i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Phoebe Myst DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @myst
Phoebe Myst
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 12:22:05 GMT
Phoebe Myst Avatar



Medea was focused to lift as many of the citizens to safety as possible. After every few batches of civilians lifted-- Medea would start again, lifting them up one at a time. As Phoebe and Medea did so-- the presence of someone approaching them was not unknown to her. Eventually, Phoebe did turn around at and regarded her with a neutral, almost judgemental look. After her clearly made words, Phoebe gave her a sly smile. "That's not a choice-- that's stating the obvious. Well, not that mopping the floor with you wouldn't have some fun to it-- I'm a thief. Not a murderer. So as you said, these people are my current priority. " she said, as Medea worked to lift them to safety. "But if your heart is set on trying to slap cuffs on me-- well, I'm sure we can make a date out of it," she replied with a teasing, fliratious banter. Not that she was into it-- but it was a fun little trick to throw her enemies off their game. [break][break] The roar of Kyogre-- and the violent downpour and torrential rise of water was becoming a problem as soon water soon washed up.[break][break] While the GOTHITELLE got most of the people out, very few remaining and left to the care of the other rocket and league members-- the violent shock of water came and splashed at them. [break][break] While the results may vary-- Medea was not about to let the assault of Kyogre get more intense. In the heat of that dangerous situation-- Medea's eyes glowed, casting one of her psychic spells. [break][break] Future Sight...[break][break] After the results of this-- Phoebe had one of two options. Give this 'little girl' Gwendolyn the challenge she asked for-- or go and protect the tree. Once the immediate danger had passed in the city, she was intending to go to the tree and help protect it from Kyogre's advance-- if she could. She was not sure how she could help the others in Rocket, but if the opportunity came-- she would. For now, careless death and violence was NOT how she did things. She was a thief. Not a murderer. [break][break]
[break]ROLL FOR FALL OR GET OUT of ATTACK[break][break]



Location E-2.[break]
Medea soon finishes lifting those she could up to the surface and to safety. .[break]
Medea casts FUTURE SIGHT on KYOGRE as his advance continues. Start countdown of 1/3.[break]
Depending on results of roll-- will either challenge or head to DYNAS TREE or work with other rocket members to defend it

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Ji-Won Ki
April 8th
Cerulean City, Kanto
You'll need it
like a craving
5'8 height
5'8 height
Maybe somehow I came off too strong to you~
265 posts
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TAG WITH @tori
Victoria Beckett
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 15:07:47 GMT
Victoria Beckett Avatar
[attr="class","ambrosia tori"]
[attr="class","amilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

The punch landed on the Leviathan with a resounding crack followed by the boom of thunder. But Tori had little time to rejoice that the hit had landed before Raiden found himself hit with a barrage of green hexagonal projectiles. "Raiden!" She called out before she gritted her teeth and whirled around to face the opponent who dared to interfere.

[break][break] The rain made it hard to focus but she could identify her target well enough. Her gaze sharpened to a glare as she pulled at and adjusted the gloves on her hands. Bringing her fingers to her lips she whistled for Raiden to return to her. In return her Arctovish entered in having recovered from its tumultuous 'bout against Zekrom's avatar.

[break][break] Pulling on her gloves once more, all Tori had to do was press a button for the metal claws to be released from their sheath's. Without warning she charged forward, really pushing her speed, to close the distance between her and the familiar facade of . From there she engaged in fast paced close combat.

[break][break] Meanwhile her Arctovish saw fit to utilize this torrential storm to it's advantage. With a deep breath it gathered all the oxygen it could hold before releasing it's icy breath towards the Zygarde in the form of the move, FREEZE-DRY.

[break][break] Victoria was proficient in many forms of weaponry and many schools of martial arts. Her own style of fighting was something of an amalgamation of everything she had learned. Her attacks on were relentless as she aimed to overwhelm him with speed, or distraction. Unfortunately it would seem that would work against her as well.

[break][break] In her ear rang the call from Beast as he requested for them to continue their assault on Kyogre. But apparently the beast was being protected. Tori's gaze drifts to the sky where a spatial rift appeared. Tori hisses under her breath as she returns her focus to her opponent.

[break][break] No sooner had she began to launch a new set of attacks upon her opponent was she forced to retreat and dodge a barrage of arrows raining down from above. "The fuck---" she questioned as she glared upwards.

[break][break] Despite being in the middle of a heavy storm, blinding light appeared making Tori question for a moment if the sun itself had made itself manifest. But instead she realized it was in all his shining, burning glory. His speech falls on deaf ears. Tori has better things to focus on.

[break][break] Especially since it would seem that had no care for catching his allies in his assault. This was a race for time. She couldn't afford to have her attention divided here. But she also had to focus on multiple things otherwise she'd be caught off guard. Like for example, the Leviathan beginning to glow blue and prepare another ORIGIN PULSE right near her. In addition to the rising sea levels that threatened to sweep her away at any moment.

[break][break] "Eyes on me!" she growls as she lunges at again, resuming from where they had left off.


[attr="class","nametag"] , , ,

tl;dr: Zeraora gets hit by a THOUSAND ARROWS and gets hurt. Returns to it's pokeball. Replaced with Arctovish. Acrtovish utilizes the downpour and attempts to FREEZE-DRY the Zygarde. Tori goes on the offensive and attacks Roy with metal-wolverine like claws in close combat. Has to dodge incoming arrows from an ally while receiving orders to continue the offensive against Kyogre (with it's added shields).

[attr="class","cp cp-fire"] LOC: D-2 (cliffside)



[newclass=".tori"] --accent:#a882b1; [/newclass]

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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
734 posts
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TAG WITH @makotokurumi
Makoto Kurumi
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 15:50:11 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
It is early on, when Makoto arrives in Sootopolis - hidden in a secluded alleyway, as Erebus finally parts from them. The process is no less discomforting than when it had taken their body in the first place - and Makoto is sent darting for the nearest trashcan as bile rises in their throat. Their stomach is emptied, throat burning, coughing...

... "F-fuck..." They breathe, when they can finally find their tongue to speak. They lean over the trashcan for a few more moments to catch their breath, any particular odors overwritten by acridity.

Erebus watches on - and as it peers over the surface of Makoto's mind, notes the turmoil that is there. It reaches out to them - a hand against their shoulder --

-- But Makoto is suddenly flinching away, whirling around to look to Erebus with wide and alarmed eyes, on guard. They want to run. They don't want to be here. The sensations - the feelings - that they had been subject to are still fresh on their mind. Their body once more doesn't feel like their own. Yet, they feel rooted in place as they speak "D-don't touch me!"

Erebus freezes, its gaze scanning over Makoto's body language, as it once more reads over those surface thoughts and feelings... ... You're scared of me. It acknowledges, though it does not understand why. They would have been safe - it ensured that much. So why do they fear, so much more brilliantly than its prior host did?

Makoto swallows. Even this - its 'voice' brushing across their mind - almost feels wrong. Almost feels too much. But something stands out to them, in the moment. But you're not... They observe in turn - because why else would all of this have gone on? Why would it have used them so thoroughly otherwise?

You are safe. It had decided; they something it can fall back upon, without worry...

... But Makoto is not sure if they can say the same of Erebus - and though they say nothing of it, the both of them fast recognize it.

There is no time to address it in the moment, however - not when the chaos that's been breaking out around them suddenly becomes all the more apparent. There is a sense of guilt in recalling Erebus now - but they have to make sure that Tsukiko will be battle-ready; sending her out, so that she can use Wish to recover from the prior fighting.
TLDR: Makoto is in an alley at the northern edge of F2, has a brief crisis with Deoxys, before switching it out for Ninetales so she can Wish herself back into fighting-ready shape after the prelude fight. Both Makoto and Ninetales are disguised.

KO'd -
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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 17:07:30 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

eternal eclipse - redemption
her hair is a wet streak of silver against her sygna suit, plaits holding fast to glittering stones, swirling with dormant energy. ana is with her, warm familiarity spinning in the torrential downpour. around them, the battlefield is chaos, but there is a heartbeat to it, a pulse she can thread with her fingers. [break][break]

she sinks into it, with fang and claw, stuttering only at the sight of the draconic hide wearing the body of a hound. fernando? she thinks, searching, but sees only the green spark of her kol. [break]

"what the hell are you doing? we're protecting our goddamn city."

[break][break] her lips curl. faces blur past, incomprehensible, confusing friend and foe as they scramble for safety, but she does not care. her eyes narrow on a man she once called friend. but the she knew in galar is not the man that stands before her; he lay to rest in the earth too, with all the rest of the memories she buried with . [break][break]

"it was never your city," she hisses. [break][break]

pink aura gathers around lugia's wings and she braces herself, kneading her thumb into lyune's shoulder blades. his silver chest glows warm with heat and fog rolls out as fire billows into the air, meeting the flurry of petals at the pitch. strays whip past them, glancing off her sygna suit, cutting his throat, his vulnerable velvet wings. [break][break]

fury rocks through him and one of the mega stones in freya's hair sputters to life, making bone and flesh break and knit itself together again. the flames pouring from his maw grow too, until blistering heat snaps at her skin.[break]

"PEOPLE OF HOENN, REJOICE! your chains have been broken! your cages are open! no longer shall you suffer as sleeping slaves! for i am here, THE NEW GOD OF THE NEW WORLD! AND I SHALL SET YOU FREE! all you need do..."[break][break]

a beam of light hits lyune's side, grazing him in hurried frenzy, and he snarls in frustration, but he does not shift his focus from the adversary before him. his mistress, though, can make out shapes in the rain, and her blood chills when she recognizes the dragon standing beside a man who claims himself god. [break][break]


kyogre could not be quelled by its landlocked kin, nor by the dragon that legends call its master. no, this was always inevitable.[break][break]

why did you return? some small, naive part of her thought the titan meant to cleanse rocket's influence, to liberate her people, but now she is dismayed, strung thinking - does it want for the sins all these humans do too? does it want only for power? does it know how much it must sacrifice to obtain it? she rakes her gaze down its floundering body, at fins reaching for something unseen.[break][break]

the battle demands her attention. with cover from , lyune snaps open his wings and leaps back into the air, moving as a blur through the rain before attempting to collide and rake blue-tipped claws down lugia's front.[break][break]

and freya cries out in pain as memories press at gold-sealed seams, the heat of her soul flaring down her side in phantom pain. [break][break]


there is rot in this basin. hatred in the far reaches of the city's walls, envy and resentment some miles away, echoing against festering fear, coalescing into poisonous amalgamations that stain this already-bleeding earth.[break][break]

they search for that which does not belong. fire laps at hexagonal barriers ringed with infernal heat; anger shivers through them and golden irises turn to a bastardized lord. they hiss and meteors gather in their maw, but - pain races along the length of their body and they writhe as pointed prismatic stones batter their verdant scales. [break][break]

the devourer of worlds, eater of the sun. [break][break]

the comets flicker out, swallowed whole, and they twist in defiance, burrowing into the pact with their chosen, and reaching into the clouds to summon a ray of light from the storm.


location d-2[break]
IMPORTANT NOTE freya's avatarship & affiliation with rayquaza is not known to anyone outside of the council & e4 at this time[break][break]
➶ crow adores thorn's post[break]
➶ lyune hit by springtide (lessened w flamethrower & mega evo rip) & solarbeam[break]
➶ freya yelling into league comms to have all avatars & sygna owners attack rocket avatars[break]
➶ rayquaza madge at necrozma & protect; summons a thunder on tree/moltres. left it open-ended.



[attr="class","title"]FREYA [break] MORNINGSTAR

[attr="class","milkyycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
531 posts
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 17:08:42 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar
Roy’s breath catches as the Zeraora vanishes into its poke ball, replaced by a seemingly formidable Arctovish. The woman behind the conjured beast steps forward, her presence as commanding as the dragon she summoned. As the zygarde and Arctovish clash with raw power, Roy finds himself locked in a fierce duel with the mysterious woman.

's attacks are swift and unrelenting, forcing Roy onto the defensive. He deflects blow after blow, but her strategy is clear. She’s not aiming for a knockout punch; she’s simply wearing him down with a relentless barrage. Every strike targets a vulnerable spot, leaving him no room to counterattack during the exchange.

The battle between the dragons mirrors their struggle. Zygarde and Arctovish circle each other, each searching for an opening. The storm rages around them, a torrent of rain and wind that Arctovish uses to its advantage. An icy blast catches Zygarde off guard, the cold biting into its paw. The hound whimpers, its body shifting to relieve the pain, but before it can retaliate, the sky above darkens with a new threat. Molten metal rains down, summoned by and the rocket grunts in the distance.

“Move!” Roy shouts, his voice cutting through the chaos. He sees the source of the attack, but there’s little time to act. The woman retreats, giving him a moment to sprint toward the canine. He scoops up the hound as he dodges the falling orichalcum, but not without cost. A sharp, burning pain sears through his arm and back as the metal slices through his flesh.

As takes on the mad tyrant and his servant’s solar beam, Roy returns to his opponent. The sight of his zygarde, wounded but still defiant, stirs something within him. A surge of primal energy courses through his veins, awakening a resolve that’s deeper than fear or pain. The woman calls out, taunting him to continue, but this time, Roy doesn’t hesitate.

"The impossible into the improbable," he mutters under his breath.

He charges, abandoning defense for raw power. His strikes are wild, leaving him open to retaliation, but he’s betting on the strength behind each blow. His experience on the streets of Unova taught him to fight dirty, and his draconid heritage fuels every reckless swing. He knows that if he lands even one solid hit, it could turn the tide.

Zygarde, sensing the shift in its trainer, mirrors his aggression. It shakes off the lingering pain and lunges at the Arctovish, abandoning projectiles for a headlong rush. The battlefield erupts as the Zygarde unleashes its Outrage, a mirror of Roy’s own ferocity.

[attr="class","zygarde-notes"]⬢ Located in D-2
⬢ Roy is using Zygarde
⬢ Fights and her Arctovish
⬢ Zygarde gets hit by Freeze-Dry, Roy gets hit by 's attack
⬢ Returns to battle with
⬢ Zygarde uses Outrage




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[newclass="nullelem"]} @keyframes zygarde-fade { 0%, 20%, 80%, 100% { opacity: 0; } 40%, 60% { opacity: 1; } [/newclass]

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Laika Boss

October 13
Ula'ula, Alola
Supply Coffee
God General's Wife
There are more things in heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy
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TAG WITH @nenet
Neffatari Nzingha
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 20:18:00 GMT
Neffatari Nzingha Avatar

While she was loath to leave the Space Center once Rocket's attack was diverted back to Sootopolis, realistically there was nothing she could do. She was neither an engineer, mechanic, nor architect. Placing her League headset down on her desk, Nenet left for Rocket's warship and in turn, her husband.
She emerged sometime later in a full bodysuit and sleek helmet obscuring her identity to stand just behind Zev. He seemed in his element, though surely angry they had withdrawn from Mossdeep before securing a victory.
Pulled from her thoughts, Nenet gives a sharp nod as Zev directs her to follow him. Heels clicking loudly upon the flood as she trails after him, where an Ultra Wormhole rends the sky above. Before her bolts Zev, up and over the bow and into the waiting clutches of his Patron.
She could plunge blindly after Zev, but Nenet would make her own way down instead. Releasing Celesteela from its pokeball, Nenet grasps one of its bulky arms with a gloved hand and braces her foot against its metal. A few moments later and they land beside Zev on the high ground beneath the tree.
"Wide Guard," she directs the Ultra Beast, who sweeps its arms outwards to protect the grouping of Rockets.


- , .[break]
- Location: D4.[break]
- Nenet follows Zev onto the battlefield beside Barnaby. [break]
- Nenet is in a full body suit and helmet. [break]
- Celesteela uses Wide Guard.



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[newclass=".nenet1 .nenet1credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,200 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 20:48:00 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Fight like the sea—the sea is relentless.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Only when she was about halfway to the Dyna Tree did Aurelie start to think, Wait, what the absolute bloody hell am I thinking? Did I just run away from Kyogre, only to charge straight at Rayquaza? Of my own free will? Am I insane?

Yet, the redhead didn't slow her pace or her Milotic at all. The thunderous admonition from still resounded in her veins, deepening her resolve. The sight of and Galarian Moltres swooping in to fire an icy blast at Rayquaza heartened her and made her feel far less outmatched.

And then, there was Chien-Pao.

Aurelie had never seen it apart from before. Yet, she recognized the unnatural, freezing chill of its presence immediately when it loped to her side. Suddenly, even as the surrounding temperature plummeted, the anger she felt toward Rayquaza and the League kindled into a scorching blaze of pure HATRED as searingly hot as the flames that help forge Calyrex's sword and shield.

In truth, only the presence of Chien-Pao was enough to keep her from turning around and fleeing when, out of the corner of her eye, the redhead caught sight of an Ultra Wormhole suddenly splitting the sky above. Out of it emerged Necrozma...and .

Arceus, I don't know which of them is worse, she thought, too busy quailing at Necrozma's attack to notice the helmeted figure on the Celesteela following them. She just hoped wasn't nearby. She still vividly remembered the dismay and anguish that flickered across the admin's face at the mere mention of Zev's name.

But the HATRED... It overpowered even her terror of both the Rocket general and the Legendary. Without even realizing it, Aurelie found herself reaching to Chien-Pao, of all beings in the multiverse, for comfort. Her fingers curled in its frigid fur, and a crimson haze descended over her vision.

The effect was electrifying. Wave after wave of disdain and loathing for all the enemies arrayed against them broke over Aurelie's consciousness, obliterating all other emotions. A taste of copper flooded her mouth, and a tendril of bitter cold sprouted in her heart, spreading rapidly outward to her extremities.

Until she opened her eye—when had she closed it?—and saw ice growing from her hand to the knife it held, sheathing the hilt and blade in jagged, glacial facets. When did I draw this? she thought dimly. this because of Chien-Pao? Because now it looks just like Chien-Pao's fangs...

"Thank you," she whispered to the Ruinous Beast, which blinked slowly back at her, sending another pulse of rage and resentment seething through her mind.

She wondered where Jayden was, in all this chaos and conflict. She wondered if he had sent Chien-Pao to stand beside her and defend Calyrex and the Tree. And she wondered how she could use the weapon his Ruinous ally had granted her.

A moment later, Aurelie had dismissed her Milotic and released her Roaring Moon. Though the redhead had never used it in battle, she leapt onto its back with practiced ease. "Let's rush that Rayquaza down!" she urged the Paradox Pokemon, who let out a shrill screech in answer.

Aiming directly at Rayquaza's back, while it was preoccupied with Necrozma and Galarian Moltres, she and her Roaring Moon DRAGON RUSHed skyward to stab the great dragon with the ice-bound knife.



Battle of Sootopolis!

- Location: D4
- Arrives at the Dyna Tree, feels better with other Rockets fighting Rayquaza there
- Scared by Zev but takes comfort in Chien-Pao's presence, of all things
- Pets the ice cat, hates everything, and realizes her knife is now covered in ice (Milky gave permission for this)
- Releases Roaring Moon and flies up to DRAGON RUSH Rayquaza and stab it with the Chien-Pao ice knife

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

[newclass=.aurelie img]height:100px;width:100px;padding:15px;border:1px solid #fff;border-radius:100px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:8px;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]

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abby, lady taipan
31 years old
November 3rd
bar owner, drug manufacturer
don't come back.
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
167 posts
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TAG WITH @absinthe
Absinthe Blackwood
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 21:30:43 GMT
Absinthe Blackwood Avatar

absinthe's eyes rove across the remains of sootopolis as she is carried over the crater and into the city, scarred with kyogre's burst into the rock, steadily flooding. people are screaming. the scent of blood is thick in the air. attacks made of pure energy fly like bullets. worst of all, the sea is rising. absinthe's eyes narrow.[break][break]

the league is terrible, but is rocket any better, truly? it's all a matter of territory, of pride. a pointless war started for oft pointless reasons. does anyone here know what they are fighting for, if not for their own allegiances and loyalty? what is the point of fighting for a city if there will be no one to live in it once the ashes settle? once this night is over, there will be another battleground. more lives will be lost. history will repeat itself forever and ever. making brief eye contact with a woman and a bull-faced god, absinthe fully comes to terms with the hopelessness of all of this. in a war of gods, the most she can do is try to keep the body count low.[break][break]

absinthe's grip tightens on the cool, leathery skin of her crobat as they glide over the churning waters of sootopolis. the once-great city, now reduced to a battlefield of elemental fury, stretches below her, fractured and teetering on the brink of complete ruin. kyogre's rampage has gouged deep scars into the rock, and the floodwaters rise with terrifying speed, swallowing the streets and the screams of the desperate below.[break][break]

sanguinarine screeches, sensing her urgency, and they descend rapidly toward a cluster of panicked civilians scrambling for safety. the scent of blood is overwhelming, mingling with the acrid stench of ozone from the crackling attacks that crisscross the sky like the wrath of vengeful gods.[break][break]

as they land, absinthe jumps from crobat's hold, her boots splashing into the ankle-deep water already pooling around the ruined buildings. panciked people stare at rayquaza's shadowed figure in the sky. "climb!" she orders the mob, grabbing a man by the shoulder and shoving him toward a crumbling staircase. "get to the highest point you can reach. the sea’s coming for this city, and it won't stop. follow my Crobat!"[break][break]

her crobat lets out another piercing cry, circling low over the heads of the civilians, guiding them upward toward the still-standing heights of the city. the pokémon moves with a calculated precision, herding the people like sheep away from the approaching disaster.[break][break]

absinthe watches them scramble after her crobat. it’s the best she can do for them. she hopes that she may be judged fairly in the afterlife.[break][break]

once the last of the civilians are following her crobat, absinthe turns her gaze toward the rising waters, her thoughts shifting to the great dyna tree. there’s no telling how long it will withstand the relentless onslaught of the sea and those that would see it fall, and she needs a sample before it’s too late. to grow a dyna tree at will should they get ample opportunities to research it... unimaginable power.[break][break]

without hesitation, the chemist plunges into the water, her movements swift and deliberate. the cold bites at her clothes and skin, but she ignores it, focusing on her goal. the tree looms ahead, an ancient relic of a world that’s rapidly disintegrating around her.[break][break]




- location: c4, now rapidly approaching the dyna tree via water[break]
- absinthe enters the city via her crobat and briefly meets 's eyes but does nothing: no beef here[break]
- she directs her crobat to guide a group of panicked civilians to higher ground to avoid the rising sea, calls out that the sea is rising[break]
- dives into the water and starts to swim towards the dyna tree



[newclass=".absinthe"]--accent:#D8AD43;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
[newclass=".absinthe b"]color:var(--accent);font:bold 14px Roboto;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".absinthe .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,511 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 23:04:07 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar
[attr="class","ambrosia annal"]
[attr="class","amilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


, looking worse for wear, arrives on his dragonair as she begins to descend from the crater wall. mew's psychic lapses at the sound of his voice, letting barbed poison stings clatter harmlessly down the pale cliffside. it joins him briefly, scrutinizing his injuries with inquisitive concern, then floats back to annalise's side at the beck of her voice: [break][break]"thanks, josh! i'll let you know but — you better stay safe, okay?" [break][break]she feels a pang of guilt, but her war-stressed mind is sharp to remind her that he's an elite ranger and can handle himself. he'll be safe back here, routing resources to the frontlines, but she can't stay and assure it. she doesn't belong here. [break][break]annalise follows matias, mew trails after. the city is within reach, but then a voice calls out from above, unfamiliar and aggravatingly demanding of them. she looks back at him, casting judgment over him with flinty contempt. he's not walsh. he's not an underboss. he's no one at all. just wasteful time manifested into the shape of a man. [break][break]"fuck off," she bites back, glaring up the cliffs at him.[break][break]a lithe shape answers, racing up to them. the night slash cuts across mew, sudden and unceremonious. with a pained cry, the psychic-type is struck to the ground, then rebounds back into the air, suspended there by resumed, viscous concentration. [break][break]a gasp rakes up annalise's throat as she moves to put distance between her and the mega gallade, her hand hovering over her belt. a glance is cast toward as rocket reinforcements start to converge on them, conveying an urgency to rout them before they're stuck fighting a battle on multiple fronts. [break][break]meanwhile, mew curls in on itself, shutting its eyes against the sting of its injury. the war is ramping up across sootopolis, making it plain to the psychic-type that it needs more power than its little body can provide. it taps into dormant power, into clear memories of and rayquaza, of and palkia, of groudon, even, as it tried to raze mt. chimney twice over. [break][break]as 's eternal floette tips the scales with its petal dance, mew balls itself up further and attempts to transform.
[attr="class","nametag"] [break]


[attr="class","icon-league"] location: F-2, top area[break]mew is hit by night slash[break]mew thinks of science sisters and tries to transform into palkia (nikki okayed)[break]if successful, will try to use spacial rend to CC rockets (hitoshi, alba, jayden(?), fern(?), MORE?)[break]anna/mew will get hurt by petal dance depending on whether anyone cares them




[newclass=".annal"] --accent:#FFB546; [/newclass]

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[newclass="nullelem"]} .palise-mini-avatar.user-2037 .palise-mini-avatar-3 { background-image: url(!important; [/newclass]

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July 7
Pacifidlog Town
5'6"//168cm height
5'6"//168cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
113 posts
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TAG WITH @aokihana
Aoki Hana
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2024 0:07:58 GMT
Aoki Hana Avatar
Her smirk is wiped from her face by 's swift backhand.

Hana stumbles back, a bullet's ricochet (courtesy ) lost with the sound of a glove bare skin. The sword shoots from the sheriff's body forcefully, followed by a jettison of blood.

Sasaki-- why...!?

She glares down suddenly at her sword's hilt, but one look is all its takes to confirm that her blade is just as confused as her. Eyes dart up, toward the wolf at the man's side. Was this the work of that unknown pokemon!?

A curse is spit from her lips alongside blood.

Mind racing, she barely has time to regain her senses, her skull ringing, when the sound of two gunshots ring out. By the time her eyes catch the man in the cowboy getup ( ), a flurry of steel meets the bullet and cuts it in two. She feels one of the pieces of shrapnel graze her cheek, a droplet of blood rolling down it as she frantically searches for the source of the other shot.

Unfortunately, she comes up short.

Walked right into the belly of the whale, didn't ya?

She silently chides herself for thinking this would be a simple one-on-one, fateful duel. Nothing ever ends up like the movies.

No. The leviathan's right there. You haven't been swallowed yet.

Kyogre begins to glow with an ethereal energy. A battle alongside the embodiment of the sea. Uncaring, volatile. A fitting end, if ever there was one.

Hana's secondary sword melds into shadow, and she takes the remaining one with both hands.

As Navy looks up at , deflecting molten orichalcum and the sweltering heat of a solar beam, Hana steps forward and plants her foot on Navy's back, shoving him with all her strength to try and shove him off balance before he can leverage that same blade against her. She'd hack dangerously at him if he'd try.

As she did that, would feel a chill, and a dread pang of fear in his throat. Not a moment later, a blade would emerge from the shadows cast by a royal sun, and lash out to slit his neck in one swift motion.


tl;dr D2. Navy smacks Hana, and she stumbles out of the way of Lydia's shot. Confused about Navy's powers-- fucking magnets, how do they work? Hears Lydia and Montgomery's gunshots at the same time. Doublade cuts the latter's bullet in half, but she doesn't know there's a second shooter yet. As Navy's distracted, Hana tries to pin him down, while using shadow sneak with her second sword to try and slit Montgomery's throat.

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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
241 posts
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TAG WITH @pokejun2
Oliver Shrakes
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2024 0:15:32 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
The Hurricane paved the way to his invasion. After that initial strike, all he saw was civilians. Some looked at him in horror. The look made him wonder who was screwing up. Further ahead of him was a battle going. Instead, he headed towards the tree. Seeing the rising waters, he had Dragonite go down, and immediately started helping civilians get up on higher ground. Again, with help from his trusty dragon. Then he heard over the radio 's command. The tree was right there...maybe best for a ranged attack at this point. Especially with no one nearby. "Dragonite, use Hyper Beam on the Dyna Tree. Try to take it down with one shot!"

Sure, Calyrex might jump in front, but that may just open it up to someone else's attack. Hyper Beam was Dragonite's strongest move, but it also wasn't without its drawbacks. Opening his mouth, the orange dragon charged up a yellow-orange ball of energy, then fired it at the Dyna Tree, hoping it would topple the thing in one shot!

Location: Moved to C-3

Helps civilians up a level or two.
Hears Melody's orders, with civilians in his area mostly evacuated, obliges.
Dragonite uses Hyper Beam in a long range attack against The Great Dyna Tree.

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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2024 0:29:51 GMT
fern delaney Avatar
[attr="class","pilots fernie"]

feel your dirty face[break]oh, don’t it leave that filthy taste?




Unease crawls through Fern as voices rise in the static of their comm device. But none the one they are listening for. The feeling of panic is one they are uncomfortable with, and they’re convinced that they might actually crawl out of their skin the longer they way.[break][break]
Beyond the houses at that level, Kyogre thrashes. It swallows up the background and attacks volley through the air, but they pay this no mind. Their eyes tilt skyward–above the arc of the primal beast’s massive head and back.[break][break]
They had not realized that they were holding their breath until he comes into view. Air whistles from his lungs, something inside of them sagging in relief. “Of course I’m alive,” Fern answers with a shake of their head. Hands reach, balling in the fabric of his clothing to pull closer. “You’re the one who didn’t respond over comms.”[break][break]
For all of the bitter pettiness they’ve treated him with in past weeks, and the guarded way they’ve held themself around him, it doesn’t show now. Instead, their hand lifts and a thumbs swipes affectionately under an icy blue eye.[break][break]
As much as they would like to hide away here forever, they know they cannot. The fighting continues, and the water steadily rises. In the yard, they look down the slopes from their elevation. “The tree. Should we—?”[break][break]
But they are just as quickly distracted.[break][break]
The THUNDER that Tapu Koko rained down on Kyogre was buffered, and Fern scans the cliffs above them for the source. Pale eyes narrowing when they land on a blur of bubblegum pink followed by more than one figure.[break][break]
Something indignant flashes through their system–not one to be outdone.[break][break]
With a lob of a pokeball, the paradoxical dragon they rode in on is released again. Her head bends low on a hefty neck so that Fern can slip up.[break][break]
Fern rises in the air, Meraxes’ sturdy wings keeping them afloat as Tapu Koko hurtles toward them. They look back to their partner, and for once, they smile at Jayden again. “I’ll come to the tree shortly, if you go ahead. I promise.”[break][break]
As their Roaring Moon ascends, the muted orange and black feathering of Tapu Koko flashes ahead of them. But they do not fixate on it as they catch up. Instead their focus darts to an unfortunately familiar head of gold hair.[break][break]
As Mew curls in on itself, Fern looks toward their patron. “Stop the rat.” And then their gaze settles on just below. “You just don’t know when to leave well enough alone, do you, blondie?” Fern calls down as NATURE’S MADNESS unfurls around Tapu Koko and hurtles toward the small creature attempting transformation.[break][break]
Inexplicably, Fern smiles. Expression sharp and maddened. “Neither do I.” The air hums around them, the new blessing of their patron flickering to life under their skin as they feel for any sense of pain that might roll off of the ranger.[break][break]


+ is moving toward Annalise at F2. Reunites with for a moment, has a little softness. But they can’t ignore what’s happening forever. Initially intend to head toward the dyna tree, but changed tack when mew blocks Tapu Koko’s attack. So they double back toward as Tapu Koko unleashes nature’s madness. Fern is looking for any pain in Anna to maybe test their new avatar ability?? 👀 Fern has roaring moon out, only for transportation purposes.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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April 8
Ecruteak City
5'11" height
5'11" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @tsuru
Mitsuru Kagami
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2024 0:59:20 GMT
Mitsuru Kagami Avatar
The future was seen, and it was bleak. One look into her Dusclops' solemn eye told Mitsuru all she needed to know about what would come next. Sinking. Struggling. Drowning.

The vague words weighed heavy on her mind, though she wasn't quite sure what they meant. Sinking? What was sinking? Was she sinking? Was the Cave of Origin sinking? Or... Was... Was... Was, was Sootopolis sinking? No. Surely, not. Surely, she was being silly. Surely, there was no way that an entire city could sink into the sea like a stone. There was no way. There was simply no way. That was impossible!

But despite her best efforts to deny it, she simply couldn't. Deep down, she knew the truth: Kyogre was many things, but before anything else, it was divine. And when it came to the Gods, nothing was truly impossible.

No, more than that. Watching Kyogre as it loomed over the Cave of Origin, Mitsuru got the sense that doing so would be utterly trivial for one such as he.

"Uuuuuuuuu... This sucks... This sucks! What are we supposed to do, Ichi? What do I do?"

The Dusclops could offer no answer. Another Pokemon, however, had a more apt suggestion.

"EEP!" Mitsuru flinched, twisting to face the presence behind her. For a second, she was terrified that it was another Paradox Pokemon, a Gouging Fire come to finish her off. Instead, however, what she saw was an Entei. The real one. The true one. The one she'd seen before. Fear melted away, and was quickly replaced with awe. Here it was, one of the sacred beasts of her homeland, standing right in front of her... But no matter how badly she wanted to live in that moment just a while longer, she couldn't. Not in this place, not at this time. "Entei... Right. Right, I need to leave, I need to go, I need, I need to, I..."

She couldn't. She just couldn't. Everyone was fighting for their lives. There was so much at stake. She'd been a coward for so long, but now, she had to be brave.

"I'm sorry! I can't! Not yet!"

Kyogre was looking for something in the Cave of Origin, and looking up at the blue stalactite as it slowly began to come loose, she felt a thread being tugged at the back of her brain. Battered and exhausted and emotionally drained, she couldn't tell what that thread connected to, but that fact that it was there at all was enough to make an assumption. Maybe, just maybe... No. She couldn't doubt herself on this. Kyogre definitely wanted this thing, and if she it to him, then it would definitely stop it.

"Ichi! Bring that thing down!"

It might not've been a smart choice. In fact, it might've been the worst choice she could've possibly made. For his part, the Dusclops did not judge. Instead, he simply channelled his supernatural powers to increase the Gravity upon the stalactite.

Whether or not it was the right thing to do... Well, that would become apparent soon enough.

@entei i mean @entei i mean @entei i mean @entei i mean--

TL;DR - Mitsuru panics, has a bad time, sees Entei, has a better time, then instead of being sensible and running away, she tries to look cool in front of her childhood crush and has her Dusclops use Gravity on the Blue Stalactite to try and pull it free.
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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,825 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2024 1:08:21 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


'I'll tell 'em you're the only one who can decide the path you have to walk...'
'Do you ever fight for something? For yourself, even?'[break][break]
The storm waged on, grew worse, the sea swelled with savage rage and the rain came down in endless sheets from the blackened sky above. Called to converge on Sootopolis, where the culmination of this perfect storm was reaching its apex... But for what? What could she possibly do in the midst of a war so full of vitriol, so full of hate and vengeance, that blood shed was to be expected and either side would look for any martyr to use as an excuse for their cause...[break][break]
'You've done all of this alone already- it's time that you had someone else by your side...'
'You're even working with them?! Taking their hand outs or somethin?'[break][break]
Everything felt heavy... Time itself had reached the very top of a climbing cliff, and upon ticking forward in its inevitable path, a new plateau sprawled out endlessly. There was no going back down the cliff, Yuina could feel the daunting, crushing feeling that time had reached a new anchored point in time just like on the ship... Whatever happened after this point, whatever was going to take place within the war was fixed and decided. The hourglass' sand had finished and was turned over to start a new stretch.[break][break]
'Know that the universe has always wished to bring us together... and it always will...'
'I'm so proud... I'm here to let you know that you're on the right track, you are doing everything right...'[break][break]
Beating rain washed away the dirt and sand from her perils on the beach of Mossdeep, sinking into the cuts and scrapes along her skin, burning into her. Yuina ached, hitting the ground, forced back from the explosion, her breathing was labored, she was sure her entire torso was bruised... But nothing was as painful as the searing ichor of her shadows seeping out from every tear that stung at her eyes and the bloodied crescents dotting her hands from her own nails and white knuckles.[break][break]
'...Glad and happy I met Yuina Higashi. Happy I met you...'[break]
'Them looking for ya? Don't mean a damn thing...'[break]
'There'll always be a home for ya with me...'[break]
'I love you...'
Standing along the crater of Sootopolis, the war had reached its first echelon as Yuina looked out. The leviathan Kyogre, the Dynatree, and every league and rocket that felt that their stake was more important than the person they faced. And so they must fight to shift that imaginary scale that would never fall to one side... It was only ever going to remain even as they sought to kill each other. Was making both sides lighter worth it?[break]
This wasn't her fight, the faction war was never her fight and she wasn't going to pretend it was. Her fight was her own... for all of the things that she had in this life, all of the things that she could no longer live without...[break][break]

Yuina was going to fight for herself, fight the threat that didn't care that either side thought they could win the war. The triad was watching, and when everyone was weak, dead, leaving the region defenseless... What were they supposed to do then?[break][break]
The sprite Celebi flitted in the air beside her, a force that she still had her reservations about, but one that was here with her still... In spite of everything.[break]
"I still don't know why you've chosen me, I don't know what you wanted out of coming to me... But I know that you know I've traveled through time... just like you," Yuina spoke first, her voice was broken, distant, but just beneath each broken word was a seething rage at knowing that she could lose everything she had because someone else willed it...[break][break]
"I need your help Celebi, we have to find the Drk Triad... They're here, watching, they always are, the war is just a distraction and their perfect opportunity might be coming...," she couldn't know what that could entail, but the white haired woman was here for a reason... She wouldn't have made herself known otherwise.[break]
"Please, if you can sense them, like me... We can't let them hurt anyone, no matter what side they believe they're fighting for," Yuina pleaded, reaching out for the sprite's small hands. Celebi's eyes came alight with the energy of Future Sight, the beginnings of Yuina's desires to see beyond the faction war and walk the line directly between both sides, for at the end of the line, it wouldn't matter what side anyone stood on... If there was nothing left to fight for.


Location: H4[break][break]
Not doing well, Yuina has made her way from Mosdeep to the eastern edge of Sootopolis[break]
The faction war isn't her fight, it never has been. But she won't sin by silence and do nothing, she wants to fight beyond the war, and fight for herself[break]
Yuina confides in Celebi, she feels like the Drk Triad is watching, waiting, the white haired lady wouldn't have made herself known otherwise. Something must be getting ready to happen, and Yuina wants to find one of them, any of them[break]
Yuina asks Celebi to use Future Sight, and to help her find the triad, she believes if he knows she traveled through time, he can sense others that might have too?[break]
Yuina is unarmed and entirely out in the open otherwise at the crest of the eastern edge of the crater[break]


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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,653 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2024 1:30:23 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

[attr="class","cp cp-target-o"]


Remember Them (Instrumental) - Epic the Musical

"Fuck." he hissed as the shot missed. Or well, smashed into a wall of light. He's not sure if the G!Moltres' Avatar had noticed him, but he probably only had so long before he was compromised. That's fine, not every shot is perfect, no matter how much practice he had. The fact that he could set up so quickly was fruit enough of his past labors. A bullet casing goes flying. Hopper glows protectively awaiting for attack but nothing comes. [break][break]

The waters are rising quickly. He can barely see the Xerneas tree mentioned. "Everyone, this is Cassidy at the Dynatree, the water is moving quickly. It'll be harder to blow this thing up in a few minutes!" he warned over the radio waves before watching 's HYPER BEAM blast outwards towards the threats. That was fast. He gets up, swapping positions anyway. The few Kantonians that were still watching the nearby vicinity shoot but Hopper beats it all back with the prepared MAGIC COAT. 's order comes over the comms and he huffed a laugh as he turned to look at Hopper. "Quick, while Rayquaza draws their attention." he said, pointing across the way. With the water rising and Rayquaza combating many others, his eyes move to the Calyrex. As he gets ready to stand gives one more glance for Palkia. should be near and with her, probably . He gives a quick check before spotting , a sudden but good surprise. They'd need the firepower. Faster than he thought, actually as he spotted a pair of Rockets move in on them. Careless. The shots are quick, with the rain and the chaos he's not sure how good it is. But even if it graze or , that'd be enough. Anna would know to strike while they were distracted. The shot rings out and he listens idly to the think of brass hitting concrete. [break][break]

Hopper TELEPORTS them once more and its less of a fuss. There's a struggle as he slams himself onto a Kanto uniform, lifting his elbow and using it to crack them across the jaw as hard as he could. Hopper assists using psychic powers to help lift and toss them into the water like a rag doll. Paxton drops to the roof, panting as Hopper keeps a lookout. Paxton sets up one more time, too close for comfort. This might be the last shots he took with the mix of rising water and so many keen eyed superhumans nearby. He can only catch so much before things started to slip. But whatever Calyrex was protecting, Rocket wanted to make sure it stayed safe.

He builds his house, loads another round and starts to breath. Hopper already had his instructions. He was more calculated than this, but with so much of the League forces split, he'd have to try to finishing this objective with whatever means he had on him. The Porygon beeps worriedly, moving debris and abandoned materials form the Rocket set ups to help cover up their trainer. Paxton released a familiar, dainty pokemon. Coniebear smiles, saccharinely sweet, her second mouth baring its fangs in a wild grin that matched her eyes. "That Deer Pimple is your mark. Hopper will get you there. Signal me if you need to stop." he ordered. She knew her cue. [break][break]

With that, the porygon TELEPORTed away his comrade, having spotted Calyrex roaming near it's tree. Hopper appears, high above it with the Mawile who immediately dives towards the psychic type eyes wide and teeth bright. As they dive bomb, Hopper disappeared, back to Paxton and back into his pokeball for safety while his comrade took the reigns. The dual type waits till she's just close enough before opening her giant maw, the mouth unfurling as it unhinged its own jaw to attempt to CRUNCH CALYREX and latch on. [break][break]





+ @vvarious [break][break]
tl;dr [break][break]
- radios the rising water and the urgency of the drowning Dynatree and Xerneas trees to the League [break]
- sees anna getting jumped and SHOOTS AT HITOSHI (body shot? ) [break]
- jumps to C3 after seeing 's attack [break]
- takes cover on a roof to track calyrex while people fight Rayquaza [break]
- has Hopper the Porygon hand deliver a dive bombing Conibear the Mawile to Calyrex [break]
- Returns Hopper the Porygon [break]
- Conibear the Mawhile uses CRUNCH to latch onto CALYREX [break]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP