i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
406 posts
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TAG WITH @aubremckenna
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
POSTED ON May 2, 2024 5:19:20 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar


As the days wore on, Aubre’s initial fire petered out. Things settled into a monotonous rhythm. Her fingers bore dozens of stinging cuts. Repeated attempts to befriend Ogerpon—each more ill-fated than the last—left her body bruised. Leon's constant interference stopped her from joining the broken rib brigade. Though it was hard to bite back her frustrations with that.

She wanted to help. If he just leather try, she might be able to make it right. But he was just hurting himself. After the second attack, the beseeching calls were made at a distance.

After a time of holding out, the little pecks of mochi turned into full-on bites. This break seemed a small price to pay to calm the howling banshee in her stomach.[break][break]

The despair vanished in fits. It was replaced by flares of will—like the pop of broken wood in a campfire. When it was her turn to face Munkidori, there was an uncharacteristic anger in her eyes. Instead of pointing, the redhead forced out a single word: “Center.” The simian hesitated for a moment. Its eyes narrowed as it scoffed and reset the cups. This time her tongue betrayed her too.

But the laughter did not bother her. She said things about herself that this deranged monkey couldn’t even dream of,

Only sleep provided a reprieve. Each day being next to Leon again felt more right. Trapped by true psychopaths, the disparity between his crimes and theirs almost made a mobster look angelic.

The despair remained, but it was easier to hide from. It could be shoved in all the empty storefronts and postponed into tomorrow. In the windows, she saw her daughter at play. Each night came with a different outfit. First, her husband’s suit. Then, a doctor’s coat. This evening it was the one she’d worn when her life fell apart.

In her exploration of Ultra Megapolis, Aubre began to compile a map. At this point, the redhead knew where each of her Pokemon dozed. Once or twice, she’d just taken a seat in front of them to watch them sleep. Leon and her had explored a few buildings in almost deafening solitude.

She asked questions of the aliens, trying to understand what and why they were here. What exactly made it so they now just played along. It worried her how sane some of those reasons were becoming.

With no real destination in sight, she allowed herself to wander the city. But it seemed that she had a destination: the tower. In this realm, she’d gleaned information about the Pokemon at the city’s center. It was called Axelf and it was the embodiment of will itself. The power to persevere when the odds were stacked against you, in other words. A rather auspicious symbol of what they needed now.


A hand reached for the glass. It hesitated. A bitter laugh emerged as she tossed her head. What do you have to lose? The trembling stilled as she pushed everything she had into her request. A scream into what was likely an empty void. Just a dream, like Leon said.


Wake up. Her hands tightened until nails scratched against the glass.

This was stupid. They’d never get out of here. What was the point? Tears threatened as her bravado wavered.





Quick summary of her weak[break]
Tries to wake up Azelf with sheer will[break]

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON May 2, 2024 7:26:58 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar


Imprisoned Investigator--Despairing Detainee

It almost felt like time stopped as she received an embrace from behind. The winds had calmed to stillness. The lights dancing in the sky felt as if they froze in place. The sounds from the dream world around them filtered into mere nothingness.

Despite all of the bodies flying and all of the hard labor, this was probably the first time since she had been captured in this prison that she had felt the simple comfort of contact with another person.

“If anything, it’s no coincidence that this one is at the core of something that allows us to replenish our minds and willpower, as cold and distant it might seem.”

"Or perhaps the being sealed away is meant to do the opposite to us."

If their Pokemon, or at least dream versions of their Pokemon, were here, then it stood to reason that what lay before them was the real Azelf...or at least its dream self.

"The chains manipulate our will and have taken away the Megalopolans'. I wonder..."

Was the act of sealing away Azelf crucial to how the Toxic Chains worked?

“I know you don’t trust yourself completely these days. But you can believe in me. And I know you won’t break. Because you are here. Because this place exists. Because I am here for you. As are the others here close to your heart. And I am not just saying that. I have faith in you.”


She stood there in silence.

She replayed those words in her head again.

Without another delay, she pivoted while in Violet's arms and wrapped her arms around in an embrace.

"Thanks, Violet."

Elaine should have known that. Almost everything Violet had said, Elaine should have known from the start. So, she didn't cry. She had no need for tears.

After all, she remembered why she had to become strong.

It was painful, angonizing, and draining. But she would not let those threads snap.

She was someone who could fight for something smaller. Those few lives she could hold in her hands.

But for now, she'd let the warmth from the one she held right now linger. Just for a little longer.

"So, let's get a little investigation done." The embers had been lit. The detective may have been toyed with in reality, but the dream was a different story.

She had full freedom here. She had none of the pain from reality here.

With nothing restricting her, Elaine could investigate to her heart's content.

"So, you." To one of the Megalopolans roaming nearby, she spoke up and interrupted them. She had no notebook to write everything on, but she had the next best storage--her brain. She pointed up to the central tower behind them. "So what's Azelf doing here? Was it always here?"

She would interrogate everyone she could. She would investigate the tower as well. Perhaps, there was something noticably different to it compared to the day cares their Pokmeon were kept.

And thus, the week of investigation would come to pass.

  • Weakling Ward
  • Main Action (Rolls on Last Post): Dreaming/Investigating Azelf within the Dream
  • Spends the week in the dream interrogating anyone she can about Azelf and investigating the Central Tower
  • Thinks through a few theories
  • Reciprocates Violet's embrace

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MAY 18th
eyes of an angel
lay me down
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
we still believe in love, so fuck you!
713 posts
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON May 2, 2024 12:25:03 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar
[attr="class","pilots eddiepp"]

this all was worth this, i won't let you down




The days that followed dragged into a frightening but repetitive blur. [break][break]

Eddie found that it was always the same every 'day'; wake up, eat, laugh until he felt like he was going to throw up (or be laughed at, which stung, but was still more bearable than the cruel laughter that clawed its way out of his throat when it was someone else on the chopping block). Work, sticking close to Beau whether they were bashing rocks or shoveling slop with their hands, shower, and laugh some more before scarfing down another handful of disgusting peach-flavored mochi. The monotony was only interrupted when their warden's ire was occasionally directed toward him, or when Eddie found himself perilously close to having his head caved in by that little ogre in the pit. [break][break]

By the time some real change worked its way into his routine, Eddie wasn't sure if only one full day had passed or if it had been five, but he was surprised to find that during one particular stretch, his ward had been allowed to visit that fabled Chamber of Desires rather than slave away in the dark, hellish trench below. The ride there had been disorienting, to say the least, but hey, it sure as shit beat getting his teeth punched out by a creature a third of his height. [break][break]

The Wellspring Mask definitely gave him the creeps, though, but what choice did he have but to stare into its brilliant eyes and see whatever it had to offer him? Surely it couldn't be any worse than any of the other terrible things he'd seen here so far, but Eddie opted not to press his luck by engaging in any sort of speculation, as keenly aware as he was of the infinite cruelty of their captors.[break][break]

When his turn came, Eddie did as he was instructed; he looked into the mask without resisting, spellbound by fear as its visions shimmered into life. [break] [break]

But as it turned out, it was quite silly for him to have been so afraid. The Mask had many things to show him, and they were all so wonderful. [break][break]

Eddie was back at his childhood home in Cascarrafa, seated at the end of a long dining table that was clad in the colorful patchwork tablecloth that his family reserved for special occasions. The sun's light, rich with the hazy orange tones of late afternoon, bathed the room in its warm glow, and everyone was here. [break][break]

Because of course they'd be, why wouldn't he invite as many of his friends and family as he could to this glorious homecoming? Cris sat crowded next to Miguel and Gabriel on the left, and Eddie leaned forward to give his youngest brother a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder, because he knew the timid little thing had never been good with crowds. Near the end was an empty chair meant for their mother, who was still busy bringing out more plates of food to join the already crowded spread of grilled fishes and cured meats and delicious cheeses and briny olives. [break][break]

At the very end, opposite to Eddie, sat his father, looking younger than Eddie ever remembered seeing him. But maybe that was because his normally rough voice, sharp with derision or inquisition, was bright and buoyant as he laughed at some joke told by one of the other dinner guests. The joke teller, it turned out, was , leaning forward with an elbow planted on the table and the other arm gesticulating as he regaled the patriarch with tales of the fabulous exploits Eddie was sure were a part of his storied life in Hoenn. [break][break]

Suddenly, piped up from a spot next to him, chiming in with her own contribution to the tale, and laughed, soft and airy, when one of Eddie's brothers nearly choked on his mouthful of food at the sheer absurdity of whatever the Ranger Captain had to add. But then Eddie's gaze shifted to the spot on his immediate right, and his heart swelled with such joy he was sure it would burst. [break][break]

A hand was held gently by his own, and the warm sunlight glinted off of the silver wedding band and twinkled like a little star. It's bearer was... well, Eddie couldn't quite get a good look at him, but he knew that the man loved him, because in a moment of ecstatic realization, Eddie realized that he wore a matching ring on his own left hand. [break][break]

Eddie's eyes followed his partner's hand, up the arm, and squinted as he tried to discern his features that shifted, dream-like, in a miasmatic haze. Eddie thought, for a moment, that he recognized the striking, angular features of , but no, that wasn't quite right. Maybe he saw the luminous and easy smile of ? Not exactly. He looked into his lover's light, almost sparkling eyes, and Eddie was sure that it was on the tip of his tongue –

But before he could make that puzzling connection, his time within the vision had ended. Maybe Eddie should have been more displeased to have been torn from such a pleasant dream, but all he could do was smile blissfully as he turned to glance back at the bright eyes of the cellmate that was waiting for his own turn, [break][break]

“You're up, .” [break][break]

Eddie staggered away like a drunkard with a wide and lazy grin. Maybe this place wasn't so bad after all. [break][break]


Goes about his routine [break]
ACTION: Visits the Chamber of Desires [break]
Has a vision of a wonderful dinner with his loved ones :^)


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Laika Boss

October 13
Ula'ula, Alola
Supply Coffee
God General's Wife
There are more things in heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy
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TAG WITH @nenet
Neffatari Nzingha
POSTED ON May 2, 2024 14:30:57 GMT
Neffatari Nzingha Avatar

Nenet awoke and tears obscured her vision; she squint through the blurriness, her fingers lightly touching the tears before gathering them into the palms of her hands to stare. They felt important - something she should keep - so she sits and quietly considers her options. Meanwhile, Zev moves and stores something within the desk drawer, and an idea idly strikes her.
Pulling the red silk that connected the shoulders of the kimono to the sleeves, Nenet takes the red cords and lays them out before her; she carefully soaks her tears into the cloth and then ties it up into her hair, making a makeshift hair tie to pull her hair back. Eventually, she slinks over to the desk and does the same thing with Zev's stored tears - the cloth knotted in the middle and tied over the first cord to differentiate them.
A routine forms in the prison, one that slowly bites at Nenet's sanity and picks at her confidence. It was clear Zev was doing his best to shield her as much as he could, but there was nothing he could do for the needle-sharp thoughts of self degradation that wormed its way into her brain over the course their shared suffering.
Some of the fights picked between Nenet and Zev weren't wholly for show, but each night they murmured to one another and reaffirmed their bond beneath the eerie, near-lifeless vats that held her sleeping pokemon.
One memorable break in the suffering occurs during her time with the Wellspring Mask. She makes out a chained man, the image as abstract as it is clear to her: he wields the chains of Avatars while someone else - Team Rocket - holds the one around his own neck.
It was almost a warning - one shared with Zev in their shared dream. She stands vigilant against its dreamer.
The days bleed one into the other, and yet Nenet continues onwards. Despite her body and mind aching with fatigue, she meticulously soaks the red cords with tears each waking; would they truly be useful, or was her mind finally snapping beneath the weight of their reality?


- Ugly Ward.[break]
- , and a light tag for for seeing his desire via the Wellspring Mask.[break]
- Main Action: Nenet pulls off the red cords from her sleeves and soaks her AND Zev's tears into them. Said cords are used to tie back her hair.[break]
- Otherwise Nenet suffers through the days and begins to wonder if she's going insane



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jigokuhime, snow white
october 18
mauville city
ace lesbian
trustfund baby
i'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine
144 posts
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TAG WITH @maki
POSTED ON May 2, 2024 16:54:49 GMT
she isn't able to get any particularly useful information out of the dream. as the days wear on, she starts to show signs of wear and tear on her psyche, though her usual stubbornness is maintained as carefully as possible. she does her work as well as possible given her injuries, and makes minimal contact with the other prisoners. thanks to the masks on their faces, she can't really tell who is who, or if there's anyone she recognizes here, so she doesn't trust anyone and would rather keep to herself.

on her first trip to the chamber of desires, she sees... darkness. it's a void, as if peering into her soul itself. as she wanders through it, she can hear the sound of a music box on the other end, playing a familiar song. she follows the sound, wandering blindly. something cold starts to fall around her. she realizes it's snowing, collecting on her hair and eyelashes as she blinks the flakes away.

what is it you desire?

she comes upon a wall, smooth, curving upwards towards a rounded ceiling. the snow has stopped falling. as she looks up, she realizes she can see a massive face, covered in shadows. a hand reaches for her cage, picking it up and shaking it, along with maki inside it. the snow starts to fall again, as maki is tossed around haphazardly. outside, she can hear someone call for her, but the voice that answers is that of a young girl. it's her own voice, she realizes, as she falls limply to the ground inside the snowglobe.

she reaches out for the giant shadowy figure. she thinks she can almost touch her, that little girl who doesn't yet understand how the world works. if she imagines it, she can feel her fingers graze her cheek, caress her face... but a hole opens up underneath her, and maki awakens back to the cold reality.

she is especially quiet after that, ignoring anyone's attempts to chat.


maki endures.
she has a strange vision inside the chamber of desires.

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May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
531 posts
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON May 2, 2024 18:07:48 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar

After waking with tears staining his cheeks, Roy suppresses his ambitions, burying them deep within until the right moment arises. For now, he plays the role of a prisoner and slave, obediently following the same monotonous routine as all the other prisoners. The repetitive cycle takes its toll, but the single thought of escape echoes relentlessly in his mind.

During his turn in the feeding pit, Roy begins to grow relaxed. The blind creature that prowls these underground passages had become less menacing with each passing day, weakened by its own struggles. Like Roy, the prison had taken a toll on its senses, offering an opportunity for Roy to navigate the space with growing confidence.

As he clears remnants of mochi and assorted debris, a haunting quote from his cellmate resurfaces in Roy's mind: "They'll pay for this." The words ignite a fire within him, fueling fantasies of escape and revenge. His yearning for reunion with Balmung and his other pokemon intensifies, driving him to devise a daring plan.

Inspired by the creature's predicament, Roy envisions a potential alliance, a pact made specifically for freedom. As he discreetly stuffs half-eaten mochi into crates, thoughts of partnership take shape. If he can earn the creature's trust, perhaps it could become an ally in their shared quest of escape.

"Hello?" Roy's voice quivers initially, wary of past encounters with the cudgel. "I think you're trapped down here like us," he continues, his tone carefully measured to prevent the guards from overhearing his message. "We should help each other." With no immediate response, Roy ends the conversation, cautious not to attract unwanted attention from the watchful wardens.


[attr="class","pkmnlgndsnote"]feeding pit. remembers a quote from . tries to talk to the blind beast when no one is paying attention. using salac.


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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON May 2, 2024 18:13:13 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

“If it was meant that way, these guys would be parading it around all day, with neon lights pointing at it. You might not have noticed, but our captors are not exactly, well, subtle.” Violet suppressed a chuckle, not wanting to make too light of the matter. But she still meant this as she said it. These monkeys were apparently in a hurry to break them. Leaving something like this to be completely missed by the inattentive would be running contrary to everything that had happened so far. Which didn’t mean that this wasn’t their doing. Just that they probably did not quite want them to see it – at least not this way.
Or maybe she was just reaching. Really, Violet was trying to brute-force her way to positivity sometimes. After all, she was trying to reassure Elaine here. Could not exactly do that while doubting herself, now could she? At least, for now she would join the other in silence until Elaine caught herself again.
Which the more direct embrace certainly showed quite well. Vio sighed, softly. She really should get around to doing this in reality, in a more comfortable setting. But that was for the future. For now, they needed to work hard to ensure they actually had one after all. Though, for the time being, she allowed Elaine to take point there, needing to take a breather herself to regain some of what she had just shared with the other. It was important enough to watch her det- the detective go about her work with a reassuring smile. She didn’t really have that much strength left to give others in that moment, even as she followed, observing the Megalopans in their answers, making mental notes and sometimes asking those Elaine missed similar questions.
It was not entirely to her liking – she had joined SPECTRA in part because she disliked how much of their lives were shaped by legendaries – but figuring out what was up with this one felt more and more like a key to get out.

+ - doing her best to reassure, even if she gives away some of what little she has left, helps asking around for Atzelf in the dream



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,884 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON May 2, 2024 18:22:34 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The answer Josh got from the Megalopolans bothered him every night after work. Beneath the jail... was there a giant breeding project? Possibly involving their Pokémon? Perhaps that was why Resheph was in such poor condition. Was she even still alive? It even pushed out worries about his missing RAINBOW FEATHER. After all, even if the Megalopolans had it in their possession, they likely did not know the Sign. The only other person that came to Josh's mind who knew the Sign was dead (or believed to be dead).

As the days went on, Josh's leg wound became stable. It did not improve, but it did not worsen. If he wasn't able to get it looked at soon, that wound might become a permanent part of his body: an Achilles' heel that, if agitated severely, could make it impossible for him to continue his illustrious career as it was.

Not hearing 's warning words, he had no way to know of the mental poison within the Chamber of Desires. Gazing through the mask, he saw himself on the front lines of a Mauville warfront, fighting alongside some familiar faces. Suicune and , the Liberator. Zacian and , the Warrior. Tornadus and , the Stormbringer. Calyrex and , the Eloquent. In one hand, reins that glowed a brilliant white-yellow. In his other, a yellow sword with a blade wrought in the shape of a lightning bolt, sparks dancing and arcing all over its business end.

With a loud cry, he felt himself involuntarily leaning lower than he ever had on Swift, in full color rather than the monochrome Beast within his feather. Z-Energy drawn from Josh's Z-GLOVE enveloped them in the vision, the yellow tiger disappearing into a barely-visible blur as a dust corona surrounded them. Within the corona's wake was a deafening noise identical to the one the Z-Move the Mauville Leader was well-known for. The Raikou didn't stop there. Faster and faster he charged toward the Rocket army. Disappearing into a living lightning bolt, it was only his supernatural reaction time that let him maintain even the most remote semblance of visual acuity. Cleaving through their ranks at the speed of lightning, the Z-MOVE: TACHYON TEMPEST was too fast for the eye to follow. The ultimate priority attack, even the Skylord themselves would not be able to keep up.

The stress would have peeled the Champion's skin apart, going far faster than any ordinary human could withstand. It was a speed only the Cavalier could have survived... and it seemed all too attainable. The RAINBOW FEATHER was simply the first step. But why? Why was this desire in the recesses of the young man's mind? He had settled it with , with , and others: becoming the agent of a Patron was not a blessing, but a curse in most cases. Why? Why was his desire for Swift to be a Patron still so deep within him?

The sway of the mask was strong, wiping away part of the resolve he had improved upon during his final moments with . It all seemed so convincing and attainable. Just a month ago, what was once enough, the Top Champion's parting gift, was no longer so. As the days went on, the desire became stronger, the urge to ignore his friends' thorough and well-made concerns rising.

Were Kyle alive to see this. he would almost certainly be disappointed in his Knight of Thunder.



- Weakling ward
- Josh peeks into the mask inside the Chamber of Desires. Within the vision, he clashes with Rocket alongside his friends, leading the way as the Cavalier. He sees a vision of the ultimate Z-priority attack, TACHYON TEMPEST.
- The mask's visions tug at him deeply, rolling back some of the progress he had made. Unhealthy desires to be the Cavalier well up within him once again...
- MAIN ACTION: Chamber of Desires·
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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON May 2, 2024 20:31:36 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Before his cell partner is whisked away for the ‘Laughing Hour’ (an event he does not want to relive because of the psychological implications it held) he would hiss to Zach, “I’ll try to find out Pokémon in that… in the strange dreamscape. I’ll update you when I get word. Or news.”

He would spend the rest of the day dreading every single thing (but the ‘Laughing Hour’ part is undeniably the worst) that they have to go through; however at the end of the day he would always insist for his cell companion to take the bed.

“Rest. You’ll need it. I’ll take care of whatever else I can.”

And even he would go to sleep after standing guard—the only escape they have in this wretched, forsaken place.

The moment he awakened in the strange ‘metropolis’, the first thing he would do is to hit the ground running, quite literally. He knew that there were others in the same ward who were also in this place; but his priority for now was to locate both Zach’s and his own Pokémon—wherever they were.

The macabre ‘shop’ displays would pass by in a blur—however, there would be stretch where he would locate a Delphox—and not too far away, a Xatu and an Oranguru.

The strangeness of the structures—no matter how hard he would try to break the glass—would not yield under his hands.

Not too far from the three Pokémon, he would be able to find a Kadabra, a Mime Jr., and… was he imagining it, or was the ‘display’ near this group of Pokémon… empty?

Wait, wait.

The fact that he’d managed to find five of his companion’s six Pokémon was already a win in and on itself; and so he would attempt to commit to memory this location… because they were going to be here for a while; and hopefully he would be able to bring Zach along so that the other could see that his Pokémon companions were alright.

As for his own companions—it wouldn’t take too long for him to find an absolutely monstrous-sized ‘display’, and stuck behind the glass was…

“…Kaguya?!” he would exclaim, looking up at the sheer ridiculousness of the size of this ‘corner’; however the incredibly tiny ‘display’ not too far from where he would find his ‘moon princess’ would strike the fear of dread right into his blood, for it was…

“Zelle… Zelle!” he would shriek, out of breath as he ran over; he was more than certain that the Phione trapped behind the display was none other than the original shit-disturber he owned before all the Wooloo family came rolling into his life.

“Come on… what the fuck…” he would hiss, looking around for something, anything to try and smash the glass and get the little troublemaker out. She didn’t deserve to be here—in fact nobody deserved to be here…

(Of course he would find the rest of his Pokémon; even the Stormbringer himself was trapped in one of those macabre ‘displays’…)

But where were all their things? Why couldn’t anyone find them?!

He would spend the first few nights of the dream trying to formulate something, anything to break their Pokémon free…
And trying to come up with something, anything to bust their Pokémon out and deliver unholy revenge against the ‘booger monkey’ that was demeaning them no matter what resistance they all put up in the waking world…


Frog where are you please come save your husband!!!
is on caretaker duty every evening especially after Zach gets subject to the Laughing Hour humiliation
main action: dream
• while in the dream world, he manages to locate Zach’s Pokémon as well as his own; however he hasn’t found the Umbreon—at least not yet anyway
• everything is just blurring together at this point…
• no Pokémon listed since they don’t have them with ‘em
• using Salac because HELL NAW NOT THE CRIT FAIL 1 ROLL

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august 12
travel blogger
elite ranger
Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
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TAG WITH @jack
jack wainwright
POSTED ON May 2, 2024 21:34:09 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar

Jack was already standing, words of bitter reassurance for on his lips when he was telekinetically yanked toward their warden. Relief washed over him that he was not alone with Munkidori, mixed with guilt that other prisoners would suffer whatever cruelty was planned. He glanced through his mask at one of the younger prisoners he didn't know and . Bile burned in the back of his throat as Munkidori spoke.[break][break]

Suspicion filled him as he watched the slowly shuffling boxes with a wary eye. Exchanging a grim nod to Howard, Jack's hand trembled as he raised it to where the tera shard was obviously hidden, but it jerked toward another box as poison burned in his veins. In disbelief, he tried again to point at the correct box but, like before, his hand swung away to point at another. His two comrades were having the same issue. Mild annoyance creased Jack's brow until the laughing started.[break][break]

Heat rushed to his face in embarrassment as Munkidori chanted. That embarrassment quickly turned to shame as the mocking continued, familiar voices recognizable in the laughter. Some of those voices were people who were supposed to be his friends.[break][break]

He was stupid, wasn't he? Stupid for trusting 's friendship, stupid for putting faith in as a partner, stupid for thinking his parents were ever going to come home, stupid for going back to Galar thinking he could make a difference. It was all so stupid. He was so stupid.[break][break]

Howard's words gouged into him, the man's pain and suffering evident even before his screaming began. Jack wanted to scream too, but Pamplemousse had quietly stepped to the forefront. Where Jack would have extended a comforting hand to his fellow prisoners, Pamplemousse only gazed impassively from behind the mask, mentally taking notes about Munkidori up close so he could report to Diamandis later. Jack wept inside the cell that had been constructed within his mind but Pamplemousse simply watched and waited, silent and unmoved by the spectacle taking place around him.[break][break]




– dummy ward[break]
laughing hour[break]
– in jack's fragile mental state, the mockery of the laughing hour brings back memories of all his failure[break]
– the personality of pamplemousse takes over as jack loses complete control of himself while he suffers a mental break



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July 11
Castelia City, Unova
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @michaeldavis
Michael Davis
POSTED ON May 2, 2024 23:29:21 GMT
Michael Davis Avatar
As strong as Michael wished to be, as much as he held out hope that the prisoners would either escape or be rescued, even his unshakeable determination began to falter. What was seven days in this Hell felt much longer. No sun or moon helped to tell the passage of time. So, all Michael could do was etch a line in the cell wall after each time he and the others awoke to do their tasks.

He could handle the manual labor. He could take the Laughing Hour's mental torment. The collective dreaming was like a paradise to the Ranger in its own twisted way. What Michael despised the most was the Cleanup Duty in the bowels of the Gaol.

Michael struggled to remain strong, mentally and physically. Trying to avoid the masked Pokemon that battered all in its wake was no easy feat. So, the Ranger did his best, and even tried to be a human shield for those not so lucky when he had the resolve to do so. If one thing kept him going, it was that image of his submerged Pokemon that remained burned in his mind.


-Main Activity: Cleanup duty in the Pit

Punished Pokemon:
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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,692 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON May 3, 2024 6:26:23 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar









"There has to be some way out of here..." Remiel responds to before shifting his gaze to the others. Diana's previous embrace had been returned; strongly. Though now Remiel had to contend with getting them all out, rather than just himself and his cousin. Admittedly, mentioning a CHAMBER OF DESIRES piqued his interest.[break][break]

Would it be possible to access this room before they escaped? Where could he find it? Unfortunately, before he can ask, the dream world around them swiftly begins to fade away. And, just as the royal promises them he'll find a way, everything goes black... before he awakes to the sweet scent of mochi and the sour stench of sweat.[break][break]


What did Remiel's utmost DESIRE manifest as? A look into the WELLSPRING MASK provided him with a vision of a world free of TEAM ROCKET and the DRK TRIAD. Justice and order presiding over HOENN and GALAR alike. Humanity finally working together as a whole toward a collective endeavor.[break][break]

Such glorious freedom came at a cost, but ZEKROM's righteous lightning would smite those taking advantage of such privilege. And the vision assured him this future was possible. There was a path to achieving his IDEAL WORLD.[break][break]

And he would weaponize his will to seize it.[break][break]


The next dreadful morning, Remiel awakes with tears in his eyes. Sensing something strange from them, he tilts his head to the side to carefully collect them upon his palm. They glisten strangely there before he decides to collect them within a small basin of shattered rock fragments he's created in secret.[break][break]

NOTES ♔[break][break]

  • collects his tears in secret within a small rock basin


[attr="class","remy-lb-bannerbottom"]PRISMATIC PENITENTIARY ⛓️


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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON May 3, 2024 9:28:16 GMT
[attr="class","uglytheo prisonertheo"]

i'm standing on the ashes of who i used to be



despite the freedom the dream allows him, all that will ever be is fiction that exists only there and nowhere else. what is real is what he sees through the WELLSPRING MASK even if there's no proof. so, the underboss chooses to pursue what he believes is real; his belief is founded on the basis of his desires.[break][break]

he wants it to be real.[break][break]

he needs it to be real.[break][break]

over the course of the week, theo lives through the assigned routine without much thought. he remains a good prisoner for the sake of being able to return to the CHAMBER OF DESIRES over and over again, and on the two days when he missed it, he felt an emptiness within him that shadowed the beating given by the WOOD-LEGGED CREATURE.[break][break]

in all his visits to the WELLSPRING MASK, he studies everything he can about the vision, searching for the narrow path that leads him to paradise.[break][break]


ugly ward[break]
. theo is a good prisoner[break]
. MAIN ACTION: WELLSPRING MASK, studying how to achieve his desires


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,584 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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Naomi Sato
POSTED ON May 3, 2024 13:02:07 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar



[attr="class","oocnotes"]> WEAK WARD[break][break]TLDR[break][break]✦ After entering the dream for the first time and encountering , Nomi spends as much time as she can in the dream[break][break]✦ Finds Azelf, but cannot do anything to wake it; finds Kallistatus, and though she cannot free it, she can still connect with it - recognizing that she has her powers back in the dream[break][break]✦ MAIN ACTION: DREAM/WAKE UP - On the seventh night, Nomi finds . She attempts to take him into the Unown Dimension with her from inside the dream, testing the limits of the dreamscape[break][break]✦ Using 2 Salacs!

Dreaming was her only solace.[break][break]
Each day was more insufferable than the last, but Nomi lived for the moment her head touched down upon the mildew-ridden prison cot, gifted to her by 's chivalry. For as soon as she closed her eyes - the toils of hard work and constant humiliation putting her instantly to sleep - she was transported back into the vibrant cityscape of Ultra Megalopolis, where she actually felt alive.[break][break]
Her mind was clearer in the dream, and it allowed her time to do what she normally did best: think.[break][break]
On the first night - the night after she'd found , who'd helped her better understand the nature of the dream - she sat outside a quiet little cafe and contemplated every detail of the prison, from the Tera crystals embedded in the ceiling to the masks hanging in the hallway outside of the Chamber of Desires. Slowly but surely, she began to piece together the puzzle of their predicament.[break][break]
On the second night, she looked for Lulu again, but could not find her. What she did find, however, was Kallistatus. She'd started to feel her beloved Unown, sense it within the dream...following that thread of connection eventually lead her to a Pokemon daycare on the outskirts of the city. It was there that Kallistatus floated, suspended within a strange clear fluid, behind a thick pane of glass. The entire thing was akin to a test tube, especially to her scientific mind. She tried everything she could to break it, but it would not budge, not even a single hairline fracture.[break][break]
She wept in frustration. Are they right about me? Am I really so weak?[break][break]
On the third night, she tried asking questions of the Megalopolian guards - free of their chains and seemingly happier within the dream. How did you arrive at the prison? She asked them. What is the Never-Rot? And who is that Pokemon trapped in the prison with us? Their answers were vague and wholly insufficient. She did learn that they had been captured for far longer than she and the other Hoenn citizens had, which did not bode well...[break][break]
This won't be our fate, she vowed, her defiance a flickering candle flame.[break][break]
On the fourth night, she tested her powers. She practiced teleporting from one end of the city to the other in an instant. She altered the cityscape in subtle ways, bending reality and willing it to change. Excited, she returned to Kallistatus, tried to see through its singular eye. Looking out from inside of the glass test tube where they were keeping the shiny Unown-K, she was startled to see her own haggard face staring back. Is that really me?[break][break]
Though she could feel the resonance of her power, its presence within the dream as real as she could hope for, nothing she did could free Kallistatus.[break][break]
Anti-Avatar material? She wondered, of the glass prison within the larger prison.[break][break]
On the fifth night, she wandered the streets of Ultra Megalopolis, until her feet carried her to the central tower in the middle of the great city. Here, a small Pokemon - encased in the same thick glass as Kallistatus - floated within the liquid, seemingly asleep. Nomi recognized the Pokemon from the RKS Machine.[break][break]
"Azelf?" she invoked, as if the name were a softly spoken magic spell. The incantation did nothing, for Azelf did not stir. "How did you get here?" she found herself asking the same question over and over until it grew meaningless in her futility.[break][break]
On the sixth night, Nomi almost gave up completely. She forced herself to continue traversing the city, searching every nook and cranny for anything that could help her escape the prison. The despair threatened to overcome her, until she finally cracked.[break][break]
"Holo!" She screamed up at the skyscrapers in desperation. "How CONVENIENT for a sizable chunk of Hoenn's Avatars to be indisposed! Was that your plan all along?"[break][break]
No answer came.[break][break]
And then, on the seventh night, to her utter astonishment, hope returned. Immediately upon entering the dream, Nomi spotted someone familiar, someone she would recognize just about anywhere.[break][break]
There was no doubt about it, it was - standing right in front of her. Without thinking twice, she threw herself at him in a tight embrace.[break][break]
"Oh Isaac," she realized with genuine sorrow. "They got you too?"[break][break]
But...if there was anyone capable of breaking out of a prison, it was the Liberator. If there was anyone capable of breaking out all those captured within a prison, it was .[break][break]
Which gave Nomi an idea. An idea she couldn't believe she hadn't considered yet.[break][break]
"Isaac," she held on tight to him. "I'm going to try something. This is a dream, right? But so was Galar. And that was real - it changed us, even if all of the details are still hazy. Which means this could be an alternate dimension, just like that was. So - "[break][break]
She shut her eyes tight, and focused on the transfer.[break][break]
"Please," the Visionary whispered.[break][break]
And then she attempted to take them both into the Unown Dimension, and away from hell.[break][break][break][break]




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played by


cass, cassie
november 7th
petalburg city, hoenn
student (private school)
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
518 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cass
Cassandra Kubrick
POSTED ON May 3, 2024 13:57:44 GMT
Cassandra Kubrick Avatar
[attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][newclass=".emapokemonteam"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
After seeing this vision in the chamber of desires, Cass finds herself shaken, believing. In dreams, she continues to try and live in another reality, tries to remember who she is while everything is urging her to forget, forget, forget.


She sees other people allying, exchanging information, and, whenever she isn't with Thea or Knight in her dreams, she approaches, sidelines. Listens, but leaves again - filing away information, but also ... what's the point? She's not even sure if she's truly afraid - if she ever has not been, frankly (it's like white noise in her mind, an ever-present weariness that lives with her soul) - but the situation ...

(Don't lose it.)

Upon awakening this time, she finds tears in her eyes. As if waking up from a nightmare, from re-living a sad memory. (It's like the dreams she has of her father, sometimes. She'd wake up, her hand in the air, tears in her eyes.)

These tears are important.

She can't tell why, but she has to collect them, somehow - they're important. But how? Their clothes are changed regularly, there's nothing, nothing ... ... except the mask. Stirring Thea and Knight awake, she murmurs apologies as she detangles herself from the pile, facing the ground. Trying to let the tears fill crevices, maybe, in her mask, as it's the only thing that doesn't change. She carefully tries to jab a finger beneath the mask, too, holding a bit of the liquid on her fingertips.

For a moment, she looks at it, sniffs it - wonders what might be the reason she feels so strongly about them. (Should she ... drink them?)

tl;dr dummy ward
MAIN ACTION collect tears (trying to do it with the mask somehow)
- in dream: eavesdrop on alliances/information sharing a bit, but mostly spends her dreams to re-find herself and remember who she is beyond the prison
- wakes up with tears in eyes, shuffles to get in position to try and catch them in her mask
- ponders about drinking the tears
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