i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
531 posts
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2024 16:16:57 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar

Roy complies without resistance, following orders and biding his time for the right moment to act. Smuggling tera shards into his mouth is just one of his many escape strategies. Unfortunately, his exhausted body took a toll on his mind, clearly an intentional maneuver made by their captors. As another tray of mind-altering mochi arrives, he consumes half, leaving the remainder for his cellmate, his focus solely on methods of escape.

Nigthfall brings no negotiations with the alchemist, no conversations, just a silent surrender to exhaustion. Collapsing against the prison wall, Roy accepts the discomfort as the only option, sacrificing the cot for Illeana's comfort. There was no point in arguing over it.

As sleep claims him, Roy awakens to a dream world, a distorted mirror of a city he vaguely remembers from his exploration into Ultra Space. Despite its dilapidation, familiarity fuels him, guiding his steps through the labyrinth. It isn't long before he stumbles upon his own pokemon locked behind a glass wall and a suspicious fluid. In spite of his initial attempts to find vulnerabilities in the structure, he abandons the effort, sensing an unsettling aura lingering in the air.

A familiar voice breaks through the dream's eerie ambiance, drawing Roy's focus. Stealthily navigating the room's interior, he seeks out the source of the voice, eventually coming face to face with his old friend Noel.

"Noel?" Roy's voice cuts through the dream's haze, seeking answers in this strange place that held their pokemon captive. "What is this place?"

[attr="class","pkmnlgndsdice"]no roll

[attr="class","pkmnlgndsnote"]gives the cot. roy finds his pokemon in the dream world. finds .


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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
311 posts
Thea Naito DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @theanaito
Thea Naito
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2024 17:23:06 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

Thea was relieved to notice she felt some brief laugh escaping her lips at 's comment to 's hair. She would cling on those positive feelings and dettach from the negatives as much as she could, even if it reached an unhealth point. The idea of drowning in the negativity that place was sowing made Thea's quiver, even more after reminding herself of how helpless she was when panicking in her cell.[break][break]

Cell which... Soon they were going to return. Thea swallowed at the reminder, and her eyes shifted to Cass as she mentioned the tubes once again. "Perhaps you are right... Being fully ignorant won't help us." She glanced at the tubes one last moment before they were guided somewhere else.[break][break]

The new clothes were welcomed, but Thea didn't feel grateful for it. They were signs of their stripped freedom, and she hated it. After changing her clothes, she hesitantly got into the cell again, staying close to her friend and cousin. The cell was small and tight, and looked like it was shrinking the more she stayed in there. But this time Thea was prepared, taking deep breaths and trying to keep her calm. "N-No, Kay. No one will have the floor." Thea said, assertively and reaching for her cousin's hand. "S-Sleep with us. We— I won't feel safe without you near me, I-I won't sleep well, and you won't sleep either." Thea countered Knight's selfless suggestion with her selfish necessities. How convenient.[break][break]

However, she wouldn't force her cousin to do it. And trying to squeeze herself on the sole bed they had, she embraced Cass back tightly, along with Knight if he joined them. Her eyes closed tightly, focusing only on the two persons she loved being near them, trying to distract her mind from the fact she was enclosed in a cell. Those thoughts made her mind calm down, relax, and eventually allowed her to dive into a strange dream...[break][break]



  • Is relieved she still can feel some positive feelings after all

  • Understood the necessity of trying to look at the tubes, so she stared at them briefly, trying to understand it

  • Rejected the idea of letting her cousin sleep out of the bed. Wants to share the spot with Cass and Knight.

  • Eventually fall asleep with Cass and Knight. Is in the Dream City, and won't ask anything relevant (generic questions will be done in a side mission thread)





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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2024 21:35:00 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

Every part of her body aches. is sweet, keeping her spirits high as they can be. She had to stay strong... seeing like that... and both being slammed and tossed around, and that little Ogrepon that suffered just as they had. She's so tired of it. But she will not let the fire die. She slams a fist into the ground. It's clean now.[break][break]

When the deluge comes... all she can do is glare up above at where the shower comes from. When she was able to, she would look over her friends, her love, everything important to her. No matter how piercing the water was, she would not feel clean.[break][break]

Not until they were home safely. Not until she could invite them out to the little glamping session again, or take them to the hot spring. Until then, she would feel no unrest.[break][break]

The wardens come, and as Genny tries desperately to stay near those in the Dummy Ward, combing through endless hallways, Genny was forced to indulge and join the Weakling Ward; something she felt all too real even as she dressed in her new prison garbs. As she's pulled back to her cell, reunited with , her head turns. He could likely see the hatred she felt, emanating from her gaze to the Okidogi, to the Megalopolan they walked with.[break][break]

"Of course," she says, uneasy. Like walking a tightrope in words alone, about to break. Each bite of mochi to conserve strength.[break][break]

When it's time for bed, she tries to conserve as little space as she can. Hideo was younger, he needed the energy. She would handle any pain from the morning, but for now, most of the cot was his.[break][break]

When sleep came, it was surprisingly easy to reach, the glow of the tera crystals gently moving her storm-riddled mind to a quiet sleep.[break][break]


Dreams are funny little things, aren't they?[break][break]

When she wakes up, she feels free, in a world beyond the influence of toxic chains and Megalopolan, walking a city away. "Hello?" She yells out, ducking into an alleyway, unable to read any signs. Even though the nice Megalopolan civilians are friendly, as she passes them in the dream... all she can think about is how badly she wants to burn this city to the ground.[break][break]

(To be continued...)

, , , , [break][break]


- Weak Ward[break]
- Cold shower. Everything hurts. Eris got her spirits up at least.[break]
- Uh-oh. Poor Genny, if they keep breaking her she's gonna snap. Even as she tries to stay with Dummy Ward, she is pulled inevitably back to Weakling Ward.[break]
- Oh hi Hideo! Glad to see you're doing okay, bruh. Genny and Hideo share a cot, even as Genny tries to be civil, she's this close.[break]
- To be continued in dreamland... Genny is not okay.



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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2024 23:21:57 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]Leaving behind was one of the hardest things Isaac ever had to do. Unfortunately, with his body in shambles and the wardens oh so insistent, he barely had a choice. His fingers trailed ever so slightly against hers as they were lead to their respective wards, a last, lingering touch that he'd hold onto the feeling of for as long as humanly possible.[break][break]

He was too tired to fight. Not against the wardens, and not against his chosen family.[break][break]

If wanted him to take the cot, he wouldn't refuse. They were both much too worn down for that to do anyone any good. They needed to conserve their energy for the struggles that mattered most. Every minute of sleep they sacrificed would come back to haunt them when they woke up. Every mochi they wasted would leave their stomachs cramping in agony. Every plea they made would strain their feeble voices. It wasn't worth it. Not now. Not like this.[break][break]

Instead, with a smile, Isaac took the offered mochi and propped himself against the wall. "Good call," he said between bites, occasionally casting nervous glances the toxic chain's way. The first time he'd taken a bite, it left him throttled by his own chain. How many more bites would it take for a reprisal? He couldn't worry about that. Not when staving off starvation was more important. "Can't go falling apart on you, now."[break][break]

His words were swallowed up in a yawn. At this rate, he wouldn't be up for long. His eyes fluttered shut, his voice reduced to little more than gentle snoring. As far as Eris would be concerned, Isaac was fast asleep.[break][break]

It was exactly what he wanted her to think.[break][break]

He was too tired to fight hard, but he had smarts left to spare. The second he saw Eris ease off to sleep, he would snap into action. Moving with the quiet of the grave, he eased off of the cot to scoop his stubborn sister up in his arms. He didn't mind the strain. She was light (too light, if you asked him), and it wouldn't be a very long trip. All he'd need to do was bring her onto the cot. Like hell was he going to make her take the floor.[break][break]

That said, he wouldn't reject her advice. While he'd cede the majority of the cot to her, he'd still keep his seated posture atop it. Shifted like this, there was just enough room for the two of them. All the while, his hand threaded through her hair, rhythmically stroking it to help ease her into a more comfortable sleep.[break][break]

"Heh. I win." There was fondness and warmth in his eyes as he looked down at Eris, even as he taunted her. "Nighty night, sis."[break][break]

TEAL DEER;[break]
I sleep

TAG — @ [break]
NOTES — notes go here

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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2024 1:33:33 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

she does not hate him. to hate him, to spurn him now, would mean to reject the absolute before her. water patters over her skin and she leans back into him, remembering all at once how at home she felt in his arms, in that bath, coddled like a newborn babe. 

when he reassures her, she tilts her chin up, jaw slackening, water dribbling down her lips and down her throat. her swallow flexes the muscles where the toxic chain lay thick and pustulous, bleeding into her a purple haze where all their suffering is only an arduous journey meant to mold them into more

"i believe you," she says, as though it were the most profound thing in the universe.

later, when she's dried and layered in unsoiled clothes, she does not protest when her cellmate offers her the cot. closeness has always prickled her, but now all she can do is draw in close to that warmth and fall into a restless, listless sleep.

reacting to and
freya goes to sleep!
freya delulu hours!
fleshing out her fun adventures in more threads.
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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,202 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2024 3:01:49 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]They send you here for life, and that's exactly what they take.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]The cramped, narrow cot just barely had enough room for both of them. Even with both women nestling wearily close together for warmth and space, Aurelie's back was squeezed uncomfortably tightly against the hard, unyielding wall. Despite the unpleasant mask and the Toxic Chain pulsing horribly around her neck, the redhead still drifted off to sleep. The tumult and torments of the day had worn her out.

If she hoped to find respite and forgetfulness in dreamless slumber, though, she was sorely mistaken.

Instead, Aurelie found herself standing within a spectacular, brilliantly lit city filled with colorful neon lights and soaring skyscrapers. Where am I? was her first thought. Am I dreaming? Or did I get transported here somewhere?

Something about the dazzling cityscape tickled at her memory. Is this...the city from that Violet Book scenario from RKS? The one with the future Cyclizar? she wondered in amazement.

To be fair, Aurelie hadn't paid much attention to the city in the RKS scenario. Being chased by a squad of laser-shooting Genesects was an effective distraction. Still, it was something to think about, along with whether this was a dream, reality, or some sadistic trap of their jailers'.

Several passersby jostled her as they strolled down the street. Opening her mouth to apologize, Aurelie gasped in shock when she noticed they all had the unmistakable blue skin of Megalopolans. She gasped again upon catching sight of her reflection in a window. Her mask and prison uniform were gone, leaving her stark naked except for her eyepatch.

Now, I know this has to be a dream, she thought in chagrin.

Suddenly, the sounds of commotion and angry voices echoed behind her. The redhead whirled around, ready to flee from any potential dangers. Instead, she saw annoyed Megalopolans parting before a man she recognized all too well, sprinting toward her.

"Jack?" she cried out incredulously. "Is that really you? How are you here? How is this possible?"

Heedless of anything but him, Aurelie reached out to clasp his hands in hers. The feeling of their fingers touching flooded her with profound, welcome relief. His presence was like a homecoming, a balm on her bruised and ragged heart, a luxurious nap after a long, exhausting night or a bowl of hot soup on a cold winter's day.

"Are you okay?" she asked softly. "Is this...are we both dreaming? Or is this like that madness with Father Winter over the holidays, when we were taken away someplace and sometime else?"



- Ugly Ward
- Shares cot, falls asleep in cell, and enters the dream world
- Wonders if Ultra Megalopolis is the city from the Future Cyclizar scenario from the Violet Book in the RKS system
- Runs into Jack and asks what's going on

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,511 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2024 3:25:59 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar
[attr="class","space annal"]

idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword




swaddled in a fresh uniform, annalise silently follows fezandipiti and the rest of the group as they're led down a different hallway. she looks lost in thought, turning her vision over and over in her mind, committing the details to memory. there is a future where they escape this place. there is a future where she gets revenge. [break][break]everything else is peripheral. her fear, her hunger, the bone-deep fatigue that the hot shower didn't wash away. as long as she has her toxic chain — her fingers rise absentmindedly to the collar looped around her neck — everything will be fine. [break][break]she glances into the side chamber as they pass, catching flashes of megalopolans and painted masks, but they're of no interest to her. they're not in her future. [break][break]her toxic chain drags her back to her cell. she digs her heels in at first, feeling the rising swell of panic in the back of her throat at the sight of the dark room, but then she stumbles and almost gets dragged across the floor, so she stops resisting. [break][break]she shifts her gaze toward , then to the mochi provided to them. this time, she needs no prompting to eat. she sits on the cot, each bite slow and deliberate. [break][break]once she's finished, she lays on her back, staring up at the abyssal darkness on the ceiling overhead. her mouth is dry, her eyelids feel heavy, but she doesn't succumb to exhaustion just yet. [break][break]instead, annalise turns her head, scrutinizing the figure of the underboss in the dark. she wants to savor the sight of his shadow curled up on the floor, at least for a moment.
...[break][break]continued here

[break]ugly ward
[attr="class","oocnotestwo"] DELUSIONAL !!!![break] peeks at chamber[break] goes back to cell and eats mochi [break]
takes up the whole cot so has to sleep on the floor[break] tldr of dream thread: anna is lucid enough to tell some ppl the mask is weirdge and then tries to stop them from attacking theo bc she's afraid of making her prison pookie angry


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2024 4:42:13 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



The pain. The heartache. The Trauma... it was breaking the youth's mind. He wanted Anubis back. He wanted his pokemon-- his friends and family back. These monsters, they had to pay! They had to pay. His mind and body were in opposite states it risked his own mental health and that would end in tragedy for all of them. However, his cellmate's words gave him some support, some clarity to keep his wits. [break][break] He couldn't act. Not now. So he pulled himself up with his help. He soon 'showered' by the ice cold water that poured over them all as Zachary felt the sting of cold ebb the heat from the broken bruises. He wouldn't of been surprised if something was truly broken. They were all headed out again, and Zachary soon reached the end of the 'day'. [break][break] At Alexi's request, Zachary took the cot for the night. He was in worse state than Alexi so he got the semblance of a bed. All Zachary could do was cry himself softly to sleep, hoping sleep would make his mind clearer, give him perspective to deal with the crap for the next day and if possible... act if he could. [break][break] He soon dreamed of a far off place, a futuristic city. It didn't feel like a simple dream-- Zachary was lucid here, and was not in the same pain. His mind was clear too, even after what he endured! He looks around, wondering what is going on. Was this a dream? Zachary had a dream like this before... one involving a strange blue room, a talkative big-nosed Hypno named Igor, and a beautiful blue Guardivour named Gaia. While the details were vague he remembered-- not all dreams were dreams, but crossroads of dream and reality, mind and matter. [break][break] It was possible he was in such a place now. [break][break] As he looked around-- he found familiar places. His pokemon! Floating in glass cubes filled with liquid, he saw his Pokemon-- all asleep. Dizzy slept, suspended in the liquid as it bubbled. Happy was in one nearby, the little Mime Jr in there like a rubber duck! So was his others. He stopped short, looking at the cases, but didn't try to break them out, unsure what it meant. Fear kept him in place... fear that he might cause the Death of his pokemon again... [break][break] But there was a reason they were here. There must be... as he began to look around, searching for clues if anyone or anything else was here, while he didn't have a chain around his neck... [break][break]



Weakling Ward.[break]
Agrees to follow Alexei to survive .[break]
Sleeps to recover.[break]
Is in odd dream world where he sees his pokemon, but doesn't try to break them free as he hopes to get answers in this place.

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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2024 5:46:08 GMT

it hurts. [break][break]

but she doesn't budge from her job, even as the beast beats and bats at her. she leaves the encounter with bruises (and what she swears will be a broken rib), but it was better to bite her tongue and finish with her work. the punishment, she found, is shortened when you do what you're supposed to do, whether it be due to dissociation or satisfaction. [break][break]

when the work is complete, she and others are showered in water. it's cold, with the cloth clinging to her body. the humiliation claws its way into her skin, even when a guard nearby snickers at the muddied clothing. still, she is despondent - they want to watch her despair, is that right? that's alright - she'll despair all they like. she'll let them think she's on her final straw. [break][break]

the chains are just as rough as she remembers as they're all brought back to their cells, violently pulled by the chains that are now the least of her worries in this bizarre adventure. she's returned to her cell, with the same, child cellmate who looks like she's just been through hell. she has been. it's only a shame that marisol couldn't find her when they were all suddenly thrown into the abyss - the poor thing must have been terrified. [break][break]

"are you alright?" she first asks, ignoring her own pain as she moves towards her. she doesn't have time to check when food is suddenly thrown towards them, and her first instinct is to move the food over for the two of them to sit and eat. they'll both need the energy, anyways. [break][break]

she uses this time to gently check her arms, through what little view the mask gave her. her own pain still muddles her sight, and the limit vision doesn't help. she couldn't even treat her if she wanted to. so, instead, marisol raises a finger to point towards the only cot in their cell. "come here." she call the young lady over, all while slowly sitting herself on one side of the cot. [break][break]

"lean your back on me. it might feel a bit uncomfortable, but you'll feel better in the morning." [break][break]

the morning. [break][break]

they'll need to save their energy for it. [break][break]

it was a tough day, and the adrenaline is the reason she's lucid. when she finally has time to rest - not without throbbing pain in her chest - she drifts into a deep slumber. [break][break]

one hell into another.



- rolling for disadvantage in future rolls[break]
- run over by the monster, ow[break]
- she doesn't appreciate the cold shower[break]
- taken back to her cell[break]
- suggests that they sleep with their backs leaning against each other; sitting on the cot[break]
- finds herself in a dream and she already hates it here



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[newclass=".maritest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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august 12
travel blogger
elite ranger
Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
643 posts
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TAG WITH @jack
jack wainwright
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2024 15:13:55 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar

Despite his reassurances to , he hadn't actually been sure any of this was real until he felt Aurelie's strong blacksmithing hands in his. "Lucid dreaming," he repeated the words of the mad prophet Diamandis before pulling Aurelie close to him in a crushing hug. Even after letting go, he reached out gingerly to stroke his thumb across her cheek as he drank in the vision of her naked body. Lucid dream, fever dream, some kind of dream.[break][break]

Almost instinctively he was out of his shirt, pulling it over his head in one smooth motion to reveal his toned abs. He gently tugged it down over her head before planting a gentle kiss on her mouth. The pain of the day seemed to fade as he looked into her eyes.[break][break]

We've got to look for things before it ends. The silent reminder echoed in his brain, his mission an unwelcome distraction from the enticing allure of Aurelie's body and the soothing balm of her presence.[break][break]

"I think we are both dreaming the same dream," he responded to her questions, unable to take his eyes off of her. "I fell asleep on the floor and then I was here and so was Diamandis, and then I saw you..." his rambling trailed off as realization began to creep in.[break][break]

"Please tell me that they didn't get you too?" His tone was half question, half plea as he worried that he dreamt of Aurelie because she too was imprisoned.[break][break]

We've got to look for things before it ends. Jack was didn't want to look away from the one point of stability in this strange place, but Pamplemousse was as dedicated to the mission as ever. His eyes flickered over Aurelie's shoulder to the broad window of a storefront. Behind the glass, he glimpsed a pokemon suspended in an unknown liquid, including the unmistakable red and black Aegislash that could only be Harpe.[break][break]

We've got to look for things before it ends. Pamplemousse tugged Aurelie gently over to the glass, his critical gaze taking in the details of the holding tanks, an analytical voice inside his mind adding a notation that Aurelie's Leafeon, Fleur, was suspended in one of the tanks.[break][break]

"Oh no, you really are here, aren't you?" Jack's voice felt small and distant in the humming glow of the dreaming city.



– dummy ward[break]
– jack is overjoyed to see Aurelie but begins to realize that if she is in the dream, gives her his shirt[break]
– jack begins to realize that if aurelie is in the dream then she is in the prison too[break]
– pamplemousse sees jack's aegislash and aurelie's leafeon in a nearby window and investigates[break]



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[newclass=".jackpost .tag a"]font:15px Poppins;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".jackpost .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass]
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,878 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2024 16:04:04 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
By some miracle, the masked creature sailed wide of Josh as he was finishing his work. He wasn't sure how he could have made it otherwise; while his leg was no longer in stabbing pain from being slashed at by OKIDOGI's whipping TOXIC CHAIN, a dull pain was still there, its poison inhibiting and hindering his body's ability to heal.

Josh flashed a smile when he heard they were getting a shower, that smile taken away when the hypothermia-inducing waters, just above freezing, sapped what remained of Josh's strength. All of the blood spattered near Josh's upper leg and knee had been washed clean. All of the filth from his work in the mochi pit, gone. The only discolored skin that refused to be cleaned surrounded the cut on his leg, still red and purple with the TOXIC CHAIN's venom.

Unaided, it would not heal for the entire length of his sentence.

Josh was one of the last to respond to the OKIDOGI and MUNKIDORI's motion for them to leave the pit, and slowly, at that. Whether by mercy or by fortune, he had avoided punishment. He clattered his teeth as he stuttered about for the first few moments before at last making pace with the other prisoners. His feet were beginning to ache, too, not used to walking so much. As nice as it was to travel in the saddle everywhere, it came with the price of having relatively little on-foot endurance.

The sight of the pulsating tubes made Josh clatter his teeth again, not just because of the physical cold, but because of fear. As much as he wanted to talk to his fellow prisoners, he suspected he was already in trouble for his delay in leaving the mochi pit. Was this where the dead Pokémon were at? Were they fed to whatever was beneath here?

After returning to the ward, Josh dug in, eating at least his fair share. "Come on, Michael. I know it's not good for you, but you gotta eat," he urged his friend, somehow remaining in good spirits after all he had suffered through. His eyes shifting to the cot, it was barely big enough for one person. In any other scenario, Josh would have insisted he took the floor. Part of being a Champion was recognizing one's own limits... and the strengths of others. Stuffing his pride, he humbly accepted Michael's offer. "...That's very generous of you," he gratefully replied. "The Megalopolan presence and the looks of that hallway... I don't think we're in Hoenn anymore, if you ask me. Even if we could escape, where would we even go? For all we know, we could be stuck in Ultra Space with no way out." Falling asleep was a lot more difficult without his Raikou stuffie to cuddle, though eventually the tendrils of sleep took him.

He, too, awoke to a bright light -- and shaking him. Josh groaned, immediately able to feel his Ranger uniform. Was this a dream? If it was a dream, it had an uncanny level of reality to it. He unsteadily got to his feet as he listened to Michael yelling at the Megalopolan warden. "P-pardon my friend's tone," Josh stammered, trying to defuse and de-escalate them both. "Do you know where we've been taken? What are all those tubes, and what's beneath them?"

Once the guard departed, it would not take long for Josh to find one of his Pokémon... encased in glass filled with a fluid unlike anything he had ever seen. It was Resheph, his Dragonair - her white skin discolored in clearly unhealthy colors. Her blank eyes seemed stuck open, the serpent unresponsive. "...Resheph! Resheph!!" Josh cried, fruitlessly banging his fists against the glass. "Michael! Help me free her!"


- Weakling ward
- Josh showers, but the cold water saps him of most of his strength.
- Josh gets to his feet just before he would incur OKIDOGI's wrath.
- Josh has all sorts of questions about the hallway, but keeps them to himself.
- Josh encourages to eat, even if the Mochi aren't good for him.
- In the dream, Josh asks the guard: "Do you know where we've been taken? What are all those tubes, and what's beneath them?"
- In the dream, Josh sees Resheph inside a test tube, unresponsive and sickly-looking.
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July 2
Dewford Town
5'9 height
5'9 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
826 posts
Noel Parker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hellboyryan
Noel Parker
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2024 16:19:41 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]


Now there was a sight for sore eyes. It had been quite some time since he last saw but he was glad to see him nonetheless. In an unknown land like this, a familiar face is more than Noel can ask for.[break][break]

"Roy?"[break][break] He asks as he walks up to the trainer.[break][break] "Last thing I remember was being locked up in some sort of jail but all of a sudden I got transported here somehow. I've searched all around but its the same everywhere I go."[break][break]

It wouldn't dawn on the poor man that Roy could also have experienced the same hardships he and so many others were facing back in that prison. The masks made it almost impossible to discern anyone, for all he knows there could have been enemies walking alongside him that entire time. But in a situation like that, it was best to work together, no matter their identity.[break][break]

"I see you found the same thing I did. I couldn't find some way to let them loose... But that doesn't mean there isn't one. Come on, I'm sure if we work together then we can figure this out."[break][break]

There was no telling how long the two of them had before they might possibly be thrust back into the throes of that unruly nightmare. Whatever information they could piece together might be useful later on.[break][break]

For now, Noel leads Roy outside after coming to the same conclusions with their Pokemon as he did. There was nothing to be done inside, at least as far as they can tell. And so, their search begins.

[attr="class","notes"]Meets up with Roy[break][break]
Heads out with him to look for others and answers

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2024 16:24:23 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

The floor is not comfortable. Each small shift in search of some acceptable position bears the risk of putting pressure on broken ribs or scrapes and bruises. His breaths are shallow and laboured. But Cillian is so, so tired.[break][break]

And so, in defiance of his pain, he succumbs to sleep.[break][break]

To dreams.[break][break]

He sticks at first to shadows, until an encounter with shifts his perspective. Then he walks boldly in the open, unafraid to attract the attention of others who might wander this shared dreamscape. He wants nothing more than to find or ; to make sure the former was all right, and the latter knew that he was. But the desires of a WEAKLING mean as much here as they had in Rocket.[break][break]

What information he gathers from the Beast is troubling. Many other Rockets, many of their brass are confined here.[break][break]

An old, paranoid instinct whispers ’s name… but Cillian dismisses it. It would hardly make sense for the Boss to betray half his underlings, unless perhaps he too had fallen under the influence of the TOXIC CHAIN. Velmos certainly had, according to Zev.[break][break]

Cillian accosts the first allied Megalopolan he recognizes after that, demanding answers. Why had they betrayed Rocket? What was the Never-Rot?[break][break]

”Are we still in universe 820?”[break][break]

They plead innocence to the first question, swearing their own confinement was equally unwilling. They claim ignorance to the second.[break][break]

And the third…?




Passes out on the floor in spite of his pain[break]
Has a conversation with in dreamland[break]
Accosts a Megalopolan he recognizes (read: Rocket-aligned like Velmos) and demands answers[break]
Most specific question: are they still in U-820?


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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
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jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2024 18:05:37 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","devil cursed"]

[attr="class","lyrics"] not a god's chosen [break] but a god's cursed




[attr="class","postbox"] what had that dream meant? the thought lingers on his mind even as the hot water bleaches the grime and the dirt from his skin, leaving him fresh and cleansed as a newborn baby as he exits the showers. slipping on the freshly-pressed kitakami outfits offered to them, his bottom lip worries itself between his teeth even as he watches and race to their prison cell, undoubtedly trying to be the first person to claim the cot.

[break][break] while their companionship is no doubt appreciated, nothing the empty ache in chest, the feeling of something amiss. something is not quite right, and yet it is not something he can place.

[break][break] not when the mask had offered him such an absolute truth, a truth that he had never once thought to have craved or to want. behind his eyes, he sees painted images of all that DIONYSUS had threatened him with too. the opposite future that laid possible for him should he not choose the correct path.

[break][break] 'this is the future you chose. is this the future you wanted?'

[break][break] memories cascade into his mind like an icy spring, teeming with a thousand fractures. they all fall under the heat of a burgeoning sun, each crack in the ice leading to another.

[break][break] which path was worth taking? which future was his?

[break][break] and how much did those TOXIC CHAINS take apart?


when he wakes up, he expects to feel the choking sensation of the toxic chains around his neck, not unlike the feeling of 's own hands. however what he finds instead is not that. there is nothing choking him. no breathless intake of air.

[break][break] no, he feels whole.

[break][break] the empty ache inside of him is replaced by a rapid beating of his own heart, a heat within him that spreads and spreads — a burning heat that scorches in him so painful that it is nearly frostbite.

[break][break] after spending time with and both, they eventually depart. it's no surprise when jayden feels himself dragged, as if by an invisible thread of fate, in search of it's source.

[break][break] when he finds someone he recognizes, their blue-faced visages so reminiscent of the holder of the WELLSPRING MASK, he accosts them. they don't want to be chained, nor do they know how they got here, but neither of these things matter to him.

[break][break] "do you know of the mask too? what did you see?"

[break][break] but whether or not they give him the response he desires — because he does not even know what he desires — the resentment wells in him like a spring regardless. it overflows until it bursts — ice catalyzing whoever stands in his path — and he continues in his search.

[break][break] on the way, he meets and — allowing the latter to drag him along on it's path to observe the dream city. despite what priam tells them - that this is obviously a dream - he can't help but wonder if it is otherwise. everything simply feels so real, and the ice that gathers in his hands, the power that had once been restrained, is so easy to wield.

[break][break] but if this is a dream, then it is a damned good one. not too unlike the way that DIONYSUS plunging him into darkness had felt, showing him a nightmare that he could not erase from his mind, no matter he tried. he half-expects the appearance of his hateful dreams, of or to appear, yet neither do.

[break][break] instead what he sees instead is the embodiment of something fortuitously ruinous:

[break][break] .

[break][break] in the flesh.


[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] jayden barnaby and fern have a 3some in three's company [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] finds a MEGALOPOLAN and asks them if they know about the "mask" and asks them what they saw in it. [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] walks around with and as tourists smile [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] feels CHIEN PAO'S influence with (a song of fire and ice) & gets his HATRED back [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] ugly baby conga line infographic [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] UGLY WARD



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,062 posts
part of
TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2024 19:16:42 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


He gives one last smile, one last squeeze of the hand, and resists the urge to kiss her as the masks are locked back into place.

His 'deepest desire' had been neither complex nor unbelievable.

I can reach for that life with my own hands.

Even if the chain could get him there faster— was it worth it, after seeing what it had made out of even fearsome Megalopolan generals?

No. It was not. Nothing was worth surrendering one's own free will.


But then again.

Before he could have a happy, peaceful life as a family man, surely the end of rocket was required...? The league hadn't really made any advances on that front ever since Team Rocket's return. If anything, they had only lost ground, what with Sootopolis still being in their grasp.

Maybe he... they did need some help. Just a little extra kick, to put things to an end. After all, they had seen the effects of the chain on other pokemon. Mutations and aggression, sure, but also... strength.

... But there's surely rockets whose greatest desire is for their side to win in this group alone, though.

... Right. Not all desires were compatible. He dared venture a guess that most of them within the ugly ward alone weren't.

Something didn't sit quite right with him about all this...

... What the hell am I thinkin'?

Of course it bloody didn't. hadn't he called it the goddamn Opium-slash-brainwashing Room even before taking a step inside? Hadn't they all been brought into this prison against their will and kept there under threat of death?

Nothing about this could to be trusted. Everything had to be questioned as a matter of course!

But... still. On the off chance that the chain could actually help, maybe it would be good to at least consider the possibilities?

"No, no, no. What the hell...?" He muttered with a groan, bringing his arm over his face with a frustrated sneer. "The fuck's wrong with me...?"

Laid upon the steel cot, trapped between a soft, pretty rock and a steel place, he tried to keep himself from banging his head unto the 'bed' while Yuina rested, the weight of her head on his chest reminding him to shut up.

Maybe if he just... stopped thinking about things and went to sleep, it would sort itself out.

He could only pray.

-Doug thonks
-thonking pisses him off
-Angry sleep

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