high king of Galar, had fallen. Some paid silent tribute. Others, like , left small tokens of their appreciation. took the initiative and made her way to help bury the fallen Legendary. At first, Isaac was reluctant to help. He was on thin ice already, and the last thing needed was to see him assisting members of the League.[break][break]

Then stepped up. Even @tempest paid his respects. With their tacit approval, Isaac's reservations went out the window. Grief had done what his wrath couldn't. The people of the Hoenn region had been brought together to mourn the loss of one who didn't even belong to them. It was beautiful. It was poetic. It was an endeavor he would gladly contribute to.[break][break]

He and Knuckles stepped up to join the group at the burial mound. It was ironic; his first time seeing Luka in a long while, and it was incognito. He focused on helping with building Calyrex's mound, fingertips braving the biting cold as he patted the snow into a smooth, sturdy shape. As he focused on such delicate work, Knuckles' Copycat recalled Luka's Frenzy Plant method, providing a further set of gentle scaffolds to help mold Calyrex's statue back into place. It was like kintsugi born from nature, the statue once noticeably broken but now fully complete.[break][break]

"We'll carry that memory," he said, voice soft and gentle as he put the finishing touches on the burial mound. "This won't be your end."

That seemed to be that. His duty done, Isaac headed to Motostoke. Aurelie and Cygne would be going there there. So, too, was . This realm felt like her, in all the worst ways. He wondered if he was no longer the only one to see that. After all, fell into the same trap he did, ranting about dreams that had become laced in grudges and hatred. Seeing it from the outside only confirmed what Isaac already knew; he'd lost his way back there, and he was damn lucky that a reality check could bring him down to earth.[break][break]

As the earth churned and broke beneath Josh's feet, Isaac wondered if he'd learn the same.[break][break]

"Wait, look ou-" he called, but it was too late. The portal snatched the words right out of his mouth, and then Isaac was gone.[break][break]


TEAL DEER;[break]
Isaac realizes he was getting way too worked up there. Thanks, Akira![break]
Calmed down, Isaac helps Luka, Doug, and Aurelie with Calyrex's burial.[break]
He heads to the Motostoke portal, if only out of familiarity.[break]
He can hear Josh repeating his mistake, and see the consequences churning beneath his feet.[break]
He tries to call out a warning, but is tragically too late. His voice will echo across an empty Tundra.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / M-M-M-M-MEGATHREAD


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Alicia Jewel

July 5
Fortree City
Elite Ranger
135 height
135 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
612 posts
Julia Davis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @julia
Julia Davis
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 20:19:45 GMT
Julia Davis Avatar

Julia kept one suspicious eye on and as all this unfolded. Neither of them was being hostile... yet. She hoped they stayed that way.

[break][break]The Pokémon—Calyrex, it introduced itself—answered many of the questions asked. The people of this world had lost hope after a great calamity and needed heroes to inspire them. Julia stood up straighter. She wanted to be one of those heroes.

[break][break]Her own question was answered not with words but with a Glacial Lance to Snaily's Protect. The barrier shattered under the overwhelming power, and another one struck Snaily directly, knocking her to the ground.

[break][break]"Snaily!" Julia cried. No good; the Hisuian Goodra was out cold. No pun intended. Julia returned her to her Ball for safety.

[break][break]Calyrex gave his final words, and Julia looked away before the first attack struck him. Even if it was an act of mercy to a dying king, she couldn't bear to watch. And from the sounds of all the attacks that hit and the yelps from the dying Calyrex, it wasn't a clean execution. She only dared to look again after the silence of death had prevailed for several long seconds.

[break][break]It was done. The high king was dead.

[break][break] prepared a burial mound and worked to restore the fallen king's statue, and Julia ran over to help, picking up the pieces of the destroyed effigy so Luka's Pokémon could Frenzy Plant them back into place. mocked Luka for doing this, but Julia turned and said, "Memories are precious."

[break][break]When the statue was repaired to the best of Luka's ability, Julia smiled. "It looks great," she said earnestly. It wouldn't be the same as before, but that was okay. Neither was Julia, after all, and look at how she'd turned out.

[break][break]She was surprised to see what looked like Rockets helping, too (unless some members of the League were just really into hiding their faces these days). She tensed up as approached, staring him down despite the nasty look she got in return. Yet he didn't attack or do anything to desecrate the dead. Instead, he dipped his head and began to mumble something that Julia couldn't hear from where she stood. Was he...? No. There was no way a monster like him was praying for the departed.

[break][break]'s familiar voice caught her attention, and she finally realized that he was the one in the Aggron Sygna Suit. She opened her mouth to greet him but then quickly shut it. She couldn't call him "Isaac" here, and she wasn't sure if knowing his Rocket identity would get either of them in hot water. Instead, she just gave him a knowing look and a quick nod.

[break][break]She caught the back half of 's rant to . Then, an earth spike erupted from the ground, and the chill that ran through Julia came from something deeper than the frozen landscape. She looked toward Matias, only to see him disappear into the Hammerlocke light. That... That couldn't have been him, right? There was no way he'd try to kill a fellow League member... right...?

[break][break]"Come on," Julia said to , her voice bordering on frantic. "We're going to Hammerlocke." Without waiting for a response, Julia ran into the light.





  • Mega turns used: 3/5 (paused until further notice)
  • Snaily faints
  • Can't bear to watch the execution
  • Helps rebuild the statue, tells to heck off
  • Tells they're going to Hammerlocke, but El can choose to not follow


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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,791 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 20:26:47 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar

 A challenge to her question comes in the form of a rather small minded comment from . Eva doesn’t pay much heed to it, how is one supposed to preserve knowledge and stories when they have already been lost? When there is no knowledge of them to begin with?

The Calyrex’s response is also quite disappointing. A frown pulls her pink lips down from their somber smile. Who is she to question a god? But she finds their lack of understanding disturbing. For every story, no matter how many blunders, is worth telling. A scientist finds 99 different ways to not do something before learning the 1 way that succeeds. Eva is certain there is something to learn from the Calyrex, and before she can convince them otherwise, they are lost in a blossoming flame.

Her chest hollows, a knot building in her throat when she sees the fallen god. This poison is too dangerous, and she finds fear crawling into her gut at the thought of it infiltrating their world. THE SKELETON. She needs to know more, to understand what they may face in the distant future.

’s presence nearby hooks her attention. The Professor turns to her with a solemn look, her intuition tells her this is just the beginning of their fight. For a moment, she regrets dragging Freya into this, but there’s not many others she would trust to be by her side.

There’s a distant bickering that sparks a relatively familiar annoyance. Arguing? In front of Rocket?


Her eyes widen, a hiss in the form of a sigh leeches from between her teeth. A familiar rumble shivers across the ground. She recognizes it as a PRECIPICE BLADE beneath ’s feet. Her emerald eyes flash gold for a moment as a gentle DELTA STREAM flashes from her extended palms. ‘Gentle’ is a relative term, it's strong enough to apply force to try and push Josh out of the way.

Rayquaza pays little attention to the bickering, there are more important things. Their gaze flashes between the four portals. The deity themself lock on to Freya, a knowing glance is directed towards the CIRCHESTER portal, the same that Lugia and were seen disappearing into. As Eva moves to accompany and , Rayquaza strikes. They lunge with a surprising quickness. Their clawed hands snatches Eva off the ground. She gives a startled scream, as she’s launched through the CIRCHESTER portal with her deity.


+ Eva silently challenges Calyrex’s opinion
+ Eva uses a gust of wind to try and blow out of the way of Matias’ pillar
+ Rayquaza tells where they are going with a look
+ Eva tries to follow and but Rayquaza says ‘nah girl’ and drags her to CIRCHESTER

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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
643 posts
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 20:59:42 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
El averted their gaze, sheltering behind Midas' prior Protect against whatever may come their way. They couldn't bear to watch the king's suffering - and the end that would soon come for it. But with time, someone would manage to deal a killing blow upon Calyrex - putting it out of its misery.

And with the end, came a number of radiant petals - ones that produced beams of light, leading to four different locations. Circhester, Hammerlock, Motostoke, Ballonlea... The four remaining settlements that still stood, in Galar.

But rather than immediately pick a location, El can't help but find themself in that of quiet contemplation - their gaze drifting towards the deceased Calyrex. They... wanted to give it a resting place - a proper burial, even if not one fit for a king - though it'd likely take time that none of them had, especially in a place as cold as this. The earth, frozen as it was, was probably as hard as steel.

Instead, they make a quiet prayer that it is able to rest in peace. It deserved that much, at least, after everything that it had to put up with.

After they return Midas to their pokeball, they glance to the others, to see what they make of the information offered. To see where those around them might go. But much to their surprise, it seemed that there were those who had the same idea as them - just in a different direction.

When began putting together the statue and making a burial mound for Calyrex, El would join in alongside , , , , and . Bibidi, too, would be there to help in such - using her Telekinesis to gather together all the little pieces of the statue that she could find, and hold them in place so that Ume's Frenzy Plant could stitch it up.

But what of the body? After some thought, El would decide to gather the stones and broken bricks of the ruined building - creating a proper mound for the king from whatever they could find. They packed snow and gravel into the gaps - caring naught of their fingers going numb from the cold - simply wanting to make sure that the king was properly interred, rather than be buried under nothing but snow.

It's only when this cairn is complete - Bibidi joining in the work, once the statue was as put-together as it could be - that El steps back. They can't feel their reddened hands - which they shove into their pockets, giving a shiver. But, they feel better about leaving Calyrex like this - they feel like this is better.

The sound of churning earth and Julia's voice makes El jump a little, before they glance in her direction - noticing a stone spike, and her frazzled expression. "I- r-right!" They respond - already moving with her, in the direction of Hammerlocke.
- El and Alakazam (with Telekinesis) pitch in to help rebuild Calyrex's statue, makes a cairn for the king from the stones/bricks/etc. scattered about the ruins.
- Jumpscared by the sound of Matias' earthspike + Julia's voice, wonders what the heck just happened
- Follows to Hammerlocke
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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 21:21:34 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

Underneath the helm Amor watched it all play out in front of him, he drank in the answers that this King Pokemon gave everyone not just himself. The Skeleton, and Black Knight had fought, and if those two pokemon were the two that he thought they were, sweet vindication flooded through his veins, and it took every ounce of his willpower to not just scream 'told you so'. To no one in particular, but it made the warning he received start to piece itself together even more. However that was all driven away, during the "peace" that had bought him, Amor watched throw what amounted to a glorified temper tantrum at . It made his blood boil watching the attempted child murderer try to get self righteous with the psychopath. However what truly piqued his interest was how the Silph retaliated.

Amor knew that he was Groudon's Avatar, but had little data on his actual abilities. He was not as well documented as , or . So noting that he could make spikes of earth appear at will was good to know, but even that information did little to ease the emotions welling up inside of him.

"Hypocrites, every single one of them...." Came the intrusive thoughts once more.

Underneath his armor his face twisted into a sneer, and without informing any other Rocket, Amor made his choice. With Draco at his back he walked into the beam that would take him Hammerlocke. If he was going to be able to fight them one day, knowledge of their abilities was necessary, and today was just as good as tomorrow to him.

If he got to drown them all in a sea of sorrow along the way, that would just be a bonus.


Amor goes to Hammerlocke.
Short, and sweet!
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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
817 posts
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 21:30:49 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

Knowing now thanks to their whereabouts in Galar, it started making sense. This place was ice and snow. A frigid plain... where was Zamizenta though? In her haste to try, and yell out a question, attempting to put Calyrex down with Ms. Clean, she'd no idea she ran herself so close. In a flash, as the Darmanitan watches the lance come, Ms. Clean pushes Genny out of the way.[break][break]

Pierced through... and boom.[break][break]

Genny's pupils shrink... no. No time to mourn.[break][break]

The moment she slows down is the moment she breaks down. She can't slow down. She has to keep going.[break][break]

With a heavy heart, she turns back to the pony king. She wasn't trained for this. She wasn't ready. Her face was matted in cold sweat, her eyes pricked with tears, as she listens to every word the Calyrex speaks. She mentally notes each one as best she can.[break][break]

Calyrex. High King once, ruled a long time ago. The calamity begun a long time ago, a Skeleton raising a long time ago. Galarian people are here, hiding, hopeless. A Black Knight and a Skeleton brought the Darkest Day. Zamizenta was resting. The world is real as is remembered. And a split of four different locations. Lt. says as much on comms.[break][break]

And then she watches the Calyrex die.[break][break]

She was out of her depth. She was a cadet. She could feel the trepidation. The fear beginning to take hold of her. Did she even matter in the long run? Could she even make a difference? Seeing there, now, she would move to assist. Her heart in her throat...

She can... she can do this at least. As she releases Dr. Rhythm the Low-Amp Toxtricity, she orders it. "Yeah... I can." She remembers her voice. Maybe from the Masquerade? Genny doesn't remember With a solemn smile, fighting tears, she moves to help. Even shooting a glare towards , she recites the words Calyrex just said back. "It was to him. And it should be to you too." Even if it didn't matter. It mattered to him.[break][break]

A pretty redhead () came to help too, and as the Lieutenant did the same, and a really tall guy () would recite something under his breath... she couldn't hear it. That blonde () was helping too. She does whatever she can, with a giddy, helpful, quiet Toxtricity trying their best, before turning towards those portals. The Lieutenant said they have to split somewhat evenly. They were outnumbered.[break][break]

She speaks back on comms as they finish.[break][break]

"I understand, Lieutenant." But even as she says this, and watches Rayquaza take one of her heroes, , alone to Circhester... she takes a sharp inhale. She felt worthless here. But if she could buy them time in Circhester, to stop those who went through already, to give Eva some suppressing fire to help.[break][break]

She disobeyed orders. She'd do it. Danger thrown out the window.[break][break]

She walks with Dr. Rhythm to Circhester.




- Ms. Clean now too. You can't catch a break, can you Genny? She was a gift from Elio.[break]
- Assists Luka, Lieutenant, Cygne, Temp, and Aurelie in burial.[break]
- She feels so useless right now. Even though Lieutenant's strategy makes sense...[break]
- She heads to Circhester to try and help Dr. Eva.



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP