i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
816 posts
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON Apr 20, 2024 4:36:53 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

Hazel eyes watch on, watching every voter between those in Weak Ward. She's listening to voices between them. She's pretty sure she can pinpoint Officer . This wasn't exactly what she had in mind for training or interning with him. But their talk months and months ago comes back to her mind, if she wasn't in over her head, if she should have turned back. What sounds like votes trust too, which puts her more at ease, with 's voice sounding out too. Less so at ease was was Genny from , who openly stated that Forsake is the better option. The overly beaten guy () seems to agree.[break][break]

No words for them.[break][break]

Trust wins in the end. Both sides get punished, sharing the torture to come. Contemptuous are her eyes to the Megalopolan, quiet fury breaking at the seams, threatening to tear the stitches that hold her together emotionally, a quiet rage she felt in the Silent Icelands. When the platform comes, she quietly steps on, taking everything; rather, everyone she can in from the Dummy Ward. As much info as she can gain, retain. Hair color, eye color, voice. Anything.[break][break]

With a toss into the world below, Genny wasn't able to make too much headway in such a small space. But this singular room would allow for a soft impact, as Genny braced. Upon opening her eyes though.[break][break]

A dead prisoner.[break][break]

Someone dead because of her.[break][break]

Because she was soft.[break][break]

She can see every detail of the slain prisoner up close she landed on, the image burning into her retinas, her mind plagued by the visage of what she could have prevented. This was a lesson. A lesson that that woman () was correct. This place was ruthless. Even if logic did not apply here, this place cared little for them. But once their task was given, to clean this place up, she could feel the coming of a 'but', and one did come.[break][break]

All of Ugly Ward was leashed to the floor by their own chain. By Ugly Ward. It didn't matter if Dummy Ward or Weakling Ward were Trusting. The Ugly Ward chose to forsake them.[break][break]

It's that is vocal enough to snatch her attention first. "Andrea?" She calls out, face riddled in sweat. More of her friends were here? The simulation with the little guy, the masked being ahead of them, coming in to kick Andrea, Genny's body stiff. A pleading gaze to make this stop and end this madness; and no one to hear it.[break][break]

did though. "Desi...?" A hand on Genny's shoulder, Desiree explains what happened, a victim to the circumstance too. Six voted to forsake their ward. Six... Genny didn't count the votes. She didn't want to. She keeps wanting to deny it. Balled fists to the side, she doesn't want to acknowledge. Finally looking at Desi though, her expression looked so wrong. Vengeful. Cold. Distant. Desi was in Dummy Ward... who else?[break][break]

"Desi!" Desiree gets kicked too, and all she can do is break further under the weight of it all, buckling her legs, as Desiree is kicked away.[break][break]

Was here? ? ? ? The horizon, the edge. Just one more person, one more victim, and she'll-[break][break]

She finds her own body sent flying by a kick, forced to ragdoll away from the girls, fumbling and thrown to the side, colliding on her back to the wall, the air knocked from her lungs as she hits the floor. Her body was in so much pain, blood trickling from her head, dizzied from a strike that by all accounts, should have left her head off. She was bleeding. She could feel it slowly trickle past the left side of her face, trailing down. Her nose felt crooked.[break][break]

In no time, she's fixed the alignment by force, the nostril leaking a trail of blood that trickles down her face. She needed to get her bearings, but as she looks just feet nearby.[break][break]

Her heart breaks.[break][break]


The last straw.[break][break]

She crawls over to him... it was awful. If that one guy, the guy beaten half to death was any indication, sat before her in rough, rough shape. She caused this. Another victim she could have prevented. Another person she couldn't protect. She couldn't save. He was in Dummy Ward. "T-This c-can't be. Not you too, not you," she cries weakly, hands now shaking atop of his. Her tears mix with blood, now traumatized by the umpteenth sight today.[break][break]

She cries, cradling his head near her own. "Hold on... I'll... I'll take care of your work. Just rest. Okay?" With one tiny, singular kiss placed on his forehead, she holds it for longer than she should. She turns towards , and gives her a worried look. She was stuck in this small spot too. She's punished too by Ugly Ward, a ward she can no longer abide by.[break][break]

"Stay strong, Izzy."[break][break]

She gets up.[break][break]

Wiping the blood away. She begins to clean. As hard as she can, twice as hard if she's able to. The head injury makes her fall over a lot. Way too much to be okay. Something was sprained, bruised, or broken. But she works harder than anyone else. She pushes herself into exhaustion. She has to. She tries to help too where she can.[break][break]

She cleans till its spotless. Using her own crying to help clean the room.[break][break]

But nothing will sanitize her mind anymore.[break][break]


, , , , , , , , , , , , [break][break]


- Weak Ward[break]
- Cannot believe her ears. Some choose to betray? Excuse her? Even if they succeed, they're dead to her. Namely, Nomi makes a huge impression with logic.[break]
- When they are reunited, thrown into the room to clean, Genny falls on a slain prisoner, and is pushed to the edge.[break]
- Ugly Ward chose violence. Genny will remember this transgression.[break]
- Genny immediately hears mention her time with a being running around the room. too. How many more are suffering this hell?[break]
- Desiree imparts the wisdom. Six voted to forsake in Dummy. Just as she's kicked away by Ogrepon, so is Genny. Concussion? Headwound? Hurt back? Crooked nose? Whose to say. She fixes what she can.[break]
- When Genny is able to see, she lays eyes on and . And falls apart. Not him. Please, not him.[break]
- Nodding to , Genny kisses Izzy's forehead, and promises to do his work. To bear the load on her shoulders. To fix what she can.[break]
- Tipping point reached.



