i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
787 posts
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TAG WITH @caleb
Caleb Harcourt
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2023 16:25:56 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar

's voice was a soothing balm for a sore heart. Caleb turned to face the younger man, flashing him a wry smile despite his otherwise stormy mood.[break][break]
"You're here," he noted, obviously relieved. He glanced at the various drink-making implements arrayed before Isaac. "Beer's fine," he decided. Cocktails were dangerous. He might punch someone in the face, if he wasn't careful...[break][break]
Someone like , for example, who was now approaching the bar. Caleb sighed, smile fading. Navy had been irritatingly concerned about Caleb lately, intent on forming some kind of understanding between them. It reeked of pity, though perhaps that was simply Caleb's cynicism talking.[break][break]
Be nice, he cautioned himself. For Isaac.[break][break]
Whatever impression he made on the League's upper echelon would reflect on Isaac, after all. They were both Rocket defectors now.[break][break]
Navy didn't look too hot, Caleb realized, as the man closed in on them - ignoring Caleb in favor of Isaac's magnetic charisma. Distracted, the gym leader's troubled eyes seemed to roam the whole room. Caleb frowned, unsure if he was grateful to be bypassed or frustrated.[break][break]
Before he could say anything, another figure loomed into view. Caleb did not know well, but the man had...a reputation. Apparently part of that reputation also included ignoring Caleb.[break][break]
"I prefer Kyogre," he muttered, loud enough for both Navy and Matias to hear, folding his arms and leaning back against the bar counter. Casually, of course.

TAGS | | [break]
- Relieved Isaac is there[break]
- Asks for a beer[break]
- Feels indignant that Navy is ignoring him, but whatever. He doesn't want to be coddled anyway[break]
- Matias shows up and ALSO ignores him, and that finally pushes him to say something[break]



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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2023 16:39:36 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar



"Ohooo? And where is the little diva anyway? Ya didn't forget her did you?" Sometimes love was just so saccharine around this time wasn't it? Knowing she was probably off waiting to make some big entrance or still getting her dress ready. Making herself loud and known was a trait that he found endearing of her.

Speaking of making themselves known were two other girlies that Kaz was rather familiar with and his face light up like gold as he raised a waving hand to them. "Yo Yui! Genny! Glad to see ya two made it! And you're killing it in those duds." They were people he's only known for a short while but they both bonded with him when they found themselves in different sticky situations. Plus with getting that shiny new promotion he figured he might as well get to know her, anyone who can reach that status of Elite deserved something nice like a classy drink.

Though that would have to wait as two more familiar faces showed up, and both walked up to the counter, Kaz shooting his fellow brother-in-arms a smile as the girlie gang of , , and seemed to get together. If Kaz and Thomas weren't in constant talks here and there he was almost sure he'd brought his protege as a date to this. Maybe he could be a little Impidimp and bring some mistletoe over, which meant...

"Glad to see ya too Thomas. Hope the farm ain't giving ya too much trouble lately." With the recent large fight over Dewford's borders those Audinos were probably putting in overtime. "Say why don't I go get us some drinks to properly celebrate eh? Keep watch over the girls Thomas. These three sound like they got a lot of cheer inside them." Stealing a bit of Herba Mystica from Desiree's basket he pints it into the collar of his shirt and enjoys the smell of it.

Making his way down he sees that had slipped away without him realizing it and chatting with , something about the Legends of Hoenn or something? "This guy gets it. More of a Kyogre man myself. Ya can blame for that." He grabs the two men by wrapping his arms around their shoulders and brings them close to him as he smiles and shoots a wink at as he does so for giving him a good intro to come in on, unaware of the venom of one's words and the stance of the other's, and turns towards the bartender .

"Yo can we get some drinks for the heroes of Hoenn right here? Oh and for my buds down there?" He jerks his head towards the girlie gang, "Sorry if that's a whole lot, just spreading some good tidings n' all that y'know?"

@mega social

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2023 17:01:38 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]Suddenly, everyone was here.[break][break]

At first, it was just , who made a point of ignoring him in his own dojo. Ah well. Couldn't be helped. Isaac knew it'd happen at least once today. He was content to let handle those questions, shooting them a brief look to not get offended on his behalf. He'd made peace with his fate.[break][break]

The fate he hadn't made peace with was the - conflict being brought right to his doorstep. No sooner had he raised a hand to greet Navy had Matias joined them at the table. He struck up a conversation, the mention of the patron that slaughtered Navy's team sinking into his back like a knife made of magma. Navy's retort, with a pointed gaze elsewhere, was equally envenomed.[break][break]

Leave it to to break things up. He wrapped his arms around the two men, cheerfully and obliviously skipping around their coded words to share his earnest love of Kyogre. Poor , practically pushed out of his seat, grumbled the same. Isaac tried his damndest to keep contact with the man through the wall of bodies.[break][break]

"Nice picks. I'd weigh in, but," he said, keeping his tone lighthearted. He grabbed one of his finest beers for Caleb, pouring it into a mug with a nice, frothy head. Mists danced around his fingers, ensuring the mug would be perfectly chilled for him. "I'm spoken for."[break][break]

Suicune for life.[break][break]

Kazimir promptly put in an order for everyone but Caleb (ow). He then amended that order to include an entire table of distant girls. Hell, there was even a Pikachu at the table! "Woah there, one step at a-" If Isaac had any objections, they died the second he saw . She was here? And she looked incredible? A slight flush spread across his face, quickly supressed by a daring smile. "Ah, screw it. It's the holidays! You gimme their orders and I'll keep 'em coming."[break][break]

And keep them coming, he would. He'd even let himself show off a little. A quick dip in a bucket of icy water would coat some bottles enough that Isaac could give them a solid flip in midair, his hydrokinesis keeping them spinning for a nice bit of showman's flair. Before long, there would be drinks ready for everyone in their now greatly expanded company.[break][break]

Much to 's pleasure, this would include his Pikachu. No alcohol for the little guy, because duh, but it turned out a freezing cold touch also made for some out of this world berry smoothies.

TAG — @ [break]
NOTES — notes go here

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2023 17:12:03 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Chocolate sounds far better than peppermint and vanilla. As for the eggnog, Eris hesitates to grab a cup of her own.[break][break]

When attention is called to her dress, however, she begins to fidget just that bit. Red-tinted cheeks match the way she sways her weight from one foot to another -[break][break]

"You're looking pretty snazzy too." The first words that come to mind are those which she will use to fill the silence between them. A dirty look is thrown Reiner's way when he dares to watch on with that spark of amusement.[break][break]

Oh, but that look is washed away when she realises there's eyes upon her. isn't slick, and she makes it known by staring right back at him. At least, until the truest monsters stroll right up to him.[break][break]

You should ha-[break][break]

"Wanna get a drink? Other than eggnog?" Sweep it all under the rug with a pleasant smile. She busies herself with grabbing a few slices of cake in the mean time. "Think Navy would probably like some sweets?"[break][break]

To ease his nerves. To give her a reason to sneak in and check up on . To figure just why the hell is smiling like a goofball.
[attr="class","adrie-note"] || || outfit

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Lilah; Ceres
August 1st
is everything
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword
131 posts
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TAG WITH @delilah
Delilah Silph
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2023 17:18:43 GMT
Delilah Silph Avatar

A Silph is never late, nor are they early. A Silph arrives precisely when they mean to.[break][break]
Unless they were , much to Delilah's chagrin.[break][break]
Hushed voices heralded the arrival of the remaining three: extravagant, regal figures framed by the silhouette of the Mossdeep Observatory's front doors. In the middle, a woman keen on exploiting the opportunity this party afforded her family, stood with her head held high, midnight curls cascading down an exposed back. As her dark eyes surveyed the room, she picked out important figure after important figure with a laser precision: , , , . Her eldest brother's many peers, the men and women tasked with protecting Hoenn from imminent doom.[break][break]
Oddly, she missed her shadow, then. was just a common man, nobody special, and yet, she was getting irritatingly used to him following her around.[break][break]
"Kyle's here, shall we say hello?" Delilah murmured to the woman standing next to her. had been close with the Champion when she'd last lived in Hoenn. Delilah was still trying to decide how she felt about her sister's return.[break][break]
He'd been quiet. Quiet in a strange way, a disturbing way. Ever since he'd returned from the island off Dewford, where the most recent conflict had taken place, he'd seemed...off. And yet, he hadn't sustained any life-threatening injuries. He'd accomplished his mission. Nobody else in the room seemed particularly worried, nor did all that many heads turn to regard him right away - as if anticipating his arrival. As if seeing a ghost.[break][break]
She resolved to keep an eye on him, though she did not know just what, exactly, she ought to be looking for.[break][break]

TAGS | | Open for interactions![break]



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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2023 17:53:37 GMT



IN THIS INSTANCE, there is nothing special about fernando silph. while the rest doll themselves up for the festivities, or with their ballgown best, his own attire seems criminally uniform. formal wear is the bread and butter of his image. something that should be painstakingly numb to those who know him through repeated exposure.

in contrast, everyone else’s disparity shines like the decorative stars that line the observatory’s halls. blinding. flashy. and, in some respects, an eyesore.


coming here tonight, is more of a service to those who wish for his presence, whether they admit it or not. for delilah, it’s an image of silphdom. that their cursed family will be embellished by their entrance, mesmerized by their status, and uphold the legacy that comes from their history. it adheres to the notion that they are together—a farce he does not mind entertaining.

after all, knowing that yuifujinsilph, his sister, is stuck in a silph co. broom closet, becomes all the more satisfying.

but she is not the only one. being present shows unity between hoenn’s council. for and have their own stake in this event. a minor, novel part, but one that borrows his own title to solidify that they are three. a consolidated team.

go ahead,” he ushers to his 'sisters', “i’m sure lopez will be estatic to see eve again. might even tear him away from the DRIZZILE1 in the room.


outfit check


- arrives with and @eve
- suggest they go on ahead
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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2023 21:48:27 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

A few more arrivals, and Genny finds herself waving at as he passes, and another wave to , a big vibrant smile over glossy lips. And perhaps it would have grown more, if her hazels didn't see and in the distance. Heart pounding like a war-drum, she stares. She's staring. Oh god she's staring, she has to pull away. Did he just look at her? He did, didn't he?[break][break]

A manicured hand moves through her red-orange hair, twirling through strands, and then saves her from her own schoolgirl crush. Arceus, she had impeccable timing. Her AND both were saving her right now. "T-Thank you!" She looked flustered, between the burning cheeks, and the way her eyes kept noticing now. "Oh, I'm having a great time! So many people here!" The eggnog in her hand moved back up to her lips... when...[break][break]

Ah, and ! "Desi! Thomas!" A big hug, pulling her close, and taking a spicy herba mystica clip. Matches the skirt! "Wouldn't miss it!" she moved to hug Thomas, if he accepted it.[break][break]

Genny never really felt that attractive, but after the long, long, long set of hours in front of the mirror, toying with her hair, deciding how perky she wanted to look, or between sexy or cute... she felt it. When Desiree mentioned it, when Yuina and Kaz both said it into existence, Genny absolutely felt it now.[break][break]

"We totally do! Thank you for all your help!" Big toothy grin. They all looked fantastic. Absolutely stunning.[break][break]

Kaz leaves to go get them drinks, at the bar, where she catches sight of , nearest... huh. Didn't that guy () look familiar? A deja vu is all it seems like. But they seemed busy. But added to them, the two that are currently at the forefront of her mind.[break][break]

Grabbing onto Desi and Yuina's arms, she shakes them. "He's not looking at me, is he?" Her eyes are over there now. Both girls would be able to see who she was looking at. Well. That general area. Any assumptions could easily be made.[break][break]

Any wrong ones at that.

, , , , , , , , , [break][break]


- OUTFIT[break]
- Wow, Genny got that schoolgirl crush. Whoever could it be? Well, Yuina and Kaz save her butt. Thank those two. She's having a great time![break]
- A little more nog, and Desi and Thomas enter. Hugs all around! Desi's comments of being hot, compiled on Yuina and Kaz... she feels attractive.[break]
- Seeing a little Goodbye Galar deja vu, Genny is looking at the bar, grabs Desi and Yui's arms, and asks if he's looking at her[break]
- Refuses to elaborate. Could be Caleb, Isaac, Matias, or Navy. Whose to say?



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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,902 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2023 22:05:33 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

“Remiel is my cousin, yes.” She gives a nod to before the white-haired young lady asks if the female royal was on the archaeology side like Remiel or the politics side of things. “I’m more on the politics side of things since I’m not very well-versed in archaeology like my cousin.” Besides the fact that Howard was giving her readings on the Draconid language, the ambassador was still a fledgeling compared to how great Remiel was when he was in office. [break][break]

More people pour in with her waving to , , and the royal ambassador speaks to when he greets her. “Hello, I don’t believe we met. My name is Elise Calcifet, a pleasure.” When asks about if her personal guard would be coming to the party, the royal responds with a smile. “I am certain Sir Osmond will come. He is my personal guard after all.”[break][break]

Noticing her cousin, , had come to talk with the men, Elise would make a note to say hello to Remiel a little later.

@holidayparty [break][break]


- None.



[newclass=".elisetest3"]--accent:#D0BDF0;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".elisetest3 .body"]background-image:url("https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:.2px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".elisetest3 .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,667 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2023 0:14:25 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo couldn't resist a small chuckle. "Thanks," he replied, his cheeks reddening slightly. "Would'a wore a candy cane sweater here if my Beheeyem didn't tell me what 'Festive Casual' really meant. Though it sounds like we're one of the few that got it right."

Though he was sure everyone else was fashionable in their own right. Hideo himself was hardly one to criticize how people dressed. "Took me a bit of time to put it all on. Elga had to help me out with it."

Hideo was just about to prepare his fourth glass of eggnog before suggested different drinks. "Well, I'm not one to object to new stuff. Lead the way. Take it the offer extends to Doug as well?"

He didn't want to leave in their dust. Not when they had a chance to meet that wasn't in the middle of a battlefield.

His Beheeyem was a bit more aware of the situation, noting where Reiner had been looking - spotting in the crowd. It'd make sure that Hideo was standing between Matias's (potential) line of sight and Eris, to make sure there wasn't a partytime kerfuffle.

With Hideo none-the-wiser about the situation.

Hideo's goes along with
Also invites
Hideo's Beheeyem spots , makes sure Hideo is blocking Matias's line-of-sight of Eris (as best he can)
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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2023 2:09:19 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
It was pretty clear to see that 's vibes were not the best. Even if El didn't immediately know who he was talking about by 'his royal highness', the cold shoulder he gave and said a lot. Their first instinct was to glance over to Isaac - being ready to back him up, but looking to see if he'd offer any input.

The look that their brother gave in turn, though, would be met with sympathy - even if they understood the message. It didn't make seeing Isaac being looked down upon by others feel any better, though... It just made them think of the less than positive aspects of their family.

They wouldn't put a voice to those feelings, though - instead just putting on the best smile they could for Paxton as they turned their gaze to Bibidi and Baron. "Did either of you see the patrone?" No harm in making sure before they started searching. The Iron Valiant would provide a mental affirmation, giving a psychic nudge towards the bottles. And there it was!

Turning back to the director, El would hold up the bottle, offering "Here we are, did you want some?" Whatever the answer Paxton gave, El would provide, maintaining their smile.

But once that was resolved, their attention was soon grabbed by a little fellow - 's pikachu having made an appearance! El can't help but make a happy little cooing sound - folding their free arm on the bar and resting their chin on top to bring them more eye-level with Tofu. "Hey there, lil fella - let Bibidi or Baron know if you want anything." They greeted - gesturing to their Alakazam and Iron Valiant respectively to indicate them.

The 'anything' was anything pikachu-safe, of course - but just because Tofu was a pokemon didn't mean that they (or their pokemon, at least; they felt like Bibidi or Baron would understand his wants better) couldn't provide him with some hospitality!

, too, would be given a smile and wave as El straightened back up to greet him. "Hello! Isaac's better with the mixed drinks, but if you just want me to pour you something just lemme know."

El would give a smile and wave as well - though it seemed like he was more interested in talking to Isaac, so they wouldn't interrupt that.

But 's approach was a trickier one - cause even if El didn't necessarily pick up on the tension that came with it directly, they certainly could tell that their pokemon were picking up on it. All the same though, as the talk of legendary pokemon came up and Isaac put his own two cents in, El would comment "I'm biased, myself." with a soft laugh - lightly patting him on the shoulder to indicate who they were biased towards.

The legendaries were all cool in their own rights, but El would forever appreciate the one that saved their brother's life.

would bring on a bulk order, meanwhile - and though Isaac seemed initially overwhelmed, El would just laugh and smile. "Don't worry, you're not alone here." They chirped to him - which was true in more ways than one - and indeed, Baron and Bibidi were already getting down a tray and some glasses to help.
- It's awkward to tag everyone on discord while i'm using the fossil laptop to post so bear w me please xwx
- El is wearing a nice holiday sweater + vibing with and assisting at the bar. Bibidi the Alakazam + Baron the Iron Valiant are helping as well. Artemis the Spoink is just there to vibe.
- doesn't pass the vibe check, but El serves him with the best smile and service they can manage.
- 's Tofu is given a warm welcome, he's free to let Bibidi or Baron know if he wants anything : D
- and are given friendly receptions as well :3
- When waltzes up and talks legendaries, El expresses that they're biased (implied to be towards Suicune)
- El and co are already lending Isaac a hand with 's big order.
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October 21
Ecruteak City
Ace Detective (HBIC Agent)
Healing Hands
42 height
42 height
I may be on the side of the angels, but do not think for a SECOND that I am one of them.
333 posts
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TAG WITH @nikitasokolov
Nikita Sokolov
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2023 2:11:15 GMT
Nikita Sokolov Avatar
[attr="class","nikita"]Once a year, he fulfilled this dreaded obligation—making an appearance at the office party. For this night, the man would ignore the baying of the hounds of vengeance. The urge to feed his need for puzzles would also be temporarily set aside. These specific things he would oblige. But he refused to dress festively. Not unless you count a red tie and sling as a show of Yuletide spirit. Tonight, he wore a suit that had once been finely cut. But, now, it seemed too large. As if someone had tried to stuff a scarecrow in a designer tuxedo.

Fortunately, the observatory offered some points of interest beyond mere gossip. After dropping his present beneath the telescope, the detective took a moment to ponder its view. But he did not see the reason for obsession. He’d always been far more interested in mysteries he could touch. Sharp eyes jumped between present parties. But—aside from the occasional hint of jealousy—there was little of interest. “Good evening.” The detective murmured to those he passed. Those involved with the party received a polite nod and a simple, “Beautiful work.”

Briefly, Nikita paused to watch teenagers sip at what appeared to be eggnog. He wondered if the beverage was age-appropriate. But he made no move to comment. If the children threw up, it would not be his job to clean it. At his heels, Detective Winters clattered along. A large wreathe—spotted with silver—replaced his typically subdued collar. “Let us get a drink.” The first alcoholic drink was laid on the floor. As his hound lapped at the fruity concoction, the detective sipped his whiskey.



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dr. graves
he / him
October 28
fallarbor town, hoenn
museum director
professor / researcher
allopatric isolation
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
i get by, but it's hard to forget in the smoke of denial and the fog of regret.
468 posts
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TAG WITH @gideon
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2023 2:29:08 GMT

"Ollie." Was that relief in the deep timbre of his voice?[break][break]

"I was hoping I'd be able to catch you—"[break][break]

The last word to leave the professor's mouth was clipped as his friend brought him in for a hug. He hesitated for a brief moment, unused to public displays of affection like this, but quickly returned the embrace with a soft pat of his own.[break][break]

"Thank you." He replied as Ollie pulled back, feeling a little sheepish at the compliment. "You too."[break][break]

Throughout their exchange Gideon's expression remained a pleasant neutral, but there was a growing heat under his turtleneck collar and the faintest tinge of red creeping up the back of his neck.[break][break]

"This place looks amazing, by the way. You did a great job coordinating all this."


outfit check[break]
ollie's making him blush but it's lowkey


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songbird, eve
september 5th
to be a flower you need rainy days.
310 posts
evelyn silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @songbird
evelyn silph
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2023 3:35:30 GMT
evelyn silph Avatar

a soft expression had been worn by the scarlet-haired silph. her auburn gaze, taking note of those within the room, viewed the scenery that unfolded before her. a gentle smile formed as the room, filled with familiar faces, encapsulated her with warmth. many would see, had they looked the scarlet silph's way, that she was draped within a formal garb that would capture her femininity; one would almost think that the songbird was on her way to a performance with how resplendent her dress looked.


she stood with poise alongside her sister and brother, but would come to direct her gaze toward . as spoke to the scarlet silph, she would say, with a soft gaze, "i'd love that, i haven't had the chance to see him since my return." though, temporarily, that would have to wait. evelyn took note of 's appearance. she wanted to say something, but she didn't know exactly what. after all, with her recent return, evelyn still had a lot of catching up to do. she had yet to be informed on some matters that left her with silent worry for her family.

with a simple nod toward , she'd say, "we'll be off then."

the songstress would lead herself and , had she chosen to follow in suit, toward the rambunctious duo and . upon manifesting behind the pair, evelyn would come to grab by lobe of his ear. "you still haven't changed," she said, a voice that would have some familiarity to it, "stop picking on your senior. that's no way for a champion to behave." evelyn would then proceed to release her old friend in order for them to properly face one another, "i thought by now you would have broken that nonchalant attitude of yours, ." [break][break]

evelyn, with glee, smiled toward the fellow champions.


note: evelyn, with her sister behind (had she continued to follow), grabbed by the ear to get him off of . she would playfully scold . [break][break]

[attr="class","ooc"] @gang-gang

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,665 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2023 3:47:44 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

[attr="class","cp cp-target-o"]


Unlike , Paxton doesn't leave hanging. He gives her a thumbs up from the bar top before waiting for service. He nodded along, more tired than anything as held up two fingers and begin to ask for a pour. It's enough distraction to allow another one to sneak up on him. Gods, there's a reason he didn't want to come tonight. He straightens up, staring at the ex-ambassador steely eyed and humorless. For a moment, he considered putting on his knees. It'd be easy. He wouldn't see a knee to the balls coming in this setting. [break][break]

But common sense and a desire to not embarrass took over. "Officer Concordas, Councilwoman Penelope's department deputy." he informed, subtle in his correction. He considers again not touching the man, not even talking to him. It takes everything in him not to bust the galarian's nose, quick and easy. Just a swift jab up and a crack- [break][break]

He takes Remiel's hand, intentionally grabbing Remiel by the knuckles and snapping a vice grip on them. He wants to hear something crack, wants to feel something buckle and watch Remiel try to pretend he's perfectly fine. [break][break]

"Making yourself at home in the hen house, Mr. Fox?" he asked, not shying away from the encounter. He squeezes hard, wondering if he could actually break something. "Or do you just think throwing around bags of COINS is enough to make people forget the type of scum you are?" [break][break]

Thank the Gods, for and having it out next to them. He doesn't have the headspace to register the beef, nor remember why it even existed. At least Matias wasn't a fucking Rocket. His tryst with didn't make him one, he hoped. Paxton readies to let go, glaring up at Remiel. " may have loosened your leash but I'm under orders from her to put a bullet straight through your eyes the second you fuck any of us over." he said attempting to drop the aggressive handshake and shove back the taller man. [break][break]

"That goes for any other Rocket that thinks they can fake turning a new leaf."


+ | fit | yall where did his cat go?? [break][break]

- at the bar with many people, ignoring most [break]
- speaking to remiel [break]
- introduces hismelf ( kinda ) and gives him the worst handshake ever [break]
- tells him paxton will kill him the second he breathes wrong [break]
- does not care for the matias v navy beef + grateful everyone is focusing on them [break]
- tries to let go of the handshake and shove remiel against the coutner ( unsexily....unless?? oslo? ) [break]
- threatens lich rally every rocket defectors life with his full chest [break]

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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December 25
Hammerlocke City, Galar
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
63 posts
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TAG WITH @cadeyrn
Cadeyrn Osmond
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2023 3:59:58 GMT
Cadeyrn Osmond Avatar
to serve and protect
template by Punki of Pixel Perfect
it took time for the knight to finally get the change to get his head out of his ass. He was far from being okay however if he didn't show up then that would more trouble than his worth.  He placed around the room for more than thirty minutes.  was a saint to be honesty their talk and settle old of his issue like men. Maybe feels least a little better there was a lot he was going to have to admit to Elise why had been so distance these few week. 

Cinder was glared all the while he was acting like a child. "Cinder, don't give me that look not right now. I trying to think here." The fire type gestured to the clock snickering. Oh dawn! He was late! "Ugh!" It was now or never! If he didn't leave now then he was never going too. "You know I hate you sometimes."

Cinder rolled her eyes lied near the fireplace as the marched into the bathroom. He made prepared for the event. He had to dress to impress. "How do like look?"

Cinder just blinked before marched on outside. Ivy who had been watch everyone from the sidelines follow in foot. The knight grumped follow after the "ride", "We are making a the closest jewelry shop!"

He had to made everything was made right. Every. Single. Thing. So using the money he save up on a few presents didn't matter. Gifts wrapped, Cinder return to her pokeball waiting out the events and Ivy at his side.  He arrived with a bit of style. This was going to be good. 

Cade walked inside not caring for making a grand entrance. He looked around finding Thomas and...Elise. Ivy already took zooming to place one present under the tree and trying some to eat. Just don't think about the past. Cade walked up his beloved and close acquaintance. "So for being late, Lady Elise. I had get a few  thing done and well. What's a party with a gift! I got these for both of you as a personal thank for all the trouble and given what happened with those aliens we all need a little pick me up."

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing