i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 21:53:09 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

and so a god falls.

freya sweeps her gaze over the battlefield, assessing the damages from the frozen steed's glacial lances. her earpiece sputters to life and 's instruction is just fine with her: she'll happily avoid hammerlocke and last she checked, ballonlea housed a population of pokemon that threatened every member of her team. 

what doesn't look promising is eva's stare toward hammerlocke's gateway. lyune growls lowly, pulling her attention away from the deity's rider, and down onto the ground. 

the shock of blue hair makes her heart flutter. relief sweeps through her to know that he's okay. her dragon circles down to the ground and lands a few feet away. when she realizes he's not alone, she casts an uneasy glance at the stranger ( ) and then extends a hand out to

"get on. looks like we're following her to -" but behind him, yellow eyes lock onto hers and if freya thought it possible for rayquaza to feel annoyance, she'd bet it does in that moment. their claws pluck their chosen neatly from the ground and launch them into a portal opposite hammerlocke. 

" - circhester." 
lands next to and
sry kyr she's sweeping bae off his feet to yeet to a portal

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August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,301 posts
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 22:40:54 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

Calling things busy was an understatement, yet Kouji’s golden eyes drank it all in, away from the final death of Calyrex, the HIgh King. There were no words of sentiment, nor a goodbye, nor did he give another look to the corpse; there was work to be done.
He ran his hand through the mane of his Absol, staring at the appearing portals, so many answers, and yet he couldn’t even start to process it. Which one would he go to? He didn’t know Galar, had never been there. It was a strange place to him, with an even stranger history, but before he could get drawn into his thoughts even deeper, he saw , was he losing his mind?
He had a half mind to rush in, the faces of those he owed a rematch to caught his eye again and again, but the outburst had caught most of his attention, he stepped forward, closer to the Mauville Gym trainer, yet at the same time; he hadn’t expected the reaction, nor the burst of wind.
”Tch. He really is a piece of work huh?” Kouji muttered to himself before he walked on over to Josh, grabbing him by his collar. ”Hey, don’t go dying before our rematch; especially not to that guy.”His words escaped in a low tone, lingering in the air like a delicate whisper, leaving a momentary pause.
”We’ll have enough time to bite at his throat later, let’s go.” He said as he dragged him into the portal to Hammerlocke.



-Grabs Josh by the Collar.[break]
-Says a few lines, then drags him to Hammerlocke.




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december 10
lacunosa, unova
pokemon researcher
43 height
43 height
109 posts
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TAG WITH @sergeidachev
sergei dachev
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 1:02:54 GMT
sergei dachev Avatar
SERGEI FAILS. And not only that he fails miserably, he losts his ace in attempting to protect the creature that doesn't want to be protected. CALYREX wails beneath the STONE EDGE shield as GLACIAL LANCES spring out of the rock formation, striking Valiant to knockout.

Moreso, the CALYREX chooses to ignore his questions. 's point shares the same sentiment that Sergei has. "But we still got answers to questions we didn't ask."

The High King mentions the Hero of Many Battles and the 'Skeleton'. It mentions about creating the story that will spark the flames of the Galarian's will. It mentions about the last vestiges of human life in the remaining Galarian cities.

If they can find a way to piece the puzzles together in that short period of time, it would be great.

Sergei watches the High King dies and transform into a tree of portals, beams warping across four locations the redhead can only surmise as the four standing cities of Galar. informs him he'll be following him where he goes. Sergei laughs at the idea of teasing him to be a very possessive booty call but dismisses it for more important things.

Like getting out of here.

"Let's go to Hammerlocke."

Before jumping into the portal, he checks the remnants of the CALYREX and sneaks a part of the petals that fell off, as some sort of souvenir for his almost death in Hoenn-slash-Galar-slash-wherever-they-really-are.


- GARCHOMP faints. SERGEI has no Pokemon outside as of the moment.
- SERGEI ponders over the responses by CALYREX to other people.
- SERGEI tells he'll go to Hammerlocke.
- SERGEI tries to grab a piece of petal or whatever from CALYREX as a souvenir

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July 17
Driftveil City
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
224 posts
soyeon kwan DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @soyeon
soyeon kwan
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 1:50:10 GMT
soyeon kwan Avatar
Madd made Soyeon exhale, offering her a worried frown. She was so unaffected socially but her wound, and the woman wanted to scold her but stopped. Her words left her mouth before she could think: "You're lucky you're cute." she said through an anxious expression, her brain not registering about what she had said unintentionally while looking back up towards the fallen Calyrex. There was something to be said about the death of such a mythical creature that was beyond their understanding. It was a sad day for all of the scientific community. They most likely weren't going to be able to question it any more beyond the answers it gave. No source of knowledge of what they might be able to do. Although she did worry about what Rocket could have plans for it somehow. The memory of showing her the Shadow Luiga had stuck with her for some time. She worried if such a fate would befall another Pokemon, even with that infernal machine broken for good.

Several pillars opened up with images of towns and cities of Galar. Soyeon grew curious about what each could hold and looked about to see both Quinns and even Madd getting ready to enter Circhester. There was a good bulk of people going into there, although Soyeon did look at the other pillars and then back to the others. "Ah, I'll go with the other forces to back them up. You seem to have this under control...And Madd, watch your wound." She warned, looking towards the pillar to MOTOSOKE.


- Word garbages with
- She listens to the Calyrex's last answers and dies
- Worries about the consequences of his death and if Rocket will have plans for him
- Plans on going to MOTOSOKE to help other Rocket forces

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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
787 posts
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TAG WITH @caleb
Caleb Harcourt
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 1:57:06 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar

It was 's attitude that pulled Caleb out of his misery, her crude suggestions a not-so-gentle reminder that he should maybe think twice about giving up on himself. He turned, met her eyes, and nodded his head to her in thanks.[break][break]
And then the unthinkable happened: the Godlike Calyrex actually answered him.[break][break]
"Your feeling of guilt is a sign of you becoming who you want to be. Do not forget that."[break][break]
Caleb's chest constricted and he stared with wide blue eyes up at the regal legendary Pokémon. The words were simple, and they weren't necessarily new: after all, they sounded to Caleb a lot like something would say. Had been saying.[break][break]
And then Caleb knew what he had to do.[break][break]
The Ranger straightened and began trudging back through the snow towards Isaac. The younger man was having a breakdown, right? Well, Caleb would be there for him. He would do whatever Isaac needed, even if it was something stupid or crazy or impossible, like try and get all of these different, volatile people to get along somehow.[break][break]
Even if it involved Zev.[break][break]
But then a flurry of activity from all around them interrupted his thoughts, and Caleb turned back to look once more at the Calyrex. Except, now it had fallen: speared through, then burned away by a terrible darkness and the flames that followed. Grief welled in Caleb's heart at the sight. The creature had spoken to him with kindness and compassion - understanding. Even as he'd chosen to ask a selfish personal question despite all of the danger they currently faced, the Calyrex had still found the time to address him. To hear him.[break][break]
And now it was dead.[break][break]
How easy it was to kill a dying king, in the end.[break][break]
It was just as easy, however, for others - including himself - to honor it afterwards. Joining Isaac, Cygne, and several others, Caleb helped build the burial mound. Lyra used her ICE BEAM to freeze pieces of the statue back in place.[break][break]
"Thank you," Caleb murmured to the dead King. "For believing in me."[break][break]
And because of that belief, when Isaac picked Motostoke, Caleb did too.[break][break]

[attr="class","tag"]GOODBYE GALAR: RUSTED SHIELD


Caleb is wearing League-issued tactical gear (inspiration)[break]
Caleb gets some sense knocked into him by both and Calyrex[break]
Caleb thinks it's fucked up the Calyrex had to die...[break]
Caleb helps build the burial mound in honor of Calyrex: Lapras uses ICE BEAM to freeze pieces of the statue back into place[break]
Caleb thanks the dead King for believing in him[break]
Caleb chooses MOTOSTOKE



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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,737 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 2:55:04 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







Audino faints regardless of his attempt to defend her. It seemed like he was on par with Bryan in terms of strength, well, it should have been obvious to him the moment that Bryan lost control autonomy of his body to this thing. [break][break]

Audino, however, was thankfully still breathing. He grunts as blood pools out from underneath it, it was clearly enough for someone to pass out from the shock alone. But Bryan was still alive and kicking as he slowly stands up and places a hand over his wound. "Shit. fuck." he mumbles to himself. With Audino fainted, he had very little in terms of support speed up his healing so he had to let his body do it independently. [break][break]

However in the midst of the chaos, 's random earth pillar, people scrambling into the pillars of light. He decides to head into the area that called out to him, a place that he'd be able to move around easily. BALLONLEA.[break][break]

He sees moving towards the same pillar. "Oi. don't suppose you got anything to help me out here do ya?" he asks as he calls out to his fellow beast. He had the ability to patch himself up faster...but doing it right now seemed to be a waste. [break] [break]



notes about this post

.TLDR [break]
Recalls audino and sends nothing out. [break]
Limps over to the Ballonlea pillar of light[break]
Calls out for to assist him.

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april 15
mauville city
47 height
47 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mrcamm
Colton Boothroyd
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 3:11:18 GMT
Colton Boothroyd Avatar
As expected, Colton's attempt to save the dying Pokemon was all for naught. He could only watch as Optimus' Wide Guard failed to form and his head instead turned to look at a Smeargle that had taunted his attention away. He could do nothing as the attacks brutally pierced the Calyrex, ending its life only moments later, but from what the Pokemon had said, that would be a mercy for it. Its final wishes, stated numerous times, was to be killed and left alone and forgotten by everyone. A painful death, but one that would give way to peace, where it could no longer be tormented by whatever it had been afflicted with.

And yet, Colton could not stop feeling as if he had failed.

He recalled his Iron Valiant before it decided to ruthlessly attack the Smeargle that had dared to taunt it. What good would that do? Cause the groups to devolve into pointless fighting when escaping back to whevere Zamazenta was took priority. But that didn't mean he couldn't remember who haad done this, Colton turning his gaze towards and committing her appearance to memory. One day, he would make this act against him right and pay her back for what she did.

One day...

Colton looked back towards as he indicated the path he was going to take. He nodded, settling on following the other man to Hammerlocke since he really had no other ideas of where he would want to or should go to. Of course, this didn't go without yet another impressive fireworks show from the man's Smeargle, now producing a ear piercing roar that corried well across the hills in a powerful echo. Colton watched in awe as time iteself seemed to distort around the statue, warping it before Kyle disappeared into the portal, with Colton following shortly after.

- Colton recalls Iron Valiant to keep it from fighting
- Colton goes to Hammerlocke

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,398 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 3:16:49 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","textarea"] 'this world's calamity begun since time immemorial.'

[break][break] if this king did not yet know of the existence of other worlds, other timelines and realities that they had been instructed by way of malcadena in the cyberworld, then there was a good chance that the DRK triad had not been here yet either. to this world, or this memory.

[break][break] as the questions and answer session continues, the veil of ancient calamity hung heavy in the air. with each passing minute, each word hung in the air like delicate blossoms, ready to crumble away just like the disease that eats away at the king's skull. they could get all the answers in the world that they need, and yet, there would be nothing that saved the king from his fate.

[break][break] fate, either in their own world or this one, was an unavoidable future.

[break][break] and his last wish was to let death claim him. and who were they - mere mortals - to deny a king?

[break][break] they all attack, but it is and 's effort that cast the last assault. the smell of burning flesh fills the air as a RUINATION brews, consuming the galarian king in a torturous flame.

[break][break] those like and call for home, and jayden is no different. still holding 's hand, he squeezes lightly — both with pride for their kill, and a silent affirmation that they will go together. he catches both and 's gaze as well — CERBERUS too will not be separated.

[break][break] "yoru here. alopex, omen and i will go to ballonea with neon."

[break][break] to those who knew him, it would bear no surprise.

[break][break] it was his hometown, after all.





— jayden is disguised as YORU [break]
— chooses BALLONEA [break]
— wearing his SYGNA SUIT (activated) [break][break]

— with , and


[attr="class","fas fa-crow"]


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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,330 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 3:20:03 GMT

Question after question filled the frigid air, and CALYREX deigned to answer — most. He said little of substance in 's estimation, besides glimpses of information about a Skeleton and Black Knight. Their fight brought forth the Darkest Day...[break][break]

The stipulation for their departure from this memory caught his attention, too. Creating stories that awaken the hero dog? Whatever that meant, Barnaby figured he'd find out once he'd chosen a Galar city to teleport to.[break][break]

And that decision rested solely on .[break][break]

He'd been watching the ranger as all the commotion with CALYREX unfolded. Observed his body language, listened to his question, and judged it for its inherent vapidness in the face of much more pressing concerns.[break][break]

"How do I forgive myself for all of the terrible things I've done?"

What a waste. And yet he found solace in CALYREX's answer.[break][break]

"Thank you... for believing in me."

Such a naïve man-child. Barnaby found himself wanting to quash 's earnest spirit. For now, however, he'd simply continue to keep an eye on 's younger brother.[break][break]

He and several others, including and , helped erect a burial mound for CALYREX — a makeshift remembrance to the memory of a cursed king. To the ROCKET admin, their show of pity for a poisoned reminiscence was just...[break][break]

Foolhardy sentimentality. [break][break]

But it mattered little to him. Soon enough, they finished making peace with the fallen king and warped within the beam of light leading to MOTOSTOKE. Barnaby would do the same, but held back with and didn't announce his choice over comms. [break][break]

"I'll accompany you, Viper." He lurked in the shadow of ROCKET's newest Avatar. If she could rein in her overbearing resentment, perhaps she'd prove useful in his schemes to come.[break][break]



• hidden identity (masked)[break]
call sign: bee[break]
• watching caleb 👀[break]
• choosing motostoke


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played by


leo, leon
september 30th
rustboro city, hoenn
demirom. bisex.
ceo, inventor
save a little
love for me
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
i wish i were better, i wish i had strength. i wish i had anything to prove i was brave.
468 posts
part of
TAG WITH @leonidas
Leonidas Stone
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 3:30:29 GMT
Leonidas Stone Avatar

So much chaos in such a short span of time. Of course, not all of it could be evaded, but at the very least, it granted him solace to see some of the Steel Wings he’d called for the bird ferrying them to conjure forth do their duties as he watched a few of them successfully shatter some of the lances.[break][break]

As for the ones that hit closer to home, however, he found himself bracing with widened eyes whilst immediately leaning against the Talonflame beneath him, clutching onto its feathers and leaning to the side, sharply, as a means to evade the lingering spears thrust their way; an attempt made to no avail, he saw, as one careened with a whir of air by him. As swiftly as it soared through, he whipped his head around in time to see it collide with his companion’s Ceruledge, instinctively leaning around all the more in an attempt to catch it before noting its essence be recalled back into its Pokeball.[break][break]

He furrowed his brows, sighing softly while glaring down towards the scene below—alongside the beams that formed—with a pensive look.[break][break]

”Only way’s forward, looks like…” he murmured, inhaling deeply as an auburn gaze shifted between the portals. Before long, he leaned down once more, prompting the bird to begin gliding down to one of them as his trainer glanced over his shoulder, briefly, towards, . ”Not like the choices are above and beyond, but I hope you’re not picky.”[break][break]


  • talonflame is just flying leonidas and marisol to one of the portals.
  • oocly, feel free to put both in whichever city has the least people.
  • Total Salacs used: x2

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@ @rustedshield

[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 3:31:53 GMT
fern delaney Avatar

The seemingly endless q&a quickly grows tedious to ever impatient admin. So there is a fair deal of satisfaction when the end finally does, in fact, come. And at the command of their own Pokémon, no less. Nimuë lumber back to their side and he recalls the typhlosion. Quick to recall her, he instead sends out his flutter mane. There is no telling what steps come next, or what escapes might be necessary.[break][break]

Across the short distance Fern meets ’s eyes and returns an appreciative nod of his own—a feat accomplished in joint effort.

Then ’s voice cuts in over the comms and Fern shifts in their friend’s direction. Arm out as he flashes Neon a thumbs up. Just like that, the burn of their indignant frustration and anger subsides. A mercurial cord of tension snapping in two. Their playful demeanor returns, but for how long?[break][break]

When the choice of departure arises, their hand squeezes ’s in turn. A silent agreement with the decision made to head toward Ballonlea. “Do you think it’ll look the same?” they muse, casting the other admin a sideways glance. Fern tugs him in the direction of the portal, intent on catching up with Mint.[break][break]

After all, Ballonlea is not so far from his own hometown. The glimwood tangle a connection point between the two of them their whole lives without having ever known it. If these four cities had Mm were all that remained— “What’s become of Stow-on-Side?”[break][break]


+ oh phew it’s dead[break]
+ recalls h!typhlosion and sends out flutter mane in case he needs to scatter[break]
+ luckily does not! discusses his locale choice with his boo[break]
+ moved to catch up with [break]
+ we are going to ballonlea we’re sleepy tonite folks




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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
part of
TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 3:46:30 GMT

it's not perfect, but it works. [break][break]

it works. [break][break]

the king falls, from what she hears, although doesn't know how she feels about death - especially if it was meaningless. so marisol, chilled, still maintains her gaze on the fallen pokemon. the gardevoir at her flank seems to be more emotional than the trainer, and needs her to gently nudge before the feeling pokemon can rouse back to reality. lances pop up, to which the gardevoir utilizes psychic to avoid.[break][break]

her eyes gaze over the body - yes, it was certainly dead. honestly.. while she wouldn't say she minds, seeing a pokemon die in front of her doesn't exactly leave a good taste in her mouth, no matter how stuck up it may have been. her attention is drawn to a woman who moves to begin burying the pokemon and, after a brief moment of thought, she sighs and moves towards the woman, lowering herself into the snow, and reaching her hands down to begin digging snow and dirt out. [break][break]

with the pokemon rested beneath the mound, she lightly claps her hands together as a little prayer - faithless as she is. but there's no time to grieve. first, there was a bunch of questions being answered, and now she's only barely evaded the lances. when she hears the whistle, she lifts herself back up, running back towards the man and his talonflame, and mounting the beast along with the trainer. she prays that the bird can carry them both. [break][break]

the pillars shoot up high, and she isn't picky at all. "i don't mind." she'll admit; it doesn't make a difference. her eyes gaze downwards, towards the makeshift grave that was created for the creature. ".. so long as there's less death." [break][break]

a luxury she can't afford, it seems.




  • marisol helps bury the dead king
  • recalls gardevoir to save her from the cold
  • follows into whichever portal has the least amount of people

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@ @rustedshield

[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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February 2/14
Nimbasa City
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
26 posts
Rhydia Ver DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @rhydia
Rhydia Ver
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 3:49:54 GMT
Rhydia Ver Avatar

A god’s avatar had no response for her, and Rhydia couldn’t say she was too surprised. It wasn’t worth the time of those in the heavens to fret about the opinions of ants, she supposed.[break][break]

She admired for that, honestly. Many people took the power they wielded and attempted to act humble, as if they were still human. Actors were far less appealing than the genuine, oh so real people that made up the spectrum of the powerful and the powerless.[break][break]

Witnessing someone so unashamedly throwing the weight of their power around was just as refreshing as a whole new set of colors to utilize. If fate permitted, she’d love to have the chance to sketch the other sides of the Head Professor into her mind’s eye.[break][break]

For now though, she’d simply lose sight of her in the snow, heading off in her own direction…[break][break]

Or she would have, had she not felt the weight of a gaze on her.[break][break]

”Oh… if you want to stare, take a picture-” She turned her head back to meet his eyes, allowing him a full glimpse of the woman who went out of her way to ruin his little hero act.[break][break]

”You won’t forget me that way~” Rhydia whispered the words with a devious smile on her face, but she was sure the boy would figure out what she meant by them.[break][break]

She heard voices over the communication between rockets indicating their desired locations to the fallen legendary pokémon, each giving their own messages and hints about the organization’s next move.[break][break]

After saving a mental image of the final state of the battlefield for later, the magenta haired rocket makes her exit, heading towards one of the beams of infinity energy that a few of the Ballonlea bound Rockets went to.[break][break]

”To Ballonlea it is… to think this would be my first time too~” She murmured, stopping for a moment as she overhead the question posed to by . Since they were heading the same way, the painter decided to poke in, digging up a piece of trivia she heard years ago that may very well have been false anyways.[break][break]

”I’ve heard the flora in Ballonlea is quite bizarre… there’s a chance one of them might be a miracle drug, fufu~”


Pokémon + Tagging/TLDR Here[break][break]

TL;DR - Rhydia thinks about positively, somehow.[break]
- Torments with a smile and some teasing words. Saves his visage to memory.[break]
- Jokes about dubiously edible plants to and [break]
- Heads to Ballonlea[break]



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played by


October 4th
Celadon City
Rocket Scientist
76 height
76 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
187 posts
part of
TAG WITH @kaname
Kaname Fujihara
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 5:32:49 GMT
Kaname Fujihara Avatar
Spears of ice flew through the air as Calyrex succumbed to the unknown toxin within his body; a king fell to madness once again. Kaname and his Hatterene were not lucky enough to be spared his death throes, as a frozen spear shattered against the fairy type’s body, frost forming on her unconscious body.[break][break]

The scientist produced a pokeball and returned the unconscious Hatterene. “I’m sorry, Momiji.” He murmured, watching from a distance as the group fought and questioned the dying king. It was the final words of the king that rattled Kaname; was Calyrex asking them to create legends? Or was it the ramblings of a dying, mad king?[break][break]

Kaname watches the final blow be delivered and winces. “That was no way to die…” he whispered, as the white pistil withered away; but from death comes new life. Strange petals drop to the ground and blossom into strange windows to another place; clearly a rift or tear in the very world as people who went willingly or were swallowed by them vanished.[break][break]

He swallows hard, pulling a purple pokeball from his belt and unleashing a large purple pokemon. “Haradashi, use Stockpile before we go.” The Swalot inhaled, gathering energy and storing within its body. “Let’s go…” The Swalot nodded, his corpulent body jiggling as he followed Kaname into the portal leading to the castle city of Hammerlocke.[break][break]



+ TL;DR: Kaname watches Calyrex die, feels bad. Kaname calls out Swalot, Swalot uses Stockpile. They enter the Hammerlocke portal.[break]

+ Wearing black clothing and a mask[break]

+ Stockpile Counter: 1



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played by


August 18
Nimbasa City
Pokeleague Soccer Player
10 height
10 height
38 posts
Lucas Holden DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @clown
Lucas Holden
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 5:34:35 GMT
Lucas Holden Avatar
Do you know how volatile space-time is?
Most only see it from a local perspective, but every time you mess with the fabric of time, you create a ripple in the vast continuum of present reality. In other words, you probably broke something somewhere.
In Lucas' case, Blissey's attempt was innocuous enough - Arceus knows how many individual teleports trainers here use, and that's not counting other worlds - but the Legendary Pokemon's last gasp of power crossed the stream into harmony. Or discord, depending on how you view the outcome.
When Lucas and Carne disappeared, their Teleport attempt managed to somehow resonate with one of Calyrex's portals, sucking them in without any fanfare or them having a say in it. It was perhaps an unfortunate series of events, but given how things had gone, you can't say it was unexpected.
Would Lucas encounter any snowcats? The jury's still out on that one.
As space-time stabilizes and Lucas steps onto solid ground, he looks around and takes a second to realize he's once again on uncommon ground. The shrine and snowy mountainous regions are gone, replaced by new, unfamiliar background.
As for the place? Well, even the narrator isn't so sure.



+ Uhhhhh, I might be late. Sorry.[break]
+ Lucas teleports straight to the next town. Don't know if Teleport works this way, I'm just improvising[break]
+ Since I'm late, I'm fine with Lucas getting randomized.[break]



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP