i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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January 25th
6'1 height
6'1 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @nimbus
Laurence Whateley
POSTED ON May 9, 2024 3:18:47 GMT
Laurence Whateley Avatar
After his turn of humiliation at the hands of the Munkidori, life continues, work is done, and humiliation is dosed out like medication. Laurence is forced to endure it all, lest he be corrected by the various examples that the monkey had made of ignorant and rowdy prisoners. He tries his best to stand in line, to keep himself unseen and unheard, especially in the battered and bruised condition he is in.

The dreams had seemed to become more and more vivid, leaving him in a more fevered state than the chain that bound him to his cell at times. There were moments where he felt hot, scorching even as he woke up, his throat parched and demanding water…A complete opposite in regards to the depressing fog that he was used to. He welcomed it, this new change in things.

It would seem that this change would be much more dramatic though, for it would be the last day that feeling seemed to blossom into something more volatile, something that his body seemed to hunger for when he heard the first start of commotion. Freedom. His body lightened up a bit, though not enough to have him forget the limp he had earned from the cruel games before, demanding to yearn for that freedom a bit more as he moved on.

To the bottom.

He could hear a voice inside him call, pulling his legs towards the center platform as droves of prisoners pushed on. Laurence tried to let the crowd carry him a bit, letting his weight lessen even if a little. The wardens, however, took issue with it, a few were caught within the attack’s of the monkey, but as it tries to strike one of the few prisoners that Laruence could see, the pokemon finds that its attack fails, rather, the chain of Laurences’ locks onto the strangers, keeping them bound to one another rendering him immune to the attack for that moment…

“Keep going, I’ll make sure to stick next to ya! Long as you keep pushin’ I should be able to hold them back from getting you!”

Laurence barters, getting an agreement from the stranger as he trudges on towards the center. It would seem that whatever was at the bottom would await everyone soon enough…

Ability of Laurence Whateley: Guardian Angel -- Whenever Laurence touches a person, for as long as they are remained in contact, the effects of Munkidori's psychic attacks are lessened. 

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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,741 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON May 9, 2024 3:34:19 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa2"]

Hope poisoned the soul.[break][break]

How much crueler it was to witness the light at the end of the tunnel before being fully entombed in darkness and despair. Any small chance for salvation was as much a curse as a blessing, for to fail was to suffer and grieve your captivity all the more.[break][break]

She knew this agony of wanting intimately. Betrayal gave the most miserable of grudges life, and betrayal itself couldn't exist without trust or love.[break][break]

This was the single most painful truth Elisabeth sought to deny: that those who held the most deep-rooted grudges had once loved the most blindly. And what was she as an Avatar of Wo-chien, if not the living embodiment of that truth?[break][break]

Like rain, her unbidden tears watered and nurtured her newfound powers at the sight of -- ruined by their unforgiving surroundings, rendered to a dumb and mad creature her heart couldn't reach. She furiously wept for her helplessness, and as she did so, the spite in her melted away with Azelf's WILLPOWER.[break][break]

"You are enough."

A cloying floral aroma swept through the vicinity as this thought took seed within her, suffusing her with a strength buoyed by 's assistance. Magenta roses bloomed forth from the TOXIC CHAIN that yoked her, shedding petals that danced around her despite a distinct lack of wind. The petal blades shimmered and moved with her thoughts, taking form as a feminine figure that knelt before her like a servant awaiting orders.[break][break]

"You will be safe. He will be safe. You are enough to succeed as you are."

She believed that inner voice, feelings she'd meant to suppress swelling within her as the flowery figure dispersed in a storm of petals and fled to assist in the thick of battle. Pink-hued blossoms soared among the reach of his shadowed rope, cutting like knives into anything that might prevent his assault on their captors.[break][break]

"Nothing here can harm him, not if you won't let it."

One such soul leapt forward to strike him, and the petals howled as they shredded into the skin of that attacker, inflamed by the protective fury that raged in her at the sight.[break][break]

"Nothing can harm you here, either."

A remnant of petals had stayed behind, coating her with pink flowers that fluttered like butterfly wings: serving as deceptively flimsy armor. Instinctively she flinched when Barnaby turned towards her, some small part of her consciousness half-expecting the shadows he commanded to turn on her, too.[break][break]

Instead, a hand extended to her, and she reached for it like the drowning reaching for shore.[break][break]


How desperately she hoped. How she hated herself for hoping so blindly and loving him so fiercely.[break][break]


[attr="class","ooc"] [break][break]
Prismatic Penitentiary: Ugly Ward (TLDR)

- Because people who love and trust blindly are capable of being the most cruelly betrayed, Elisabeth's grudges reveal her deep capacity to love. This awakens with her tears and her desires as manifested by the TOXIC CHAIN, turning her spite into a rush of affection and love for .[break][break]
- Elisabeth takes Barnaby's hand and dares to hope they'll escape, despite how much hope terrifies her.[break][break]
- TOXIC CHAIN ABILITY: Inverse of Wo-chien Powers with FLOWER PETAL MANIPULATION inspired by her LOVE of instead of grudges. Summons a storm of flower petals that can cut like knives, take shape like a Fate servant, or surround her body like armor. Mostly uses this to defend Barnaby.


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April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
341 posts
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON May 9, 2024 3:47:01 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

He knew it. He couldn't wait to prove to his friends he could think of things sometimes once he got out of here. If he got out of here, actually, because the slow shift in the tone of the strange shared dream he had every night seemed to imply that things were about to get very, very real.
When he woke in the morning, his suspicions were confirmed by the strange tension in the air, as though everyone in the ward was holding their breath, waiting to jump at the proper provocation. Still, he kept his head down and his movements carefully constrained, lifting and breaking the rocks as yet another day set in.
When the platform descended, though, he couldn't help but offer a triumphant grin; that was the sign everyone had been waiting for. He whooped as his fellow prisoners lunged into action, scarcely looking twice as Eddie grabbed his hand and the pair dashed for the platform. As they ducked through the melee, a guard rushed forward, and before Beau could even think to react, Eddie's chain whipped around and struck the Megalopolan with a sharp rebuke that send the other stumbling backward, clutching his chest.
Wait. Did this guy know who they were, who Beau was? Did the guard really think he stood a chance? Beau saw red as he surveyed the recovering guard, and his focus was such that he didn't register his own toxic chain sliding around, stretching downward to lie flat against his back in line with his spine.
Blessed, searing heat physically drove the icy fear that had clutched at his spine this entire ordeal. He could feel every muscle in his body, he felt stronger than he ever had in his life, and he felt a sincere, indignant satisfaction when his fist connected with the guard's vulnerable sternum in a Chain-powered punch that sent the being crumpling.
Uttering his first boisterous laugh since he'd woken in this hellhole, he turned back to rush forward, toward Eddie. They had a job to do, every one of them, and as he joined his fellow prisoners in their descent, he knew what they had to do but didn't know if he'd survive doing it.
For the first time, he didn't care. Fear would not stop him.




Toxic Chain: Beauhemoth. Beau thinks his desire is to survive and to see his friends survive, but on his most subconscious level, he wants to measure up to those around him, to fight back-to-back with the greats, and to be useful enough to make a difference. Beau's chain augments his physical strength and offensive ability.[break]
Punches a guard really really hard.[break]
Going to platform to descend right behind Eddie!




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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,086 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON May 9, 2024 4:06:12 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu4"]Each bite like devouring rotted fruit, turn to ash in her mouth. She bears all the pain she can muster, toxins running down her chin, tears running down her face, grimacing with pained laughter the entire time as she chews away at something that at this point feels like her own body. [break][break]

With each bite, the wound regrows, faster than she can possibly gnaw away at it. She persists, however. Pain, it's punishment for all the wicked karma she's accrued, the very reason she is not deserving of that vision glimpsed in the mask. However she might reach that desire of enduring peace, how could someone like her possibly be worthy of it?[break][break]

She spits flesh and blood onto her cell floor in anger and hatred, more for herself than anything. If she was a better woman, she would have made contact with the angel within the dream. Whether blue or golden, it didn't matter. She was abandoned by Arceus and Eternatus both, in this pit of despair. Neither would wake for her.[break][break]

On the second day, she resumes her work. She works relentlessly, pouring her heart and soul into polishing crystals until she can see her image in them-- a reminder, of the reason she will never glimpse that future beheld in the mask.[break][break]

On the second night, she chews away at the chain. The pain is excruciating. It keeps her sharp. Focused on the matter at hand. She cannot allow herself to dream again of slumbering angels, to be reminded of just how many she's failed.[break][break]

This cycle repeats, day in and day out-- exhausting herself by day, punishing herself by night trying to tear herself free, lost entirely in a whirlwind of pain and hatred, forgetting the future that was lost.[break][break]

That is, until the seventh day. She does not emerge from her cell. She lays on the floor, awaiting death, for the bird shall come and claim her. She's fine with that outcome, she's decided.[break][break]

"Come on. Get it over with. Just let me die."[break][break]

She announces to the first person to grace her cell block. [break][break]

Opening her eyes, she looks at them, expecting a megalopolan or the chained animals. Instead, she sees , flanked by megalopolans who stand silently at either side of her door.[break][break]

"... Navy, you're... alive? Thought the day you were laughin', you..."[break][break]

She watches him upside-down, hands crossed over her chest like she were already in her grave. The chain around her neck graces the two megalopolans on either side of the door, threatening to touch Navy as well. She doesn't move, all her energy gone.[break][break]

"Why're you outta your cell? What's goin' on?"[break][break]

She's none-the-wiser to the events unfolding outside her cell, sunken so far into a cycle of self-loathing she's clueless to the messages of the angel from the dream, or the chaos unfolding elsewhere. All she feels deep down is, for the first time in her life, some semblance of--[break][break]


toxic tranquility - the bearer of this chain can cause anyone it touches to immediately cease any hostile thoughts or actions, and perceive the bearer as an ally for as long as the chain is in contact


+ [break]
+ Ugly Ward[break]
+ Roll DESPAIRING Disadvantage[break]
+ tl;dr - 2baki spends days polishing, nights chewing away at her chain-limb to keep herself from dreaming, avoiding her desires out of self-loathing-- finally, on the day of the jailbreak, she's caught lacking and her chain manifests her desire for peace.


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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
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Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON May 9, 2024 4:30:35 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




Overwhelming despair haunted her where she went, in her waking time, her dream time, all the time. It was funny ya know, the only kindness she found her was amongst one of her worst "enemies" but now after the time they've spent here, working together, her feelings on became more complicated. [break][break]

Would it have been different if she had heard him out more? simply trusted him more than she did in that moment? What if had HEARD her? That seemed to be the reoccuring theme in her life wasn't it? Being misunderstood? Being told what to do instead of being able to choose for herself. [break][break]

So when they all began to develop their own abilities with their chains, Melody developed a unique ability on her own. She felt an urge to life the toxic chain up to her mouth and... "GET HIM!" she shouts as the TOXIC CHAIN MAGNIFIES HER VOICE [break][break]

She focuses on and he'd feel his strength multiple as Melody's ability was to COMMAND OTHERS TO FUFILL HER ORDERS AND EMPOWER THEM IF THEY COMPLY. Strength would surge through 's toxic chain as he'd move faster and faster to reach their goal of slaying their wardens. She had a feeling it wouldn't work but their time together here taught her a valuable lesson that she had forgotten. [break][break]

Together they'd survive, alone they'd fall. [break][break]

She then set out a second set of orders "GET OUT OF HIS WAY" she'd scream into her microphone mochi as she'd order some of the guards to not get in amor's path. [break][break]



notes about this post

Notes go here

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TLDR: Melody suffers through the weak, relying on the kindness of to get her through it. [break]
Reminisces on her past, realizing why she was placed in the DUMMY ward [break]
Melody's desire to be HEARD creates a toxic chain ability for her as she finds strength through her WILLPOWER[break]
Melody has 'the voice' (think dune) in which she can give someone an order to do an action and if they comply they become stronger while fulfilling the order[break]
Melody orders to go faster and get munkidori[break]
Give's a second order to the megalopolalalsoesan guards to get out of his way so they don't get absolutely slaughtered.(not sure if this could be where it gets toned down.··
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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,513 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON May 9, 2024 4:37:03 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar
[attr="class","space annal"]

idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword




"it wasn't our patience."[break][break]annalise's eyes shift along her visor to look at , her voice quiet beneath the crystallized cue. their escape has always been promised by the TOXIC CHAINS around their necks. the directive she'd overheard from , the urgency to get to the belly of the prison, the chaos erupting in their ward — all by its design. [break][break]her toxic chain loosens over her mask, acting by her will, allowing it to fall from her face. she takes her first look of the ward without her vision obstructed, sees the megalopolan guard coming to subdue her, holds a hand out —[break][break]her toxic chain uncoils from her neck and wraps around the guard. she can feel the tingle of their life force siphoning through each flexible link, stealing their strength until the only thing keeping them on their feet is her. after being so powerless for so long, the feeling is intoxicating. [break][break]and then her retribution is meted out. the megalopolan's skull cracks against floor, thrust against the ground by the tug of her toxic chain. she turns, sees the slow-moving tendril seeking to chain her to once more, and swats it away. [break][break]don't touch me. [break][break]it's spoken in the icy look she gives him. she feels the sharpened impulse to reach out, to wrap her toxic chain around his and see if she can bleed him of his spirit, but their orders are clear: go together.[break][break]she hesitates, then turns to head to the elevator, seeking to erase anyone in her way. [break][break]

[break]ugly ward
[attr="class","oocnotestwo"]• ability: smurfing reyna (steal vitality through toxic chain's touch) [break] overhears azelfs message from (ty blue)[break] rejects 's buff because she has the willpower(!) to be a hater again[break] heading down ↓↓ [break]


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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,093 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON May 9, 2024 5:13:32 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
He was not worthy to stand up and fight.

That was an charge given to the worthy and the strong, those capable of overturning the shackles that bound them to this world. The strong who had long been subdued, but were now beginning to rouse themselves. had found his flame. had faced his mockery with the foolish brazenness of youth.

Where does that leave me? The admin thought as he woke. He gave a nod to as the eerie silence. The calm before the storm, mere moments before the world was overturned and wrath erupted forth. Nobody wanted to be chained up and confined in this nightmare world.

Even those chained beyond the walls of this prison did not want to wake, realizing that they were trapped. He would not end up like .

"This is it, councilwoman." Howard's voice was a murmur, a rasp like a brush over stone. Eerie in the silence before the breakout. "When this started, I was fine with rotting in a cell. Hell, I still am. I knew many of us would escape, eventually, but I never counted myself among them. Only the deserving should get to escape. Only those who are worthy should get to dictate their fate, but..."

The cell doors grinded open.

"I want to live." His mask gleamed. "It's what Doug would've wanted."

The damn broke. Chaos erupted.

Hear me, false world. I proclaim our victory, here and now. I proclaim the failings of our species, here and now. Our vision is blurred, our limbs fragile, and our perspectives have stagnated.

I have studied history for all my life. I declare this:

These flaws will be cast down into nothingness. I can't guide anyone, but...

...I can look forward, just for a moment.

Perhaps this was the reformation of the human perspective. Rocket and League cooperated, every once in a while. If they could fight this monkey with as much fervor as they fought each other, this war against a dying world would be won. Hoenn would not be turned into another page in someone else's history book.

One way down.

As he dodged a blast of latent psychic energy, Howard realized he could see from both eyes. His gaze was hazed magenta. Whether that was from his own rage or the chain's influence, he did not know. He did not care. He already used the power of one god for humanity's benefit. What was another?

"MONKEY!" Howard screamed at the drooling thing as it attempted to foretell a future where its victory could be assured. There was no need for it to do that, because all futures were the same now: mankind's victory. "WHAT WAS IT FOR?"

He didn't want the Megalopolans to answer. He wanted it to. He had been mocked by it, laughed at by his cellmates, and scorned in the false dream.

"I SAW YOU!" Howard screamed, spittle flying from his lips as he rushed towards it. Visions flashed in his magenta haze, visions induced by strange mochi and odd herbs. Memories of four creatures fleeing Route 119. It had dodged his question. He wasn't even sure if it could answer.

He would pursue the answer to his query even if it cost him his other eye.


Howard's other eye works, though his vision is now a shade of magenta. He is now functionally colorblind. League and Rocket are symbolically the same.

When he or a bestie are in mortal peril, he can foretell it through a 'vision' or 'flash' or 'sixth sense'. Only works if the attack is mortally perilous (kills you).

"BACK THEN! THAT VISION WAS YOU! IT WAS YOU RUNNING AWAY FROM THE CRIME! Suddenly, his vision shifted. It was like he was looking behind him at a strike that was yet to come. "ANSWER ME!"

He ducked. The strike missed. The historian who looked backwards elected to look forward instead. It was what Doug would have wanted.


Return of Paperwork Guy:tm:
Remembers the MONKEY
Weird retrospective like what???
his power is that he's now munkidori (the memes foretold this)
Jumpin' dat monkey

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miss monroe
june 7th
verdanturf town
ranger / daycare asst.
cadet / nurse
we came, we saw
we complicated...
5'11" height
5'11" height
mirror on the wall, tell me all the ways to stay away.
135 posts
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TAG WITH @noble
POSTED ON May 9, 2024 5:41:16 GMT

Petra's body heals despite the arduous work filling their days, fueled by mochi and glimpses of a shared dream. While her spirit has only come to know despair in this place, the brightness of that ULTRA MEGOLOPALIS can't help but allow some prisoners to realize something. Their strength of will, perverted by these wardens and their toxic chains, was still there.

After nothing but dreaming, working and eating mochi for so long... Such a small taste of WILLPOWER was enough to ignite the tinderbox-for-a-prison. The efforts of the incaercerated collective didn't take long to manifest. Despite contrasting ideals or loyalties, the prisoners rally at the call to defy those who presumed to be masters of anything.

Even their chains could no longer be trusted, escalating the conflict in an unforseen trajectory - giving their prisoner's the advantage. Many are eager to raise a defiant hand, though Petra is reluctant, choosing to operate under the light of self-protection.

Regardless, when the opportunity to learn more about the toxic chain prevents itself, she obliges. And to her surprise, the discovery is potent. Her screams for the enemy to "Fuck off!" appear to be obeyed once her chain glances them. Though her skill with the chain-whip left something to be desired, as there were many others besides the one she actually hit...


- Tries to help make a push for the (elevator) platform in order to go DOWN.
- Petra's Toxic Chain | Chain-of-Command: With her current idea of "Strength" influenced by the three warden's, Petra can internalize/vocalize a "command" that will be carried out by whatever it is her chain contacts. INUYASHA... I MEAN, OKIDOGI... SIT BOY!


[attr="class","bottom"]PP: WEAKLING WARD[break]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cloud-moon"]

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[newclass=".petraevent .credit a"]font-size:12px; position:absolute; z-index:99; right:100px; bottom:10px; opacity:0.3;[/newclass]··
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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON May 9, 2024 6:01:49 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

There was this strange, yet familiar silhouette that would flash in his mind’s eye during those waking hours—while the words were initially garbled, as time went by—he realized, he fucking realized that there was a message—one that gave them hope.

Was it a false, or a true sense of hope?

Time had muddled so much in this space (it felt like the alternate Hammerlocke, only much worse since there was no getting to their Pokémon) it felt like he was ready to give up—


Him, give up?

After being his companion’s fucking pillar for the entire time they were trapped here?

Fuck no.

Moment the words became clear and mass chaos began breaking out, there was nothing else to it.

“Stay close to me,” was all he would say in Zach’s direction—because who knew if they were going to get sideswiped; the way they were relentlessly tortured during the ‘Laughing hour’…

He wasn’t going to stand for this.

Never mind if the mochi threatened to make him hurl, he would put up with it—he would definitely need a detoxifying deep clean the moment he got out from—from wherever this was—and the chain, oh the chain…

Once a symbol of oppression, it… huh.

Where did his chain go?!

He knew not what was happening in the other wards; however the moment some unsuspecting blue-skinned ‘space alien’ tried to come up and take a bite out of him, for he must’ve looked pretty tasty—a swing of his arm made something wondrous… and all the same time terrifying happen.

He’d wondered where the chain wrapped around his neck had ‘disappeared’ off to… only for the ‘space alien’ to suddenly scream before an explosion of blood and guts abruptly dissolved them to blue bloody bits in front of him.

Normally he would be screaming and have fainted around this time; however due to the way time worked in this place, he… he’d grown numb to seeing all the spilled blood; all the guts, gore, and what have you from whoever else poor shmucks had dared to rebel or defy their prison wards until this moment.

Huh, what—

The remnants of the ‘chain’ he could see had transformed into a seemingly innocent-looking ‘accessory’ that had wrapped around the fingers of his right hand—the creepy thing was how they seemingly melded straight into his own flesh and blood—so if this was one part of the chain, where was the other—

“Look out!” he would warn his companion, seemingly swinging his right hand in the same direction as more guards came chasing after them—he was expecting some kind of ‘attachment’ to come flying out from his hand but… but there was none.

Instead, the same thing that had happened earlier with the one that had tried to take a bite out of him happened—the loud screaming before the explosion of a fine mist that eventually dissolved into bits and pieces of blue mush and guts were left behind.

“…shit,” was all he would have time for, before seeing that there were other prisoners who were trying to make their way towards a certain point—

“Come on! If you can’t walk, I’ll fucking carry you!” he would offer; this was the adrenaline talking at this point.

Never mind if he thought he could feel something heavy settling in his body a few times after he used that strange accoutrement that had encircled his hand, well… they had to get the fuck out of here!

Several more attempts at stopping them would happen; however all it would take from him was just one seemingly innocent random, innocent swiping at thin air gesture from his right hand and they would all explode.

Or be shredded into blue space meat; whatever.

Tempted as he was to go after the booger monkey, they had more pressing matters to deal with—for they had to get to the bottom of wherever this place was.

Before they lost advantage.


Frog where are you please come save your husband!!!
• Birddad™ starts getting the muddled messages from Azelf—or the Azelf silhouette about the break out
he continues to put up with this shit until it’s time to BREAK FREE
• the moment the ‘great escape’ is put into motion, they’re on the move—he’s travelling with his cell companion
• the willpower that had been burning inside him… did not turn into something that could help heal, but built off his resentment instead!
• toxic chain transformed into a seemingly innocent accessory covering most of his right hand—when the hand that has the toxic chain ‘accessory’ is waved or gestured in the direction of any incoming threats, anything caught in that ‘path’ will either explode or be ripped to shreds from the inside out yes I went full-on fucking Kurapika here
• no Pokémon listed since they don’t have them with ‘em

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August 17th
Alto Mare
Time is money. You are a waste of both.
32 posts
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TAG WITH @leonsettentrione
Leon Settentrioné
POSTED ON May 9, 2024 6:43:06 GMT
Leon Settentrioné Avatar

Once more he found himself surprised, though admittedly not by much. Part of him had assumed that the previous demonstrations had merely been a warning, meant to instill fear and keep the populace compliant. The logical part of his mind never seriously considered that they would go on to cripple more of their workforce, much less kill them. It was simply asinine and did nothing but harm their own purposes. The rest of his mind, however, the parts that felt nothing but disdain and disgust, revulsion at everything he'd been forced to endure in the past week, was not surprised in the least when he found his feet had parted with the floor. Of course they were that stupid.

He felt every bone in his body shatter with the repeated impacts, the muscle compressing them to dust and grinding the shards into his flesh. His head bounced off the floor with each downward thrust until he was quite certain the back of his skull had been cracked open. There was certainly enough blood, pouring from every orifice, streaming from the mask in a cascade of crimson. And then it stopped. He found himself staring upwards, his body slowly cooling, muscles not responding. He couldn't feel the pain anymore; couldn't feel anything. So it's true. He'd heard that, after death, the brain remained conscious long enough to realize it's own end. This was certainly not how he'd ever pictured discovering the truth of that.

Darkness crept in around his vision. He could hear Aubre, but she seemed so far away. The sound took forever and a day to reach him.i It was just a by product of course, his fading vision was soon consumed by her. And then the sounds stopped as well, and all he could see was the mask; and even it was swiftly fading. His only regret? That he couldn't see them smile, one last time.

Then, unbelievably, life rushed back through his body, filling him with warmth and energy beyond what he could have ever expected, his vision returned in full force, the lights blinding him as his pupils rapidly dilated and retracted. He heard Aubre again, and though at first glad, the rage quickly returned, turning the warm glow to a burning heat. More pertinently, he could now feel the fleshy tendril that had forced it's way down his throat and he quickly gagged, his shattered arms trying in vain to remove it, unable to even move themselves. Thankfully it soon retracted, leaving him briefly gasping for air that still managed to choke him. His eyes looked up at the mask, knowing that behind it was beauty unassailable; and he laughed, though pain ripped through every single nerve ending as he did so. "Now I....know how....he feels...." He tried to grasp her hand, but his arms remained where they were. "I will....have to kill....him if I am not...going anywhere..."

Though it galled him to have Aubre forced to drag him back to the cell, there was really nothing he could do. His body was shattered, possibly irreparably, and simply breathing took all that he could bear. As result the final days passed in a blur as he lay on the cot in their cell, unable to perform their tasks by their own actions. He could only imagine what they thought of it; the idiots probably blamed him for their malfeasance. It was only at night that he rose, walking through the dream once more with Aubre; after a time, at least. She'd had many choice words for him that first night, none of which bore repeating in polite company, but they soon found an accord, of sorts. The other nights they walked, talked, spoke of the visions and their implications. Though Leon had no taste for such things, he could not deny the truth of the matter: something was speaking to them, putting them on a path of its own design. Where that path led, for good or ill, was yet to be determined.

When the revolt began, he found that he was again surprised, though this time it was by a great deal more. He had not expected any of these fools to have the gall, particularly after the most recent display of brutality. Yet he was wrong, and from every corner of the ward they swarmed like ants. Likewise he could hear the stomping of feet above and the clamor from below, leading to one inescapable conclusion; the entire prison was in revolt.

His mind obviously spun into high gear, but in his current condition there was little he could do; he couldn't even move afterall. But there Aubre was, his crimson angel, hauling him up and striking her own blow at their captors. His heart stirred, and his mind hardened. Crippled or not, he would see her out of this safely, even if it cost him what little life he had left. As sapphire eyes swept the ward his gaze narrowed. And in turn he would see them dead for the harm they had caused her, and the indignities they had foisted upon him. Though he was not aware of how or why, the chain that had previously constricted him began to morph. Where once purple links had strangled him, their now stood a humanoid figure, a being of metallic silver that reflected the light from every direction. Rather than arms, it instead bore a pair of rotary cannons, still at first as the barrels stared blankly intl the darkness. It strode before them, and as it did a pale glow embraced his wife, and any others it might be able to reach that were directly engaging their foes. Blows and forc directed their way simply died, the energy seemingly absorbed. It was this power that the metal being drew upon, its 'arms' out stretching before it, locking into place as slowly, and then faster and fast they spun. With each revolution came an eruption of power, as though it were spitting bullets formed of the very powers it was absorbing. Though careful not to hit any of the prisoners it was otherwise indiscriminate, its body slowly panning across the ward, shells of inexplicable power ripping into any guard or ward not quick to seek shelter.

He limped along behind as Aubre half dragged, half carried him onto the waiting platform. The silver knight remained behind, the shells continuing to pour and engulf the entire ward. He did not think he could control it, whatever it was seemed to possess it's own...perhaps not sentience, but certainly purpose. It acted of its own will, and it seemed its desire was to reduce the entire prison to splintered pulp.
⚰︎ divider made by milky!

*Dummy Ward
*How dare you Aubs
*Leon is in the doghouse again
*Toxic Chain Power: Spiteful Maxim - A metallic humanoid able to form a barrier around others that absorbs hostile acts and transmutes the power into 'shells' fired from the rotary cannons replacing its arms.
*Sorry its a bit late, its been a really rough week for me. xx

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,692 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON May 9, 2024 6:53:22 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar









In the corner of his cell, Remiel marvels at the small basin of tears he has gathered. There, in its pool of clear light, the imprisoned prince perceives a vision: AZELF at the bottom of a lake. Just as he had seen it alongside during their RKS SIMULATION.[break][break]

Was that the key to their escape somehow? He looks over his shoulder to ensure is still sleeping. He supposed any escape plan would require some form of collaboration... even with someone as detestable as him. He resolves to continue gathering his tears and strengthen the vision further. Though, before long, the means to escape would come to him in a dream anyway.[break][break]


With SPEAR in hand, Remiel fights his way below until he finds and on their level. Upon seeing the former unconscious, he's quick to scoop down and grab her with his free hand before leading the way again. "We need to advance! Go!" He urges those around him, pointing his weapon at OKIDOGI to summon his newfound power.[break][break]

The sphere of influence that his concept of an IDEAL WORLD exudes manifests as a golden glow in his eyes. He glares at the large cat with this power, setting it partially aflame for going against the tenets of these IDEALS by its very nature.[break][break]

NOTES ♔[break][break]


imposes his vision of an IDEAL WORLD upon a single target. If the target goes against this vision, they are afflicted with a terrible burning sensation before being set aflame partially or entirely (depending on the offense). The TOXIC CHAIN forms into a divine spear in Remiel's hand when this ability is activated. Impaling something with this spear can activate the burning flame as well.[break][break]




[attr="class","remy-lb-bannerbottom"]PRISMATIC PENITENTIARY ⛓️


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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,398 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON May 9, 2024 6:58:00 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","devil cursed"]

[attr="class","lyrics"] not a god's chosen [break] but a god's cursed




[attr="class","postbox"] it does not matter how many times he is called back to the waking world, the allure of POWER yearns for him like a siren's call. it aches, it burns.

[break][break] every moment spent by the coveted's side in that broken world only makes it worse. it only siphons away what is remaining, forcing him to continue fraying at the edges with each passing moment.

[break][break] envy takes to hatred like fire to water. one cannot exist within the other, and yet, both are side-by-side no matter how much the universe compels them otherwise.

[break][break] in the dream-world, everyone's desires must come true. but amidst the absence of the potent energy bestowed by the perilous chain, despite everything that should be otherwise, jayden's psyche relentlessly fractures. the cracks leave more room for the poison to leak through: for hope to arise.

[break][break] when he inhales those frosted tears, much like , his mind clears.

[break][break] they will take the city. they have to.

[break][break] they will be free.

[break][break] the alarm sounds and that is their cue. even without the power of his chosen, jayden presses on without hesitation along with the rest of the crowd, the TOXIC CHAIN sinking into his flesh and encircling his neck. this time, however, instead of choking him — the glowing chain only provides him a surge of power, of hope, that makes heat flood through his body. his eyes are crystal-clear — he sees the past and the future and everything that they must become in order to survive.

[break][break] the past that he surrendered as a result of being a cursed child of rocket. the future that he'd abandoned, under the temptation of such ceaseless power.

[break][break] glimmering blue shine like teracrystals in his eyes as the fog clears to reveal the sight of megalopolan guards running towards him. one bellows, wielding its chain with intent to cleave heads in two. yet, an icy-white energy envelops jayden's chains and infuses him with it's toxic might. the admin breaks free from the crowd— suddenly, the azure-faced assailant stumbles, knees buckling beneath him, horror piercing his gaze as he collapses to the ground.

[break][break] "we will be free."

[break][break] his voice is his own, no longer shackled with the chaotic influence of a being greater than him. no, his vision is clear and his influence untethered.

[break][break] "don't stand in our way."


TOXIC CHAIN ABILITY: temporal terror [break]
jayden's toxic chain ability traps foes in a timeloop of their worst nightmares. upon activation, foes become ensnared in recurring cycles of terror, immobilizing them with fear and hatred.

[break] seeing their brethren fall, several other megaloplans run after him. but jayden is determined. even in the darkness, he refuses to fall prey to the feeling of powerlessness that had weighed over him in the cell. that he'd felt for the majority of his life.

[break][break] he thinks about what dionysus had said to him in the dream, how every choice could lead to a potential future. how every action, no matter how small, was his own.

[break][break] he thought about how had raced through palkia's plane, stitching together the broken parts of their universe.

[break][break] how he too ached for such strength. how he too wanted to save those that he loved.

[break][break] 'this is my future,' he thinks. 'the choice is mine.'

[break][break] 's tendrils of black lance around his shoulders but he doesn't repel them. jayden recognizes the familiar embrace of a rocket better than any other, and it only propels him forward towards the guards that come to attack them.

[break][break] he spots as their target, her dragonfire illuminating her against the darkened web of their shared prison. jayden channels his newfound power, aiming to carve her a path to her hateful future.

[break][break] white energy ripples around his body, wielded by the toxic might of his chain, before blasting out. curdling screams echo through the air as several guards crumple to the ground at the strength of jayden's might, the power of his hateful will.

[break][break] if only they could feel the pain that laced through his bones for more than twenty years of his life, if only they could feel the resentment and the suffering.

[break][break] but just like him, their choices were their own. their strength was their own. their terrors were their own.

[break][break] time is an endless loop, but jayden was determined - at least in that moment, with as his anchor - to break free from it.

[break][break] "now's our chance!" he says, watching shoot a laserbeam at their avian captor. "it's now or never."

[break][break] making sure that is with him, he sprints towards their salvation:

[break][break] the lift.


9|QmlEfK [break][break]







[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] spends a lot of time with in the dream world, and is therefore influenced by that envy [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] thanks to the tears and azelf's willpower, jayden's toxic chain ability manifests in forcing other ppl to experience the nightmares that he always experiences, temporarily immobilizing them [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] jayden breaks free with the others and attacks megaloplan guards with his toxic chain ability, forcing them into a state of nightmares to allow the others to break free. he is strengthened by theo's buff TY THEO!! [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] breaks down the guards who stand in 's way [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] he shouts for everyone to go towards the elevator [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] waiting for , he eventually breaks free for the lift with everyone else [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] 6 salacs rip [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] UGLY WARD



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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August 15
4’9 height
4’9 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
61 posts
Mimi Hirose DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @mimii
Mimi Hirose
POSTED ON May 9, 2024 7:04:32 GMT
Mimi Hirose Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb mimi"]

you've got no reason to be afraid




Time blurs together in the prison. Brief moments of hope become easily forgotten. Her brief exchange with @genny in the dream universe provided her with information but Mimi was an idiot, she didn't know what to do the information she gained all she could hope for was wait for others to act. She was to much of a weakling to initiate anything. She was even beginning to feel as though she was a burden on . All she could do was rely on others.

Upon hearing a strange cry, the situation within the prison rapidly changes. Prisoners were beginning to fight back, and from what she observed they were somehow overwhelming the guards.. Mimi also partakes in the chaos, she tries to escape their cell but is quickly caught by one of the meglapolan guards. She finds herself powerless in his firm grip and unable to escape no matter how hard she punched or scratched him.
Panic rises inside her as she notices others bravely confronting the guards and even the wardens. Yet here she was powerless against one measly meglapolan guard. Mimi's frustration continues to build and without her realizing it, the toxic chain wrapped around her neck spreads down towards her chest and more up her throat, empowering her vocal cords and diaphragm.
Out of frustration Mimi cries out: "let go of me!" and to her surprise it somehow worked. The prison guard suddenly released his grip and looked around as if he was in a confused trance. Mimi didn't understand what happened but she quickly runs away keeping close with others to rely on their strength instead of hers.


- toxic chain ability is Hyper Sonic Voice: Mimi is able to disorient and confuse her enemies for a brief moment.

[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,898 posts
part of
TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON May 9, 2024 7:34:07 GMT




[attr="class","symbol"][attr="class","fas fa-fire"]


Dream, visit Chi-yu, talk to .

Dream, visit .


Dream, visit .


Everything was different after Penelope's visit to the Chamber of the Desires. Now, faced with the truth of her intense ENVIES, there was no escaping the reality that has followed her since Mt Chimney. It hid in every flash of shadow, it strangled every pleasant conversation.

To breathe was to remember, to live was to deny.

Still, she pressed onwards, forcing down mochi after mochi, withstanding the nightly torment of close proximity with .

Until the day finally arrived. The day of freedom.

's nod was wholly ignored. Instead, when the time came to stand, she approached with words far less sentimental in nature. "Escape, rot - doesn't matter. If we meet again, I'll kill you myself." She slowly inched toward the cell door, eyes already escaping far from the conversation. "Til then, if you make it out, say hi to that mummified friend of yours for me."

The damn broke. Chaos erupted.

Bodies rushed out into the wards, washing every inch of the warden in a blur of colors. Penelope immediately kicked into the mix, shoving past the throng of freed prisoners, wasting no time in deciphering faces, too enraptured with the dangling carrot of unspoken freedom.

Until a familiar voice sliced through the crowd.

"PENELOPE LIVY , where are you?"

Her eyes grasped for the words, hungrily awaiting the relief they promised, but before a connection could be made, a sudden force threw her shoulder backwards, sending her sprawling.

"What the-"

It was a guard. Lanky and splashed with the strange combination of colors, the frenzied man's purpose was clear. To return Penelope back to her cage, back where her weaknesses lay, back where she'll die.

Not again. Not this time.

Willpower pulsed through her veins, and without realizing it, the toxic chain that once bound her to these walls began to rise as Monkidori's had. As it hit its zenith, stark red strings overtook her immediate surroundings, linking each person with another, or each person with an item, a path, a destination. Instinctually she knew what it meant: each one was a cause, each one leading to an effect. A probability. A fate. A deniable truth.

One came from the guard, tethering him to her, him to another, him to his weapon, him to every possibility linking him to his prescribed future. All she needed to do was rewrite and rearrange. And so she does; in those few seconds of tight intensity, a puppet became a puppeteer, pulling and cutting red strings, retying the guard to the fate of falling to the ground, granting ample opportunity to ensure he'd never regain footing.

By the time her fight concluded, became easily found, lurking near the exit where Penelope's heart stretched toward. "I'm coming!"

Heart pounding into her chest, the councilwoman swiftly broke into the head scientist's immediate group, taking note of every flash of red that followed.

"Let's get the fuck out of her-" Words shriveled on the tongue. From one look at , Penelope bore witness to a flood of crimson, stretching outwards from her like tendrils. Each one attached itself to a nearby guard or prisoner. "Illeana your chain! You're"

Words weren't required. The picture of decay had already painted the extent of her imagination, wringing out every villain, until each one carried a gaunt look of terrible age.

But what of her? What if -

"I've got your back. Whatever you need."

Forced backward, further from the reach of crimson death, Penelope stared back up at , still reeling from the distress of revelation. "Thanks," was all she could muster, both exhausted by their surroundings and the haunting period that had almost retired her existence from this world. "Let's focus on escape. If you see , make note, and let's try to join her. There's no guarantee we'll all get out of here, but I rather not return to Evergrade alone."



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

Penelope's power allows her to see visible red lines connecting people to the various possibilities one might take. Each one ties an object (cause) toward the future it'll affect. With this, Penelope can MANIPULATE one's fate by snipping and altering the lines of cause and effect, creating a more preferable outcome.
[break] [break]
This relates to Penelope's desires, as she conflicts with her own predestined fate. After seeing the vision from the MASK of Desires, Penelope is stuck in denial, unable to come to terms with the truth of her own wants. Because of this, she rejects the fate being written and holds a conflicting desire to rewrite what's been done. [break][break]
- Wakes up, barks at , promises his death [break]
- joined escape efforts, hear illeana call her name[break]
- uses power to fuck up guard, then joins illeana [break]
- notices a lot of fate threads coming from illeana, gets scared, paxton saves her [break]
- slightly looking for freya


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November 17th
Opelucid City
5'11" height
5'11" height
Days fade into a watercolour blur / Memories swim and haunt you
315 posts
Alba Evovae DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @alba
Alba Evovae
POSTED ON May 9, 2024 23:00:39 GMT
Alba Evovae Avatar



I always liked looking up at the stars in the sky. Even when I spent my days journeying across my homeland, when night fell I would always stare at those distant pinpricks of light, tracing shapes with my fingertip.[break][break]

Perhaps it was that I found the eternity of space more interesting than this moss-covered rock we stand on. Or perhaps it was that I wanted to be the stars, looking down on the world from far away.[break][break]

Who judges the stars in the sky? Who punishes the stars in the sky? Hopes, prayers, hate and scorn… From their place in the firmament, nothing could hope to reach them.

Alba Evovae rises with tears in his eyes. Like he does every day, he wipes them with his finger and carefully lets them fall into a crack in the floor.[break][break]

His whole body aches. The thoughts of that ideal future he sees in the Chamber of Desires are not enough to counterbalance the beatings he receives from the monster that lives in the feeding pit. There is not enough time for him to rest and recover, not with the work he must do day in, day out. And so the bruises form a patchwork tapestry on his skin.[break][break]

Whispers make their way through the wards; one more day of work. One last chance for freedom. Ah, that monotony has already sunk into the soul, hasn’t it? The thought of escape has faded into a hollow mirage, a long-dead light that only shines with those dying rays.[break][break]

The chains are so suffocating, even as chaos erupts across the prison. Still too tight around Alba’s neck, still squeezing the life out of him.[break][break]

If only I could be as free as the stars, able to burn forever in the dark.[break][break]

That earnest desire is like a key for a lock. All of a sudden, Alba can breathe, and the smallest flicker of hope kindles itself in that sick sweetness, waiting to be kindled into more. He leaves the ground, and never touches it again. Like a puppet on two strings, the wretched monkey tries to slam him into the earth, only for him to float out of its mind’s grasp.[break][break]

“Come and get me.” Let the others fight the battle. His wish is only something for himself, anyway; he orbits Munkidori lethargically, drawing its ire and revelling in this newfound freedom.



In the Dummy Ward![break]
Despairing disadvantage from injuries[break]
Stargazer: The power granted to someone who wishes to selfishly look down on the world. Lets Alba launch himself through the air, and helps him semi-automatically avoid attacks.[break]
Prison break babey!!!





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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP