i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON May 9, 2024 23:47:05 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

There is so much despair here.[break][break]

But Tempest will not relent. Quiet and to himself, he watches and waits and cries in his sleep. He has hope, strong hope, that is built on his interactions with both his fellow inmates and his captors. They do not want to be here. None of them want to be here. There is hope.[break][break]

Hope is not some delicate things. Hope had blood in it's teeth after being ground into the dirt. Hope would just snarl and rise again, as many times as needed. This hope is why his Will had not been broken.[break][break]

The sign comes with a shower of sunlight. Like all those around them, a tension hangs in the air so palpable it can be tasted. Then it breaks and off they go.[break][break]

Like a surge of primal animals it quickly turns to chaos. Screaming and yelling and surges of attacks. Tempest feels it in himself - can taste it at the back of his throat with the peach flavored vitriol. He upturns boxes and blocks the path of those who would harm him and his cellmates.[break][break]

Feels a pity and power welling inside of his chest. The Megalopilan from the first and last night of his dream, she falls to the ground with a cry. Some attack slamming into her. A scrape on her head leaks her alien blood on the floor.[break][break]

Tempest found it hard to hate them. To feel the pain of hiraeth was as enticing as it was ruinous. A fist goes to slam on her cheek and Tempest reaches out a hand to her-[break][break]

The fist slams on a purple barrier. It pops after a moment, like bubble gum, and the clouded gaze of the woman meets Tempest's eyes for just a moment.[break][break]

The crash of another box, of feet pounding and rushing, blocks her from his view.[break][break]

Tempest vaguely considers going up, against the wishes of the blue pixie. From what he had gathered, was on the floor above. But, he would be coming down, wouldn't he? No need to push against the grain.[break][break]

Then Tempest spots a familiar head of hair.[break][break]

screams at the terrible monkey. Flicking his gaze around, Tempest charges for the other man. He wouldn't leave his bro to die from monkey business.

"ONE WAY DOWN!"[break][break]

Echoed, apparently the war cry, as he feints from the side and tries to slam a fist into the monkey's hair cheek.

[attr="class","tag"]@ PRISMATIC



🔗 Dummy Ward. Desire to Possess Protect - Tempest can create translucent, lavender hued bubbles to shield allies or himself. These extend from his fingertips and can encase others.[break][break]
🔗 Shiv OK'd me posting a lil late. Temp joins in on the riot, but feels bad for a Megalopilan and tries to save her. Spots throwing hands with Munkidori and decides to help out. ONE WAY DOWN. Tries to punch Munkidori in the fucking face.


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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON May 10, 2024 1:46:30 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar felt--odd about the chains he found within the tower. The dream had been void of their influence, yet here they thrived. It was more repulsive here, more disturbing. As if the chains had concentrated all if its corruption here in order to contain Azelf.

Oscar left feeling hopeless, but that dread would be short lived. Azelf had shared knowledge with certain prisoners, and that knowledge was relayed to everyone within the dream. It was not much to work with--but it was something. All they had to do was clear the way.

It was now or never.

Oscar woke up alongside , and even though they had not communicated within the dream he knew exactly what they had to do. It was a gut instinct, an inate desire to break free from these chains. He helped Navy to their work station, and began working as usual. However, he did not have to tend to his pointless duties for long.

Like the rest of his fellow prisoners, Oscar felt the warmth of control. His longing to escape this place mixed with his longing for what he had seen through the eyes of the mask. He wanted to dominate, not submit.

Suddenly his fellow prisoners would spring into action, wielding their chains as powerful extensions of their desires. Navy was no different, summoning forth some sort of anchoring chain gun. Oscar did as he was told and stayed close to his cellmate, lifting his own chain with refreshing ease.

His body boiled with the intense desire to reclaim his freedom, and he would instinctfully cast out his chain like a long lure. His chain would split into several segments, latching onto guards that Navy's gun otherwise missed. Oscar attempted to force his will upon them, to get them to turn on their allies and attack the warden. Yet the power of their chains outweighed Oscar's will, and they simply struggled against his tethers.

That was when Oscar spotted , who had tethers of his own reaching for him. Oscar inched himself around Navy, reaching with a fully extended arm for Theo's chains. He barely managed to grasp one, and welcomed it as it dug into his skin. Theo's chain fueled Oscar further, it was euphoric rush of pure will. A fitting allegory for Oscar's desire: Dominance through Rocket.

Would the boost from Theo be enough to turn the guards against the warden?


--Oscar stays by Navy, inching close enough to Theo to accept one of his chains to empower his own ability.
Oscar's Ability: Smaller chains latch onto guards and allow Oscar to force his will upon them. In this case, Oscar wants the guards to attack the warden.
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON May 10, 2024 5:58:45 GMT




words that need no utterance, fernando confides in the diligence of his work. a strict schedule of meals and bountiful sleep become a comforting routine. even precautions against his fellow cellmate become lax as the week trudges on. maintaining his strength becomes his priority as he waits for a trigger.

and, eventually, it comes.

the day of the prison break proceeds as normal. the consistency of his days have become a small treat. a period of time that breaks away from the dynamic demands that come from a man with much to bear. a realization that manifests into his TOXIC CHAIN.

where others gain the power of BRIGHT LASERS or BREATHING FIRE, his seem paltry in comparison. in fact, they seem not to manifest at all. for he must rely on his brute strength and polished TERA SHARDS as makeshift weapons in his fight against his would be captors.

his deep desire of others being able to do more, bringing out the best of their ability despite their circumstance or resources, encapsulates his predicament. for what is fernando silph without his fame or fortune? a person who believe their capabilities is manufactured only by their WILL.

against the backdrop of powers and abilities, he becomes insignificant. an invisible pest, camouflaged by those starved of attention.



- follows normal routine
- participates in the prison break
- fights as a normal person

TOXIC CHAIN: fernando's deep desire to not be necessary makes him draw less attention. those around him draw aggro more easily.
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON May 11, 2024 6:23:47 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]PRISMATIC PENITENTIARY



Loyal Three Theme


DREAMS ARE THE SEAS OF INNATE DESIRES. Imagination is then, the vessel, that carries the phantasy from slumber to waking. Imagination becomes the ink the quill is dipped into, the medium in which the dreamt fictions metamorphose into reality. But who can say with authority that the imagination is not real as well? When one dreams, when one imagines, how many worlds spawn from the fantastical fount?[break][break]

What is experienced, what is perceived, what is remembered even if rusting, is that not woven by reality's delicate hand?[break][break]

There are more guards than usual stationed on the day of the uprising. Perhaps, a higher power has been made aware of the cracks in your indoctrination.


THE UPRISING BEGINS when 's TOXIC CHAIN docks into the OKIDOGI'S own festering fetter. Its arrogant glare melts away into a cowering countenance: pain, humiliation, deconstruction. A fatal concoction for the ordinary mortal mind floods the canine's own, and it howls, recoiling.[break][break]

It yanks its chain back—but 's condescending command hampers its retreat. The maneuver buys enough time for 's newfound abilities to impose his vision of an IDEAL WORLD upon the hound's psyche. Combined with pestilential empathy for an orichalcum-scorched , the OKIDOGI is set aflame under HARSH SUNLIGHT. Its Frankenstein-fur burns, summoning bitter pillars of smoke as others escape to the descending platform.[break][break]

The sun burns bright for . In the future, the past of this prison will catch up to him.[break][break]

's chain bursts into a radiant sword. Blue petals explode against aggressive Megalopolan guards. These poor souls have been STEEPED FOR FAR TOO LONG IN THE NEVER-ROT'S POISONS, failing to break free from their trances. Before she can be caught off-guard, 's chain extends far, a BLUE FLAME forcing a flanking Megalopolan away.[break][break]

An amethyst sphere orbits around , preventing enraged Megalopolan men from chasing him and . They crumple to their knees in morbid prayer, their strength siphoned from their already tired bodies. As willpower courses through and 's chains, they are granted visions of their enemies weak points. Although the vulnerable spots on their enemies may vary, they will discover an unnerving realization:
The weak points of the prisoners, including themselves, are their own, pulsing TOXIC CHAINS.[break][break]

No matter one's ability, at least a sizeable PORTION OF THE TOXIC CHAIN WILL REMAIN ON THE PERSON'S BODY.

's chain defends from a lunging Megalopolan, parrying the frenzied alien back with a loud thwap. After a powerful punch from that crumples another guard, the OKIDOGI who has since torn its chain away from 's own, lunges for them. Still on fire, the burning canine swings its Herculean loop towards them. Immediately, 's CHAIN parries it much to the canine's dismay. Another punch sends the chain backward, throttling the OKIDOGI back, its paws skidding across the floor, claws carving aggravated trails into Megalopolan metals.[break][break]

Sensing 's taunt, the burning OKIDOGI swings its chain before it can slide too far backwards. However, her telekinetic chain coils into an impressive shield. The chain recoils backward, striking the OKIDOGI in the chest. Barking, its own chain pulsing with more of its potent poison, it swings the chain once more in a frustrated arc; however, 's limb-like chain-shield deflects the chain once more. These deflections grant an opening to strike with her Atlassian limb, punching the yelping OKIDOGI back and onto its rear.[break][break]

' fiery aura prevents other guards from encroaching upon the platform, flames lashing out from his arms and hands while weaved between them, slicing their invaders with his sword-like chain.[break][break]

Nearby, 's chains interface with his dormant abilities. Shadows evardly erupt into tendrils, their umbral font tinged with poisonous purples. They restrain them—and briefly hold the OKIDOGI in place as the warden swings its NOW BURNING CHAIN against an unnamed prisoner.[break][break]

Obdurate, stubborn, and still powerful, the OKIDOGI manages to splatter a rebel with its strength despite its injuries. The canine howls, its haggard cry melding in with the cacophony exploding from the lower rungs of the penitentiary and its own. The Okidogi swings its chain once more. This time, toward one who is restrained by a Megalopolan guard. Before it can finish her, her sonic voice disorients her enemy, granting her enough time to escape before the chain cleaves the guard in half. Collateral damage; however, to the warden, even these guards matter little.[break][break]

Shots fire at the OKIDOGI from 's tripod-chain. Each blow is an earsplitting, powerful burst. Each bullet that lands impact forces a pained yowl from the beast, forcing its powerful muscles to recoil. Each projectile shot grants , and the ability map the safest paths. As 's shadows whip across to strike another guard with a flash of celestial light and 's starry-purple trails swirl across the prison, they intuit/realize the following:
The safest path may not be considered safe at all; however, by comparison, it is the safest. In the lower levels of the prison, much danger awaits them. However, the biggest danger seems to be above them.[break][break]

's toxic resonance will grant him with the unnerving realization that there are far more TOXIC CHAINS above them and below. Though it may be difficult to distinguish these chains as friend or foe, far more surround them.[break][break]

No more casualties are sustained by the uprising in the WEAKLING WARD thanks to 's efforts.[break][break]

dismantles several encroaching guards with his chain accessory, while breaks a guard in half with her muscular chain-limb on her way to the platform with . Several of the mauled are "resurrected" by 's chain, zombifying them with the putrid poison of her muscular manacles. As they rise, takes the time to ask a conscious Megalopolan the best way to the bottom:[break][break]

"by platform, by tube, by force. the ship is an instrument of cyllora's rotting mind."


THE TOXIC CHAINS. A BLESSING AND A BLIGHT. They pump poison into the despairing heart and infect the feeble.

These characters will feel the effects of the status condition, BADLY POISONED, until they are cured.

THE OKIDOGI SEEMS HEAVILY INJURED. However, it begins to resurge in strength... aided by a mysterious force. Chains rush down from the hole in the ceiling, smashing the TERA CRYSTALS embedded within it. They wrap around the ailing OKIDOGI—but before you can capture a glimpse of what is approaching, your platform descends into the DUMMY WARD.


THE FIRST MOCHI IS THROWN BY . The disc strikes the MUNKIDORI between the eyes, causing it to swipe angrily at its face. It buys enough time for to punch the monkey onto its heart-shaped butt: a testament to the skills and discipline of the Naito Dojo. Afterward, follows suit, her chain lunging out from her cape to strike the monkey as Megalopolan guards mobilize, charging forth in forced frenzy.[break][break]

The MUNKIDORI lashes at several unnamed prisoners with a PSYCHIC. However, 's guardian touch allows them to endure the mind-melting onslaught. The monkey shrieks and stomps its feet.[break][break]

As the MUNKIDORI recovers, lunges for a Megalopolan. The resulting scene is a mess of unnerving red. is able to rocket past the prison pandemonium. Megalopolans are deterred by his powerful kicks, preventing them from giving chase. jabs his attackers with his toxic chain, the poisons coursing through their bodies like wriggling Seviper. The aliens fall to the floor, writhing in agonizing, humiliating shapes of pain.[break][break]

gracefully dances across the ward. Effortlessly evading the claws of her Megalopolan captors, she springs toward the platform. is able to avoid harm as well. As Megalopolan guards aim to overtake her, her chain lunges out to restrain those who come close enough. Like , who protects others with his lavender-hued barriers, and the seafaring beast will detect within the depths of the Megalopolans' eyes, hesitance and horror.[break][break]

Emboldened by 's chain-antenna and 's toxic voice, takes to the skies like . Like a jet, he soars toward the monkey: the path cleared by 's conducting timbre. Its chain rises above its forehead in warning, causing the monkey to swerve as the man dives in. However, the blade-like feathers cut across its body, expelling a beautiful ribbons of blood. The MUNKIDORI shrieks.[break][break]

It scrunches its limbs together, chain waving around like a loose Vitamix. Briefly, will be able to foretell incoming mortal peril; however, the vision switches off as manages to strike the monkey with her trust-funded, thorny chain. The resulting wave of psychic power is weaker and as it spreads across the ward, Megalopolan and human prisoner are struck.[break][break]

However, (who will still have a portion of the toxic chain connected to his body) and his his manifested sentinel act as a shield for many. Similarly, will be able to do the same, his toxic chain a full suit to defend himself and those nearby. 's ability softens the blow for those he touches while 's surrounding decay weakens the wave as it nears her and . Megalopolans who grow weak near her are easily struck down by 's boost to his Draconid brawn, each blow catapulting aggressors into the air like toys.[break][break]

THE PLATFORM FROM THE WEAKLING WARD DESCENDS. Though it is crowded, the DUMMY WARD begin to board, for there is only one way down. After all, will be able feel that their descent is the correct direction. Her heart is tugged too—and the gravity she experiences is graced with an emotive power. AZELF may have hinted at its location, but deep down, she knows her Pokemon are down there too.[break][break]

Everyone in the DUMMY WARD boards the platform too. For now, 's ability allows her to see that all the characters here are required for their current survival. Curiously, she can detect the following strand of fate:

  • One thread stems from someone in the UGLY WARD extending all the way up to their ward and seemingly through the walls of the prison.
  • [break]
  • One thread stems from and extends through the walls of the prison as well.
  • [break]
  • One thread can be seen stemming from her fellow ward mate, , to something down below.
  • [break]
  • Gazing at a TERA CRYSTAL reveals that any lines of fate that connect to it will scatter haphazardly and spaghetti into erratic directions.
  • [break]
  • Distinct lines of fate from three particular figures will rise up and entangle with each other. These figures are , , and her own.

Countless other threads appear, but the sheer amount of threads makes it difficult to discern specifics.

Throughout the mayhem, is able to avoid all danger. As a gazer of the stars, the man artfully evades spiraling projectiles, thrown bodies, and more. From his vantage point, he and , who sports a scrying eye at the end of his toxic chain, will see something no one else has seen—nor will be able to see until later:[break][break]

A MEGALOPOLAN hovering down in a mass of TOXIC CHAINS. Their lips are tightened into a scowl. A visor obscures her eyes, but the intensity of her glare burns through the ocular panel. The chains wrap the OKIDOGI from the previous ward and reel its body upward. Before they can see anything more, the platform descends to the UGLY WARD.


THE TOXIC CHAINS. A BLESSING AND A BLIGHT. They pump poison into the despairing heart and infect the feeble.

These characters will feel the effects of the status condition, BADLY POISONED, until they are cured.


GALAR IS REMEMBERED BY as his chain manifests into a gun-like weapon. His imagination permisses this recreation and as chains fly from the barrel, the sacred connection between fable and facticity strengthens within the Pale Rider's psyche.

will remember this moment, for it will prove to be helpful one day.

Chains lock down unnamed prisoners from being charmed to the FEZANDIPITI. Even the bird is rooted as it wafts its grand wings, blades of wind scattering across the ward. Before the Feathered Warden can escape its bondage, murky tendrils from 's newfound powers latch onto . The hand-like chain wield fires its laser and severs one of FEZANDIPITI'S wings. Its ability to charm has been significantly hindered.[break][break]

As repositions, protects him. Her chain forces approaching enemies to expand and overgrow, their bodies inflating into segments like the chains themselves. Encumbered by the growth, they succumb while scatters an aura of healing granted by his own chain. Those near him are reinvigorated physically in spite of the deluge of despair threatening to submerge their brief resurgence of will.[break][break]

The bird shrieks in pain as Megalopolan guards surge onto the scattering prisoners. swats 's influence away from her. Instead, she siphons life from an encroaching Megalopolan. With rising vampiric vigor, she bides time until the platform arrives and sucks the vitality from the threats that surround her. Similarly, goes on the offensive. Her clawed gauntlets maul the Megalopolan attackers. Being the bottommost ward, this ward must fight the longest after all... and she makes deadly use of her leonine lunges.[break][break]

Similarly, becomes an untouchable pugilist. His dexterous chain deflects and parries pouncing chains, hands and teeth. As he contests his incoming assaulters, 's shadow nooses strangle those would make the fight unfair for him—and .[break][break]

Flower petals storm around as he aids his allies. They cut into flanking Megalopolan guards, darting in and out like hummingbirds. 's love for the man manifests as symbols of a simpler time...[break][break]

Conversely, accepts 's help. The Scientist's smaller chains grab onto Megalopolan guard and are forced to do his bidding. They scurry toward the FEZANDIPITI like spiders. As the wailing Avian nurses its bleeding socket, it is forced further away by the 's troop. Eventually, the aliens are sliced by a strike from its single wing.[break][break]

Also empowered by , terrifies the guards in 's draconic path. They fall to their knees, forced to relive a cyclical hell in their minds. 's chain is aflame with blue dragonfire. Any caught in her way are battered and burned, while manages to maneuver through the battlefield unbothered and alone.[break][break]

remains at peace, a youth surrounded by pacified Megalopolan mouths before reaches her. Meanwhile, strikes the guards with her chain. Like sleep balms, each strike knocks her enemies out. Nearby, petrifies her enemies as well. Her emotions expel with a pulse of her chain and out through her hand, encasing them in morbid sculptures of ice.[break][break]

FINALLY, THE PLATFORM ARRIVES. The WEAKLING & DUMMY WARD join the party, however, a looming shadow soon follows them. Although there is little time for their escape, experiments with her newfound abilities. Megalopolans who manage to charge after her, including a recuperating and vengeful FEZANDIPITI are looped back in TIME, their bodies staggering back like stuttering animation frames.[break][break]

In the meantime, dispenses portions of his chain around the ward. They act as firecrackers, explosives. Several segments are dropped into the floor above the feeding pit and into the pit itself. Immediately, they EXPLODE, rocking the prison.[break][break]

As the FEZANDIPTI, one-winged, and furious, attempts to spread its pheromones once more, it slumps to one leg....[break][break]

's scrying cyclops-chain witnesses the descending Megalopolan once more. Furthermore, it witnesses a wrapped up OKIDOGI & MUNKIDORI in dangling chains. However, it catches the sight of another creature. A circular, peach-like being with a black face at its center. A line divides the body—but it seems more like a shell, for chains overflow from it and drape around the Megalopolan, suspending them in the air alongside the wardens.[break][break]

would also be able to see that the chains appear to be healing the wardens...[break][break]

Its approaching presence causes your own chains to constrict and tighten. will be able to detect with his ability, that this incoming threat will spell MORTAL PERIL FOR ALL.[break][break]

"do you all believe you're free? that these powers are yours to command?!" They laugh. "do not mistake dependence for liberation!" They say about your new abilities, your connected chains.[break][break]

As the FEZANDIPITI is wrapped up in chains too, detonates the remainder of his chain-firecrackers. The whole UGLY WARD quakes, and as crystal, stone and metal crash into each other, they obscure the hole the platform travels through, preventing the Megalopolan and the creature from following... and curiously, his LEGENDARY MARK reacts to its presence.[break][break]

's alarm calms after 's quick thinking. But both of them know much danger looms ahead.


THE TOXIC CHAINS. A BLESSING AND A BLIGHT. They pump poison into the despairing heart and infect the feeble.

These characters will feel the effects of the status condition, BADLY POISONED, until they are cured. Curiously, despite the suppression of her Avatar abilities, is able to sense the poisoning effect and remains immune.



AS EVERYONE DESCENDS, the effects of the TOXIC CHAIN begin to weigh upon them. Though these powers are marvelous, it is balanced by suffering. Poison begins to course through those who have exerted themselves. Their skin begins to purple, their eyes begin to glow a foul fuchsia like the Megalopolan guards that oversaw them.[break][break]

will be able to see the line that had "[extended] all the way up to their ward and seemingly through the walls of the prison". This thread belongs to . The thread still continues through the prison walls.[break][break]

The platform stops above the hole to the feeding pit. The detonations have made the hole larger to allow for mass access. In addition, the explosions have ripped another hole into the floor below the feeding pit. Another hole is torn into a nearby curling "tube" had observed before. Peering into either hole reveals little, for it is submerged in darkness; however, would be able to recognize with his ability, the outlines of green-liquid filled membranes... with obscure shapes floating within them.[break][break]

Everyone descends into THE FEEDING PIT in order to attempt their descent into the dark room. However, the combined sluggishness of their intoxication, the sheer number of fleeing prisoners, and the height in which they must descend, slows them. 's ability fires on all cylinders... and the familiar sound of a sliding door alerts them to their newest threat.[break][break]


was wrong. Her words did reach the creature's ears... and the creature so desired to respond. To reply in earnest to such kindness. However, when torturously sleep-deprived, unable to partake in the collective dream given fateful structure by the prismatic TERA CRYSTALS surrounding this horrid malebolge, the ogre can not act on its own. Its spirit has been broken much like its cudgel at the hands of its chained captors...[break][break]

When the ogre makes its first steps into the room, an immense heat floods the chamber. Chains obscure its true face still, but are now wrapped around a gargantuan, crystalline mask. The mask bears an angry, fanged expression, and flames billow forth from its golden peaks...[break][break]

THERE IS LITTLE TIME LEFT. Before imminent death, will be able to see several threads of fate.

  • One links and 's protective abilities as crucial to everyone's survival.
  • [break]
  • Other threads connect to the scattered rubble and leftover mochi on the feeding pit floor.
  • [break]
  • Another thread connects to the shower (though many would call it a sprinkler rather than anything related to hygiene) system that has miraculously survived 's detonation.

And a single thread connects to the creature itself—and this thread can not be severed.

and would be able to identify the creature's weak point: ITS MASK or any point behind it.[break][break]

As the creature steps forward, several NIHILEGO emerge from behind it. Toxic chains dangle alongside their usual tentacles. They shriek and scatter STEALTH ROCKS to add to the garbage before...[break][break]

... the surge of flames erupts from the HEARTHFLAME MASK OGERPON, threatening to torch everything and everyone before it.


From deep below, and would be able to feel a spiritual pull. A call of Wisdom. Of emotion. And lastly, by familial familiarity: Will.


FOR THIS ROUND, your characters have several options.

  • Contend with the Hearthflame Ogerpon; find a way to handle it.
  • [break]
  • Contend with the Nihilego and their Stealth Rocks.
  • [break]
  • Escape through the hole that leads directly to the bottom floor.
  • [break]
  • Escape through the hole in the flesh tube.
  • [break]
  • Anything else.

Thanks to 's ability, he will be able to intentionally or unintentionally redirect the FLAMES & OTHER HOSTILE ATTACKS FROM THE NIHILEGO & OGERPON to another target of his choice.


AS A RESULT OF THE TRIALS OF THE WORK WEEK AND YOUR ROLLS, the following characters must roll with DESPAIRING DISADVANTAGE (roll three times; the lowest roll is used) until instructed otherwise. The disadvantage on rolls reflects their physical injuries and/or their despairing spirit.[break][break]


HOWEVER, even characters NOT TAGGED/LISTED ABOVE must still ROLL WITH DISADVANTAGE. These characters only need to roll two times and take the lower roll until instructed otherwise. The disadvantage on rolls reflects their physical injuries and/or their despairing spirit.[break][break]

IN OTHER WORDS, everyone must roll with some form of disadvantage in this raid at this current time. If using a SALAC while disadvantaged, you must roll a new set of dice (e.g. roll two or three times) instead of changing one roll.

Please note, should and attempt to use their PROTECTIVE ABILITIES, they will AUTOMATICALLY SUCCEED REGARDLESS OF THEIR ROLL.


BELOW IS INFORMATION pertaining to each ward.

THE WEAKLING WARD[break][break]

A ward headed by the retainer, OKIDOGI. Prisoners picked for this ward have been sorted as "weak" in some way by the wardens.[break][break]



Note: there are NPC prisoners as well.

THE DUMMY WARD[break][break]

A ward headed by the retainer, MUNKIDORI. Prisoners picked for this ward have been sorted as "dumb" in some way by the wardens.[break][break]



Note: there are NPC prisoners as well.

THE UGLY WARD[break][break]

A ward headed by the retainer, FEZANDIPITI. Prisoners picked for this ward have been sorted as "ugly" in some way by the wardens.[break][break]



Note: there are NPC prisoners as well.



  • please include TL;DRS and ideally, bold your vote!
  • [break]
  • only ONE of your characters can participate.
  • [break]
  • only ONE POKEMON can be out at a time (when applicable).
  • [break]
  • please provide a tl;dr &/or bold moves/abilities/items used with each post.
  • [break]
  • i will not tolerate complaints about not being mentioned, tagged, acknowledged or feeling "useless" in a raid. generally, i attempt to mention all characters and their actions in each post, but depending on the number of participants, this may not be feasible.
  • [break]
  • remember that although i am essentially the DUNGEON MASTER or GAME MASTER of this event, much of this event's enjoyment and storytelling rests upon the players shoulders. collaborate with what i provide in each moderator post and each other for the best result!
  • [break]
  • lastly, be cognizant of participating players and characters. no one is the "main character" of an event, and allowing space for give-and-take between characters and their actions is highly encouraged.
  • [break]
  • more rules may be specified in the actual event thread.
  • [break]


YOU CAN ONLY POST ONCE. Missing AT LEAST THREE ROUNDS will result in no rewards; however, due to the setting and scenario, characters will not be retconned from the event.[break][break]

& has missed THREE ROUNDS and will not be eligible for rewards.[break][break]

& has missed TWO ROUNDS and will receive DIMINISHED REWARDS.[break][break]

, , , , and have missed ONE ROUND.


MAY 14TH, 11:59PM PST.

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played by


July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
784 posts
Johanna Joy DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON May 11, 2024 8:16:22 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar
A lot of things were happening all at once. Abilities manifested, rioting began. If she didn’t have to focus on, Johanna might have felt overwhelmed. But helping Andrea, keeping her safe, pushing her onward with her ability until they were free. That was something she could do.

She got onto the platform and descended. Down and down they went along the way picking up more prisoners until at last they reached the Feeding Pit. But by then she was feeling the price of the powers she was granted. A nauseating pain wriggled through her veins like a hundred tiny Seviper gorging themselves on her insides. In a feeble attempt to rid herself of the poison she tore off her mask, revealing herself for all to see.

But she would not succumb to it. Badly Poisoned she may be, but the indomitable human spirit within her had found purpose, and through purpose she would succeed.

The masked ogre stepped into the Feeding Pit, a new mask adorned it, but it was the ogre of that Johanna was certain of. She looked toward with a nervous gulp and spoke.

“If we are going to reach it, I think this is our last chance.” Her voice betrayed the cool facade she tried to uphold. She tried to put a reassuring hand on Andrea’s shoulder even though the hand itself trembled like an earthquake.

“Ready when you are.” Johanna didn’t know what Andrea’s plan was, but she would follow it all the same. And with her powers she would try one thing that was perhaps incredibly risky. But if it succeeded it could give Andrea an avenue to reach the ogre.

She tried to hook the Hearthflame masked ogre onto the Toxic Chain Network, and with it hopefully allow her own, and most of important of all, Andrea’s desire to help it wash over it.

- Johanna is overwhelmed but focuses on Andrea.
- Johanna feels the effect of the Badly Poisoned condition on the way down, and tears off her mask.
- Johanna resigns herself to what she believes is their one last chance of helping Ogerpon.
- Johanna uses her Toxic Ability to try and Hook Ogerpon onto the network to allow Andrea's desire to help it wash over it.
Toxic Chain Antenna

"The Toxic Chain Antenna boosts the power and effectiveness of the Toxic Chain abilities of willing allies within a "Narratively fitting" radius around her by sharing thoughts, feelings and willpower"

(Author's Note: Allies = anyone or anything Johanna desires to work with/alongside)

MBMLk5kY (salac'ing)
( salac'ing 2)
( salac'ing 3)

Punished Pokemon:

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played by


Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,047 posts
part of
TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON May 11, 2024 11:22:12 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar

Once everyone had made it to the platform, Andrea unmasked herself, searching for familiar faces among the packed crowd. With faction interests threatening the stability of this fleeting alliance, some inmates may have opted to maintain their veil of anonymity; a maudlin masquerade.
She saw her friend wielding a magenta sword befitting the Knight of Thunder. She saw ; no longer a hobo, but a hero. She saw in what appeared to be the early stages of transforming into a Were-Lycanroc.
She approached the latter, using her sleeve to wipe the blood off the feral teenager’s muzzle like a mother cleaning her child after a messy meal. “Attagirl! When it comes to Megalopolans, you gotta bite them before they can bite you.”
Their prison break was not without its setbacks. and many others were hurting from the Toxic Chain’s treacherous side effects. Naturally, the PokéManiac was worried for the well-being of her cellmate, but her reassurance helped her focus on the mission at hand.
Indeed, this could very well be their last chance to save the tortured Oni, whose new mask had turned it into a wrathful, fire-breathing Asura. A smack of Toxic Chained Nihilego aided its fiery assault, littering the floor with entry hazards.
sprung to mind, who was also in the prison according to her surrogate father, and who had an affinity for those particular Ultra Beasts. Although unaware of the monstrous extent of that affinity, Andrea had faith in the girl’s ability to resonate with Manju’s kin. “Baki, the jellyfishes!” She hollered. “You can save them, right?”
Regardless of whether her call would be answered or not, the young woman shot upwards on her makeshift wings, flying over the pointed stones and the Oni’s wave of hellfire. She then dove down and attempted to hug the creature from behind, even if it meant getting burned by the residual embers from its Hearthflame Mask.
She knew naught of the invisible thread that inextricably tied her to the tiny ogress. All she knew was that she was in agony--far more than the people she hurt in her blind rage--and nobody deserved to suffer such sleepless torment.
“Hang on, we’re gonna save you from this pain, I promise!” Andrea tried to hold the creature in place, mustering every ounce of strength left in her ailing body to do so. “IS THERE A DOCTOR HERE?!” She cried into the ether. “She’s had a Worry Seed planted into her body! We need to get it out of her!”



- Dummy ward[break]
- No Pokémon, no Sygna Suit[break]
- Despairing disadvantage (roll three times; the lowest roll is used)[break]
- ABILITY: TOXIC CHAIN WINGS (gives Andrea limited flight)[break]
- Andrea unmasks herself[break]
- Wipes the blood off 's face[break]
- Yells at to handle the Nihilego[break]
- Supported by 's ability, she flies over the stealth rocks[break]
- Attempts to hug Ogerpon from behind[break]
- Attempts to hold Ogerpon in place, while asking if there is a doctor (like hint hint) who can extract the worry seed from Ogerpon's body.[break]
(endeavor cleared: utilize or involve entry hazards in an ic-post.)



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[newclass=".andreatest6 .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]··
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played by


Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,590 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON May 11, 2024 13:12:53 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar


[attr="class","oocnotes"]> WEAK WARD[break][break]TLDR[break][break]✦ TOXIC CHAIN ABILITY: the power to see the weakest points in organic beings and inorganic objects[break][break]✦ Sees the weakness in the Ogerpon's mask, and notices that Elaine can likely also see it. Asks her to help warn the other prisoners about it.[break][break]✦ Watches Andrea try to help Ogerpon and remembers their recent conversation. Decides to help Andrea help the Ogerpon! It's what she did with the Unown, after all[break][break]✦ Realizes in horror that all of the prisoners have an obvious weakness too, in their TOXIC CHAINS, but is too affected by the poison status to do anything about it yet[break][break]✦ Main action: Contend with the Hearthflame Ogerpon; find a way to handle it.

The rebellion surged; the captured resisted.[break][break]
Nomi forced her bruised and broken body to scramble after , following him deeper into the prison - to a chamber below the feeding pit. All around them, familiar and unfamiliar faces and figures fought back against the waves of guards and obstacles that threatened to demoralize and deter them.[break][break]
A sliding door scraped against the floor, an ominous harbinger of a new threat. Nomi watched the ogre-like creature that had hit her in the feeding pit so many days (months? years? or had it been hours?) ago step into the room, swatched in flame and radiating a sweltering heat. Its mask was massive, glittering with carnelian crystal burning with power. Behind it, Nihilego swarmed, their STEALTH ROCKS an added impediment.[break][break]
Nomi froze, and though her instincts screamed to take cover before the masked ogre filled the entire room with flame, she couldn't help but notice a glowing crack along the mask. It was the same glowing crack she'd seen embedded within 's boulder before he broke it; the same cracks she'd noticed on various body parts of the guards: where she had directed Greyson to hit.[break][break]
The mask gives her strength, but that is also her weakness.[break][break]
Another figure nearby seemed capable of identifying it too, Nomi realized.[break][break]
"You see it too, don't you?" Nomi called out to . "We need to tell everyone - !"[break][break]
A different person darted forward, attempting to grapple the masked Pokemon. Nomi recognized her instantly - for she knew her voice, and knew her kindness. , despite the danger of getting too close to their fiery adversary, was trying to help it.[break][break]
The DRK Triad treat the Unown like tools. I offered them love instead, Nomi had told Andrea once.[break][break]
"ANDREA!" She yelled, rushing forward to assist the other woman in holding back the ogre. "The mask! We need to remove or damage the mask! That's her weakness, and I think we can do it without hurting her."[break][break]
Anyone can make a difference in the fight to preserve our world.[break][break]
A sudden jolt of pain coursed through Nomi, then, and she almost lost her grip. It felt as if she were burning up from the inside out. She coughed up a dribble of blood, the bright crimson a stark contrast against the dull floor. When she glanced down at her own TOXIC CHAIN, her chest constricted in fear.[break][break]
That same glowing crack of weakness she'd identified in their enemies? It marred her chain too.[break][break]
It was within all of their chains.[break][break]




[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,448 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON May 11, 2024 15:27:18 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
he accepts one of the tendrils coming from and bolts forward the moment the opportunity shows.

the showers have been his target the entire time-- the only source of water as far as he knows.

priam swallows as he prepares to light more of his fireworks. he cranes his head up, relieved that he has time to perform before those that react to his mark reach them.

various sticks of dynamites from his chain are taken, lit by a stronger source of flame in his vicinity, which now includes . without consent, he throws multiple explosives overhead after setting them off with his fire.

a fireworks show appear within the dreadful place, colors and lights bouncing off from the reflection of tera crystals embedded above. the intent, however, was to destroy.

"fuck your plumbing!"

if the showers survived the first bombardment, priam doubles down. even if it does not burst and rain down water on who might burn down in any moment, he'll take the unearthing of walls to reveal the rest of the fixtures.

any confirmation of where the pipes led is welcome.

  • his toxic chain is a string of fireworks (which are functionally dynamite for narrative's sake)
  • relief bc he bought time
  • uses theo boost and michael fire for his explosives
  • starts a fireworks show at the sprinklers
  • aims to destroy sprinklers/pipes
  • wants to find the water source


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played by


The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,048 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
part of
Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON May 11, 2024 16:06:55 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

The platform descended from above, crowded with prisoners from the Weakling and Dummy Wards. Zev jumped on at the earliest opportunity, making sure was right behind him. His Toxic Chain continued firing laser beams at any Megalopolan guards that tried to pull prisoners off the platform. [break][break]

Eventually, they reached the Feeding Pit. As Zev jumped down, a sudden nausea seized him. Instead of landing on his feet, he stumbled and fell to his knees amidst the rubble and leftover mochi. [break][break]

A deep cough wracked his body; flecks of fresh blood splattered the floor beneath him. When he raised a hand to wipe his mouth, he saw his skin was tinged a slight magenta hue. [break][break]

"Fuck," he murmured under his breath, pushing himself back up on unsteady feet. [break][break]

Turning in place, Zev looked for Nenet and was relieved to find her at his side. Though her mask hid her full expression from him, he saw her widened eyes filled with concern. [break][break]

"I'm fine," he told her through gritted teeth. His hand grasped her arm tightly, as if she would disappear if he let go. Amidst the chaos, their interaction went unnoticed—or so he assumed. "We need to focus on getting out of here. Through the hole in the floor. Quickly." [break][break]

He jogged over, his movements sluggish thanks to the poison coursing through his veins. On the way, his Toxic Chain blasted the red-masked Pokémon and Nihilego with laser beams. [break][break]

Then, without a backward glance, he jumped into the void. [break][break]


TAGS – @prismatic penitentiary[break]
– Zev is in the UGLY WARD.[break]
TOXIC CHAIN ABILITY: LASER ARM. Zev's Toxic Chain forms a claw-like hand that shoots thin beams of searing light, a weaker and smaller version of his Avatar laser ability. Due to being based on his deepest desire, the laser can easily cut through objects, both organic and inorganic.[break]
– Starts feeling the effects of the poison, but tells Nenet he is fine.[break]
– Jumps down the hole in the floor while firing laser beams at Ogerpon and the Nihilego.



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[newclass=".zev3 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zev3 .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass]··
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played by


cass, cassie
november 7th
petalburg city, hoenn
student (private school)
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
518 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cass
Cassandra Kubrick
POSTED ON May 11, 2024 20:43:11 GMT
Cassandra Kubrick Avatar
[attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][newclass=".emapokemonteam"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
A lot is happening at once - and Cass is mostly focusing on what's right in front of her. Her friends, heroic as ever, shielding and surging forward, while she's dodging to ever move on. They're also joined by an unknown stranger, perhaps also around their ages - and Cass is slightly startled by the aggressive behaviour, but it definitely helps them as they move along. "Uh, thanks- are you alright?" she couldn't help but ask, slightly worried.

The Weakling Ward's already in the elevator, and soon they're also joined by the Ugly Ward.

Such a ruckus is hard to pass by peacefully. And as they arrive on the feeding pit level, their maybe biggest obstacle yet would reveal itself. It's the creature from before again, the creature from the simulation - and now, it bears a beautiful crystalline mask, not unlike tera crowns, Cass thinks. Her heart breaks with a shrill sound, not unlike cold glass cracking when met with hot liquid. The heat has filled the room within an instant, and yet.

She balls her fists, listening to her erratic heartbeat. There's only down. Down, down, downdowndownDOWN.

Her gaze softens slightly as she turns to her friends - there's no doubt in her mind that Knight's shielding would save everyone, and there's no doubt that Thea would want to stick with him. She, however ... Her eyes glance at the two escape options as the Nihilego emerge, scattering Stealth Rocks everywhere, making moving harder.

Into a black unknown, through the floor itself.

Into ... whatever the hell the flesh tube would lead to.

And both have the same pull. Down, down, down.

She only hesitates for one moment, really, after which she grabs her hair and dons it up tightly around her head, tucking in some ends into her toxic chains for stability. Even if it would be a disgusting experience, she's not entirely averse to it - she reasons, it would be better than falling and breaking all her bones. And if those claws and other things she's glimpsed at maybe belong to pokémon ... maybe. Maybe it'd be time for a rebirth, or something.

(Gods, she really can't dwell on that thought for too long. Maybe breaking all your bones is the better option after all.)

Reaching forward with both hands, she grabs and before they could do anything, squeezing tightly. Her grip is tighter than usual, than her sheltered upbringing and academic nature usually allow. "They're below. I can feel it." Or maybe she's delirious - she definitely sees skin matching her hair, and she's not sure if she's hallucinating or if it's real. Her friends would see traces of fuchsia in her eyes, too, and she'd see it in theirs. She definitely feels tinges of delirium, but she holds onto the poison in her veins telling her she's close. So close. "I'll grab yours if I see them. We'll meet at the bottom."

She also turns to , should she still be around, and nods at her. "Feel free to stick with me or them- but they can protect you better."

Then she squeezes her friends another time and, before they could discourage her, she'd run over to the flesh tube. Thanks to her Toxic Chain ability both poisining her and giving her clarity in equal measures, she has a mind to try and avoid the Stealth rocks that have managed to scatter until the back. She stares for one second at the flesh tube, before she jumps in as if it was a ride at a water park. She moves into fetal position mid-jump, burying her face into her mask (gladly, she kept that on).

She better not get stuck.

tl;dr flesh tube escape lol.
- slightly bewildered by ettie's hunt, but thanks her and asks her worriedly if she's okay
- only hesitates for a moment before deciding to escape down below
-- feeling a bit delirious by the pull, hyperfocus & selfishness kicks in, also starts turning purple/fuchsia
- grabs her friends and squeezes them, telling them she can feel them (her pokémon) below, promises to also get thea's/knight's if they're below, and to meet each other at the bottom
- offers ettie to come with or stick with thea/knight bc they good protecc uwu
- jumps into the flesh tube, fetal position, her hair wrapped tightly around her head and fastened with toxic chain, mask covering her face

toxic chain ability: with you to
cass smells like a trash bag (lol) close-up and floral hues farther away. there's faint, flickering illusions around her, mirroring her team before this happened. while still fighting against physical and mental exhaustion and despair, persevering's a tad bit easier on herself at the moment as she has a smelly reminder of herself and who she still is missing, giving her a clear goal. she is more nimble and speedier, allowing her to progress faster.
if allowed, she feels a pull into "the right direction" - either to azelf to help (or even her pokémon).

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played by


July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
817 posts
part of
TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON May 11, 2024 21:19:34 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

No matter how much Genny wanted to fight, and cause as much pain to their warden as she could, it wouldn't matter. Okidogi still managed to fight back. had it taken care of. Even though out of the corner of her vision, she had seen nearly smitten by the dog, she could take care of herself. They could all take care of themselves now. No one was here to save them, so they had to save themselves.[break][break]

As she slides to the platform with , the body is in hand. Genny doesn't make any note of it. A Megalopolan body. It was necessary. The easiest, simplest way to keep people safe here, is to eliminate the chances for the enemy to attack. Monstrous hazel swirls look downwards as Genny takes a knee beside her former cellmate. Letting the Megalopolan body drop to the floor of the life, she grabs her chest, and finds it harder to breathe. 'Poison.' Her Toxic Chain Muscle grabs onto the ground to give her a means to stabilize herself.[break][break]

Typical. She finally gains strength, and she burns her life out to embers.[break][break]

The platform keeps going down. The riot continues in what Genny says is the Dummy Ward. "If you want to live, get on the platform!" Genny roars out. Though she can see , , , even and , Genny stays steadfast in defending those in the Dummy Ward to get on. and were okay too, it seemed. Good.[break][break]

She didn't need to worry any of them. Eyes forward.[break][break]

It's sometime after that, when they reach the Ugly Ward, that Genny scowls. The group that voted for the Dummy Ward to suffer... her eyes focus on a few people. . . . . . Those five, she knew, would never put that on the Dummy Ward... right? They wouldn't vote? It shakes her a moment, but the scowl remains at the remainder. No. Their vote was overruled by everyone else. She convinces herself of it. Because she has to. Remember their faces. Burn it into your mind.[break][break]

One Megalopolan speaker takes her mind, as she defends against numerous more Megalopolan chains, to not mistake dependence for liberation, and all Genny can do is glare like a monster, fuchsia eyes burning and glowing while her skin turns more and more purple. She can feel her blood pumping.[break][break]

As they cover their escape further downwards... only to be faced with more adversity.[break][break]

Her blood burns with a blaze, as she sees the Nihilego, backing the little Ogrepon. Andrea was already on them. But those jellyfish, as they appeared, her eyes burn with that fuchsia color. She still remembers the trip with and . What they did to Elio. What they did to Mr. Business. What they did to her and so many others in the swamps near Fortree. She charges without a moment's hesitation. Her blood is pumping. She had a plan. With a Toxic Chain Muscle'd hand leap, she makes a twirl in the air, and leaps onto one of them, attempting to grab one of the Nihilego to hit another Nihilego, and push them into each other.[break][break]

Even if she burns out completely, she will get everyone to safety. She can feel the poison cursing her, making it harder to focus.[break][break]

She had to do it. With a crane of her neck backward, she would say it with a glance.[break][break]

'Either help me. Or go.'[break][break]


, , , , , , , , , , , , , , [break][break]


- Weak Ward, LETS GOOOOOOO song, [break]
- TOXIC CHAIN ABILITY: Toxic Chain Muscle: The chain adapted to Genevieve's body as per Blood, Mud, and Iron. Born from her wish to have the strength to do this, Genny has gained a new arm-like limb. It's incredibly strong, and can be used as a third limb, as well as the ability to grab things without needing her hands.[break]
- Weakling Ward, covered. Officer Concordas and Mimii, as well as everyone else can take care of themselves.[break]
- Genny drops the corpse of the Megalopolan. She's gonna need therapy. She realizes this is poison. If she burns her life to nothing, she will.[break]
- Dummy Ward, Genny yells out to those fighting to get to the platform if they want to live. Cold. But she notices more people. Penny, and Melody namely.[break]
- Ugly Ward, Genny recognizes a few people... and justifies they couldn't have been the culprits. She burns as many of their characteristics into her head though. New targets if she survives.[break]
- They get down to the pits, and there are ways out. But there's also a new threat; Ogrepon and Nihilego.[break]
- PTSD from earlier threads, Genny sees the Nihilego, and uses this opportunity to cover everyone's escape and fight the jellyfish threat.[break]
- Leaps through the air, and attempts to grab one Nihilego and hit another one with it. Those eyes are fuchsia. Hey, new post image!



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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,436 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON May 11, 2024 21:52:43 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
Poison fills his veins and, despite the AMETHYST SPERE he projects, it's not enough to keep him steady. Greyson makes it to the platform, teeth clenched, and falls to one knee.


That was unpleasant. He needed to find a Comfey—if one had come along with him, that was.

He turns to . "Won't be much use here," barely keeping the panting at bay. Already the ends of his appendages were turning purple, black veins pulsing across his skin.

As the floors descend, each jarring impact pulses queasiness through his body. To keep himself from choking, he pulls the mask off, finally getting a breath of fresh air—if a poison filled prison full of death and refuse counted.

He doesn't look for others, trusting , , , and others to fend for themselves. The masked creature was a threat that couldn't be ignored, but he feels regret that his words hadn't reached her.

's call surges new hope and he watches as surges to aid them. He would have to do the same.

With both hands pushed forward, teeth clenching even tighter than before, Greyson EXPANDS HIS AMESTHSTY ORB to its limits. To encompass Ogerpon, the Ultra Beasts, every threat within' sight. Enough to allow a more steady hand than himself to work; to keep all others in his sphere safe from the fatal thread that advances on them.

He knew it wouldn't be without sacrifice.


Weak Ward.
Badly Poisoned
Weakened from poison, but is inevegorated by Andrea and Nomi's drive to assist Ogerpon.
POWER: Siphoning Sphere: An Amethyst sphere, easily transversable, surrounds him. It will suppress the thoughts and emotions of enemies, and siphon strength/power from his enemies, empowering him even as his enemies become husks.
Pushes his willpower in the sphere to EXPAND IT, consuming all of his concentration, and more if required.


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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,212 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON May 12, 2024 3:51:58 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","nikki109"]As she runs, as her toxic chains meld with her will and stop all those that attempt to get in her way, she can see it. Those twisted expressions that she's never really wanted to see, those that humanise their captors after everything they've done. And yet, there is a moment of sadness that washes over her, that they too are prisoners of this hell, just branded with a different status after being stripped of their wills.[break][break]

There's not much time. Though it might not mean much, she dares to crouch down next to a restrained Megalopolan.[break][break]

"We'll come back for you." Despite everything, there's no way she can simply abandon them. Still, the only way she can act upon such words is to leave them behind and go rooting for Azelf in the depths. "Just hang in there."[break][break]

As best as they can whilst under the influence.[break][break]

A rush for the elevator comes with a surge of relief, her arms thrown wide as she pulls into a proper hug. Her words are scarce, even scarcer as she takes the time it takes for the elevator to descend to look around. and her company is here. , who seems to be weathering the storm as best she can. ? She blinks, does a double take, then lets out a slow breath. It's unfortunate for her to be here too, but nothing else can be done.[break][break]

Further down they go, she can see them. , ... and is that ? Many, many more names are loosely drawn out from her memories but as long as they remain hidden, she is reluctant to make that call. Instead, she should probably focus on what is at hand.[break][break]

The world sways, and so does she. For a brief moment, her chest heaves, unable to catch her breath. Then as she regains her balance with a stumble, she grips at her chest, letting out a rather shaky exhale. A brief glance reveals traces of purple lacing her skin, coursing through her very veins as her body threatens to crumble. Her eyes swirl with tinges of fuschia that begin to creep upon the edge of her vision.[break][break]

But she can't afford to worry Hideo. She'd said that they'd get out of here and she refuses to be a burden now.[break][break]

"Can you feel that?"[break][break]

Quiet, a facade of calm against the roar of a flaming Ogerpon and several Nihilego. A desperate fight begins to break out, many turn their attention to the immediate threat before them. Knowing Isaac, he might just hop in there himself... Her gaze flicks to him, eyes wide as a deer caught in the headlights.[break][break]


have to abandon him -[break][break]

One step in that direction and she'll be taken by that flow. But Eris hurriedly turns away, grabbing onto Hideo's hand, tugging him along.[break][break]

"We have to go."[break][break]

Through the hole in the ground, to them.[break][break]

[attr="class","nikki103"]dummy ward
[attr="class","nikki103"]fucked up
tl;dr - prismatic fuckery: dumb ed.[break]
ability: what binds us - latches onto and RESTRAINS, but does not harm what is deemed dangerous.[break]
✦ Tells a megalopolan that they'll be back to free them[break]
✦ YIPPEE REUNION WITH , recognises many more people[break]
Badly poisoned, but trying to keep herself together and pretend she's fine since Hideo can't see what's happening[break]
✦ Instead calls attention to the funky lil lake trio feeling[break]
✦ feeling guilty about abandoning isaac, since she has a feeling he'll probably hop in that fight[break]
✦ Takes Hideo by the hand, diving down the hole to the bottom floor[break]


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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,947 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON May 12, 2024 5:54:45 GMT
Navy Avatar







He sups upon a burning memory, and from it gains strength. Around him is a blur of motion and power. Each of them has found strength, a candle with which to hold dark despair at bay. sits in the dark. He takes her by the arm, gently leads her to the platform.[break][break]
I’m so glad you’re alright, Baki.” He says, his voice raw with emotion. “This here’s Oscar.” The Rider says, nodding at the man who kept him alive for a week. Whatever comes next, he’ll hold in high esteem. A chain running between the man and is noticed, but ignored. There are larger concerns.[break][break]
Let’s stick together. Don’t know where everyone’s going, but…” As the platform descends, he collapses to one knee. His gun falls to his side, bound there by the chain around his neck. Fatigue catches up to him, gnawing dread eating away at his heart.[break][break]
I can’t fall here. He thinks. I made Howard a promise.[break][break]
So, empowered by ’s powers, he stands. His eyes, once more sharpened to a fine steel edge, search through the crowd. is there, somewhere on the other side. She’s too far away for him to shout out, so he turns his attention to closer folk.[break][break]
Eddie? Beau? Arceus…are you two alright?” He asks and . That they are here at all deepens his despair, but he says a quiet prayer just as quick when he sees they’re alive and doing relatively well. “It’s me, Navy. Long time no see, guys.”[break][break]
He spies , also close enough to chat up. He sees him dodge harm with preternatural speed. Cogs in his head turn.[break][break]
Don’t know what’s going on, but I’m glad we’re all h-”[break][break]
The dragon maiden, , springs into action. She rushes to save a life not her own. As others inevitably rush down to the bottom through flesh tubes, Andrea puts another’s well being before her own.[break][break]
Just like a hero should do.[break][break]
If any of you want to head down there, don’t blame ya.” He cocks the gun. “But I’m helpin’ Andrea.” He turns to address those closest to him.[break][break]
Oscar, don’t know what you can do but…I’d appreciate your help.” Next, he looks to Tsubaki, speaking with a father’s voice. “You care ‘bout those Nihilego, yeah? Then do what only you can do. I’ll cover you.”[break][break]
And last, he speaks to Howard. His eyes are trained on @genivieve, smiling at her reckless charge.[break][break]
Howard. Gonna guess you’ve got good reflexes or something.” A close enough deduction. “Tell me when something’s going to hurt Genny or Andrea. I’ll chain ‘em down.


Tl;dr: Putting this here because it might be too long for my template's notes section. Navy meets up with . Has in tow and notices his connection to Theo. Doesn't comment. Platform descends. Notices and in the crowd, speaks to them. When the group arrives at the bottom, he is moved by 's heroism and resolves to help her. Asks Oscar for help, tells Tsubaki to do what only she can do, and combos his power with Howard's.[break][break]
Main action: When Howard predicts imminent harm towards Andrea, Tsubaki, or , Navy will shoot his chain gun to try and protect them.


notes about this post


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✧ des ✧

✧ desi | diamandis ✧
✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty four ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
736 posts
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TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON May 12, 2024 8:10:16 GMT
[attr="class","pilotsb desiree"]

i’m afraid they’re gonna find you[break]
and there’s nothing that i can do




To see that those who had voted to forsake the others were able to exist in tandem with those with true kind hearts, eager to escape rather than betray further as a means of selfish preservation, filled her flipping heart with fractals of hope. As she flipped she scanned, wavering the aerial silk around her- until she had made her way to the platform. There she stabilized herself on the ground, landing her tumble.. and letting out a familiar, guttural, pained gulp that came with being badly poisoned.[break][break]

She refuted letting her desires come in between the strands that connected her to each soul that she loved with every aspect of her being- deja vu manifested with the pain, the chaos. The time the toxic chain emerged for the first, when the poison seeped into her veins, it led to her forfeiting her body and all control to cull those around her- her beloved. Never again, never in a million years would she allow that to happen. Her resentment gazed upon the guards, the wardens, and what she envisioned to be the never-rot. A new desire- one that needed to be born to bring about the new world of love and chains.[break][break]

Not a soul deserved to perish other than the cannibals and those who commanded them around like dogs on toxic leashes.[break][break]

"Pamplemousse," she said softly upon his boarding, clutching her gut as the platform lowered, ".. no matter if we get our hands dirty.. it's what we must do to survive.. don't let it change you. The real you.."[break][break]

It would not be the first time for her, not at all. Those who sought to bring pain upon those she loved.. upon them all, deserved to die. They deserved to rot and perish, as was the one who was said never to rot. Not them. 's commanding aura was that which needed to be followed by every soul- so she helped the best she could in her adrenaline-imbued poisonous nausea, all the way until the sardines could be released from the can. Back to the pit, back to where the bowl rested with the bone and magenta pulp.[break][break]

There was a part of her that wished to kill the being behind the mask; the being that kicked and kicked until there was nothing left but blood spat and aching bone and muscle. But she wished not to forsake again. Far too much blood of paradoxicals her friend wished to protect had painted her hands already, interweaving with the year-old stains accrued from the passing of her father. There needed to be a way to save it, to calm it, just as they had with Doug in the swamps those many months before.[break][break]

Hopefully, the ogre made to don the glimmering mask of flames would not meet the same fate as the bear in the moments to come- a far worse fate than keeping a seed of worry and grief tucked within its body. Not a soul deserved to be left behind.. not even one who had likely been forced to watch as its body lost control. But that choice, ultimately, had been left behind by the choices , .. .., and others had made amidst her turmoil and assessment. If she had fled through the tubes.. she'd be leaving all of them behind, too.[break][break]


"If I die, let them find me," she said to in passing, holding her chain between her quivering palms, ".. and take care of .. and all the other girls.. in the world.."[break][break]


Tears flung from behind her monkey mask as she burst forward with as much energy as her poisoned body could muster. Weaving her hands around her chain that took the form of pseudo-aerial silk, she attempted with all of her might to fling it around the piping system that rested upon the ceiling.. so she could take to the air rather than the ground. The song of her vision echoed through her mind as she would gracefully, painfully, swing above the fiery chaos that ensued below her. Not only in an attempt to kick at the bulbous caps of the Nihilego, but to bring a crack, a divot to form upon the metal by her weight.[break][break]

She wished to make it rain, whether it would be with cold aqua or the bodies of the poisonous creatures that existed on the other side of the rift to the Ultra Deep Sea.[break][break]


(cc: )[break][break]
♡ gets on the platform and is badly poisoned![break]
♡ tries to focus her resentments and anger on the megalopolans, wardens, and the idea of the never rot- she is paranoid the poison will lead to losing control of her body like in the bmi almost murderfest.[break]
♡ talks briefly to jack/pamplemousse, trying to justify killing..[break]
♡ og wants to kill ogerpon initially but doesn't wanna betray andrea like she did with culling paradox mons.[break]
♡ not a soul deserves to be left behind. and as so many that are dear to her are pursuing ogerpon, joins them.[break]
♡ acknowledges what she wants to do might kill her and gives navy a verbal death note if it does happen while passing him![break]
main action: attempts to fling her toxic chain aerial silk around the water piping on the ceiling to suspend herself like an aerial dancer, swinging around. tries to kick at nihilego heads, wanting to make it rain either with their bodies OR water if she can break the pipe open with her weight. all while crying and being in super nausea mode![break]
toxic chain ability:[break]

Desiree's toxic chain begins to bear resemblance to an aerial silk aerial dancers use while suspending themselves midair, synonymous with the theme of the vision granted by the wellspring mask. She is quite more nimble on her feet while doing acrobatic flips and handsprings than she was before.


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