i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON May 14, 2024 18:45:29 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar









The DESCENT into the FEEDING PIT is chaotic. Like a corrupted crystal, this was a new facet of hell for to witness. Panic, rage, and desperation filled the air as everyone fought and fled. Carrying on his back and trying not to lose was difficult enough as they maneuvered their way through the crowded bottleneck below.[break][break]

Lagging, however, proves to be a temporary boon as the ogre from before (OGERPON) dons a fiery mask. The prisoners at the front are forced to contend with this and the toxic NIHILEGO that emerge beside it. As they attack, Remiel's heart nearly drops at the sight of and rushing in as some of the first. "Elise, no!"[break][break]

Where chaos had erupted before, it was flaming out of control here. Amid various actions, Remiel turns to with a worried look. "We need to get out of here. I want to stay and fight but..." He regards Luka's unconscious expression on his left shoulder. "We can't leave Luka behind in this state. Are you with me?" He asks, turning back to the other royal.[break][break]

It was an awkward ask. Such dedication proved that Remiel still cared for deeply. Now was not the time to go into a full explanation regarding their history, however. And would have to prove that she was capable of, not simply saving her own life, but the life of another, too. "That exit looks less crowded than the other," The exiled prince states, pointing his spear towards the FLESHY TUBE in the distance. "Let's go!"[break][break]

A burst of adrenaline that flows through his veins propels him forward, weaving through a crowd of bodies and past STEALTH ROCKS as he tries not to slip on the scattered mochi and rubble below. As he nears the exit, however, he spots a NIHILEGO approaching in her endeavor to keep the OGERPON still. His sandals skid to a stop before he reels his right arm back, casting his SPEAR to strike the NIHILEGO and set it AFLAME.[break][break]

But there's no time to waste. A quick look in their direction is all he can spare before moving on again, hoping they understood that he cared for them and wished to see them emerge from this alive more than anything. As he approaches the FLESH TUBE to ESCAPE, he spots and eyeing it, too. And, though his initial glare is sharp, it quickly melts away into an understanding nod.[break][break]

So he hadn't been the only one with family here, had he? Their stakes were just as high.[break][break]

NOTES ♔[break][break]


imposes his vision of an IDEAL WORLD upon targets. If the targets go against this vision, they are afflicted with a terrible burning sensation before being set aflame partially or entirely (depending on the offense). The TOXIC CHAIN forms into a divine spear in Remiel's hand when this ability is activated. Impaling something with this spear can activate the burning flame as well.[break][break]



[attr="class","remy-lb-bannerbottom"]PRISMATIC PENITENTIARY ⛓️


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August 17th
Alto Mare
Time is money. You are a waste of both.
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TAG WITH @leonsettentrione
Leon Settentrioné
POSTED ON May 14, 2024 20:14:15 GMT
Leon Settentrioné Avatar

His teeth gritted. it was one of the few responses he was able to make, as his jaw had come out of the punishment more or less intact. He hated this. Hated being a burden. Hated seeing Aubre suffer and struggle. Hated to know that it was because of him, again. All he'd ever wanted was to make amends for his past mistakes, but it was quite evident in this moment that all he had succeeded in doing was dragging her down. He glanced at her face, lips agape as she gasped for air, the desperation and fear in her eyes. He could imagine what she was thinking, that she would never see Mikaela again, or her parents or pokémon. That she would never be happy again. His mind and stomach roiled at the thoughts, and he hung his head, now gray locks falling over his face as the mask slipped off virtually unnoticed.

When they finally reached the elevator his gaze turned up; first to the gleaming automaton wreaking carnage, then to the offal and detritus it was leaving in its wake. The images seared into his mind, not out of revulsion or horror, but shame. Once more he looked at his wife, blue eyes tracing the delicate curve of her face, the sight far more potent than what had come before. He realized why she had become so distant, so torn. This was what she believed him to be; a blood soaked mass murderer, incapable of feeling even as he slaughtered people by the dozens. It was incorrect, of course, but that did little to change the fact. His wife saw him as a monster, and it was for that reason that her every gaze was filled with the fear that she might be next.

The metallic floor shuddered and jolted downwards, moving far, far too slowly for Leon's liking. He knew it would be only a matter of time before the powers that be regrouped; over the past week they had quite ably demonstrated their potency, if not their intelligence. All the worse, in fact. A dumb beast did not know fear, did not know when to halt. All it knew was blind rage and hunger, and it had not the wit to retreat. They would be coming, and soon; he could feel it in his very core.

Unfortunately, when they arrived at the ward below, everyone seemed to scatter, looking for their friends or simply socializing; in the middle of a prison riot aboard and alien installation no less. He was about to protest the delay when he heard his wife's name being called, and his eyes snapped to in the direction of the unfamiliar voice. From his motions he appeared to feel some sort of authority, and from Leon's observations of their interaction it appeared that his chain had manifested into some sort of healing effect. Aubre placed him down as the conversation continued, his brow furrowing as the pain went entirely unnoticed. She knew him, they seemed to be quite familiar with each other. And he had absolutely no clue who Leon was. Likewise he had never seen nor heard of the man before. It seemed quite apparent that Aubre had deliberately never told him; and, perhaps, had deliberately not told him of her marriage. His mind churned again.

Leon barely noticed the manhandling and ministrations of the doctor, so embroiled was he in his own internal struggle. Nevertheless he did notice life beginning to return to his body, flames burning from the inside out as shredded muscles reattached to newly reformed bones. It was excruciating, but he made no indication of it. Instead he merely nodded. "Thanks, Rapunzel." His hackles were raised, and he observed their parting and the man's departure, eyes of ice following his every step until he faded into the crowd once more.

Fortunately, whatever magicks had been worked upon him allowed him to now stand on his own, though his body was still weak and burning within. It was as they all stagged back onto the platform, the rusted metal jerking back into motion, that he realized it was not from the healing, however. His gaze was drawn upwards at the sound if a voice above and, though he could not locate the source, he was quite certain it spelled only trouble. The words spoken were mostly lost through the clamor of explosions, but he could nontheless still feel the collar around his throat tighten in response; and it was now he noticed the throbbing pain within his chest, beating in time to the staccato rhythm of the shells exploding above. It seemed his unwilling binging was taking effect, and the poison was beginning to burn through his veins. But it was more than that. With every shot of the sentinel above, he felt the pain rip through him, as though, unable to redirect the pain of those who it had shielded, it was draining his very life to continue its slaughter. His life, clearly, was not a priority for the creature.

Finally they come to a rest at the bottom of the shaft, just above the wretched pit housing the aliens' pet beastie. The entrance had been blown wider, and indeed there was now an opening even further down, a hole rent into the floor of the chamber. It did not take a genius to determine that the only way forward was down, and with the rest he began the descent, his eyes on Aubre all the way. Unfortunately, his limbs were still weak and fragile, and the poison ripping through him did nothing to aid that. Leon was only partway down when his arms gave way and he slammed to the ground below with a dull thud and a pained grunt. This he pushed aside, however, as there were more important matters to attended to.

Dragging himself to his feet he looked once more for Aubre, immediately moving to her side when he located her. "Come. We have to keep going." Though he rather doubted the next attempt would go any better, descending past the feeding pit seemed to be the only path open to them.

And then, he heard the screeching of the metal gate opening, and he was instantly alerted that the situation was quite immediately dire. "Hurry."

He felt the heat rush into the chamber, the cold, wet air burned away in seconds. The flames licking under the door illuminated their surroundings, showing the water logged mochi and other, more concerning things. Again he pushed these aside, his mind categorizing them as of lesser importance. Though he did not yet known exactly what had been done to the creature, if it even was the same one, he knew what the flames meant for Aubre. He knew that she would not be able cope, to make it on from here. Ever since that night her mind had shut down at even the tiniest spark, and what now emerged from the side chamber was a raging inferno.

For a third time his jaw clenched and he hesitated, not knowing what he could do in this state but knowing that he had to do something. It was then that the automaton flashed into being behind her, its brilliant skin seemingly soaking in the fire as the light reflected off it in permanent symmetry. And then, he knew. Once more Leon stood before Aubre, wreathed in an aura of distant flame as though he were Sauron striding forth. Rather than a mask of black steel, he wore one of calm. Leon smiled at his wife, drinking in her face one more time, before he leaned in and kissed her, pouring all his love and regret into the motion. Pulling back a bit he rested his forehead to her's, eyes closed. "I love you, Aubre. Tell Mikaela the same, and give her a kiss from me." And then the warmth of her body was gone, the metallic creature scooping her into its arms and leaping forth into the pit, carrying her away from the terror to come.

His eyes remained closed a few moments more, before they turned to scan the feeding pit, taking in the clamor as some tried to save or assault their attacker. They turned upwards, searching for some sign of their other doom approaching, but he could see nothing through the darkness and dust. For now, it seemed, they had only to contend with the ogre, small comfort as it was. Realistically they should evade it as there was little chance of it managed to make any meaningful pursuit along the paths open to them. He knew, however, that a significant number would not; there was the 'Dummy Ward', afterall. Part of him felt likewise, none too pleased with having been so frequently assaulted by the beast throughout the week. Returning some portion of that would be rather satisfying. Yet he knew that, one the slim chance any of them survived this, Aubre would not be appreciative of the fact.

Quickly he looked around the chamber, trying to spot something that may be of use, but it was largely barren of anything that might be an aid. The stealth rocks were also an impediment, though fortunately his inability to move with any speed made them rather more easy to dodge. Of the space jellyfish he again knew nothing, but he could nonetheless categorize them as a secondary priority. Had he known of his wife's previous encounter, however, that assessment would have changed dramatically but, alas, it was yet one more thing she had kept from him. Eyeing the beast he can see little beyond the flaming mask, but the flailing tendrils of thorned ivy are just visible as they whip through the inferno. How they managed to keep from igniting themselves he did not know, but it gave him an idea.

Kneeling down he jerked off a piece of bone from one of the scattered skeletons, grunting a bit from the needed force. He stood with the shattered marrow and began to stagger forward, carefully moving around the floating shards of stone as he went. A few times he nearly went to his knees, the stamping of the ogre and storm of attacks directed both at it and the humans a storm it was difficult to resist. Once near the others he stopped, waiting for the proper moment. This close the heat was intense, almost unbearable, but it was something he was once well accustomed to, and discomfort was not hard to push aside. When one of the tendrils lashed out, striking him in the chest and drawing another pained groan, he swiftly grabbed it, his other hand coming down with the jagged bone and severing a portion of the fleshy, grasslike appendage. For a moment he stood still, gasping for breath both due to the blow he'd received and the continuing spread of poison through his body. Once recovered he stummbled forward once more, angling behind it where he came in close. The vine he looped around it's neck like a garrote, and the bone he wound into the length to provide a better grip. The thorns still dug into his palms, but it was now much easier to maintain the hold, especially with the leverage that was provided as he pressed his leg into its back. Once more pushing away the pain, now including the searing as his skin began to cook, he turned to the others nearby, teeth gritted once more. "If you are going to do something then do it. We do not have the luxury of time here." Even if they managed to subdue it, rather than being roasted alive or simply pulped, there was a greater threat looming. If any of them were to survive they needed to flee, as soon as possible, whether the pokémon was with them or not. Though it could, he briefly mused, provide a decent distraction. If any of them made it that far.
⚰︎ divider made by milky!

*Oh no feelings
*Oh no a handsome charming doctor
*Gives Aubre a kiss and a wish, just before she's absconded with
*Is worried about what's coming for them
*Nonetheless tries to aid the relief effort with a bit of stabbing and strangulation
*The defensive aura is now covering those attempting to help the Ogerpon, as well as Aubre

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April 5
5'07" height
5'07" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @darkwingsgod
Andrew Fisher
POSTED ON May 14, 2024 20:33:17 GMT
Andrew Fisher Avatar

Whatever satisfaction he may have gotten out of his retaliation soon turned into horrific illness. As he boarded the lift downward, the effects of the poisons in his system took hold. Andrew collapsed to his knees, breaking out into a sweat. He paid little attention to his Warden being hoisted up by chains, and to the Ugly Ward, as they boarded the lift.

When they finally got down, Andrew stumbled off the lift. With everything he could muster at that moment, Andrew stumbled along with the group. With how many there were heading towards the Pit, it became more of a slog than it needed to be.

Finally, they reached the pit, with all the junk scattered around. And the beast that acted as their tormentor emerged from her chamber, with the red mask he saw mounted on the wall before. Accompanying her were those freaky Ultra Beasts, ones he spotted when he got caught up in the Battle of Lilycove. Only they sported Toxic Chains themselves.

Then it hit Andrew.

"I voted for this shit!?", Andrew exclaimed, horrified by the realization.

As the others scrambled to break the pipes, or to otherwise stop the onslaught, Andrew remembered something. All the times they had to shovel mush into that bowl. Looking around at the junk, and the Stealth Rocks laid by the Nihilego, Andrew scrambled, picking up what he could, and tossing it haphazardly into the bowl.

If they couldn't break the pipes, then maybe he could activate the sprinklers. Failing that, drag the Ogerpon back to her cell.


notes: Gets in the elevator
Begins to feel the effects of being Badly Poisoned
Slogs towards the pits
Sees Ogerpon, realizing that he voted for that
Main Action: tossing all the junk and stealth rocks into the bowl
Ability: Victims hit by Andrew's Toxic Chain are administered a poison that induces agonizing pain.

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september 12
hammerlocke, galar
but you know
that you're toxic
5'5" height
5'5" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @diana
Diana Cavendish
POSTED ON May 14, 2024 22:10:29 GMT
Diana Cavendish Avatar
[attr="class","diana"]Somewhere, in the midst of her fury and the mingling chaos, found his way to her in the feeding pit. Diana's eyes locked onto FEZANDIPITI one last time before finally conceding to her former fiancé, following him through the screams and the fighting.

Maybe, later, she'd have a chance to pierce it with a spear of ice through its heart.

Meeting Remiel's panicked gaze, she nodded. "I won't leave your side." It was a selfish promise: get him out of here alive. He was needed for her plans to succeed. Yet, there was a feint tugging at her heart at the thought of him dying.

"He's only fodder, a tool to step closer to Hammerlocke's revival."

The memory sprang into her mind, causing Diana to falter for a moment before following him once more.

She nearly ran into his back when he paused to throw a bursting flame at the NIHILEGO ahead. If that wasn't enough, a spear of ice from her own toxic chain ability was thrown its way, offering reprieve to her task.

Diana is the first to try and climb to the flesh tube, reaching a hand. "Hand her to me. We can get her through easily with both of us pulling."

[attr="class","dianatag"] &
- following to escape
- wants to kill FEZANDIPITI
- needs to be kept alive for her own goals...
- throws an ice shard at NIHILEGO in order for to continue on
- through the flesh tube
[googlefont="Nunito"][googlefont="Quattrocento"][newclass=.diana] width:370px;background-color:#232323;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:13px;line-height:16px;letter-spacing:.5px; margin: 0 auto; font-family:nunito, sans-serif; border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px; [/newclass][newclass=.diana b] color: #A59DED; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight: 700; [/newclass][newclass=.diana i] color: #888; [/newclass][newclass=.diana u] text-decoration: none; font: bold 10px Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 3px; color: #666666; text-transform: uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=.dianatag a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass][newclass=.dianatag] padding: 15px 44px 15px 45px; background-color: #2b2b2b; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 0px; margin-top: -30px; width: 369px; text-align: right; border-bottom: solid 1px #232323; border-left: solid 1px #232323; border-right: solid 1px #232323; border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px; [/newclass]
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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON May 14, 2024 22:11:58 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar



Further, and further they descend until they are back into those wretched feeding pits, but he isn't paying attention to anything else anymore, his mind is clear, clearer than it has been in a while. There is someone he is looking for, and its there that he sees her, keeping enemies at bay with her own ability. There is an escape, it's further down, and it's what the voice of Azelf told them to do, or at least he hoped it was Azelf. If it was a trap then everyone who descended was going to be in for another fight at the worst case scenario.

It was still chaos all around him, with everyone sporting their own unique powers it was hard to tell who was doing what. None of that mattered, and he flexed his wings outward, and took off once again. While she wouldn't see it there was a farewell wave to as he left. In another universe, if time allowed he had come to the realization they could have been friends, but that wasn't what happened here. For better or worse they had forcibly severed the ropes that held that bridge up, and the consequences would follow them both well into the future.

Instead he scooped up into his arms, his mask dangling helplessly as he looked down at her.

"Hello my favorite nightmare...." It was a stupid thing to say he knew that, but the conversation they had during that week, had helped him get through it. Whether she knew it or not. "You promised me....Together...." She had kept everything away from her, which is what allowed him to get so close to start with, and without further ado, he dove at top speed down the hole further into the depths towards where Azelf might be.

Fresh blood still coated his wing from where he had sliced into the flesh of Munkidori, coating the metallic feathers red, and it did give him an eerie appearance, but all that mattered was focusing on what was in front of them. They had to free Azelf, and in doing so he would free Draco....Erebus....Stryker....Princess....Lerneaus.....Falak.....

A fresh wave of rage washed over him as he thought about it, and that kept him going for this moment. He hadn't been broken yet, and with the help of the woman in his arms, they would tear through everything, and rip this so called Never-Rot asunder.

No one would take his treasures from him again....


Main Action: Amor yoinks into his arms (I got Ghosts permission), and dives down the hole with her as fast as his wings will carry him!
Amor thinks about things, and is ready to throw hands at the boss! GIVE ME THE MUSIC!
Laments that he and could have been friends if they both weren't absolute bitches to each other!

Toxic Chain Ability - Archangel's Wings - Amor's desire for freedom, and revenge along with Azelf's will gave birth to this set of Metallic wings that possess the ability to allow him to fly. The feathers on the wings are as sharp as a sword, and are able to cut through flesh like butter.
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December 31st
Blackthorn City
Assassin / Architect
my most beautiful chaos
One day I will find you
1m85 // 6'1 height
1m85 // 6'1 height
Her heart in spite, is warm and bright
162 posts
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Kyrenai Black
POSTED ON May 14, 2024 22:25:41 GMT
Kyrenai Black Avatar
The platform fills as they descend, and Kyrenai remains a stalwart protector to it. Anything that dares attack the platform and those on it are met with the vicious recoil of her chain, unaware that every movement comes back to bite her until it's too late.

By the time they get to the lowest floor and spread into the mochi floor once used as their punishment, the poison has spread well into her bloodstream, burning like a fire within. Veins have grown dark against her pale skin, tainted by poison; they mar her body in an almost dark color there where the chain physically touches her, sending surging jolts of pain through her chest and dominant arm. It keeps her focused as she staggers on, knowing it's the very chain that poisoning her that's keeping her upright.

One of the Megalopolans, brought back from its untimely demise to stand by her side, joins her. "Bring me to your master,"

[post in progress, tdlr complete]


- Toxic Chain Power: Telekenetic chain; is wrapped around her torso and supports it to lessen the pain of her broken body and allow for better movement despite injuries. Can rotate the chain to form a shield in front of herself to counter impact attacks and/or bash opponents with their own power (shield's range; 2 meters).
- Darkened, purple veins show on her skin, courtesy of Badly Poisoned effect
- Tells the zombie to bring her to , joins her
- Will participate in any action decides on doing (EDIT: going down the flesh tube, hoping to stick the landing)
- Prepared to counter incoming attacks


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august 12
travel blogger
elite ranger
Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
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TAG WITH @jack
jack wainwright
POSTED ON May 14, 2024 23:25:28 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar

Standing next to Diamandis on the platform, Pamplemousse inclined his head to her even as he ignored her words. He was a man of singular purpose, unfettered from the concerns of morality or emotion. He was simply a dagger aimed at the heart of their captors, his edges sharpened and gleaming from their torment. He was unchanging and unchangeable. As Pamplemousse turned away, 's eye looked sad and unblinking at from its place at the end of the toxic chain.[break][break]

Pamplemousse noted the toxic chains and the Megalopolan above as they descended to join the Ugly Ward's uprising. The two wardens followed them down, dangling from chains that pulsed with poison as did his own. Rather than the weakness he felt, he could tell that their wardens were instead rejuvenated. Catching sight of the strange, peach-shaped shell, Pamplemousse nudged Diamandis and tilted his head upward.[break][break]

"Puppets on strings. Cut the strings or kill the puppetmaster," he said, his voice cool and dispassionate as he spoke in the strange language of metaphor they used between them.[break][break]

His moment for vengeance was ripped away as detonations rocked the chamber and they descended beyond the reach of the wardens and their puppeteers. Their threat was replaced quickly by the Heartflame monster and Pamplemousse was again reminded that their Wardens were not the only ones to inflict pain upon them. Some of their fellow prisoners were guilty too. They would get their retribution in their own time. The heat sickened him and his veins seemed to pulse with the poison as he vomited into his mask. He dispassionately wiped away what was had splattered on his neck and chin.[break][break]

Following another prisoner () to the hole that had been torn open in the tube, Pamplemousse was able to discern uncertain shapes floating within green liquid. The pokemon that Jack had seen in his dreams? Pamplemousse was uncertain, but unleashing their weapons of war would speed this confrontation to its necessary end. He would try.[break][break]

Unlike the young prisoner who had chosen to dive into the tube, Pamplemousse entered with little fanfare or drama, only purpose and determination.[break][break]




– pamplemousse points out the toxic chains healing and connecting the wardens and the megalopolan with the peach-shell being to desiree[break]
– enters the flesh tube, hoping he finds their pokemon within[break]
– 4 salac rerolls



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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,513 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON May 15, 2024 0:00:41 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar
[attr="class","space annal"]

i get mean when i'm nervous like a bad dog




she feels the thrum of energy through her veins, the vitality of the husks she drained on her way down here, but beneath it — something else. an all-over fatigue, a gnawing hangover headache as the rush ebbs in strength. in the low light of the feeding pit, she watches everything play out in shades of magenta, each pop of conflict dancing in time to the painful racing of her heart. [break][break] "i'm fine," she lies, voice gravelly from waking-world disuse. she blinks hard a few times, but her vision remains distorted. an aura haloes around as she looks between him and the flaming beast. "i'm staying."[break][break]even in her weakened state, the thought of leaving repulses her. she has lived with her enemies for a week (a stretch of eternity, in her mind) and she won't deprive herself of the familiar faces around her now. [break][break]there aren't many certainties in this place, but she knows has her back even without a promise exchanged. she nods, her appreciation blunted beneath the swath of purple over her eyes. then she moves away, sifting through the chaos. [break][break]she ghosts into 's sphere of influence, eyes darting between ogerpon and and the sprinklers overhead. she draws up short, shrinking away from the blistering heat of 's dragonfire. [break][break]like a fox hearing a rabbit scream, annalise's head jerks toward and his collapse. her eyes pin, sharp with recognition. he's the one from area zero. the one that thwarted her attack on . she had seen him in the wellspring mask, too, as insignificant to the grand scale of her vision as a crushed bug. [break][break]his ability washes over her. she returns to that rocket cell over and over in her mind, as helpless in one iteration as she is in another. [break][break]but the loop breaks. the visions warp and wash away from the reality beneath. in an instant, she's standing over him, her toxic chain around him, his life in her veins. several nightmarish loops ago, she had only meant to subdue him, to drink a little to stave off the effects of the poisoning but now — [break][break]the win condition becomes a whisper in the back of her mind as contempt clouds over the fear and desperation in her eyes. [break][break]this is her gratitude for everything has ever given her, repaid in a hate-filled frenzy on one of his own. [break][break]

[break]ugly ward
[attr="class","oocnotestwo"]• power: smurfing reyna (steal vitality through toxic chain's touch) [break]• main action: protect ogerpon / beat up [break] unmasked / badly poisoned[break] thinks the poisoning is a side effect of her ability [break] tells she's staying in the feeding pit with him [break] approaches the ogerpon zone[break] affected by 's nightmare power [break] uses her ability on to weaken him and then decides erm actually i'm going to freaking kill you ! [break] or whoever can beat her up smile [break]


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
311 posts
Thea Naito DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @theanaito
Thea Naito
POSTED ON May 15, 2024 0:51:29 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

The feeling of actually managing to get back to that Monkey filled Thea with hope, though it came with the ill feeling of the horrible poison crawling into her system, but using the source of the poison to force herself to endure it. She would only stop moving when she was SURE her cousin and her bestie were safe, and she was ready to fight all out for it.[break][break]

A chance for escaping eventually occurred, with 's firm grasp on her hand catching Thea's attention. Her eyes met her dear friend's for a brief moment, widening as she realized what her friend had realized. Her lips pursed, and 's call only pushed her closer to the idea of simply escaping... But two things held her back. wasn't going to back down so easily, and the Orgepon was as awaken as ever.[break][break]

"I still have things to do!" She shouted an answer to Gene, and then looked at Cass with a faint smile. "Make sure our Pokémons are fine" Thea asked, taking one last glance at her friend, and other faces as well, such as , leaving in what would be hopefully a path to safety.[break][break]

Trying to shake off the poison with her temporary ability, she got closer to her cousin— "I won't be leaving you alone in here, Kay! If you are too tired, you can lean on me!" She said, soon shifting her gaze to , who also seemed to be sticking around for a little longer. "I'm not leaving you either!" Thea said, knowing the feral girl was putting up a fight as well. And upon charging in, sticking close to her cousin, her attention only averted from him when she noticed the Ogerpon, with attempting to hold it while attempted something Thea didn't quite understand, but if Andrea was helping, it surely wasn't something ill.[break][break]

"Come... ON!" Thea grunted while hurrying to try and hold Ogerpon along with Andrea.[break][break]




  • Feeling the poison sinking in, but trying to endure it with the Toxic's Chain ability, for now...

  • Relieved that Cass is leaving with Ettie. Also happy for the several familiar faces escaping.

  • Is grateful for Gene's warning, but still has things to solve

  • Yells to Cass to make sure her and Knight's Pokémons are fine.

  • Stays behind with her cousin, Knight

  • MAIN ACTION: Trying to handle Hearthflame Ogerpon, trying to gold Ogerpon along with Andrea while Johanna uses her Toxic Chain on it





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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
650 posts
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON May 15, 2024 0:59:33 GMT
Ettie Avatar
Having skipped the mochi, Ettie was hungry - and as she licked her lips, tasted the blood she had spilt from the megalopolan beneath her... There was a part of her that wanted more. To take another bite. The person - the body beneath her was not a packmate, after all. It had been an enemy - to be killed, for the pack's safety - but now it was simply meat. It would be a waste, if she just left this body to rot.

But, 's voice would draw her attention before she went any further. As Ettie glances to her, the child's gaze is equal parts wild and sharp at first - as if assessing her next target... But Ettie near-immediately recognizes that Cass is a wardmate, which prompts the child's expression to soften, becoming friendlier. "Ettie is okay." She responds, her smile warm yet bloody, tongue briefly flicking over her sharp teeth. "Ettie protects pack."

It seemed there wasn't any time to sate her hunger, though. The ward - her pack - was moving, and she'd soon abandon the body to move with them to the elevator. That was okay. There'd be another chance for prey, she was sure.

As she arrived at the elevator and wipes at her mouth - praising her - Ettie giggles. She briefly grasps the older woman's arm to nuzzle her palm. "Ettie protects pack! Will always bite." Ettie states, grinning widely to her. This was something that she clearly took pride in. "We find rest-pack. Then we hunt."

But, to find the pack, they must first go below - to the depths. The Feeding Pits are not a pleasant sight - nor is what comes out to meet them. Ogerpon is a sight met with equal parts sympathy and wariness - but the Nihilego make her growl on instinct, lips curling back to display her teeth.

As Cass says that 'they're below', though, Ettie blinks - glances to her... And it doesn't take much for it to click that 'they' must be the pokemon. Their packmates. Upon being addressed, her response this time around is much more serious - but still loyal. "Ettie follows." She states firmly, moving alongside Cass. "We find rest-pack. Then we help."

Glancing to and , she says "Stay with pack. Be safe. Will come back." before she departs.

But, as the two of them move to the tube, there is something else that catches Ettie's eye - and her nose. She had noticed the change in skincolor, the change in the other's eyes - but as the pup inhales deeply, briefly sniffing Cass, there is something... different in her scent, too. Something that draws only one thing to mind - and she does not hesitate to speak her thoughts. "Friend is sick."

(A lot of people here were starting to look and smell as though they were sick.)

Ettie's instinct would be to tell her and the others to rest. But there was no safe place to rest here - there was only forward. So, instead, she simply states "Is okay. Ettie goes first. Will protect."

Cutting in front of Cassandra, Ettie jumps in - using her claws to help moderate how quickly she descends. And all the while, she keys in on her hearing and smell, to try and anticipate what may meet them at the other end.
- Toxic Chain Ability; Wolfchild: Ettie becomes more like that of a Lycanroc - enhanced senses, enhanced physical capabilities (particularly speed,) as well as sharper teeth, claws, and slightly pointed (but still humanlike) ears. Her chain - particularly around her neck - gains spikes like that of a Lycanroc's.
- Ettie may or may not be tempted to take a bite out of the Megalopolan she mauled. But, speaking to her distracts her from that.
- Regards Cass in a warm and friendly fashion, tells her that she's okay and will protect the pack.
- When she joins and her face is cleaned up a bit, Ettie nuzzles her palm.
- In descending to the Feeding Pit, Ettie regards Ogerpon with equal parts sympathy and wariness. Agitated by + growls/bares teeth at the Nihilego.
- When mentions that 'they' are below, Ettie's attention is got - and she states that she'll follow Cass to find the pokemon, then they help the others.
- Tells and to be safe + stick with the others, and that she'll be back.
- As they move for the fleshtube though, Ettie has a chance to properly note Cass's physical changes, as well as an odd change in her scent. Tells Cass that she's sick, and that Ettie will go first + protect her.
- Cuts in front of Cassandra to go down the flesh tube first - using her strength and claws to moderate how fast she goes down (to avoid hurting herself,) and using her enhanced hearing/smell to try and anticipate any potential threats at the other end.

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December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
439 posts
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON May 15, 2024 1:13:41 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Mr. Sl– Howard,” Grigori sputtered out. Through the commotion, pain, realizations, awful poisons, and everything in between, the grunt found the admin. His mask stayed fixed to his face, and the toxic chain covered his torso like a towel. As if it tried to hide the massive man, and it failed as one would expect.

The lack of honorific also drove him up the elevator, but there could be absolutely no connection between him and this man. Even if neither were suspected Rockets, the thought terrified him. It pushed past every other feeling present and somehow dominated his mind space. “You’re safe. Alive.

Both of them, and even that one from all that time ago. He’d need to be blind to not notice the doctor. “... So, what happens–

Several sounds behind him draw his ragged attention. Then, his eyes widened. They were back at the mochi pit. Where he was pushed around, abused, and fought the green creature trapped alongside them. Except now, they were bathed in a mask of flame and smoke and ash. Several Nihilego joined them, and chaos once again threatened to erupt.

Howard… I will ensure that stays so,” he called behind his shoulder. As everyone surged from the lift, Grigori did the same. Not for himself, but for those who couldn’t hope to fight back. There was a gurgle in his throat, a snarl. Even with the poison that surged through his veins, he pressed on. Forward, toward the Ogerpon–

Except, of course, for . His eyes filled with tears from the uncomfortable heat, and he blinked. When his eyes opened, he was back in the garage. Only a few dim lights shone from above, and the grunts of a pained man sounded out.

Instinctively, he looked down. ■■■■ wasn’t there. Slowly, his gaze shifted to the side. Across the shop, there were two figures. Another copy of him, and a figure that lie on the ground. ■■■■. ■■■■!

Stop, stop, DON’T!

He rushed forward, and raised his hands. His fingers interlocked, and he brought both hands sideways. Even if it took all his strength, all his energy, there could not be a repeat of the past. This nightmare would end a different way, with ■■■■ still alive. “I WON'T–

The lights flickered. Reality and fiction juxtaposed horrifically. First, it was Ogerpon and . Then, and . Then back to himself and ■■■■. Annalise and Andrea. Grigori and Jayden. Ogerpon and ■■■■. Was he about to make as horrific a mistake, or absolve his karmic debt in full? It was impossible to tell, when not even the real world wanted to humor him with the gift of certainty.

Yet his arms swung with all his weight, into whomever stood over the other. A hammer was he, and his sole purpose to hit the nail. He could know no other fate, for it would render him worthless.

Rocket did not allow those deemed worthless. Neither did the universe, in all her karmic justice.

 - Hello Mr. Howard, there seems to be a problem in the prison
 - When he sees the dangers that stand in front of the group, goes forward to help fight the good fight
 - Except that one guy makes him experience his worst nightmare
 - Goes to stop 'himself', but when he gets close reality goes all wonky and he doesn't know who he is trying to hit anymore
 - Hits them anyway, like a boss (evil, despicaple man)
 - Goodbye Annalise
 - Main Action: Something Else (Attacking ANNALISE GRRR BARK BARK BARK)

- Acts like, well, a hand
- Protects, but does not attack. Parries, deflects, prevents, the whole nine defensive yards

Also Badly Poisoned (Oof ouch owie my blood vessels)

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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,330 posts
part of
TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON May 15, 2024 1:22:27 GMT

Somehow, most of their ward made it to the center mechanism and joined the already-gathered crowd.[break][break]

Their brief reprieve on the descending platform offered little genuine relief, however, as adrenaline began to fade and the effects of the TOXIC CHAIN's poison reared its infernal head. Feeling bile rise in his throat, slipped his hand beneath his mask and coughed into his palm. When he withdrew it, he found that a foul, magenta liquid had stained his skin.[break][break]

They needed to hurry. Already, he could feel the pull of the NEVER-ROT at the edges of his mind, clawing at his willpower.[break][break]

Unfortunately, their previous skirmish within the prison wards was only the beginning of their journey to escape. Once the platform halted, the group spilled out into the pit — only to be met with terrifying opposition.[break][break]

Still holding 's hand, the two ROCKETs dodged STEALTH ROCKS and wayward NIHILEGO tentacles. As they reached the center, was quickly met with an unbearable heat and the reckless image of attempting to climb the wood-legged creature, now sporting a new, horrifying mask.[break][break]

"We need to subdue it."[break][break]

They would all burn if the masked monster wasn't stopped. Even those that had escaped into the darkness weren't guaranteed safety. Whatever was below, it was the key to their survival. They couldn't be die here in this grotesque pit.[break][break]

Seeing the likes of , , and pulling at the pipes, he rapidly connects the dots.[break][break]

"Douse it!"[break][break]

The multiple shadowed nooses that comprised his TOXIC CHAIN sprung forward, attempting to hold OGERPON in place while others tried their hand at combating the beast.[break][break]



UGLY WARD [break][break]

• holding elisa's hand for their shoujo moment[break]
MAIN ACTION: [break]

use all nooses to hold ogerpon in place in case pipes burst/to give time to take out the worry seed


shadow nooses!! can fling people around. oh and it BLINDS on contact so even if they survive being yeeted they're handicapped afterwards and easier to pick off.



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[newclass=.barnaby-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: lowercase; color: #796477; [/newclass]
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April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
341 posts
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON May 15, 2024 1:32:44 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

The melee was stupendous, and Beau was dimly grateful for the sight of Eddie ahead of him, giving him something to run toward; in the crush of bodies, the surge of prisoners and guards, and the various incredible effects suddenly taking place around (and on) him, his attention was hard-fought. He cracked a grin at Eddie's comment, rejoining, "Same to you, brah, good lookin' out!"
Nevertheless, with eyes on Eddie, he made it to the platform, and as it began to descend through the wards, his position only got more and more secured, pressed tighter among the group as more and more revolting prisoners piled on to join the excursion. When he saw Eddie remove his mask, he blinked, then cursed under his breath - he hadn't even thought to check once the Chain around his neck started acting up. Sure enough, he was able to pry his own mask off and cast it aside, drawing the freshest breath he'd taken in...well, he didn't know how long.
He offered a whoop and a jaunty wave to - friends in hell were still friends - and blinked as Eddie's attention swapped to . He recognized her - it'd been years, but he was pretty sure that was the gal who explored the haunted house with him. She could barely handle the house, what the hell was she doing in a place like this?
He shot Eddie a thumbs-up as the platform descended, offering a reassuring laugh. "We got this, brah, you and me." The almost immediate appearance of the Ogerpon and its Nihilego friends did their best to shake Beau's conviction, but he shook his head, diving off the platform after Eddie and coming up behind him as he taunted one of the floating jellyfish-like Ultra Beasts.
Concern shot through him, a flash of cold against the burning heat of the Chain pumping Arceus-knew-what into his back, as Eddie flagged after his first riposte. Growling, he moved forward to swing at the Nihilego directly, taking his place between Eddie and the Beast to ward off potential attacks against the other man. They could do it, he knew, as long as they made up for each other's deficiencies.
He joined in the laughter, taking another heavy swing with a grin that bore just a touch of feral edge. He could think of worse things, right now.



Waves hi to Navy, recognizes Andrea from way-back-then![break]
Action: Punching at some Nihilego with Eddie.[break]
Gets between Eddie and harm when Eddie starts feeling the effects of the poison.




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July 2
Dewford Town
5'9 height
5'9 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
826 posts
Noel Parker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hellboyryan
Noel Parker
POSTED ON May 15, 2024 2:09:46 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]


As Noel descends down the elevator with an entire crowd surrounding him, he barely takes notice of any of them. Not even who stands by his side. His mind has fogged up. His body didn't feel like his own. A strange power was lurking from inside him that he could not control just yet. A violent cough erupts from his mouth, one that he quickly covers up with a swift hand. One that he wouldn't normally pay attention to whatsoever. Yet when he gazes down upon his palm, his breath shakes, his eyes widen upon seeing a splotch of blood etched onto it.[break][break]

The poisonous root has spread all across his body.[break][break]

He promptly wipes the blood off onto his pants. This corrupted body of his was beginning to fall apart, yet still he needed to carry on. Escape was so near in sight, all his worries would surely be over upon leaving this wretched place.[break][break]

Before he knows it however, chaos unfolds all around him. Several people fight off against a swarm of Nihilego or the green beast that tormented him all throughout his time here, while others find different means of escape.[break][break]

Yet his blood freezes once he becomes entrapped within 's Temporal Terror. All Noel can see is the man who badly maimed him on the sands of Dewford. A man who threatens to end a peaceful life for everyone in Hoenn. A man who does not show compassion or care. A man who has bested him before.[break][break]

One by one does he see his Pokemon and friends slain and scattered like trash, beginning with his beloved Shaymin companion and the rest of its kind. Every single Pokemon and ally Noel had come to know and love, dead at the hands of a filthy Rocket.[break][break]

A rage stirs up from within him, unlike any emotion he has ever felt before. His blood reaches its boiling point when a frenzy of chains come at his foe in a whip-like storm.[break][break]

However they are unable to discern friend from foe.[break][break]

In his blind hatred, the blue-enflamed chains attack anyone and anything within range. Those attempting to protect the red-masked beast were not spared, not even the beast itself. The likes of , , and are subjected to its attacks. Not even is spared. The chains would then reach out to all across the feeding pit, all aiming to eventually lash out against his enemy.[break][break]

After a few moments, his senses begin to return to him, shock overcomes his fury as he realizes the damage he is about to inflict.[break][break]

"No... Stop! This isn't what I want!"[break][break]

He attempts to grab hold of the burning chains with both of his hands. A searing hot burn travels from his hand then throughout his entire body. Try as he might, there was no stopping what he has now unleashed.[break][break]

BADLY POISONED[break][break]
Injuries finally catching up to him[break][break]
MAIN ACTION: Attacking everyone[break][break]
TOXIC CHAIN ABILITY: Chains that spew out from underneath his clothes that act as whips and can conjure up blue flame in their trails.[break][break]
Is stuck within 's ability for a moment, watching as he kills everyone and everything Noel loves.[break][break]
Out of anger, Noel's power goes out of control and begins to attack everything around him.[break][break]
Tries to stop it but is unable to.

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON May 15, 2024 2:44:22 GMT
fern delaney Avatar
[attr="class","pilots fernie"]

feel your dirty face[break]oh, don’t it leave that filthy taste?




Chaos unravels their ability to follow the events that filters into the wars around them. The chain at their neck feels painfully burdensome, toxicity pumping into their system and grinding their mind to a sluggish blear of disconnected thoughts and scattered images.[break][break]

Their mind, already susceptible from the wants of the mask and their frustration of running through their dreams to little success in search of their patron, the chain’s influence takes greater hold. Around them, others fight and claw their way to freedom—wield abilities that should be impossible when they wield the chains to their success. Fern only watches, eyes dazed until a tug at their hand prompts them to stagger forward at a clumsy pace. Coaxed to escape by ’s presence and silent guidance.[break][break]

It is difficult to move, poison sluicing through their system with vertigo spin. Their vision tunnels, breath picking up as a cold sweat prickles up the back of their neck and their stomach rolls. They just have to make it to the lift. And then they all converge.[break][break]

Dimly, Fern can feel the bolster lends, though they do not use it to fight. Their mind clears, just enough to alert them to the tendril the underboss cast off in aid. Their posture straightens, as if mutely waking from a stupor.[break][break]

They don’t immediately notice ’s pinpointed attention on . How space grows between them as he unleashes the brunt of what he can do on the other person, who is, by all accounts, a stranger to them. They have little time to ask, or to coax him to snap out of it. Time speeds and before they know it, he is collapsing under the brunt of toxin and expended abilities. “Jayden!” Their tongue feels fat and wrong in their mouth, but panic sharpens their clarity with sudden, near-overwhelming vivacity.[break][break]

They acknowledge ’s should with a nod, but they didn’t need the command to react to it. The thrum of their toxic chain hums to life as they notice the blonde. Her own chains curling around his partner with a draining relish. It has been awhile, but they recognize from that day on the slopes of Mt. Pyre with Meteno overhead. How they had been greatly amused when she had gone at with a cat fight sort of petty furor. All claws and chipped, manicured nails.[break][break]

But Fern is not laughing now.[break][break]

“Hey!” they bark from behind her. The lash of their chain signals the snap of an invisible, mental tether in their mind. A constraint that loops around her and yanks at her in the effort to detach her chain from Jayden. They draw themself closer, a hand clamping on her wrist. “Back off.” Their other hand comes up, the flat of their palm cracking across her cheek with audible sound. Then they shove her—as hard as they can, just to throw her off balance and shift them away from each other.[breaK][break]

Vertigo makes the world spin around them again, but Fern tries to push through the wave of poison that washed through them again. “Are you alright?” Fern wheezes, but obviously he’s not. Panic rises like a gorge in their throat as they try to cling to whatever semblance of control they can still grasp. They are not strong enough to lift , not with their arms. Bursts of light dot the corners of their vision as they focus and let their mind worth that same invisible pull hoist them up. “Alright, Duck. Up with you.” There’s no time to stop and breathe, though they badly need it.[break][break]

Not if they want to get out of there before catches up with them again. They keep him hefted up with the strain of their mind, and beeline for the first exit their eyes land on. Even as poison pumps heavier through their limbs the longer they keep it up.

+ toxic chain power: psychic telekinesis that allows him to draw others to them protectively, as if they were tethered. (like a brain lasso???)[break]
+ fern is badly poisoned!![break]
+ honestly has been a bit incoherent and woozy up to this point[break]
+ focuses up real fast tho when collapses[break]
+ I’m sorry , ur getting yanked and slapped[break]
+ main action: they are so ill but they are absconding to the nearest escape hole after helping ty


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