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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Apr 20, 2024 6:35:53 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

[attr="class","cp cp-target-o"]


The decision goes through, the pact is made. Unfortunately, Ugly Ward had voted Dummy to take a hit. Paxton felt relieved, and closed his eyes to sit with the selfishness of it all for a moment. Another choice that'd haunt his long nights. What one more terror to the horde? He felt himself slipping under the circumstances. As the horror piled up, the voices of distress began to sound like static. Almost like falling asleep. He yanks as his chain, getting it to tighten around his neck. The momentary lack of air shooting adrenaline through him. He couldn't check out now. He needed to stay alert, stay observant. [break][break]

But wide eyes don't ring him any new information on an escape. They were disposable, but to an extent. Killing too many of them off might be more of a pain than its worth. It's the only reason why, in already scary enough of a situation, their wardens had yet to kill the various dissenters around them. [break][break]

The bowl is terrifying. The smell of sweet rot mixing with the iron of blood and the stench of decay. Or at the very last, the contests of corpses evacuating out of them post mortem. The task is simple enough, but he knew better than to underestimate this prison. The chains of the Dummies around him tighten like at the cells, and something enters the fray. He only catches a glimpse of the green thing before it launched itself upon a Dummy. Paxton inhaled through his nose, jaw clenched as he froze and tried to back away as silently as he could through soft, mush. [break][break]

He finds himself near and her cellmate again. He thinks perhaps has joined them as well. "You're right. Finishing the task will get all of us out of here faster. Hopefully Dummy Ward can withstand long enough for us to finish cleanup." The division of labor was set. He gets to work trying to find tools to make this easier while trying to work as silently as possible. [break][break]

His focus intensified, and his ears prick up waiting for those ominous, small steps of the strange ogre pokemon attacking them blindly, overtaken by the toxic chains. He gets ready to run, handfuls of mochi or perhaps viscera ready to be thrown to try to distract Ogerpon before it came down upon him with its fierce blows.




+   [break][break]
tl;dr [break][break]
- grimaces about the beatings which will continue until morale improves
- tries to get qeakling ward on the same page [break]
- says try to think critically, not self sacrifically [break]
- votes TRUST [break]
- tells weakling ward, mainly ever to stop trying to die for others [break][break]

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,211 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Apr 20, 2024 8:10:35 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","nikki109"]How does it go in most fairytales? That hope always wins in the end? Sure, hearing the result that both wards decided to trust each other is good news, but it somehow doesn't feel like hope in the slightest.[break][break]

She lets go, she watches as rises: A broken man. He has spoken his piece, he has made up his mind, and he will not spare a glance for those who will not ensure his survival.[break][break]

What about you?[break][break]

"I've got you." A quiet whisper as she stumbles back over, slings 's arm around her. Small as she may be, there is nothing in this scenario that permits her to fail. One way or another, she will support his weight. She will carry him as far as he needs to go, as far as he wishes to go.[break][break]

But only as far as she's certain that she'll be able to protect him.[break][break]

Onto the elevator, down into a rotting hell. Her stomach may churn and flip at all the remnants that flood this basement, but nothing would make her feel worse than the fact that those that surround her could become just like them at any moment. At this very moment, if that rampaging creature got too close to them.[break][break]

- She wonders how she can hold so strong.[break][break]

- That fleeting glimmer of fear that must cross her eyes when she sees the other's chain suddenly tying to the ground. That quiet scream she tries to choke down as she realises that her and Isaac are doomed with the same fate.[break][break]

Her body tenses, her eyes flick and search through the darkness if only to catch a glimpse of where the wild ogre must be. is right, their appearance does remind her of the pokemon from the simulation. Sure, simulation could be all lies, but she knows it must be suffering in the same way they do. Surely, one as cheerful and playful as them didn't truly want to hurt them.[break][break]

Surely, you don't believe you could save them?[break][break]

Her heels lifts to take that tentative step back, but she forces herself to resist and ground it once more. She can't run. She can't abandon Isaac in a time like this. Deep breaths, she has to keep an eye out for it. It chills her to see someone crawling towards them, begins to chip at her bones when she realises who this is.[break][break]

"You have to stay strong too, miss." She'd be a fool to miss the way that is crumbling too. She tries to grab her hand, if only for a moment, to offer that same warmth and strength that Isaac tells her to hold onto for him.[break][break]

There is a moment, a lull whilst the ogre chases and kicks everyone else down. In that time, she whispers an apology as she lets him down slowly. And she'll do her very best, she'll clean without wasting even a moment, tossing the muck closer to the center so others can carry it to the bowl in their stead.[break][break]

Damn these chains, but damn if she'd let it stop her from doing all that she can. No time to stop, no time to waste. Her area and whatever else she can reach within Isaac's own space will be cleaned. And when she's certain that he'll be fine, that Genny will do whatever else that must be done, she steps as far away from him; From everyone else close to her as possible and takes a deep breath.[break][break]

One last mochi in her hand. Steady aim. She'll apologise some other time.[break][break]

"HEY! OVER HERE!"[break][break]

What are you doing?

A small space to move, more than halved if she wants to avoid putting Isaac or anyone else in the way. Draw it away from the others, pray that they hurry up and finish the work.[break][break]

You're not a saint. There are no saviours.

Gritting her teeth, she braces herself for the worst. No. To perform her very best so she ultimately comes out on top.[break][break]

If it means he will be spared most of the pain, she'll even dance with demons and the devil below.[break][break]

[attr="class","nikki103"]dummy ward
tl;dr - prismatic fuckery: dumb ed.[break]
✦ no mister ...[break]
✦ supporting to walk with her VERY BEST EFFORTS[break]
✦ recognises ogerpon as similar to the one from the simulation[break]
✦ recognises there's probably not a good way to save ogerpon right now even if she wished to try[break]
✦ trying to comfort [break]
✦ cleans whatever she can reach, then readies herself for dumbass plan:tm:[break]
✦ tosses the last mochi she was holding at ogerpon, she'll apologise some day when she isn't going to die[break]
✦ yelling to further catch her attention and trying to draw her to her. COVERING FOR
✦ maybe that will spare more people and let them work in peace if she's focused on her


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July 2
Dewford Town
5'9 height
5'9 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
826 posts
Noel Parker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hellboyryan
Noel Parker
POSTED ON Apr 20, 2024 14:08:57 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]


The elevator lowers from up above. Pangs of fear weigh heavy on his heart to see what laid on that descending platform. And his fears grew true. Just as they said, there were other wards in this accursed place. A group of people, all chained like him made prisoners by these sick creatures. One solace at least was the fact that they chose to trust each other, even if it wasn't exactly a unanimous vote.[break][break]

However more grave news soon followed. Not only did they have their new task at hand, cleaning up after their captor's own filth, but for whatever reason, the other ward was deemed fit to have another punishment on top of everything.[break][break]

It just wasn't right. Noel thought to himself.[break][break]

None of this was. He and everyone else no longer had any control over their own lives. Their best best would be to play along and find some opening, no matter how miniscule it may be.[break][break]

They delve deeper and deeper downwards, the unnerving sounds of pipes about to burst, the two wardens snickering to themselves along with the guttural noise coming from below all join together to create a symphony of madness. Each prisoner is forced off the the ogreish Okidogi, with Noel landing harshly beside his cellmate . Once they were back up on their feet, he acknowledges her suggestion to begin their work.[break][break]

"You're right... The sooner we do this the sooner they'll let us out of here. Or at least I hope that's the case."[break][break]

But nothing is ever as simple as that in here.[break][break]

As they quickly set to collecting the mochi into its designated bowl, a door opens up from a little ways away. Here was the challenge. A monster rushes out in a frenzy, crushing, whipping and beating anyone or anything that dared cross its path. Some prisoners manage to escape its wrath, while others such as aren't so lucky. Elise herself is able to nimbly dodge out of harm's way, with the enshrouded creature careening off in search of easier prey.[break][break]

He wants to do something to end this. Anything to stop the cries of all those around him. Yet with this Toxic Chain coiled around his neck, there is naught he can do. All the strength he could muster was placed into his work.[break][break]

A glimmer of hope appears however, when both and sneak through to join him and the Galarian princess. Remiel's voice being easily distinguished due to their past time together but the other's remains a stranger to Noel.[break][break]

"I agree. I think everyone wants to get out of here as soon as possible. If we work together we might even be able to to take down-"[break][break]

His plan is interrupted by the encroaching sound of stomps heading their way. The green creature notices their bunched up presence and charges towards them. Remiel and Elise are able to dodge its fury while throws whatever he can to throw its path off.[break][break]

Unfortunately that leaves Noel to receive the brunt of its lunacy. His legs unable to listen his own commands due to the Toxic Chain sapping away his strength.[break][break]

Or was that the case?[break][break]

He's knocked down by the crash of their bodies colliding with each other. Kicks, vine whips and all manner of beatings lash out against Noel. Pained grunts and screams echo out into the room, try as he best but there was nothing he could do to even put up a struggle. There was only one thought in his head.[break][break]

Why does it always have to end up like this?

Work Work[break][break]
Meets up with Remiel and Paxton and works with them[break][break]
Tries to speak about a plan to take down their wardens but is interrupted by Ogypon[break][break]
Is beaten badly while having an existential crisis

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,654 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Apr 20, 2024 14:33:37 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
His comforts offered, Hideo could only await the results. He could hear quite a few voices vote to Forsake - but they were outnumbered by Trusts. He'd try to remember the voices who voted for Forsake - they were the ones to be careful of, the ones he couldn't trust.

Fortunately, they weren't the only side('s majority) to make the right choice. "See?" Hideo said to , "It'll be alright. We just gotta stick together, ok?"

And when they're herded off to a platform, Hideo made sure to stick close to her. He had to push down his own fears, his own anxiety, to be strong for her, so they could both get through this. It wasn't simply because he was a Gym Leader, who should lead by example; he felt a personal responsibility to keep someone younger than him safe.

He'd been on the other end too many times to not return the favor, even if indirectly.

He was sure would get on his ass if he didn't.

And on the topic of things on his ass - his ass just got tossed by Okidogi. Hideo was really not a fan of this dog.

His landing was a mix of soft and rough. He could tell he definitely landed on some mochi, but there was some other stuff it felt like he landed on. He couldn't tell what it was - a mixture of hard stuff and goopy stuff.

His blindness could be a blessing sometimes; he had no idea about the bits of body strewn across the floor. And his focus was more on reuniting with Lucia, to help her get through this ordeal.

Just focus on their job. Keep the wardens' eyes off them.

And find his way through this ordeal.

Even as the Ugly Ward spited the Dummy Ward, chaining them down, he kept to his work, trying to stay close to Lucia. Even as a familiar voice ( 's) sent a chill down his spine, he kept to his work, helping Lucia if she needed it. Even as something was sent loose, attacking everyone in here, he kept to his work. Even as his cellmate, , sounded like she was at wit's end, he kept working.

Even if hearing 's voice tempted him to break away, to go find and help her, he stayed where he was; he didn't know how many people would be in the way, or what he might trip over, or if the creature going loose on everyone would turn its attention to him.

He just stayed cleaning, helping the one person he knew he could help. The best he could do was keep cleaning, and if that creature attacking him came towards them…he could try and distract it, to keep it away from Lucia.

It was all he could do.

Continues comforting
Realizes it's the duty of the tol to protect the smol

and he's no longer the smol here

Completely unaware there's a dead body down here, just focuses on cleaning
And tries to keep Lucia safe
Can barely recognize 's voice
Can definitely recognize 's voice, but just powers through work
Will try to protect Lucia if she gets attacked by Ogerpon


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May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON Apr 20, 2024 15:24:35 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar

Roy's mind wrestles with the outcome of the vote, despite the positive result. Though broken and weary, thoughts of revenge still flicker in his mind. He clings to the belief that there must be a way out, a path to freedom, a route to Balmung.

Before he can entertain another glimmer of optimism, Okidogi's cruel toss sends Roy crashing into the mess below the platform. Rotten flesh and remnants of dessert cushion the impact, but pain still ripples through his exhausted body. The chain around his neck connects to the floor, anchoring him to the ground and restricting his movements. With orders given to him by one of the megalopans, Roy resigns himself to the menial task at hand, recognizing obedience as his only chance for survival.

"You okay?" he mutters, turning to check on his cellmate.

Before an answer can be given, a looming threat materializes against the shadows. A strange creature is drawn to Roy's words. With a relentless charge, the monster targets the draconid, unleashing vine-like whips that lash out. Roy's attempt to evade are hindered by his chained leash, trapping him within the creature's reach.


[attr="class","pkmnlgndsnote"]gets thrown in by okidogi. checks in on . gets attacked by the blinded monster (if rolls suck).


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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Apr 20, 2024 17:19:44 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

There is a scowl on his face (though thankfully the mask hides it) before… well, as expected, since they were the ‘weak’ ward after all, thhings would not be so hot.

For starters, his cellmate companion wanted to deliver vengeance at the drop of a hat almost immediately, however he would try to keep the other man distracted—or at least, focused on not rushing into things too quickly.

“Look, it’s going to be on you if you do something reckless,” he would whisper as quietly as he could manage, because he knew the walls had ears, “…so please, please try to hold it in, okay?! When there’s an opportunity, then we can move. For now, though, we have to follow what they want us to do!”

And apparently, this included being on clean-up duty. Nothing too hard with simple ‘clean-up’, right?

Well, that was until he got his hands on some of the mochi—and the rank stench of blood hit his nostrils. He also had a feeling that the ‘mochi’ wasn’t as what it looked to be, all things considered—why did it stink so much of blood, then?!

“Ugh,” he would grumble, the stench literally etching on the inside of his nose. Good luck getting the smell out of there, right?

Luck was on his side, and thankfully, there was something that he’d managed to avoid getting hit—before he flinched as his companion got a full-force attack on himself… yikes.

“Be careful—hey, are you okay?!” he would ask the other man once he’d thrown the handful of mochi into where it needed to go before trying to help him get back on his feet.

“Come on, let’s get you away from… from whatever the hell hit you.”


Frog where are you please come save your husband!!!
• on clean-up duty, rip the smell of blood will mess with him as he threw some mochi into wherever it needs to go
• asks his companion if he’s okay or not, offers to bring him back to their ‘cell’ to rest
• no Pokémon listed since they don’t have them with ‘em

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,584 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Apr 20, 2024 20:27:06 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar



[attr="class","oocnotes"]> WEAK WARD[break][break]Ongoing Comms Thread[break][break]TLDR[break][break]✦ Nomi finally realizes the Never-Rot must be a sentient being, perhaps the one in charge of the prison[break][break]✦ Cleaning up the gross stuff, ew[break][break]✦ Nomi gets smacked in the side of the head, ouchie


Nomi didn't find it surprising that trust was the consensus. It was, technically, the "safer" option. The human condition was inherently selfish, but most people did not know how to carry a guilty conscience, not even when their lives were on the line. She had learned long ago how to set aside sentimentality in favor of survival - so she had been willing to gamble - but she could not blame those around her for their choices. A part of her was, ultimately, accepting of their reduced sentence. She would endure whatever came next.[break][break]
You just wanted to appear strong, a small voice whispered, threatening melancholy. But you're still here, in the weak ward, aren't you?[break][break]
They were led to the central platform like cattle to slaughter, soon joined by the other ward - called dummy, Nomi remembered. When the combined group arrived below - in the dark, wide-open chamber that seemed to be their destination - the intense scents of viscera and blood mixed with rotting mochi immediately hit her. The sickly sweet peach combined with the half-decomposed human remains made her stomach churn, but she forced the nausea away. She'd participated in dissections before, she could manage this - even on such a large scale.[break][break]
How many have lost their lives to this hell? She couldn't help but wonder.[break][break]
As they were given their cleaning instructions, Nomi listened carefully to every word. She reached for once more - the simple act of gripping his arm having become something of a guardrail against despair - and whispered, "It despises?" So it was a sentient being, then? "The Never-Rot must be the person or Pokemon in charge of this prison."[break][break]
It was too dark to recognize the other people around her, so she stayed close to her cellmate, crawling on hands and knees in an undeniably humiliating fashion. She was grateful for the mask, at least, for blocking out some of the stench - and for the fact that her ward had not been the one chosen to endure a painstaking loss of mobility.[break][break]
She did not grimace when her hands squelched into the gore, forcing an observational mindset as she worked.[break][break]
"Was the Chamber of Desires simply an opportunity to further punish us without consequence?" She wondered aloud.[break][break]
Why would that be a reward? Then again, this place was twisted on multiple levels. [break][break]
"What else happened in there?" Her curiosity burned, but she knew she could not afford too much of a distraction. She needed to remain as alert as possible.[break][break]
A flash of green caught Nomi's eye as something dashed past the light shining down upon the bowl in the center of the room. A child? was her first thought, but no - that wasn't quite right. She shifted, trying to get another glimpse of it, for it seemed unlikely that any prisoner would be running that who (or what?) else was down here with them?[break][break]
Wait. Was it - was it running straight at her?[break][break]
Stars blossomed across her vision as the creature struck her, lashing out in random directions with the vines wrapped tightly around its face, and Nomi shrieked, falling sideways.[break][break]
"Greyson, watch out - " she tried to warn him, rolling to the side, head throbbing.[break][break]




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september 12
hammerlocke, galar
but you know
that you're toxic
5'5" height
5'5" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
238 posts
part of
TAG WITH @diana
Diana Cavendish
POSTED ON Apr 20, 2024 22:00:32 GMT
Diana Cavendish Avatar
[attr="class","diana"]Her blue gaze, like ice shards, pierced into as she abstained from the vote. The hesitation made her stomach flip, and she almost stepped forward to elbow her fellow cellmate to say something, anything, to avoid the fates and had suffered. Luckily, she and were spared.

Diana breathed through the slot of her mask, as the vote was tallied. She nodded at , glad she had said something. However, their moment of peace was taken away when the FEZANDIPITI took flight. She cried out as her wrists were yanked into the sky, her feet brushing the floor before she was in the air.

Finally, they’re set down, and finally the mask comes off their faces. Diana gasped, reaching to touch her skin as she felt sweat and grim across her features. Nevertheless, it felt amazing.

”Ameena. Luka,” she murmured.

Her moment of wonder and trying to view the other women’s faces ceased as another Megalopolan appeared. And the beautiful mask at the center beckoned them.

Finally, it was her turn. After a short pause and a disgruntled sound of annoyance by the guards, she peered into the mask.

Galar. It was spring, if she could tell by the grass. Greenery, fresh breeze, not a cloud in the sky. There were no scars in the land. Fields were brimming with plants and workers, though a sound from Hammerlocke brought her attention.

“Ronan is gone! Long live the queen! Ronan is gone! Long live the queen!”

She sighed, a blossoming peace filling her body at the thought. Arms came around her leg. “Sister, aren’t you going to speak to the masses now?”

Her brother. He looked so strong and full of life now, as did the rest of her family, coming to stand alongside her. Her mother smiled. “Hammerlocke needs to hear from her queen.”

Huh? Queen?

”Come along, Diana. We’ve made it this far together. Let’s show them that we can achieve more: together.”


She ripped her head from the mask, gasping like she'd been drowning as she was pushed away for the next person in line. Then, as they were taken to the bathing stall, hot water scalded her skin, as she tried to recover from the memory implanted in her mind. Diana, too, bathed unclothed, though she kept her back from everyone as she hid herself from the others.

[attr="class","dianatag"] &
- wished voted due to fear of punishment
- to the chamber of desires
- sees her perfect world: healed galar, her family happy and safe, herself as its queen, and at her side
- showers in the scalding water
- recovering from what she saw
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,327 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Apr 20, 2024 23:59:34 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb illie"]

who's afraid of little old me? [break]
well, you should be




with little time to recover, they're thrown down one by one. each body drops, followed by a sickening squelch, and when it's her turn? she grimaces through the fall until she collides and rolls. long since expired blood and flesh mix with the fresh red on her body and despite herself, she's gagging. the mochi threatens to come back with a vengeance as her stomach tries to empty itself.


when she's done, she swipes the back of her hand across her mouth and rises to shaky feet. she tries, then, to take a few steps forward... but like clockwork, she never gets far.


chains tighten around limbs and she's a prisoner again - more than before with the leash, it reminds her of a submarine and damp, moist air. her chest constricts with the thought.


's voice echoes somewhere to her side. she can just barely make out his figure.


"no - this is disgusting."


as the sentiment leaves her mouth, vines come out of the dark. they spread across the grime and filth without rhyme or reason. and when she thinks she's set to avoid them, when her body begins to shift to the side, they twist and slash across her body. freshly split skin from the previous punishment screams through phases of pain. she hisses through the onslaught, grits her teeth through new blood splattering into the scraps at their feet.


another step forward is sluggish, pained, and restricted. her mind reels with the echoing's of a mad woman until it's no longer a mantra but a promise, a gilded thread of fated ruin. i'll kill them i'll kill them i'llkillthem i'llkillthem i'll kill them kill them kill them i'llfuckingkillthem.

[attr="class","oocnotes"]eU8FdUlT [break]
i'm cursing rng for that 99 fr,[break]
lands in grossness ick, chained to the floor,[break]
gets slashed by stray vines, will kill them.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
882 posts
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2024 1:21:38 GMT
Shred Avatar
Continued from here.
Your whispers with are cut short as the votes are tallied and totalled and the results announced: Trust has beaten out selfishness. Neither side has forsaken the other. Both will bear the punishment to come, but they will bear it together.

But it's still a punishment. Your third in however many minutes. The pain, the bruises, the fractures, the blood, they're all still fresh on your body and in your mind. As you're herded onto the platform like cattle, you're barely even able to stand, let alone walk, let alone at any reasonable pace. All you can do is stagger along and keep your balance as the Megalopolans push you forwards, wheezing and coughing and gasping all the while.

It occurs to you that you must seem like the weakest of them all right now. Not just in the ward, but in the whole wide world. But that doesn't matter. You just need to keep going. You need to stay alive.

For her sake.

It's a packed elevator and a long trip down. As you descend, you think you see some familiar shades of hair amidst the dark, lovescorned pink and bitter red and arrogant white and more. But ultimately, it's the virulent green that sparks a reaction, booting you down into the hole below. The penalty for your failure? Clean-up duty. Scrape the filth from the floors until they're spotless. Something you're quite familiar with from your days as a Rocket Grunt. It sounds remarkably easy.

Until the doors slide open, and something emerges.

A creature strangled by Toxic Chains, like a flower ensnared by parasitic vines, lashing out at anything that draws near to it. There's something familiar about it, like you might've seen it before, though you can't place where. In a way, it isn't dissimilar to the ape or the mutt looming above you, but at the same time, it's undeniably different, isn't it?

You don't get much time to scrutinise it, though, before it blindly stomps in your direction. Survival instinct kicks in, and you shove out of it's path before throwing yourself to the ground, amid the dead and the mochi. Wooden sandals crack hard against your head, then your shoulder, then your back, then your hip, then your knee, then your foot, before finally leaving to stalk another victim.

It hurts. It fucking hurts so goddamn bad. But you can't scream, and you can't suffer. All you can do is quietly pull yourself together and begin to work. You pick and toss the detritus off the floor and towards the bowl. As fast as you can. Before it comes back for a second time.

...A part of you dreads if you'll find any liquid metal or off-red fur among the bodies...

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2024 2:43:51 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]For those of able body, it wasn't much of a rough landing. For Isaac, whose leg was broken and insides were bleeding, it was as rough as he looked. He let out a pained hiss as he hit the ground, doing his damned best to brace himself on his hands. Big mistake. As he realized his hand was caressing the face of a deceased prisoner, he pulled it back in horror. So, too, did the prisoner's skull give way, leaving only flaccid skin and bone dust behind.[break][break]

Only the mask strapped atop his face stopped Isaac from vomiting.[break][break]

This man, this human life, was little more than filth to be cleaned away. Isaac's fist clenched at the Megalopian's callous description. Frankly, the only filth here were the ones putting them through untold amounts of cruelty. Yet he knew better to stand and deliver. Judging by the shape was in, he wasn't the only one who made that mistake.[break][break]

He shot his brother in harm a weak, weary nod of understanding.[break][break]

What a time to be weak and weary. A familiar voice, so full of love and understanding, pleaded as a chained monstrosity came charging into the room. Despite her best attempts, her words fell on deaf ears. She was kicked across the room like a piece of garbage, only for her toxic chain to go rigid and her body to go limp.[break][break]

"!" There was agony in Isaac's voice as he sprang off of his good leg, trying his damndest to get to his fallen friend. Unfortunately, she wasn't the only one to receive such punishment. His own toxic chain went rigid, so taut that it practically bound Isaac in place. He tried his damndest to fight against the pull, body trembling as he fought for every last millimeter.[break][break]

It wasn't to be. The second the chain slipped by even the slightest amount, it pulled him right back into place.[break][break]

The beast should have gone after him next. Yet it didn't. Instead, it went on a tear around the room. Isaac was forced to watch as it kicked the anonymous Hoennians around like ragdolls. Were they friends? Were they foes? Were they just ordinary people trying to get by? Were they kings broken into prisoners deserving of mockery? None of it mattered. None of them deserved this.[break][break]

When one turned to look at him, Isaac's heart sank. Mask, prisoner's outfit, he'd recognize her anywhere.[break][break]

"." This time it wasn't a pleading scream, but instead a heartbroken whisper. She could move, pained and crawling as she was. He was helpless, no matter how badly he wanted to run to her side. Nevertheless, he stretched out his hands, trying to use the only unbroken parts of him to help ease her off of the ground. As her hands trembled around his, he held them softly and firmly. He had to be her rock, even as his foundation was crumbling down to nothing.[break][break]

"C'mon. You know me," he whispered, voice still strained. Behind his mask, he found himself smiling, his head nestled softly against hers. "Since when've I not been in the thick of things for all Hoenn's messes?" It was a glib attempt at humor, a little bit of fun poked at himself even in the darkest of days. Nonetheless, Isaac's arms wrapped gently around Genny, one softly easing its way through her hair.[break][break]

He opened his mouth, trying to warn Genny about the risks her offer posed. However, as she pressed her lips against his forehead, he found the words dying in his throat. "Thank you," he whispered, wishing he could so much as move to properly pay back the favor. By now, the chain was pulling him tautly enough to start tearing at his flesh. He didn't dare fight its pull. "I will."[break][break]

It was a theory that would be quickly put to the test. , oh so painfully close to him, pelted the rampaging ogre right in the head with a piece of wayward mochi. With him so close, he would be right in the ogre's blind spot. Any beatdown reserved for him would instead happen to his beloved little sister.[break][break]

It might as well have been him suffering under the weight of all those blows.[break][break]

She'd be over soon, a flurry of hateful screams and thrashing wooden limbs. And yet, as Isaac watched the seething ogre, he couldn't help but notice what was bound around her crystalline mask; an entire network of toxic chains, dozens more than the single one that had them all bound. Fear, disgust, and a strange sympathy lit up in Isaac's eyes as he watched them writhe, covering every glimpse of her face he could steal.[break][break]

He wanted to hate her. The idea of her laying a single hand on Eris left his guts roiling to the core. Despite that, Andrea's voice echoed through his head, a litany of precious memories shared with at least some variant of the ogre in a past that never happened. The RKS Simulation was many things. A liar was not one of them. If anything, it was a cosmic cheat sheet, glimpses of clues to questions never asked and answers never found.[break][break]

"You're a prisoner, just like us."[break][break]

He, too, stooped down to the ground to pick up a piece of mochi. However, rather than throwing it as Eris had, he instead wiped it off on his sleeve and held it out towards the ogre. With his other hand, he fanned the stale, fallen candy, trying to waft some of the aroma its way. Once he finished, he held his free hand up, palm flat to show he had nothing in his hand and nothing up his sleeves. "It's okay. It's not a trick," he added, fighting down the hitch in his voice. "We're not here to hurt you"[break][break]

He clenched his jaw and prepared for the worst. To keep the offer going even as the sister he cherished so much was beaten down would be agony. Yet he knew Eris. Such a grudge held on her behalf, towards an imprisoned Pokemon that deserved a better life, was the last thing she'd want. Even this fight was born out of desperation, not out of desire. Even as his hand trembled, even as his breath clutched his chest in an iron grip, even as he risked his own beating, he kept the mochi held out.[break][break]

There was more than one way to be strong.[break][break]


TEAL DEER;[break]
Isaac worries a metric fuckton over Andrea, but is helpless to reach her.[break]
He also worries a metric fuckton of Genny, but luckily can reach her! He tries to be strength for her as she is for him.[break]
As Eris gets the ogre's attention, he makes an important observation.[break]
Instead of try to attack or escape the ogre, he offers her sympathy and a mochi.

TAG — @ [break]
NOTES — notes go here

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2024 3:29:59 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



The harsh words from his cellmate made things harder to swallow, but it was the shock Zachary needed to move forward! He was still in shock, still in pain. Anubis... Zachary struggled, but the cellmate kept encouraging him, or rather threatening him to snap out of it. He was right... now was not the time. If he hesitated, and struggled too much, his other Pokemon would suffer, and so would he. He couldn't accept that. Even though as he obeyed, his hate grew for these poison-chained monsters! He had to use his head and work with his cellmate, and the others. [break][break] However, he didn't get much time! Soon they were all corraled into an elevator and lowered further into the depths of the prison. As they were all shoved into the hole, and fell, they found all the ugly mush and Moochi. Their goal-- was to collect it and put it into the glowing bowl, while there was a vicious beast lurking around that would attack them! "This is going easy on us...?" Zachary grumbled, doing his best to not be heard. [break][break] This was bad--- as Zachary realized he had to work and work fast. If he was slow, or caught in the sight of the chained beast, he would suffer a beating too. [break][break] Zachary tried to keep to the shadowed parts of the room, collecting what Moochi he could. He would put hand fulls into he bowl, trying to collect it-- but soon felt a harsh sting on his back! [break][break] "GAAAHHH!!!" Zachary cried, dropping what Moochi. He looked to see the massive, semi-masked creature with its whip like appendages. Zachary looked up in dread behind his mask... and soon was met with another brutal lash of the whip. [break][break]The sadistic creature lashed, and kicked Zachary, brutally punishing him for not going faster or doing something right. Zachary cried through his mask, the pain of the beatings growing more and more difficult to endure. Tears fell from his eyes. He couldn't take it. It was too cruel. He wanted to leave, he wanted to go home! He wanted to be with his friends again-- find Dizzy, and Happy, and all the others. This wasn't right. [break][break] This was not right... [break][break]



Weakling Ward.[break]
Agrees to follow Alexei to survive .[break]
Hearded into the pit and attempts to collect the Moochi to get it into the bowl.[break]
Zachary is caught and whipped brutally.[break]
Zachary is breaking down, unable to take this physical abuse.

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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
3,169 posts
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2024 4:47:30 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

the martyrs are punished swiftly and without mercy, though no triumph lingers in the aftermath of their pain. the game carries on; the other wards are still made to suffer. and they still receive their prize. 

she sucks in fresh air greedily when the mask pops off of her face, gaze darting over faces she prays she won't recognize. golds glance off the startling cold blue of and then pass as she gently releases his hand, harden when she spies one and growing harder still when she lay her eyes on .


from the dark comes a horrible sucking sound and she turns, tearing her gaze from the councilman and to the personification from a past she'd desperately crawled herself away from. a shiver runs through her - blisteringly cold, snuffing out any emboldened ardor she's managed to cling to. 

hand pressed to her mouth, thumb and finger clenching her cheeks - say ahhhh - and the immolation of her whole self with careless, obsessive, violent abandon. she takes an unwitting step back, not realizing that she is trembling, but she cannot move from the line. she cannot make a break for it. there's nowhere to go

"i am afraid," she whispers lowly, softly, unearthing the connection buried between them because she cannot do this alone. not again.

it's her turn and her jaw is taut, fear on every upraised hair on her arms, the back of her neck. into the looking glass, liquid metal on her cheeks, spooling over her vision to spindle crystal constructs of - 

'i love ye, freya,' he says and he holds you amidst twisted cream sheets, the draperies of your home hanging beside you. breakfast in the mornings, laughter in the afternoon, al fresco before the moon in the evenings.

you watch that darling daughter of his grow and you see them slowly become family. you have enough to give; you love fully. recklessly, even, because he has a badge on his chest and as he brushes aside his chain, he tells you 'thank you' for all of it. for saving him and saving them and for being you.

and there are days when you are alone, but you're never lonely again, because you stand on the bluffs, your dragons wheeling overhead, and you take in the glittering white city that is your home.

lies. it must be. it must be

her feet are bare. she stares down at them, uncomprehending, savoring the last remnants of a vision blurring around the scalding water. she doesn't remember undressing, but her clothes are folded neatly, and her body, battle-scarred and lean, shivers despite the heat. 
ugly ward
sees elisa and fernando when the masks pop off yippee
velmos makes her panik
sees happy king and delta and sootopolis times
she has Entered the Zone
5x salacs removed from inventory kms

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,687 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2024 6:15:02 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar
her attention was drawn away from rocket’s most broken beast as the platform arrived. when they were herded onto it and she was squeezed in next to him, she braced against bodies to try and allow him a little space. however, there was no respite for any they were tossed into the pit by their warden.[break][break]

landing in filth, she tried to hold the mochi down in her stomach at the smell of rot. the darkness growled, unleashing another unfamiliar monster that tore through the shadows. ’s shove should have been expected, but he’d been so battered that it surprised her.[break][break]

”no!” she shouted, though helpless to stop its punishment. she could see only enough to watch his silhouette drop to the littered ground.[break][break]

she couldn't save him. she couldn’t save any of them. it seemed clear the beatings would continue until their job was done.[break][break]

ignoring the pained cries of loved ones and strangers alike, she went to work, searching for the dirtiest of it that she guessed some of them might avoid. her hands were bloodied as they wrapped around a limb, and she dragged the dead weight of a mangled body towards the dim light of the lamp. a growl ripped from her throat with each strong heave, in defiance of gravity and their grim fate.[break][break]


∙ is shoved out of the way of ogerpon by and watches him fall[break]
∙ quickly gets to work instead of attacking or checking on anyone, assuming beatings won't stop until the job is done[break]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP