i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
784 posts
Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 8:07:05 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

The efforts she put into the PokéCenter quickly began to show. The place was cleaner, the walls sturdier, the windows, no longer a liability for anyone inside.

Hours went by and as Johanna was swiping away sweat from her forehead and taking in the sight of all the work she had done, she heard bells ringing in the distance.

Something was coming and she figured it wasn't good. She gathered her Pokémon, placed them back in the Pokéballs and went outside. She took a brief moment to assure the PokéCenter. “Don’t worry. I will be back.” before she hurried to the city entrance.

By the time she arrived and found a proper perch from which she could gaze over the fortified walls and moats, A Zapdos clad in black metal could be seen running towards them leading a modest army of poison controlled Pokémon.

One might’ve taken the sight right out of one of those fantasy novels, though perhaps on a smaller scale. Still, that many Pokémon would be a challenge if not impossible to beat with their current numbers.

But they had to try. They HAD to be heroic. As Calyrex had said, they were meant to spin a tale of heroism. She would do what she could to defend this city and its PokéCenter, and perhaps in the process burn bright like a beacon of hope in the darkness.

She retrieved a Pokéball, and from it her Claydol appeared. From her position she pointed toward the approaching army.

“Clay. We need to lessen their numbers greatly. Use the Z-MOVE: ANNIHILATION.”

The Claydol made some Claydol-noises and hovered into the air using its ability to Levitate. It positioned itself somewhat above the walls that had been erected, took aim as it gathered its most destructive energies. Condensed them more and more, until it was nothing but a thin bleep. And then it let the destructive force fire at the approaching army attempting to take down as many poisoned Pokémon as possible.

And as Johanna watched the z-move fire, she felt a moment of doubt. Perhaps those Pokémon could’ve been saved. But would they be able to win if they held back?

7633EjYr + 15

- Johanna rushes to the entrance when the bell sounds.
- realizes an Army is coming she decides to not hold back.
- Claydol uses it's Z-move to try and eradicate as much of the poisoned army as possible.


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the hiker
april eighteenth
ranger officer
how deep
the bullet lies
119 height
119 height
you don't wanna hurt me?
355 posts
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TAG WITH @francie
francie myrtle
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 13:17:51 GMT
francie myrtle Avatar



The barricades are set and she's thankful to not only the people, but to and for their assistance in getting everything secured around the Pokémon Center.[break][break]

Just as if on cue with their final check of the barrier, there's a sound like a car crashing against a mountain. Francie startles, knowing it to be whatever they were protecting against. Determination enters her brows, furrowing them. Her eyes are not cold, but instead they are filled with hope.[break][break]

"I don't know about you guys," Francie begins as she starts climbing their barricades they'd made. "But I can see a freakin' thing."[break][break]

She pauses long enough to touch her ear, if those coms work, it'll alert at least of what she's doing... hopefully she's not just looking like an idiot because the coms don't work.[break][break]

"Francie here, I'm going over the wall." Releasing the com, she looks to those near her. "Unless you're serious about the sacrifice, don't follow."[break][break]

As in, she's well aware if she goes over the wall with her aerodactyl, then she likely might not come back to the Pokémon Center... but somebody's got to protect the people. Somebody's got to be on the other side, right?[break][break]

"Alright," she pulls out a ball and smirks, her mega-bracelet beginning to glow and engulf the heavyball that is in her hand. "It's time for some aerial support! Let's go Tilly!"[break][break]

As her aerodactyl is released, energy engulfs her body. The mega-evolution takes place but Francie is unbothered by it. As a matter of fact, she's atop the wall and jumping onto Tilly's back, the mega-evolution forming around her as they take to what bit of the sky they can manage. To avoid trees and the like, she ducks close to her aerodactyl's back.[break][break]

"Hyper beam what you can, Tills!"[break][break]

With a screech, energy collects into her mouth. It reveals her finalized mega-evolution as she strikes what's below her with a mega powered hyper beam, careful to avoid the walls her trainer worked so hard to secure.

+ location BALLONLEA[break]
+ focuses on GALARIAN ZAPDOS & FRIENDS[break]
+ summons AERODACTYL[break]
+ uses MEGA-EVOLUTION[break]
+ MEGA-AERODACTYL uses hyper beam



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he / him
September 5
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
paralegal / special agent
6'1" / 185 cm height
6'1" / 185 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,445 posts
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TAG WITH @gunner
Gunner Graves
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 15:12:28 GMT
Gunner Graves Avatar

Unfortunately, by the time Gunner reached the power spot, his Alakazam had suffered poisoning from engaging with the claw-like hands. Without a way to heal his Pokémon, all Gunner could do was return Merlin to a Pokéball.[break][break]

Anyway, he didn't need Pokémon to beat the living daylights out of a second time.[break][break]

But a heavy hand on his shoulder and the familiar voice accompanying it stopped him. "You recognize her, don't you?" Gunner said to . He bit back a more caustic comment as he continued, "She beat you almost to death. And she's with Team Rocket."[break][break]

And if one was there, how many others walked among them whose affiliations were less obvious?[break][break]

They had little time for further conversation. A great screech filled the air, the call of a massive bird. Gunner's eyes snapped up to the sky, but he saw nothing out of the ordinary. Perhaps whatever it was hadn't arrived yet.[break][break]

A brilliant light suddenly filled the area, originating from the well that had been emitting the magenta beacon. When it faded, a gigantic Kingler towered over everyone and everything. It instantly attacked, smashing through stone with its enormous claw.[break][break]

"Get back!" Gunner yelled, grabbing his brother in an attempt to shove Gideon out of the way.[break][break]

The claw clipped Gunner, however, sending the agent rolling across the ground. Lose rocks tore his uniform and poison splashed across his mask. Acrid fumes filled his nose as the mask's material began to disintegrate. Seized by a sudden panic, he ripped his mask off before the poison could eat at his skin.[break][break]

Scrambling to his feet, Gunner threw a Pokéball, releasing his Urshifu. A crystalline aura encased the Pokémon as he Terastallized, gaining the Electric typing. "Cut that crab down, Madoc!" Gunner ordered.[break][break]

The Urshifu answered with a thunderous roar of his own, then cranked his fist back to unleash a THUNDER PUNCH upon the massive Kingler.[break][break]

kJfJVwiy +10

[attr="class","tag"]gg: rusted sword


Gunner is wearing League tactical gear + mask[break]
LOCATION: Circhester[break]
Recalls his Alakazam and tries to argue with Gideon[break]
Gets tossed by the Gigantamax Kingler while trying to push Gideon out of the way[break]
Gunner is unmasked![break]
Urshifu is out on the field! TERASTALLIZES + uses THUNDER PUNCH on the Gigantamax Kingler



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[newclass=".gunner2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
[newclass=".gunner2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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Mika, Mick
october 30th
mauville city
5’11” height
5’11” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
130 posts
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TAG WITH @mikael
mikael rosenberg
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 16:21:59 GMT
mikael rosenberg Avatar

[attr="class","header"]YOU WERE GONE TOO SOON


He presses his lips into a hard line as Aurora is poisoned. It was a shame those things weren’t pokemon. Because if they were Aurora’s ability would return the favor. Seeing no way to heal the Espeon at current he decided to return her to her pokeball for the time being at least until he could find a way to heal her up.
Having no other Pokémon that could be of use against the poison manifestations he decided to fall back. He had to dodge poison hands as he retreated to safety. Hopefully he would find some other way to help. When falling back he found himself near the hero baths.
A common drew his attention towards the baths and he saw someone floundering in the water. In an instant he was springing into action. He wouldn’t allow someone else to die. He wouldn’t fail another person.
In no time at all he found himself near the hero’s baths and he barely took note of the fact the water was no longer polluted by poison before jumping into the baths to help the person out. He grabbed onto the person trying to him to the surface without losing his own balance.
In his quest to keep from drowning the alarm didn’t reach him. The sound of the alarm wouldn’t reach him until he had succeeded in pulling the younger male to the surface.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + shorter than I would like[break][break]TL;DR: Espeon is poisoned[break]Returns espeon to her pokeball[break]Opts not to send out another Pokémon just yet[break]Helps to keep him from drowning notices nothing else in the process



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November 1
Mauville City
art collector
kiss me once
then kiss me twice
5'6" height
5'6" height
say a prayer for the wicked
1,148 posts
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TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 17:41:46 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar

Before Summer was able to make her strike at the toxic point, two forms come rushing over to meet , , and herself. The masked man, who she recognized staring at her earlier, and... "Gideon?"[break][break]

She looked at him, shocked and confused. "Why are you here? I mean... what the..." She struggled for words, trying to figure out what exactly she should do in this situation. Because if he was here, that definitely meant she was in trouble later. But... "Do you know if Gunner's okay?"[break][break]

Summer had to ask. There was desperation in her voice, an aching sadness building in her chest. What if he wasn't? She knew he could handle himself, but what if her actions here put him into danger? She wouldn't be able to forgive herself if something had fallen onto him due to her carelessness. The images of her fears haunting her before they came to Circhester rose, causing her head to begin to hurt.[break][break]

Frigg was easily able to knock out the poison at the power point, clearing away the toxins and revealing a long drop. It was dark and swallowed every inch of light that could even think about going down. Summer managed to move out of the way as another slurp of poison oozed out before clearing away completely.[break][break]

"I agree. This isn't the time for us to fight with each other, regardless of whatever the fuck happened between you," she said, shooting a look at and the masked agent. "We're trying to get ourselves out of here, not kill each other."[break][break]

However, any other discussion of peace was cut short as a loud, screeching call filled the quiet air. Summer covered her ears, wincing at the sound. And before a word could come out of her mouth, the ground shook. There stood a KINGLER the size of her company's building, if not larger.[break][break]

"Oh, fuck! Hela!" She called out to her HISUIAN ZOROARK, replacing Frigg at her side. "BITTER MALICE, quick!"[break][break]

Hela wasn't fast enough to attack, the KINGLER already attacking the masked agent. And as he ripped his mask off, sheer horror made Summer's blood run cold as ice. Because she knew that sandy, blonde hair and those blue eyes. His facial structure, his voice, no longer distorted by his coverings.[break][break]

In an instant, her worries about Galar and getting home vanished. Because was here. He wasn't supposed to be here. She fell to her knees, shaking as she grabbed ahold of her chest over her shirt. "Gunner. Gunner, what are you doing here?" she said, trembling.[break][break]

It was as if her fears were becoming a reality right before her eyes.

[attr="class","tag"] + +



- questions why is here and askes if is okay at home[break]
- tries to play peace keeper between and masked-[break]
- avoids the poison splash after the power point is cleared[break]
- doesn't recognize the GALARIAN ZAPDOS[break]
- recognizes un-masked and all hell breaks loose[break]
- used x2 salacs for total of 69


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oRLnpNym + 15 = 69
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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2023 9:42:44 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Angelo would get his wish.

From the vantage height of the sentry point, he and Latios spot the incoming surge of creatures marching through the thinning fog. An unrelenting wave, stopping at neither snow nor the sight of the newly constructed ice wall. As persistant as the poison that clings to their bodies.

He turns to . Although a small grin pulls onto his lips, he leans into her in a display of companionship, arm pressed against hers. “Ready to perform some heroic deeds, sunshine?

At his prompting, warning bells ring throughout the city, their tolls a countdown for the civilians to seek shelter before monsters are at their doors. For their newly conscripted heroes, ripped from another time, to take up arms. 

Don't know if you guys can hear that, but we've got a large group of pokemon approaching the city on the south side,” his voice crackles down the league's connection over the chimes, sharp edged and direct. Down below, the ring leader bird's claws slam against the ice wall.

If anyone can spare a hand, then get over here.

From the skies, a luster purge descends, its shining beam sweeping across the battlefield like a line being drawn. Latios seeking to sweep up any enemy that tries to get too close to the wall. 

wpysJHQ| +10


- angelo and latios spot incoming army
- angelo warns league/city
- league comms: (and anyone else on league comms) 
- latios uses luster purge on zapdos/army
- latios is invisible

- 5 salac used
- total 61

[newclass=.angelocam] [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam b] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam i] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2023 10:14:40 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

"Us against an army?" The swell of obsidian crests over the hill, a writhing mass of hostile pokemon clamoring to be let in. "I think we ought to go easy on them. Give 'em a fighting chance."

His grin is mirrored on her lips, a wild thing stained by the reckless, exhilarating rush of adrenaline. Skyler stands her ground instinctively, muscles coiled in preparation for a conflict. Fingers worrying over the melting ice under her feet.

She is far from being the stereotypical hero she suspects this region is in dire need of, nor does she have any interest in embodying any such qualities. What she does, however, is have an unerring ability to get herself into - and most importantly, out of - trouble. Usually through brute force.

Since Angelo is speaking to the rest of the League personnel via comms (and since hers are muted and not likely to be used anytime soon), Skyler doesn't bother. Instead, she advances to the lip of the building they're standing atop of, peering down at the spiky chicken crashing against their icy barricades.

Kyogre's shadow follows in her wake, looming above in pretenatural silence. Its markings alight, casting a sanguine hue over the ice-tipped edges and Skyler herself. Another Sheer Cold dives down the building, a glacial gust that rushes towards the Zapdos and the army behind it in razor-sharp barbs.


kyogre uses sheer cold on the zapdos and the army behind it
kyogre's ability drizzle is still active

[newclass=.skyler] [/newclass][newclass=.skyler b] color: #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler i] color: #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler a] text-transform:uppercase!important; [/newclass]
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,597 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2023 16:47:47 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

With the power spot nearly unclogged, Nomi turned around to address the other Rockets about the next part of her plan, but when she did so, she froze.[break][break]
was stomping aggressively towards a masked League operative who seemed just as eager to fight as she was. And next to that man was none other than her professor, . He had his hand on the masked man's shoulder and was looking at Parker like he'd seen this movie before.[break][break]
And then Nomi's brain did that brilliant thing it always did: it swiftly and efficiently pieced together various threads and came to a correct conclusion.[break][break]
Parker was the one who hurt Gideon in the Ultra Deep Sea, and this other man - Gideon's friend? - was the one who hurt Parker.[break][break]
Gideon was talking about collaboration, his Slowking's PSYCHIC the final push needed to unclog the power spot fully, but none of that seemed to matter anymore. Nomi began to hurry after Parker, realizing that the one thing she wanted above all else while they were a million miles and perhaps even a time period away from home, was to prevent both Parker and Gideon from getting hurt again.[break][break]
began to speak, but then the ground shook and a loud, blood-curdling screech interrupted whatever might have happened next. Nomi was thrown backwards, losing her footing, as a Kingler bigger than any Pokémon she had ever seen emerged from the power spot, bellowing in rage. Sludge oozed from its carapace and its eyes were frenzied, as if it were in pain.[break][break]
"Parker!" Nomi called for her, panic settling in as she realized she could not see the other woman, the two now separated by the giant monster attacking them. The masked man with Professor Graves fell to the ground as a poisoned claw slashed at his face. When he got back to his feet, his mask had been discarded.[break][break]
And to Nomi's shock, she recognized him. So did Summer, it seemed, the other woman collapsing to her knees and beginning to sob the man's name over and over like a terrible grief-stricken mantra. Gunner, Gunner.[break][break]
"Summer, you've been dating a League agent? Did you really not know he was with the government?" Nomi blurted out, incredulous. Because that was how she knew this man: she'd seen him on a double date with Summer, Professor Gideon, and a version of that no longer existed at Nomi's microbrewery in Verdanturf several months ago. He'd been awfully cozy with Summer. And if he was here, now, fighting against Rocket...and she was shocked about it...[break][break]
Oh Summer, you fool, Nomi thought. But there was no time to do anything about this wrinkle, the gigantic Kingler would crush them all if they didn't act quickly. Parker was somewhere on the other side of it, and Nomi needed to get to her.[break][break]
"Trill!" Nomi called for the Terastallized Togekiss. He appeared from above, having taken flight to avoid the Kingler's rampage. "Protect us from its poison," she pleaded. "All of us," she added, glancing at - based on how he had just racted to the attack, it was obvious he was a highly skilled soldier. They needed his help whether she liked it or not.[break][break]
With a shimmering burst of power, the Togekiss created a SAFEGUARD around everyone within the vicinity of Nomi and the Kingler.[break][break]
ZmSsViU1 + 10

[attr="class","tag"]GOODBYE GALAR: RUSTED SWORD


Nomi is wearing black tactical gear with a black mask, her pink hair tied up under a hat[break]
Nomi is in CIRCHESTER[break]
Nomi makes connections and is devastated to realize what actually happened between Parker, Gideon, and Gunner during PD[break]
Nomi tries to help Gideon break up the fight, but before she can reach Parker, the Gigantamax Kingler emerges from the unclogged power spot[break]
Gunner is unmasked! Nomi recognizes him as the man Summer was dating last winter when Nomi saw her, Gunner, Gideon and Elisabeth together at Moonblast Microbrew[break]
Nomi decides to ignore the issue of Summer's Rocket identity (and perhaps the identities of other Rockets) being compromised due to the fact that she was (is still?) dating a League agent, and tells her Terastallized Togekiss to protect everyone from the poison[break]
Togekiss uses SAFEGUARD: Nomi, , , , , , and their Pokémon will be protected from non-volatile status conditions (such as POISON) for 5 turns



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[newclass=".nomitest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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April 29
103 height
103 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
377 posts
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TAG WITH @lime2
Megan Whitmore
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2023 18:14:03 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar

Was she serious about the sacrifice, as the blonde girl asked near her? Probably not. Megan did not plan on dying here, after all. At least not like this. Sacrificing was something reserved for an absolute last resort, never something one even considered as a first option.
Because your life did not belong just to you. Dying, even if for a noble cause, would hurt those around you regardless. It was always best not. At least she had gained that much resolve. Which was good in the face of this army coming their way, after all. After all, this was meant to be a moment of heroism, meant to be when they fought to protect others.
Even someone like her could commit to that. How could she not? Jo was behind and above her, unleashing something rather big at the enemy. Could not exactly run away from any of this now. Not that she had planned to do so.
Not in a million years. She nodded towards Hydreigon, whom she released the moment an army came in sight. While she did not have any Z-Moves or Mega Evolutions at her disposal, she did have a big scary dragon with three heads. “Tri-attack. Don’t target the same things. Just hinder them left right and center to throw off their rhythm,” she ordered to the black dragon as they took to the polluted skies.


+ does not join moving far from the centre, but takes to the skies and has Hydreigon use Tri-Attack on the attackers XRO1Xe3K



[newclass=.blboxfl]font:11px roboto;--accent:#COLORGOESHERE;[/newclass]

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• Lucario Male Steadfast Aura Sphere | Rock Smash | Meteor Mash | Close Combat | Swords Dance | Extreme Speed
• Arcanine Male Intimidate Extreme Speed | Roar | Flare Blitz | Flame Wheel | Crunch | Play Rough
• Swampert Male Torrent Bide | Foresight | Muddy Water | Mud Shot | Wide Guard | Hammer Arm
• Hydreigon Male Levitate Tri Attack, Dragon Rush, Crunch, Work Up, Hyper Beam, Hyper Voice
• Gligar Female Sandveil slash / acrobatics / u-turn / knock off / substitute / night slash
• Breloom Male Effect Spore Mach Punch, Stun Spore, Leech Seed, Counter, Mind Reader, Sky Uppercut
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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2023 20:04:00 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


Vs Gigantamax Venusaur!

He couldn't imagine the tavern had seen much activity in recent times— but he nonetheless put on his brightest smile for all the men and women present, palming the shoulder of the local blacksmith as he laughed.

"It couldn't have been done with your help, my good man! I cannot thank you enough for the harn—" His boisterous chatter was cut short... by a call to action.

The city was under attack.

"— Oh dear. My apologies, ladies and gentlemen. But it seems I must be on my way." The blonde said as he rose from the barstool, downing the last of his beer before reaching for the coat he had discarded. "Not to worry! I'll see you all again soon."

It was a mere few moments later that the alarm within the town was rung by the peasants. A horn— one that seemed to send a chilling terror through the spines of the blacksmith and his family, and likely all who lived within Ballonlea's walls.

Gwyar offered them all smile, slowly unsheathing his gleaming sword for them.

"There is no need to fret, my friends! Make for the Pokemon Center and wait for our return." The man said, drawing to his full impressive height. "And let your fellow man know! As long as we, knights of the High King are in Ballonlea—"

He raised his sword high in the sky.

"It shall not fall."

Target Found.

Vs Gigantamax Venusaur


Ballonlea's Comms:
Wledig here— I'll be assisting against the Gigantamax Venusaur. Over.

The gargantuan poison flower's dynamax clouds hovered tall even over the stadium's tallest structures, the knight noted with a measure of wonder as he rode into the familiar, dilapidated battlefield atop his Spectrier.

He read the giant's path and did not care for it.

"Go!" He said as he snapped at his Spectrier's reigns before moving to try and stand atop his Spectrier, its silhouette blurring as they zoomed around the giant— before it suddenly grind to a halt.

Launched over the stadium's railings, he landed in a roll atop one of the taller structures, a familiar, broken screen now below him as he rolled to his feet.

As his heels grind to a halt, Gwyar held his hand high, his Lumina Aegislash's incandescence exploding outwards like a flashbang.

"Need any help?" He called out over the comms, smiling up at in the sky, before turning his gaze back towards the Venusaur.

"My, this POV is almost too nostalgic." He said. Even from his higher perch, he still had to gaze up at the giant.

He squashed memories of spectacular matches from over a decade ago— He had a real battle before him.

"You—" He said, squeezing Caladbolg's handle tightly. "You're coming with me."

His Aegislash's spotlight exploded— shining onto the knight himself.

And then he sprinted away, hauling ass with his Aegislash in hand.


-Chatting with folk at a/the local tavern.
-I imagine he probably had to convince a good number of folk to even come, given the circumstances.
-Either that or the tavern is permanently full with people drinking away their problems, one or the other!
-Time to work. Says some hopefully inspiring words to the good people of Ballonlea.
-Fight: Gigantamax Venusaur
-He arrives to the place on his horse, but dismounts/pockets it back after getting launched by it atop a structure.
-Illumina!Aegislash used Spotlight.
-The Plan™: Redirect the gigantamax mon's aggression towards himself and make it follow him AWAY from Ballonlea while his allies pelts it. Basically he's tanking. DPS and healers PLS DO UR JOBS

-1x Salac. :pepehands:
-My last gwyar salac. :Monkas:

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May 21st
Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Private Investigator
Open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age.
202 posts
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TAG WITH @aidan
Aidan Hereford
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2023 22:32:17 GMT
Aidan Hereford Avatar

At first, their quest like a impossible one but as more and more people gathered up and attacked what looked like the root of the problem it became clearer that if they were to get anywhere in this strange world it would require teamwork. Once Aidan and his Alakazam kept safe, their small victory feeling more and more like a poisoned chalice, as everything turned sour once Aidan started looking around him waiting for their next task, the task that never came.[break][break]

Taking a few seconds to gather information about his surroundings he'd start to pay attention those around him. He had never met any of these people but it was clear that they all knew each other, the tension could easily be cut with a knife. He wanted nothing to do with their history, nor was he to judge who was connected to who here, perhaps this was the perfect time for him to step back and remove himself before being hit with a stray. [break][break]

As if a sign from the heavens itself, a ominous bird like screech would fill the air. Aidan's signal that he should clearly move towards whatever monster made those noises, anything felt better than being caught in the middle of a ticking time bomb fueled by human emotions. As he would begin to make his quiet and swift exit, the ground below him would shake as a gigantic Kingler appeared out of the hole that had been left from their previous cleaning job.[break][break]

Like a trapdoor spider, the building sized Kingler would attack those that had entered it's domain, dust and dirt filling the air as it's massive pincers moved. Aidan could hear the mayhem, names were being thrown around, commands were being given, surely everyone would be okay. As the dust around him settled a bit he could see a smaller but still ferocious Kingler fighting on their side, taking this opportunity Aidan would signal their exit to his Alakazam and head towards where the eldritch screech had come from.[break][break]

Moving towards the barricades, Aidan could hear the sounds of another battle going on. Soon he'd arrive to find the owner of the horrific screech. A bird pokemon locked in battle with once again two people Aidan had never met ( and ). An army of pokemon marching towards them behind commander Zapdos. [break][break]

"Time to join the heroes!" Aidan would say while still running towards the fight, in a flash of light he'd allow his Alakazam to Mega evolve. "HIT THE CHICKEN WITH A PSYBEAM!" Pointing towards Zapdos in hopes of helping the two that were already fighting it. Calyrex wanted heroes, it was finally time for Aidan to do something good in his life.[break][break]





  • Outfit: One Masky Boi
  • Location: Circhester
  • Aidan is confused, scared and uninterested by the infighting around the Stadium.
  • Aidan wants nothing to do with the Kaiju fight either.
  • MOVES himself towards the screeching Zapdos
  • Joins and
  • MEGA EVOLVES his Alakazam
  • Attacks Zapdos with a PSYBEAM


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[newclass=.aidan4 .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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march 21
debt collector
chaotic stupid, i'll get used to feeling useless
592 posts
parker jones DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @parker
parker jones
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2023 1:51:46 GMT
parker jones Avatar
it's cool cool cool. now she knows the name of the man whose face she turned into a bloody pulp in the ultra deep sea. now she'll get to think ah, that's gideon when she thinks back to that moment, over and over again. likewise with the bloodcurling angry scream that still bounces around in her brain when she's taking showers, trying to wash the blood off her knuckles. ah, that's gunner!

but the acid snark in his words makes her blood boil and it makes it easier for her to think, okay, well bitch, maybe you fuckin' deserved it. her eyes narrow at the more hotheaded brother. 

"oh, grow the f -" uck up doesn't make it out because their work on the bath amounts to something (yay!) and moments later a giant kingler blasts into existence, cleaving through the group with one massive claw (wtf?). 

parker is thrown to the side, right into queenie. the nidoqueen wraps her arms around trainer and kicks up cobblestone as they land half a dozen feet away. she staggers to her feet and reaches blindly for the shape that had been tossed with them. 

and is dismayed upon realizing it's not or even that bitchass

she holds a hand out anyway to help to his feet. a momentary truce. 'cause things are moving too fast and it hurts to think but at least gideon doesn't make her angry. 

"queenie, fuck that thing up." the lizard slams her fists together and goes to throw her weight against it with a superpower. she thinks of telling her to use toxic spikes, but with all the poison around them, there's a chance this damn crab is made of it too.

over her shoulder, she says to gideon: "you gonna just roll over and take a beating again? or can ya fight?"
wants to help up :poochywag:
nidoqueen uses superpower on g!kingler
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Adel or Della
February 21
Ballonlea City
18 height
18 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
74 posts
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TAG WITH @adelaide
Adelaide Whiteley
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2023 3:15:06 GMT
Adelaide Whiteley Avatar

[attr="class","header"]The Huntress Is On The Prowl...


Adelina didn't let her guard. She had a terrible feeling something was amidst and about to happened. The worst wasn't over and her gut feeling had been proved. Her ralts scream cling on the girl's leg like her life has depends on. Whatever courage the ralts has seemed to regained disappeared seeing the odd and army of poison pokemon. Well then they were in for it for sure but now wasn't the time. [break][break]

Well this would make for an interesting story to let some of the other once they return but at the race this was going they weren't going to return at all. The blonde took long and deep breath. There was not how it was going to go done. "Taneisha, return." This was going to be battle! Once again she sent how her luxray who hissed at her.[break][break]

"Don't you give me any lip right now! We have large thing to worry about! We need to help out or things are only going to get worst." The feline didn't seemed bother by her trainer statement scene around her spoke volume. The luxray glared that galarian bird fearless or not she would intimidate the beast was yet to be now. Electric seemed to be spoke around the feral cat. Until the terrain around them become electrified what a fitting stage for the glorious battle and the birds defeat by her now claw or not. It was to go go down.[break][break]

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + notes:[break][break] Adel feels like feeling will go wrong and it happens when the place is attack. [break][break] Adel switches from her ralts to her luxray. [break][break] Attempting to intimidate the galarian zapos and her luxray used electric terrain.[break][break] hk341QU7  +15 = 33



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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,665 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2023 3:15:41 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

As people join him to help dislodge the POWER SPOT, sludge rushes forth out of it like a popped pimple. Hopper, from the distance, manages to redirect some of it back into the chasm that formed in the wake of their attacks away from , and . But the drop stays behind. "Hopper, visuals!" he shouted as the little Porygon floated back, scanning down the hole before beeping something in code. His expression is unreadable due to behind hidden behind a thick helmet, so its quiet for a good minute before he relays what he can glean. "It's probably not a good idea...but I want to go in the hole. Hopper can't see much inside it." [break][break]

Alarms seem to go off. He begins to hear distant sounds of panic, and screaming. Hopper chirps and whirrs quickly moving back up higher. They beep and whizz erratically as they bob up down, left and right, counting more and more approaching enemy. [break][break]

Then he hears shouting form the young trainer on the Altaria. As announces the approaching threat, Paxton begins to try to formulate a plan. "Shit- is this place even stable enough to act as a shelter?!" he asked out loud, mostly to himself as he began looking aorund before there's a horrible, strangled cry. Something- something living crawls out of the chasm, covered ins sludge, half burnt but still alive. It moved erratically, limbs twisting and snapping strangely. [break][break]

The Charizard claws its way up before pushing upwards with forth, taking flight with pock marked wings and then crashing down. The earth rumbles, and Paxton swallows hard as it began to grow. "What the-" but Hopper is already at his side having TELEPORTED back. Hopper beeps loudly at the trio and attempts to TELEPORT its trainer and his comrades ( should they chose to go ) to safety in the less damaged portion of the stands. [break][break]

"Cassidy to all League personnel, currently 3 members including myself at the stadium handling the GIANT CHARIZARD. Will attempt to keep it from flying out of the stadium." he said already swapping out Hopper for his partner Baldwin. The Klefki jangled on the stand's guard rails eyeing up the kaiju-like threat. "Fire when ready." he said to the key chain as they took in a deep breath before beginning to cast FAIRY LOCK, the pink magical circle manifesting over and under the Charizard in an attempt to keep it from getting out of the stadium. [break][break]

"I suggest you don't spread yourselves out too thin. Stick together. Brace yourselves. You are nothing without your mental fortitude." he said, unable to put forth any sort of plan without more information form the skies. Not that he needs to. Surely there's more than capable rangers and officers to step up where they need to. He will put all his focus on felling the threat inside their city. "Gods, that thing is massive."

|g9uLlOd + 15 = 73


+ @many taggus | SHRIEKINGGG and ready to get my shit rocked [break][break]


- hell eyah lets go down the chasm sounds fun! [break]
- hopper the porygon moves to protect the group from incoming sludge and squeegee it back into chasm [break]
- ty vanilla for the report [break]
- stays for the creepy fucking charizard [break]
- hopper the porygon attempts to protect the group by TELEPORTING all 4 into the stands ( if u wanna go with pax ) [break]
- pax swaps out hopper the porygon for baldwin the klefki [break]
- reports into league comms that there are total 4 people at stadium handling charizard threat + he will attempt to help de-wing it[break]
- baldwin with klefki used FAIRY LOCK [break]
- advises league to stay somewhat near each other and to prepare themselves for the worst ( aka suppress ur depression plz ) [break]



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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2023 3:20:58 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Thomas couldn't help but grin, and affectionately rub the Hydreigon's head. "Good work, buddy.", he told the Hydreigon. "Good work, everyone!", he'd tell the others who had participated in opening the Power Spot. He would then fly off to join the others in building fortifications.

Thomas would watch as the Galarian Zapdos, and the army that accompanied it, charged towards the city. Noticing that had her Luxray lay down Electric Terrain, Thomas quickly recalled Kalameet, bringing out Thread the Galvantula in his place.

"Thread, aim for the armored bird! Thunder!", Thomas ordered.

The Galvantula, taking aim at the leader with his Compoundeyes, and empowered by the Electric Terrain underneath him, fired off a blast of Thunder towards the charging Zapdos.

z8w3pAHC+15 = 92

notes: Hammerlocke Crew
Thomas recalls Hydreigon for Galvantula
Galvantula used Thunder on G-Zapdos, empowered by Electric Terrain, and assisted by Compoundeyes

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing